• Published 11th Sep 2019
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The Tin Man - Onomonopia

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A Sister's Love

Celestia let out an unholy scream as she hurled herself towards Doom, who had just enough time to raise his arms before solid uru slammed into his, sending him rocketing across the city. Doom returned a moment later, firing blasts of infinite power towards Celestia. He wasn’t worried in the slightest about Mjolnir. He had planned a long time ago how to kill Thor if the day ever came and he was ready for her.

Then Celestia used her magic to teleport from his sight and his plans went out the window.

The hammer slammed into Doom from behind and he whipped around to face Celestia, only to find that she wasn’t there. Confusion spread across his face before magic blasted him in the back, getting him to curse as he spun around, only for Mjolnir to slam into his face. He glanced around to see that not only was Celestia teleporting around, but she was also teleporting around Mjolnir as well, making it impossible for him to figure out where it was coming from. Not that he needed to.

Doom slammed his hands together and his body glowed red, rippling reality all around him. He lashed out with his hand and ripped the Princess of Thunder from her spell, grabbing her by the throat. He raised his other hand, which shifted to green, before he plunged his hand towards her heart.

Then a colossal blast of magical lightning obliterated him and sent him plunging to the depths of Wakanda. Celestia took only a moment to grab Mjolnir from the air before she plunged down the crater after him.

“Ha! Go Celestia! Show that Doom what happens when you mess with Equestria!” Luna laughed, cheering on her sister. She then looked down at Tony, who was struggling to get back up to his feet. “Lean on me Stark, you are injured. We should find you someplace to hide. Doom completely destroyed your suit.”

“Should be dead…Doom doesn’t…have full power,” Tony wheezed out.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked, her heart going cold.

“Doom was trying to kill me there. And if he had the full power of the stones, I’d be dead,” Tony explained, looking down the crater where Doom and Celestia had vanished. “Which means he can only access a fraction of the power right now. It’s the only reason Celestia is able to fend him off. Maybe Twilight and her friends are holding him back. Maybe Gaea’s spell of worthiness is buying us time. But either way, in a few minutes, he’ll have the full power of the stones…and then this is over.”

“What do we do?”

“I need to deactivate that machine…but that will take me at least five to ten minutes at best. And by then…” Tony began, looking down at the floor as he pushed his mind to its limit. Then a bitter look crossed his face and he turned to walk off.

“Where are you going?”

“There’s something here that might give me the chance to fight back against Doom, even with the stones,” Tony explained, before he wheezed and collapsed to his knees.

“Tony, you are injured and you are needed to turn off that machine. Let me take whatever it is that can hold off Doom,” Luna said, but Tony looked at her with fear.

“No! What I am about to do…I could never ask of anyone. Especially not someone like you,” Tony wheezed.

“Then do not ask it of me. Tell me where it is and how to get to it while you save Twilight and the others,” Luna demanded, sighing when Tony hesitated. “Tony, we do not have time for this. Every second we argue is a second Doom grows stronger. You could get this item yourself, but then you wouldn’t be turning off the machine. And even with this item, there’s no guarantee you will win. And if you fall, we’re all goners. So please. Let me do this. Let me make up for trying to destroy my sister all those years ago.”

Tony heard the tone in her voice. The very same tone that he felt echo in his soul everyday. Ever since his eyes had been opened to the pain he had caused. With a bitter sigh, he pulled out his Avengers card and handed it to Luna.

“Tallest building in the city. Not to far from here. Floor twenty. You’ll know it when you see…and Luna? I’m so sorry.”

Luna took the card without saying anything in reply. She used her magic to move Tony closer to the machine before she took to the skies and followed his directions. Tony watched her go for a second before he hobbled over to the machine, looking for any access point. A keyboard on the exterior was his only way in, so he narrowed his eyes and began to get to work.

He hacked the computer as fast as he could, but Doom’s tech was leagues above his. Every time he thought he had a way in, the system rerouted and forced him to start at the beginning. Each failure frustrated him, as well as told him the seconds were ticking down.

What also didn’t help was the way the ground shook and cracked open as Celestia and Doom continued their battle beneath the city. Lightning exploded around Tony, things vanished as if they had been snapped, and reality warped around him. Tony had been around Thor long enough to not jump at close lightning strikes, but he was still getting unnerved. Both at the world changing by Doom’s power around him and how the lightning seemed to be striking less frequently.

Then there was the deer standing next to him who constantly shifted between forms.

“Not going to try to stop me?” Tony asked, making sure the Deer knew Tony was keep an eye on him.

“I am not here to fight you. And I know you’re not smart enough to stop Doom,” the deer replied, until he looked like a seahorse.

“I’m not smart enough? Do you even know what Doom plans to do?” Tony spat. “Doom is going to go back in time to stop your entire world from being created. He is going to prevented Equis from being made. You and all of your friends and family will never exist!”

“…My mother was killed when I was three by a dark wolf,” the deer replied. “My father followed suit a few moments later. And then my older sister. My entire family gone, in just a matter of seconds.”


“And the worst part was, while I was sad, I got over it quickly. Because that is how it’s always been in our land. Just a few days later, my best friend and his father were killed while they were hunting berries. That’s how it’s always been for our kind. And how I thought it always would be.”

“But then one day I found a metal man lying unconscious on the ground. And I helped him. My mom always told me to help others. It’s all I remember about her. And so I helped him. And Doom saved us. He struck down all of our foes. He drove the predators from our lands…he gave us the power to save ourselves.”

“And yes, I know what Doom is trying to do. He’s going to go back and prevent this world from being created. By saving humanity. By ruling over them so they will never have to suffer like I did. He will create a better world. A world where a beings family isn’t slaughtered in front of their very eyes.”

“…I’m sorry about your family. I should have been there. I should have saved them.”

The deer looked at Tony for a long moment before he let out a small chuckle, shaking his head as he did so.

“You truly are sorry. Sorry about a tragedy that took place so many years in the future. Something you couldn’t have possibly prevented.”

“That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have been there.”

“Yeah, you’re exactly like Doom said you are. Brilliant, charismatic and a fool who follows his heart even when his brain knows what to do…I like you, Stark. That’s why I’m not going to stop you,” the deer said, before he looked slightly past Tony. “That and because, this is already over. But I enjoyed talking with you.”

Before Tony could answer, Doom burst forth from the street and hurled a bloodied Celestia onto the ground. Celestia came to a stop a few feet away from Tony, who didn’t dare look up incase his latest hacking attempt was ruined.

“And with this, it ends,” Doom snarled, floating down next to Celestia before glancing over at Stark, who didn’t look up at him. “Ah Stark, defiant to the end. I predicted you would try to get into my machine, so I made sure to have it designed specifically to keep you out. However, it seems that once again I have underestimated you. You made it farther than I believed you would.”

Tony didn’t dare answer. He needed just a few more moments. A few more minutes. And he could reverse it. He could save the ponies and cut off Doom’s connection to the infinity stones. So he prayed. Prayed that Doom would monologue. Pray that Doom would boast and brag and…heaven forgive him…take his time killing Celestia. Because Tony needed time. And he knew it was about to run out.

“But it all ends the way I knew it would. With the ponies champions broken at my feet. With their princesses revealing just how useless they are. And you Stark, desperately trying for one more chance to stop me,” Doom sneered, glaring at Tony as he did. “I gave you a chance, Stark. A chance to finally make up for you past. To be the hero you truly wished to be. But you had to follow your heart. You had to try to save these vermin. And you will die with them because of it.”

Just a little longer. Tony just needed a little longer.

“Doctor Doom?” the deer said, turning Doom’s gaze towards him. “You’re monologuing. You need to finish them off before Stark gets into your system.”

“Hm, thank you Ashgrove. You have always stood faithfully by my side,” Doom said, before he pointed his hand down at Celestia. “And as for you, die knowing that you have failed. You world will be erased, your human ally will die for you and your precious ponies will be slaughtered by my hand. And best of all, your sister has run off, abandoning you in your hour of-“

A colossal explosion shook not only the city, not only the world, but the entire cosmos to its core. Doom whipped his head around to where the explosion had come from, his eyes going wide with terror as he realized what had just happened. And even with all the power of infinity at his fingertips, even he didn’t know if he was ready for the midnight alicorn that floated above him…with her flaming blue skull.


Hellfire erupted from Luna as she screamed towards Doom, blue fire blazing in the sky behind her. Doom unleashed all of the might of the power stone he had absorbed into her, but the Ghost Mare plowed through it and slammed into him, rocketing the both of them into the sky.

Doom snapped his fingers and escaped her grasp, appearing away from her before crushing his grip together as he collapsed space and time on top of her. Yet from the depths of the universal collapse, all Doom could hear was the sound of Luna laughing, a laugh that sounded like the combined voice of every person he had killed. And it did not phase him. The blue hellfire that nearly burned off his right arm did give him a moment to pause.

Tony watched the battle for a moment with sad eyes, knowing he was responsible for Luna’s fate…what she had to give up for that kind of power. He then shook his head and returned to the machine, which he still had yet to crack.

“Come on,” he growled, trying everything he knew. “Come on! Work, dammit! I have done everything right! Figured out all of his coding and bypassed it perfectly! So how in the hell does this machine still-?”


Tony yelped and leapt back as Celestia drove Mjolnir right into the keyboard, shattering it and powering off the machine. With the machine deactivated, Twilight and her friends fell to the ground, where they all let out a weak groan. Tony tried to head over to them, but Celestia held out a wing to stop him.

“My sister…what has become of her?” Celestia asked weakly.

“She…she has become the Ghost Rider,” Tony replied, looking away. “The Spirit of Vengeance. To save you from Doom she acquired a near unbeatable power…at the cost of her soul. Celestia, I am so-“

“She sold her soul once before when she became Nightmare Moon. And I was unable to save her. I was not even there for her,” Celestia spat, before she looked up towards the sky, where Doom had Luna entwined in chains. “But I can be there for her now. I will not let her be alone in this fight. I will save her…no matter the cost.”

Celestia then swung Mjolnir and ascended into the sky to fight alongside her sister, causing the entire cosmos to be illuminated by flashes of lightning and blasts of hellfire. Tony watched for only a moment before he was at Twilight’s side, shaking her awake.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Tony asked her. Twilight let out a groan as she opened her eyes, the rest of her friends following suit.

“Tony…ugh, what happened to us? And why are you out of your suit?” Twilight asked.

“Doom stole your power. He has…some of the power of the infinity stones in the palm of his hands. And even though it might, at best, be half, he it still by far the most powerful being here,” Tony explained. As if to prove his point, a moment later Celestia and Luna came crashing down out of the sky. Celestia crashed through a building in the distance and Luna exploded through the Wakandan capitol.

“Yeah, ah can feel it. Feel mah power in him,” Applejack agreed.

“I can feel all of our power in there. And it is terrifying,” Rarity added on. “Is that what our full Rainbow Power feels like. It’s like…he can split open reality with a thought. Rewrite the whole cosmos in his image. Become a god.”

“He pretty much is,” Tony agreed.

“Doesn’t matter. We’ve taken on beings like him before and won…and we’ll do it again,” Rainbow Dash promised.

“Against that kind of power? How can we win against that?” Fluttershy asked. “He’s a god. He has all of our power and he knows how to use it! And unlike us…he is perfectly willing to kill every being on this planet to win. How to we win against that?”

“I know it seems impossible, but trust me, you’ll have-“ Tony began.

“The same way we beat Sombra. And Tirek. And every other meanie that has tried to ruin our Saturday’s. Together,” Pinkie said as she stuck her hoof out. “Yeah, he’s got infinite power, control of space, able to do all sorts of timey wimey stuff and a whole bunch of others things. But I’ve got you girls with me. And that’s all I’ve ever needed.”

Her friends all smiled at her and placed their hooves together, all six, sharing their infinite power between them. A rainbow light erupted from them, revealing their rainbow forms. All of the ponies ascended to the sky, save Twilight, who turned to look back at Tony.

“Tony? What were you going to say?”

“Nothing Twilight. Nothing you guys didn’t already know,” Tony replied with a smirk. “Go on. Beat him. Save your world. And do it together. Because together, you can beat the forces of evil that no lone hero can handle. Avengers Assemble.”

“Avengers Assemble? What does that mean?”

“It means good luck. And together…you’ve got this.”

Twilight smiled back at Tony before she ascended to the sky next to her friends, the six of them staring down Doom. Doom opened his mouth to begin to say something, but Twilight held out a hoof to stop him.

“Save it. Let’s get this done.”

“For the first time, pony…I agree with you.”

And then all of infinity was let loose.