• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,554 Views, 22 Comments

Komrads are Magic - Xatile of Morgon

Reznov and Dimitri must stop the forces of the Third Reich and the Changelings and find their way home with a help from a few friends before it is too late.

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Chapter 1: Turn of Events

On top of the Reichstag stood the two heroes of war, Pvt. Dimitri Petranko and Sgt. Victor Reznov. Dimitri Petranko was a man in his early 20’s. People called him the hero of Stalingrad after assassinating General Heinrich Amsel. Because of this, the Russians were able to push the Germans all the way back to their capital. Since the Siege of Stalingrad, he has been by the side of his Sergeant and best friend, Victor Reznov. Reznov was older and wiser, and knew what to do at times. He was as much of a role model to Dimitri as Dimitri was to him. Together, they made an unstoppable team.

As Reznov and Dimitri were standing in front of the newly placed Soviet flag, Dimitri fell to one knee holding the place where he was shot just a minute ago. A Schutzstaffel Trooper with a Walther P-38 had shot Dimitri fatally minutes before Reznov killed the same trooper with his machete. Reznov, with concern on his face, kneeled to the same level as Dimitri and asked if he was alright.

Dimitri looked at his commander and responded,”I am fine my friend. I just need to see a medic, that is all.”

“That would be a good idea, Dimitri.” said Reznov, now a little less nervous than before. He knew that Dimitri needed immediate medical attention if he was to survive his wound. So Reznov had Dimitri put his arm around his shoulder and Reznov put his arm under Dimitri’s. With a heave, Reznov managed to get Dimitri back on his feet; even though he had to use himself as a crutch for his friend. Dimitri was now cringing from the wave of pain that had hit him. It was like nothing he had ever felt before in his entire life. The pain was so unbearable, he wanted to fall down again and not get back up. But Reznov was not about to let that happen to his friend. He told Dimitri just to hang on a little longer in order to make it to the medic. Of course, Dimitri turned to his commander and friend and agreed that it would be for the best.

They turned around to what they thought would be cheers and smiles, was instead shock and fear. This raised red flags for both Dimitri and Reznov. “What is the matter, comrades?” Reznov asked nervously. Nobody was answering him and this annoyed Reznov very much. “Somebody answer me now!”,he shouted.

At that moment, one of the soldiers that was with Reznov snapped out his trance and began to shout, "look out!". But it was too late, what Dimitri and Reznov had not noticed was that there were two white orbs circling around them.

Within an instant, there was a bright flash of light, and then they were gone. All of the soldiers who saw it were dumbfounded and even a bit scared. They thought to themselves, “How did this happen?” “Where did they go?” To them, people just don’t up and vanish like that. Some of the men even thought if they were next. One thing was clear to the troops though, Dimitri and Reznov were gone and they were going to have a hard time explaining what happened here to their C.O.s.

It was a another beautifully, sunny day in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were having a "sisters" day out together. "So Scoots," asked Dash, "what have you and the C.M.C been up to lately?" Rainbow Dash was a cyan Pegasus pony with a rainbow colored mane. She was not only the fastest Pegasus Ponyville, but in all of Equstria as well. She was also the winner of the Best Young Flyers Competition and was a member of the Wonderbolts. Not to mention being one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony with hers being Loyalty.

Scootaloo was an orange pegasus pony with purple hair. Her and Dash weren't really sisters in family relations, but after a camping trip that almost ended with Scootaloo going over a waterfall and finding out more about Rainbow Dash, you can say they were somewhat sisters. After taking a sip of her smoothy, Scootaloo began to speak. But before she could say a word, a belch came out instead, followed by her saying "Excuse me." The two ponies began to laugh. After calming down, Scoots continued to tell Dash what they would do. " We've been thinking about giving zip-lining another try as well as snow boarding and... knitting sweaters.". she sighed in disapproval at the last two words. Dash couldn't help but have a slight grin at that last remark. Scootaloo, who saw this, giggled a little, and said, "Its not my idea, its Sweetie's. She's the one that suggested it because its the only other thing we haven't tried yet."

Before Dash could make a rebuttal however,a pink mare bounced her way to their table carrying 2 glasses filled with more smoothies."Here's one for you Dashie,"said Pinkie Pie as she placed the smoothies on the table,"And one for you Scootaloo. Oh, and these are on the house."Pinkie winked and bounced away cheerily.

"Huh, what's got Pinkie so excited today?", asked Scootaloo as she finished her first smoothie and began to sip on her second one.

"Eh, its Pinkie Pie," remarked Dash as she began to drink her second smoothie,"anything can really excite her." As Dash began to take another drink, she looked up to see Pinkie hanging upside down by her hooves on the ceiling above them. Both Scoots and Dash jumped backwards off their chairs in surprise and fright.

"Ow! Pinkie, please tell us when you do something like that next time.", said Scootaloo as she slowly got up and back into her chair.

"Do what?" replied Pinkie Pie innocently. She looked down (or rather up for this matter) to see her hooves on the ceiling. With a small glance forward, she let out an "uh-oh." Before falling and landing with her back on the table."Owie.." She said in a low, pained voice.

It was at this point that Spike ran through the door with urgency in each step. "Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Come Quickly! Twilight needs you now!" he yelled out. There was a sense of fear in his voice as he talked.

Dash quickly got up asking, "What's wrong, Spike?"

The small, purple dragon caught his breath for a moment and began to speak,"Twilight felt a powerful magic being used.She said it felt more powerful than anything Celestia could pull off and that it felt like dark magic. She sent me to get the rest of you. Applejack and Rarity are already on their way there.and I still need to go and get Fluttershy."

Dash turned to Pinkie and nodded, then turned back to Spike saying,"We'll be there as fast as we can."

As Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie began to run to the door, Dash glanced back at Scootaloo. She saw that the little filly had a somewhat depressed look on her face. She thought for a second then began to ask,"Hey kid. Wanna come with me to Twi's place?"

Scoots looked up with surprise and astonishment,"Re-really? You want me to go with you?"

Dash smiled and nodded,"Yeah. It's still our 'Sister's' Day out you know."

With a big , "Yes!",Scoots grabbed her helmet and scooter from on side of her and rushed out the door with Dash beside her.

Author's Note:

YAY! finally got this out. it took way longer than i thought but i finally did it. Let me guys know what you think as i go to start chapter 2. hopefully i wont have as bad case of writers block as this chapter.