• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 12,333 Views, 814 Comments

The Tin Man - Onomonopia

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An entire empire made of crystals that constantly shifted color. A marvel of magic and engineering. And far from the strangest thing Stark had ever seen. Not even top ten.

Twilight had taken him to the Crystal Empire while her friends helped the princesses and Canterlot regroup. Instead of flying they had teleported, allowing Tony to enjoy his PBJ a second time, and the moment they appeared in the Crystal Empire Twilight marched off towards the huge castle in the center.

“Woo, would you look at this place?” Tony said with a whistle. “The buildings are crystal, the streets are crystal…even the ponies are crystal. Cool.”

“Cadence and Shining Armor are this way. Let’s go,” Twilight said in a no-nonsense tone.

“Come on Twilight, I’m literally looking at a crystal fountain shoot out crystal water. I don’t know whether to be impressed or baffled,” Stark joked.

“Later. Let’s get you those crystals so that when Doom comes back we can be ready for him.”

“…it’s eye opening, isn’t it?” Twilight turned and looked back at Stark, who had lowered his helmet and was giving her a sympathetic look. “To believe you’re the best, to have all this skill and tech, stuff no one else can match…and then you go up against him and it’s like you’re a preschooler against a rocket scientist. That you don’t even stack up.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked, but her eyes showed that Tony had struck true with his words.

“Doom is, quite possibly, the smartest man on my world. Maybe one of the smartest in the multiverse. His magic, tech and skills are all beyond us. Don’t worry about feeling inadequate or like a failure around him. He’s Doom. He makes everyone feel like that. Even me and I created a device that can transport antimatter across time.”

“Then why are you so calm?” Twilight asked. “His suit’s stronger than yours, his magic is better than mine and, by your own admission, he is twenty steps ahead of us at all times. How are you not freaking out at the idea of fighting him? You can’t win.”

“You’re right. I can’t. Not even with all of my best suits with all of my genius and know how would I be able to beat him,” Stark replied, before he placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and smiled. “But thankfully, I’ll also have your magic to rely on. And the princesses powerful abilities. And everything else you and your friends bring to the table. You and I can’t beat Doom alone…but luckily we aren’t alone, are we?”

“Heh, with a speech like that you sound like you’ve spent all your life in Equestria,” Twilight smirked, before letting out a small sigh. “You’re right. We can take him together. With my friends at our side, we will prevail. We always do.”

“That’s the spirit. So why don’t you introduce me to these royals who took time out of their day to come and meet us.”


Twilight looked up to see that Cadence and Shining Armor were walking towards her, with Flurry fast asleep in a stroller they were pushing. Twilight waved back before she raced over, hugging Shining before doing a strange dance with Cadence that Tony recorded to blackmail her with later.

“What brings you here? Normally you send a letter when you’re going to drop by,” Shining asked.

“Oh the usual. A new evil has risen in Equestria and they seem far too powerful for us, so we’re allying ourselves with a stranger so that together we can overcome. That song and dance,” Twilight shrugged, before waving over Tony. “Speaking of allies, brother, Cadence, this is Tony Stark, a superhero from another reality who is here to help us fight the threat.”

“A superhero from another reality? Ugh, it’s going to be one of those days,” Cadence said as Tony walked over. “Though I admit, the red and yellow armor is new even for me.”

“Red and gold, princess,” Tony corrected as he shook her hoof, before doing the same with Shining Armor. “And just like Twilight said, I’m here for your help. The foe we’re against is called Doctor Doom, yes really, and he’s got a magic barrier that my best weapons and Twilight’s strongest spells can’t even scratch. Twi told me that you happen to have crystal that might be able to put a dent in said shield.”

“Crystals that can nullify magic? Yeah, we have some of those. Generally we wouldn’t hoof them over to strangers…but if my little sis says she needs them, then we can make an exception for you,” Shining said. “Give me a minute, I’ll be back.”

“Well that was easy,” Tony muttered, getting Twilight to look up at him.

“Why wouldn’t it be? They’re my family, of course they’re going to help.”

“I just mean that…this isn’t my first time trapped in another dimension. This trip actually puts me in the double digits. But in every one of those realities, I had to fight my way through legions of whatever the dominate species was, hook up with the resistance or rebellion or whoever it was that was willing to aid me, risk my life in some ultimate battle to the death stopping a doomsday weapon and then barely make it back home by the skin of teeth. It’s nice to just ask and get help for a change.”

“You lead a bizarre life.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Tony said as Shining reappeared, holding numerous white crystals in a basket. “You wouldn’t happen to have any of those in red or gold, would you? White just doesn’t work with my suits.”

“Of course. I’ll just go back down to our very small supply of super rare crystals and see if we have any in a matching color for your armor,” Shining mocked in reply.

“This is what I mean, Twilight. Everyone is just so nice and helpful here.”

“Just take the crystals,” Twilight grumbled as she reached for one, but Shining pulled them back.

“Whoa Twilight, careful. Touching these will sap the magic out of any pony, even an alicorn. Use the basket,” Cadence warned. “And also, you can’t teleport them back with you. You will either have to fly, ride or open a wormhole to your castle to get them back.”

“Thank you for the warning,” Twilight said as she pulled back her hoof. Tony, who had neither magic nor common sense to stop him, reached out and grabbed one of the crystals, feeling his hand tingle even through the armor as he lifted it to his visor.

“Jarvis, what do you make of this?”

‘It is hard to describe, sir. The material composing the crystal definitely draws in magic, but for what purpose I do not know. Perhaps it gathers it to maintain its shape or maybe it’s just a byproduct of being around so much magic. Either way, it suits our needs.’

“Glad to hear it. Now we can take these bad boys back to Twilight’s castle and get started on making some weapons out of them,” Tony said as he grabbed for the rest, but Cadence pulled them back.

“One moment, Stark. I know that Twilight says you are on our side and her word means a lot, but these crystals are deadly against magical beings and as nearly all of our race is magical, I trust you do not need to be a super genius to do the math. I will give these to you only on the condition that you swear on your very soul that you will use them only for aiding our kind. Am I clear?” Cadence asked.

“That’s fair. You’re only doing what’s right for your ponies. Alright Jarvis, I swear only to use these crystals to keep the ponies safe from Doom,” Tony said, holding up a hand as he did so. “Should I use them to harm them in any way, lock me out of the suit until I come to my senses. There, that good enough for you?”

“I guess,” Cadence replied.

‘Do not worry, your highness. I will make sure he keeps his word. It’s what I’ve been doing for the past ten years, after all,’ Jarvis added.

Cadence offered the basket of crystals to Tony and he took them, waving to the royals as he turned to leave.

“Also, Twilight…we found more places where Tirek has struck.” That stopped Stark dead in his tracks and he turned around to hear more. “Numerous towns and even a couple of cities. He’s growing stronger at an incredible rate. At the rate he’s going…he may even be stronger than the last time you fought him.”

“But how can that be? He doesn’t have any of our magic nor Discord’s. How could he be stronger?”

“I’m not sure, but if I had to guess…I would wager that he’s not just absorbing the magic from Ponyville, but also from the other beings that were with him in Tartarus,” Cadence said.

“But that would mean he would have drained the magic of some of the most dangerous beings in the history of Equis,” Twilight whispered. Cadence nodded and Tony felt his stomach tighten. He had the chance to stop all of this before it began. And he hadn’t. “So not only do we have this new villain to deal with, but a stronger Tirek as well. This day just gets better and better.”

“Don’t worry, you and your friends will stop him. You did it before and you’ll do it again. Besides, those crystals that Tony have will be just as effective against Tirek as they will be against Doom,” Cadence said with a reassuring smile. “Just trust in your friends and I’m sure you will prevail.”

Twilight smiled at her sister and hugged her, before doing the same for her brother. She then waved at the sleeping foal before nodding to Stark, telling him it was time to go. Twilight took off into the sky and Tony fired up his thrusters to do the same, only to wake Flurry who immediately started crying. With an apologetic wave to the two royals who were now glaring at him, Tony’s helmet slammed shut and he took off after Twilight, holding the crystals tight.

When he reached a high enough point, he turned and looked back at the empire, as well as the rest of the land that stretched out in all directions. In the past he would have looked upon a view like this and believed himself to be above all of it, that he was somehow better than all those beneath him. That he was above their concern. But his inaction and carelessness had hurt so many, more than perhaps Tony would ever make up for. Like how his carelessness had led to Tirek being allowed to go free. But he would try. He would never stop trying.

‘Don’t worry,’ he silently said to all below. ‘I will protect you.’

“Tony? Come on, we need to get back,” Twilight said as she appeared next to him.

“Sounds good, Twilight. We’ve got a couple of supervillains to stop.”

“Doctor Doom! You’ve returned!” Ashgrove exclaimed.

Doom raised his eyes, shifting in his seat as he turned his gaze upon the deer. The young male was looking at him with both awe and surprise, with a hint of curiosity. Doom knew he would. After all, he had said that he would be heading to Canterlot to confront the princesses and their race for a terrible crime they had committed. One that they had denied. He had expected that. Stark hadn’t believed his words. That he hadn’t expected. Stark was supposed to be a genius, yet he was still a fool.

“Yes, Doom has returned. Without the results that he wished,” Doom replied in a calm voice. “Not that it matters. The ponies mean nothing to Doom. All that matters is finding a way to undo the damage that they have caused. Finding a way to undo their crimes.”

“Of course, Doctor Doom. Is there any way that I can help you?” Ashgrove asked. Doom found himself smiling at the young deers proposal. He had no idea who Doom was yet was so keen on helping him. If more people were like Ashgrove, they perhaps humanity wouldn’t have been destroyed.

“No. There is nothing you can do to…” But then something stopped Doom. A recollection. About how when Doom had confronted Stark in the castle, Stark had six ponies with him, each of who had a strange reading coming off of them. Stark had already found allies…allies like the Avengers, X-Men or Reed and his infernal family, who always managed to stop Doom. Allies…like what Doom never believed he needed. And if those ponies were strong enough to destroy humanity, like Stark had suggested, then even Doom’s own might would not be enough.

“Actually, Ashgrove, perhaps Doom can have use for you,” Doom replied, getting Ashgrove’s eyes to go wide with excitement. “Tell Doom, how do you feel…about becoming a superhero?”