• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 6,196 Views, 93 Comments

Another Chance Beyond the Door - Dat Merc

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Chapter 1: Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1

Chapter 1: Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1

Silence... There was nothing but silence all around and there was something cold and hard with a bit of gravel. Edward slowly opened his eyes and tried to reorient them back into focus. When he realized he was lying down on the concrete, he sat up and rubbed his head before taking a glance at where he was now. Wasn't he taken in by the Portal of Truth minutes ago?

This was not what was expecting. Edward now found himself inside of what appeared to be the ruins of some castle. Was he in the ruins of Xerxes? No... Something about this place was different than that. He lifted his right arm in an attempt to rub his forehead but abruptly stopped and gasped in disbelief as he looked at it.


Instead of his original right arm that was involuntarily restored in order to defeat Father, the young alchemist was wearing his automail arm again. Wasn't it destroyed during that fight? No signs of damage, no dents, and no missing pieces. It was in perfect condition. This discovery made another question; did he really bring his brother back from the Portal? Edward was puzzled. He quickly got up on his feet and looked around again. He was still battered from the fight, but he may have to at least patch himself up eventually.

"Great, what do I do now?"

Ahead of where Edward stood, there was what looked like a throne. Upon closer look near it, there were shattered pieces of a suit of light blue armor. It appeared as though they have not been lying around for too long. He examined the pieces closely until he spotted a helmet. It was the only thing that was undamaged but it looked a bit too big for someone's head, but something else caught his eye. There was a hole on the helmet's forehead, but it looked as if it was meant to be there instead of something like being the cause of a traumatic injury. Judging from the discarded armor, did a fight happen here? There was no sign of blood anywhere, however.

The boy walked over to a nearby window sill to see the world outside the castle ruins. It looked like he was surrounded by a forest, but the vegetation had a different appearance from the ones he knew and had been in before. Edward scratched his chin and looked up at the sky. His eyes widen in shock.

"W- What the hell!?"

The sky was literally day and night... At the same time? Edward rubbed his eyes and truth be told; what he was seeing above him was real. He shook his head and looked around the room again and saw a staircase leading downward. Somehow, these unknown ruins reminded him of the time he had to trek through the desert with Major Armstrong and Second Lieutenant Breda from the Amestrian border to the ruins of Xerxes and back...

First, the sky was literally day and night, then Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have suddenly gone missing, and now the Everfree Forest was invading? Black, thorny vines were infesting Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle, now an alicorn due to recent events prior to what was happening now, was in Canterlot to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. This was her first duty as the newly crowned Princess of Friendship. The preparations have been temporarily halted due to the strange events that may be spreading all over Equestria. With no time to waste, Twilight, along with her baby dragon assistant, Spike, flew from Canterlot to Ponyville to gather her friends; Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy, and the Elements of Harmony to solve this newest problem they were facing. They initially accused the newly reformed God of Chaos, Discord, of causing the latest havoc but ultimately gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"Why don't you ask your zebra friend if she knows anything?" Discord asked. All eyes were diverted from him to Zecora as she arrived in Ponyville from the direction of the Everfree Forest. She was carrying a sack of numerous items on her back while more were on the carriage she was hauling.

Twilight and her friends all smiled upon the zebra's arrival and approached her. Seeing her exhaustion, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash removed the sack off of her, while Pinkie Pie and Applejack separated her from her carriage.

"From my home, I have to flee," Zecora sighed in relief, "The forest has grown too wild, even for me."

"Any idea why this is happening?" Applejack asked.

"I'm afraid it is a mystery to me as well, but I may have something if combined with a spell," The zebra shaman walked over to her carriage and dug through her belongings for a moment before pulling out a small bottle with purple liquid and placed it in front of Twilight, "I do not dare to use it myself, the result could be tragic. It only responds to alicorn magic. Princess Twilight, only you can turn the potion from purple to white. After the sip, you may see why the sky is day and night."

As advised, Twilight's horn lit up and activated her magic on the potion bottle. The purple liquid changed to white exactly as Zecora mentioned. She then levitated the bottle and examined the content in question. After a moment, she took a few gulps from it. A few seconds passed and there was nothing happening.

"Um... I don't fee-"

Twilight suddenly froze in place. It felt as though the world around her suddenly turned white.

Castle Ruins

After scaling down the staircase, Edward looked around and saw more of the derelict scenery of the castle. Edward caught sight of an old, red drape lying on the floor nearby. After walking toward it, he picked it up and took a moment to examine it. Then, an idea entered his mind.

"Where ever I am now, will my alchemy work?"

The boy placed it back on the floor neatly and clapped his hands together before placing them on the drape. Blue sparks lit his surroundings and moments later, the drape transmuted into his trademark red coat, including the Flamel Cross on the back. He picked up a piece of rag nearby, a white one this time, and then wrapped it around his left bicep where the small impalement wound was during the fight against Father.

Several minutes later, Edward sighed in relief as he finally stepped out of the doors of the ruins. His black, sleeveless shirt, beside his new coat and white gloves he just transmuted, was still in tatters and dirty. For the time being, that was the least of his concerns. He then started to look around at what was currently ahead of him before walking towards an old, brittle bridge with the forest immediately beyond it.

"All right, new problem: Figure out my way out of here..."



None of this made sense. Twilight found herself in Celestia and Luna's throne room. It looked different somehow, but that was not the problem, why did Luna transform into Nightmare Moon again? Was this really related to the current conditions of Equestria? These and other questions were going through Twilight's mind when she watched a confrontation between Nightmare Moon and Celestia. After a brief fight in the night sky, the lavender-coated mare watched in shock as Celestia lifelessly fell back to Earth after Nightmare Moon's magic beam hit her. The dark mare's maniacal laughter echoed all around as Twilight made her descent where Celestia landed.

"No... Why would Luna do this? Why now?"

Twilight started to sob over Celestia's body. Suddenly, the white alicorn slowly returned to her hooves which made her gasp in a mixture of surprise and relief. "You're all right... You're all right!!!" She said with a smile, but she was receiving no attention from Celestia as if she was being ignored.

"Oh dear sister, I am sorry, but you gave me no choice but to use these!" With her horn lit, Celestia turned her head around and opened a secret door on the floorboard. A podium-like structure was revealed being risen from the secret door. It was holding a stone-like sphere surrounded by five gems.

"Are those the Elements of Harmony?" Twilight blinked with a puzzled glare, "But that's how they look like... In the past." She paused in realization as Celestia flew upward to the front of the sphere, "This is the night you banished her."

Celestia's horn lit up once more as her magical aura took hold of the gems. A six-pointed star-like gem, shaped similarly to Twilight's cutie mark emerged from the sphere and was joined by the other gems. With all six pieces of the Elements of Harmony together, they surrounded Celestia in a form of bright rainbow-like colors. Their powers activated, and she returned to the sky to confront Nightmare Moon once again. Witnessing this, the dark-colored mare began to prepare another magical beam attack.

Celestia's eyes were shedding tears knowing what she was about to her own sister. She charged her horn to combine her magic with the Elements' powers. That was when Nightmare Moon fired her magical beam at her while Celestia did the same with her own beam. Their magic clashed in the night sky as both attempted to overpower each other, but Celestia, with the Elements, gained the upper hoof as her beam began to overwhelm Nightmare Moon's beam. Nightmare Moon gasped as Celestia's beam was closing in on her.


Nightmare Moon screamed in horror as the beam consumed her body. Eventually, it carried her further and further into the sky until it landed on the moon, leaving numerous craters shaped after a horned pony.

As it all turned out, Twilight was witnessing events from the past. Her surroundings flashed before her eyes and she then found herself in a different surroundings.

"Water: 35 liters..."

Twilight's ears perked up upon hearing an unfamiliar voice behind her. Turning around, her eyes widen in shock and confusion.

"Carbon: 20 kilograms, ammonia: 4 liters, lime: 1.5 kilograms, phosphrus: 800 grams, salt: 250 grams, saltpeter: 100 grams, sulfur: 80 grams, fluorine: 7.5 grams, iron: 5 grams, silicon: 3 grams."

"What am I looking at?"

Twilight spotted some sort of a large circle with different shapes drawn within it on the floor with a bowl in the center with different contents inside it. What shocked her the most was two... Human boys, looked at least ten years old? She just can't seem to put her hoof on it... Somehow, they look different than the ones she already met during her recent adventure at Canterlot High.

Both boys had blonde hair and gold-colored eyes. One had slightly long, hair with bangs while the other one had shorter hair.

"And finally, we need some soul data," The boy with bangs spoke as Twilight watched them use a knife to lightly slit their own fingers on top of the bowl letting a small drip of their own blood into it.

The boys then walked away from the center of the circle and kneel together at the edge of the drawing.

"All right this is it, Al," The boy with bangs said with confidence as 'Al' nodded in mutual agreement.

Twilight walked over to their side of the circle for further examination of what was about to happen. Eventually, their hands touch the circle together and activated it. The entire room started glowing light blue from the drawn circle. The mare watched the event with awe. Almost in an instant, the light became black and purple.

“Ed, something doesn't feel right,” 'Al' said as an eye appeared in the center which occupied the circumference of the circle. That was more than enough to convince Twilight that something unsettling was about to unfold. Suddenly, 'Al' yelped in pain as his left arm appeared to be disintegrating with small, black tendrils slowly surrounding him entirely.

'Ed' yelled for him before his left leg started disintegrating in the same fashion, “It can’t be... Is this a rebound?”


'Ed' turned his attention to 'Al' whose body was now disintegrating rapidly.

Twilight covered her mouth watching the horrifying scene unfold in front of her, "What the hay is going on here? Is this supposed to be magic!?"

After an overwhelmingly blind flash, the world around Twilight was returning to clarity again. The room was glowing light blue but was accompanied by a scream of pain. She turned her head and gasped in horror at what she was seeing... Half of 'Ed's' left leg was gone above the knee and he was screaming in pain as blood was spilling out from it. The alicorn mare looked around for 'Al' only to see his discarded clothes nearby.

“Dammit! This can’t be happening... It can’t be...” 'Ed' said to himself as he began crawling to the circle. “This wasn’t... This wasn’t supposed to...” He looked at his leg watching a pool of his own blood dripping from it and looked to where "Al' once stood, “He’s gone!! What have I done!?” He yelled as he closed his eyes in pain, “Somebody, help me... Somebody... Please, Mom...” Ed opened his eyes hoping that the person he and Al hoped to see again was standing before him when the blue light faded away.

"Mom?" Twilight blinked in confusion as she turned her attention to the direction where 'Ed' was staring which was the center of the circle. Someone or something was lying on the floor. Some sort of twisted, malformed abomination was reaching its hand out to 'Ed. It didn’t even look human... Both she and 'Ed' gasped looking at what this gruesome experiment had done. Within a few seconds, the abomination coughed out blood and lifelessly went limp. Leaving the boy alone and helpless...

"There's... There's no way this is magic... It just can't be!" The lavender-coated mare exclaimed, feeling disgusted by the horrors she was witnessing, "How is this even related to the present?"

“No... This is wrong,” 'Ed' finally broke the silence. “This... This isn’t what we wanted!!!” He began crying for his younger brother.

Despite knowing this was a glimpse into the past like Luna's banishment, Twilight's eyes were starting to form tears as she looked down at the terribly wounded boy with pity.

Eventually, the boy knocked nearby a suit of armor down to the floor. "No, dammit... You won’t take him too. Give him back... He’s my brother,” He begged as he used blood from his leg to draw a seal of some sort inside the armor, “Take my leg. Take my arm... Take my heart!!! Anything!!! You can have it!! Just give him back... He's my little brother!!! He's all I have left!!!" 'Ed' cried out as he clapped his hands together. Blue sparks flared from his hands causing the world around Twilight to vanish in a blink of an eye.

Twilight found herself waking up from the flashbacks. After a moment of reorienting herself to real life, she saw her friends, including Zecora, giving her confused gazes.

"Um... Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Applejack was the first to answer, "It's just... You were mumbling to yourself."

"And don't forget the uncontrollable sobbing," Pinkie Pie added.

"We were really worried about you," Fluttershy also added her concern.

"I, for one, have found it delightful," Discord answered as he was relaxing on a thorny vine with an amused smile on his face, "Sort of a one-pony piece of theater if you will." He extended his arm to Twilight and unrolled a poster in front of her, revealing an image of herself crying, complete with a sound of a crying infant in the background, "You should really consider taking it on the road."

"Did you find out whose rump we need to kick?" Rainbow Dash asked with a karate kick gesture, "And where to find them?"

"I saw two things from a long time ago, but neither explained what's happening right now," Twilight answered with disappointment in her voice.

Zecora walked to the alicorn mare, "Perhaps farther back still are the answer you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you a peek."

"Are you sure about this?" Spike asked Twilight.

Twilight levitated the bottle again and looked at it for a moment. She turned to her friends who were giving her skeptical looks. She then decided to take another sip of the potion.

As if on cue, Discord reappeared next to her friends with a camera pointing at her. Excitement and enthusiasm can be seen on his face. "Oh, I do hope she breaks into a song this time."

A moment later, Twilight was in another trance for another look into the past.

Unknown Forest

He's been through forests before, but the air of this particular one felt suspiciously unsettling. Edward was cautiously walking down a path wondering where it was leading him. He then heard some shuffling in the bushes near him, causing him to clench his gloved fists for the worse. He turned around in a fighter stance to confront his potential assailant. As it turned out, several birds flew out of the vegetation and into the literal day and night sky above. He then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Damn... Could have got me already, if it were something else."

Another shuffling quickly caught his attention as he felt something on his right leg. He looked down and saw a thorny-looking vine attempting to wrap itself around it. The young alchemist immediately clapped his hands placed them on the branch creating blue sparks severing the vine from his leg.

"Now what's going on here!?"

Soon, he saw more of the vines were slowly creeping out of the trees and bushes around him. Without a second thought, he then turned in his original direction and started running away from them.

"What kind of forest is this!?"


Twilight was introduced to two more flashbacks. The first one was about Celestia and Luna's confrontation with Discord. The princesses used the Elements of Harmony to turn the God of Chaos into stone and turning Equestria back to normal. Unfortunately, Twilight had no idea how it was related to Equestria's current state.

The second flashback, however, looked promising. It was an earlier event with the Princesses prior to their confrontation with the Discord. It showed where exactly they acquired the Elements of Harmony. The sacred gems were originally from a certain tree called the Tree of Harmony. Despite the lack of tangible clues of the Princesses' mysterious disappearance, the Tree of Harmony was the best clue Twilight had.

"So what did you find out?" Spike asked excitedly. The rest of Twilight's friends, including Discord, listened with anticipation.

"I still don't know what happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia..." Twilight answered, "But I think I know why the Everfree Forest is acting this way... Something's happened to the Tree of Harmony!"

Silence filled the air as her friends blinked in confusion.

Rainbow Dash decided to break that silence with a question, "The Tree of what now?"

"It's where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found the Elements. I think it's in danger," Twilight explained.

Applejack walked up to her friend with determination in her eyes, "All right then. Let's go save a-" She then paused with a hint of confusion shown to her face before finally correcting herself. "Tree!! Uh... Where is it exactly?"

"I think it's in there," Twilight pointed her hoof towards the entrance to the Everfree Forest.

Meanwhile, Discord was relaxing on a recliner eating popcorn and listening to the conversation at hoof. He raised his eyebrow in amusement and interest after hearing where the conversation was likely headed, "Hmm... Looks like I'm going to need even more popcorn..."

Author's Note:

Good another chapter complete. I've actually been working on both the prologue and this chapter at the same time. Even long before FMA Day, it took me quite a while to flesh this chapter out.

You're probably thinking why I omitted Ed's first encounter with the Portal. I'd rather not give Twilight a free pass to see the Truth.