• Published 6th Jan 2014
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Mane six meets the Elements. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Of Stars and Cupcakes

After the initial shock and confusion from the sudden surprise party, the group of twelve ponies, two princesses, and a dragon were attempting to enjoy themselves. Especially after Laughter and Pinkie were reduced back to one pony apiece. Laughter merely dismissed their confusion with a wave of his hoof, before sending them back to the celebration.

Princess Celestia was more casually attempting to enjoy herself, but couldn’t deny her unease at the whole situation. Especially after the display of magic, that well, Magic displayed in the Castle gardens. If these Elements wanted to cause damage, there would be little even she could do to stop them. Which was one of the few things that Celestia just couldn’t stand.

Luckily, it at least seemed that the other Elements agreed that Magic was dangerous. They had, rather comically, sequestered the Element in the corner of the room. Making her sit on a stool, with a dunce cap on her head. The Element was grumpily pouting in her little corner of isolation. Celestia wanted to laugh at how ridiculous she looked, but didn’t think it would be quite appropriate to laugh at an Element of Harmony. Especially considering, that Magic had been one of her Elements when she and her sister had wielded them.

Celestia turned her attention away from the sulking Element and back to the rest of the party. Each of Twilight’s friends, and the various remaining Elements were spending time in various party activities. Honesty was doing his absolute best to keep Pinkie Pie from dragging him into dancing. Laughter and Applejack seemed to be in the middle of a pie eating contest, Celestia honestly couldn’t tell who was winning. Twilight, Fluttershy, Kindness, and Spike were in the middle of a game of ‘Pin the Tail on the Pony’. The larger Kindness finding it difficult to maneuver when spun and blindfolded. Doing his best to avoid bumping into object and ponies, and apologizing profusely if he did so. Celestia couldn’t put her hoof on why, but she always felt odd every time she looked at Kindness. She even occasionally caught him giving her odd, almost sad, looks.

Luna was conversing with Loyalty, and based on her expressions and posture, she was quite cross with him about something. While Celestia could not overhear what was being discussed the sullen look on Loyalty’s countenance peaked her interest somewhat. It was fascinating to see a physical god cowed in any way.

The last pair was Rainbow Dash and Generosity. Unlike how she might normally act, Rainbow Dash seemed to be intent on staying as far from the party as possible. Dash seemed to be still in a mild state of shock, while Generosity was grimacing in disgust at Applejack and Laughter’s eating contest.

It was this little group that Celestia steered herself toward, making sure to grab a slice of her favorite cake along the way. “Enjoying the party you two?” Celestia asked taking a seat between the two of them in between bites of some the moistest cake she had ever tasted.

“I wouldn’t exactly consider this, enjoyment,” Generosity cringed as another tin of pie disappeared down Laughter and Applejack’s mouths. Generosity pulled her gaze away from the contest and blanched in irritation as she watched Celestia happily consume her sugary treat.

“Yeah, tons of fun,” Dash said, with none of her usual enthusiasm and bravado.

“Perhaps you might enjoy yourself more if you joined your friends in the festivities?” Celestia asked, trying to get Rainbow Dash out of her funk as well as get a better understanding of Generosity’s personality.

“Like I could ever indulge in such obviously dangerous activities,” Generosity scoffed, taking a sip of her water. “Honestly, how in the world can they eat that much and not get sick? Do you know how much sugar Laughter put in those pies? Absolutely disgusting.”

Celestia shook her head. Unsure of what to think of the ponified Element. She held a vague reminder of her own mother. It was a strange sensation to bring up such old memories, and Celestia did what she could to push them to the side for the moment. Turning her attention back toward Rainbow Dash, her curiosity grew as to what exactly had her so morose. Based on what she had heard about Rainbow Dash, the energetic pegasus would never let the opportunity to show off pass her by. Yet here she sat, trying her hardest not to look over at her Element, still being chewed out by Luna. Celestia was slowly beginning to understand what might be causing the downturn in Rainbow’s mood, so she quickly devised a way to improve it. “Surely you wouldn’t let Applejack beat you in any sort of competition Rainbow?” Celestia asked, looking toward the competition which seemed to be reaching its end.

For a moment it almost looked like Rainbow Dash was about to take Celestia up on her offer. A spark of excitement glimmered in her eye at a shot of showing off her skills. However, Celestia watched her eyes quickly dart back toward Loyalty and her growing eagerness to prove herself in a challenge seemed to deflate as quickly as it had come. She then took her head, and gave her temples a bit of a rub. “Hey Princess?” Dash asked, her voice a mix of confusion and frustration. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course my little pony, you know you can always ask me anything.”

Dash opened her mouth, but for a few moments nothing came out. She closed her mouth again and her face scrunched up, obviously struggling to find the right words to say. Celestia didn’t mind, in fact she tended to prefer when ponies took their time to speak to her. Most nobles that she had to deal with on a daily basis often spoke without really caring what they were saying. No matter how inane or self centered it tended to be. When Dash finally did speak she still sounded a little unsure of herself. “Have you ever not known what to do about something?” She asked.

“What kind of something?” Celestia prodded.

This only caused Rainbow Dash more frustration, as Celestia watched her mental gears fervently trying to come to a proper conclusion. “I mean, what do you do when you see something that goes totally against what you thought things were supposed to be?” Dash scratched her head as she spoke. “Am I making any sense here?”

Celestia merely giggled before finally answering. “Do not worry Dash, I understand you perfectly. Before I answer, do you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Oh, um of course Princess!”

“Wouldn’t it be better if things were occasionally beyond what you expected of them?”


“If things were always exactly how you expected them to be, would that not be boring? When you encounter something that you didn’t expect, would you not feel better about yourself for overcoming it?” Celestia continued, watching as the gears in Rainbow Dash’s head began to turn.

“I...I guess you’re right,” Dash stared down into her partially empty cup of cider as her mind continued furiously processing Celestia’s words.

“Even things you had grown used to can change on you, or you find some aspect of something familiar that you might not have ever expected. When that happens, do you just lay back and do nothing? Or do you rise to the challenge and adapt?”

Rainbow Dash was silent for a few moments more before Celestia could see everything finally click into place. Her face quickly screwed into one of determination as she glared into her cup. That same spark of rising to a challenge formed in her eyes once more.“Excuse me Princess, I gotta go take care of something.” With that Dash was off, flying over to Luna and Loyalty. Celestia could barely hear Dash offer and apology before Dash grabbed Loyalty and flew off with him.

“You enjoyed that,” Generosity said with a smirk.

“Why shouldn’t I enjoy helping my little ponies?” Celestia asked back, a similar smirk on her face.

“That isn’t what I meant and you know it,” Generosity shook her head before continuing. “You know a bit too well what to say to ponies nowadays. I remember a time not too long ago when you actually had a bit of a stutter. The prospect of talking in front of a huge audience making you clam up. Yet here you are, able to get your little ponies to do nearly whatever you want with a few words.”

Celestia wasn’t quite sure if she wanted to feel insulted or honored by the Elements statement. “You make it sound as if I am manipulating them.”

“In a way you are,” Generosity said with a wave of her hoof. “Though to be honest, you do tend to have their best interests at heart. I cannot say the same for other so called ‘nobles’ in your position.”

“I take it you don’t approve of them?” Celestia giggled a bit to herself.

“Are you kidding!?” Generosity said, sighed heavily as she slouched onto the table. “Selfish jerks the lot of them. Don’t even get me started on that Nephew of yours. Why do you keep them around anyway?”

Celestia merely shook her head, a small smile on her face. It slowly faded before she finally answered the Element. “A relic of when Luna was gone. I needed some assistance to take over duties that she did before. After 1,000 years they have become so entrenched in the running of the Government, that I can’t just get rid of them.” The smirk returned as she continued, “even if I really want too.”

The two mares giggled quietly to themselves as a third slowly joined them. Princess Luna had a confused look as she glanced back toward where Dash and Loyalty had flown off too. “Do you know what that was about?” Luna asked, giving a slight bow to Generosity.

“I do believe it was simply Rainbow Dash asserting herself after a bit of a scuffle with Loyalty earlier this morning,” Generosity said with a smirk. “I tried to warn Loyalty that she would be a hoofful, but did he listen to me? Of course not.” She huffed a bit setting her head on her hooves.

“By the way dear Sister. What were you discussing with Loyalty before you came here?”

“Merely how his etiquette needs work. While he may be the Element of Loyalty, he has difficulty in following orders.”

“Oh?” Celestia raised an eyebrow in confusion at that. Why would Loyalty, out of all the Elements, disobey orders?

Luna nodded as she sat down next to her sister. “I had ordered him to accompany our guardponies in apprehending his brethren. While he did eventually meet up with Magic, he had abandoned his station with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. He claimed he was in pursuit of Laughter, but I am not so certain.”

“That actually sounds like Loyalty,” Generosity sighed. “He gets so caught up in following one order, that he ignores or bends another.”

“He shouldn’t have charged off like he did all the same. He was still technically under arrest when he bolted off.”

“You should have seen some of the stuff he did when writing down the rules of reality. We had to get him to tone it down a notch, as his so called Laws of Physics interfered too much with magics functionality. But did Loyalty care all that much? Oh no, ‘everything must have its proper place,’ he said. Took us nearly two centuries in your time to show him the system with magic would work just as well.”

“He sounds like quite a hoofful,” Celestia said, taking a small sip from her own glass of cider.

“No, simply stubborn. Both him and Honesty tend to get that way,” Generosity looked over to Applejack and Laughter again. The farmer was looking a little green, while the Element basked in his moment of victory, before promptly ducking under the table. Based on Applejack’s reaction, the pies he had eaten had made a comeback tour. “Is it any wonder that their bearers share the trait?”

“Stubbornness can be a benefit,” Luna said, inspecting one of the cupcakes that were spread out on the table before them.

“Depends on what that stubbornness is applied too,” Generosity scoffed. “And don’t eat that Luna. It’s terrible for you.”

Luna simply raised an eyebrow. She then quickly unwrapped the cupcake and tossed it whole into her mouth, chewing and swallowing the sugary treat with a satisfied moan. One of Generosity’s eyes twitching was the Element's only response. “Element or no, thou are not our mother. I shall eat what I desire.”

“Stubbornness at its best,” Celestia said with a smile.

Before any of them could say anything more a sudden burst of confetti and sound of a popping balloon signaled the arrival of a certain pink party pony. With smile and a flourish, she quickly placed a few party hats on each of them. “So how are you all enjoying the party?” Pinkie asked, following her question with a blow from a party blower.

“It’s quite lovely Pinkie, though it seems a bit much for such a small gathering,” Celestia gestured to the rows and rows of tables that could have fed a party four times this size with ease.

“Well me and Laughter might have gotten a little carried away,”

“Little is an understatement,” Generosity grumbled.

“I for one think that it was a lovely sentiment. Thank you for the party Pinkie Pie.”

“You make it sound like it's over already!” Pinkie cheered grabbing Celestia’s hoof and beginning to drag her away from the table. Despite Celestia’s superior size, and physical strength, it seemed it didn’t even matter as Pinkie effortlessly moved her to the dance floor. “C’mon Celestia. It's not a real party until everypony is having fun!” With that Pinkie quickly changed the record on the gramophone with a bump of her hip. The song that now belted from it was far more upbeat, and had a deep bass beat that shouldn’t really be possible to achieve with a gramophone. “Let’s see how a Princess really shakes her hoove thang!” Pinkie cheere, breaking into her own bouncy dancing style.

Normally the Princess of the Sun would be more than happy to join in on any sort of party activity once invited. However there was one simple problem with the current predicament. Celestia didn’t know how to dance. Now it might seem that a pony of Celestia’s age would have learned a few dance moves over her lifetime, maybe even inventing a few. But Celestia’s experience with dances had been strictly limited to the incredibly formal kind. While they were elegant and entertaining in their own way, they were very simple. Any other kind of dancing was only known to the Solar Diarch via passing study. So now Celestia stood in the middle of a dance floor, with several ponies staring at her, and for the first time in a very long time, she had no idea what to do.

“Thank you very much Pinkie, but I think I would rather spend the party with Twilight and my sister if you don’t mind,” she said, trying to politely as possible excuse herself.

Pinkie paused for only a moment before she gasped “That’s a great idea!” and dashed off. Celestia watched as the pink blur grabbed up her sister, and Twilight, before unceremoniously plopping them down in front of Celestia. “Who better to dance with than the ponies closest to you! C’mon you three, let's see those tail’s shakin!” Pinkie gave her own tail a few flicks into the air for emphasis.

On the one hand, Celestia knew all too well that attempting to avoid showing off her lack of dancing skill had only made her situation worse. Twilight, for her part, looked about as nervous as Celestia felt. That small bit of relief was quickly melted away as she saw Luna already beginning to bob her head in time to the music. “Come dear sister,” Luna said with a smile grabbing Celestia by a hoof. “The pink one is most correct. While the audio quality is limited this is one of DJ-PON3’s best tracks. We simply must dance.”

Celestia heard the mischievous tone in her younger sister's voice. Despite their long time apart, Luna could still read her like a book, and apparently picked up on her reluctance. Her fate was sealed now, there was no way that Luna would let her get away. “Do not fret Twilight,” Luna continued draping a wing over the smaller pony, who was attempting to extricate herself from the situation as fast as possible. “Together the three of us shall show all these ruffian’s exactly how royalty parties!”

“That’s the spirit Luna!” Pinkie cheered from the sidelines.

Twilight glanced nervously between the two Princesses, then back to the eager faces of her friends behind her. Then Twilight began to do something that Celestia did not expect. Twilight began to dance. It was a rather poor, jerky dance, and it was painfully obvious that Twilight just couldn’t fully relax in Celestia’s presence. The studious unicorn had made great strides in letting herself go in her mentor’s presence, but much to Celestia’s own disappointment she still had some ways to go. Though there was also the distinct possibility that Twilight just couldn’t dance.

Before Celestia could react her sister had grabbed her hooves and began to spin her around the dance floor. The larger Alicorn doing her best to try and keep up with her sister's wild movements. Before she had even realized it, they had switched partners, and Celestia found herself dancing with Twilight. She froze up near instantly when the Princess of the Sun rejoined her on the dance floor. Celestia felt sorry for her, and oddly herself at the same time. It was then that Celestia made a decision. If she wanted Twilight and her friends to loosen up around her, and thus allowing her to let down her decades old mental barriers, she would have to make the first step. So with goal in mind, Celestia started to dance.

Celestia felt the beat of the music flowing into her as her hooves began an unsteady canter with Twilight. The steady rhythm soon causing her hooves to tap in tune with it. She felt her head bobbing along with each thrum of bass, that the gramophone was still strangely producing. She probably looked ridiculous, just moving in whatever way her body willed her to do so. It was liberating, and apparently Twilight’s friends thoroughly agreed. The next time she opened her eyes to take in the dance floor around her, Twilight's friends had all joined in on the little dance party.

Celestia even noted that Twilight was getting a bit more lucid in her movements. With the aid of her friends, and Celestia’s own attempts to embarrass herself, she found herself freed up. Celestia smiled as she continued to bob and sway with the song. The Alicorn ignited her horn and picked up her crown, laying it down on a nearby table. “I know you can dance better than that Twilight,” she really didn’t, but was curious as to how Twilight danced. “Do I have to make it a royal decree for you to enjoy yourself?”

That did it. Celestia watched with amusement as Twilight’s eyes first went wide, before becoming determined. Then Twilight truly began to dance, and it was terrible. Truly Celestia had never seen any more nerdish way of dancing in her entire life. And she had seen some truly embarrassing dance crazes spring up in her long rule. Celestia’s smile grew wider as she doubled her own efforts at the dance, turning this into another in a long string of little ‘tests’ that Celestia had given Twilight over the years. Even if there was nothing at stake with this one.

As the dancing went on, a few of the Elements began to join in. Kindness danced with Fluttershy, a reserved dance for two that the large stallion showing an unusual amount of grace and dexterity despite his bulk. Pinkie and Laughter, however, were dancing on a nearby wall. The last pair was Generosity and Spike. The poor Dragon being more dragged around the dance floor rather than properly joining in with his partner.

Celestia nearly burst out laughing as she saw the odd couple. As her dance with Twilight brought the two closer to the bizarre pair Celestia couldn’t help but be a bit curious. “I thought you didn’t like parties Generosity?” At the very least that was the impression she had gotten.

“Hardly, that’s more Honesty,” she said gesturing over to the stallion who seemed to be trying to catch his breath. “I just don’t particularly like the choice in food. Besides, like I would pass up the chance to give my custom made body for a dancing test drive.” She had a slightly manic smile as she said that last part.

“That’s the spirit Genny!” called Pinkie, who had rejoined the dance floor proper with Laughter.

“Push that flank to the limit!” Laughter said with a giggle as the pair twirled off.

“Don’t I get a say in any of this?” Spike asked as he did what he could to keep up with Generosity’s dance.

“Not until this song ends you don’t,”

“If you don’t mind Generosity,” Twilight interrupted, stepping away from Celestia. She could make out a slight nervous tone in her student's voice. “Would you mind if I cut in?”

Generosity smiled and quickly bowed away, letting Twilight take up the dance with her faithful assistant. Celestia caught Spike mouthing a thank you as the pair danced away. She also saw Twilight lose much of the tension in her body as she mouthed a you're welcome back. The young unicorn still didn’t seem to be able to remain too calm around her mentor. It made Celestia’s day that she was able to loosen up even as much as she did.

However now that she found herself without a dance partner, Celestia politely excused herself from the dance floor. She found a nice seat next to Honesty and watched from the sidelines.

“I fail to see the fun in this. Nor how Laughter believed it was a good idea to throw a party after Magic and Loyalty ended up partially trashing your castle,” Honesty sighed as he tried to straighten his mane.

“I find it beneficial to the running of things if one is allowed to let loose every so often.”

“Perhaps, but not so suddenly.” Honesty turned to look at Celestia, his face unreadable. “If you had postponed the wedding for instance, Chrysalis wouldn’t have gotten as far into her plan as she did.”

“Yet her invasion was still repealed, and nopony was permanently harmed. Overall I say that my decisions were worth it. After all if I had pushed to cancel the wedding, Chrysalis’ moves would have become unpredictable.”

“You act as if you knew Chrysalis was at the wedding at all. I know that you did not.”

Celestia was silent at this. Still not too proud of her behavior, and her defeat, at the hooves of the changeling queen.

Honesty sighed before turning back to observe the party. “Your intentions were noble, I cannot deny this. But you cannot protect Cadance. By giving her that fleeting moment of happiness you will only make her heartache that much worse.”

“She is stronger than that. Besides, both Luna and I will be there to help her when that time comes.”

Honesty glanced briefly at Celestia, as if sizing her up. “For the sake of both herself, and the Crystal Empire, she will have to be.” Celestia flinched slightly at the mention of the long lost city. A movement only the keenest of eyes would have even picked up on. Based on the look Honesty gave her, he had. “It is coming Celestia, and Cadance must take her rightful place.”

Celestia took a deep breath, trying to keep from getting shaken again. She had hoped that the empire would not return this generation. Things had been hectic enough with Luna’s return, and Discord’s temporary freedom. To think the Empire would return amongst all of this. It would put her skills as a leader under a strain she hadn’t felt in a thousand years. “Both she and Shining Armor will be prepared. Their love is strong enough to purify any lingering taint in the crystal ponies.”

“And what of Twilight Sparkle?” Honesty asked, his piercing gaze focusing on the unicorn. Twilight was oblivious to his attention, watching instead a returned Rainbow Dash and Pinkie face off in a punch drinking contest. “Will she be prepared for her own kingdom?”

This only resulted in confusion for Celestia. “Twilight is no Alicorn.”


“That’s impossible.”

“It isn’t. Starswirl nearly accomplished it.”

“He failed.”

“She won’t.”

Celestia went quiet for a moment as she looked over at her prized student. She knew that she was quickly gaining ground on Starswirl’s accomplishments. Especially considering she managed to replicate his time loop spell with only a casual glance. Celestia knew that being bonded to Magic would increase her abilities, but ascension? She had suspected that Twilight might be able to access the ethereal plane, but wasn’t sure exactly what to think about her becoming an alicorn on top of that.

“If you had not intended for Twilight to reach such a plateau, what exactly have you been training her for?” Honesty probed.

“I had planned for her to be at my side yes, but as a unicorn. I would never want her to share in my curse.” Celestia said, shuddering slightly as she thought of Twilight experiencing the pains of immortality.

“In that regard you do not have a choice, but you will be pleased to know she won’t outlive her friends,” Honestly continued. “You wanted us here to ask what we have planned. Twilight’s ascension is paramount to the safety of this world. A darkness is coming, and it will take all of the skills that you have taught her. Without it, even our power may fail against it.”

Celestia looked back to Honesty. Trying to glean some more information from the Element. Yet his face remained as stoic and unchanging as a mountain. “Then why risk coming here? Do you intend to ascend Twilight now?” She asked, thinking back to when Honesty burst into her throne room early that day. His confused and disoriented actions being quite different from how he carried himself now. A part of her wanted to believe that she could just ignore everything he said on the grounds of mental instability. But everything he had done since then had quickly dissuaded any such notion. “Is that why you came when Twilight called?”

Honesty shook his head and continued to watch the party goers. “It is not time yet. You were correct when we spoke back in the throne room. Attempting to advance things faster than some are prepared for can cause more damage than not preparing at all.”

“Then why come at all?”

Honesty then turned back toward Celestia, and the princess was able to get a good look into his eyes. They were deep, and old. The same kind of eyes she saw in herself every time she looked in the mirror. They were the eyes that carried the weight of ages, but even Celestia felt herself sinking under the sheer force that Honesty’s eyes exuded. “She would die otherwise,” was his simple reply. He then picked himself up and turned toward Magic, who still sat grumpily in the corner. “I shall make sure that Magic keeps to our little promise,” he continued, trotting away from Celestia. “She will follow my orders, I can assure you of that.”

With that Celestia turned her attention back to the little party of Bearers and Elements before her. Her thoughts heavy with Honesty’s words. Thinking of what could possibly be so dangerous that not even the Elements could stand against it. It was then she noticed two sets of eyes watching her from the crowd. One belonged to her sister. The moon princess having split her attention between dancing with Kindness, and watching the discussion between her and Honesty. Luna gave a slight nod, a confirmation that she had been listening as well, before turning her attention fully back to her partner. The second set troubled the sun princess a bit more. These belonged to Twilight who was less subtle about her observations. She quickly attempted to hide behind a cupcake she was daintily chewing on as soon as she realized Celestia had spotted her.

Celestia smiled, doing her best to conceal her thoughts from her prized student. Celestia would never dare willingly let Twilight see her depressed. It was hard enough to get Twilight to loosen up around her as it was. She couldn’t imagine how Twilight would behave if she realized what kind of thoughts plagued the sun princess. She picked herself up and trotted over to Twilight, who paniced slightly as she stuffed what remained of the cupcake into her mouth.

Celestia chuckled before she spoke. “I have been told those are bad for you. Though personally I find them quite pleasant.” To prove her point she grabbed a cupcake of her own, mimicking her student by eating the treat whole.

“They…they are nice,” Twilight stuttered, nervously shifting in her seat.

“I still wouldn’t recommend eating too many though.” Celestia said, gesturing out toward the party. “I am sure you could work off whatever might be in them if you rejoined your friends in the party.”

She watched as Pinkie and Laughter had once again dragged a few guards into the celebrations, starting a small food fight with the sheer amount of food the pair had made. Loyalty and Rainbow Dash quickly joining in to support the outmatched troops. Loyalty marshalling his new forces to set up defensive perimeters and organizing with Dash to perform aerial bombardments with cupcake bombs.

“Well it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.” Twilight said as several snacks landed a bit too close to her and Celestia for comfort. She fidgeted nervously once more as numerous thoughts crossed through her mind.

Celestia recognized this behavior at once. She had practically been a second mother to the little unicorn, and had become quite familiar with her various quirks and follies. “What’s wrong?” She asked, trying to get Twilight to voice her unease. Despite focusing on Twilight, she still couldn’t completely draw herself away from the strange pastry combat in front of them.

Pinkie and Laughter had quickly drawn Spike into their ranks, using the dragon to eat the wayward projectiles before they could cause any harm. “It would seem that you should be celebrating. Your spell worked wonderfully,” she continued as she watched Luna join into the makeshift battle royal. Becoming a sort of heavy artillery for Pinkie and her Element.

“The Elements are a part of us right?” Twilight asked as she stared back down at her hooves. “I mean they are as much a part of who we are as we are a part of them.” Twilight went silent again as she looked at the slowly growing battle. The only ponies not participating were Magic, Honesty, and the two of them. Twilight seemed to want to keep it that way.

“Ponies are not always what you expect them to be,” Celestia said, already figuring out what was distressing her favorite pupil. Celestia glanced over to see Pinkie making a rather dramatic display of her “death” after getting struck by a well placed jelly filled doughnut flung by Rarity. The fashionista having taken up a position deep within Loyalty and Rainbow Dash’s territory, serving as their resident sniper.

“I know and I know I really shouldn’t do that but, I can’t quite shake the feeling that I am missing something.” Twilight glanced over at Magic, who seemed to be deep in conversation with Honesty. However, as soon as the Element noticed Twilight's gaze, she sent the unicorn a rather, eager, look. This made Twilight shiver slightly and move to place herself a bit more between Celestia and her own Element.

Celestia, for her part, merely nodded her head. She wasn’t quite sure what exactly had happened between the two, but based on Twilight’s behavior it wasn’t exactly pleasant. Yet Celestia understood all the same. If her own Element acted so different as to unnerve her than could she too be just as strange? Celestia chuckled to herself as she realized that Magic was channeling more of her personality than Twilight’s. “I think you just need to give this all a chance. They are a part of you, but there are many parts that make a pony up. Some parts of yourself you might not ever show to another. Some you may not even know exist. This does not make them bad in any way. It just means you have to learn a bit more about yourself, and that can be frightening sometimes, but you always come out better for learning it than you ever would for keeping it in the dark.” Celestia said smiling down at Twilight.

The purple pony seemed to calm down slightly as she processed what Celestia had said. She always took every little thing her Princess said to heart, and the solar Princess occasionally used it to her advantage. Twilight’s growing positive mood however was soured slightly as she turned back to the chaos of the ongoing sweets war. The space between the two bases having become a cream and frosting filled no-mare’s land. While Twilight herself seemed a bit disappointed at her friends' actions Celestia was getting other ideas.

With a small golden glow Celestia picked up a nearby cake. While she was loath to waste such a tasty treat, it was to a very good cause. “Why don’t we show these ponies how to properly use a few projectile spells?” Celestia asked, giving her faithful student a knowing smirk. At first Twilight looked unsure, but then with a flash of purple magic she joined her mentor in glorious combat.

Author's Note:

So without further delay here is Chapter Six. Its a bit later than I had intended, but work today delayed me more than I would like. I am aware ahead of time that there might be a bit of a rushed or hectic feel to this chapter. Considering the number of characters and the amount of action happening in it I feel its a bit inevitable. As always if you see any error's in this chapter please feel free to point them out so that I might correct them. Hopefully Chapter Seven doesn't take a year to get out.

Comments ( 61 )

I was hoping for one last thing to read before bed and this was a glorious surprise! Thank you much!

Glad to have this back. I will be here till the very end.

Not surprising. I only recently got back to working on this fic. Getting this perfect after letting it sit for so long is a bit of a stretch. However I still feel that this chapter is far better than the original draft of it. Thought I will admit I probably need to go back and reread all previous chapters for further refining. But for now just getting out another chapter feels amazing.

Didn't really like the emotality talk but it was otherwise a good chapter.

Interesting. Though, take note, it was NOT Starswirl's spell that caused Twilight's ascension. What caused her ascension was the magic of her own heart. Starswirl's spell came from the horn and from the elements of harmony. The ascension came from her heart when she transformed. And this is further proven due to the fact that it's been shown in one of the books that Cadance wasn't originally an alicorn and was ascended from a pegasus form, without using any spells at all to do so with.

Other than that, interesting chapter.^^


This sounds more like your own headcannon/interpretation rather than what is fact. Just sayin'.


Anyone else feels like the Sisters, Luna in particular, need to show a little if not a lot more respect towards the Elements?

6565234 What I'm saying is confirmed fact in at least the fact that it was not Starswirl's spell that caused the ascension. I just gave the proofs of that. HOWEVER, what specifically WAS the cause for the ascension is admittedly up for debate. I admit to that much.

Wow your delay blows mine away, it was only moths and only about four. Also whoa :pinkiegasp:! This just got deeper than it was before and that is saying something in the realest way.

Its no issue. While Magic herself is very interested in Twilight, as is obvious, Twilight doesn't currently reciprocate.

Well technically we don't know what exactly Starswirls spell was intended to do. But it did have an affect on the Elements which in turn set the chain of events in motion that led to Twi's ascension. Starswirl didn't have the magic of Friendship nor the Elements to facilitate such a drastic change. At least that was the impression I got from Magical Mystery Cure.

As for that "book".

It is not cannon in this story.

It will never be cannon in any of my stories.


At best it will be used as how Cadance got her cutie mark. AND IT WILL NEVER BE HOW SHE BECAME AN ALICORN SINCE CADANCE IS A NATURAL BORN LIKE CELESTIA AND LUNA. :twilightangry2:

Yes I don't like that book. How could you tell?:rainbowderp:

She might, she might not. No spoilers for you. :twilightsheepish:

Well, at least this story is BACK FROM THA DEEEEAAAAD

Nice update, if a bit on the late side.
Stubborn Luna is cutest Luna.

Looking forward to the next chapter


6565251 Well, one can base on the words of the spell in both its incomplete and complete forms that the spell is meant to channel the power of others into a single target. Basically, an empowerment spell.

And honestly, it makes sense for Cadance to not be a natural born alicorn. Not only is her hair not ethereal like the sisters and is more solid like Twilight's, but also, ever since Twilight ascended, she's been very slowly slimming down and getting taller. Even Rainbow Dash made fun of the height bit when Twilight was trying to teach her for that Wonderbolt test.

Comment posted by swyrl deleted Oct 25th, 2015

Indeed that is what it seemed like the Starswirl spell was supposed to do. However since we know the spell was incomplete, and he most likely didn't have access to the Elements when he made it, we don't really know what the final result of his spell was supposed to do. Other than an enhancement or empowering spell.

I am glad though you agree with Cadance being a natural born. To me at least the only way that "book" makes any sense is if it discusses how she got her cutie-mark, and was a natural born, rather than an ascension story. We still don't know how Cadance got her cutie-mark anyway.

6566277 I never said that Cadance was a natural born. Quite the opposite. You misread what I said about her.

Logged in today and saw that this had updated. Proceeded to drop everything.

Very intriguing chapter, and Honesty's comments are rather... foreboding.

Nice chapter!!! Fun to read! and What does RD and Loyalty talked about? I'm Curious!!! XD

So I did. My apologies.

6566529 You can kinda see why I support the idea that she wasn't originally an alicorn though.

To a point yes. Though it is possible that Cadance's differences are simply because she is a young Alicorn, with plenty of growing ahead of her. Heck, Luna herself looked vastly different after her return. Plus we can only speculate what Celestia and Luna looked like when they were younger. The extreme height, in relation to regular ponies, and the ethereal mane may have only come about once they reached a certain age. Considering how old both of the sisters are, we have little idea when such a change may occur. A better ascension story for Cadance was for her to become an Alicorn during the wedding after the defeat of Chrysalis. Since as was shown with Twilight's ascension, it appears to be group effort required to achieve an ascension, rather than a solo effort as the "book" implies happened with Cadance.

6566613 That is a matter of opinion about it being a group effort. It was a group effort for Starswirl's spell, yes. But it was not Starswirl's spell that caused the ascension.

“You should have seen some of the stuff he did when writing down the rules of reality. We had to get him to tone it down a notch, as his so called Laws of Physics interfered too much with magics functionality. But did Loyalty care all that much? Oh no, ‘everything must have its proper place,’ he said. Tooks us nearly two centuries in your time to show him the system with magic would work just as well.”

I guess our universe has a touch more Loyalty in it.

Wow, I just plowed through all 6 chapters in one go. And I like the story.
The Elements are interesting. For one, It was a good idea to give them their own look. From the story pic I feared they'd basically be look-alikes to their current bearers. I especially like Kindness. :pinkiehappy:
Also I like how Generosity might as well be Inspiration (as was originaly intended by Faust iirc). It fits with my headcannon.

I am not sure if I should like Magic or not. (Kinda like Diamond Tiara since Crusaders of the lost Mark.)
On one side she is drastically different from Twilight. She seems rather content on just throwing her magic around. Twilight uses her magic but usually out of necessity. Not counting the beginning of The Return of Harmony with her "fail-save" spell, where she was quick with her metaphorical trigger finger and immedialty failed, Twilight tends to try and solve problems in non-magical ways first (see Swarm of the Century or Boast Busters).
On the other side Magic seems to have a stronger personality (at least to me). While Twilight always has the shadow of Celestia looming over her and, since she got her friends, she depends quite a lot on them as well. Magic is more her own mare. As long as he gets her thing, the other Elements can do their. Even though she still kinda respects authority she does not bow as easily as Twilight does especially towards Celestia. I feel like Magic has a bit of Rainbow Dash in her. (Which i count as a good thing.)

I think, those differences (and the reckless use of magic shown) are what trouble Twilight. She probably fears that this kind of anger, recklessness and disregard towards other ponies lives and safety might be part of her tee. She might actually be ... afraid of her own potential.
I think that makes for an interesting character interaction between them IF/when Twilight finally gets over herself and talks with Magic.
(Also Twilight might be troubled about how affectionate Magic was towards an other mare (in this case Twilight) and the possibility that might also be part of herself as well. Hey, I am just dreaming saying.)

Also I am interested how Rainbow and Loyalty made up. Neither of them strikes me as somepony to just talk stuff over they are both ponies of action. They probably had a little talk and a lot of racing or some other competition (probably in reversed order). I hope we get a look into that in a future chapter.

MfG NIchtraucher

PS: I wonder how the making of the bodys happend. Was Generosity like "Everyone, tell me what gender and race you want to be and I'll design something. If you don't like it, we can make changes when I have something to work on."? :raritywink:

I really enjoyed reading your analysis. I am glad I prompted even one person to give some thoughts about the story. You pretty much have Magic down, though I can't confirm too much without giving too much of future chapters away. However I can say that some of your questions regarding Magic's personality will be addressed.

As for Generosity, your thoughts are again somewhat accurate. Again i can't confirm too much without giving too much away. Though I can say that Generosity will have an interesting discussion with someone in regards to their physical form.

IT LIVES! And I am ever so glad that it does. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.


Why don't you like that book?


What I have against that book is that it is poorly written and makes no sense when taken in context of information as have been presented in the show. Plus the fact that everyone immediately too it as fact with little to no debate as to the merits of the explanation of Cadance's origin has also severely irked me. Almost every other major event in the show is talked about and debated to some degree, except what was given in that "book". I just don't understand why that is. As I stated in an earlier comment, if that book had been about Cadance getting her cutie-mark I would have no issues with it. But the fact its an ascension story has made me rather upset, to say the least.


This book?

If so, I see why, because of who wrote it.

... Alright, things MIGHT be getting back on track, though Celestia's talk still makes it feel like an Adventure story instead of a Slice of Life. Good luck with the next chapter, though! I know how hard it is to start something back up, so just keep at it. I know I have complained a bit, but I DO want to see where it goes. X3




I am so with you on the hate of the book.

“Selfish jerks the lot of them. Don’t even get me started on that Nephew of yours.

Ho boy, we maintain to the stereotype without the evidence that doesn't exist in the slightest while tiptoeing into grimdark territory of immortality while ignoring the deeply rooted established cannon of god, that being the word of both creative directors of the show. I can't wait to see the paint by numbers Blueblood.

Why do you keep them around anyway?”
Celestia merely shook her head, a small smile on her face. It slowly faded before she finally answered the Element. “A relic of when Luna was gone. I needed some assistance to take over duties that she did before.

Fair enough. But it never crossed your mind to have them voted in, a system which we know existed as some sort of government based upon a Republic considering the Earth Pony Tribe had a fucking Chancellor? Ergo ignoring the whole "Nobels are fucking useless" sort of deal? I imagined a primordial force of the world would know and remember this.

After 1,000 years they have become so entrenched in the running of the Government, that I can’t just get rid of them.” The smirk returned as she continued, “even if I really want too.”

And when the Holy empire of Rome fell due to a nanny state that ignored the weak and helpless in favor of entertainment and hedonism, fueled and endorsed by a useless upper ruling class who secured their reign with money and power inherited and cemented over generations, it took only about two generations before the fractured pieces of the once mighty empire, came to stand in the same light as their father once did. Attila the Hun conquered Asia in the span of a lifetime. Anthony the Great made great expansions into the Holy Roman Empire with men whom he possessed the up most loyalty of. William the Conqueror did what was thought impossible. And Hitler would have had all of Europe either through treaty by charisma or force. Excuses are excuses,

Oh and nice job on the Cadence and Twilight immortal thing. Nice to know that primal forces of the universe don't give two shits about their chess pieces and are more than happy to condemn them to an eternity of pain should you know, one of the thousand world destroying beings break out of their cages in the back yard and decide to extract their revenge by wiping all life from the world thus forcing them to forever bear the pain of failure, slip into insanity, lose their ability to perceive the passage of time as their frame of reference infinitely expands to the very end of the universe.

Oh but those darn laws of physics. How silly it is keeping everything running like a tight and well oiled machine instead of having shit that will fucking unravel the fabric of the universe?

I mean, it couldn't have theoretically lead to the creation of Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis, everything locked up in Tartarus, the shitton of world destroying forces... You know I may have accidentally stumbled upon an odd simile between these Elements and the ruling class of Rome pre collapse.

Poor Magic. Seems like everyone is crapping on her. Not only is Twilight being a False Friend, and binding her up in oppressive promises using emotional blackmail(And then not even throwing her a bone afterward), Luna and Celestia are on their high horses as well, considering that their authority comes from the Elements of Harmony in the first place. (They've needed the Elements to not only get their authority from Discord originally, but multiple instances of maintaining that authority has required the Elements to settle the dispute.)

Seems like Pinkie needs to make the addendum 'and emotionally blackmailing people into oppressive promises shows that you aren't actually their friend and will ruin the possibility of ever becoming friends...FOREVER!' I only wonder how much crap it would take for Magic to get fed up with the abuse and break off the one-way relationship... I can only imagine the 'oh, crap' realization sinking in when they realize that they just broke the Elements of Harmony. Again.

...Not that Magic is perfect or anything. She's very overly assertive and rather reckless when provoked.

6568631 To be fair, they just kinda threw Cadence into the show out of nowhere with no explanation or background other than babysitting Twilight. This bit of Apocrypha at least gives something to go off of.

Not to refute your claim about Cadence but she was supposed to have more episodes in season three with the wedding coming later on, the whole wedding thing in the beginning was sort of Hasbro being like


Hell, according to Faust and the character bible, she wasn't even an alicorn at all, neither Twilight, the only two that were supposed to be in existence, at all were Celestia and Luna who only existed as physical incarnations of the sun and moon.

Well! I just found this story and I rather like it! I hope to see more updates in the future!

Pinkie and Laughter, however, were dancing on a nearby wall.

On as in 'By', or on, as in 'On' the wall? Because one of those two makes the whole scene a lot funnier.

Ok, this needs more editing than I can really do in a comment section.
To sum it up;
The story itself is just fine. All of these errors are technical ones.
You misuse or fail to use commas extremely frequently.
You get the tense or the order of a verb in nearly every paragraph wrong.
You are adding apostrophes in words that do not have them.

6572890 I think you know which they meant.


6570807 IIRC, there wasn't even supposed to be a second Alicorn even. That, of course, went by the wayside in the original design phase.

Really, the generalities of the story are rather more attractive than the specifics. A lot of people probably relegate the actual book to 'simplified retelling' in their headcanons. Like everything else apocryphal to the show(And often even canon...), people just cherry-pick bits they like and ignore what they don't.
It sets up background for Celestia planning for Twalicorn. She was born a Twilicorn! Cornu means horn, dangit! There's the inspiration where Celestia got the idea from (assuming there have never been any such ascensions before), along with specifics like needing a powerful artifact to help, and having to pinnacle one's cutie mark/true self/special talent.
It also sets up Cadence as someone who earned her place, rather than getting it for being born. Likewise, it maintains Luna and Celestia's 'special' place as being natural-born alicorns (Provided one's headcanon had them so) It also avoids the possibility of her robbing the cradle.

It's like the Star Wars Prequels, we don't want them to be canon but they are.

6568834 what is so bad about it?

Yeah but I never really had any issues with Star Wars prequels. Yeah they were not well acted, especially the first one, but they did get better. There are even some additional content made based on them that is actually pretty good. So they aren't perfect, I can admit that, but they did get better and had some great moments.

In regards to the book I mentioned above, it makes no sense why Cadance is given an ascension story that poor. If we accept that book as cannon then it opens up a whole new can of worms. Specifically why Twilight, and Fluttershy, didn't ascend earlier in the show, considering they achieved similar if not greater feats than what was presented in that book.

Lastly, as I mentioned earlier, unlike Star Wars, and unlike any other big change in MLP, that book wasn't debated or discussed at all. It was just sort of accepted and I don't get that all. Plus thanks to a combination of Magic Duel and The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, the book may have been rendered non-cannon by the show.

Celestia, for her part, merely nodded her head. She wasn’t quite sure what exactly had happened between the two, but based on Twilight’s behavior it wasn’t exactly pleasant. Yet Celestia understood all the same. If her own Element acted so different as to unnerve her than could she too be just as strange? Celestia chuckled to herself as she realized that Magic was channeling more of her personality than Twilight’s.

Ehh... does that mean Celestia also wants to secretely 'bed' with Twilight?
Because that is what mainly unnerved Twilight, the eagerness of her own element to pleasure her and make passionate snu-snu.

I wonder what Celestia would say if she knew that magic was trying to seduce Twilight to 'body play' with her...

Celestia could barely hear Dash offer and apology before Dash grabbed Loyalty and flew off with him.


On the one hand,


Twilight being an Alicorn, and dying of old age always screamed of BS. I mean, why give Celestia and Luna a peer, a friend of their race, an alicorn. Only to take that away from them as they've watched so many others passed. I think that her friends, much like Berry Punch and Ditzy Doo will be immortals. [After all we see all the ponies around them age up, but from the time Twilight was a little filly up to their adult years. Berry and Ditzy both haven't aged].

But Twilight being an alicorn, and her aging / dying of old age just seems to be a massive dick move. Like, "Hey! Luna, Tia, you don't have to be alone anymore. Here's a friend to be with you over the next short eternity." ... "Ha! Jk. They'll die just like everyone else you've ever cared about."

This is interesting, but I hope Magic and Twilight come back into the spotlight soon. The shifting viewpoint can be a neat flourish, but sometimes it's frustrating for how it draws attention away from what we, the readers, are most anxious about.

I'm inclined to agree-- for all that it gets built up, I think it cheapens the whole concept if an alicorn doesn't receive any of the perks of her godhead. Though in this case...

“In that regard you do not have a choice, but you will be pleased to know she won’t outlive her friends,” Honestly continued.

It's curious wording, isn't it? It could be that her mortality will remain. Or it could be that it's already gone. After all, when Celestia asked Honesty why they've allowed themselves to be reified in Equestria:

“She would die otherwise,” was his simple reply.

So, like you, I would like to believe it's more akin to, "Since they called us through themselves, they have been touched by the spark of Our divinity." I suppose it's a question of whether the embodiment of Honesty would play that sort of word game.


Probably. I mean if you were stuck with the annoyance of having the be the law maker, and stick in the mud Element. Then you'd probably enjoy those kinds of games simply for the lolz of it. Butt yeah, I know in canon the EoH bearers were "remade" technically [in the show they completely vanish, and when they come back they are Rainbowified, and now the Tree of Harmony can ping them with very visible effects whenever it feels like it.

well now this chapter certainly has peeked my interest in this story far above what it originally was, I am defiantly looking forward to more of this good sir.

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