• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 17,516 Views, 920 Comments

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Mane six meets the Elements. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Disharmony of Harmony

Magic was frustrated. Her arrival onto the mortal plane wasn’t anything like she had expected. She had hoped to be greeted with much fanfare, some joy and praise, maybe even some mild awe. However, all she received was confusion and mistrust. Not even Twilight Sparkle, her own bearer, recognized her at first! Sure, it was endlessly amusing to torment and tease the bookish unicorn, but Magic so wished for the Twilight that she knew hid just beneath the surface. The pony that could wield her power to an astonishing degree. The pony who tamed a rampaging Ursa Minor all by herself. The pony who could even burst into flames when enraged, without harming herself! Oh, how Magic longed to see such a display of Twilight’s full power like that, first hooved.

However, before Magic could even try and get Twilight to relax, ‘She’ had to barge in and ruin everything. Princess Luna. The last pony Magic wanted to even see, let alone speak with. After all, it was her fault that Magic lost her connection to her first bearer, her darling Princess Celestia. Harmony knows Magic wouldn’t be forgiving Luna for that whole debacle anytime soon.

To make matters worse, Twilight seemed very eager to keep Luna between herself and Magic. It was almost as if Twilight didn’t trust her own element! This was made especially evident by just how the two were speaking in whispers to each other, occasionally throwing suspicious glances back towards her.

For Magic’s part, being essentially a god with near limitless magical power and all, it was a testament to her self control that she didn’t simply banish Luna back to the moon for interrupting them. Instead, she busied herself with checking up on her fellow Elements. If nothing else, she’d prefer to know their whereabouts to prevent any further interruptions. She could sense Laughter and Pinkie Pie teleporting around the castle. Laughter’s constant use of magic certainly made them easy enough to find, not to mention the fact that Laughter’s magical prowess was second only to her own.

Next up was Generosity, who seemed intent to catch up to the rapidly moving prolific party pair. Most ponies would be at a disadvantage in such a chase. However, Generosity was no normal mare. With each teleport, Laughter only found himself ending up closer and closer to her fellow Element. Her manipulations on luck and fate gave her quite the edge, letting her make moves in her favor. Magic smirked, noticing Shining Armor desperately trying to keep up with the fate weaver.

Loyalty came next. She noticed the stallion was also in hot pursuit, this time it was both Generosity, Laughter, and any other Element he could sense. Behind him was a group of guard ponies, followed by two other bearers, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Magic was unsure just what the little group was up to. Perhaps Loyalty was leading them to something, or perhaps the bearers and guards were chasing him? It didn’t much matter to Magic either way what they did, considering they were heading away from her and Twilight. So long as they continued in that direction, they could do whatever they wished.

Her next target of observation was Honesty. This one was currently talking with the only other pony Magic had any interest in at all. Princess Celestia. Magic dearly wished to see the sun Princess again. She nearly giggled in anticipation at having both Celestia and Twilight in the same room together. Oh what wonders in magical displays the trio could achieve! She could already feel her new body responding in very pleasant ways as fantasies at their magical use flooded her mind.

The last member of the group, Kindness, was hidden from Magic’s sight. It wasn’t all that unusual for him. Out of all the Elements, Kindness was the most reclusive, finding pleasure in quiet times and solitude. The only other Element that acted in such a way was Honesty, and it was no surprise to Magic that the two spent most of their time working together. Magic wasn’t really worried that she couldn’t seem to locate Kindness. She knew he’d eventually show up, in his own time.

Magic caught the last moments of Twilight’s and Luna’s conversation as she finished checking up on her compatriots. “We really should meet up with the others,” Twilight Sparkle suggested to Luna, rubbing her chin in thought. “I’m pretty sure the intruders are the other Elements of Harmony. We know where Magic is, obviously, and Loyalty is with Applejack. We just have no idea where the others even are."

“I could simply teleport us to them, if you’d like,” Magic suggested with a shrug.

“That will not be necessary,” said Luna, coldly. “Element of Magic or not, you and your compatriots are still under close watch until we can accurately determine what your motivations are.”

Magic sighed in annoyance, rolling her eyes at the Night Princess. “I was not addressing you, traitor.”

Luna frowned and opened her mouth to speak before Twilight put a hoof on the Princess' shoulder. The two shared a quick glance before Twilight turned back to Magic. “You are my Element, correct?” Twilight asked.

Magic quirked an eyebrow at that. She was a little confused with the sudden question, but decided to play along all the same. “Indeed I am, and you are my bearer. Your point?”

Twilight nodded before continuing. “As such, are you not at least partially obligated to follow my orders? Especially considering it is by my own spell that you are able to be here at all. Right?”

For a moment, Magic was taken aback by Twilight’s statement. Twilight was not completely mistaken. Sure, Magic was happy with her teasing earlier, but Twilight hadn’t really tried to order Magic around any more than simple suggestions. God like power or no, If Twilight had actually given an order, Magic would have done her best to carry it out. Within reason of course.

Magic nodded a bit with a slight smirk, “Yes, it is true that I am more or less required to follow your orders, Twilight.”

Magic watched as Twilight’s smile began to grow. However, before the bookworm could speak again, Magic cut her off. “However, I am still well within my rights to reject any command you give. Especially if it conflicts with any other rule that myself and the other Elements are required to follow.”

Twilight’s smile faltered for a moment, but quickly returned. “Fine then.” She hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out how to word her next request. “Magic, I hereby order you to treat Princess Luna and I with the respect we deserve. This also means no more invading of my personal space, understood?”

Magic smiled to herself. Sure, she might have to comply with most of Twilight’s demands, but she had no intention of keeping away from her mare. It would be much the same as asking her not to stop her new heart. She would play along with Twilight, and while she wasn’t happy about being put under Luna, she would comply for now. “Very well Twilight, if that is your wish. I will…” Magic let out a disappointed sigh. “Attempt to refrain from entering your personal space.”

“And Princess Luna?”

Magic sighed, again. “I will respect any decision that ‘Princess Luna’ passes down, even if I might disagree with them.”

“Make it a Pinkie Promise,” Twilight said with a slight smirk.

“A what?” Magic said, staring blankly at Twilight in confusion.

“A Pinkie Promise. It’s the most binding form of promise I have with my friends. Nopony, and I mean nopony, is allowed to break it.”

Magic briefly glanced over at Luna, who showed the faintest hint at being just as confused as Magic was. If it was a spell, then Magic would know it of course. However, her knowledge of nearly everything seemed to be missing on this subject. “I‘m afraid I don’t know what that is.”

“Here, let me show you,” Twilight walked up to Magic and began to go through a series of motions along with a short phrase. As soon as Magic heard it, she nearly laughed at what appeared to be a foalhood nursery rhyme. “Do it, just like I showed you, and promise me. If you don’t, or if you do and break it, I’m sure that Laughter and Pinkie Pie will have a few choice words for you. I might not be able to control you but those two can be… convincing.”

“You’re serious about this, aren't you?” Magic said, growing concerned, feeling an odd tightness growing in the back of her throat. If this was something thought up by Laughter’s bearer, then Twilight was correct in her fellow Element being able to enforce it. Laughter was nearly as strong as her after all.

"Nopony breaks a Pinkie promise. Breaking one is the quickest way to lose a friend,” Twilight said with nod. “Or to incur the wrath of Pinkie Pie. Nopony wants that, not even you.” Twilight smirked when she heard the familiar voice of Pinkie Pie in the distance shouting “Forever!”

“If you insist.” Magic sighed, rolling her eyes at the whole concept. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I promise that I will not intrude upon your personal space and will respect Princess Luna’s orders, along with your own.” She made sure to include the motions that Twilight had shown her. Magic had no intention of annoying Twilight any further at the moment. However, she once again smiled to herself. If there was one thing she was good at, it was finding loopholes to exploit any and all rules.

“That will do for now. Now then, Luna,” Twilight turned back to the Night Princess. She seemed much more comfortable now that Luna was here. “You were saying something about tracking down the other Elements and meeting up with my friends, correct?”

“Indeed, both of you follow me,” said Luna turning back to exit Twilight’s bedroom. “I have already informed your friends and they should be organizing themselves outside of the kitchen as we speak.”

The two quickly followed out the Princess out. The two stationed guards gave Magic an odd look, but a quick command from Luna had them heading out to join in the search for the others. Both taking a quick stride along the opposite ends of their group.

“You know this isn’t really necessary,” Magic complained, getting annoyed at the fact that she had to walk. “As I said before, I can simply teleport us. Besides, it’s not as if any of my comrades are going to intentionally hurt anypony.”

“One already has,” Luna said without turning to turn to look at Magic. “He engaged in combat with several guards, including knocking out Rainbow Dash. Forgive me if I don’t immediately trust you.”

“The least you could do is look at me when addressing me,” Magic grumbled, “We are the Elements of Harmony after all. Why should we not be trusted to our own devices?”

“Because, despite what you may appear to be, you have caused nothing but confusion and panic upon your arrival. Considering how you say you are the Elements of Harmony, everypony’s actions have been rather… chaotic.”

Magic visibly flinched at that. She knew exactly what Luna was implying. She did not like being compared to that abomination, even in passing. If she hadn’t made that promise to Twilight, she would have lashed out at Luna, forcefully. Until she could find any sort of loophole, this promise was going to be utterly annoying, especially considering how Twilight was using it to keep herself as far away from her Element as possible. She even made sure to keep Luna in between them. That too, would be something Magic would need to correct as soon as possible.

“You said you met three of the other Elements, correct?” Twilight asked Luna, shooting Magic a concerned look, making sure Magic was keeping her word. “Did you happen to learn their names?”

“Yes, I believe one of them was Generosity,” Luna began.

“Long braided purple mane and tail. Light blue coat?” Magic chimed in.

Luna actually turned around and looked back at Magic. Her face wasn’t one so much of confusion but more of trepidation. “Wait, you actually know of this pony?”

Magic nodded, “That is indeed correct. That is Generosity as you said.”

Luna looked to Twilight who simply shrugged. “Do you know what all of your kin looks like?”

“Not only do I know what they look like, I know where exactly they are at any given time.” Magic beamed.

Luna’s eye twitched. “You didn’t think to tell us this before?!”

“You didn’t exactly ask now, did you?” Magic replied with a smug tone. “But I did say that I could take you right to them. Now, how exactly would I be able to do that if I didn’t know where they were?”

“Well, Magic did bring us right back after she teleported us to the Moon,” Twilight said, tapping her chin.

Luna was still very skeptical of that.“I still believe that it was some form of an illusion spell, Twilight.”

Twilight shook her head vigorously. “No, trust me on this, Luna. I know the difference between a simple illusion spell and a long distance teleport. I may not be very good with illusion spells, but I can tell you that was definitely a teleport.”

“Please, if I wanted to do illusion spells, I would have done something far more grand than faking a trip to the moon,” Magic scoffed. Then she got a particularly devious grin. “Something, more like... this.”

With that, the scenery surrounding them rapidly began to change and shift. The walls warped and twisted as they changed from worked stone to crystal trees. The light pouring in through the windows became a torrent of rainbows as the light refracted through the new foliage. The changes didn’t stop there, as the carpet twisted and writhed up around the the guards, Twilight Sparkle, and even Luna, entangling them and holding them in place. On top of that, the tendrils were charged, giving anything that touched them a minor shock. This was followed by the new vines quickly sprouting strange, abstract looking flowers, each one releasing scents that could not be described by mortal words. To say this illusion was a sensory overload would be an understatement.

“Magic! What...what are you…” Twilight stammered as her senses found themselves overwhelmed by the magical barrage. “Ngh, S… stop…”

“As you wish,” Magic said with a smile, and just as soon as it began, the corridor returned back to its natural state. This left each pony, even Luna, temporarily dazed by the spell. However nothing had moved from its spot, as if nothing had ever happened. “I hope I proved my point, Luna.” She added as if she were scolding a temperamental child.

“What… what in Tartarus was that?!” Luna nearly screamed at Magic, her anger slowly breaking through her calm facade.

“I was merely proving you incorrect in your assumptions, oh ‘Goddess of the Night’. I assure you, that no harm would have came to anypony.” Magic said smugly.

“No harm? No Harm!? Do you realize what could have happened to Twilight and the guard ponies if you had continued with that spell?” Luna was almost to her breaking point. She had already recovered from the effects of the spell, but Twilight and the poor guards she referred to were still trying to steady themselves after that magical barrage. Magic didn’t see what the big deal was.

“Are you doubting my ability to prevent danger from befalling my bearer?” Magic challenged, a dangerous tone evident in her voice.

“No, I am questioning your loyalties, Magic. If you are so willing to simply subject our ponies to such dangerous magics on a whim, then perhaps you should be permanently confined to the deepest dungeon we can throw you into.” Luna was barely keeping her calm. Any normal pony would be quaking in fear from the amount of power radiating from her.

“Really, ‘Lulu’? Like you could.” With a strained smile, daring Luna to try and carry out her threat.

“Magic!” Twilight called out, shaking her head to clear the stars from her eyes. She rounded on the ponified Element, placing herself between Magic and Luna. “You Pinkie promised me that you would respect Princess Luna.” She said, her eyes still not quite focusing properly.

“And I am.” Magic replied innocently.

Luna rolled her eyes in annoyance and frustration. “It does not seem that way from our point of view.”

“I was merely trying to educate Princess Luna.” Magic sighed. "Has Celestia not demonstrated a spell to you in order to teach you its effects?”

“Yes, but..” Twilight hesitated, before she shook her head and fixed a sterner glare at her Element, “She never used anything that would cause harm to me, nor anything that, well, excessive. You were crossing a line casting an illusion spell of that magnitude.”

“You were in no danger. Nopony was,” Magic tried to sound hurt at Twilight’s accusations. “I would never dream of harming you, my dear Twilight.”

“That’s not the important part! You still put me, Luna, and the guards in danger anyway! That kind of magical overload can cause permanent harm. That’s not respecting anypony, Magic. From now on, only cast spells if we ask you to. Do you understand me?”

“Only use magic when you allow me to?” Magic asked, shocked that Twilight would demand something like that of her. Asking her to not use magic would be the same as asking her to stop breathing. “Surely, you must be joking,” Magic asked, actually feeling a bit nervous at the prospect.

“I am completely serious, and you did make a Pinkie Promise that you would follow my orders. Therefore, I am ordering you to not cast any more spells unless we say otherwise.”

“Must I?” Magic was whining like a foal would when being scolded by its parents. “That wasn’t exactly part of our agreement.”

“Well, I am altering the deal. I should hope that I won’t have to change it further.”

“Fine,” Magic sighed, “I will abstain from casting anymore magic unless prompted to.”

“Good. Now then where were we?” Twilight asked, turning back to Luna.

“Are you certain you can control it?” Luna asked Twilight, keeping an eye on Magic as they continued.

“I am not an it, I am a mare.” Magic sighed in annoyance. Twilight’s constant warnings were not helping her mood one bit. “Should I at least not be properly addressed?”

“You are also a being that exists beyond normal concepts of gender,” Luna added with a bit of a huff.

“While that may be true, for the time being I am one hundred percent mare,” Magic flicked her tail, giving the guards behind her a rather explicit confirmation on her statement. “I would hope that you wouldn’t call one of your other subjects an it.”

“Magic, that’s enough,” Twilight was growing more annoyed by Magic’s attitude.

“What are you going to do, forbid me from talking too?”

“I’m really considering it.”

“I could cast a silencing spell on her. It would prevent any further outbursts,” Luna offered.

Twilight merely shook her head in response. “I would prefer to be able to keep track of her. If we couldn’t hear her, she could sneak away, or worse.”

“A wise decision,” Luna said, still glaring at Magic as the group walked.

“Are you going to glare at me the entire time I am here?” Magic asked, growing tired of having to deal with this princess.

Luna looked like she was about to reply when a noise echoed through the hallways. “Stop right there criminal!” The voice called out. The little group soon saw a familiar yellow coated pony happily bouncing around a corner. Quickly following behind him was a red coated earth pony stallion following quickly on his heels. “By order of Princess Luna you are under arrest!” The stallion called out as he chased his quarry.

“You’ll have to catch me fiiiiirst,” Laughter sing songed as he bounced effortlessly out of Loyalty’s hooves. “Hiiiii Magiiiiiic!” Laughter cheered as he passed his fellow element.

“Confound you!” Loyalty shouted, before screeching to a halt in front of Princess Luna. He snapped a quick salute, but Luna seemed less than impressed. “Your highness.” He then turned to Twilight Sparkle and gave her a similar salute. “Ma’am.”

He turned back to Luna, Twilight giving him a confused nod of acknowledgement. “As you ordered, I’m in pursuit of my compatriots. Rest assured they shall be in custody momentarily.”

“You seem to be having a little trouble with that from my perspective,” Magic snarked, as she watched what looked like Laughter hop happily away from the confused group.

Loyalty looked around Luna, finally seeing Magic positioned behind her. His face quickly changed to one of determination as he quickly stepped around the Princess. “By order of Princess Luna, you are under arrest for trespassing.”

“You sic our own against us Luna? How Discordian of you,” Magic commented as she watched Luna visibly shudder at the mention of the chaotic spirit.

Loyalty’s reaction was even more profound. The Element visibly bristled under Magic’s statement. “How dare you accuse the Princess of such an act! I will follow her commands to the end, no matter what. There is no such, subversion on her part.”

“Subversion? Luna has done nothing but subvert my own authority since I arrived,” Magic huffed.

“You hold no authority here Magic,” Loyalty nearly snarled as he approached his fellow element. “We are called by them, and are ordered by them, so long as our power is contained within flesh. It is you who are trying to subvert her authority,” Loyalty then backed up and smirked at Magic. “At least we didn’t retreat from reality and pout when the first bond was broken.”

Magic visibly bristled at that one. “I...I did no such thing.” She rounded on Loyalty, “I was simply following the rules that you set into place. Twilight had to prove her worth as a bearer.”

Loyalty merely smirked. “That is true, but that was no reason to go cry in a corner for a thousand years.”

“That’s it!” Magic sneered before tackling Loyalty to the ground. The two began to wrestle each other, neither one willing to give each other an inch. Soon enough, Magic disentangled herself from her fellow. Her horn ignited, the stones around them turned to chains, binding Loyalty to the floor.

“Your cheap magic tricks won’t work on me!” Loyalty cried before suddenly bursting out of the chains as if they were nothing. He charged at Magic, the mare suddenly teleporting away. She appeared just a little distance away, her horn shining brightly. Magic unleashed her spell, surrounding Loyalty in a magic bubble.

“There. Now, apologize and I’ll let you out,” Magic smirked..

Loyalty smiled again before he did something Luna and Twilight didn’t think was possible for an earth pony. His eyes glowed brightly, and then he reared up bringing his forehooves down on Magic’s bubble. It cracked and broke instantly, sending magical shards everywhere. Luna, on reflex brought up her own shield. Loyalty was quick to realize the danger the other ponies were in due to their combat.

He tried to warn Magic. “You foal, if this continues, we run the risk of harming the populace. Not to mention Princess Luna, and Twilight.”

“You started this...” Magic’s eyes began to glow and she took on a more fierce gin. “And I am going to end it!” With that, she seemed to explode into a massive corona of magical energy. The stones around her started warping and twisting around them due to the sheer power and heat radiating from her. Loyalty didn’t even seemed phased by it, charging headlong into the whirling vortex of energy. Each of his hoof-falls cracked the stone beneath him as he charged. The magical energy grotesquely ripped away portions of his flesh, but he seemed to repair himself faster than Magic could cause him harm. He crashed into her with thundering force, sending the pair hurtling through the wall and out into the castle courtyard. The small group of watchers quickly followed behind them just to keep track of the two.

Magic pushed herself away from Loyalty, using her massive power to simply float gently to the ground, her magic even turning the ground to glass. Loyalty’s landing was less than graceful, simply plowing into ground. His impact cratered the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Magic trotted slowly up to the crater, her energy still flaring. In a blink, Loyalty was back on her, landing a hoof right to her face. His punch was even stronger than the strongest of earth ponies due to him increasing his strength to an impossible degree. Magic’s head snapped to the right, and her body quickly followed. She spiraled into a nearby wall, startling a group of guard ponies who had heard the commotion in the courtyard beyond and had come to investigate.

“Magic!?” Generosity called out, approaching the magically flaming Element. “What in Harmony’s name are you doing?”

“Stay out of this Generosity! It does not concern you!” Magic yelled, her voice echoing with raw power, the air around her seeming to shake as she spoke.

“Doesn’t concern me? It concerns me when you are putting lives at stake!”

Magic glanced over at her fellow Element, and the guard ponies cautiously eyeing her. “They accepted the risks of injury and death when they took the job!” Magic shot back, turning to see Loyalty, his eyes still glowing white.

Before Generosity could respond, a bubble of magical energy appeared surrounding Magic. Shining Armor stepped forward, his face grim, and his horn shining brightly. “Do you really think this will hold me?” Magic asked, her magical aura fading slightly.

“Maybe not forever, but I am an expert shield caster. I’m used to casting shields that can cover and protect whole cities from an army. You won’t be getting out of that anytime soon.”

“You really are an idiot, aren't you?” Magic sneered before she flared up her magic aura once more, assaulting the barrier at every point at once. It didn’t last longer than a moment before it shattered in a violent explosion, sending the gathered ponies flying from the force. Magic barely paid any of them any heed before she turned back to Loyalty, who was growing ever more angry by her actions. “Now then where were we?” Magic asked, getting ready to resume her attack.


If Magic’s charged voice had been like the rumble of an earthquake. This one was more like the eruption of a volcano. All at once, several things happened. The first was that Loyalty and Magic stopped dead in their tracks. Next, Magic’s power was instantly shut off, rendering her a more normal looking pony. The last was a new pony, accompanied by Princess Celestia herself who looked more confused than angry. The pony accompanying her was a stern looking red coated Earth Pony. His orange mane was short and slicked back, giving him a businessmen like look. “Magic, Loyalty, front and center. Now.” He barked, his voice now a much normal pitch.

Normally, Magic would have ignored the newcomer and make a beeline straight for Celestia. Other than Twilight, she was the one pony who she most wanted to see. There was so much she wanted to say to her former bearer. So much lost time to make up for. However, the other pony was not one to be ignored. Magic knew this one far too well. The Element of Honesty. This was not a pony she wanted to deal with right now, especially with Loyalty right beside her. Just one of them Magic might be able to handle, but the lawmakers of the Elements together was a force to be reckoned with.

For once, Magic obeyed, and didn’t even question the order, her ears lying flat against her head as she approached the newcomer. Loyalty was suffering nearly as much. All traces of his more snarky side were gone, replaced fully with the look of a trained soldier. Magic always hated that look. Honesty’s look was something Magic hated even more. He glared at her with a barely controlled intensity. With most ponies, it would have caused them to cower in fear at a pair of eyes that felt like they burned right through one’s head. Magic only felt a slight annoyance at his attempts to cow her.

“Honesty,” Magic said, finally reaching the stallion. She did what she could to look like she could care less about his opinion. But the fact she still had difficulty meeting his stare was a dead giveaway for her mood.

“I am disappointed in you Magic,” Honesty said. His voice was decidedly more calm than when he first spoke, but the power behind his voice remained.

“When aren't you?” Magic asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit, despite that being Laughter’s job normally. What Magic wouldn’t give to have him back here right now.

“This is serious Magic, you are way, way out of line.”

“I attempted to halt her when I…”

“Silence,” Honesty cut Loyalty off with a single word. “You are just as much responsible for her outburst. You know how easily she is to provoke. Yet, you went on and on pushing her to action anyway. You’re lucky that nopony was hurt in her little rampage. Really, I expected more self control from you.”

Magic smirked a bit to herself as Honesty scolded Loyalty. The two were usually on great terms. The pair were the ones most responsible for keeping the other Elements in balance. However, they were not above policing one another should the need arise. Magic was just glad that Honesty was currently focusing on him, rather than her.

“These two are not the only ones who have been causing trouble,” said another voice.

Generosity trotted up to the group, her mane disheveled and covered in a bit of dust. She looked particularly angrily at Magic as she joined the slowly growing group of Elements. “Laughter is somewhere around here with his bearer. Since they’re handing out cupcakes packed with so much sugar, I’m surprised no one has fallen into a diabetic coma yet.”

“I had assumed you made these ponies bodies more durable than that Generosity,” sighed Honesty. It wasn’t uncommon for Generosity to complain about something. Magic tended to just ignore her, but it didn’t always stop the Element from continuing to voice her opinions. It would seem that Honesty was similarly tired of her.

“That’s beside the point!” Generosity huffed, “These ponies are doing more and more damage to their bodies. Why shouldn’t I help them protect what they need to continue to exist on this plane? I just so hate seeing such pieces of art ruined by carelessness.”

“While your point might be valid Generosity, that is not the topic of our discussion,” Honesty continued with a shake of his head. “You will have to wait to bring that topic up for later. Is that understood?”

Generosity huffed in frustration but sat down nonetheless. She crossed her forehooves in front of her, pouting as she thought about the sugary treats her fellow Element was undoubtedly forcing onto other ponies. “Now then, I have spoken with Princess Celestia and we have come to an agreement. Princess?” Honesty then turned and presented the three Elements before her.

The Princess looked each one of them over, giving a particularly sour glare in Magic’s direction. Magic gulped. For the first time in her existence, she felt disappointment in her actions. Seeing Celestia glare at her with those cold eyes made her new blood freeze in her veins. Was this what Celestia did to everypony she met, or was this glare for Magic alone? Surely she would not act this way if she truly knew what she was. “Honesty has informed me that you are indeed the other Elements of Harmony.” Well that answered that question. “Be that as it may, however, you are now currently ponies. As such, you now fall under my sisters and my jurisdiction.”

At the mention of the Night Princess, Magic could finally make out the soft clopping of hooves. She turned to see Luna joining them. Her discomfort increased as she watched Luna stand next to her sister. As if she deserved to be so easily welcomed back with open arms. Magic had hoped Celestia would have better sense than to welcome one so weak of will back without restricting her power somewhat.

“Because of that, you will follow and abide by our laws and rules. Honesty has informed me that both himself and Loyalty will aid in enforcing said laws. You will also be punished accordingly should you break them.” Celestia then looked past them, Magic following her gaze to see the destruction both she and Loyalty had caused. “Which it appears you have already done.”

Something was telling Magic that this was rapidly turning from a friendly visit and vacation, to a work trip. If things continued at this rate, it was going to be far longer than she would be comfortable with.

Author's Note:

Author's Note; I actually think I am getting a better hang of this. We didn't see nearly as many error's this time around. Though it didn't stop us from getting it out later than we would have liked. Mainly from a combination of college, ADHD, and general life getting in the way. We shall see if this improvement leads to faster chapter uploads, but I doubt it. -- Digi

Editor's Note: Okay. That took way, way too long to get done. Digi’s had this one done for over almost two months, and It only took me most of that time to actually sit down and get through the editing. I blame my ADHD and college getting in the way. I’ve been busier this summer than I thought I would be. Who knew that a five week college class could be so damn daunting? Anyway, here’s to hoping the wait for the next one isn’t anywhere near as long as this was. No promises though. --coppercore