• Published 22nd Jun 2014
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Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hardworking student for many years, willingly deciding to stay two hooves tall after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. How will the rest of the mane six and Nightmare Moon react to her?

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Reunion - Two Broken Hearts

Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary


Chapter 3

Part 2

“Twilight… Twilight… wake up… please!”

“Twilight, please. Wake up.”

Twilight finally opened her bleary eyes, squinting wearily at the three figures towering over her. Despite her blurry vision, it was easy to tell who they were. The mighty white alicorn was directly in front, her head lowered and her horn lit with a pleasant golden glow as it sent soothing magic into the tiny mare’s body. To the left sat a pink alicorn in much the same posture as Celestia, her horn illuminated with a cool blue aura that soothed Twilight’s headache and calmed the unicorn’s nerves. Finally, on Twilight’s right was her brother, who shifted his weight impatiently as he looked worriedly at her.

“C-Cadence…? Shiny? Princess?” Twilight said weakly. She attempted to reach towards them with a hoof, but as she suddenly noticed, her entire body was being kept immobile by her brother’s magic aura. The tiny mare looked around groggily at the chaos of rubble and party decorations strewn around her and quickly realized that she was in the exact same spot where she fell unconscious.

“T-Twiny?” Shining Armor said as he knelt down beside her, his uneasy expression brightening up with a smile. “You’re okay! I was so worried about you. I’m… I’m so sorry, Twiny. I was the one who ordered the attack on Nightmare Moon. If I knew you were in the crossfire, I would n-never…”

Shining Armor’s face quickly fell on the verge of tears, and Twilight gave him a reassuring smile to relieve some of his guilt. “It… it’s okay Shiny. You couldn’t have known I was there. I forgive you.”

The stallion seemed to cheer up at her words, and Twilight finally turned her eye to figuring out exactly what was happening. For one, she felt good. Certainly better than she did before she blacked out. The tiny mare wriggled impatiently in her brother’s telekinesis before she spoke up again. “Errm… Could you please let me go, Shiny?”

Shining Armor shook his head. “Not until the operation’s over.”

Twilight turned back to the two alicorns hovering over her, and she finally put together what was happening. The princess was trying to heal her body back up, though unlike Twilight’s previous trips to the doctor back in Canterlot Castle, Celestia was working much more slowly and methodically, weaving her restorative magic into her student with a precision usually reserved for the most grievous injuries.

The tiny mare gave the three ponies assembled there an awkward smile. “I uhhh… I hadn’t realized it was that bad,” Twilight said with forced laughter, before she cleared her throat and began again, this time completely serious. “Princess, I have something very important to tell you.”

Celestia didn’t so much as bat an eye at Twilight’s words, still intently focused on her magic. Shining drew her sister’s attention with a tiny cough. “Erm, I’m sure what you have to say is really important, Twiny, but could we ask you a few questions first?”

Twilight settled back and tried to fight down her urgent desire to inform the princess of the good news. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt, but make it quick,” she said anxiously.

“Right, first off, what are you doing in Ponyville?” Shining Armor began, looking at her closely.

Twilight’s brow furrowed together in confusion. “What do you mean, Shiny?” she said, shooting her mentor a puzzled look. “I’m here to fulfill the royal duty Princess Celestia entrusted me with.”

“Twilight, I didn’t send you to Ponyville,” the white alicorn said, the aura around her horn dissipating. “Who told you I did?”

“You didn’t? But Silver Scroll said… I mean, she even gave me a checklist with all the ponies responsible for overseeing the preparation,” Twilight said, growing uncertainty in her voice.

“Ahem.” Overwatch chose that moment to clear her throat very loudly, drawing the attention of the ponies there as she trotted over into conversation range. She appeared largely unscathed from the experience she just had, save for a small limp and the fact that she had discarded all of her heavily dented armor. “Apologies for butting in like this, but she also told me and Steelie to escort Miss Sparkle as she went on her rounds.”

“I see,” Celestia growled, before she slammed her hoof into the ground, causing bits and pieces of the debris to bounce up in her anger. She turned away, beckoning Shining Armor to join her a bit farther away from Twilight. “It appears,” she whispered, “that Silver Scroll has deliberately disobeyed my orders to keep the tale of Nightmare Moon out of the library and away from my student.”

Twilight’s ears perked up to catch a smidgen of their conversation, and she looked at her mentor suspiciously. Disobeyed her orders?

“I can’t believe she’d do that. She even acknowledged that leaving the book was no longer in the plan,” Shining Armor added, his words only further reinforcing the worrying thought forming in Twilight’s mind.

Nightmare Moon simply burst out laughing at her words. “Thou art naive, little pony. Celestia knew exactly when we would return, and she hath even tried to best us in combat there on the spot, but we decided that meeting with our subjects took priority, unlike our sister, who hath always kept everypony at a distance, whether it be her subjects…”

“Just a thought, Princess, but I’ve seen her around with Brave Blade often,” Shining Armor murmured. “Those two could easily coordinate something like this with the former captain’s military ties.”

Nightmare Moon gave Twilight a closer look. “Or whether it be thee, her student...”

“They have put my student’s life at risk, but at the moment, I have more important matters to attend to than to punish them,” Celestia commented emotionlessly, despite her twitching eye.

If Celestia knew about Nightmare Moon’s return, if she told Silver Scroll to keep Nightmare Moon’s tale out of the Royal Library, it would mean that…

“Twilight, can you…” Shining Armor said, having returned to his sister’s side. “Twilight? Twilight, are you listening to me?”

It would mean that the princess never wanted me involved at all, but why make such a big deal about keeping the story away from me?

Unless… Shiny had said that leaving the book was no longer in the plan, which means that I was originally supposed to get involved, but what could I do besides tell the princess what she already knew?

“Twilight, you’re worrying me,” Shining Armor continued, poking his sister with a hoof.

Think, Twilight, think. She wanted me to fit in somewhere, and the only other topic to research from that story was…


“What do you want, Shining Armor?” Twilight snapped, scowling.

“Sorry for yelling, but you dozed off and… Twiny, what’s wrong?” Shining Armor asked as Twilight turned away with a huff. “D-did Nightmare Moon hurt you?”

“Twilight, don’t worry about her now,” Celestia said sternly as she trotted closer, casting a shadow over the stubbornly silent mare. “She may have gotten away, but she will pay for what she has done. You have my word, my faithful—”

“Wait! She didn’t!” Twilight shouted, causing Celestia to blink a few times in confusion. The tiny unicorn quickly cleared her throat with a small blush before she continued. “I mean, she did technically hurt me, but it was an accident. She didn’t mean to.”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Shining Armor said doubtfully. “When we found you, you looked like you’d been through Tartarus.”

Celestia dropped down to her belly in front of her student, leaning in closer. “Twilight, what happened in Town Hall? Nightmare Moon told me that she had a… a talk with you. I was worried that…” she said, her voice catching slightly, “that I was about to lose you again.”

Twilight’s anger dissipated with her mentor’s words, and she looked to Shining Armor and Cadence momentarily for a bit of assistance. The two understood her wishes and released their magic from her, concluding the healing process and allowing the tiny mare to stand up on her hooves and approach the princess.

Celestia let out a sniffle, wiping at one of her eyes with a foreleg. “I know I’ve said this many times before, but you still mean so much to me. I’m not going to lose you again, and I mean it.”

Twilight stood up onto her back legs, placing a reassuring hoof on the princess’s muzzle and looking up into her mentor’s watery eyes with a cheerful smile. “And you won’t, Princess. Thanks to you and Cadence, I’m as healthy as ever, even after the whole thing with Nightmare Moon,” she said, turning around in a circle to show off her back, neck, and forelegs. “See? Not a scratch!”

Celestia let a small smile creep onto her muzzle, but quickly cleared her throat and put on a more serious expression. “We still need to talk about that whole encounter, my faithful student.”

Twilight let out a hesitant chuckle, rubbing at the back of her neck. “I’m really sorry, Princess,” she said regretfully. “I didn’t mean to worry you or make you unhappy, but all those ponies were in grave danger and I couldn’t just let Nightmare Moon kill them, so I tried to distract her…”

Twilight stopped for a deep breath as she neared the end of her retelling. “So you know most of what happened from there. The Royal Guard opened fire and unintentionally propelled Nightmare Moon into the weakened structure of Town Hall, which ended up with me trying to keep a door and a part of the wall from landing on top of me.”

“Yeah, about that,” Overwatch interrupted with a peeved expression. “I still want to know the name of the pony who made that call in the first place.”

“They had a perfectly good reason to do so with what they knew,” Twilight responded quickly, cutting off her brother before he could say anything. “But that’s not the point of what I’m trying to say. At the very end, part of the weight above me was levitated by you, Princess, but the other half was levitated by your sister. Luna is still in there. I know it.”

“Luna… is still in there…” Cadence muttered under her breath, her eyes wide in shock. “Auntie, do you know what this means?”

“I do. I’ve seen signs of it myself, and what Twilight has said has offered more evidence towards that assertion. Luna… It’s good to know she isn’t gone, but you, my student,” she said sternly, looking down at the tiny unicorn at her hooves, “you have decided foolishly to run straight into a situation where you expected to die!”

“Princess, I…” Twilight said, surprised by the sudden shift in Celestia’s tone, “I just wanted to keep the rest of—”

The princess snorted, pushing Twilight off of her muzzle before straightening up to tower over the tiny mare. “Twilight, have you learned nothing?”

“Auntie, a-are you alright?” Cadence said, looking worriedly at Celestia’s cold grimace.

“No, I am not alright,” she murmured, a harsh whisper to those who could hear her. “Twilight has ended up on the verge of death so many times, yet she still charges recklessly forwards with no regard for her own health and safety! Her first solution was to place herself in danger! Does she not care for her life?

“P-Princess? Why are you so angry?” Twilight asked, backing away from the imposing figure of the alicorn, her mentor’s piercing glare following her closely. Accusingly.

Celestia slammed a hoof down, cracking the floorboards and eliciting a squeak from her student. “How could you just put your own life at risk? You decided to sacrifice yourself, just like that? Did you even think of how much you would hurt your own family if you died? How devastated all your friends would be? Have you even considered how this would affect Cadence? Or me?

“I-I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t mean to—”

“But you just did!” she shouted, causing Twilight shrink even further away. ”How many times have you almost died because of your recklessness? How many times do your bones have to break before you will stop breaking them? How many times will you put yourself on the brink of death before you stop risking your life?” Celestia snapped, once again stomping a hoof sharply into the ground.

“And you!” she said, her scowl only deepened as she turned her attention to her student’s unicorn guard, who began backing away slowly, her head bowed and her ears down. The princess’s horn lit up unexpectedly, and everypony gasped as it wrapped its golden aura around Overwatch and tossed her into a nearby wall with a loud thud. Celestia bit her lip, her eye twitching as she struggled to keep her power under control. “You swore to protect my student, yet you were not the one facing Nightmare Moon! After thirteen years, you still cannot keep her safe from herself!” she said as the guard mare stood back onto her hooves quietly, careful to keep her weight off of her injured hind leg.

“Auntie please, control your anger,” Cadence pled urgently, putting her hoof on the Celestia’s shoulder.

“Princess,” Twilight said with new resolve as she teleported herself between her mentor and her guard, “why would you punish Overwatch? She didn’t know what I was going to do! I was the one who came up with the plan to distract Nightmare Moon in the first place. Only I should be punished, if anypony! I’m the only one who should be the target of your ire!”

Celestia let out a deep sigh, looking at Twilight with a defeated gaze. “And what good would that do? I’ve always encouraged your desire to improve yourself, but now I see that it was a mistake,” she stated coldly. “Traitors among my most trusted subjects, incompetence among my most dedicated guards, continued foolhardiness in my most faithful student, not to mention discovering my own blindness towards Luna...”

She turned to pick up Twilight in her telekinesis and tossed her to Overwatch, who used her own magic to catch the tiny mare and place her lightly on her back. “Twilight,” Celestia continued, still in the same detached voice, “as your mentor and ruler, I find that it is necessary to confine you to my chambers until Nightmare Moon is captured. Overwatch, I expect you to accompany her back to Canterlot with Steel Blade when he awakens and ensure that she is locked away. You will be given a specialized magic restraining ring for her when you arrive.”

“Y-your Highness…” Shining Armor said hesitantly, but was immediately silenced by the princess’s intimidating glower.

“I wouldn’t need to do this if your troops didn’t let Nightmare Moon escape back into the Everfree Forest. I am doing this for her own good. If I have to lock her away to keep her safe, I will do so without hesitation until she finally learns that her life is not just something to be thrown away,” Celestia said as she turned her back to Twilight. “Now, I need a chariot over at the local library to—”

“Why don’t you trust me?” Twilight shouted, her sudden movement restrained by Overwatch’s telekinesis. “Why did you never tell me about Nightmare Moon? About Luna? Your sister!”

“It's none of your concern or your burden to bear,” Celestia said, blinking a tear from her eye as she kept her back to her student.

Twilight drew herself up in wounded anger, glaring furiously at her mentor. “Nightmare Moon was right, wasn’t she?” she yelled, this time causing the princess to turn swiftly to face her. “You really do hide information from those close to you. You had originally planned to manipulate me into coming to Ponyville so I could learn about the Elements of Harmony, search for them, and use them against your sister, didn’t you!”

“H-how did you know?” Celestia said, her eyes wide and her legs trembling.

“How? Because you made such a big deal out of me finding the book about Nightmare Moon in the Royal Library, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the only other part I could have played that could have agitated you so! But you changed your mind, and if not for Silver Scroll and Brave Blade, I would still be in Canterlot, blind to everything just like you intended!”

Celestia let out a sigh and shook her head disapprovingly, smothering the bit of pride making its way onto her expression. “You’re too smart for your own good, Twilight, and it’s true. I wanted to use you to save my sister, like a simple tool to fit my needs, but after the years we’ve spent together, I found it harder and harder to go on with it.” She lowered her head shamefully. “I’m truly sorry for even considering using you in the first place. I can only hope that you will forgive me one day for my desperation fueled delirium—”

Celestia’s mouth was suddenly sealed in a magenta colored aura, and she looked with surprise at her flippant student. “I don't care that you manipulated me! I would gladly risk my life to save your sister! Even now, all I want is… is to be useful. To be something more than just the toy the nobility accused me of being. After so many years of your kindness, after all you’ve taught me, I would have done anything you wanted of me. Anything!” Twilight screamed as she fought even harder against Overwatch’s levitation.

She eventually stopped struggling, lying limp on her guard’s back. “But what really hurt me was that you didn’t trust me to find the Elements. W-why…? Why have you lost faith in my abilities? Why have you lost faith in m-me?” Twilight demanded, tears flowing from her bloodshot eyes. “Out… out of everypony... I w-wouldn’t have expected… expected you to t-think that m-my size would… that my size would matter.”

Celestia quickly turned away, gesturing with a tilt of her head at Cadence and Shining Armor to leave Twilight alone. “Let’s go.”

“But Celestia…” Shining Armor replied, looking uncertainly between his ailing sister and the unrelenting princess.

“That’s an order. We’ve wasted enough time here while my sister continues to hide somewhere in the Everfree Forest. We cannot let your guards to risk their lives searching for her any longer than they already have,” Celestia finished, avoiding eye contact with her captain.

“Y-yes, Princess,” he muttered out, following the white alicorn with Cadence and leaving Twilight alone with her unicorn guard.

Overwatch held a hoof to her breast under her scarf, looking at Twilight with a pained expression on her face. She turned to the retreating forms of the three ponies leaving them and muttered a single phrase through clenched teeth.
