• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,075 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 68: Making Amends

Luna studied the table with a discerning eye, trying to decide if it was too much, or perhaps too little.

The table itself was neither a banquet table nor a more intimate table for three. It could have easily accommodated six ponies, but the extra space was of course to provide a modicum of distance for her guests. The repast prepared was likewise a calculated effort to be filling, but composed of nothing that would imply intimacy. There were salads, a selection of baked goods, and her own choices for appetizers and main course. None of it was the normal fare for a royal banquet, but surely enough for a mare wishing to converse with close friends.

That was the length and breadth of her ambition for this evening, after all. She needed to repair a badly damaged friendship. She had been on the opposite end of this particular problem once before, and felt that she had learned from it as a result. For instance, this time she wouldn’t have anypony foalnapped.

She nodded at the table approvingly. It looked satisfactorily pleasant without being too much. Her wine selection (a simple but well-aged vintage that had been picked from the royal cellar) waited on ice with glasses at the ready, and she herself was planning to do all of the serving, as having the staff do so would have robbed her of the little bit of intimacy she could provide in such an act.

All was in readiness, and had been for some time. Yet she continued to fuss with little details, hoping to appear nonchalant when her guests did arrive.

“Your majesty—”

Luna jumped up in surprise, clinging to a chandelier and glaring down at the guard whose face was somehow blank and expressionless despite her actions. She let herself fall, fluttering her great wings to ease her descent. Once safely on the ground she nodded at him. “Forgive me, I needed to replace one of the candles.”

He made no move, standing at attention and waiting to be addressed. She frowned at him, then said: “You have word?”

He nodded brusquely. “Your expected guests have arrived. Their belongings are being moved to a suite as you instructed. Lady Rarity asked that you please give them twenty minutes to make themselves presentable, at which time they will join you.”

“Twenty minutes, fine. Good. Thank you.” Luna plopped down in one of the chairs, trying to slow her beating heart. She did not look up at him, merely waving in a direction away from the door. “You are dismissed, with my thanks.”

She spent the time trying to decide what she should say, waffling between some sort of prepared statement and casual conversation carefully steered towards her preferred topic of discussion. Of course, these were friends she was meeting, not diplomats.

Not that it really mattered. Words were her sister’s weapon of choice. Luna herself had preferred action, however ill-thought out it might prove to be. Action could do so much more than mere words. 'Twas easy enough to make an apology, but harder to show remorse, and a willingness to correct one’s actions. She hoped she could prove that much to her friends.

In due time, the door to her dining hall opened, and the guard stepped in to announce that her guests had arrived. Luna nodded to him, motioning that they be sent in. Her chest was tight, her heart beating wildly with nervousness.

Rarity strode in first, and much to Luna’s relief, both of them seemed more relaxed than she’d seen them last. But then, when last she’d seen them they were still getting over the shock of an attempted assault. By comparison, they’d have to be more relaxed after that. It was still encouraging.

Luna quickly glanced at Fluttershy, trying not to focus overlong on her. It seemed in the intervening time that the blood stains had been removed from her coat and hooves, which made Luna glad to see.

“Thank you for coming, my friends.” she said, using as neutral a tone as she could for this occasion. She could not give in to the horrible temptation that addressing them as subjects presented. She was merely a mare, talking to equals.

No, more than equals. My friends.

“Thank you for understanding, Luna. I really needed to clear my head after that horrible ordeal. I think we’re both feeling a little better, now.” Rarity said with a bright smile as she took one of the two seats directly opposite Luna.

The seat placements were likewise calculated. Luna sat to one side of the table, not at the head as she normally would. Fluttershy and Rarity sat on the other side. Celestia would have applauded the decision, Luna felt. It made for closer quarters while dining, and ensured even the quietest voice could be heard without need for the owner to strain. “Dear Fluttershy, please, sit. It is good to see you more relaxed.”

Fluttershy nodded, taking a seat beside Rarity, though she looked a little startled when Luna moved the chair forward after she sat. “Um... yes, thank you.”

Luna poured them a round of wine, then opened the platter with the hor d'oeuvres. They were simple fare, light but filling canapes composed of some mixture of pulverized potato, sour cream, and cheese served in the skins of the selfsame potatoes and topped with some sort of green onion bits. Not much to look at, but excellent for snacking. Such things had served her well during long overnight vigils in the dreamscape. “Please, take as much as you wish, my friends.”

“My, those smell delightful!” Rarity exclaimed, scooping up several of the snacks in her magic and doling them out to herself and Fluttershy’s plate.

Luna nodded to herself as she watched. She had briefly thought of serving the snacks more directly, but allowing Rarity to serve Fluttershy seemed to put the pegasus more at ease.

Fluttershy delicately nibbled at one of the snacks, and upon finding it to her liking took it whole into her mouth, chewing in such a way that indicated her liking very evidently. “These are very good,” she said after having finished chewing.

“I am glad,” Luna replied with real relief. The hor d'oeuvres had been a bit of a risky proposition, as she had wanted to serve something special, but not ‘too showy’. Satisfied that her offerings were acceptable, she at last allowed herself the luxury of eating as well. “These were... comfort food for me, during my convalescence after my return.”

“Ah, I use ice cream, myself.” Rarity said genially. “I can see these being nice, though too many and I fear I shall be thoroughly ruined. I’m going to hate myself when I have to diet and exercise to shed all of this wonderful food I’ve been indulging in...”

“I can help.” Fluttershy offered. “My friends and I worked out this exercise routine that had me feeling much better very quickly.”

“That sounds like a splendid idea!” Rarity replied with a big smile. “I could whip us up a nice set of sweats—”

Luna listened quietly as the two of them chatted back and forth, not wishing to interrupt their casual banter. Her worries of having caused the two of them to have a strain in their relationship were perhaps not unfounded, but it was becoming clear that whatever strain had occurred had been weathered and subsequently defeated.

At least I did them no lasting harm, she thought, letting out a little sigh of relief. Of course, it remained to be seen whether Luna’s friendships with them both could similarly survive all that had occurred of late, but at the least she took solace in their happiness together. If that much persisted, she would be happy to leave things as they were.

After some time, Rarity looked in Luna’s direction, a little frown on her face. “Goodness, I am being a bad guest. You’ll have to forgive me, please. It’s been a stressful day for several reasons.”

Luna shook her head quickly. “Not at all. I would be a very poor host to demand your attention. I’m just happy you came.”

“Yes, well... it wasn’t a question at all.” Rarity said, her eyes briefly flicking to Fluttershy with a conflicted look. “We both very much wanted to talk things through with you and... find a more comfortable place to go forward from. Things got a little complex and feelings were hurt, but we’re all friends, and we can work through this!” She nudged Fluttershy with her elbow, her gaze shifting from Fluttershy to Luna.

Fluttershy jumped a little as Rarity nudged her, then looked at Luna a little guiltily. “I... what she said.”

Luna, while not being a skilled pony-reader as a matter of course, was not blind. “Dear Fluttershy, I understand that you may have had second and third thoughts about coming here. It was very soon after our parting words, which were harsh on both sides. But for my part, I am simply glad you came despite that.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean—” Rarity began before Fluttershy put a single hoof on her foreleg.

Fluttershy looked directly at Luna, despite the look on her face that screamed she’d rather be hiding under the table. “I... I still wanted to see you. Just maybe not this soon,” she admitted. “I mean, I worried about you. We kept hearing about how you’d reacted to ponies who upset you, and I thought for a while maybe you were turning evil again, and that was why you wanted to steal my Rarity—”

“Dear Fluttershy, I would never—”

“Please, let me finish.” Fluttershy said quietly. When Luna stopped, Fluttershy continued. “I... I don’t know how courtship works, or why you would want that with a couple instead of a single pony. I don’t... I don’t understand you. But I understand being mad, and I understand being jealous when other ponies are dating a pony you really like and you have to smile and pretend everything's okay.”

“Fluttershy...” Rarity said quietly.

Luna waited quietly, her gaze not wavering from Fluttershy’s own. She had suspected Fluttershy’s fears, but having them confirmed was no bad thing.

“I don’t know what you want.” Fluttershy said with a little shake of her head. “I don’t understand anything you’ve done. I don’t think you’re a bad pony, but I think you’re doing some bad things, and I worry you might do worse because it feels good to get mad, and to punish ponies. Like... like those stallions. And... and maybe you won’t, but you could. And... I hope that you won’t... but I wanted to ask you to please not.”

Silence hung heavy at the table. When it became apparent that Fluttershy had spent herself, Luna finally spoke. “I am sorry, truly sorry, Dear Fluttershy. It... it’s true that my temper has gotten the better of me of late. When things went so badly between all of us, I was lost, and upset, and in no mood to suffer the presence of cretins.”

“Luna...” Rarity asked, raising a hoof. “Was that why you rose the sun so very late? Were you proving a point?”

Luna looked down at the table, not quite able to meet Rarity’s eyes. “That... was a personal matter. I went to visit some friends, who helped me find myself again. I overslept afterwards.”


“More of your ‘special’ friends?” Fluttershy asked pointedly.

“Two of the most special, Dear Fluttershy. More than I had ever known.” Luna smiled warmly to herself. “In my impatience to seek out affection, it seems I overlooked what I already had in my grasp.”


Luna's ears twitched slightly. She wasn’t certain what to make of it, but Fluttershy almost sounded disappointed. “They helped me realize how I had wronged you, Dear Fluttershy,” she said quickly, hoping an explanation would mitigate whatever was bothering her friend. “I had wronged both of you in my foalish advances. I only wish I could turn back the clock, but deeds cannot be undone, only atoned for.”

“Luna, we didn’t come here to accuse you of wrongdoing—” Rarity said before quickly being cut off.

“There is no need to accuse, Rarity. I know what I have done.”

“That’s not what I meant, Luna.” Rarity said testily. “Of course some things went wrong, and some of us were a little flighty and said some things that we perhaps would have said differently if we weren’t essentially drunk on magic, but intentions are very important! And none of this nonsense was caused by bad ones!”

“I only ask that you please forgive my trespasses. I never intended harm, but I caused it nonetheless. Perhaps I don’t deserve such consideration, but I would do my best to be worthy of it.”

“Okay.” Fluttershy said quietly.

Luna blinked in surprise, raising her head to meet Fluttershy’s gaze. “Truly?” she asked in disbelief.

Fluttershy nodded. “I was mad because Rarity might have been hurt very badly, and then because I thought you wanted to steal her away. But she’s okay, and I don’t think you want to steal her anymore.”

“Dear Fluttershy... I was never planning—”

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy said firmly.

Luna’s mouth closed silently, and she nodded her head to Fluttershy. “As you say.” she said after a long moment.

“Well... that is...” Rarity allowed her words to trail off as she looked at the two of them in bewilderment. “I think maybe we shouldn’t let the food get cold. We can talk more over dessert, yes?”

Luna blinked as she heard Rarity’s words, feeling a tension in the room ease as she did so. “Yes! I have iced cream waiting for our enjoyment! But first!” she whipped the cover off of the center plate to reveal her prize.

Underneath was a monstrous concoction. She’d been told it was a pie of sorts, but it was unlike any pie she’d imbibed prior to her banishment. Full of vegetables and cheeses and heavily spiced, it resembled less of a pie and more of a stew in her eyes, though it tasted nothing like one of those either.

“I am told it’s a variant on the ‘pizza’ pie,” she said as she fetched the pie cutter from the side of the dish. “Though quite different from the Manehatten variety, from what I have seen. This type is normally crafted in the little village of Chicacolt in the far north.”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up as a steaming slice of the pie was served to her, which made Luna immensely pleased with herself.

“Oh, my... It smells wonderful!”

“It’s very interesting!” Luna said with a nod. “The Manehatten variety offers similar flavors, but this... ‘thick dish’ I believe they called it... its flavors meld in ways merely layering cheese and toppings do not.”

“It’s very... saucy, isn’t it?” Rarity asked, eyeing the dish with an air of trepidation.

“That’s only the top. There is a small crust layer below, and inside all of the cheeses and ‘toppings’ bake together, similar to what is known as a ‘casserole’.” Luna held up a slice on the pie server briefly so that the oozing cheese could be seen under the top crust layer. “It’s quite clever! I also rather like the more common Manehatten style because it is easier to eat whilst tending to other matters. This type requires your full attention, lest you make a mess of yourself. However, I think you’ll find it’s attention well spent.”

Conversation halted for a time as the main course was eaten, Luna watching her guests out of the corner of her eye as she consumed her portion with knife and fork.

Fluttershy seemed content to nibble at the slice in little bites, chewing with great enthusiasm.

Rarity briefly tried to address hers as one would a slice of pizza, and Luna had to stifle a little giggle as a great globule of cheese oozed out of Rarity’s magic back onto the plate.

She then tried using her fork as one does with a normal pie, only to be thwarted by the thick crust just below the layer of sauce. After glaring at the mess on her plate for a long moment, she picked up her knife as well, stabbing and slicing at her piece as if it had done her personal injury. Her expression changed for the better once she had gotten the first bit of it into her mouth.

“That’s delightful!” she exclaimed with surprise.

Luna nodded genially, allowing the laughter she’d been stifling to bubble forth for a moment. “It’s quite a treat. I shall convey your compliments to my cook.”

“And I shall convey my own to the host for choosing it.” Rarity said, raising her glass in a salute.

After finishing at least a slice each of the heavy meal (Luna having given into temptation and consuming a second), the three sat at the table, leaning back heavily on their chairs. An unfortunate side effect of such a meal combined with being naturally nocturnal left Luna with a great sense of tiredness. She would normally have been getting up around these hours but instead had whiled away a day looking over documents regarding the embezzlement of the city’s road fund and preparing for this selfsame meal. She let out a yawn before quickly clamping her mouth shut with a blush. “Forgive me, my friends. These hours tax me.”

Rarity looked surprised, but nodded after a moment’s consideration. “Right, you’re a night owl.”

Luna chuckled lightly. “I would accuse you of the same.”

“Hmmm? Oh, no, not at all, normally.” Rarity replied. “I just have a tendency to sacrifice sleep entirely at times.”

“Sometimes I’m nocturnal,” Fluttershy said suddenly. “Some of my friends are most active at night, and I try to spend time with them when I can.”

Luna didn’t quite know what to say about that, or if she was meant to say anything at all.

Rarity seemed to pick up on the awkwardness, saying: “Yes, well, making time for friends is important.”

“It is!” Luna said gratefully, mouthing a silent ‘thank you’ to Rarity. “But well worth it. I’m uncertain how well I would be coping right now if not for the support of mine.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, which friends in particular did you visit?” Rarity asked, leaning in conspiratorially.

“I... I prefer to keep their names to myself. Easier to avoid scandalous rumors.” Luna said with a blush.

“Fair enough, it’s just that you implied you had a little group of them.”

“Well... I’ve shared a bed with a few on a casual basis...” Luna admitted, her blush growing on her face. “Mostly they amounted to... ‘single night affairs’? I would visit them again if invited. Others... I am closer to.”

“I see, and you wanted to add Fluttershy and myself to your little group?”

“No!” Luna said with a violent shake of her head. “I had in mind a more long term and close relationship. Romantic in nature, if all wished it to be so, but...” she stopped, laying both hooves on the table. “Fluttershy, Rarity... I never wished to cause strife when I stated my intentions. I saw the casual affections you shared, and I coveted such a thing for myself. But as much as I would wish for that, I value your friendship more.”

“Darling, I’m not asking for another apology!” Rarity said with an enigmatic little smile. “I really just want a sense of what exactly you were intending.”

“I’m... I’m simply hoping for your friendship, Rarity. I would ask for nothing more.”

“And you have that!” Rarity said with a laugh. “Look, I’m operating at a bit of a disadvantage, here. I’ve only heard of this courtship business secondhoof.”

Luna looked at Rarity quizzically. “What do you mean?”

“Well, bit of a side effect from that magic business. I don’t have a clear recollection of what happened while I was under the influence of...” Rarity paused, her cheeks turning a pleasant rosy hue. “Well, under the influence of your magic, I suppose. I’ve been piecing it together and frankly I’m surprised with myself.”

“You have memory loss?” Luna asked, the blood draining from her face in sudden horror.

“Just of those few days.” Rarity said quickly, which served to both reassure and further confuse Luna. “It’s kind of a haze, rather like being drunk, though I’ve never actually imbibed enough to cause any problems before. In any case, I really wanted to know what exactly you were intending. I’ve heard about courtships before, but they were in the historical fictions I’ve read. Hard to say if they have any degree of accuracy.”

“That depends on the courtship being written about, and whether the author was taking liberties with the history at the time.” Luna said slowly.

“Well, I was mostly concerned with the whole slaying of our enemies or slaying of great beasts.” Rarity said with a little frown. “I think Fluttershy and I were clear on that one.”

“I don’t want you to hurt anypony, and especially not any animals.” Fluttershy said with a firm nod.

“Duly noted...” Luna said quietly after she’d managed to collect her jaw from its previous position of hanging limply from her head. “I’m guessing you’ve read of the exploits of Sir Brawny the Brave and Sir Bastion the Bold.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up in sudden recognition. “Yes! Those were the very ones. They did many great deeds in courtship of a princess whose name was lost to antiquity—”

Luna sighed heavily. “No, like as not Celestia forebore the history recorders from naming names, save for the poor souls who did those great deeds and died in their doing. I was that princess, and I wasn’t very happy with those two idiots slaying dragons in my name. We had enough trouble with their race as it was and Celestia blamed me for not discouraging them. As for the slaying of my enemies bit... a few duels were fought and some troublesome nobles weren’t around to be troublesome anymore.”

“Oh!” Rarity said after a moment. “So, that’s not—”

“Not how a princess courts, no.” Luna said with a shake of her head. “Celestia knows the ways better than I, but I am given to understand it involves more gifts and dinners than slaying. Though I am not against the idea if you wish it. I have a business card for some very reliable—”

“Please, no!” Rarity said quickly.

“You’re certain? They offer excellent rates.”

For a brief moment, Rarity hesitated. “Well, I suppose another business contact is always helpful—” she stopped, her eyes turning into small pinpricks, and smacked herself hard across the muzzle with her forehoof. “No!”

Rarity took a brief moment to compose herself while Luna simply watched, bemused and amused.

“I confess to being entirely unsure what we’re discussing now.” Luna said, finally letting out a little laugh as Rarity pulled out a compact to touch up her makeup.

“We’re discussing what courtship entails, exactly.” Rarity said after putting her compact away. “I apparently had some very misinformed ideas about it, and Fluttershy had in mind that you had no intention of courting both of us and were simply trying to break us up for your own purposes. Neither of those attitudes are very helpful in making such a decision. And it is still a decision to be made.”

“I... I had thought—” Luna stopped, taking a deep breath. “I was certain that any chance of such a thing was impossible.”

“Not impossible, Luna. But when last this was spoken of I wasn’t in any sort of rational mind, and Fluttershy was apparently too confused to express her concerns—”

Fluttershy spoke up suddenly. “Actually, I thought having dinners together with Luna sounded nice. And... I wasn’t sure what to think about everything else. Then I got worried because of Rarity and I felt like Luna was hiding things and it was kind of a mess.”

“All right, so she didn’t have any initial concerns.” Rarity corrected herself smoothly, then added: “And when she started having them she was hesitant to speak up about them. Is that about right?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy said with a little nod.

“So, there you have it.” Rarity said with a triumphant smile.

Luna just looked at them both for a time, uncertain if they were being serious. Neither seemed to be attempting to pull on her leg, however. “My friends... courtship can be whatever we wish it to be. I could write you epic poetry, sing you songs, craft your fondest dreams. I could gift you land, and titles, and wealth. But I would willingly do those things for good friends as well.”

Rarity shook her head. “First and foremost, regardless of any decisions Fluttershy and I might make regarding your proposal, you are our friend, Luna. So please stop thinking you have to buy your way into our good graces.”

“But I nearly—”

“You made some very poor decisions, yes. And you very nearly caused some dire consequences,” Rarity said, raising a hoof to forestall further litany of Luna’s mistakes. “But if I stopped talking to my friends every time they nearly got me killed, I wouldn’t have any left.”

“Oh... I suppose that’s true, isn’t it?” Fluttershy said with wide eyes.

“Well, save for yourself, I think. Though there was that business with leaving me out in the desert with Pinkie Pie, so I’m tempted to count that.” Rarity said, laughing just a little. “When I saw my mane afterwards I wanted to die. Though I did learn a good deal about Pinkie on the way home, so there is that.”

Luna said nothing as Fluttershy gave Rarity a worried look, Rarity in turn just laughing at her own ‘joke’, if it could be called that. She shook her head. She did not understand them, but they were well worth her attempts. She found herself wishing for her own memories with them, that she could mention in times to come and elicit a knowing laugh or smile from them.

“Sorry, Luna.” Rarity said after she’d gotten over her little giggling fit. “My point is, we’ll decide about the other. But absolutely regardless of anything more, count yourself our friend, and come visit. Or invite us to visit!”

A slow smile tugged Luna’s lips upwards. “Thank you! I’ll try to be worthy—”

“Yes, yes, that’s actually getting a bit awkward, Luna. You’re a princess, after all.” Rarity said with an answering grin to match Luna’s own.

Luna shook her head solemnly. “Station does not imply worthiness, Rarity. It can only be earned.”

“All right, fair enough. Your mistakes aside, I think you’ve earned a little faith, at least.”

“I think so, too.” Fluttershy said, a little ghost of a smile gracing her lips. “Besides, I’m no good with holding grudges; it’s really tiring, and hard on my nerves. Just please be more careful.”

“I will endeavor, Dear Fluttershy. Though I would ask that you be more vocal if I cause you worry.”

Rarity coughed uncomfortably. “If you figure out the secret to making her do that, let me know, please.”

After a time, conversation drifted away from headier matters and into the more trivial. Luna was very interested to hear of the long lines waiting to see her, and the clever way in which Middy had tried to allay the worries of the public. She was growing increasingly uncertain as to what lengths she’d have to go to in order to compensate him, and simply added this latest exploit to the pile of things to thank him for.

Hearing that her distant nephew was dating (and whom) was far more interesting. She decided that little bit of news might warrant a letter to her sister when she had a moment. Celestia always worried after the poor colt, and hearing that would make her more relaxed, possibly even shortening her recovery time.

They had dessert, and by the end of it all three of them were yawning. Luna took the opportunity to wish both of them a good night, and neither of them protested. To her surprise, Fluttershy even hugged her goodbye before turning to leave with Rarity.

Kitchen staff came in swiftly after Luna had seen them out, and she nodded to them gratefully. She was beginning to see why Celestia acted so nicely to the help. They were very skilled, and did not bother her while doing their jobs. Much like Middy, in their own ways.

Perhaps a small raise for the castle staff as a whole, and a larger one for Middy. A blanket raise might quell protests that I favor him too much.

She’d need to inquire with Middy to see if the treasury could support such a thing. Better to check before making promises that might bankrupt the country.

She sat at the table, polishing off a bottle of wine by herself. The dinner had gone considerably better than she’d hoped. Better than she’d ever even had a right to hope. There was still the question of future romantic overtures, but Luna felt content to leave that to her friends to decide. She had no wish to press them into things that made them uncomfortable.

She simply relaxed for a time, getting through roughly half the bottle, chasing away the cleaning staff, and putting the sun to rest as she simply contemplated what the future might hold for her and her friends, past and newly made alike.

“There you are.”

Luna looked up at the pony who had walked into her dining hall, seeing with no real surprise that it was Middy. He was the one pony with enough authority to pass by the guard without needing to be announced. She gestured to the table, pulling out a chair for him and pouring him a glass of wine. “Did you sleep well, Middy?”

“I couldn’t tell you. I have no real memory beyond talking to you in my chair then waking up in my bed hours later.” He sat down heavily, lifting his glass in his magic and taking a sip. ”I see the sun resolved itself.”

“It did.” Luna replied with a smile. “I had a couple of other things resolve themselves as well.”

“Well, that’s good then.”

“Middy, what would you say to a very large raise?” Luna asked conversationally, topping off first Midnight’s glass, then her own.

“I’d say: ‘How long are you going to be gone this time?’ ” he replied with a tired little chuckle.

“No, Middy. Not for future efforts, merely as a reward for past ones. My sister and I have burdened you unduly, and you’ve born up so well, but it’s not fair to—”

Midnight cleared his throat loudly, and only when she stopped did he speak. “Princess, are you serious?”

“Errr, yes?” she replied, feeling a little put off by his response. She’d expected something a little more... grateful, perhaps tearful.

“As much as I appreciate the idea behind such an offer, I didn’t get into civil service for the money, nor for your gratitude or for your sister’s. Throwing more bits at me won’t make me more or less inclined to do my duty.” Midnight said, letting out a little snort of derision. “Fairly certain nopony has offered your sister a raise for her centuries of maintaining the sky day in and day out, to say nothing of the day to day drudgery of court.”

“Middy, I didn’t mean to offend—”

He waved away her protests, leveling his gaze at her in such a way that she could not look away from him. “Princess Luna, if you wish to show me gratitude for doing my job, you may do so by taking your own more seriously! These ponies depend on you and your sister, and when something goes wrong they feel lost and confused!”

She was silent for some time, uncertain how to respond. “Are you certain? The crown has seized a very expensive airship and—”

“I am certain, Princess.” Midnight said firmly. “I have very little need for money in any case, and I’m afraid I have a tendency to get airsick.” he allowed his gaze to drop as he let out a huge yawn. “Though I wouldn’t say no to a little vacation after your sister recovers. But that’s only when she recovers.”

“You shall have it!” Luna said, perhaps a bit louder than she intended. “However long you like—”

“A week should suffice,” he said, letting another yawn out. “It’s becoming clear to me that I’m going to be needed in times to come. How Celestia survived as long as she did without somepony in my position is beyond me! Do you have any idea how far behind she is on basic paperwork?”

“I had assumed she tended to the most important matters—”

“Yes, the vital matters are always tended to,” Midnight replied irritably. “But she has proposals and reports that have been waiting months for even a basic response. I found a stack of them in a drawer marked ‘urgent’; the bottommost of which dated to some decades ago!”

“They couldn’t have been very important, Middy!” Luna protested. She tried to wet her suddenly dry mouth with another sip from her glass, only to find she’d apparently emptied it.

“It was a report on increased changeling activities in pony settlements.”

She took that in silently, finally letting out a quiet ‘Oh’ in response.

Midnight shook his head, suddenly looking far older than Luna had ever seen him look. “It likely was unimportant at the time, but she has so much chaff that it must be nearly impossible to find the wheat within. I’d like to talk to you about bringing in a small staff to aid you both and make certain you’re not tied up in nonsense all the time.”

“Oh, Middy, I’m not certain how she would take that—”

“I’d also like you to consider instituting lower courts for less pressing issues. There was a severe bottleneck in trying to tend to so many supplicants. You two should not have to see every case personally.”

“But... Celestia has said she likes being approachable...” Luna said, shrinking in on herself.

“Which is fine, but she shouldn’t have to be approached for every little thing!” Midnight said, popping the cork on another bottle. “I see now why she always seems so very weary during quiet moments. Even with you beginning to share the workload I don’t know that it will be enough.” He poured her another glass, then another for himself. “Somepony has to look after the two of you, Princess. Nopony should have to deal with the sort of things you do day in and day out.”

“It’s not so great a burden—”

“Yes, that’s why you sneak out at night, shirking it,” Midnight said with a cocked eyebrow and a little smirk. “Princess, I might be the one pony alive who has any idea of what you two put upon yourselves, and frankly I think it’s time to find a better way. Even if you don’t think you yourself will have a problem in the future, consider your sister having to manage all alone for so long.”

“That... is true...” Luna said slowly, looking down into her wineglass and thinking of all the times she’d noted such things herself. “What do you propose?”

“Well, as I said, a small staff of clerks to sort through the older documents, to start. It would ensure that the paperwork making it’s way to you and Princess Celestia is important enough to warrant your attention. From there we can look at forming a court system to take care of minor issues.”

“Middy... the clerks are easy enough, but I worry about changing the court system. Celestia—”

“Celestia is currently taking some much-needed rest, Princess. You yourself told me this. In the interim, she saw fit to leave me as her Voice in her stead. I believe that gives me the authority, provided you don’t override me.”

“Yes, but she only intended to be gone for a short time, Middy!” Luna said. “When she returns she may be most displeased!”

“And she’s more than welcome to dress me down for it over tea, which she will have time to have at her leisure.” Midnight said with a grim little smile. “I will relish it, but I doubt she will be upset at all.”

He drained his glass, setting it down on the table with a grimace. “You said you wanted to reward me for doing my duty. I want to continue helping you in the best way I know how. So let me help you both.”

Luna had been staring down into her glass silently as Middy spoke. She wanted to just tell him to make it so. Even in her short time running Night Court (and a longer time listening to Celestia tell her about various petitioners over breakfast) she knew a goodly portion of the court business was nonsense. But she was uncertain if she was willing to change such a fundamental function of the way Canterlot was run.

She looked up at Midnight Oil, her erstwhile and clever Middy, who had stepped into shoes far too large for him to fill, and had somehow thrived where she had floundered in her attempts to make some sense of governing by using force of arms. Who was more fit to make such a decision? Luna did not feel fit. She felt flustered, and frustrated. She wanted to hit something, but there was no martial challenge to be found.

Even seeing the logic of his proposal could not stop her worry, however. His assertions aside, if Celestia was not consulted on such a large matter, it may well lead to another rift between them. And even the thought of such a thing was too much to bear. Celestia had shown great trust in her when she’d asked Luna to return to Canterlot to rule while she recovered, but even knowing she was trusted, she did not feel ready to test her sister so. And she certainly was not willing to let Midnight bear the brunt of her sister’s displeasure to spare herself.

She sighed heavily. In the end, there was no other choice. “Middy, hire your clerks, but I cannot and will not order a change in the courts until I correspond with my sister about it.”

He frowned, but nodded solemnly after a moment. “Very well. In fairness, I think that’s best. I was simply hoping that when she returned we could have the changes in place already.”

“We still can, Middy.” Luna said quickly. “I’d simply rather consult her first. You are right to say that she did trust you to act as her Voice, and I think you’ve more than proven your worthiness in a short time... but even so... it might be hard for her to loosen her grasp on the reins after so long.”

“All right, we’ll await her approval. In the meantime I shall comb the ranks of the castle for my clerks, and help get her majesty’s paperwork in order.” He yawned mightily. “I think I will get some more rest, and you should as well. You do have that announcement to the press corps in the morning.”

“Yes, actually I was hoping for your aid with that... and for your insight on the embezzler. I know how I wish to punish him... but—” For a moment, images of Fluttershy quietly pleading with her to show leniency and compassion to the muggers flashed through her mind. “I’ve been told that I may be... a touch extreme.”

“A touch,” he said judiciously. “Honestly, if he’s managed to hide what he was doing for as long as he did, part of his punishment might be to reveal his methods to make it easier for us to spot such things in the future.”

“For what reason would he reveal such things?” Luna demanded, looking at Midnight with a puzzled little frown.

“Well, I was thinking that you could detail for him the various methods you’ve been thinking of punishing him, and then I could offer an alternative. It might be wise to be as creative as possible.”

Luna looked at Midnight for some time, her frown slowly transforming into a wide grin. “Middy! That’s quite ingenious!”

“I would have said devious, but whatever gets the job done. So, that’s one issue out of the way. Did you need me to write you an apology speech?”

“Yes, please.” Luna replied. “Something to the effect of... I overslept due to these strange hours, and will be more cautious in the future. Will that suffice?”

“I can work with that, yes. We can probably throw in something about you being unused to raising the sun as well.”

“That is true enough. Well, then I think you may take your rest, Middy. I’ll get some myself shortly.”

Midnight let out another yawn, which Luna echoed in kind. He got up, giving a deferential nod to her as he turned to leave.

“Middy?” Luna asked his retreating back.

“Hmmm?” he replied, turning to look at her over his shoulder.

“Where did you wish to go?”

“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

“On your vacation.” Luna replied. “You said you wished to take a holiday. Where did you wish to go?”

“Oh,” he said, his expression clearing. “I hadn’t given it much thought, to be honest.”

“Do so, please.” Luna said in earnest. “Wherever you wish, the crown will see you accommodated in the finest of hotels, escorted by a pair of guards. We can expense any restaurants you wish to visit, and you may take Our personal chariot as your transport as well.”

He nodded after a long moment. “Very well. I will get back to you with an itinerary.”

“Please, Midnight. And thank you for all of your efforts on Our behalf.”

“You’re quite welcome, Princess.”

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