• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 3,779 Views, 165 Comments

Chasing Twilight - MegatronsPen

Twilight is a royal princess of Equestria, an' Ah'm jus' some farm pony... So why have Ah fallen for somepony so far outta my reach? Will Ah ever reach her heart? Ah'm not so sure. But Ah have't try.

  • ...

She Drives Me Crazy

Ah just need to go over to the library and then…

And then what, AJ? Ya’ll hardly ever go to the library unless it’s to see Twilight about somethin' important or to meet up with some of th’ girls.

Suddenly showin’ up unannounced jus’ might set Twilight on edge thinkin’ somethin’ is wrong.

When there is somethin’ wrong.

It’s me.

Maybe… Ah jus’ show up for a book about fungi or somethin’? 'Cause of a mushroom which Ah’ve noticed growing on th’ trees at the orchard… An’ being the concerned and protective mare that Ah am towards my crop, Ah need to know about it to make sure Ah know it ain’t gonna ruin th’ harvest.

Maybe that’ll work?

Applejack suddenly placed a hoof to her forehead, sighing aloud in frustration as her emerald eyes dropped onto the display of her ripe fruity wares upon the stall she attended to, as a soul shattering self-doubt settled in, the more she over thought the idea.

Who Ah’m I kiddin’?!

That’s a poor excuse!

That was a bad—no, terrible idea! Ah gotta think of something better! Somethin’ believable…


“Ah don’ know…” Applejack whispered as she shook her head, “why in Celestia’s name is this so difficult?”

“Um… Sorry?”

Applejack stiffened as she directed her gaze up to her long forgotten clientele who stood awkwardly yet patiently opposite her, causing Applejack’s eyes to widen like saucers at the realization she had just fallen into an internal struggle with her own thoughts during a sale.

“Ah’m sorry! Ah was miles away,” with a daft smile, Applejack flushed red, “what was it ya needed again?”

Lyra blinked and pointed a hoof to the bag of apples upon the counter that the farm pony already packed, and seemingly forgotten about.

“Could I... Pay for those? Hey… Look—um, Applejack, is something the matter? Because you have been kind of staring at me for a while now, and—”

“Ah did? Ah was?” Applejack glanced aside in disbelief.

Snap out of it ya’ll flea brain! Shift ya’ll flank and do your job!

“Ah’m sorry, Lyra. Ah was really far away,” Applejack forced a nervous chuckle, “that will be… Uh'm… Three bits.” Applejack frowned as she questioned her response and visibly scratched at her head with a hoof. “Ah think?”

“Um… But it says…” Lyra glanced to the large, glaringly obvious sign that was pitched right beside the stall, demanding a set price for a certain amount of apples. “Are you sure you are okay?”

It was a stupid idea, AJ.

Of course Twi’ would want to help out with the situation... An’ tha’ would eventually reveal tha’ Ah was lyin’ about the mushrooms and that’d put me in a righ' awkward spot.

It makes sense. She would do anythin’ to help a friend… Maybe If Ah…


This is stupid. The goin’ there to get a book excuse about fungi is out of th’ question, so…

How do Ah get that first contact?!

It is drivin’ me insane jus’ tryin’ to figure it out!

Do I jus’ go over there, knock on the door and say, ‘Hey, Twi! Ya’ll know how much Ah’m lovin’ on ya, right? Why don’ we be a thing and be all lovey dovey. In fact, why don’t you jus’ turn around, stick ya’ll flank up into the air and let me show you what it is Ah’ve been aching to do since Ah—'

“Applejack, are you sure you are okay?” Lyra leaned in, concern clearly written upon her face, “you’re sweating pretty hard and you’re breathing funny. Do you have a fever?”

The farm pony had to collect herself. This was getting out of hoof pretty quickly.

With a foreleg waving away the concerns, Applejack spoke, chuckling nervously, “Ah’m sorry, I’m just a little tired. Ah’ve got… Uh. Cramps. Ya know. Time of the month.”

“O-oh!” Lyra flushed red, “sorry, I didn’t mean to pry… But, you do know the sign says the price for a bag of five apples is two bits, right?”

“It does?” Applejack craned her head forward to peer at the sign to discover that Lyra was indeed correct. “Ah horseapples, Ah forgot to change tha’… Sorry, Lyra, the price is actually three bits for five apples. I jus' forgot to change it. Ya’ll know Ah’m not trying to swindle ya, right? Ya know what? We’ll call it two since Ah’ve caused ya some trouble.”

Lyra shook her head, placing the originally asked amount down onto the counter instead, smiling warmly at the other mare.

“No, no, here’s the three bits. I didn’t mean to complain or make a fuss. It’s just the sign says differently. Maybe you are just having one of those days… You normally warn us days in advance if the price is going to change, so it kind of took me by surprise, that's all.”

Ah need to focus and stop thinkin’ about less than decent things in public. Ah probably look like a right idiot.


Maybe Ah jus’ scrap the whole schemin’ an’ jus’ go on up an’ say it. Tell her how Ah feel, an’ be honest with myself and be done with it all, go an’ get rejected an’ destroy mah friendship with her forever.

“I’m going to… Take my apples… If that’s okay?”

Huh?” Applejack blinked to the bag apples that were now enveloped in the aura of Lyra’s magic, levitating up into the air to float besides the mare, “Oh! Sure. Thank ya’ll kindly for bein’ so understandin’. Ah’ll go and correct th’ sign right now so this mistake doesn’ happen again. Thank ya’ll for pointin’ it out, Lyra. Ya’ll really saved me from more embarrassment.”

“Any time. You take care, and I hope you feel better soon,” Lyra gave Applejack one last look of concern, turned, and simply trotted away in the direction of Bonbon’s sweet shop.

Applejack waved after the departing lyrist, forcing a smile as she did so. “Thank ya kindly!”

Then, once the mare was safely out of ear shot, the farm pony sighed aloud in frustration and dropped her head down hard onto the stall’s countertop, planting her blush ridden face onto the surface with a loud thud, her body sagging under the weight of the burning desire pulsing in her chest.

Ah just lied.

Ah’m so ashamed.

“... This isn’t me at all. If Ah go over there now Ah don’ what Ah’d do…” Applejack groaned, feeling her prized Stetson slip from off of her golden locks and lay onto the stall next to her as she shook her head from side to side, muttering to herself, “Ah’ve lusted for mares before and Ah’ve always fought the temptation for the good of the family but… she jus’ drives me crazy! Nothin’ ever interferes with mah duties at the farm but she jus somehow’ waltzes on into mah brain and into my heart whenever she wants an’ does it so effortlessly at that.”

“Hey, Applejack, are you okay? I heard you were feeling a bit under the weather.”

Applejack froze and started to squirm internally at the sound of an angelic, well-spoken voice she did not need to hear right now.

Her heart leapt up into her throat and caused anxiety to churn about in the pit of her stomach as she bolted her head up from the table and gawked at Twilight Sparkle, who stood before her stall with an expression of worry etched upon her features.

Oh, BUCK! Did she hear what Ah jus’ said?!

“I ran into Lyra and she told me you were not feeling too good,” Twilight stepped around the stall, approaching Applejack’s side, “and you were muttering to yourself just now, and to be honest, she was right. You’re sweating really hard and breathing really strangely. Maybe we should take you to Nurse Redheart for a quick check just to be safe?”

Oh thank Celestia… She didn’ hear.

Twilight raised a hoof, and placed it upon Applejack’s shoulder in a comforting manner, “Come on, I’m sure the stall can look after itself for a little while.”

“N-n-no, it is okay Twi’, I jus’… Ya know. Time of the month.”

That excuse again? Can’t Ah think of somethin’ else better than that?!

“Oh… I see,” Twilight flushed red, glancing away, “I didn’t know. Lyra didn’t tell me about that. But I know what you mean, though. I can get pretty cranky and feverish too during...” Twilight chuckled nervously, “ahem, those times.”

Ah so wanna curl up in a ball under a rock somewhere righ’ ‘bout now…

“Maybe we can go grab a bite to eat? My treat. That might help settle you down.”

Ah think it’s gonna do the opposite.

“And I’m pretty sure you’ve been working all day as it is, so that’s probably not helping matters either; besides, I’m pretty free up on time right now and I’d love to chat about things that do not pertain to royal affairs.” Twilight offered a wide, beaming smile, which only served to stir a similar expression across Applejack’s lips.

Is she askin’ me out on a date?!

Calm down! Calm down

It’s jus’ for a chat.

There’s no hidden meanin’ behind it or anythin’.


Applejack nodded, and glanced about herself in a casual manner, trying her best to calm herself by exhaling slow and steady breaths, “Yeah, why not? Ah’m feelin’ a bit peckish and Ah could use a sit down for a few.”

Excellent! Where would you like to go?”


This is it!

This is the perfect opportunity!

It took every ounce of willpower to prevent the farm pony from jumping up and down in excitement. For the solution to the problem to which had plagued her for the entirety of the day had just trotted on over and calmly plopped itself in front of her to take advantage of.

She would be a fool to not act on this opportunity, and so, with a muster of courage, she nodded towards Twilight.

“Ah don’ mind. S’long as it has good grub an’ a place for me to park my flank. Lead the way, Twi’.”

This is it.

Ah can do it.

Ah will tell her what Ah feel cause if Ah don’…

Ah’m gonna go crazy.

Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone who pushed me to write more, and those gave their reviews and opinions. I can only hope you all enjoy the rest of this. It is a challenge for me to write, and so far, I am enjoying.

Also, the summary has added information which may interest you.

Enjoy. Like. Hate. Flame. It's all good.

If you do flame, make sure it is constructive. I will delete and block trolls.