• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,072 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 57: The Monster

“She’s really happy, you know?” Pinkie said after several moments of silence.

“Well, of course she is.” Rarity replied, looking a little confused. “She has both of you, now. Why wouldn’t she be?”

“Yeah...” Pinkie replied, laying her head down on the table. “It’s just... I’ve never seen that smile because of anything I ever did, and... I tried, Rares. I tried so hard. I got other smiles, she has lots of them... but never that one.”

Rarity’s eyebrow rose as she regarded her unusually morose friend. “This is a... special smile, I take it?”

Pinkie nodded, sitting up and apparently trying to demonstrate by imitation, affecting what Rarity supposed was a very specific set of muscle movements. “When she smiles normally, her eyes are a little crinkly. It means she’s thinking, and she’s smiling, but because she knows she’s supposed to smile. It’s kinda fake.”

At Rarity’s blank look, Pinkie further elaborated. “Okay, like... Twilight is just kinda unhappy all the time. It’s not really really bad, but she’s always got something going on in that noggin—” Pinkie tapped her own head in demonstration. “—and it keeps her from really just being happy.”

“I’m certain that’s untrue!” Rarity replied, frowning. “She’s been perfectly happy in the past.”

Pinkie shook her head. “Not perfectly. I mean, she can get her happy on, but there’s always those crinkles. They’re really cute, too, but sometimes... sometimes I hate them. I hate them because just once I wanted them to go away because of me.” She let loose a huge gust of air, her mane wilting a little more as if she was deflating. “That’s why it’s a Pinkie Pie problem.”

The room was silent once more while Pinkie idly toyed with a spoon.

“Is this an earth pony thing?” Rarity demanded eventually.

“No, it’s a Pinkie Pie thing.” Pinkie replied promptly. “I just said so.”

“Ugh... how can...” Rarity let out a little scream of frustration, startling Pinkie out of her funk temporarily. “You and Applejack, both dreadfully unhappy, and both convinced it’s your own fault! It’s not, Pinkie! If you are unhappy because of your mate’s actions you should not just accept that, you need to tell them!”

“Tell them what?” Pinkie demanded irritably, her forelock now falling over one eye. “That I’m a great big stupidhead because I’m unhappy that my Twi-twi is really really happy and I couldn’t do that for her?!”

Yes!” Rarity exclaimed, not breaking eye contact whatsoever. “Because if you don’t you’ll just be quietly unhappy and neither of them will know why!”

Pinkie just looked at her, not saying anything for some time. “I’m good at quiet-unhappy,” she said eventually. “They’ll never know.”

Her hair had gone completely limp, now, and Rarity saw a Pinkie she’d only seen once before. This was a colder, angry Pinkie, though apparently she was less angry with Twilight and Celestia than she was with herself. Those eyes had been filled with resentment before when she’d been dragged to her own surprise party in front of all of them, now they held only frustration and unguarded sadness. “Yes, they will! Twilight loves you, Pinkie, of course she’s going to notice.”

“No, she won’t.” Pinkie said firmly, taking a deep breath. For a moment, Rarity wasn’t entirely sure what was happening, but then she watched in awe as the hair slowly regained its bounce, and Pinkie smiled a brilliant smile. “She won’t because I’ll be happy for them. I can still do that, even if I’m a little sad for Pinkie Pie. It’ll be fine. But... thanks.”

“You think ignoring your own sadness is going to help?” Rarity replied, somewhat taken aback by the very idea. “Pinkie, that’s no way to live!”

Pinkie just continued to smile, but it didn’t reflect in her eyes. “It’s easy. Life is full of little sads—”

“No.” Rarity said, cutting her friend off. “No, don’t just act like this is a spilled drink or a stain on a shirt. This is bothering you. You need to do something or it will just eat away at you.”

Pinkie’s ears clamped back as if she’d been physically struck, but after a moment, she looked back at her friend with a brave face. “Twi’s happy, so everything is okie-dokie, I prom—”

Do. Not.” Rarity said, her eyes blazing. “Don’t you ever make a promise like that, not when it’s clear everything is not ‘okie-dokie’ at all.” Her eyes softened when she saw a new emotion in Pinkie’s own: hurt. “Darling, I’m sorry to be harsh, but you mustn’t ignore what you’re feeling!”

“What else am I supposed to do?” Pinkie demanded, angrily wiping tears away from the edges of her eyes. “I can’t just tell her, then the crinkles will never go away because every time she’ll be thinking about trying not to think and she’ll never just be happy ever again!”

Rarity sat silently for a time, mulling Pinkie’s problem over. It was a uniquely Pinkie Pie problem, she had that much right. Nopony else would worry about whether their mate was smiling the right smile. “You’re certain she’s even capable of what you’re asking?” she said at last, clarifying when Pinkie gave her a blank look. “I mean... if you’ve never gotten her to smile in a way that was... without worry, how do you know she can at all?”

“I’ve seen it.” Pinkie said firmly. “She doesn’t do it very often. It’s a special smile,” she demonstrated again, imitating what Rarity presumed to be the smile in question. Of course, if the key difference was supposed to be the lack of worry lines around the eyes, that was going to be impossible to replicate at the moment, since Pinkie’s own eyes were full of worry.

“All right.” Rarity replied, tapping a hoof gently to the side of her chin in thought. “When has she affected the expression in question?”

“I...” Pinkie thought hard for a moment, sticking her tongue out just a little and putting both hooves to the side of her head as she did so. “I first saw it...” Her eyes lit up in a truly brilliant grin.“Oh yeah! It was right after we blasted Black Snooty with the friendship beam! Celly was just there all the sudden and Twi-twi was all ‘Whoa, she’s back!’ and Celestia was all—” Pinkie’s expression softened into a refined, almost royal demeanor, “—’I knew you could do it.’ And then Twi-twi nuzzled Celly and that was the smile!”

“Oh.” Rarity said, uncertain what else she could say. That did make sense, didn’t it? Twilight was perfectly content after making the Princess happy.

“She did it again after the Gala, at Joe’s, you know? We were all kinda frustrated, and Twi was all ‘I hope the Princess wasn’t upset’, and then Celly walked in and boom. There was the smile!” Pinkie’s face flashed the same grin as before, and it seemed just the memory of the smile she longed for set her somewhat at ease, for the worry in her eyes was all but gone. “I love that smile. It’s just so... Twi, you know? Like something really really great just happened after it seemed like everything was just awful, and Twi’s so happy...”

“Darling...” Rarity struggled for a delicate way to tell Pinkie what she suspected. “Tell me, the times you’ve seen this smile; do they have something in common?”

Pinkie cocked her head at Rarity curiously. “Um... not really. I mean, there was the time in the old castle, and at Joe’s... and right after we got those medals for beating Discord... Oh! After the wedding, too!”

“Right,” Rarity said, pressing a hoof to her left temple in hopes of staving off the mounting headache. “How about a somepony? Was there a common link in all of these circumstances?”

“Um...” Pinkie thought about it for a moment before answering, apparently still not taking the hint. “Well, all six of us were there. I mean, I had to be, or I wouldn’t have seen the smile!”

“Yes, but all six of us are gathered quite often, Pinkie.” Rarity gestured around the room. “We’re here with you several times a month. Do you see the smile then?”

“No, not then. It was only during very special times—” Pinkie’s eyes lit up. “Hey! Maybe it’s a special smile she only uses for special occasions! That’s neat! I have one I save for my family,” she said, allowing her face to come up into a very understated grin. “It’s more low-key, and doesn’t scare Marble as much. Still working on one that won’t make Limestone grumpy...”

Rarity’s eye twitched, and she had to consciously control her jaw to keep her teeth from grinding. “Pinkie... it is a special smile, and she does only use it on special occasions. You said that she’s happy, truly happy, right now, correct?”

“Yeah! Ever since Celly kissed her the smile is there like all the time! That’s why I was all grumpy because Celly can do it without even trying mmph fmmf umph uff—” Pinkie looked down at the hoof her mouth had sprouted, then at the arm it was attached to.

“Sorry,” Rarity said, removing her hoof and shaking loose the drool from it. “It’s just that you’re on the cusp, and I really would rather we just address the problem head on. That smile you’re after... is Twilight’s smile when she’s happy and comfortable around the Princess.”

“Oh.” Pinkie replied, looking crestfallen.

There was a long, awkward silence, during which Rarity silently kicked herself for being so horribly blunt. But upon reflection, she couldn’t see any other way to help her friend. Try as she might, Pinkie would never be able to make Twilight happy in exactly the same way as the Princess, any more than Rarity could be asked to love another pony the same way as she did Fluttershy.

“So... I... I was right.” Pinkie said eventually, her voice sounding heavy with sadness. “I can’t...make her happy. Not really.”

“I never said that!” Rarity replied quickly, her eyes opening wide. “I’m certain you make Twilight very happy, Pinkie. But try as you might, you won’t be able to do it in the same way as Princess Celestia does it.”

“Yeah...” Pinkie sniffed loudly. “I told her so, when we were up on the high mountain. But she said she didn’t want to take Twi away, even when I said it was okay.” She looked away from Rarity, out the window to where the top of the library’s branches were just barely visible. “She said she’d help me, instead. But... how was she supposed to do that? She’s the one that makes Twi really happy.”

“Pinkie... I never said different was better. I have faith in you. You’ll find a way to make Twilight just as happy as Celestia does.”

Pinkie cast Rarity a sad little smile, sniffling. “I hope so,” she said, though her tone left Rarity with a sense of both doubt in her own ability, and worse, acceptance.

There are few things in life worse than seeing a close friend in pain and having no idea how to help. Rarity felt horrid, and imagined it was so much worse for Pinkie. But what could she say? She was no longer even sure bringing it up with Twilight and Celestia would serve any purpose, as there was nothing to be done.

“Pinkie, could you come get the twins for a little while?” Mr. Cake called from downstairs.

“Sure thing, Mr. Cake!” Pinkie called back. She turned to Rarity. “Sorry, gotta go.”

“You’re sure you’ll be all right?” Rarity asked, still concerned for her friend’s state of mind.

Pinkie took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and opened them, smiling bravely. “Yeah, Pinkie’s got this.”

She stood, coming around the table to give Rarity a bone-crushing hug. “Thanks, Rares.”

Rarity left Sugarcube Corner with a heavy heart, not for Pinkie, who she was certain was going to be fine, but for herself. She had so wanted to help Pinkie, and in the end all she had done is thoroughly crush her dream by telling her it was essentially impossible.

She cursed herself for a rotten friend for doing so. Pinkie had undergone far too much stress of late, she needed more hope, not less. But was false hope any better than none at all? At least this way Pinkie could stop worrying about it as much, there was that.

Her heart ached for all three of them, actually. Twilight was going to have to find some way to love Celestia and Pinkie without slighting either. And either one of them would so quickly choose to slip away if they felt the other was being favored, whether it was true or not.

And Celestia, well, that was a whole other mountain of potential problems. Fleur De Lis had mentioned that both she and Fancy were very careful who knew of their relationship with Luna, and that was a plausibly platonic friendship so far as the world at large was concerned. If the press caught wind that Princess Celestia had taken not one but two consorts, one of whom was her student... it would be a political nightmare.

Still, she had to believe they would find a way. She knew Twilight and Pinkie loved one another, so those two had ample reason to make it work. Celestia was the wildcard (odd that it wasn’t Pinkie in this instance), but Rarity believed in her as well, for who better to weather such a thing than the mare who had kept peace in her nation for centuries?

She put them all out of her mind with some difficulty. Try as she might, she could not magically fix the problems her friends faced. Sometimes, she couldn’t even offer advice. Their situation was a bit beyond her experience.

Though not totally, if she was honest. Twilight and Pinkie weren’t the only ones having issues with a princess. And Rarity was just unprepared to deal with the vagaries of her own royal friend as Pinkie seemed to be. She lacked context to truly even understand what was happening between Fluttershy and Luna, beyond the fact that Fluttershy was apparently feeling threatened by the fact that Rarity found her attractive.

Scouring her scattered memories produced very little to go on, and as she began the walk back to Fluttershy’s cottage, she kicked herself mentally, because in her concern for Pinkie, she’d totally forgotten to ask Pinkie if she recalled anything about what Rarity had told her regarding the block of missing time.

So, a day nearly gone, and very little accomplished, she thought bitterly. She supposed she could consider spending the morning with Applejack as a bit of a win, however. And while she hadn’t managed to solve poor Pinkie’s problem, she had done her best to be there for her. She just wished she could have gone home with more of a sense of having done something useful.

She looked into her saddlebags, thinking that at the very least she would have an enjoyable time quilting with Fluttershy. She frowned at the Advocata, feeling just a bit put out that it hadn’t solved her problems as she’d hoped it would. But then, even royal edicts couldn’t solve basic problems like a bank lacking funds to give out. Seeing the fabrics inside set off a little niggling feeling of something she’d meant to do, and after a moment, she knew what it was.

Wait... I could still do something, at least!

She spun around, heading towards Buttons, Baubles & Bobbins. She could still place the order for the replacement fabrics she needed to get her shop back in order, after all. She still had some nagging feeling that she’d forgotten something else, something important, but it refused to come to her.

Whatever it is will just have to wait until the morning, I suppose.

The eponymous owner of the shop was reading a novel when her bell dinged, and she looked up with a smile that only grew wider as she saw who it was. “Rarity! Did you forget something?”

“Not at all, Buttons. But I have the means to place that order, now.” Rarity replied with a grin that would have left Pinkie whistling with appreciation.

Over the next hour or so, Rarity looked over the vast majority of the shop’s inventory and bought most of it. She then placed specialty orders for the reams of fabric she would need for future use, and added fabrics she’d never heard of before because the catalogue had such attractive descriptions.

Buttons let out a low whistle when she finished totalling up the order. “Well, goodness. I supposed this would be a large order, but I didn’t expect my shop to be decimated by it.”

“How long do you suppose shipping will take for those silks, Buttons?” Rarity asked, already dreaming up several designs for the summer.

“I’d estimate a week or so, unless you pay for pegasus shipping.”

Rarity hesitated for a moment, but in the end relented to better judgement. “No, that’s fine. I don’t have the workspace to do anything with it even if it were here tomorrow.”

“Ah, right, right.” Buttons replied, looking up from her invoice. “When do they begin working on your repairs?”

“Tomorrow, provided I can get them the bits to begin.” Rarity let out a little grunt of frustration. “The bank couldn’t help me. They’re a bit short on funds right now, and this thing Princess Luna sent along is apparently not something they can use to draw funds from Canterlot.”

“The bank is out of money?” Buttons let out a disbelieving chuckle. “How does that even work? That’s where all the money is.”

“Well, normally, yes. But with so many ponies taking out bits for repairs it’s all floating around for a while. Presumably the various shops and construction workers will want to stash some away in time, but for now a lot of money is flowing.” Rarity stuck her lips out in a little pout. “And me with a damaged shop, unable to take advantage.”

“I should think you’ll be fine for money.” Buttons replied, glancing meaningfully at the document Rarity had shown her before she began placing her orders.

“Oh, well, that’s not the same thing. Spending somepony else’s money is pleasant, to be sure, but it’s not the same as spending money I’ve earned.”

“Yet you have no trouble using it to clear out my shop?” Buttons asked, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

“That’s different. I’m replacing goods that I will need in order to complete orders from Luna. She’s well aware I lost my stock.”

“She’s aware you lost your shop, too.”

“Yes, well, there I am out of luck for the moment. But one thing at a time.” Rarity picked up the Advocata in her magic. “Is your invoice finalized? I’m just dying to see how this works.”

“Juf a secont.” Buttons mumbled around her quill, signing the bottom with a flourish. “There, all nice and official. So what are we supposed to do, exactly?”

“Well, that’s the easy part. There are instructions in the document itself.” Rarity picked up the invoice, bringing it to the surface of the Advocata, and pressed her hoof to the seal. There was a bright flash, followed by both the document and the invoice falling to the floor as Rarity dropped them from her magic in surprise.

They both stared at the pieces of parchment, but they after several moments both let out a disappointed sigh.

“I have to admit, I was expecting... something.” Rarity said, scooping up her document and the invoice, giving the latter back to Buttons.

“Well, it doesn’t say a messenger will show up in a golden chariot.” Buttons repled. She tucked the invoice away in a folder marked ‘payment pending’. “I trust I’ll hear something soon enough. If you don’t mind, I’ll hold off on those special orders for the moment, until I have bits to pay for them.”

“Of course.” Rarity rolled up the Advocata, trying to keep the bitterness from her voice. Magic didn’t always work like magic, after all. This was merely a convenient means to deliver the invoice. “Well, I’ll check back tomorrow. It’s getting late. Thank you again, Buttons.”

“No, thank you. Looks like that trip will be a little sooner than I expected.” Buttons replied with a chuckle.

“You deserve it, Buttons. Have fun.” Rarity replied with a smile as she stepped out the door.

Still feeling a little put out and discontented with the day's events, Rarity turned her steps back to Fluttershy’s cottage. She was being unreasonable, and the worst of it was, she knew it. She did hope Luna received the invoice and tended to it in a timely fashion, but even if it took her several days it would still be faster than standard means of payment from other cities. There were times when it took until fall for Rarity to receive payments for her summer line, for instance.

I wonder if I’ve possibly caught her at a bad time?

Ma douce Princesse...” Fleur said sympathetically as Luna finished her tale of woe. “You were... perhaps a little overeager.”

“Well, understandably so, to be fair.” Fancy said, giving Luna a wry smile. “They are quite the pair, though apparently the shy one is more than a little protective.”

Luna swallowed another draught of the hot, sweet coffee, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin. “I don’t understand. It was so easy for you. You came right up to me and after a little chatting, you just... invited me up to your room...”

“Your situation is similar, oui, but when a couple approaches another, there is little risk beyond a bit of misunderstanding.” Fleur blew Fancy Pants a kiss. “We know what is allowed, and what is not, and delight in each other’s pleasure.”

“Fleur is quite right. We have firm rules for such things, and as such we don’t become jealous or feel threatened when we bring in somepony.”

“Dear Fluttershy was so very fixated on the idea that I would steal her Rarity away...” Luna mused. “How is it that neither of you fear such?”

“Because we would not allow it, ma chérie.” Fleur replied with a throaty laugh. “As delightful as you are, my Fancy knows who loves him, and with whom he wishes to retire at night.”

“It seems Fluttershy has no such assurances, however.” Fancy smiled back at Fleur with a self-assurance that Luna deeply envied at that moment. “And, to be perfectly honest, I can’t blame her for being worried.”

“But in none of my actions have I ever indicated that I wished to spirit Rarity away!” Luna protested. “Truthfully...” she paused, blushing. “If I were to pick one for some reason, I favor Fluttershy. She’s... so very forceful when pushed. Soft to look upon, but there is something in her, something dangerous... I’ve known mares of her nature before, and they make fiery lovers. To stand up to me as she does... I would do anything to turn that look of anger into smoldering passion instead.”

Luna shook herself, laying her hooves on the table to ground herself in reality. “But to what end do I even dare wish such a thing? She likely hates me for my brashness. I acted as a petulant child in her eyes.”

The room was silent, then filled with merry laughter coming from Fleur De Lis. Luna turned a questioning eye to her, and she covered her mouth to stifle further giggles.

“Forgive me, Luna, but I had not realized the extent of your crush. You are tres mignon as you speak of her, and even more when you pout your lips, saying she must despise you.”

“Fleur, I think perhaps you’re going a little far—”

“Tell me I am wrong, Fancy!” Fleur said with another giggle. “Tell me that little blush as she spoke of the shy one was not the most adorable thing!”

“It... it was rather cute, yes.” Fancy admitted, begrudgingly. “But we do our Luna a disservice, I think.”

Is she ours? I think perhaps she is smitten with another, no?” Fleur nuzzled Luna’s cheek, whispering breathily into her ear. “Tell me, Princesse, would you claim her? We would miss you, but perhaps you could visit old friends some nights. Do you wish to let her be, or would you make her see how you feel about her?”

“I... I would like her not to hate me, at least.” Luna replied, trying not to let her wings raise. She was beginning to have second and third thoughts about this being a mere conciliatory visit.

“Good.” Fleur sat back on the couch, looking incredibly amused. “She will come round, if you are careful. She is cautious of you, now, because she believes you want what is precious to her.”

“Perhaps...” Luna took a moment to let her heart calm down, breathing out slowly. “Perhaps I should tell her I find her the more attractive of them?”

“Only if you truly intend to claim her for yourself. And I doubt that would go well for you.” Fleur’s eyes flashed to Fancy Pants, and the two exchanged a meaningful look. She then turned back to Luna. “Besides, why claim one when you can have two?”

Fancy Pants cleared his throat loudly. “Ladies, while listening to you two plot is enormously entertaining, I am afraid I have some business I must attend to. If you’ll excuse me?”

Fleur waved him off, not even turning from Luna. “You should start with an apology. Let her know you never intended to come between them.” Fleur blinked, a new set of giggles besetting her. “Well, not in that way, in any case.”

“I don’t understand that.” Luna replied, frowning. “Of course that was never my intent. Why should I apologize?”

“Because, ma chérie... you were to blame, intended or not. If a couple approaches you, things are very easy. But if you approach a couple, it is very, very complex.”

“How so?” Luna asked, honestly curious. One approaching two, two approaching one, either made three, unless the basic math had changed in her absence as well.

“When a couple approaches you, they have made several decisions beforehoof.” Fleur began, idly toying with Luna’s mane, “ They have decided they trust one another to know the rules. They have decided that sharing love with a third or more is not only permissible, but accepted and enthusiastically wanted. If they have not made such decisions, one of them will likely be very surprised, and feel hurt that the other is making the offer.”

“Yes, so you have said.” Luna replied, no more enlightened than before.

“Ah, but then we have your Rarity and her shy protector. They are very new to love, and ignorant to games that enhance it. To them, they are their entire world. Then comes the enticing Princess, with her lovely wings and her long, shapely legs.” Fleur ran a hooftip along Luna’s thigh. “You present... not a joy, as you intend, but something that could break their world. They are nervous, and tense, because who could resist? I know I could not.”

Luna shivered in response to the touch. No, there was nothing about Fleur that had changed at all. Luna was having trouble remembering why she hadn’t backed Fleur into the bedroom immediately upon entering.

Fleur withdrew the hooftip, smiling in a way that said she was both sorry and not sorry for the invasion of personal space. “Forgive me, Princesse. I forget myself. But you see their troubles now, no? You approached them with something very nice, but they had no rules! So Rarity tried to make some very quickly, and poor, poor Butterfly was not happy. But she is a quiet one, and kept it in, until it became too much.”

Luna frowned, making a conscious effort to slow her breathing while she thought. Fleur was... very distracting, and what she was saying was important. Though what she was doing was making it very hard to think. “These rules... are important, aren’t they?”

“They are the most important thing, ma cher. There are some who say marriage is a thing that says you must keep yourself for your mate. Those are their rules, and both mates agree to live like that. It makes them happy, or at least, most seem happy.” Fleur smiled languidly. “Fancy and I... did not like those rules very much, but we liked each other very very much. So we decided on new rules.”

She sighed, running a forehoof along Luna’s cheek. “He’s so sweet to me, sometimes I even bend those, if he asks nicely. He doesn’t ask very often. Usually, he brings them to meet me, afterwards,” she licked her lips slowly, smiling a mischievous little smile. “Sweet canetons they are, I could eat them up, and he knows this. Fancy’s taste is very, very good.”

The words Fleur spoke both enticed and worried Luna, for they sounded very familiar. “Was... was I one of those ducklings, Fleur?”

Fleur’s eyes flew open, and she sat upright to clasp Luna’s hooves in her own. “No, ma petite! You were a cygne, a swan amongst the ducks! We admired you so, that night. But you... you looked so very alone, and—”

“Out of place.” Luna supplied, nodding. “The wrong locale, with the wrong ponies, in the wrong time. I... was so grateful to you for coming up to talk to me. It was like... like I had some sort of barrier around me. I had wondered if Celestia might have enchanted me with a “touch me not” spell, until that moment.”

“If she did, it did not work on me, for I very much wanted to touch, ma cher.” Fleur demonstrated, putting her arms around Luna’s neck and kissing her on the nose. ”Fancy scolded me for even trying. He said I dared too much, and would get burned for reaching too high. But I told him it was not the sun I reached for, but the moon. I could not imagine the beautiful moon ever burning my hooves for reaching for it.”

Luna leaned into Fleur’s shoulder, allowing the tears that had been held at bay to fall freely. “I am... sorry.”

“For what?

“You’ve just...” Luna trailed off, sniffling. “You’re wonderful. I worried, after I reverted to my smaller form, that it would mean losing you. I... I thought this was... purely carnal.”

“You are wondrously beautiful, so it is somewhat carnal, Princesse.” Fleur gave her an appraising look, letting out a musical laugh as she did so. “I imagine seeing you a little smaller might be fun, actually. But Fancy and I... we care very much for you,” she tightened the embrace, nuzzling against Luna’s ears as they crested over her mane. “Which is not to say we lay a claim over you, but we enjoy when you visit. And we miss you when you do not. That is love of a sort, no?”

“No.” Luna said automatically, then blinked, confused. “I mean, yes. Yes it is. And I thank you for it.”

“The world needs much love, Princesse. Fancy and I have plenty to spare without leaving each other feeling wanting.”

Luna started in surprise as Fleur nipped at her ear.

“Would you share some with me, ma jolie cygne?” Fleur’s voice purred. “I promise I will share some with you as well...”

Luna’s heart raced, and whatever reservations she had left were gone the instant her lips touched Fleur’s.

Fluttershy frowned at the table, tugging the cloth back and forth with her teeth until it was centered properly. Rarity would be home soon. Or so she told herself. She’d said the same thing to herself at lunch, and then later, when ponies would normally have a light snack if they missed lunch, but now it was very close to dinnertime, and she was sure this time Rarity would be coming home.

Everything had to be perfect when she came home, so that Fluttershy could throw herself on the floor and beg for forgiveness. She’d put down some throw rugs for that reason, because her floor was very hard. She didn’t think Rarity would appreciate her hurting herself.

If everything went right, then Fluttershy could finally stop worrying for a little while, and just enjoy being with the most beautiful, understanding, wonderful marefriend ever. Assuming Rarity did come home, of course.

Assuming she hadn’t gone off to Canterlot to live with Luna forever, and build a nice shop there so she never had to see her lying, manipulative, jealous, hurtful ex-marefriend—

The room spun, and her vision clouded. She was breathing very hard. She needed to sit down. Everything was going to be fine. It was okay. Rainbow had said everything would be okay.

Sit down, calm down. Rarity loves me, not Luna. It’s going to be fine. I just need to tell her I’m sorry. She’ll understand. She always understands.

She sat, taking slow, deep breaths. It was all going to be okay.

Salad, white wine, flowers... Angel Bunny locked in his hutch... Opal fed and sleeping on my favorite sweater... I hope she doesn’t destroy it…

She tried to think of anything else that might cause her trouble, and came to a sudden realization. She didn’t even notice very much anymore, but her home was filled with a cacophony of sounds.

“Um, excuse me, everyone.”

Various chitterings and chirps answered her. The responses varied, but overwhelmingly she understood that they were concerned about her, and wanted to know if they could do anything to help.

“Thank you. I... I really just need some quiet when she comes back. Could... could all of you just stay in your homes, for now?”

Several wide-eyed critters boldly stepped forward, asking if there was anything else they could do.

“I appreciate it, really I do. But I really just need all of you to either be quiet, or go outside if you can’t.”

Reluctantly, her friends all went into their various cages, holes in the wall, or outside.

Fluttershy heaved a big sigh of relief. Everything that could be okay was okay now. Now all she had to do was wait until Rarity came home, and try not to go insane in the meantime.

It seemed fate wanted her sane for a while longer, for Rarity did return shortly before Fluttershy could end up in another downward spiral of self-recrimination.

“Hello, darling! I’m back! Sorry I was out so long, but you simply would not believe the day I’v—”

While Fluttershy would have normally been happy to listen to Rarity’s day, she needed a hug very badly, and couldn’t wait on niceties like conversation or warnings.

She looked up at Rarity with glistening eyes full of equal amounts fear and utter joy, then proceeded to bury her face in Rarity’s mane.

Rarity in turn stiffened in surprise, but only for a moment before she put her own arms around Fluttershy. “Goodness, I didn’t think I was gone long enough to warrant this.”

“It’s been... a long day.” Fluttershy said, not letting her grip slacken in the slightest.

“Well, you’ll need to tell me all about it, then!” Rarity replied, gently putting her hooves on Fluttershy’s shoulders and separating from her. “But first, if you don’t mind, could we have something to eat? I’m simply famished...”

Her words trailed off as she saw the dinner laid out on the table, her stomach letting out a loud growl that startled a few of the birds in the cottage. “Oh! Oh sweetness, that looks wonderful!”

Fluttershy just stared dumbfounded as Rarity rushed to the table, immediately seating herself and getting her salad fork ready. She followed after a moment, unsure what to think of the fact that things were somehow going so well.

Rarity was already digging in, struggling to keep up basic form while essentially devouring the carefully prepared meal Fluttershy had made. Fluttershy smiled wanly, sitting down and picking up her fork as well.

Between bites, Rarity looked at her with an odd expression, but she didn’t actually say anything. Fluttershy found herself feeling ever more concerned by the lack of conversation.

Finally, Rarity finished the last bite with a happy sigh, allowing the fork to clatter into the salad bowl and lifting a glass of wine to her lips to take a sip. “Ah, you have no idea how much I needed that. So, how was your day, darling?”

Lonely. Depressing. Maddening.

“It was fine,” Fluttershy replied. “Rainbow stopped by.”

“Oh?” Rarity’s eyebrow raised in surprise. “And how is she?”

“She’s doing better. She stayed to talk for a while.”

“Oh, well, that’s nice then.”

The words themselves were perfectly normal, but the expressions that came with them and the lack of Rarity’s usual banter was very very worrying.

“So... um... how was your day?” Fluttershy asked in as calm a voice as she could manage.

“Well! I... I didn’t actually get very much done, to be honest.” Rarity admitted. “I don’t feel like the day was a waste, by any means, but... well... where to begin?”

She took a deeper drink of the wine, smiling ruefully. “Well, first I checked in with Twilight and Pinkie... and found Celestia there with them.”


“Yes, only... she’s a bit under the weather, as you said. Her mane is a bit more pink than I recall as well. Apparently they worked things out a bit, and now she’s staying in the library while she recovers.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” Fluttershy replied, slightly relieved. It still didn’t explain why Rarity was acting so oddly, but it was nice to hear that Pinkie and Twilight were doing well.

“I thought so, but I’m a bit concerned... but I’ll get back to that. I went shopping for a bit after that, and there were all of these news stories about Princess Luna going crazy—”

Fluttershy’s eyes opened wide, and she blurted out “What?!” before she could stop herself.

“Yes, rather dreadful affair. Threatening newsponies, filling the skies with stormclouds and raising the moon in the middle of the day!” Rarity shook her head. “I’m not sure what happened, but it all sounds horrible.”

I knew it! I knew she was evil!

“Um... should we... maybe get the Elements?” Fluttershy asked, trying not to sound too eager. Maybe that was why Luna was being... so naughty. She was just turning evil again! So all they had to do was zap her and she could go back to normal and leave her Rarity alone! That was it, that had to be it. Nopony could be that sexy without being evil!

Wait... does that mean I think evil ponies are sexy?

The thought actually made her head hurt. Discord hadn’t been sexy. Neither had Queen Chrysalis, although she had been while she looked like Princess Cadence. Privately, this made Fluttershy reflect that she seemed to have a thing for long flowing hair.

Enough! The point is that we can cure Luna, and then she... won’t be sexy anymore.

She was beginning to find that plan flawed for some reason.

“I’m sorry, get the what now?” Rarity asked, cocking her head to one side.

“N-nevermind!” Fluttershy replied quickly. The Elements were a silly idea anyway. Luna wasn’t all the way evil. Otherwise the moon would still be out. So... maybe she was just a little evil. A little evil was okay, right? A little evil meant mostly good, and she’d only go all the way evil if she thought nopony liked—

Oh, horsefeathers.

Her eyes widened, then narrowed suspiciously. Luna had other friends, she’d said so. So she probably wasn’t going to spontaneously turn evil just because Fluttershy had gotten mad at her. And if she wasn’t evil... that probably meant she was being inconsiderate again.

“Did the news say why she was doing all those things?” she asked.

“There was something about Princess Celestia having called a press conference, and then Princess Luna showing up instead. Not entirely sure how that happened, but apparently she threatened to drop the moon on them.” Rarity replied, shaking her head. “I have to assume she was just under a lot of stress and lashed out a bit.”

She’s definitely evil. Fluttershy thought with dismay. Evil, and dangerous.

Or maybe not. When you were a Princess, and you got frustrated, maybe kicking a vase wasn’t enough. Maybe you needed to threaten to drop a moon on somepony. The more Fluttershy thought about it, the more it made sense. If she’d been able to, she’d probably have dropped a moon on somepony when she’d let herself get angry.

Maybe... maybe Luna needed somepony to tell her she didn’t have to be a monster. Maybe she needed a friend, one who could understand the rage that threatened to tear her apart.

“We... we should talk to her.” Fluttershy heard herself say, not quite believing it even as she’d heard it.

This is a bad idea! She’ll try to steal Rarity again!

Fluttershy’s mouth was set into a grim, thin line. She wouldn’t allow that. But if Luna needed to be talked to, she couldn’t ignore that just because of worries. She had to be brave.

Rarity looked both pleased and surprised to hear that. “Well, actually I was going to suggest that myself. You see, I still need actual coin to get my repairs going. Luna sent this document along but the bank won’t—” she trailed off, mouth pursed. “Sorry, not important. But I asked Celestia about the whole affair and she doesn’t want to butt in. I was thinking maybe we could go and have a talk with Luna, see if we can help her through whatever’s bothering her.”

Fluttershy was fairly certain she knew at least part of what was bothering Luna. She nodded firmly. “We’ll go. I... I need to talk to her.”

“Well, that’s settled then! We’ll head out tomorrow!” Rarity said, definitely looking pleased.

Fluttershy poured herself a glass of wine, taking it in both hooves and gulping it down. Maybe Luna was a little evil. But it wasn’t too late. Fluttershy could understand anger, she knew what it was like to have it bubble over, to feel good when she hurt others. She knew what it was like to be a monster.

And she knew how good it felt to hear somepony say they cared about you, and that you didn’t have to be one.

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