• Published 22nd Jun 2014
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Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hardworking student for many years, willingly deciding to stay two hooves tall after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. How will the rest of the mane six and Nightmare Moon react to her?

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Trials - A Dash of Loyalty

Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary


Chapter 4

Part 4

“Raaaainbooow…” a shadow said, its voice echoing in the fog-choked clearing.

“I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!” Rainbow Dash challenged as she stood on her hind legs and punched the air. Behind her was a massive gorge that separated her from the rest of the group, the rope bridge only halfway tied to the wooden posts dug into the hard ground.

“We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, oh the best flyer in Equestria,” a second shadow continued slyly.


“Why you, of course,” another shadow added.

“Really? I mean, yeah, of course it’s me. Hey, uhhh, you wouldn’t mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would you? Because I’ve been trying to get into that group for like… forever.”

“No, Rainbow Dash,” the shadows whispered, before finally revealing themselves from the magical fog, clad in a dark, imposing counterpart to the Wonderbolts uniform. “We want you to join us… the Shadowbolts!”

The shadows watched closely as Rainbow Dash pondered their offer. It was a last ditch effort to stop this inexorable group of ponies from getting any closer to their mistress, especially since it was the last substantial obstacle before the castle, and Rainbow Dash had managed to save the rope bridge.

The leader of the shadows repressed another scowl. They’d cut both ends of the rope bridge, and still, the pegasus mare before them had flown fast enough to catch up with it even though it was already falling by the time she noticed. A massive setback, to be certain.

It became clear that they needed to sweeten the deal. It was taking too long for Rainbow Dash to make a decision, and they needed her answer now. “We are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon, we will be the greatest in all of Equestria,” a Shadowbolt said confidently.

“But first…” the leader said, “we need a captain.”

“Whooo! Sign me up!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly, flying a backflip in joy, but to the Shadowbolts’ dismay, the pegasus then turned towards the damaged bridge. ”Just let me help the girls finish our mission, and we have a deal.”

No!,” the Shadowbolt shouted as it blocked the way. “It’s them, or us.”


“What’s taking her so long?” Twilight asked as she climbed onto Applejack’s head, her attention focused on the two wooden poles on their side of the chasm, bits of rope still tied around them. She tilted her head to the side, furrowing her brows in confusion. “That’s odd. I’m certain there wasn’t any fog covering this area just a moment ago. At least, not nearly so dense.”

Rarity nodded. “It could very well be unnatural. We could see Rainbow Dash when she pulled what remained of that rickety bridge to the other side, but now, we can’t even see halfway across.”

Overwatch’s ears perked up, swiveling side to side as she focused her gaze into the fog. “Well, that doesn’t seem right…”

The group turned to Overwatch, who waved a hoof at her fellow guard without averting her eyes. “Steelie, could you be a dear and check up on Dash? I may not be an expert on fog, but it doesn’t take one to tell that this one has come in at a rather convenient time. I’d ask to come over with you, but we need a guard here with the rest of these mares. Just make sure she isn’t being ambushed or foalnapped, would you?”

Steel Blade turned his attention to Twilight, who nodded in assent. He spread his wings and, with a quick salute, he propelled himself forwards into the fog.

“I hope Dash isn’t hurt. This forest is v-very dangerous,” Fluttershy said, steeling her trembling legs.

“Dash hurt?” Applejack scoffed. “That pegasus’s skull is way too thick fer that to happen. Bet she’s jus’ takin’ her sweet time, is all.”

Twilight snuck a quick glance at Fluttershy, wondering if the overprotective monster tamer had it in her to fly them all over the obstacle, or at least help Steel Blade move everypony over. She quickly filed that thought for later, turning back to the fog and tapping her chin. “I wonder if she decided to fly back to Ponyville,’ she murmured to herself.

Rarity raised an eyebrow at that. “And why would she do that, darling?” she asked curiously.

Twilight shrugged. “Because we’re risking our well being in this dangerous forest by trying to help Nightmare Moon. Maybe a monster attacked her and she decided that helping a corrupted princess isn’t worth the trouble.”

Overwatch let out a giggle, drawing the tiny mare’s confused gaze. “You speculate too much. Have some faith in your number two fan.”

Twilight blinked. “Fan? Rainbow Dash isn’t my fan.”

The female guard rolled her eyes. “No, of course not.”


Rainbow Dash looked at the other side of the chasm, though there wasn’t much to see besides the dense fog separating her from Twilight and rest of the group. She turned back to Shadowbolts with a smirk. “So let me get this straight. You’re giving me a choice between helping Twilight on her mission… and becoming your leader?”

The shadows looked at each other uncertainly before one stepped up to answer. “Of course we are. Chasing after Nightmare Moon with your so-called ‘friends’ will only get you killed, and we don’t have any use for a dead captain. We hope that you’ll make the right decision.”

Rainbow Dash let out a laugh. “Ha! That’s a good one. So I can either become the leader of your flying team and go on to compete against the Wonderbolts, or I can stick with the super awesome tiny unicorn who could kick all of your flanks singlehoofedly.”

The rainbow-maned pegasus stomped a hoof into the ground towards the Shadowbolts, causing them to flinch back. “Which should I choose? Should I stick with Twilight, a pony who knows Spitfire and the Wonderbolts who risked her life to save everypony in Ponyville? Or should I go with a suspicious group of pegasi who waited ‘til I was in the middle of the Everfree Forest before they recruit me? Wow, that's a tough one," she snarked, spreading her wings.

With a jump, Rainbow Dash took a brief flight over the heads of the Shadowbolts towards the bridge. “Sorry folks, but there are ponies who are counting on me. No offence, but my friends are way cooler than you.”

Rainbow Dash was about to tie up the bridge when the Shadowbolts tackled her, dropping their disguises. “What the—”

The summoned spirit’s expression was cold when it looked into the pegasus’s face, though Dash could hardly tell from looking into its dark, transient features. “Our mistress told us not to kill anypony, but if we knock you out—”

The shadow’s sentence was abruptly cut off when an armored hoof slammed into it, the timely arrival of a pegasus guard in not-quite-so-shining armor giving Rainbow Dash the opportunity to stand up.

“Well, I guess that answers why it took you so long,” Steel Blade said, spreading his wings and preparing for combat as he glared at the three foes in front of him.

“Sorry, those three shadow-thingies tried to convince me to ditch my friends and join their imaginary Shadowbolts organization.”

Steel Blade smirked. “Well, it didn’t look like they weren’t trying to initiate you when I arrived, so I’m guessing you refused?”

Rainbow Dash snorted as she took a battle stance. "Well, no duh. Like I’d abandon my friends for these losers.”

Twilight beamed with pride at the cyan pegasus from her spot on Rarity’s back. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash. I’m glad you didn’t leave us to realize your dream, even with the inherent dangers in our mission,” she said, before rubbing her hoof nervously and adding, “especially considering who we’re trying to help here.”

“I wouldn’t abandon you even if Wonderbolts themselves asked me to,” Dash said as she pat herself off, a couple small bruises fresh on her body. “I may have dreams to realize, but my friends always take priority.”

Twilight could only smile at that. “It’s nice hearing that from you, Dash,” she said before raising her hoof to exchange a hoof bump with her friend, who in her excitement pushed her harder than she expected. The little mare balanced herself on Rarity’s back before she could fall off and added, “Now, we still have to get to the old castle. Overwatch, how much farther is it?”

The female guard looked up from her examination of Steel Blade’s armor, which had accumulated a few more dents and scratches from his last fight. “Well, umm…” she said uncertainly, before spinning a little circle with her hoof. “If you ask Rarity to turn about ninety degrees, you’ll see exactly how far away it is.”

Rarity looked a bit confused at the suggestion, but obliged anyways, and it wasn’t long before…

“Wow. Seriously?” Twilight brought a hoof to her face, realizing that the only reason she hadn’t been able to see the castle ruins at the apex of the very prominent hill before her was because Rarity’s neck was in the way.

Now with that obstruction out of the way, it was clear that the castle had seen better times. What was once immaculate, gleaming walls were now covered in moss and vines. Twilight looked with pity at the large holes that spotted the structure and the piles of rubble strewn about, which made the castle look less like a seat of authority and more like a battle-torn fortress, worn through countless sieges. Strangely enough, the humongous statue of a gargoyle seemed mostly unharmed.

The little mare quickly resisted the temptation to teleport onto the statue to examine its every detail. It was, after all, a very detailed statue of an extremely rare species, and she had almost no information on gargoyles from any of her books.

“Right, we need to go in,” Twilight said, a determined expression on her face. “Spread out and find the Elements of Harmony. Look for anything that might be construed as a magical artifact and hopefully, we’ll be able to find it before anything finds us. Something of that power should be hidden particularly well, so look everywhere!”

The group made its way to the massive front door at a brisk pace, Fluttershy suddenly very wary at the mention of something finding them. Twilight used the time to remove some of her bandages from the encounter with the manticore, noticing with some surprise that most of her wounds had mysteriously disappeared, leaving only faint bite marks. While she found it unusual for the regeneration she was used to, she set it aside when her party finally cracked open the doors into the entrance hall and filed in.

Rainbow Dash immediately spread her wings and took to the air, hovering near a hole in the ceiling and scanning the area. She looked around only briefly, paying slightly more attention to a nearby damaged tower before announcing, “No magical artifacts from here. Found anything Applejack?”

“Nope,” the farm mare said as she stepped lightly over another rock. “Nothin’ but rubble. How ‘bout you, Fluttershy?”

The shy pegasus was crawling backwards away from the entrance, her hooves shaking as she watched for any potential followers. She turned around briefly to shake her head before continuing her vigil.

Pinkie Pie, however, had taken a moment to peek under the long rug that stretched across the decrepit hall before immediately moving to check behind a few intact paintings.

“Pinkie!” Twilight called. “We’re searching for magical artifacts! You won’t find them there!”

The cheerful earth pony let out a giggle, moving on to the next tapestry and sticking her head behind it. “Oh, silly Twilight. You gotta check every spot when you’re exploring a dungeon. Those secret passages aren’t going to find themselves!”

Twilight took a moment to facehoof before she turned to Rarity. “What about you? Found anything?”

“Oh, I found something,” she said, gesturing grandly to the tapestries before her. “Even after hundreds of years, these pieces of art are still simply marvelous! The quality of this cloth is awe inspiring!”

With a roll of her eyes and a groan, Twilight hopped off her ride with a soft clop of hooves on stone, trotting off to explore on her own.

“Oh right, the Elements. I am getting far too easily distracted,” Rarity said, shaking her head. She turned to look at her back, panicking a bit when her passenger was nowhere to be found. “Twilight? Twilight? Twilight, wait up!”

“Hey Twilight, over here!” Overwatch shouted, her voice echoing from the room ahead. The little mare turned towards the source of voice, increasing her speed. She galloped into a large, empty chamber, immediately noticing what looked like a fountain at its center. Six arms extended from the central structure, each except one holding a large stone sphere on a small disk.

Twilight blinked in confusion. “You sure this is it, Overwatch? Those spheres don’t look anything like the magical gems displayed in the reference guide.”

Rarity trotted in soon after, breathing a bit more heavily. “Yes, those things are so… drab. Not at all the beautiful gems they’re supposed to be,” she said as the other ponies in the group cantered in, having heard the guard mare’s call.

Overwatch shrugged. “Well, there are only five rocks, but the book said something about how the sixth will be revealed when five are present, so this little fountain-shrine-thingie drew my eye. Beyond that, upon closer examination, it looks like something’s been carved into each rock. It’s been worn out over the centuries, so I can’t quite tell what each symbol is, but this is probably the closest we’re gonna get to an ancient artifact in this place,” the female guard stated briefly. “Plus, it doesn’t look like this room’s being used for anything else. C’mon Steelie, help me get some of these buggers down.”

Twilight frowned, but examined a few of the rocks closely as they were being taken down, finding the aforementioned grooves on the surfaces of the spheres. She took a deep breath before turning to the party behind her and saying, “Okay everypony, I think we found what we came here for!”

“So what’s next?” Spike asked, approaching one of the stone spheres to look at it himself. “It doesn’t look like these things are going to be doing anything at this rate.”

“That’s why we’re going to try to activate them,” Twilight said with resolve, puffing out her chest briefly before deflating into a more contemplative mood. “Or just me, I think. I have the most magical knowledge out of our group, so I’d have the best chance at cracking these Elements. I’ll need some time and space so I can concentrate. Could you ponies please guard the entrances? I cannot be interrupted.”

Overwatch and Steel Blade immediately perked up, looking first at Twilight before exchanging a knowing look and a surreptitious nod to each other.

“Oh come on, Twilight, seriously?” Spike said in disbelief, crossing his arms.

“Yeah! There’s no way we can leave you alone in a place like this,” Rainbow Dash said, flapping her wings in agitation.

“What if something happens to you? Or if an animal comes in through the window to try and eat you?” Fluttershy asked with a worried expression.

“Ah’d feel better ‘bout this plan if ya'd restore yerself t’ full size first, or at least let one of us stay with ya fer protection,” Applejack said in earnest.

Twilight looked between her friends and the artifacts. “Yes, but I can’t afford any distractions at all with something of this importance, so I need you all to guard the entrance and make sure this place is as abandoned as it seems. No arguing. Time is of the essence. Besides, if I get in trouble, I can always signal you girls or something and you’ll all be able to come rescue me within seconds anyways.”

There was a bit of grumbling, but with some urging by her guards, Twilight was finally left alone with the Elements of Harmony.

She took a deep breath and steeled her nerves, staring intently at the stone with a renewed determination. There was no question. She had to save Nightmare Moon and reunite her with Celestia.

There was no turning back now.

Author's Note:

Here is another short chapter. This one about Dash's element.

I know that both Rarity and Dash's chapters were very short, so I tried to upload them at the same time. It will take a while before next chapter will be done, but it is finally time to face Nightmare Moon. I hope you all liked the Dash's part and are looking forward to the next chapter.