• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,076 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

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Chapter 6: The Letter

Fluttershy blinked sleepily. Chanticleer had woken her with his crowing, signaling the start of her morning. The sun was just barely pushing up from the horizon, like a foal playing peekaboo. She briefly considered simply staying in bed, and snuggled more deeply into her covers. Soon enough, however, her sense of duty reared its ugly head once again. After all, her animal friends depended on her, so she had to be responsible. Even if it would feel nice to just curl up and hide from the world for a bit.

She pushed back the covers with a sigh. The world somehow seemed a little less wonderful this morning. She remembered this feeling well: the sensation of not being loved, or more specifically of not being loved by somepony in particular.

It just hadn't hit her yesterday, when all she had experienced was a sense of relief in having the constant tension settled, even in that fashion. Today, however, in the cold light of dawn, she just found herself disappointed that things hadn't gone the way she'd hoped. She had been so happy when love had still been a possibility for her, experiencing the snuggly feeling of warmth that made her feathers all tingly. Now she just felt... an absence. She sighed heavily. At least her animal friends still loved and needed her.

That’s not fair and you know it. Rarity loves you too, just not that way. Remember that! She straightened her shoulders. C'mon, Fluttershy, buck up. You have friends, and they all love you. There will be plenty of time to find a special somepony. She wasn't the one. It's... okay. She's still a good friend, and she wouldn't want you to be unhappy. Shy took comfort in that. She could be strong. She would be strong, for Rarity.

She grabbed her manebrush in her teeth and slipped it over her hoof. As she tended to her mane, her mind rattled off the list of chores for that morning... but it wandered as she looked over to the calendar, today’s date marked in red ink. Poor Rarity, if I had only thought to look at the date! Maybe I wouldn't have panicked and slammed the door in her face the other day.

Thinking about Rarity just led to more feelings of emptiness. I wanted so badly for there to be something between us... That moment when she put the flower in my mane... I wanted to kiss her, and I was sure she wanted to kiss me! She shook her head, dispelling that fantasy. The heart sees what it wants to see, but you can't make her love you. Oh, I could just scream! That wouldn't help at all though...

Fluttershy thought for a moment. Still, it also couldn't hurt. She took a deep breath and proceeded to let out the quietest, cutest scream in recorded history, gasping for breath afterwards. Okay, maybe that helped a little. She smiled. She was feeling slightly better; still sad, but better. Besides, there was still the spa to look forward to, and those visits always cheered her up. She lay down the manebrush and stepped into the shower. The water seemed to wash away her sadness, leaving her feeling renewed. She toweled off briskly. Yes, today will be a good day. Spa with Rarity, then helping to sew dresses. Helping is good. Sewing is fun. She smiled as she walked quickly downstairs to begin her day.

Angel blinked blearily at the offending light as it slinked its way into his hutch. If the light had any sense at all it would have slunk right back out again. However, it was just light, and quite immune to his hatred. As such, it stayed right where it was, taunting him.

The Yellow One was apparently already up; he could hear her singing something while she showered. He yawned and stretched. It would probably be wise to go and remind her who came first in the pecking order—and he didn’t mean Elizabeak.

He examined his surroundings, blearily looking out from the comforting darkness of his home, wishing destruction on the sun and all those who loved it. The rest of the animals were all beginning to show signs of life, waiting expectantly for their caregiver to make the morning rounds. He hopped over to the front door and gave it a swift kick, causing it to crack open widely enough for him to hop in. His kick also caused a couple of objects to fall on his head. Fortunately for him, the white thing hit first, and it cushioned the prickly red flower.

He reached up and dislodged the offending objects from betwixt his ears. He had assumed that the strange goings-on from last night had been a dream, but now it seemed something had been left as evidence of the crime. He carefully picked up the white thing, smelling it briefly. It carried a scent he was somehow familiar with, but couldn’t quite place. He picked up the flower as well, and briefly considered eating the petals, but decided against it; lettuce sounded much more appetizing.

His ears perked up as he listened intently for her location. She was apparently coming down the stairs. He tapped a foot impatiently, eager to show her what he had found.

The Yellow One glided past him, humming a soft tune. He stared after her, marveling at her temerity. Was Angel going to have to smack a mare? Truly, this female was far too assertive for her own good sometimes.

He glanced at the objects in his paws, briefly considering the rose, but thought better of it. She had been giving him that look lately whenever he went ‘too far’, and tossing a thorny flower would probably be considered a bit much. So he chucked the white thing at her instead.

Fluttershy was fetching water when it happened. She had bent down to grab the pail handle in her teeth when she heard something flapping in the air, and watched in bemusement as an envelope sailed over her head to land squarely in the bucket.

What's this? She reached in and grasped the letter with her teeth before releasing it gently into her hooves and examining it. A letter? There's no postmark. No return address either. She turned it over and saw the wax seal.

Shy turned to be greeted by Angel angrily tapping a foot at her. "Oh, good morning, Angel! Did you sleep well?" Something was very odd, however. Angel appeared to be holding something. Oh my, it's a rose! "Oh Angel, did you pick me a flower? Roses are prickly, you know, you might have hurt yourself! Still, thank you, that's very sweet."

She laid the letter down absently and went to fetch some water.

Angel stared at her retreating form, jaw slack with disbelief. She had blatantly ignored him again! Oh, this would not stand. He bounded forward into a running leap, turned in mid-air, and kicked her in the flank with both feet. Of course, he failed to account for the landing, or the principle of equal and opposite reactions, and bounced backward to smack his head on the wooden floor.

Fluttershy was not hurt, but being attacked by a flying ninja rabbit definitely got her attention. She turned and looked at him, concerned he might have hurt himself. "Angel, what's gotten into you this morning? Why are you so impatient?"

He stood, rubbing his head briefly, then pointed at the white thing that had fallen on him earlier.

She took a better look at it; wrapped up in her plans for the day, she had dismissed the odd envelope as unimportant. "You want me to open the envelope?"

Angel, in fact, wanted food. However, the white thing seemed like the type of thing she would worry about. Since the food did not seem to be materializing, he may as well get her to look at it and get it out of the way. Maybe it would be important enough to make her forget he'd just kicked her. He certainly was in no danger of forgetting; the lump on his head would see to that. This decided, he nodded, smiling ingratiatingly.

She picked it up in her hooves, clasped it carefully between them, and ripped it open with her teeth. A piece of parchment fell out.

She stared at the letter on her floor for a long minute, while considered what she was seeing. She noted something else; a scent coming from the envelope. It made her happy, but she wasn't sure why. It just seemed so familiar and comforting.

Turning her attention back to the envelope in her hooves, she carefully inspected it for anything unusual, peeking inside briefly to see if it held more secrets. Looking it over more closely, she noticed something odd about the wax seal securing the flap; it had the impression of lips pressed into it.

She dropped the envelope with a start. She'd received only one of these before. It was during Flight Camp, and had been quite unexpected at the time, but in retrospect she knew she should have seen it coming.

Even if she hadn't ever gotten that letter, however, she would know this for what it was in an instant. Somepony had written her a love note.

She touched the letter on the floor nervously, as if it might bite her. The expected attack failed to come, of course. Thoughts were piling up in her mind uselessly. Just when she thought her head might burst from all the pressure, her train of thought was derailed by an impatient tapping sound.

Angel watched the pony have her little breakdown. He had been watching these goings on for far too long now, deciding breakfast might never be forthcoming unless she worked through whatever was bothering her. Seeing he had gotten her attention, he looked at her questioningly, waiting for the torrent that was to come.

"Angel, where did you get this? Did you see anypony leaving it? Did they leave the rose with it?" Fluttershy looked at him pleadingly, hoping for answers.

Angel sighed, shaking his head as he began to pantomime the events of last night.

Fluttershy nodded intently as he mimicked somepony sneaking up to the door, leaving something on it, then sneaking away. She cooed in sympathy as he walked outside, stepping back in and showing her that something had fallen on him. This changed to a slightly angry look as he re-enacted stamping his foot behind her, then tossing the envelope at her.

To his credit, he had the good sense to look apologetic.

She smiled indulgently. “That’s okay. Give mommy a moment, please. I need to think.”

So, somepony snuck up to my door and left this for me. Who could it have been?

She looked again at the letter. It had inexplicably failed to move, so she picked it up nimbly in her teeth. It was then that she noticed the object on the floor; it looked like a single eyelash, very thick and black. She laid the letter down on top of the envelope, then carefully picked up the fiddly object. It was fake, likely from a set of false eyelashes, and something about it triggered a feeling of déjà vu. She laid the lash down on the table, then picked up the letter and carefully unfolded it.

Dear Mare of my Dreams,

You do not know me, and I have only seen you from across a crowded
room, but the vision of your beauty captivated me in an instant. You
looked so small on stage, yet somehow your presence was the most
striking of all. All at once I wanted to protect you, and to hold you up for
the world to see. Is it possible you do not know how unbearably beautiful
you are? How you somehow manage to look both shy and reserved,
yet confident and demure? There is so much to admire about you, so
much that I cannot bear failing to express it to you.

I realize this must seem horribly forward of me; a stranger to you, writing
as if I know you. Yet I do, I know you so very well. I recognize that this
may frighten you—somepony just leaving a confession of affection at
your doorstep. Please, do not be afraid of my intentions. I would never
in my life harm you, or allow you to come to harm. Know this, darling,
I love you with all of my heart.

I would never ask it of you, but I would be the happiest pony alive were I
to be allowed to spend the rest of my life bringing a smile to your
gorgeous lips. You mean so very much to me.

I recognize how strange it must seem for a stranger to profess love
without showing you their face. I must beg your forgiveness for
approaching you in this way. I fear I have placed you on a pedestal.
I apologize for that, it must be terribly drafty up there. If it pleases you,
you could perhaps write me back. If you wish, you may return my letter
by addressing it to Sugarcube Corner. I have acquired a temporary
mailing address there, and a very nice mare named Pinkie Pie agreed
to notify me of any mail received in my name. I shall only be in Ponyville
for a short time, as my travels take me far and wide. However, I could
not resist leaving a note of affection for you while I was here. Please,
I beg your forgiveness for indulging my romantic hopes. I am a fool
in love, and wished only to tell you of it. If I you do not desire to write back,
know only that you have my undying devotion.

Forever yours,


She gasped in shock. Who is this pony? How could they know me, if they have only seen me once? She sat down heavily. The displaced air sent a waft of scent from the letter. And... where do I know that scent from?

She stared at the letter. Then the envelope. Then at the inexplicable fake eyelash. Something was tickling the back of her brain. The letter was so very personal. The writer called her darling and dear. That scent... where...

It clicked. Caro’s ‘Ponivre, exclusively available from some of the most high-class perfumiers in Canterlot. Eight hundred bits per bottle, and Rarity's favorite perfume. The fake eyelashes; Rarity had sworn her to secrecy about them. The letter is signed ‘Elusive’... Rarity, you wrote me a love letter!

Fluttershy was floored. Why? Why do it like this? Why not confess in person?

Rarity could ask you the same, you know. It takes a lot of courage to come right out and say it.

She replayed the events of the day in her mind. Something had bothered her while talking to Rarity about Applejack. She had just assumed it was Rarity being Rarity, frustrated that she had made a faux pas at the party.

"I love you so very dearly, darling... A-as a friend of course!"

That hitch in her voice... It's so obvious now...

Fluttershy’s first response was shock at the revelation her deductions had brought her to. Then there came an outpouring of all the emotion she had thought securely locked away the day before.

"Know this, darling; I love you with all of my heart. I would never ask it of you, but I would be the happiest pony alive were I to be allowed to spend the rest of my life bringing a smile to your gorgeous lips."

She loves me!

Fluttershy squealed like a filly and clutched the letter to her chest. She felt like she was floating! Oh, I am... She landed and sighed happily.

Then reality came crashing down again.

But she doesn't know I know... I don't want to embarrass her! I would hate the idea of forcing her to confess...

She needed advice. She quickly grabbed a saddlebag, stuffed the letter inside, and galloped out of the door in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Angel stomped his foot in annoyance. He waited for her to come back, but gave up after a few minutes, hopping back to his hutch to take a nap. When she was done with her little trip to crazy town she would be back.

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