• Published 6th Jan 2014
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Mane six meets the Elements. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Meeting of Magic

Twilight Sparkle breathed a sigh of relief.

Pinkie Pie's party had finally died down enough to allow the lavender unicorn to make her escape. She now traveled down the darkened hallways, back towards her quarters for the night. When she noticed the lack of guards (or really anypony) in the majestic halls that made up Canterlot Castle, it didn't really surprise her.

Pinkie Pie had managed to drag almost everyone in the castle (including a small number of guards) into the party. She wouldn't let a single one of the castle staff work during one of her signature parties if she could help it. Despite the sheer number of ponies she had brought in, the premier party pony still managed give a unique gift to each and every pony in attendance. Twilight had to admit, the mare had really went all out for this one.

Twilight didn't even try to figure out how she managed any of it, just chalking it up to Pinkie Pie just being Pinkie Pie. Besides, the unicorn had way too much on her mind to contemplate such things anyway. Things like the apparent complete and utter failure of the experiment from earlier. Sure, Pinkie was only trying to cheer her up. It helped some, of course, but the failure still refused to leave her mind. Twilight let out a sad, tired sigh.


Twilight finally reached the guest wing of the castle. Thankfully, it wasn’t too long of a walk, but still seemed to take forever to the unicorn, especially considering how drained she was feeling after today. In the distance, she could still hear the music from the party. It was very faint, but had a very strong bass beat to it. The party was still going on, and probably would, late into the night.

Wearily, she walked down the hall to the room where she had been staying for the past month. There was still a guard stationed there, decked out in golden plate armor, right beside the door. She nodded to the guard before ducking inside, closing the door behind her. Twilight never really liked having a guard stationed just outside her room like this, but Celestia had insisted, for security reasons.

Surprisingly, going to bed didn’t even register as an idea to the unicorn. Considering the earlier events of the day, and Pinkie’s wild party, she should be completely exhausted. But something still seemed off about the experiment, and bothered the bookworm. Just why did the symbols all just vanish? Had she missed something important? Or even some mundane, minor detail that would explain it all?

Instead of laying down, Twilight Sparkle sat down in front of a desk she had become quite familiar with over the past month. With a quick burst of magic, she relit the candle sitting next to her. A flickering, warm light emanated from the it, illuminating the desk and the general vicinity, but still leaving the rest of the room shrouded in near darkness. Twilight saw the several neat stacks of books surrounding her desk on both sides, but paid that no heed. She was looking for something else.

Twilight ignited her horn again, levitating over a large stack of notes and papers. This was only a small part of all the notes and data she had collected over the past month. She used these notes to help craft the spell used to attempt the contact the Elements, or the “Trans-Planar Communication Spell” as she liked to call it. It was a bit wordy, but got the point across.

The studious unicorn took a swig of the sarsaparilla bottle she brought back with her from the party. It wasn’t helping her get to sleep, but she didn’t really care. The unicorn had a mystery to solve.


Twilight let out a loud groan. “Ugh, This makes no sense!” She rubbed her eyes, trying to clear out the fogginess. “All my calculations should have been right. Hay, I even had both princesses double, no, triple check them! All three of us checked every single rune and drawing in that lab. So why, why didn’t it work?”

With a quick flash of magic, Twilight levitated her Element over to her desk from the nearby dresser. She had managed to convince Celestia to let her keep the crown with her as she studied it. The rest of the elements were being kept with their respective bearers for now.

She looked down at the Element of Magic sitting on her desk. “If that spell had only worked… what could you have told me?” Countless questions ran through her mind as she stared at the golden crown. “I wish you could talk to me. Maybe you’d know what went wrong.”

Twilight held the Element in her hooves, staring, as if it would just suddenly start talking of its own accord. She’d spent the past month studying the Elements, and now had nothing to show for it. She looked past the crown, looking over the papers spread out before her. Complex diagrams and notes filled every page. Usually, Twilight could understand them with just a quick glance. Now, they just seemed like incomprehensible scribbles and nonsense.

Twilight rubbed her temples with her hooves, trying to suppress the slowly growing headache. She wished it was as easy as waiting for some glaring error to jump out at her. As if going over and over the notes would reveal something amazingly simple that she had missed. Instead, it only made her more frustrated. Her eyes blurred as she passed over each paper. It would take her at least two months to comb through all of her notes, rigorously testing each part of the spell to see where it went wrong. With even such an arduous task before her, she refused to simply give up, to simply let go.

Her horn ignited again, grabbing papers from another pile. These dealt with the arcane symbols etched into the device, along with those that had covered herself and her friends. “What in the world could have made them disappear like that?” Twilight said to herself, then her eyes went wide as a thought popped into her head. “Unless, they were never removed at all...”

Twilight’s horn ignited once more and dragged even more papers to her. She let them float in front of her as she glanced over each. “If the spell had actually worked, then it could theoretically change the structure of the symbology, or the structure of the communication device in response. Just like the Elements of Harmony had done when we first found them!”

Twilight began to scribble down a new series of notations. Each one dealing with the various magical fluctuations she had felt during the attempted communication. She then, from memory, attempted to match them with similar magical resonances from when she and her friends had used the Elements of Harmony. While it was a rough diagram, Twilight was near certain that it was the same magical signature. “This is it!” Twilight practically cheered, and nearly jumped around the room for good measure. “It hadn’t been all for nothing! We actually made contact!”

Twilight’s horn grew bright as she drew dozens of books down from nearby shelves, and a few from the ones piled up around her desk. Each one had been selected during her month long study of the Elements. Twilight delved back into them with renewed vigor and purpose. Each page was scrutinized for anything and everything that had to do with magical resonances. A connection between the other plane and this one had been made, and Twilight believed that if she could find the right frequency, she could now make contact far easier than before. They might still need the device, but this time more direct communication was certain.

Twilight could feel it deep within her. She was on the cusp of discovery, the breaking point of an entirely new field of magical theory and usage! It was going to be perfect.



The sudden noise jerked Twilight awake from a dreamless sleep. She realized after a moment’s confusion that the strange noise had come from her. “Ugh,” she groaned, rubbing at her closed eyes with a free hoof. Twilight had fallen asleep, and right as she was on the verge of a breakthrough. She could even feel the warm early rays of day falling down upon her.

Twilight cracked one eye open and immediately regretted it. The combination of a Pinkie Pie party, followed by a late night study session was not agreeing with her in the slightest. Her heart thudded in her ears. Her head was filled not with the excitement of knowledge, but the dull throb of a headache. Her mouth felt like glue and she knew her breath would be terrible. “Last night was going so well too,” she sighed.

“I know, and I was so disappointed that you passed out before you could get any true work done.”

“I suppose I did push myself a bit much. The adrenaline and excitement from earlier on in the day must have worn off.” Twilight said stretching a bit.

“It does hit you like a ton of bricks when it finally runs out doesn’t it?”

“Yes it does.” Twilight sighed, secretly wishing that Celestia had waited a bit longer to raise the sun.

“Perhaps you should just sleep it off for a bit? I’m sure your friends would understand. Especially after yesterday.”

“I’d love to, but I have a schedule to keep. It just wouldn’t do to simply rewrite it on the fly.” Twilight replied, remembering the last time her schedule didn’t quite work right. She gave a little shudder at the memory.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I took the liberty of rearranging your schedule a bit. You’ll have plenty of time for the rest of your activities for today, and get a few more hours of sleep in.”

“Well, that was very thoughtful of you.” Twilight yawned a bit, snuggling deeper into the covers as sleep slowly returned to her. “Thanks Spike, it means a lot to me.”

“Oh, my silly sleepy Twilight, I’m not Spike. I’ll still take that as a compliment though. Now, you get some rest my dear.”

Twilight didn’t respond, merely nodding and snuggling back into the sheets. She was vaguely aware of feeling something warm wrapped around her. Then her brain finally caught up with what was going on. Twilight’s eyes shot wide, heedless to the sudden pouring in of morning light. She looked down to see a pair of off pink colored hooves wrapped around her. She could feel the press of a muzzle against the back of her neck. The rise and fall of their chest followed by the soft wafting of breath through her mane. Twilight, naturally, did the only logical thing to do when waking up to a stranger spooning you. She freaked out.

“GAAAAAAAAAH!” Twilight shouted, attempting to scramble away from the intrusion into her personal space. Unfortunately, in her haste to escape, she failed to realize that not only was she wrapped in another ponies hooves but also the blankets of her bed. In the end she did little but move the tangle of pony and sheets from the bed to the floor. Both ponies, covers and all, hit the floor with a loud thud. The more Twilight tried to extricate herself, the more she ended up stuck. Eventually, Twilight and the stranger found themselves so wrapped up that neither could move. Even worse for Twilight, she and the stranger ended up with their muzzles only a hair’s breadth away from each other.

“Well, I suppose that would mean it's morning. Not the best way to wake up, but it works.” The stranger said smiling down at Twilight. Her lavender eyes filling Twilight’s vision. “I don’t really mind this position either actually. Perhaps we should just try and go back to sleep, hmm?” Her voice was quite calm, and she wore a peaceful expression on her face. One that Twilight found somewhat… disturbing, considering her current predicament.

“Could you get off of me? Please?” Twilight pleaded, trying to calm the racing of her heart.

“Well... since you asked so nicely.”

In a flash of light, both Twilight and the stranger were disentangled from the mess of sheets. It took Twilight a few moments to realize that she had been thrown onto her back, as the world around her spun from the sudden shift in position. Twilight slowly, and shakily pulled herself to her hooves. The abrupt wake up call had done little to help soothe her headache. She rubbed the side of her head as she tried to find where the stranger had gone. She could just make out a blurry pink shape now resting on her bed, her hooves crossed in front of her with her head resting on top of them. The stranger’s tail swished lazily behind her as she gave Twilight an amused look. “I would think you would be slightly more coordinated than that, Twilight. After all you’ve had a body much longer than I have.”

Twilight shook her head, trying to clear it before even trying to talk to the intruder. The first thing Twilight did was to get a better look at her. She was a unicorn, like Twilight, her horn poking out from a rainbow colored mane styled much like Twilight’s own. Her coat was still that off pink color, almost a mix between Pinkie’s coat and Twilight’s. She was certain that she had never seen this pony before in her life, yet something felt oddly familiar about her. She was almost about to call for the guards to have her taken away when she realized something.

“Why did the guards let you in here? Who are you?”

“I came in when you came in,” she said, inspecting her hoof a bit. “The guards have no reason to stop you from bringing guests into your room.”

“I didn’t have anypony come into my room last night!” Twilight said, exasperated. “I even had Spike sleep in another room so I could study undisturbed, and not keep him awake all night.”

“Who said I just came in here last night? I’ve been in here for the past month. Just sitting in here. Watching you sleep, and waiting for you to finish your little project.” The stranger said. She continued to inspect her hooves. To Twilight, it almost seemed like the stranger had never seen her own hooves before.

“That doesn’t make any sense!” Twilight said, nearly hyperventilating. She attempted to keep the mare talking as she moved toward the door to get the guards. The mare was capable of teleportation, who knows what other magic she might have. “I would have seen you if you were here that long! Besides only Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have visited me during the past month. Who are you, really?”

The strangers face switched from one of calm amusement to confusion. “Are you certain you didn’t hurt your head when we fell? Should I call the nurse?”

“You’re still not answering my question,” Twilight grumbled, her frustration growing. She was starting to get concerned that she was dealing with some kind of deranged stalker.

The stranger’s face changed from confusion to concern. It then shifted to one of understanding. The stranger held back a small chuckle as she realized what was going on. “You really don’t recognize me do you? After everything we’ve been through together?” She put on her best pouty face.

“Forgive me if I don’t exactly trust somepony who barges into my room and molests me in my sleep!” Twilight felt her face grow hot as she thought about what they were doing when she woke up.

“Oh, please, that’s hardly the most intimate thing we’ve done,” said the mare casually waving her hoof in the air.

“Do what?! I beg your pardon!” Twilight’s face turned a deep red as her imagination got the better of her.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” said the mare giggling a bit. “I mean, I’ve been in your mind. There is hardly anything about you that I don’t know. A little bit of cuddling is nothing compared to seeing some of your fantasies.”

“You have no right to read my mind!” Twilight exclaimed, her anger growing. Mind Reading spells were taboo, and for good reason.

“I said I was inside your mind, not reading it.” Said the mare, finding the whole conversation infinitely amusing. “There is a big difference between the two. You, of all ponies, should know the differences between such spells.”

“Only Luna can perform a spell like that,” growled Twilight. Powering up a stunning spell, she intended to knock this strange mare out and taking her right to the palace guard. She figured her big brother, Shining Armor, might have some fun dealing with somepony who snuck into his little sister’s room uninvited.

“Now Twilight, we can’t have you doing that now, can we?” The mare then waved her hoof, and Twilight felt the spell abruptly dissipate.

“What?” Twilight said trying to reignite her horn. Yet no magic answered her call. She hadn’t even seen the strange mare do anything other than wave her hoof. Yet her magic was being blocked. Like some outside force put a cap on her magical energy. “Just what did you do to me?!” Twilight's eyes went wide. She knew that nopony should be capable of doing that. Except for maybe Discord.

“Don’t worry, it’s only temporary,” The mare reassured Twilight, pulling herself up into a sitting position. “I’m really not in the mood to be knocked out by a angry unicorn. Besides, don’t you have any respect for your elders?” She smirked.

“Elder?” Twilight quickly looked the mare over. She couldn’t guess her age, but she didn’t even look older than her mother. “You are not my elder. You’re about the same age as I am!”

“Amazing, isn’t it? Generosity does such good work. I’m glad she decided to go with bodies similar in age to your own. I don’t look a day over five thousand.” The mare smirked, casually running a hoof over her flank, admiring her own appearance.

“Wait, Generosity?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. Now she was just getting confused.

“Of course! You don’t think I came alone, did you? Exploring this world wouldn’t be nearly as fun without the others! After all, why not try mortal forms for a change?.” The mare looked out the nearby window looking mildly confused. “Oh, I do believe the others are meeting up with your friends now. They should be along shortly. Though I suspect Laughter will make plenty of detours.”

“What… just what in wide world of Equestria are you?” Twilight asked, backing away from the strange mare. She wasn’t sure if she should be afraid of her or not.

“You really don’t know do you?” The mare asked, concern in her voice.

Twilight merely shook her head, backing up a bit more. She felt her rear bump up against the wall, just barely a few inches from the door. Just a few inches from calling out to her friends.

The mare scratched her chin a bit in thought before replying. “Oh, perhaps this will help.” The mare then turned, bearing her flank to Twilight. She then pointed a hoof to her cutie mark, a golden crown topped with a purple, star shaped gem. The Element of Magic crown.

“That’s…” Twilight gulped. “That’s impossible,” She whispered, staring in confusion at a cutie mark that could not… no, just should not even exist!

“I assure you, it is quite possible. You did call us, after all. Well, here we are. We came all this way to talk to you. To talk to all of your friends, and you don’t even recognize me.” The mare pouted. “You wound me, Twilight.”

It was impossible. At least Twilight thought it was impossible. Yet here the proof sat, partially sprawled out on her bed. “You’re Magic. Oh my gosh, you’re the Element of Magic! My Element of Magic?!” Twilight gaped, trying to keep her jaw from falling to the floor.

“The one and only,” Magic said, puffing out her chest with pride. “It took you long enough to figure it out. Magic is supposed to be your special talent, yet you didn’t even recognize your own Element and source of your power, even when she is standing… well, sitting, right in front of you! You need to be a bit more observant than that, Twilight. I know you can be.”

“But, out of all the possible results of the spell, I never expected something like this!” She held a hoof up and pointed at Magic. It was almost too good to be true. She was actually talking to her element right now! Though she wasn’t expecting to meet Magic as a pony.

“You’ve seen us change our shape before,” Magic sighed. “Why not take on a more familiar form?”

“I suppose you could.” Twilight said, rubbing her chin in thought. Her ears swiveled as she heard shouts echoing up from the hallways. “Should I be worried?”

“I don’t see why you should,” Magic continued, hopping off the bed. “I didn’t hurt you, after all.”

“Yes, but I didn’t exactly give you permission to sleep in my bed now, did I?” Twilight scoffed.

“You’re cute when you’re angry, you know that?” Magic giggled. “Anyway, I thought you wouldn’t mind. I had been under the impression that you would know who I was and would be expecting me. Seems I was wrong in that regard.”

“Wait, if you really are the Element of Magic, and have been in my mind, all this time, shouldn’t you and the others know better than to just barge into the castle?!” Twilight huffed waving a hoof in the air in frustration.

“Oh those are just rules, Twilight,” Magic said, fiddling with her mane a bit. “Don't worry, it won’t hurt to break a few. Besides, I know that neither Celestia or Luna are going care too much about us making things interesting around here.”

“I.. look, how do I even know if you're telling the truth? Even if you somehow shut off my magic.” Doubts slowly surfaced in Twilight’s mind after getting over the initial shock. She had to voice her biggest concern of all. “What if, maybe, just maybe you faked the cutie mark. Then somehow hid the real Element of Magic somewhere else?”

“Do you really doubt your eyes or your senses that much? Wow...” Magic was shocked at Twilight’s disbelief. “I may not be Honesty, but I am what I say I am. How much more proof do you need?!”

“Well, I don’t know, maybe show me a spell of some kind? If you really are the Element of Magic, you should be able to perform spells that most ponies can’t do. If you really are who you say you are, then it should be a simple matter to prove it that way.” Twilight had her now. While she would love it if this was the Element of Magic, she had to know for certain.

“Indeed it should, and I know the perfect spell for the task.” With that, the mare hopped off the bed and trotted over to Twilight. “Now this will only take a second,” Magic explained, reaching out with a hoof and placing it against Twilight’s chest.

All at once, Twilight felt that familiar sensation of temporary vertigo and the whirl of colors associated with a teleport spell. This time, the spell lasted a few seconds longer than normal. When it was over, she thought she had gone blind. Everything was pitch black, and she couldn’t even see her own hoof in front of her face. Twilight tried to keep the panic out of her voice. “I can’t see… why can’t I see anything?”

“Here, let me help with that,” Magic said, off to Twilight’s right. The darkness was lit up from a small ball of light conjured up from the other mare. She had a very pleased look on her face.

“Where are we?” Twilight asked, looking around at the bleak grey stones surrounding her. It made her shudder, reminding her of being trapped in the mines beneath Canterlot by a crazy changeling queen.

“Look up,” said Magic pointing a hoof to the sky.

Twilight looked up, expecting something spectacular. Perhaps even a ceiling, having fallen for a trap or something. She was somewhat disappointed to see stars twinkling above her. The fact that it was night, however, seems to imply that they had traveled a great distance. Far longer than any transport she had ever pulled off, but still not that difficult to do with some preparation. The stars themselves were unusually clear, but other than that, there was nothing interesting about the sky. Twilight looked back down at Magic, confused. “It’s just the night sky. I admit, it’s a bit clearer than I’ve ever seen it, but I could have seen this after Celestia had put the sun to rest later.”

“Look again.” Magic said gesturing back up.

“But, there’s nothing...” Twilight started to complain.

“Look. Again,” Magic said still wearing that smug grin despite speaking a little more forcefully.

Twilight huffed a bit before looking back up at the clear night sky. The unicorn still didn’t know what she was looking for, but kept her eyes trained for anything out of the ordinary. Then she saw it, slowly cresting over a small ridge. It was a pale blue dot, a small blue and green orb beginning to drift lazily from one end of the horizon to the other. Twilight recognized it instantly. She did a double take back and forth between Magic and the sky. She gulped. “But, but that... that can’t be. This kind of magic is impossible, unless you really....”

“Not for me it isn’t,” Magic beamed, as it finally dawned on Twilight where they really were.

“But... but, we're on the Moon,” Twilight said in disbelief, looking back up at the sphere, and pointing toward it. “By Celestia! That is Equis, and we’re on the Moon!”

“Indeed we are.” Magic gave a small clap at Twilight’s statement.

“I think...I need to go home now,” Twilight groaned, starting to feel overwhelmed, realizing just how far from home she really was.

“Very well,” said Magic placing her hoof back upon Twilight’s chest. Just as fast as they had arrived on the Moon, the pair found themselves back in Twilight’s room. “I hope that was sufficient proof of my identity.”

“I... I need to sit down.” Twilight said, trotting back to her desk. Her mind was reeling, the rush from being sent to space and back falling heavily upon her. Twilight plopped down on her chair, still scattered with notes and data. Part of her still couldn’t believe that the spell had worked. The bookworm was not only talking to one of the Elements of Harmony itself, but she could actually touch and feel it too. Okay, well she, not it. She even looked exactly like a pony, and Twilight could barely begin to theorize how much magical energy would be required to create such bodies out of essentially, well, nothing! The unicorn looked back over her notes and couldn’t help but think of how they now barely scratched the surface of what was possible. Her mind was going over a million things at once but refused to focus on anything in particular.

Then it hit her, and her eyes went wide once again. Twilight had, sitting in her room, the Element of Magic itself. She had, at her hooftips, the source of nearly all magical knowledge of the universe. Twilight could ask her anything, learn nearly everything. Be it the secrets of magic, or history thought long lost to ponykind. Twilight’s apprehension quickly vanished, and was replaced with a giddy rush. With a flash of her horn she grabbed up as much blank paper and writing tools as she could before turning around to face Magic. The eager student nearly fell back down as Magic’s muzzle was once more barely a hair’s distance away from her own. “Would you stop doing that!” Twilight yelped, quickly backing away from Magic. “You’re almost as bad as Pinkie.”

Magic giggled. “I do apologize. As I’ve said before, I haven’t had a living body for very long. I’m, well, far more used to being inside of you, than not.”

Twilight gulped, feeling her face go warm again. “I… ugh…” She really wished Magic had worded that sentence a bit better. Especially after what happened earlier. “Well, we can worry about that later,” Twilight said rearranging her stack of blank paper, and regaining her composure. She grinned. “Oh my gosh, I have so many questions for you!”

“I’m sure. Secrets of the universe and all that. It was one of the reason you called us, right?” Magic seemed bored by the prospect. Her smile dimmed slightly, before perking back up again. “I have a few better ideas to do with our time. I’m more interested in taking this new body for a test drive, if you will. I was rather enjoying resting with you in bed. Perhaps, we could resume doing that?” Magic gestured back to the bed.

Twilight felt her face begin to burn at Magic’s suggestion. “I’d rather not if that is all the same to you. Now for my first questi-OON!” Twilight’s voice rose in pitch as Magic wrapped her hooves around her midsection and began to drag her back to bed.

“We’ll have plenty of time for questions later. Your little freakout this morning cut into your sleep,” Magic said pulling on Twilight a bit harder. Twilight was surprised to find how strong the ponified Element really was. “You didn’t even get much rest last night after all. Once you’ve had your sleep, then you can ask your questions. You always did work better after a good night’s sleep. You and I both know that.” Twilight felt like panicking again. Magic seemed a little too eager to pull her back into bed.

“B...bu...but we don’t have to sleep together. Right?” Twilight stammered, trying to extricate herself from Magic’s grip.

“Now where would the fun in that be, hmm?” Magic giggled, falling down onto the bed and pulling Twilight along with her.

Twilight made a squeak, not unlike what Fluttershy would make, as she fell onto the bed. The unicorn found herself lying on top of Magic, who wore a very pleased look. Twilight felt like she would burst into flame at any second. “I’m not very sleepy actually. In fact I think I could do with a bit of fresh air,” Twilight said desperately, trying to free herself from Magic’s hold.

“Don’t make me hit you with a sleep spell, Twilight. Just relax, I don’t bite,” Magic said making a practically devious grin. “Well, unless you want me to...”

“Um, really, that really won’t be necessary I...”

"Twilight Sparkle!” Princess Luna nearly shouted, barging her way into the room and cutting off Twilight mid sentence. “You’re assistance is require imme—” Luna stopped as soon as she saw Twilight astride Magic on her bed. Her mouth opened and closed a few times in an attempt to say something as she looked over the pair. “It would seem you are preoccupied at the moment. Perhaps your friends will be able to deal with matters for the time being.”

“Oh,” said Magic. Her voice losing the teasing tone and taking on a flatter voice. “It’s you.”

“Luna, this isn’t what it looks like!” Twilight said, desperately trying to explain the situation. She could feel a blush on her face so intense that it almost felt like she would burn hotter than Celestia’s sun if it continued.

Luna looked back and forth between Twilight and Magic. She showed only confusion as she tried to asses the situation. “You are one of the intruders, aren't you?” Luna glared at Magic. Her expression changing from one of confusion and embarrassment to one of determination.

Magic sighed in annoyance. “I am not an intruder. I already explained this to Twilight. I do assume you mean the rest of my compatriots. You had better be treating them with respect Little LuLu.”

Luna’s expression changed to anger as Magic used the pet name her elder sister used. “Twilight?,” Luna asked through gritted teeth. “Is this who, or more precisely, what I think it is?”

Twilight finally managed to extricate herself from the distracted Magic. She trotted over to Luna, keeping her distance from Magic in the process. “Princess, this is the Element of Magic,” Twilight pointed toward Magic’s cutie mark as she introduced her. Luna noticed it looked just like Twilight’s element.

“You mean to tell me that this,” Luna gestured to Magic, “mare, is the actual Element of Magic? The same one that both you and my sister have wielded?”

“Well, yes,” Twilight said rubbing the back of her head with a hoof in embarrassment. “The spell we cast earlier actually worked, far better than we could have expected. The Elements heard us loud and clear and decided to, well, visit.”

“To put it simply,” said Magic smiling.

Before any of the mares could say anything more, a bright flash filled the room, followed quickly by what sounded like a party blower, and punctuated by a burst of confetti. “GOOD MORNING TWILIGHT!” Said two voices at once. Luna and Twilight winced.

“We brought cupcaaaaakes!” Pinkie singsonged with a tray of cupcakes carefully balanced atop her fluffy pink mane.

“For you! For you! And for everyone of your friends!” Said the second pony. A unicorn with an equally fluffy mane and a bright yellow coat. The unicorn quickly levitated three cupcakes to each pony in the room, beaming merrily as he did so. “I wish we could stay and enjoy such frosted coated goodness with you…”

“...But we must go and share our treats with everypony!” Pinkie Pie finished the colt’s sentence before the pair vanished once again the same way they entered.

“Let me guess.” Twilight groaned rubbing her hooves into her face. She turned to face Princess Luna, who was cautiously sniffing at the fluffy treat gifted to her. “That is why you came in here to begin with.”

“Among other things.” Luna said placing down the cupcake. “If that pony,” she nodded at Magic who was happily scarfing down her own snack, “is indeed the Element of Magic, then it appears we have much bigger problems on our hooves.”

Twilight groaned. It was going to be a very, very long day.