• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 3,779 Views, 165 Comments

Chasing Twilight - MegatronsPen

Twilight is a royal princess of Equestria, an' Ah'm jus' some farm pony... So why have Ah fallen for somepony so far outta my reach? Will Ah ever reach her heart? Ah'm not so sure. But Ah have't try.

  • ...

But I Messed Up

“So what do you think, Applejack?” Twilight asked as her attention drew from the topic at hoof to her untouched meal that sat before her, gazing at in in a way as if the solution to her dilemma would present itself there.

Mostly about you...

Applejack broke free from her continued inner monologue for the billionth time that day, which was fast becoming a graveyard of dead schemes to attain Twilight’s affection, ranging from the direct, to the obscure, to the downright crazy.

Askin’ for Discord’s help…

Ah’m definitely goin’ looney if Ah think for a second Ah could trust that no good prankster to help me.

Clearing her throat with a cough and recollecting herself, Applejack poked at a cherry tomato that was lost within the sea of salad leaves and sticks of celery that was to be her light lunch, “M’sorry Twi’… Ah was thinkin’… Well, Ah honestly think we should—wait, what were we talkin’ ‘bout again?”

“About the gift for Fluttershy…” Twilight frowned towards her friend, “have you not been listening to a word I’ve been saying, Applejack? I’ve been talking at you for at least half an hour now,” she gave Applejack a suspicious look, “Lyra was right. You are acting really strange, even if you are on your—ahem, period.”

“Ah jus…” Applejack paused for a moment, her bright apple green eyes avoiding the inquisitive gaze of her friend, as she once again formulated yet another lie, “Ah jus’ have a lot on mah mind righ’ now, Sugar. Work at th’ orchard is jus’ increasing every season, and we’re gonna be plannin’ on extending th’ orchard a couple more acres… Lost some sleep over it tryin’ to figure out th’ logistics of it all, but nothin’ bad. Maybe that’s why ya’ll think Ah’m acting so oddly… Lack of sleep can do that to some ponies.”

“Applejack, I know exactly what you mean, but you need to understand we have been through this before,” Twilight leant forward and casually reached out with her hooves to cup Applejack’s hoof, ceasing its pestering pokes upon that innocent cherry tomato. Twilight hardly registered the fact Applejack tensed up the moment contact was made.

“You know you don’t have to do this all alone, Applejack. We would be glad to lend a helping hoof if you are struggling at the farm; and if the real problem here is the logistical side of things with the expansion, then why don’t you let me worry about that?” Twilight offered a light squeeze to the hoof, her warm smile only deepening in its sincerity with each passing second, “you know I’m great when it comes to scheduling events right down to the finest detail. I’ll even do all the paperwork for you.”

Twi’... Ya’ll holding my hoof in yours right now isn’t a good idea.

Ah might end up kissin’ you...

Heck, Ah’m just ‘bout ready to launch myself over that table there and make love to you in this here restaurant!

With a wavering sigh, Applejack managed a smile to mirror Twilight’s own, “Sure, why not? Ah suppose Ah was trying to take on too much again. Thanks, Twi, ya’ll the best friend this stubborn mare could ever ask for.”

“Good, now, we can discuss the details later on, but for now why don’t we relax and eat, okay? I think my hay fries are getting cold and I am starving!” Hoisting a clump of hay fries towards her mouth with the use of her magic, Twilight then proceeded to quite inelegantly stuff her face with fries to the point that her cheeks bulged to an absurd and almost comedic proportion.

And yet; much to Applejack’s surprise, despite her mouth being completely full of the scrumptious hay fires, Twilight attempted to speak.

“Yoo weally nee’ t’trammshf fweally goor! Wan’shum, Ahffelshak?”

And failed at it spectacularly.

But f’some reason, Ah find it kinda cute… In a… Strange kinda way…

Wow, Ah’m totally in love with her, huh?

Applejack simply stared at Twilight’s ravenous gorging in complete and utter silence for a few moments, completely forgetting about her own plate of food as she contemplated just how cute Twilight was when she ate, even if it resembled a predator tearing into its prey mercilessly.

With a glance about the small fast food restaurant, Applejack bit at her lower lip nervously, blushing heavily out of embarrassment for Twilight more than herself, as she realized they were not exactly alone.

Some of the customers that were seated about the establishment trying to eat their own meals exchanged confused glances at the scene, unsure on how to take the nigh on barbaric table manners coming from a princess of Equestria, while a few other ponies openly gawked at the display as if witnessing the most shocking and horrific of scenes in Equestrian history to date.

A mother; Applejack had noticed on the other side of the restaurant, went as far as even shielding her foal’s innocent gaze by lifting her hooves up to block out such a travesty against good manners… And Applejack could had sworn she heard the mother whispering to her foal not to look, while trying to explain why a princess would eat so-

“Applejack?” Twilight inquired before following her friend’s gaze, having long swallowed her large mouthful of fries. Quickly however, Twilight gasped and blushed redder than the very hide from Big Macintosh’s back.

Ah… Ah guess she’s cute when she blushes as well...

“I-I’m sorry everypony! I was just—uh—really, really hungry,” Twilight laughed nervously, lifting her hooves defensively as she spoke, “it won’t happen again…”

Still laughing, Twilight looked back from the other customers as they calmly returned to their meal, her face transforming into a deep rooted embarrassment as she shifted awkwardly in her seat, her gaze firmly affixed onto her half eaten meal.

She’s embarrassed. Ah better say somethin’ to—

“I probably looked like such a slob just then…” Twilight moved to hide her face into her hooves, “I hope no pony from the press is following me today. If they took a photo of that… The last thing I need is me stuffing my face like some uneducated, ill-mannered mare slapped all over the national tabloids… What kind of a princess does that?”

Applejack smiled, shaking her head with a light giggle as it bubbled in her throat merrily, “Don’ ya’ll sweat it, Sugarcube, Ah don’ think any pony in their righ’ mind would want’t tarnish ya’ll good name with a silly photo. You have saved Equestria countless times, an’ ya’ll attractive to boot even if ya were just stuffing yaself like an Apple eating a buffet of turnovers at an Apple family reunion.”

Twilight breathed a sigh, dropping her hooves down so she could look up at Applejack with a renewing smile at the sight of her friends merriment of the situation, blushing only slightly at the compliment to her appearance.

“Th… Thank you, Applejack, that was very sweet of you.”

Sweet of me? What did Ah say to get that kind of a—

Wait. Ah jus’ called her attractive.

This my chance; Ah have to tell her how Ah feel righ’ now! If Ah can go an easily pass off a truth like that then surely Ah can say what Ah need to say!

Applejack’s cheeks went beet red, as Twilight continued on, “You are probably right, Applejack. Maybe I’m just being paranoid again,” the mare chuckled, “I do have an overactive imagination at times.”

“Ya don’t say?” Applejack looked at Twilight incredulously, raising an eyebrow, before breaking out into a smile, “well, ya’ll are the thinkin’ type of pony Twi’, so there’s no wonder you have an overactive imagination. You intelligent types are all always thinkin’ beyond what common ponies like Ah do.”

“Applejack! Don’t say that about yourself. You are a very intelligent pony even if you do not want to believe it; not only that, you are also very strong, dependable, and probably the most honest pony I know.”

Applejack’s heart jolted in her chest at the score of compliments. Suddenly feeling rather self conscious all of a sudden, Applejack found herself smiling rather shyly at Twilight, a hoof rising up to adjust her Stetson so she could hide behind the brim, “Thank ya kindly, Twi’. But… To be honest, Ah…”

This is it, AJ. Ya’ll can do it.


“Wh-what Ah mean to say is Ah… T-that is to say Ah…”

Twilight got up from her seat and trotted around the table, mirroring the same gesture she offered when she met Applejack acting strangely at the stall. She simply placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, concern once again expressed in her voice and displayed upon her face.

Ah… Ah’m so scared… Ah’ve never been this scared in my entire life.


Am Ah afraid to loose her, tha’ much?

Wha’ if she doesn’ return my feelings?


What if she doesn’t even like other mares.

“I knew something was wrong. Look,” Twilight took on a rather authortive tone, and gently shook Applejack to try and get her attention; or at the very least, stop her from hiding beneath the rim of that hat, “I think you need to tell me what it is that is making be like this. It can’t just be the work. Is it that bad that you cannot even tell one of your best friends? I promise, Applejack, no matter what it is, I will be there to help you…”

“Ah don’t… Ah don’t think Ah can tell ya… Ever.”

Please, Twi’, Ah can’t! Ah can’t do it!

Ah’m such a coward!

Ah can’t risk this friendship over mah lusts for her!

She’s too important to me to lose over somethin’ like that!

Ah’d never forgive myself!

Applejack clenched her eyes shut as she felt the Steton being lifted from the top of her head, “Wait. D-don’t—”

Applejack… You can tell me anything,” came Twilight’s soothing voice, “If you’re this upset about it, it must be something serious. Come on, let’s go take a walk somewhere so we can talk about it. You will feel a lot better afterwards, I promise.”

Applejack felt her head be pulled into a tight embrace, and that, was to be the last brick to fall in her crumbling defenses. “Ah’m in lo—”

Twilight pulled back from the embrace, and drew her own teary eyed gaze down upon Applejack’s face that was scrunched up into a shape of despair as she once again stopped herself from spilling the beans. As if the farm pony was experiencing a physical sort of pain whenever she tried to speak about the issue, whereas Twilight herself was also finding a similar sensation in her own heart, as she watched the most stalwart and noble of her close circle of friends break down into tears right in the middle of a public place.

Whatever it is, you don’t have to tell me. Not here in front of every pony. Come on, let’s go. You can tell me all about it while we go, and we will get through this togeth—”



At the feeling of passionately hot plush lips against her own, Twilight froze up like a statue, her entire body rigid at the sudden assault her friend sprang upon her. Wide, amethyst eyes, filled with confusion, quietly observed Applejack’s face against her own as the innocent lingering kiss lasted a full minute.

What have Ah done?

The kiss broke.

“Ah… Ah love… Mares…” Applejack whispered numbly, tears streaking down her cheeks as she turned and bolted out of the restaurant, leaving a stunned Twilight Sparkle exactly where she was frozen to, ignoring the once again stunned and gawking faces of the other customers on the way out.

What am Ah doing?

Ah’ve ruined everything.

All for a stupid kiss.

All Ah had to do was say Ah loved her!

Not kiss her!

Ah’m stupid!

Ah’ve just taken advantage of my best friend!

What kind of pony am Ah?

“Ah’m never gonna show my face outside of Sweet Apples Acres agai—whoanellylookout!”

During her blind dash to escape what she had done, Applejack had barreled into an innocent mare in her path. Both ponies went flailing to the ground, and most fortunately for Applejack, landed upon her unfortunate victim.

“Gah! Get off me!” Bonbon snapped, as she writhed below Applejack’s much sturdier frame, “what’s the big rush anyway?”

Applejack quickly got off of the mare, and helped her to her feet, “Ah’m s-sorry Bon, Ah jus’—”

Applejack!” Came a distant, and very familiar voice.

“Ah need to hide somewhere! Please, Ah’m beggin’ ya Bonbon,” she stared pleadingly into the mare’s eyes, who only saddened at the tear stained, desperate face of the farm pony.

Wow, what happened to make you cry, Applejack?” Bonbon blinked.

“Jus’ hide me! Please!”

“Well… Sure, but from wha—”

Applejack!” The owner of the voice was getting closer, and it caused Bonbon to glance in the general direction where she could see one Twilight Sparkle searching the marketplace frantically.

Applejack drooped her body and head low, as if trying to use the marketplace crowd as a means of hiding her, “Bonbon jus’ don’ ask and jus’ hide me. Ah’ll explain everythin’ to ya jus’ for the love of Celestia, please, hide me!”

Bonbon nodded, although she sighed, somewhat slightly frustrated she was steamrolled over by the bigger earth pony, “Fine, fine… Follow me,” Bonbon turned and moved through the crowd with a very shaken Applejack in tow.

“Where ya’ll takin’ me?” Applejack kept her head low, her eyes gazing worriedly off in the direction she knew Twilight was searching for her.

“The shop. We’ll go into the back, so that way, even if Twilight does come into the shop, she won’t be able to find you.”

Applejack nodded somberly and closed her eyes, uttering not a word as both she and Bonbon disappeared into the sea of ponies, departing for the confectionery haven that was Bonbon’s Sweet Shop.

Author's Note:

Chasing Twilight has garnered an Alt-Universe fic written by this guy, known as Curify. We are collaborating on our stories, and thus, created our own group, known as the Chasingverse. If you follow my fic: Chasing Twilight, and wish to know more about it, and find the alt-universe fic, go there, join up, and discuss in the forums. If you have questions, we will be glad to answer them in the General Forum Thread.

Also. This chapter. Goddamn. I hope I got the balance of comedy and feels right.