• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,563 Views, 22 Comments

Komrads are Magic - Xatile of Morgon

Reznov and Dimitri must stop the forces of the Third Reich and the Changelings and find their way home with a help from a few friends before it is too late.

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Chapter 2: New world, Newer problems

Reznov felt a glimpse of light hit his eyelids as he laid on his back. He squinted a bit before opening his eyes to his surrounding environment. His vision was a bit blurry but he could still see that he was in a sort of forest area.

"Di-Dimitri? Dimitri where are you?" he said weakly as he slowly sat himself up,"Dimitri answer me."

Reznov saw his PPSH-41 at his feet and picked it up off the ground. He then pulled the drum mag out to check and see how much ammo was left in it. He would see that the magazine was half full. Clicking the magazine back into place, he took notice at where exactly he was. The trees looked dark and dead as if they had never had any sunlight in years. He could hear the scampering of little critter and animal feet as he got up and began walking through this forest. He made little movement as to stir any predators within the vicinity. The last thing Reznov needed was to be mauled by the local wild life while looking for where Dimitri was at.

"This place, it sends chills down my spine," Reznov thought to himself, " yet i feel somewhat at home here. Why is this?" Just then he began to hear a low growl behind him. Turning himself and his weapon towards the sound, he looked all around but found nothing there. "I think that i am just hearing things now. You need to pull yourself together Reznov.",He thought to himself. Was his mind playing tricks on him? He then heard a low groaning sound coming from his right. He cautiously moved forwards towards the sound. with his middle finger on the trigger. He prepared for the worse. But as he got closer to the sound, he could see a small trail of blood drops on the ground. Whatever the thing was it must be injured badly.

"Reznov? Can you hear my Comrade!?"

From that, Reznov knew exactly who it was. "Dimitri! I am over here!", he shouted. He ran out to meet Dimitri who was struggling to keep himself up even with him using his Mosin-Naget improvised Crutch. "i am glad that you are okay my friend." As he approached Dimitri, the bushes behind them began to rustle. Reznov aimed at the bush as Dimitri dropped to one knee to do the same.

"Who is there?" Dimitri called out to that direction. "Come out now or we will open fire at you!" although he was in a lot of pain, he still kept his aim on the bush as he called out. Just as they were about to open fire, cyan pony and an orange foal walked out of the bush slowly. This caused Dimitri to lower his aim and sigh in relief. "And to think. We were about to shoot innocent animals." he looked at the little pony next to the bigger on, " Hey Reznov, that little one right there must be the child, right?"

"No I'm not. I'm her sist-", the orange filly covered her mouth before saying another word, but it was too late. Reznov and Dimitri, caught off guard by this, raised their aim again at the little one. The cyan mare jumped in-front of their aim and spread her wings wide as if to stop them from hurting the little one.

"You better lower those things bub before i lay a world of hurt on you two!", steam puffed out of the mares nostrils as her voice was filled with both anger and fear,"and if you know whats good for ya, you'll-"

Dimitri pulled out his pistol and shot a few rounds in the air. The loud cracks of rang through the forest making the two ponies fall to the ground, covering their ears. He then put his hands back on his rifle after he holstered his secondary firearm. "You are not the one to be making demands. Now i suggest you go away before we shoot you where you stand, hell spawns."

Rainbow Dash could see into this things eyes that he was scared and confused, but she could also tell that his voice was threatening and that he was serious about hurting them. "Come on Rainbow, think!",she thought to herself,"What can i do that won't get me and Scoots hurt?" and as if the goddesses had answered, the one on his knee grabbed his side and the older one turned to him. She took the opportunity and pounced upon the old looking creature, tackling him to the ground and making him drop his strange device. Just then that same crack but a bit louder was heard as she felt a burning sensation in her side, followed by a shock wave of pain as she fell to the ground screaming. Looking down, she saw crimson red on her hooves as she held her side.

"YOU DON'T HURT MY BIG SISTER!", Scootaloo said as she jumped onto the injured one, landing directly on his wound. The creature screamed in agony and swore in some language she never heard. But she didn't care. This thing, whatever it was, hurt her Idol and sister with that weird contraption looking thing that made loud noises. But before she could clock him a good one, she felt a swift hit to the gut and went rolling onto the ground.

When she looked up, she saw the old one standing above her with a butcher's knife as he yelled, "Die demon scum!" But before the blow could make it's mark, she saw a very familiar lavender glow stopping the beast followed by the same colored bolt hitting him square in the chest and sent it flying backwards onto the ground. The creature wasn't moving but she saw it's chest rising and falling which meant it was at least breathing. She turned her head to where the bolt came from to see Twilight and the others as well as four royal guards, two armed with swords and two armed with spears, rushing over to where she and Dash were.

"Oh my gosh, Scoots are you okay!?" Twilight rushed to Scootaloo's side, helping her up and dusting her off.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," she looked to see the guards surrounding the two creatures with their weapons trained on them, "You have to help Dash though! That one right there hit her with this thing right here!" She picked up the metal device and gave it to Twilight.

It felt cold and heavy in her hoof as Twilight used her magic to levitated onto her hoof and then in front of her and examine it, "What is this thing? What does it do?" she rubber her chin in curiosity, "I should get some pony to check this out later. But first we have to tend to Rainbow Dash. Where is she anyways?" Looking to her left, she saw Rainbow on her side and rushed over to check on her. As she rolled Dash over onto her back, her face went pale with shock. Dash was injured and had a small puddle of blood under her wound, her side coated in the crimson flow. What made it worse was that she has 2 holes through her side with one being bigger than the other. "We have to get her to a hospital fast! She's losing a lot of blood!", she turned to her 2 Pegasus guards, "which one of you is a fast enough flier!?"

"I am ma'am" said the grey one as he had Twilight lift Dash onto his back, "i'll try to get her to the nearest hospital possible." and with that he took off with the other Pegasus guard to help escort Dash and him. They passed a chariot with a cage on the back and 3 other guards make their way to Twilight and her friends.

Soon as the chariot landed, the three guard as well as the two that were keeping an eye on the unconscious creatures lifted them into the cage, taking away their gear and devices, and then closing the cage door and locking it. "I want someone to keep and eye on those 2 things and brought to Canterlot for questioning." Twilight ordered as the 2 guards nodded and saluted, then walked off as the Chariot took off with them holding to the sides.

Author's Note:

Sorry if i'm focusing more on the ponies and not the COD Characters it's just i have more to work with the ponies than Reznov and Dimitri cause they only appeared in 2 games and (SPOILERS) Dimitri dies in Black Ops 1 as well as Reznov. anyways, here is the long awaited Chapter 2 (Sorry for not having this out sooner, blame my horrible writers block)

Comments ( 4 )

best bloody scene so far

7319209 why thank you very much ^-^
I try my best at writing stories...and i just realized alot of typos :twilightblush::facehoof:
Welp back to the rewriting board XD

Dimitri and Reznov died in Black Ops, not Black Ops 2.

My mistake. It's been so long since i played them i got them mixed up, despite one is set into the future and the other during the Cold War Era. Plus both are good games so another way to mix them up for me.

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