• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 3,779 Views, 165 Comments

Chasing Twilight - MegatronsPen

Twilight is a royal princess of Equestria, an' Ah'm jus' some farm pony... So why have Ah fallen for somepony so far outta my reach? Will Ah ever reach her heart? Ah'm not so sure. But Ah have't try.

  • ...

Can I Fix It?

The other half of the cottage that was Bon Bon’s sweet shop was a quaint residential area for the live-in owner and her freeloading partner, Lyra.

While the rest of the cottage was perhaps a picturesque scene of the perfect household of cleanliness, the downstairs kitchen adjacent to the shop floor separated from prying eyes by a single door on the other hand was perhaps anything but that.

Pots and pans filled the sink ceiling high, while icing sugar, flour and granulated sugar practically covered the floor in a fine dusting that best belonged on top of a cake, while the wooden work surfaces fared little better in its condition where empty eggshells were piled mountain high in discarded mixing bowls, with the odd used utensil such a whisk or a spatula randomly placed here or there just to add to the chaos with further disorder.

Bon Bon ran a tight ship when it came to the rest of the house; but here, in her domain? The gloves were off – or rather the cooking gloves were on, where no amount of mess would ever bother her otherwise clean state of mind.

A single stain; an item out of place item or even the tiniest crumb beyond the kitchen walls within her cottage or even on the shop floor on the other hand, threw the sweet shop maker into a fit of what Lyra could only describe as ‘cleaning-rage,’ to which the unicorn found immensely cute and thus an easy target for her near constant teasing.

Thus, this chaotic scenery was to be the witness of three mares seated about the central kitchen table, with Lyra and Bon Bon occupying one side in close proximity to the other, while Applejack nursed a hot mug of mulled hard cider between her hooves.

Escaping the marketplace had gone rather well and without a hitch in the plan. Once they had arrived at the shop, Bon Bon had closed up for the afternoon despite Applejack’s protests and reassurances that she would be quite happy to sneak out the back.

However, after four mugs of mulled cider between the three mares, the late afternoon had already started to shine its dying sun through the kitchen window, throwing the trio in an orange glow that only served to sparkle off the constant stream of silent tears that ran down Applejack’s cheeks, as she recounted the happenings of the day to her saviors.

The two mares listened intently, showing neither sign of disgust or shock at the events as they were recounted from the farm pony. They both seemed sympathetic to her cause; especially Bon Bon, who almost welled up as Applejack poured her heart out and confessed her love for Twilight Sparkle and then further explained the subsequent potential ruination of her love ever being reciprocated, due to Applejack’s rather uncharacteristic and brash actions at the restaurant.

As the story came to its closure, Applejack fell silent and simply drained away the entirety of her mug’s contents, her sparkling emerald eyes focused on the bottom of the empty mug as if she could find the solution to her problems there.

Ah’m startin’ t’ feel a bit tipsy… best not drink anymore.

Bon Bon, noticing the awkward silence at the drop of a hat, quickly moved from her seat and approached Applejack’s side, placing hoof out to rest against her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, offering the farm pony her most soothing and motherly of tones.

“Oh, Applejack… I know it may seem pretty bad right now, but… it’s hard coming out, you know? You should had talked to someone sooner rather than just bottling it all up like that. It was bound to come out at an inopportune moment… unfortunately… it happened to come out at the wrong place and at the wrong time, that’s all. These things happen.”

Aye, these things do happen… but why did it have’t go an’ happen to me?

“I’ll say!” Lyra leant forward on her stool, the unicorn’s opinion caused Bon Bon to wince; as if dreading the rest of her partner’s words. “You practically smooched one of the Princesses of Equestria in public! That’s pretty bold, Applejack! Hell, imagine all of the faces of those people at the restaurant when you—”

Ah wasn’ lookin’ at them… Ah was lookin’ at Twi’s face…

Ah’m almost certain Twi’ seemed shocked an’ all but… she didn’ seem… angry? Ah’m not sure. It was all one mighty blurr.

“Lyra…” Bon Bon warned.

“—planted a wet sloppy one on her! That must had took some serious balls you know! Didn’t think take you for the ‘take what you want’ type.”

Th’ kiss… was wonderful…

Ah know if Ah could go back Ah would change what Ah did… but, righ’ now, ah’m kinda happy it happened, even if Ah won’t get th’ chance again.

Lyra,” Bon Bon spoke much firmer this time, as if scolding a child for some childish transgression.

“I mean, wow, Applejack! You really do aim big! A Princess? Twilight Sparkle no less? You two are both the least likeliest of pairing I ever could have possibly imagine; and trust me, I’ve imagined quite a f—”

LYRA! Can you stop speaking for a second and look?” Bon Bon snapped as her eyes glared daggers at her partner while she indicated a hoof to Applejack, who only seemed to shrink back into herself at the memory of the kiss renewing its guilt ridden hold upon her, Applejack’s bottom lip trembling as she teetered on the edge of another breakdown.

We… we are, aren’t we? We are an unlikely pairing...

How could Ah measure up t’some strappin’ Princely stallion who could whisk her away from me with handsome charms an’ such?

It’s as simple as apple pie… Ah just can’t measure up to that... all Ah got is a farm an'... love?

Lyra shifted uncomfortably on her seat, realizing she had ran her mouth off without thinking. “Ah… Sorry sweetie… sorry, Applejack. I… look, what I meant to say was…” She paused, then blinked, “what did she taste like?”

Kinda like Parma Violets, actually… kinda nice. Kinda flowery.

Lyra! That is highly inappropriate given the situation!”

“Whaaaat?” Lyra lifted up her hooves either side of her in a shrug, “I was just wondering! You taste like cherry liqueur and chocolate so I was just curious!”

Bon Bon sighed out in frustration as a blush formulated on her cheeks, moving from Applejack’s side to approach her partner and mercilessly strike her upside the head with a hoof. "I swear... some times I wonder about you, Lyra."

Lyra winced and flailed her hooves up to rub at the spot where she was struck, “H-hey! That really hurt you know…”

“For the love of—be mindful of other people’s feelings, Lyra. She just went through a terrible ordeal; not only that, she went to confess to the mare she has loved since she first laid eyes on her and yet instead of saying she loved her specifically, she blurted out she loved mares!”

“You have to admit, it is kind of funny…” Lyra offered with a nervous smile.

“Well I can completely sympathise with her on this one because I have been in a similar situation in the past, haven't I, Lyra?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Lyra huffed.

Bon Bon sighed, “Don’t you see what a terrible spot this puts Applejack in?”

The long drawn out silence only served to make Bon Bon increase the ferocity of her glare, but Lyra made a point to think over the question for far too long than what was required until she finally replied with a shake of her head.

“Nope, not really.”

A hoof quickly went up to Bon Bon’s face. “Why in Equestria did I fall in love with you again?”

Lyra grinned mischievously, “Well, I thought that was pretty obvious by how you—MMPH?!”

Covering Lyra’s mouth just in time with two of her hooves, Bon Bon laughed nervously and glanced back to Applejack, who still seemed more interested in her empty mug than the conversation going on before her.

Ah wish Ah was like Lyra… or even Bon Bon… they look so happy together.

Ah wish Ah could have th’ same for Twi and me…

But Ah’ve ruined it...

“I swear, Lyra, sometimes I wonder why I put up with you. Can you please get your head out of the gutter for just one minute? We have a serious situation here and we need to take it as seriously as possible for Applejack’s sake.”

Applejack broke out of her revere and offered both mares a smile.

“Ah’m okay, sugarcubes, it’s… Ah suppose ya guys bein’ here an’ listenin’ to mah story has sorta helped me calm down some. Ya’ll both really too kind for lettin’ me hide here. Ah probably look like a righ’ fool to you two.”

Returning to her seat and allowing Lyra to breathe once again by removing her hooves, Bon Bon smiled warmly to the mare seated across the table and simply shook her head.

“I can’t say I am surprised that you like other mares… I have never seen you with a stallion before.”

“Jus’ never been interested in them,” Applejack shrugged, “because Ah...”

Lyra leaned forward, taking a deep breath as she placed upon her ‘serious face,’ a hoof reaching out to rest on top of her marefriend’s own, “because you love Twilight Sparkle?”

Applejack simply nodded.

“I hate to this say this… Lyra is…” Bon Bon side glanced the unicorn besides her, who spotted the silent threat to utter a single word laden in her Sweetie’s eyes, “sort of right in a crude and tactless way. There is no denying you really did fall in love with a most difficult mare.”

“I’ll say,” Lyra chimed in, waving away the glare she got from Bon Bon as she simply continued, “hear me out, Bonnie-this is what I think. I’m almost one hundred and fifty percent sure that right now Twilight Sparkle is looking for you on the basis that you confessed your sexuality and not the fact you love her.”

Bon Bon blinked, somewhat stunned at the level headed observation from her partner.

“Even if you did play hockey with her tonsils.”

Bon Bon’s face instantly crashed into the table with a whine, causing the furniture to tremble violently until the impact.

Lyra continued, “Did she seem angry when she was chasing after you?”

Applejack shook her head.

Ah don’ think she sounded angry…

In fact, why didn’ she jus’ break the kiss when Ah did it?

“Then I fail to see why you are upset in shoving your tongue down the throat of the mare you love. Kudos to you!”

Bon Bon almost wept into the table, exasperated beyond belief.

“Lyraaaaaaaa! For the love of—”

“What?! So what if Applejack went a bit cuckoo back there and ended up kissing the mare she loves without confessing? At least Twilight didn’t outright reject her! The kiss must had lasted long enough for Twilight to realize what was happening, right? So surely she must had been curious, right?”

She’s… she’s right…

How long did it last?

Thirty seconds?

A minute?

Ah can’t quite remember! It happened all so fast!

Applejack’s face had become a perpetual shade of red at this point as she entertained the concept that Twilight may not had disliked the kiss after all. Of course she would not know for sure without asking the mare herself, but it did indeed calm Applejack’s anxiety attack.

Smiling to Lyra, Applejack placed the empty mug down and nodded, “Ya’ll right sugar, Ah suppose Ah panicked and left without knowin’ for sure what Twi’ was thinkin’ when Ah did it… maybe Ah could had salvaged the situation if Ah had stayed.”

Applejack had to admit, but she admired Lyra to some degree. The mare called out things as they were; blunt and to the point with (mostly) sensible observations. It was a level of honesty Applejack could understand and respect.

Bon Bon at this point was perplexed as to how Lyra got through to Applejack, but, she easily embraced the idea as she was quite used to Lyra pulling off feats of miracles in regards to situations like these with her unique way of speaking.

Maybe that was why she fell in love with the mare.

Gathering her bearings, Applejack regarded the two with a pointed stare, her words heavily doused with uncertainty.

“Do ya’ll think Ah have a chance with her?”

Both mares glanced to the other before regarding Applejack and it was Bon Bon who spoke first.

“Listen hun, maybe you shouldn't look at it quite like that.”

Lyra chimed in, hoofbumping the air above her head. “Exactly! Think more positively! Maybe the question you should be asking is if she has a chance with you?”

By the time Lyra, Bon Bon and Applejack ended their heart to hearts, it was almost midnight. Applejack excused herself and apologized for her intrusion naturally, practically begging the pair to allow her to make it up to them in some shape or another that naturally Lyra had decided to offer some lewd suggestions that was swiftly shot down; and subsequently struck out of Lyra’s head by a thrashing hoof from Bon Bon.

The silent walk back to Sweet Apple Acres was perhaps the longest and loneliest in her entire life; never once had Applejack felt afraid to walk alone at night, but right now? Alone with her thoughts that mulled over Lyra and Bon Bon’s advice, Applejack felt her disastrous day could only be complete if Twilight Sparkle would catch her here and now in her undecided state of being.

As these thoughts processed, she neglected to take in her surroundings; her body shifting into autopilot as she accessed the grounds of Sweet Apple Acres and trotted right on over to her house. Fortunately, every light in the Apple household was cut, except for…

Breaking out of her daze Applejack slowed to a stop as she glared up suspiciously to the dim light spilling out from her bedroom window.

“What in tarnation? Who’s gone and trespassed into my room?”

Frowning, she made her way into the house, creeping through the household until she came to the foot of the stairs where she paused and stared up into what she would expect to be the encroaching darkness of the night.

Instead, the first door on the left on the landing at the top of the stairs; her bedroom, was slightly ajar and spilling candle light into the hallway.

With an expression of sheer determination Applejack stealthily strode up the stairs, making a point to skip a step or two she knew would alert the entire Apple household of her late arrival, stinking like hard cider.

Being caught now probably attain her a lecture from Granny Smith in the morning. Which almost always followed a brief-though not so brief-history lesson of a point in Granny Smith’s life.

By the time Applejack came to the doorway, she took a deep breath and strode on in.

Sat upon her bed was her younger sister, Applebloom, looking simply baffled at the small book-shaped item she had pinned under her hooves upon the bed.

Stunned by the sudden appearance of a rather irritated looking Applejack, Applebloom parted her mouth to speak, yet instead, nothing came out save for an alarmed squeak.

“What in tarnation are ya’ll doin’ in my room at here this hour, Applebloom?” Applejack trotted forward, her eyes giving her younger sister a very stern stare that quickly melted into a panic as she realized what it was Applebloom was reading.

“What do ya’ll think ya doin’ readin’ my diary?” Applejack narrowed her eyes, which caused the younger Apple to shrink back on the bed.

“Ah’m… ah’m sorry, sis…”

“No ifs. No buts. An no excuses, youngin’. We shall speak of this in th’ mornin’. Now. Gittup, an’ mozy on to bed.”

“But… Applejack I—”

Applejack almost stomped a hoof down. Fortunately, she caught herself before she could alert Big Mac who slept next door to the situation.

“What did Ah jus’ say, Applebloom? To bed with ya.”

“B-but sis… whaddya mean ya like mares? An’ why do ya wanna kiss Twilight Sparkle? Isn't tha' what special someponies are supposed to do?”

Author's Note:

I apologize for the lateness of the post guys, but with life, work, and a massive writers block, everything sort of went against what I had planned in terms of posting.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Like, love, hate, whatever it is you want to do, it's good.