• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 6,196 Views, 93 Comments

Another Chance Beyond the Door - Dat Merc

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Chapter 3: Castle Mane-ia

Chapter 3: Castle Mane-ia

Piles of books, piles of books everywhere. Edward stepped out of the guest room only to find numerous undisclosed reading materials around him. During the train ride from Canterlot to Ponyville when the Summer Sun Celebration was dying down the other day, there was a discussion among Twilight and her friends on who was willing to take him in. After some time, the lavender mare offered to do so and the alchemist accepted her offer. He was surprised when he found out that she and Spike had been living inside a library for quite some time. The Golden Oak may be smaller than the much bigger libraries he was used to going throughout his life, but it did feel like an actual home. They explained that before settling in Ponyville, they used to live in Canterlot.

He walked upstairs into Twilight's study room and saw several more piles of books there. Edward saw her reading one of the books, but appeared to be frustrated.

"Twilight, are you okay?"

The mare's ears perked up before she turned her head, "Hi, Ed. I'm looking into these books hoping to find anything about the chest I got from the Tree of Harmony or the six keys needed for it. I still found nothing..."

"Talk about dedication. I can't help but notice that you've been at it since we all returned from Canterlot after the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Well, I do read a lot of books all the time. I even pull all-nighters on occasion."

"All-nighter, you say?" Edward raised an eyebrow in amusement. "My brother and I spent about ten days deciphering hand-written research notes one time."

Twilight was about to turn a new page in her book until she heard what he just said and gasped, "Really? That must have been fun."

Unfortunately, it was not the case. The young alchemist fell silent and hung his head a little. He still remembered those days spent with Alphonse deciphering Doctor Marcoh's research notes revolving around the Philosopher's Stone during the Ishvalan Civil War. They were successful in deciphering the notes, but they were disgusted by the grim answer of what the stone was mostly made from.

"Ed...? Ed?"

Edward was immediately shaken from his thought after he heard Twilight's voice, "Oh! Sorry about that. I'm fine, really." He responded nervously. "Anyway, I'm heading to the Boutique so Rarity can remeasure me again. See ya, Twilight."


Twilight waved farewell to Edward before she watched him walk out of the Golden Oak Library and into the streets of Ponyville from her window. She scratched her head in confusion. Was it something she said that made him quiet for a moment? Maybe she needed to talk to him about it later. She still wanted to sit down and take notes on alchemy with him...

Although it looked more populated, Ponyville had a similar small-town feel as Resembool. For Edward, it felt nostalgic by simply being here even if he used to live in the sparse portion of town. Since Fluttershy mentioned that she was a caretaker for animals, he was certain she would have enjoyed the Annual Sheep Festival if she found herself there. Ponies wandered the streets towards their destinations. Vendors sold their products in the market area, though there were vendors that dotted different parts of town. Then there were the occasionally questionable looks the alchemic prodigy received from the locale. In fact, it's been that way from the start.

"Not again!"

An unfamiliar feminine voice cried out which startled and shoved him out of Memory Lane. The human alchemist spotted a pale yellow coated earth mare with two-toned red and pink mane and tail. She appeared to be in distress as she looked down at her carriage filled with flowers of various colors. One of the wheels of the carriage fell apart, but the upper half was still intact. Close enough to see the damage, he rushed in to assist the mare in question.

"Excuse me, miss. Stand back for a second and let me handle this."

The mare looked up in confusion and backed away a few feet from the carriage. Edward clapped his hands together before he placed them on the broken wheel. Blue sparks flared as he transmuted the broken item back to its original state. The mare walked over to the carriage and gasped in awe over the restoration.

"Oh my goodness. The wheel looks new!" She turned around and looked up at him with a smile, "Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?"

"No need for that. I'm just glad to help someone in need."

"I really appreciate it, Mister... Er... What's your name?"

"I'm Edward. Edward Elric. Call me 'Ed' for short."

"My name is Roseluck. 'Rose' for short," The mare introduced herself. "Thank you again."

The Carousel Boutique was finally in sight and Edward continued his approach to his destination. He was not as far as he thought he was when he stopped to help Roseluck for a few minutes. When he reached the door, he knocked on it a few times.

"Rarity, hello? It's me; Ed."

A few seconds passed and he heard hoofsteps inside before the door opened which revealed the white-coated unicorn.

"I'm glad you're here, Edward. Please come on in."

He complied and entered the Boutique.

"Head on over to the fitting room for now. I'll be with you in a minute."

"Sure thing."

Edward went into the room as instructed while Rarity disappeared from his peripherals. He then started to think about the first time he was brought here the other day just hours before going to Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration. Rarity mentioned the measurements for new clothes were rushed due to time constraints that day. Edward was certain this was about to be thorough but also quick this time.

"My apologies for making you wait, darling," Rarity returned while wearing a pair of orange eyeglasses. She also had a small notebook, a pencil, and a measuring tape currently levitated to her eye level by her magic, "I had a hunch that you'll be here sooner or later so I started looking for these until you arrived. I couldn't remember where I put them the other day, but it's fine now."

"That's good to hear."

"Indeed. Now take off your outfit."

"Do what now?"

"Take off your outfit but keep your boxer shorts on, Edward."

The blonde prodigy stared at the unicorn mare with a dumbfounded look before he shrieked, "What? Why?!"

Rarity stared back at Edward with confusion, "I need you to do so for proper measurements, remember?"

"Yeah, but I didn't expect to have to strip down!"

"Let me explain further, darling. It is necessary for me to make sure these measurements are as thorough and accurate as possible. I could have told you to strip down for measurements the other day, but time constraints that time made it impossible."

Edward heaved an irritated sigh, "Fine, let's just get this over with."

"Wonderful!! Go ahead and use one of the fitting room booths for now. I'll wait here."

Twenty minutes later...

"You see now, Edward. That wasn't so difficult, was it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I was just overreacting," Edward rolled his eyes while he was behind closed doors again putting his outfit back on. Having to strip down to his underwear for clothing measurements was an awkward experience for him, especially being measured by a white unicorn mare who happened to be a fashionista.

Rarity was looking over her measurements right outside the door the human was behind. As she made sure everything on paper was in order, she set her notebook aside and spoke, "Oh, I nearly forgot... Can I ask you a favor, dear?"

"What is it?"

"I'm about to go out for an important errand within half an hour from now. I was wondering if you don't mind accompanying me."

"Where are you planning to go?"

"There are some certain pieces of fabric I want to get, but I may need some help with it. That's why I'm asking."

The young alchemist stepped out of the fitting room booth while he secured one more button on his white dress shirt before turning his attention to the fashionista mare, "I really don't think I have anything else to do after I'm done here. I guess I can go with you."

Rarity's eyes sparkled with excitement hearing his answer and used her magic to give him his black coat, "That's marvelous! Just wait for me at the foyer while I put all of my things away. I'll also be picking up one more volunteer to come with us and I already know exactly who it is."

As expected, Edward and Rarity left the Boutique together and headed out into the streets of Ponyville.

"So, who are we bringing with us again?" Edward asked.

"It's Fluttershy, darling," Rarity answered, "Believe me, having you both with me will be more than helpful. Have you been to her cottage yet?"

"No, I haven't. As a matter of fact, Ponyville is still pretty new to me as much as the rest of Equestria."

"Don't fret, Edward. You'll soon know your way around eventually. Now, off to Fluttershy's cottage."

The walk to the pegasus mare's cottage was a little longer than the alchemist prodigy expected it to be. It took him and Rarity towards the outskirts of town and into a trail along the edge of the Everfree Forest. The opposite direction of the trail led to Sweet Apple Acres which was Applejack's home. Edward made a mental note to himself to take a look at that place eventually. He then noticed they were approaching a small house up ahead. He was certain that was their destination.

"Edward, welcome to Fluttershy's cottage."

As he and Rarity passed over a small bridge over a stream of water, Edward looked around at his immediate surroundings. He saw several small critters running around. There were even a number of bird's nests and birdhouses that dotted the area. The yellow pegasus was not joking when she mentioned that she took care of animals. This cottage looked like some sort of animal sanctuary. They both stood in front of the door of the cottage before Rarity knocked on it.

A few seconds later, a familiar yellow-coated pegasus opened the door with a small, white bunny sitting on her back, "Rarity, Edward, what brings you here today?"

"I'm glad you asked, Fluttershy," Rarity responded, "I was wondering if you were available today."

"Available for what?"

"For a fetch quest, you may say. There are certain pieces of fabric I wish to get my hooves on and I would like to have you come along with me."

Fluttershy stood in front of both the fashionista and the alchemist in silence. Skepticism was slowly being drawn on her face but she was still listening.

"This was originally supposed to be just both of us," Rarity continued, "But Edward just happened to visit me, so I asked him and he agreed to help me. Now I'm asking you to come along. The assistance from both of you will be greatly significant."

A smile appeared on the yellow pegasus' face, "Of course, Rarity. I'll help you. But I hope you don't mind letting me take Angel with me." She motioned her head toward the small bunny on her back.

Edward leaned down to see the small critter and smiled, "Hey there. How's it going?" He extended his right arm towards Angel. When his fingers got close, the small bunny bit his index finger only to let go immediately and grasped his mouth in pain when it was too late to realize he literally bit on some sort of metal.

"Angel, that's not nice! Don't be rude to our guests," Fluttershy scolded her pet.

After leaving the cottage, Rarity, Edward, Fluttershy, and Angel entered the Everfree Forest together. The reason why they were there confused the fashionista's friends as they were right behind her.

"Edward, didn't Rarity tell you where we were going before coming to visit me?" Asked Fluttershy.

"No, she didn't," Edward responded, "I thought we were all going around town to help her bring back what she wants, but I didn't expect to go into the forest."

The pegasus mare fell silent for a moment before she spoke out again, "Um, Rarity? Don't you think it's a little late in the day to be walking through the forest? It is star spider season after all. Although I'm sure you have a very good reason."

"Simply, the most important reason I've ever had in my entire life."

"Oh! Well then, I'm happy to help," Fluttershy's mood suddenly changed from anxious to enthusiastic, "What is it?"

They then found themselves in front of the bridge that connected the Everfree Forest to the Castle of the Two Sisters. On the bright side, there were no Plunder Vines creeping around at all here like last time.

"I've heard rumors that the Castle of the Two Sisters is filled with the most gorgeous of ancient tapestries in all of pony history!" Rarity explained, "It pains me to think of those magnificent creations rotting away in those old ruins totally unappreciated."

"So you dragged me and Fluttershy all the way here to help you find some old fabrics?" Edward asked with an unamused look on his face. Deep down, he seriously should have asked her for more details before he agreed to be her assistant for the day.

"More like, brought you here instead of dragged, darling."

"I see," Both he and yellow pegasus mare monotonously said in unison before they all crossed the bridge together.

"I require help from both of you in borrowing one or two to bring back to the Boutique where I can restore them," The unicorn mare continued her explanation, "Maybe I'll use the patterns as an inspiration for a new line!"

Fluttershy looked up at Edward and back at Rarity, "That does sound very important."

"Yes!" Rarity turned her head away from the two and stumbled on her own words, "Well... Maybe not the most important thing in my entire life, but retro-ancient classical will be all the rage next season so there is nothing to sneeze at."

As if on cue, Angel hopped past the unicorn mare but one of his ears unknowingly tickled her nose causing her to sneeze. After a moment of recovery, she continued on alongside Edward and Fluttershy. Eventually, the group stopped in front of the castle's doors.

"I never thought I would find myself back here again so soon," Edward commented as he surveyed the front of the ruins.

"Are you sure you need those tapestries?" Fluttershy asked Rarity.

"But of course," The unicorn mare answered, "Although I must admit. These ruins are a fright..." She stopped in her tracks and looked down at the ground beneath her hooves, "And look at all the dirt everywhere. Ugh..."

Suddenly, Angel hopped right past the door and into the ruins. This prompted Fluttershy, Rarity, and Edward to follow after him.

As they entered the ruins, they were greeted with an entrance hall with a staircase on the other side. On their left and right sides, there were hallways that led to other parts of the castle. Dangling from the ceiling, a pair of old tapestries were seen. One had an image of Princess Luna with a crescent moon above her and the other with Princess Celestia and the Sun.

Rarity gasped with excitement, "Goodness, it's practically an artistic treasure cove of ancient good taste! Edward, you were here last time. I'm sure you looked around the castle for a while before we all crossed paths."

Edward frowned with a hint of annoyance and sighed, "Rarity, I was more concerned about how to get out of here than getting lost in these ruins, but do deserted research laboratories and mining towns count?"

"Hmm... I guess they technically count if you think about it."

Fluttershy attempted to suppress a chuckle from the conversation the two were having until her pet hopped out of one of the corridors on their right, "Angel! You really shouldn't run off like that," She scolded as she approached him, "Ancient ruins are filled with all sorts of things that can hurt you! You can stub your toe or trip on a loose stone. You have to be careful!" The yellow pegasus then realized that Angel, Edward, and Rarity were walking ahead of her and into the corridor where she spotted the white bunny moments ago. Without a second thought, she immediately followed suit.

After some time wandering through the dusty and abandoned hallway, Rarity, Fluttershy, Edward, and Angel were having no luck finding any ancient tapestry that needed restoration.

"You know," The young alchemist spoke, "I actually visited ancient ruins one time."

Rarity looked up at him in surprise, "You have? If only Twilight were with us right now, she would definitely want to hear your experience."

"I guess I can save storytime for later whenever we head back to Ponyville."

Eventually, their luck on their search changed when they came across one with an image of Princess Luna hanging from a nearby wall. It was similar to the one they saw earlier in the entrance hall, but what they were currently seeing was on a slightly smaller scale. Rarity then approached it in awe and joy.

"This one is perfect!"

"Finally!" Edward commented, "I thought we're never going to find a decent one."

Fluttershy approached the tapestry for a closer look, "Well, it certainly could use some restoration."

"In that case, I can transmute it back to its original glory," The alchemic prodigy said as he raised his mismatched hands in front of him until Rarity raised her foreleg gesturing him to stop before he was able to put them together.

"Edward, that's very sweet and thoughtful of you to do so," The unicorn mare looked up at him, "But I assure you that your alchemy is not necessary for the situation at hoof. I wish to approach this restoration with my own means." She then turned her head to Fluttershy and instructed her to remove the tapestry from its hook.

The pegasus mare nodded and flew upward. She tried to remove the tapestry as instructed but to no avail.

"Maybe from below?" Rarity yelled out.

Fluttershy flew back down and gave Rarity an irritated glare while the latter gave off an innocent smile. She then flew behind the tapestry and started shuffling behind it.

Edward took a step forward, "Hey, let me-" He was abruptly interrupted and froze in place when the wall where the tapestry was hanging suddenly spun around and showed an empty wall.


He then looked back at Rarity and Angel. They were just as confused as he was. The three looked up at the wall together trying to figure out how to flip the wall around again and get their pegasus friend back. What felt like a minute or two passed, and the wall spun around again showing the tapestry and Fluttershy falling out of it almost immediately.

"Are you okay, Fluttershy?" Edward kneeled beside her. Angel was soon next to her as well.

"Ow," The pegasus mare quietly moaned in pain. "I think I hurt my wing..."

"Oh my dear, I'm so sorry." Rarity apologized to her friend, "That tapestry is far too heavy. We'll just have to find a smaller one."

"Of course," With that suggestion, the pegasus mare was back on her hooves with help from the blonde human before the group turned around and continued their search.

"By the way," Edward turned to face Fluttershy, "Where did you disappear to?"

"What do you mean?"

"While you were struggling under that fabric, the entire wall spun around," Rarity explained.

"She's right. You probably activated a secret door."

This revelation left a dumbfounded look on the timid pegasus' face. "Oh, I'm sorry," She apologized with a hint of embarrassment.

"I'd rather not worry about it if I were you," Edward assured her. "We all should've known we may come across something like that before we arrived."

"He's got a point, dear," Rarity added. "I suppose these ruins are chalked full of them..."

The shy mare winced with worry, "Really?"

"Absolutely! We must use the utmost care as we-"

The floor suddenly disappeared beneath Edward, Rarity, and Fluttershy as they fell through a trapdoor. Angel was ahead of them this whole time. When he looked down, he realized that his right foot activated the trap door and removed it from the floor switch. Further realizing his mistake, the white bunny hopped away in shame.

"Ow... My head... I still think anymore falls like that are going to stunt my growth..."

"I'm starting to wonder if maybe this castle doesn't want my expertise."

Wherever they were, it was pitch-dark. Luckily, Rarity used her horn to provide light in what was revealed as a trap room. While Edward sat down and rubbed his head in pain, Fluttershy looked around the small room as if she was missing something... Or someone.

"Oh, dear... Angel? Rarity, Edward, have any of you seen him!?"

"I'm not sure he made the trip down with us, dear." The fashionista answered.

"Oh, goodness." The pegasus gasped in horror, "We have to find him. An ancient castle is no place for a bunny. He could get hit by falling debris or the floor could give out under him! He could be trapped in a dark place with no way out!!"

"I can only imagine how that might feel..."

Something caught Rarity's eye. There was some sort of hole on the wall beside her. She took a closer and noticed that it was big enough for a limb to go through. Curious, the unicorn reached into the hole with her foreleg. After a few moments of moving her limb around, she felt something on the other side. Something unsettling... This caused her to gasp and retracted her foreleg from the hole. Sheer terror ran through her body, she had her forelegs wrapped around Edward's neck as if she was holding on to dear life.

"What the hell, Rarity...?" Edward, on the other hand, was gasping for air as he attempted to get the fashionista's attention by tapping on her foreleg.

"Rarity, what is it?" Fluttershy asked with panic slowly setting in.

"I felt something... Alive!!!"

The mere thought of the worst, possible thing made her grip around the human's neck even tighter and tighter until...


Fluttershy's sudden change of tone caused Rarity to loosen her iron grip around Edward instantly from confusion. The timid pegasus reached into the hole in anticipation. She then felt something that did not feel alive at all. When she pulled down on the mystery object, the wall literally spun the trio around and landed them in a hallway filled with dismembered pony legs that were propped to look like they were holding torches upward.

"Well, tapestries or no," Rarity ranted, "I have had just about enough of secret passages, mysterious presences, and unappreciated castles!"

Edward returned to his feet while he used the wall on the opposite side of them for support. When his hand touched the pony leg on that wall, he felt it move down a little bit. The prodigy already knew what that entailed. The wall spun around with him in it and was immediately followed by a distant scream from him. This made Fluttershy and Rarity turn their heads where he once stood a moment ago before the wall spun around.

"Edward!" The mares panicked in unison.

Another room was expected behind the wall... If only that were the case. Instead, the alchemist prodigy found himself going down a slide headfirst. After a number of twists and turns, it finally came to an end but not before he fell on his head again.

"Dammit, not again..."

Edward sat up and rubbed his head in pain. Returning to this old castle for any reason was the last thing on his mind. If only he asked where he was going before he agreed.

"Fluttershy, Rarity, are you both all right?" He asked but there was no response from either mare. He turned his head and realized they were not with him at all. He was all by himself. He was thinking back to the fashionista's rant earlier and heaved a frustrated sigh, "I couldn't agree more..."

He then started wondering where he was now. He noticed that he was in a room that looked much bigger than the atrium. On one side, there was a hallway that led to who knew where... On the other side of the room, there were two elegant-looking chairs ahead of a small flight of stairs. One chair was dark blue with a matching tapestry with a crescent-shaped moon hanging above it. The other was golden-yellow with another tapestry with the Sun that matched it. Edward approached the base of the stairs for a closer look. A podium-like platform stood between the chairs and a large gaping hole on the wall was seen between the tapestries. judging by the overall appearance, this large room was likely the castle's throne room.

Something else also caught the alchemist's eyes. Between the stairs and right below the throne, there was a passageway of some sort. Weary of the traps and spinning walls of this entire castle, he was still curious about what other secrets it had to offer. After taking one more glance at the throne room, Edward entered the passageway wondering where it may lead him to.

"At least I didn't have to sneak into this old castle in any way like I had to with the Fifth Laboratory."

As it turned out, the passageway led to a half-torn wall. Behind it, a downward, spiral flight of stairs was spotted. So far, it was dark but the moonlight from outside provided some relief for him. After the stairs, Edward found himself in a small hallway. Further ahead appeared to be another room. That only piqued his curiosity even more as he continued further.

After he set foot into the room, the alchemist took a glance at his new surroundings. Despite natural light from the outside making it easy to see, the room was basically empty. But there was something on the wall on the other side of the room. There was also a podium of some sort as well. Edward approached the wall for a closer look and took the moment to examine what was there.

It was a circular mural. Although this castle has since been abandoned, the colors of the mural were as clear as day. Along the outline of the circle, there were five colorful gems. Their color schemes looked similar to the Elements of Harmony. Each one was connected in the shape of a pentagon that was shaped within the circle. In the center of the circle, a purplish pink-colored, six-pointed star was seen, which had a striking resemblance to Twilight's cutie mark. Above the star was the Sun. Below the star, was a crescent moon.

"Hmm... Deja vu?"

Edward said quietly to himself. Something about the mural was bugging him, but he was unable to put a finger on it. He turned away from it to the podium and spotted a book on top of it. The hardcover on the front was missing. It looked as if it was torn off from the book. Somehow, the author's name was nowhere to be found. The young alchemist opened it and turned a few pages ahead. He was looking over the text only to find out it was in some foreign, possibly ancient, language as he scratched his head in confusion. He continued flipping to other pages but one, in particular, stopped him. The page in question happened to have an illustrated drawing of the mural behind him. He looked up at the wall for another moment and his eyes widened in realization as certain memories flashed before his eyes.

The transmutation circle in the Fifth Laboratory...

The mural from the ruins of Xerxes, along with pieces of the missing half inside Gluttony's stomach...

The nationwide transmutation circle around Amestris...

"W- Why does this mural look similar to those three things back home...?"

Edward was even more puzzled than ever. So far, he has been aware that nopony knew what alchemy was. This mural, probably along with this book, was likely telling a different story. If alchemy existed here, then why was nopony mentioning it? Was it ignored through the years to the point where it was completely forgotten? Were records not written about it? Who designed this mural and wrote this book? What was the purpose behind both of them?

Many questions were swirling into his mind until a faint but audible noise rang out of nowhere. Edward stood still as he felt his heart skip a beat from the sudden noise. It sounded like an organ being played, but where exactly? He grabbed the book and quickly rushed out of the room.

Edward exited the throne room and entered the hallway. The sound of the organ was still playing throughout the castle and following the sound to the source was the only solution. The only ones who were probably still in the castle beside him were Rarity, Fluttershy, and Angel. Were any of them playing the organ right now or was someone else in the castle too? Were these ruins even rumored to be haunted?

Hallway after hallway, with every twist, and turn he came across, he drew closer to the source of the organ. Suddenly, the music stopped but a doorway was seen further down. As Edward approached it, the music from the organ returned to life and became more clear but the tune of the music sounded distorted and sloppy. At the same time, multiple, yet familiar voices, were heard.

"...and you can't throw a finished-ringing-the-school-bell party without bluebells. So I went to Everfree Forest to pick some, but it starts to get chilly. I had to wrap myself up on a tarp while getting flowers. Then I saw Ed, Fluttershy, and Rarity, but they went into the castle before I can invite them to my party. Luckily, I followed them inside so I can help you all with your party."

"Oh my! Rarity, we forgot about Edward!"

"You're right. He's still somewhere lost in this castle!"

"Ed was with you?"

"Yes, but we got separated by accident."

The voices... That sounded like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight. What were the rest doing in the castle? The blonde human peeked from the doorway and saw them with his own eyes. Pinkie Pie was playing the organ while the rest, including Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Spike, and Angel, were watching her and were in the middle of a conversation. Edward walked through the doorway and was about to approach the group. Meanwhile, the pink mare pressed a random key on the instrument. Before he was able to call out to them, he saw Spike suddenly being catapulted into the air. His eyes widened as the baby dragon was falling right back down and painfully crashed on each other's heads.


Twilight and her friends got startled after hearing Spike and one other voice painfully yelled in unison behind them. They turned around and saw the baby dragon and Edward on the floor grasping their heads in pain. They rushed over to check on the two.

"That felt worse than getting whacked in the head by Winry's wrench..."

Edward sat up while feeling dazed and looked over at Spike nearby. The baby dragon was already standing with help from Twilight and Applejack.

"You okay, Ed?" Rainbow Dash asked as she hovered next to him.

"Never been better," The human alchemist answered with a sarcastic tone as he returned to his feet and dusted himself off. "So what are the rest of you do-"


Two voices rang out and the next thing he knew, he was flat on the floor again as Rarity and Fluttershy simultaneously trapped him in a hug. This caused him to flail around to remove himself from their grasp to no avail.

"You poor thing, we are so sorry we were unable to find you until now!!"

"We tried looking for you and Angel when we accidentally separated."

The two separated him from their hug which allowed him to sit up as they continued to apologize. The alchemist prodigy looked over to Angel who just gave him nothing but a confused shrug.

"Calm down, girls," Edward finally spoke, "Really, it wasn't that bad. I've been through much worse before."

Twilight walked over to the human with the old book he carried from below the throne room with her magic, "I think you dropped this."

Edward took the book from her and smiled after he was on his feet again, "Thanks, Twilight. So what were the rest of you doing here, anyway?"

Pinkie suddenly popped up between them and looked at her human friend with excitement, "Welcome to the party, Eddy!!"

"What party?"

"Uh, the Everypony-Comes-to-the-Scary-Old-Castle-and-Hide-From-Each-Other-While-I-Play-the-Organ-Party!" She answered before she started hopping away from her friends and out of the room.

Edward looked back at his friends with even more confusion, "Did I miss something while I was gone?"

Author's Note:

Despite this chapter being based on the actual Castle Mane-ia episode, I've decided to make it more focused on Ed this time. I think I need a new running gag for him now. Nevermind his height. At least he's not getting hit in the head by Winry's wrench anymore.