• Published 22nd Jun 2014
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Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hardworking student for many years, willingly deciding to stay two hooves tall after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. How will the rest of the mane six and Nightmare Moon react to her?

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Summer Sun Celebration - Nightmare Moon

Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary


Chapter 1

Part 5

Celestia ceased her meditation, turning her head upwards to gaze upon the moon and the four shimmering stars drawing closer to it. Her sister's freedom, the moment she had been awaiting for a thousand years, was only seconds away. After Nightmare Moon was safely imprisoned and no longer a danger, she would focus on helping Twilight and the other potential bearers unlock the Elements of Harmony in a non-lethal way.

“Are you ready?” Celestia said gravely.

Cadence and Shining Armor nodded curtly, their expressions serious as they stood ready and prepared. Celestia spread her wings and bent her legs, but her attempt to take off was interrupted by a burst of green flames, depositing a tightly rolled scroll and two books in the air in front of her.

The princess caught them in her levitation before they could start falling, casting a concerned look at the books before skimming over the scroll. No sooner had she looked at the first few lines that she stiffened, her legs trembling as she took an involuntary step back.

“Your Highness, is everything alright?” Shining Armor asked, trotting over with careful steps.

“No... no... this can’t be happening.”

“Auntie Celestia, what’s wrong?” Cadence asked, looking with worry at Celestia’s stunned expression.

“I will not let it happen again. I will not lose another pony I dearly care for!” Celestia shouted, and with one strong flap of her wings, she dove into the Everfree Forest to her confrontation with Nightmare Moon.

With Celestia out of sight, a curious Shining Armor took a few steps and picked up the two objects that had shaken the princess.

He looked down at the two books, his eyes barely registering the Elements of Harmony Reference Guide across the front of one of them before he cried out, “Oh no, she’s in Ponyville!” and darted into the forest.

“Shining, wait!” Cadence shouted after him. She took a step forward, but quickly withdrew her hoof when a crinkle of paper called her attention to the scroll sent along with the books. She raised it up with her telekinesis, reading quickly through its contents.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I’ve completed the preparations for the Summer Sun Festival on time, but something of far greater concern has come to my attention. My guards and I have discovered an old text of the tale of Nightmare Moon recently. Upon further investigation into the story’s origins and the artifacts used to banish Nightmare Moon to the moon one thousand years ago, we have reason to believe that this very evening, the stars will aid in Nightmare Moon’s escape, and she will return from the moon with a vengeance. I am sending a few books through Spike with this letter as proof, including The Elements of Harmony - A Reference Guide along with my notes indicating points about the device including other evil creatures it had been used against.

I believe the most logical steps to take in reaction to this threat is for you to intercept Nightmare Moon with an army before she can cause any damage. My guards and I will do our best to ensure the safety of the citizens of Ponyville.

Your Little Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.

Cadence took a step back before levitating over both books. Her gold-clad hoof carefully wiped the mud from the aged texts before levitating it over one of the guards for safekeeping. “If Twilight is attending the celebration, we will be able to intercept Nightmare Moon before she even tries to reach the town, but if Twilight attempts to search for the elements... Even though she’s tough, the forest is teeming with hungry monsters or wild animals,” she whispered to herself.

Cadence let out a sigh. “Just one more reason to help Auntie Celestia. Do not worry, Twilight. We will not let Nightmare Moon get near you or the citizens of Ponyville, and then I’m going to have to figure out who sent you to Ponyville in the first place.”

The compact ball of darkness plunged towards Equestria through the night sky almost unnoticed, the seals that had bound it to the moon broken thanks to the power from the stars that had allowed it to escape. It descended along the same straight-line path it had ascended so long ago, drawing near to the place of its banishment without slowing.

It splashed across the shattered stones and scrub brush of the ancient battlefield like a water droplet. A silence descended across the area, not even broken by the usual, ever-present chirps of insects. A moment passed before a faint glow began to curl through the dark fog, the fragments swirling together into a growing column of darkness. The clouds above blocked off the clear skies with unnatural speed, untouched by mortal hooves.

A crack of lightning split the storm, and a form slowly emerged from the inky darkness below with regal steps. It was large, with a sharp horn, dragon-like wings that seemed to cradle the night, and glowing almond-shaped eyes that looked around the desolate ruins that had once been a glorious castle so many centuries ago.

"Well, well, well," she murmured, lifting up a piece of rubble to examine. "It would seem that our home has failed to withstand the test of time in our… absence. Such a pity." She dropped the stone back to the ground with a disdainful scoff and, with a quick stomp of her armored hoof, crushed it to dust, leaving a little crater in the stone floor below. A dark smile spread across her face as she lifted her hoof. "And you, dear sister, your reign will be crushed just as easily. Mark my words."

Nightmare Moon stepped forward, striding through the scattered rocks to the edge of what had once been her castle, expecting to look out upon her city as she threw open the weathered front doors and stepped out. She stopped, her eyes widening as they flitted between the sparse foundation stones of the old pony capital scattered amid the wild forest.

"What? Abandoned?" Her eyes narrowed, and a scowl crossed her face. "Left to rot. Forgotten, just as we were. How strangely fitting. Perhaps it is time to, how shall I put this... refresh their memories."

A few beats from her powerful wings lifted her up into the air, and she flew up the roof of one of the two towers still standing. Her eyes scanned the horizon, over the thick canopy of the Everfree Forest before her attention snapped to the nearby mountain and the castle perched on its side like a tumor where there had once been nothing but rock. She frowned. “So this is where thou hast moved thy seat of power, dear sister? Wilt thou hide from us in fear behind those walls, or wilt thou face us in combat?”

She looked away, lost in thought, but her drifting eyes soon noticed a small village tucked into the edge of the forest. A slow smile spread across her face. “Hmmm… perhaps it would be most proper to introduce ourselves to the new generation of our subjects. Hopefully, they have become wiser than those fools who abandoned us a thousand years ago,” Nightmare Moon said with venom in her voice as she flew back into the ruins of the castle.

The black mare landed softly, kicking up a tiny cloud of dust as she descended, and began to walk slowly through the ruins. "But before I take back what is rightfully mine, let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we, Luna?"

She soon arrived at what could only have been a treasure reserve, as evidenced by the thick walls and remaining latent magic. She lit her horn and began scanning the area. "If memory serves, this is where the Elements of Harmony were stored, and I, for one, have no intention of meeting them again unprepared. Now, where would dear sister hide her most precious weapon..."

Nightmare Moon swept her spell broadly over the room, peering into every nook and cranny until she finally drew her attention to the large granite structure in the middle, hoping for some clue as to where the Elements were hidden until...

Her eyes widened, and a sinister laugh echoed throughout the ruins, for she had found the Elements of Harmony, and they were nothing like she had expected.

"Useless piles of rock!" she chortled, kicking shards of what might have formerly been Laughter across the room. "Oh dear Celestia, it appears that the elements have abandoned you as well. When next we meet, I shall have my revenge!"

“Nightmare Moon!” A loud voice echoed through the ruins.

The dark alicorn gritted her sharp teeth, refusing to acknowledge the voice by turning around. "Ah... It seems your sister has come out to visit, Luna. Do you want to play with her?"

She paused, as if waiting for an answer. "No? Still resting? Very well." She spun around and lit her horn, widening her stance in preparation for battle. "I'll play with her. Oh, Celestiiaaaa!" she called in a sing-song voice. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

A proud white alicorn teleported in with a bright flash of gold magic, her wings spread, her horn lit, and her eyes full of determination. “Give me back my sister!”

Nightmare Moon chuckled darkly as she glared daggers at the white alicorn. "I'm sorry, Celestia, but Luna isn't your pet anymore. You'll have to find a new plaything, I'm afraid."

“She does not belong to you. I will free her from your shackles and end your pitiful existence,” Celestia replied sternly as she stomped the ground in front of her, the ancient, dusty floor cracking from the strength of her hooves.

Nightmare Moon let out a bellowing laugh and spread her wings. "So you can have your little sister licking your hooves again? Is that it? Well, I have a counteroffer: I destroy you, and Luna and I can rule Equestria in your place, as equals!"

Celestia shook her head. “Luna may have been my little sister, but she will always be my equal, as she always was.”

Nightmare Moon snorted, a contemptful smirk on her face. "Tsk tsk, Celestia. Honesty was her Element, not yours. Look around! See what happened when you tried to use her Elements against us? Even they abandoned you! I can see through your lies, and it's only a matter of time before your subjects see too!"

Nightmare Moon lit her horn, the spell matrix for a powerful summoning spell forming at its tip. Celestia’s eyes widened, and she dove at her corrupted sister to not give her any advantage. When she was close enough, she swerved to the dark mare’s side, releasing a powerful golden beam of magic from her horn into Nightmare Moon’s barrel. Her adversary was sent crashing through four consecutive walls, trailing a cloud of dust and rock until she landed roughly onto the stone floor, the masonry crumbling into rubble behind her.

Without wasting a moment, Celestia appeared in front of Nightmare Moon in a flash, but she hesitated when bright violet sprites shot from Nightmare's horn, each mote of light tracing out the runes for a slew of summoning circles around the area.

“Aww, did Tia think we were going to fight here? With her army soon to arrive and her trap ready to be sprung before we can take our revenge? I think not! We could always read you like a book, dear sister,” Nightmare Moon sneered as shadowy figures rose from the circles around her, surrounding her and obstructing her from the Celestia’s view.

The sun princess immediately lit her horn again, blasting away the shadows in front of her, but by the time she cleared away enough of the figures, Nightmare Moon was nowhere to be seen.

“Stop hiding! Coward!” she snarled, before ascending into the air with clean, powerful strokes of her wings, a far cry from her centuries of being towed around in a chariot. She noticed that several of the shadows had ascended with her and were now heading for Canterlot. She followed, motioning for her pegasus guards to engage on them as she lit up her horn and began searing through them herself.

As the enchanted swords and the beam of light destroyed the shadows far above the ground, one wisp of purple smoke hid in a wall riddled with cracks, unnoticed by anypony. It emerged slowly once Celestia and her allies flew away, tentatively moving into the open before speeding off toward the nearest town.

Twilight jogged cheerfully towards the Town Hall. She had already sent proof to confirm her theory and, with this evidence, Princess Celestia would no doubt gather an army to confront and defeat this newly-discovered threat. With that out of the way and with preparations for the celebration completed, she could finally try to enjoy herself in this crazy town.

Much to her disappointment, Pinkie’s party for her had ended by the time she finished all her research, and everypony was leaving to attend the Summer Sun Celebration. Despite her missed opportunity and the fact that it was four in the morning, Twilight’s mood remained chipper. After all, she succeeded in not only accomplishing her royal duty, but also in foreseeing a potential national disaster.

Still, it was a bit worrying that Celestia hadn’t sent anything back regarding her involvement in keeping Nightmare Moon at bay. As much as she wanted to help, she couldn’t tell what the princess had in mind, or if the crisis had already been resolved.

Twilight Sparkle sighed. There wasn’t much else to do besides just wait. She looked to her side at Spike, who was smiling and humming a cheerful tune to himself, snapping his claws in time with his rhythm. Twilight turned back to look at Steel Blade, who seemed to be a bit on edge, jumping at any unexpected sound. Poor Steelie, I wonder what’s got him so nervous. I thought he enjoyed the party.

Overwatch trailed the group, staring down at the ground in contemplation. She came back to her senses when she felt Twilight’s gaze on her and immediately quickened her pace. The guard mare trotted to Steel Blade’s side and butt him playfully with her flank, nearly devolving into a fit of giggles when he let out a startled “eep!” in response.

Twilight shook her head and turned forward again. They had finally arrived at the Town Hall. The little mare waved her hoof at the two armored guards flanking the entrance, who snapped a quick salute in return as she entered through the open door. Once inside, she could see a sea of giants all over the room, both on the ground and flying in the air. All of them were focused on one central balcony standing high over the crowd, ready to be host for the princess’s no doubt spectacular appearance.

The little unicorn first jumped up onto Spike’s head before skipping over onto Steel Blade’s helmet to find a better view of the upcoming proceedings. There still wasn’t much to see though. Ponies milled about around them, and Twilight was content to leave them be to look for familiar faces in the crowd.

Rainbow Dash was flying in place above her and was happy to return the wave Twilight gave her, though she was clearly getting antsy with waiting.

Rarity stood under the balcony, making eye contact with Twilight for just a moment before shifting her eyes. The little mare heaved a sigh. Don’t worry about her. Once your assignment is over, this mare’ll be out of your mane for good, though…

Twilight turned to look at Applejack and the rest of the Apple family sitting at the side, some of them finishing setting up the food table. I guess I’ll miss them a little. Maybe I can convince my mentor to let me study earth pony magic with them. They seem like they would provide excellent teachers for such material.

“Isn’t this exciting?

Twilight nearly jumped off her guard’s helmet, and the fact that Steel Blade had also jumped did not help her in keeping her balance. The tiny mare scrambled back to a sitting position before turning around to look at the face of the pink, overexcited earth pony, who was barely an arm’s length away. Pinkie happened to be perched on Steel Blade’s back, likely so that she could follow Twilight’s example of how to get a better view, completely ignorant to the sweat dripping down Steel Blade’s face or to the unnerved grin he wore.

“Are you excited? I have never been so excited, well, except the time I saw you and went all ‘whaa’, but I mean, really, what can top that?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and looked back towards the balcony just as a call for silence came. A wonderful song from Fluttershy’s birds sounded the fanfare, and the spotlights shown on the beige mare with a white mane and a cutie mark of a scroll, center stage on the balcony.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” said the mature mare, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers.

Twilight cheered along with them, though her mind was elsewhere. I wonder if Princess Celestia will find time to join us after she deals with Nightmare Moon. Hopefully, her schedule isn’t too put off by this.

“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this as the longest day of the year. For now, it is my great honor to introduce you to the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day,” the mare announced with a flourish of a hoof as she moved to the side, “the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria: Princess Celestia!

Fluttershy’s birds rang out in a triumphant trill as the princess’s name was called, and Rarity yanked on the rope to part the curtains as the spotlights shifted back to the center for the reveal. However, the whole climax fell flat with a warbling note and a collective gasp when the spotlights focused on nothing but empty space.

Twilight looked surprised for a moment, but soon let out a sigh of relief. It seems that my mentor has decided to handle the matter personally, she thought, certain that the princess would not be caught by Nightmare Moon unprepared.

“Keep calm, everypony,” the older mare said worriedly. “There must be a reasonable explanation.”

Twilight could feel her spot on Steel Blade’s head suddenly began to bounce up and down as the guard stallion attempted to stoically weather through Pinkie Pie’s jumping on his back as if he were a trampoline.

“Oh, I love guessing games!” Pinkie exclaimed as Steel Blade’s eye twitched and his legs began to tremble. “Is she hiding?”

Rarity threw the rope she had to the side and peeked around the curtain. “She's gone!”

Another collective gasp followed, even louder one than before.

“She’s good,” Pinkie said before jumping from the guard’s back, oblivious to the torrents of anxiety running through the crowd.


Twilight’s eyebrows shot up at the panicked cry from the crowd and she turned back to the balcony, where a starry, purple fog was condensing.

“Oh no!” she cried, almost stumbling off Steel Blade’s helmet. She quickly righted herself and, without wasting any time, she immediately motioned for her little group to come closer. “Steel Blade, Overwatch, Spike, I need you three to evacuate everypony from the building, but do it without drawing attention to yourselves.”

“But why?” Spike said, his brow furrowing together. Steel Blade and Overwatch simply exchanged a look before giving Twilight a curt nod.

“Spike, we have no time for discussion. Just follow my orders!” Twilight said adamantly as she jumped from Steel Blade’s head, sliding down on his back to land on the floor. The two guards turned to salute Twilight before Steel Blade left to carry out his orders, Overwatch lingering behind as Spike stepped forwards towards the tiny mare.

“Twilight? What’s going on?” Spike asked, looking down at her with worry, only to flinch when Twilight leapt up to hug him around the neck tightly.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Spike. It’ll all be fine. Love you!” Twilight said hastily she released Spike's neck from her tearful embrace before he could hug her in return. Overwatch held Spike back as Twilight dove back into the crowd of ponies, darting between their nervous hooves and not daring to look back as she made her way towards the balcony.

No need to let Spike know that this night could very well be her last.