• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 12,335 Views, 814 Comments

The Tin Man - Onomonopia

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“Ah, Tony Stark. I was wondering when we would-“


A massive blast of red energy collided with Tirek, who snarled as he raised his arms to block the blast. The full force of Iron Man’s unibeam drove the centaur back, but after a moment he threw his arms to the side and created a barrier of magic that deflected the attack upwards.

Iron Man didn’t waste a second. His shoulder panels opened and rained a hellfire of napalm missiles upon Tirek, who howled with pain and rage as the fire began to consume him. Tirek slammed his hands together and created a magical shockwave powerful enough to extinguish the flames.

“No pleasantries? Even after I helped you to meet the princesses?” Tirek asked with a laugh.

Iron Man didn’t respond. He rocketed around Tirek and began to pelt him from every direction with repulsor blasts, machine gun fire and hi frequency sound blasts. Tirek roared as he was bombarded from all direction, clutching his hands to his ears to try to block out the sound waves, leaving the rest of him open to attack.

Two blades made of adamantium extended from Iron Man’s wrist and he lunged for Tirek’s exposed throat, planning out mounting his head on the front of the Helicarrier. But right when he got close to Tirek, he saw the centaur smile.

A colossal blast of magic went off from Tirek, hurling Iron Man backwards and crashing him through several buildings. Iron Man snarled as he shook off the blast and looked back towards Tirek, only to see that the centaur was gone. He was just about to begin scanning for the villain before Tirek appeared behind him in a flash of light, slamming a fist into the back of Iron Man and driving him through the crystal streets.

“I knew that I would have to deal with you eventually. Your lack of magic does make you a unique foe to fight, but luckily for me I decided to wait a bit before confronting you,” Tirek said. Tony was starting to push himself back up before another fist drove itself into his body, driving him deeper into the ground.

“Your suit is tough, filled with all sorts of weapons that I’ve never seen before. But I have the magic of three alicorns. I have the magic of every criminal that was ever sent to Tartarus. You are nothing more than a minnow in a tin can compared to me.” Tirek then grabbed Iron Man and gripped him tight, slowly crushing the armor. “And like all cans, you pop open if enough force is applied. Now let’s here you scream!”

Tony gritted his teeth as his suit was slowly crushed, his hydraulics and servos screeching as they strained against the centaurs might. ‘Sir, suit integrity compromised. We have about ten seconds until he crushes you.’

“Activate the short range pulse!” Tony roared.

Jarvis complied and a moment later a burst of arc energy erupted from Iron Man, causing Tirek to roar as the energy burned his skin. While not enough to really damage the centaur, it was enough to get him to release his grip enough for Tony to fly out.

‘Sir, we are already at fifty percent power,’ Jarvis informed Tony. ‘I recommend we fall back until we come up with a better plan of attack.’

“I have a plan,” Tony snarled. “Attack.”

Tony let out a yell as he threw his arms down, unloading with everything he had in his arsenal. Missiles, mines, firebombs, plasma cannons, repulsor shots, vibranium tipped toxic darts: he held nothing back. There was enough firepower unleashed to sink a small island into the ocean.

And then Tirek unleashed a massive beam of magic that tore through all of his weapons and blasted Tony out of the sky.

Iron Man nearly lost consciousness as he crashed into the ground, barely able to focus on the screen in front of him. Or at least, the half of his screen that was left. Half of his helmet was missing, his armor was torn and ripped and both his arm pieces were gone, with his leg armor barely fairing any better.

‘Sir, we are on reserve power. Whatever he hit us with nearly wiped out our power supply. We have enough left for thrust. Please sir, allow me to get you out of here and-‘

“Channel all power into the arc reactor. Set it to overload,” Tony spat out.

‘Sir…please no, sir. If you do that-‘

“It will create a blast of arc energy so powerful that it could take out a city. It will kill me. And take Tirek down with me,” Tony replied. “Jarvis, aim the explosion upward as much as you can. Don’t let any of the ponies die. And thank you. For watching over me all these years.”

‘…yes sir. Voice confirmation, please.’

“Tony Stark. Code E.D.I.T.H. Second code, sorry Pepper. Arm arc rector.”

‘Yes sir. Arming the arc reactor.’

“What is the matter, Stark? Don’t tell me that is all the hero of Earth has to offer me?” Stark rolled over to see Tirek walking towards him, cracking his knuckles. “Because that was disappointing. I want a fight. I want a battle that will be told about in legends.”

“Jarvis, prepare to fire,” Tony whispered.

“But sadly, I was just given you. Perhaps when I am done drinking the magic from this land, I will visit your world. I wish to see if those heroes are any more of a challenge,” Tirek laughed, raising a fist towards Tony.

“Fire in three, two-“

A violet light slammed into Tirek, ripping him from his hooves and hurling him backwards across the crystal streets. Tirek slammed his fist into the ground to stay upright, his smile turning into a scowl when he raised his head to see who had attacked him.

The six of them stood in front of Tony, placing themselves between the wounded hero and the villain. All six mares radiated a power the likes of which could not be matched, creating a rainbow energy that bathed the area around them. Twilight turned to look back at Tony, a smile on her face.


“I told you Tony, you should have waited for me and my friends. Alone we’re strong. Together we’re unstoppable.” Twilight then turned back to Tirek, who roared at them. “Let’s make this quick.”

Rainbow was on Tirek in an instant, moving so fast it was like she was teleporting. She raced around Tirek, bombarding him from all sides with attacks that made lightning look like it was standing still. Then she went even faster, moving around so quickly she was tearing holes in space, driving Tirek further and further back.

“Damn you!” Tirek roared, slamming his hands together and creating a blast of magic that knocked Dash back. As Rainbow recovered in the air, Applejack was up next. With a whoop she drove herself at Tirek, who hurled a punch towards her with all of his magical might infused in it. Her hooves collided with his fist…and her power completely overwhelmed him. Tirek howled in pain as he staggered back, holding his broken fist.

Fluttershy flew around the outside of the battle, using her power to sense the souls of all who had been attacked by Tirek. She landed next to them and gently placed her hoof on them, restoring their life and magic instantly. Then she was gone, off to the next one.

Tirek turned and lunged towards Rarity, believing that she would be the weakest and easiest to crush. He was wrong. Rarity gave him a smirk as her creative mind calculated every attack Tirek would try. With an elegance that could not be matched she ducked, weaved and spiraled around all of Tirek’s attacks, making him look like a fool. She was completely in his head.

Tirek then heard the sound of a thousand voices and turned to see a tidal wave of Pinkie’s crashing down on top of him. He bellowed as the sea of Pinkie consumed him, blasting and swatting with all of his might. But even he crushed a Pinkie, she would pop back up unharmed. When he blasted one to ash, she would reform without any injury. Because poor Tirek didn’t know that our rules meant nothing to Pinkie. It was her plaything.

“Essentially I reject your reality and substitute my own,” Pinkie giggled.

Exactly. Thanks Pinkie.

“Enough. ENOUGH!” Tirek bellowed, teleporting away from the ponies towards the center of the Crystal Empire. “I don’t care how strong your Rainbow Power is! I am a god! I wield the power of the alicorns, of the greatest villains of the world! I will not fail again!”

Tirek then channeled all of his power into a single point, before, with an unholy roar, threw his arms to the side and unleashed all of his magical power in a single blast of magic. The blast was so powerful and so mighty that it would have destroyed the entire planet…and then a moment later the blast went back into him, his arms recrossed and the words he spoke returned to his mouth.

“Enough. ENOUGH!” Tirek bellowed, only to look down at his arms in confusion. “Wait what…what just happened?”

“That was quite the attack, Tirek. We would have been in trouble if that went off…good thing I can just rewind time to negate it,” Twilight said with a smirk. Tirek looked up in horror to see that Twilight and her friends were floating next to one another, the light created by them outshining the sun. “And it’s a good thing that this is over. Bye, Tirek.”

Then, with all six powers combined, the mane six unleashed their Rainbow Power into Tirek. In one last act of defiance, he fired all of his magic at them…only to be instantly overpowered and wiped out of existence in the next moment. The light show ended and Twilight looked down at where Tirek had been standing, where only nothing remained.

“You think he would learn by now. Come on girls, let’s fix his mess.”

The six ponies rocketed across the land, undoing all that Tirek had done. Leaving the ponies of the Crystal Empire to cheer their names, leaving Shining and Cadence to weep into one another shoulders as they held their daughter, knowing that they were all safe. And leaving one Tony Stark to stare at where they had been floating…with absolute horror in his eyes.

“Jarvis…did you…see that?”

‘Yes…yes I did.’

“And you…felt that?”

‘I did. Sir, our scanners were damaged in the fight with Tirek. It…it is possible that-‘

“There is no mistake. That…that…that means he was right.”


“Doom was right.”