• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 6,196 Views, 93 Comments

Another Chance Beyond the Door - Dat Merc

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Chapter 9: A Batty Encounter

Chapter 9: A Batty Encounter

After returning to his bedroom, Edward entered the bathroom for a shower. After an estimated time of fifteen minutes, he stepped out with a towel around his waist as he was ready to call it a night. Suddenly, he froze in place with shock. Just before stepping into the bathroom, he remembered placing his discarded clothes on the foot of the bed. Unfortunately, those clothes in question were no longer there. They were nowhere in sight! A different set of clothes was there in its place instead.

“Wh… What the hell?”

The alchemic prodigy rushed over to the bed and spotted a note on top of a folded set of clothes. Blinking in confusion, he picked up the note and started reading…


While you were out of the castle earlier today, I reached out to a certain fashionista in Ponyville with Twilight’s help. I’m sure you know her well. I asked Rarity for your tailored measurements which she had on hoof. She sent it to me immediately and I had the tailoring staff make a couple of sets of clothes for you. I am sure you will like them.

As for the clothes you wore today… No need to worry about them. They are being cleaned for you. There is no need for you to repay me. Expect them to be returned to you first thing in the morning before breakfast.

- Princess Celestia

“Well, this already eased my mind…”

He smiled in relief as he looked at the folded clothes on the bed. He took a moment to examine them further. There was a pair of red-colored pajamas, and two black pairs of shirts - one with short sleeves while the other was sleeveless. A black pair of pants similar to his previous pair was present. Two pairs of boxer shorts and socks were the last of the clothes generously provided for him. He was also surprised how quickly these clothes were made in such a short time. Oddly enough, ponies don’t wear clothes on a normal basis and yet most of the locals of Canterlot do?

After putting on his new sleepwear and setting the rest of his new clothes aside, Edward crawled into bed and sighed in relaxation. He checked the time from his pocket watch which read ‘nine-thirty five.’ He looked at the nearby window where the night sky was illuminated. After a moment or two, he fell into slumber.

His eyes slowly flickered open and his body rolled on the bed. The young alchemist attempted to continue sleeping but to no avail. The night sky was still present as the time read ‘twelve fifty-three.’ on his pocket watch. It was a little past midnight already as he sat up and sighed. He got out of bed and took a step out to the balcony where the cool night breeze greeted him. A chair and table were to his left side and he took his seat without a second thought. If only he knew about this during his first night here…

With such accommodation in mind, the blonde human gazed in awe at the view of Equestria’s nighttime landscape. It was much more beautiful than he expected. He experienced the night sky in numerous places around Amestris throughout his journey as a State Alchemist but none of that can beat the night sky over his childhood home of Resembool. Unfortunately, those particular nights may not be experienced again due to the knowledge of his recent displacement.

What felt like ten minutes had passed, and a knock on his door drew his attention.

“Edward, are you awake? It’s Luna.”

What could the dark blue alicorn do coming over to his room? Of course, she controlled Equestria's night sky which made her nocturnal, but still… Hanging his head in confusion, the young alchemist walked over to the door and opened it.


“Mind if I come in? I just hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“No… Please come in. I’ve been up for a little bit before you knocked on my door, actually.”

“Just as I thought…” With the door opened, the Lunar Princess entered his room and watched the human close it, “I spotted you from my own balcony. I came here personally to make sure you’re okay. I could fly from there to your balcony but I rather not startle you. Anyway, it seems you happen to enjoy the night sky, do you not?”

He lightly blushed as he scratched his head, “Yeah. Mostly because I needed some fresh air, to be honest..”

“In that case, let’s step outside again.”

Edward returned to the balcony alongside Luna. The former was back on the chair he sat on while the latter sat beside him as they enjoyed the breeze together. She looked over at the young human for a brief moment.

“Is something on your mind?” she asked. “I can tell when I spotted you earlier.”

He paused for a moment when her question caught him off guard. Then again… She was right, “I was just out here and the sky simply reminded me of home. For the past few years, until I ended up in Equestria, I was traveling around with my brother. He and I experienced the night sky in numerous places. Including the town, we were born and raised in…”

“I’m glad to hear that, Edward.” She commented with a smile, “My night sky gave you a nostalgic hint of your previous life.” Another look at the human made her notice the hand portion of his automail arm and the foot portion of his matching leg. She almost forgot that he wore two of those appendages. She can only imagine how difficult and painful it was to have metal surgically attached to one’s body. Not to mention the post-surgery rehabilitation she suspected he likely had to go through...

“I also thought about the research on Silver Dusk and the Crimson Star the other night…” The human spoke again, “Despite the lack of information we struggled with, I’m still certain that Twilight and I will get to the bottom of this sooner or later. Everything we need about them is still out there somewhere. I know it is…”

“I’m sure you will both make it happen. Even my sister believes in that outcome as well,” After several seconds of silence, the dark blue mare turned her head only to find the blonde human already asleep. This made her chuckle as she used her magic to lift him from the chair and gently placed him on the bed. After covering him with the bedsheets, Luna paused for a moment as she looked down at his sleeping form and softly placed her forehoof on his cheek, “Go back and rest again, Edward Elric. I know you need it…” She turned away and quietly walked out of the room and made sure she closed the door just as quietly.

After enjoying breakfast and gathering his new clothes into his new luggage case, he made his way to the throne room where Celestia was waiting with his luggage case in his hand. He made sure his freshly clean outfit was just as ready as he was for the visitation. After a minute of waiting, the guards allowed him to finally enter the throne room.

“Good morning, Your Highness. I’m here as you expected me to be.”

“Good morning to you too, Edward.”

“So… What do you need me for before I go back to Ponyville?”

“I’m glad you asked,” As if on cue, the white alicorn used her magic to levitate a pouch between her and the young human, “Please consider this a reward for your heroic deed yesterday.”

The pouch hovered over to him as he extended his gloved hands until it reached them. He then opened it and gasped at the sight of its content. There were many golden coins inside. They just weren't any coins, they were Equestria’s currency!

“That’s a thousand bits for you, Edward. You have earned it.”

The boy looked up at the Princess and smiled, “Seriously? For me!? Thank you, Your Highness!!”

“You’re quite welcome. I’m glad you like it.”

After the acquisition of his latest item and leaving the castle, Edward finally boarded the train as he was ready for the ride back from Canterlot to Ponyville with the money Twilight gave him before they both went separate ways just the other day. As the train left the station for its destination, he took a seat and looked outside his window. He still remembered the view outside of it was still the same as when he and his new set of friends took the same train ride to Canterlot and back to Ponyville from the Summer Sun Celebration. Still, it was a view that still caught his attention. Other than that, the train ride was uneventful like last time, but several ponies on board were beginning to take notice of his presence in a positive light after what happened yesterday.

The time was one-twenty. Stepping out of the Ponyville Train Station, the human alchemist sighed in the satisfaction that his time in Canterlot was finally over. So many things happened in such a short amount of time during his stay. Now he was ready to wind down into Ponyville’s comforting sensation that shared a nostalgic resemblance to Resembool.


A voice was heard right before a rainbow-like streak flew past him and returned to him. It turned out to be none other than Rainbow Dash. However, she appeared to be distraught.

“Ed, thank Celestia you’re back from Canterlot! We have an emergency right now!!”

The alchemic prodigy gasped in surprise, “Huh, what happened!?”

“There’s trouble at Sweet Apple Acres since yesterday. I’m sure Twilight and the rest can explain everything to you. For now, we’re all meeting up at the Library. Let’s go!!”

Before he was able to get a word out of his mouth, Edward found himself snagged by the forelegs of the cyan-coated pegasus in a blink of an eye and flew towards the direction of the Golden Oak Library.

“Dash, I would greatly appreciate it if you warn me next time before you scoop me up and fly me wherever the Hell in a hurry!”

“But I told you it was an emergency.”

“Yeah, yeah. Better yet, just ask for my permission next time.”

Edward opened the door to the Golden Oak Library and allowed Rainbow Dash to enter first. Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were at the base of the stairs re until they all turned their attention to the door.

“Well, that took you long enough. What gives, Rai-” Applejack commented but stopped before she finished her question and spotted the human closing the door behind him and their pegasus friend, “Ed, you’re back in town!”

“Welcome back,” Twilight and Spike greeted both new arrivals in unison.

As for the rest, they smiled in surprise as they saw their non-pony friend return and greeted him. Not only that, but they also noticed he was wearing the new outfit Rarity made for him.

“Yeah… Thanks, everyone,” He nodded his head in approval.

Rarity gave a playful chuckle, “You’re quite welcome, dear. I can also tell you enjoy your new attire too.”

“So… Rainbow Dash told me there was an emergency involving Applejack’s home if I’m not mistaken.”

“That’s right,” The lavender-coated alicorn responded in confirmation. “Come upstairs with us. We have a plan to set up, but I suppose we can recap with you on what happened before we do so.”

Edward took a moment to drop off his belongings in his bedroom and let his red overcoat hang from the chair for his desk. He immediately stepped out and met with the rest in Twilight’s study room. As soon as he settled down, the studious alicorn explained the events that happened during his stay at Canterlot.

As of yesterday when the lavender mare returned from Canterlot, Applejack was having a vampire fruit bat infestation plaguing Sweet Apple Acres. The apples throughout the orchard were being eaten by those creatures. But with the help of Fluttershy’s notorious stare and one of Twilight’s spells, the vampire fruit bats stopped eating the apples. Unfortunately, it was discovered earlier this morning the spell backfired and the apples were still being eaten. After a moment of further investigation, the spell on the bats did work after all, but it created a new and complicated mystery… If none of them were eating the apples, then who? Or what…? With these questions in mind, Twilight believed there was only one solution to the new problem…

“A stakeout?” The blonde human blinked in confusion.

“That’s right, partner.” Applejack nodded her head, “At this point, it’s the only way to catch the real culprit red-hoofed.”

“So what do you say, Ed? Want to help us out?” Twilight asked with a smile.

He scratched his cheek in thought. The information was still fresh to him, “Hm… I don’t know. You all managed to handle this situation without my help until now…”

“Please,” The yellow pegasus mare walked over and stood beside him. “I understand this is quite sudden for you. Especially since you just returned from Canterlot but we definitely could use all the help we can get right now.”

“Fluttershy has a point, darling. Even the smallest amount of help can make a big difference,” Rarity added in support of her friends.

“Now what do you say this time, Ed?” Spike asked in anticipation.

The alchemic prodigy was already speechless by the begs for help from his new set of friends. He did not think they would ask him for help anytime soon… Then again, the last two times at the Castle of the Two Sisters and the time the Princesses were missing… They did need his help after all. Still, the past few years as a State Alchemist gave him the drive to help those in need like that time when he and Alphonse were in Youswell... Why hold back now? He heaved a brief sigh before he spoke, “All right, everyone. I guess I’m in now.”

Rainbow Dash was the first to respond to his answer. She cheered and patted him on the back hard enough for him nearly fall on his face, “Ha! I knew you would agree to help us out, pal!!”

Laughter filled the air from the rest of the group as Pinkie suddenly shot confetti in the air, “Now all of us are going to have a stakeout together!”

Later that night…

Twilight and her friends made their way to Sweet Apple Acres just an hour before sundown. With a certain alchemist among them, their stakeout party was complete and they were ready to solve their latest mystery by entering one of the orchards filled with nothing but eaten apples. As they went deeper into the orchards, Edward could not help but noticed that Fluttershy was acting a little strange since the start of the stakeout but he shrugged it off thinking she was in deep thought.

“All right. Everypony, split up,” Applejack suggested as they passed the fence leading into one of the orchards. “We’ll each patrol our own row of the orchard. Whoever or whatever is destroying my apples had got to be here somewhere…”

The rest of the group responded in agreement and spread themselves throughout the orchard as the farm mare instructed. The former State Alchemist took over the furthest row on the left as soon as he watched his friends claim their own rows. What felt like an eternity since he started his investigation down his row of apple trees, only an estimated five minutes passed. To no surprise, it was one dead apple tree after another. Not to mention drained apples which littered the ground around him. Edward abruptly stopped when a shadow of a mysterious figure suddenly flew above him. He looked up only to lose sight of it almost immediately.

“Could be one of those bats still flying around, I hope…” The human quietly heaved a sigh as he looked down at the drained apples. He picked one up and took a moment to examine it. The more he looked at it, the more complicated the mystery was getting. Then again… What if the others missed a handful of vampire bats yesterday and they were unaware of such a mistake…? That may likely explain the apples that were still being eaten. After throwing the apple back to the ground, he placed his fingers on his chin in deep thought. A few bats that were not present yesterday were the only possible explanation for the current problem. He then looked up at the night sky only to see Applejack’s cutie mark illuminating. It was coming from the flashlight she brought with her… How long has that been on? This prompted the human to rush toward the source’s location. The orange earth pony must have discovered something to warrant the light signal.

After a few minutes of running through the orchard, he reached the location of the light only to see everypony except one running. It looked as though they saw a ghost and fled.

“Hey, what happened here!?”

They all turned their heads to face the blonde human. Spike was the first to speak out to him, “Ed, you’re not going to believe what we just found!”

“What is it?”


“Everypony down!” Applejack yelled as everypony immediately complied.

As he fell to the ground, Edward barely saw a shadowy silhouette fly right past him and the rest of the group. He then quickly returned to his feet to confront the culprit, “Let me guess… That’s the one eating the apples, right?” He was about to perform a clap transmutation until…

“Ed, stop!” The studious mare cried out as the shadowy creature was returning for another fly-by, “That’s Fluttershy!!”

The human alchemist froze in surprise, “Wh-What?” Before his mind was able to register his friend’s warning, he looked up again to see the feral-looking creature with an almost similar appearance as the yellow pegasus spit out a drained apple right into his face knocking him back to the ground. He sat up as he rubbed his face in pain before Rainbow Dash and Applejack helped him back to his feet.

“If she keeps this up, your crop will be gone in no time!” The cyan pegasus looked at the farm mare with worry.

“That’s the least of my worries. I just want my friend back...” She sighed with worry as they watched the mysteriously transformed Fluttershy fly away from them.

“We’ll never get her back unless we corner her and catch her so I can reverse the spell,” Twilight commented as she began to chase after the yellow mare. The rest immediately followed.

“After what you explained to me earlier, are you saying that the spell you used yesterday for the bats somehow ricocheted towards Fluttershy when she was using her stare?” Edward asked the lavender mare.

“That’s right.” She was surprised he was able to deduce what happened to their friend despite his lack of knowledge in Equestrian magic, “Now like what I just said, we have to capture her so I can reverse the spell.”

“Hmm… Almost like a rebound in alchemy...”

After a little bit more time searching, they found Fluttershy…. Or Flutterbat in this matter. Their luck immediately backfired as the feral mare flew right at them and then away. Edward was on the verge of a clap transmutation in self-defense until he realized what they were all trying to do.

“Oh… If only we had Fluttershy do her stare on the Flutterbat…” Pinkie sighed in frustration.

Twilight gasped as an idea came into mind and smiled in anticipation, “That’s it!”

“So what are we doing this time?” The alchemic prodigy asked as the group quickly returned to the barn. He noticed Twilight whispering to Applejack moments before they backtracked from the orchard.

The orange mare entered the barn and brought out something big in a carriage. Whatever it was, it was covered in a tarp for a reason. “I’ve already shown all of you… Well… Almost all… This one!” She pulled the tarp off to reveal an apple that was the size of a boulder, “But I think Ed needs to see this also.”

His mouth was agape as he looked at the usually large apple it was nearly the size of an automobile, “Incredible! But how is this related to getting Fluttershy back to normal?”

“I admit that I was a tad hesitant to do this. I wanted to use this to win this year’s Appleloosa State Fair, but now my priorities have changed. I’m going to use this to save my friend.”

“How so exactly…?”

“I can explain!” Twilight smiled as she gestured for her friends to gather around her to explain the latest plan.

After returning to the endangered orchard with the large apple in tow, Twilight told everypony to hide as Applejack cut a portion of the apple open before Rainbow Dash started fanning out its sweet aroma with hopes it attracted Fluttershy.

Edward stayed hidden in the shadows and trees alongside Rarity. He also saw Twilight and Pinkie hiding in a different spot near them, “I hope this plan works.”

“It has to, dear. Otherwise, we will never get Fluttershy back,” Rarity whispered to the human they watched Spike stay hidden behind the apple with a mirror in his claws. If the feral mare was nearby, then she should have already smelled the apple’s aroma.

After a few moments, the feral pegasus bat can be seen making her descent towards the apple. As she drew closer, Applejack bucked the apple out of the way to reveal Spike holding the mirror in front of the bat pony. This briefly disoriented her and forced her to fly the other way only to face another mirror propped by the pink mare. She quickly turned around again to flee and faced a third mirror held by Rarity which made her further stunned, and disoriented, and suddenly lost the will to even make another attempt to flee.

Twilight looked at Edward and gave him a nod. That was his cue… From his hiding spot, he clapped his hand together and placed them on the ground. Blue sparks traveled through the ground through alchemic transmutation and made their way to the distracted feral mare in a form of a circle that surrounded her. The ground around her was immediately reconstructed and formed into a life-size birdcage thus entrapping her while still disoriented by the mirrors.

The lavender alicorn smiled in anticipation as her horn glowed in her magic. It spread from her horn to the entrapped bat pegasus pony and swirled around her. Seconds later, the magical aura dissipated and revealed the hopefully normal-looking pegasus mare they all knew as her unconscious figure was lowered to the middle of the transmuted bird cage…

“Is she okay now?” The human alchemist asked as the group cautiously moved closer to her.

The alicorn smiled with assurance, “I reversed the spell on her like I mentioned I would do. Fluttershy will come around, Ed.”

Dazed, confused, and disoriented, Fluttershy opened her eyes weakly and started to look around her. It looked like she was inside an opened bird cage, but she then noticed that all of her friends were around her and looking down at her in surprise. She also felt something lightweight over her body. She looked and saw a red overcoat draped over her like a blanket. There was only one pony she knew who would wear something like that and that pony was not even a pony at all. The somewhat familiar cross insignia can be seen on it as she already knew who it belonged to. She then brought her attention back to her friends with confusion still on her face, “Where am I…?”

The only answer to her question was a collective cheer from her friends. This added even more confusion for her as she got up on her hooves while giving back the red overcoat to Edward with a light blush.

“Thank goodness you’re okay!” Applejack said with relief as she hugged her friend.

“What happened to me?”

Before anypony was able to answer, Pinkie Pie did so by jumping right in front of her, although the way she elaborated the events stirred the pot of confusion even further. The former State Alchemist was just as confused as the yellow pegasus.

The next morning, Twilight undid her spell on the vampire fruit bats. After that, Applejack and the rest of her friends managed to bring them into an orchard that was exclusively reserved for the creatures. Fluttershy assured that the seeds left behind will grow into even better apple trees.

Later, they gathered at Fluttershy’s cottage to add a new entry to their friendship journal, with the assistant of Spike as he wrote it down for them. As the ponies - And baby dragon - talked among themselves. Edward looked out through the window thinking about his stay in Canterlot. The research notes, his recent heroic deed, and the conversation with the Princesses. More ponies were beginning to take even more notice of his alchemy than before.

Twilight and her friends returned to their respective homes after spending a little more time at the cottage. As she, Spike, and Edward returned to the library, she turned to the human, “Mind if I have a word with you, Ed?”

“Go ahead.”

She watched the baby dragon walk upstairs with the Friendship Journal in his claw knowing he was going to put it away in the study room. She then focused back on the blonde human as she settled down on a desk, “How was your time in Canterlot?”

“It was… Meh,” He answered halfheartedly. “I can’t help but notice there were a lot of rich and high-class, snobby-looking ponies around.”

The alicorn lightly chuckled, “Yeah, that’s the norm over there. Most of my life was spent there until Celestia decided to send me to Ponyville.”

Before he was able to compliment further, an unrolled newspaper was levitated by the mare’s magic in front of him showing its front page. Dumbfounded, he took another glance at it. A second or two later, his eyes opened in shock as a certain picture caught his eye. It was him! The picture showed him performing alchemy to rescue Hayseed Turnip Truck. According to the accompanying text entry. Edward was described as a stranger with an equally strange sort of magic who rescued a worker from a plummeting demise.’ He then looked back at Twilight speechless.

“I’ve read the article the morning you returned from Canterlot,” She explained. “Celestia even wrote me a letter about it too.”

The tone in her voice sounded stern and serious by the way she introduced the subject in question. The human could not help but feign a chuckle, “Yeah… I just reacted in the heat of the moment…”

The alicorn’s expression turned excited in a blink of an eye, “And it’s wonderful, Ed! This only adds more information to my notes on your alchemy!! If only I was actually there to see it.”

“So you’re not mad?”

“Why would I? You used your alchemy to save somepony like when we first met! I’m sure everypony would love to see more of it in the future.”

“I’m looking forward to that too,” Spike spoke as he winked in agreement.

Edward thought back to the dinner with the Princesses on the night before his return to Ponyville. He also remembered mentioning to Luna that he would make a name for himself here in Equestria when she visited him in his dreams. So far, he may have had gained some notoriety in a different part of Equestria. Maybe just a little at least, “Thanks for the compliments, you two. I just had to do it.”

The lavender mare smiled as she levitated a book from a table to one of the nearby shelves, “You have Celestia’s approval for what you did. In fact, she and Luna were already impressed with it when you demonstrated it before, remember?”

“Yeah, I do. I’m sure they would like your notes you took on my alchemy too.”

“They will. Eventually, maybe…”

“Oh, one more thing. Hang on for a sec,” He excused himself as he headed upstairs and into his room. Several moments later, he returned downstairs and placed a handful of Bits on the desk in front of the alicorn. “For you, Twilight. Just paying you back for the money you lent me.”

She blinked for a moment before she spoke, “Um… Thank you. Wait, you got Bits of your own?”

“That’s right. The Princess rewarded me a thousand Bits for that rescue back in Canterlot. Didn’t she mention that to you when she sent you the letter about that event?”

“No… I don’t think Celestia mentioned that in the letter.”

“Is that so? I guess she just wanted to keep that as a surprise of some sort and made me the bearer of that particular news.”

“Well, Ed. I guess it’s safe to say, ‘Congratulations’ on what happened over there.”

“Yeah!” Spike spoke up again, “I admit, even I think your alchemy is pretty cool.”

“Thanks, you two.” The former State Alchemist nodded his head in approval, “I just happened to be in the right place and right time when it all went down.”

Twilight moved away from the desk and walked toward the nearest bookshelf to put away a couple of books with her magic while Spike moved on to another bookshelf.

“One more thing…” The lavender alicorn spoke again, “You can just call me ‘Twi.’ The others call me that on occasion. It’s only fair since you told us to call you ‘Ed.’ What do you think?”

The blonde human chuckled lightly and smiled, “Fine by me, Twi. I can’t find myself arguing that.” He then pulled his own weight by walking over and handing over two stray books to her which she gratefully took with her magic and placed it in an empty spot on the shelf.

Author's Note:

I mentioned the last chapter was shorter than usual and I'll explain in this one. Well, that one and this chapter were meant to be just one chapter but decided to split it in two due to word count.

In other news, this chapter is out in celebration of the third (and final) live-action FMA movie in Japanese theaters as of Friday. I'm still skeptical about that as I was with the previous two movies' quality though (or at least the first one)... My hopes for the upcoming mobile game are still high.

Also, this chapter was inspired by this image:

Comments ( 11 )

I mean no disrespect considering that I like this fic, but I think your dialogue between characters could be better developed. Currently, the conversation between characters feel like chess board storytelling (Character says this, character says that, character moves here).

I recommend a more interactive conversation, have them address certain questions like, "Could you tell me in detail what is going on?" or "I feel the need to ask, how did all of this happen?" or "So let me get this straight; you turned Fluttershy into a Bat-pony-thing, with magic? Without transmuting her and the bat in question? After this Twilight, we're going to have a long discussion."

Maybe not necessarily like that, but anything better than exchanging one-liners. (By that, I mean get them to talk talk).

what are the chances that a Fluttershy will be able to learn to turn into a Flutterbat at will in the future?
After all, as we remember at the end of the series she had a FANG!

"¡Sí!" Spike volvió a hablar: "Lo admito, incluso yo creo que tu alquimia es genial".

I am sure that if they knew the horrible things that can be done with it they would not think that way

I get what you mean. Since joining this site for the first time, I've noticed the writing style of every story I've read was different from one another. Some good, some bad. Personally, I'm trying to find the best one possible. Especially for an amateur writer like myself.

I have with full confidence that you will succeed. Many in this site (like myself) came here to improve their style of writing. Practice makes perfect and don't be afraid to have someone you trust edit and review your work. It works wonders I tell you.

In the comics she learned to control it in the "Night of the Living Apples!" Story line. A mysterious meteorite cause part of AJ's orchard to gain sentience a Bad Apple convinces his fruit brothers to raise up. In order to fight them Twilight helps Fluttershy to transform into Flutterbat so she can "Template" her and turn al the main six into vampire batponies, the same way she did with the Brezzies. She also "templates" own of the sentiment apples and turned Pinkie into one (for recon).
Basically as long as she has a example of the creature to act as a template on hand Twilight can use a transformation spell to temporarily turn someone into the same species. She could turn the Main Six into humans since Ed is around or turn Ed into a pony , he'd still have automail but it would become pony appropriate. Humm could he still do alchemy? Heck in earth Pony form he might do alchemy better!

It's one thing to turn with the help of Twilight, it's completely another thing to learn how to do it yourself + how many vampire abilities do you think she has?
What is:

1. Dry up! She can drink an apple in the blink of an eye, probably she can drink blood like that
2. Hypnosis! A close look will be cooler ...
3. Flight... No comments

Under question:
4. Huge Strength?
5. Incredible agility?
6. Immortality?
7. Regeneration?
8. Dark arts?
Something that I didn't remember

In general, it can be fun

I'm surprised Ed didn't have a... moment when he saw fluttershy... it would probably remind him of... Nina

To be fair, Shou Tucker intentionally used Nina and Alexander to create a talking chimera in an attempt to retain his State Alchemist Certification. Twilight used a spell, coupled with Fluttershy's stare, to make the bats stop eating the apples. She and the rest didn't know the effect of the spell accidentally spread to Fluttershy and were unaware of the problem until after their first encounter with Flutterbat.

I still feel that he would either have a momentary lapse in his composure (which he's prone to lol) due to the trauma of seeing Nina like that... and then Fluttershy becoming a "chimera" would trigger some form of ptsd in him. Ed's a tough cookie... but he's not indomitable.

any news regarding eventual update?

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