• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago



I do not own MLP/Battletech
Partial crossover with Warhammer 40k.
Hasbro, Games Workshop, Catalyst Labs owns the series that I wished I owned.

Reboot COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!

A Changeling is rescued by space faring humans and is taught to walk an entirely different path that is separate from all other Hives. She's going to have to fight her way to create an bright future for her kind and somehow make the ponies look like idiots.

It would be so simple if the other Changeling Queens just... agreed on something other than 'look a pony! FOOD!' mindset.

Art is by KaNICHAN~ Check out her deviantart page~

Is this what's called being featured?
Featured on 10/23/2014~~~
Thank you all for reading my fic!

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 475 )

wat is this i don't even.....
is too good. sorta steam-punky.

And just like that Several Queens die by their own Greed/Stupidity!

Magic Suppressant Proxy Landmines plz


Bbut you have to admit... Free love generated at a constant rate by something that needs only maintanence by Patina's hive. What Changeling wouldn't want that?

an iconinc one, Gundam wing 01?

you should put the translation of the japanese on the authors coments.
i like it so far.

5141544 I agree, but their HUNTING HER that's the problem.
Then again is this all a test to see which of the queens is a worthy ally to her or integrate into her hive then re-educate them!


Okay, I admit. Translations will be required.

Maybe for the ponies, but no. I'm aiming for the original gundam series, the Universal Century, and avoid things like 'scream attack name here' gundams, 'look at my color changing plot armor' gundams, and 'shiny light from my back that can do impossible things' gundams.

So yeah, maybe for the ponies. Here's another hint. The Changelings look bug-like, don't they?


Or maybe she just used the situation to force them to work together and start the unification of hives. Maybe. It won't be that easy.

The 'mega-city' should be guarded by human-like mechs. It would make the most sense seeing how she was raised by humans along with bipedal mechs would have better control than quadruped.

I love Queen Calliphora and how she gives all the changeling the heebie jeebies:heart:

5143258 but you agre going for a humanoid desing gundam, or a quadruped one?

5143976 humanoid of course. Quadruped looks nice but as we saw with BaCUE from SEED, absolutely pointless against normal MS. Well maybe not absolutely, but they suck. And how are Changelings going to use bipedal MS?

As I said earlier in earlier chapters, even under Minovsky particle's magic suppression, basic magic is still usuable. So controls would involve intense training that makes the unit pilot able with Psychoframe units that allow 'mentally' controlled cockpits that use traditional controls and neural controls. But having these high cost cockpits makes their mobile suits quality over quantity.

5144401 and thats Patina's motto.



I did not think of that!


"I... might be alive right now if she had not sealed my wound with an artificial replacement of half of my organs."

I... might not be alive...

i like this chapter.

I'm trying to develop a fabrication unit that would turn existing mass into a form we want with everything within already built.

Sooooo, a 3D printer?

A human destroyer is approaching the planet, it's been damaged in combat and has set course for the planet. It's destination is the hive after it picked up [enter faction here] like signal.

Idk, I'm just throwing random idea's towards you.

how can the Griffons even kill a member of Patinas hive? They use mobile Suits and big Canons and Turrets. Weapons like Muskets and antic Bombs shouldn't even made a scratch on this things. So why has Patina so a hard time? The Range of her weapons alone should ensure that most of the Enemies are dead before they can even try to attack on there own.
But great story after all.
Can't wait to see what they will do, will they bring war of a new level to the Planet or will they bring a time of great peace between the Races?


She doesn't want any attention brought to the hive and giant robots with giant machine guns is a big neon light saying a lot of wrong things to anyone. And she approached them in 'normal' Changeling fashion and fought them hoof to claw, so yeah, even if you have have advanced weapons, simple stuff can still hurt. Also nine months of nonstop attacks can jar anyone if it has been constant and you are outnumbered.


Hmm... I was going to have either the Earth Federation 'help' the ponies, but Hmm...


I think there are to many 'human helping ponies' stories as it is....


The Earth Federation doesn't want to help the ponies, they'll just want to 'control' the ponies and the Changelings and their progress in science. Of course... The ponies won't bother against massive giant machines and aggressive soldiers. On the other hand, Changelings...

Now that's the story isn't it.

But don't worry. They won't be in the story for a very long time.


Yeah. If I were to discover this world I would take an interest into the Changelings more than ponies due to their ability to shape shift. They could be used as spies in the exchange for love.


This is a unique and interesting story concept a story about a changeling hive revolve around using advanced technology. And why is this story have a mature rating? I think you should change it into a teen. Is Patina going to make some cool advanced devices something like the chameleon circuit or using something like transdimensional engineering to hide her hive base into a small object or something.

5148567 at the beginning of the chapter Finding the Engineer they used anti air turrets. and at the End of the chapter they used the giant robots to fight ^^. and hoe is it not a giant Neon light over there heads when fighting the whole Griffon empire? ^^


The cannons were used to fight,, but the mechs were used to clean up any survivors, long after the griffons retreated.

5149630 maybe later, but right now it's more for survival, unifying the hives, and one upping everyone.

funny, the end was a real surprise, she wants another Queen at the top (i think she don't like Calliphora. Why? I do not even wish my worst enemy to got this spot XD. only work, no free time and you need to listen to a lot of idiots and can't kill them for their stupidity. worst job ever XD.
but great chapter, this makes so much room for character development. How will Miasma react to all of this? Will Chrysalis follow the new way? And what will the other Queens do? ^^

Well, if you are going to add humans to the story I can easily supply the characters for yea.

As for Changeling OC I think I have one. Keen Eyes, a rare male drone that is colored a nice light blue. A nice guy that is easily angered. Has an interest in Technology and anything military related. He is named Keen Eyes due to his awareness and sharp eyes even if he does wear glasses. He doesn't have a hive, he just wonders the world looking for a purpose.

Anyway, it wouldn't be a comment from me without adding some alternative plot to it wouldn't it? Ahem....

A black vessel comes out from behind the moon, hull breaches along it surface as the bridge (located at the front) is mostly intact. It begins to approach the planet, slowly getting closer to the signal it is tracking. As soon as it is between the planet and moon it starts transmitting its own signal. A high pitched sound that sounds like an old radio trying to tune into something, yet deep within' it is Morse code saying. "Unknown Earth Federation Signal, this is the EFS Destroyer California. We have been heavily damaged and on route to your location for immediate crash landing."


Keen Eyes... Another exploit for moi...

An Ace pilot? Or maybe...

And what is this black ship? Describe it to me, because frankly I'm trying different ideas for future chapters and something like this helps seeing as I wanted to insert a large fleet. I think your idea is better so let me try it...



It's a Agus Class Destroyer, a long ranged recon warship that has a single fighter bay and a crew of only 200. As I said it's only a long ranged vessel so the crew number is low. Most of it's cannons are controlled by computers or automated systems, but some can also be taken over manually if need be. It has one engine that is powered by 'zero-point' energy.

Zero point energy is quite hard to explian, lets just say when made it is nearly a unlimited power supply. I got the idea for Zero Point energy from a video game called 'Interstellar Marines.'

Anyway! The weapons varies from missile launchers, cannons, and railguns. The smaller are the actual cannons but the larger one are the railguns that are powerful enough to crack open an alicorns shield with one slug.

She is also named the California.

Calliphora for president " progress is good"

i liked this chapter, and i see this is where the story deviates from regular canon.

as for the OC Queen heliwr, of the wyliwr hive, a minor hive, the personality of queen heliwr its more as an observer, staying silent at the back while analysing everyone on the room, noone knows that she is there untill she speak, or strike, her shitting is a rusted colored sand with less stripes than the drone, she has vegetation growing on her hooves, her slit eyes have huge iris, and there are holes below them as the heat receptors, she values a strong prey and tend to gather trophies from her personal kills.
she also values hunters of other especies, and if a prey survives the encounter with one of her drones, they are listed as notable individuals by her.

the drones have a sand colored chitin, are bigger than a regular drone( bigmac), with stripes folowing their body, their hooves has less holes than a normal changeling, and more funcional, giving then the hability to latch onto trees, their eyes are yellow and big, they can sense the body heat of prey, their wings are colored blonde and are opaque being more small than a regular changeling, they are perfect for high jumping but cannot fly.
their magic grants them regular levitation, invisibility and a concentrated fireball spell, they loosed their shape shifting habilities because of generations without using it.

the hive its on the land of the zebra, near some more primitive tribes, they lure warriors of these tribes as hunts, but also protect their villages from big predators,they feed on the apreciation and adoration these tribes grant them, they are regarded as protectors from the zebra point of view but also a test, if a warrior seek fame and fortune among their tribes, they have little above 100 drones,and prefer to equip to low numbers to hunt more efficiently.

yes i try to model them after the yautja.
and combining them with Patina´s tech, they will be more akin to predators.


5160118 5160593
I hope we will see some diversity among the different hives in this story. And this Calliphora for Queen thing kinda remind of the Chairman Election from the anime Hunter X Hunter I can see other Queens competing against each other to be the top Queen.


Hmm... I'm dividing the Changelings into three factions, the ponies would enter the stage, and the Griffons want revenge for their numerous defeats. Trust me when I say that even the technological advantage Patina has is going to be tested.


Actually, scratch the last destroyer. I found a better looking one.


Same basic concept, but this one is called the Shadow of October. (reference to the Red October)

So... what's the translation for her outburst?

The vessel gets closer to the planet before gliding across it's upper-atmosphere. Slowly but surly a dull orange begins to collect on it's belly. Soon it enters the planets atmosphere, soon beginning a lazy zig-zag to get rid of access speed. Once below 50,000 feet the thrusters kick in to slow down the vessel even more along with maneuvering. Any radar devices would only pick up the gaps in it's hull as it's skin has radar absorbing materials. It would only look like a flock of birds yet a good eye could distinguish between a flock and something else. Either way, it will be obvious of what it is when it gets to 10 to 5 thousand feet.

Meanwhile in Equestria most of Canterlots windows shattered thanks to the sonic wave produced by the vessel when it hit the atmosphere.


As for your earlier question, Keen Eyes can be both a scout and/or ace pilot. Maybe somewhere in the middle ground.

The ship can also supply up-to-date human tech. Like the railguns on it can reach up to 600 miles, it has 50 ICBMs loaded on it, they are nuclear. They also have cloaking devices on board, heck the entire ship was designed too. And finally, it could supply the means of getting Changelings TO SPACE!

Also, the Zero Point energy reactor is intact thus meaning they could use it as an energy source.

Great chapter either way, it has a rushed feeling to it though. When and if you do a rewrite you need to add some exposition to space out time.

Heh, I wonder if Patina ever going to construct a battleship (Something like Hyperion in starcraft I and II not USS Iowa)

5163115 agreed. I'm hesitant on the prisoner thing, so rewrite is entirely possible.

Anyway, if you do add the ship the easiest ways is to have a Changeling notice that the 'flock of birds' is moving a bit too fast. You should add another action scene where a combined group of Griffins and Ponies try to attack them. The crew of the vessel mistake the Changelings as an Earth Federation outpost and attack the airships.

Lets just say, the battle will be over in 10 seconds flat. :rainbowlaugh:

But seriously, it's going to be more like 5. :rainbowderp:

So, i think it is Shiny who gets out, without him the ponys would go at an all out war, killing or enslaving a Prince isn't good XD.
But i can't wait to read what will come from the love drugged ponys.
But what will happen from here on? are they not planing to unite the planet? Or do the Changelings really think they could alone defend the whole planet with their small numbers?
So it's all in all a great chapter with a lot of room to go in ether direction.

errr... His airship gets out fine. It's another airship that crashed...

5165492 k, then i messed up again XD damnit my 4 in english really stands for itself XD.
ok after a good night of sleep i read the chapter again XD


I was talking about the different type of hives we will see something like the gangs from the movie The Warriors.


Here idea for a changeling queen and her hive: a changeling hive revolve around the concept of luck the hive relied on their luck to survive.
They're very good at hunting and they're not fast and strong like the others hives But thanks to their they mange to always catch just a enough to survive. The hive isn't very big or very small and despite them accomplishing lot with little resources they do not think very highly of themselves in fact the hive and their queen considers themselves worthless when compared to the other changeling hives and they see themselves as stepping stones to helping others hive to achieve their full extend.
The queen of hive first comes off as a polite and kind changeling queen, but she is really is borderline insane even some queen say she could be just crazy. After showing the fact that she is willing to sacrifice her and her hive without hesitation if it means it the changeling race to grow. The queen have black hair and two different-colored eyes, one eye is red the other is blue and her body looks like that is starving.
The changeling queen OC is inspired by this anime character Nagito Komaeda


I can simply imagine her hive stalling the ponies/ griffons/whatever else to give the other Changelings to blast off into space. Thanks!

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