• Published 24th Nov 2013
  • 8,252 Views, 186 Comments

Running away - AlphaRidley

Running, it's all Chrysalis has ever done since she was born. Running from her emotions, from her heritage, from Celestia, and now she's on the run again, but this time is different. Twilight Sparkle doesn't give up so easily.

  • ...

Storms are bad for a Changeling's health

It was several minutes later when Chrysalis finally stopped ranting. She mentally cursed as her hooves collapsed underneath her, shouting had used up the little energy she had managed to regain while she was unconscious.

"Find the bats you stupid Unicorn." Chrysalis muttered, hoping Twilight would hear her.

Twilight removed her hooves from atop her head and cocked an ear in Chrysalis's direction. "What'd you say?" She asked, looking at Chrysalis with what appeared to be concern.

This bothered Chrysalis greatly. Why would she look concerned? She was the one who had ruined Chrysalis's life, she had no right to look at her with concern! Chrysalis opened her mouth to snap at Twilight, but found she didn't have the energy to do so. The only audible sound that escaped her lips was a gurgle, the kind of gurgling that's made when someone viciously coughs and dies from their own blood slowly filling their lungs.

Abandoning her fear of the Changeling queen, Twilight rushed forward. Her horn glowed as she scanned Chrysalis's body with her magic, searching for what was wrong with her.

Chrysalis's eyes, which had been drooping not seconds before, stretched open wide as her body sensed love coming off of Twilight. It made no logical sense, but Chrysalis was too starving to care at the moment. Her serpentine tongue flicked in and out rapidly, greedily sucking in the love that was flowing off of Twilight. It wasn't much, but it was enough that Twilight felt the effects of being drained.

Twilight stepped back in shock as a sudden wave of nausea washed over her. She looked down suspiciously at Chrysalis, who had fallen asleep, her chest rising and falling slowly. Twilight smiled softly, Chrysalis did look kind of cute when she was asleep.

Twilight's eyes widened and she proceeded to shake her head back and forth, trying to erase what she had just thought from her mind.

"Hmm..." Twilight hummed to herself as she looked over towards the cave entrance. "I should probably go see if the weather has cleared up."

Being extra careful not to make any loud noises lest she wake up Chrysalis and incur the Changeling's wrath, Twilight trotted over to the entrance and poked her head out.

A large storm had passed through while Twilight was attempting to move Chrysalis, forcing her to take shelter in the nearest safe place, which just so happened to be a collection of underground tunnels. It wasn't very comfortable to Twilight, she hadn't been able to get any sleep in a day and a half because the damp soil felt weird, but Chrysalis seemed to enjoy how it felt, so they stayed. Not like they had any other place to go.

Twilight sighed as she was drenched with rainwater, she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up. Shivering uncontrollably as she went back inside, Twilight walked back over to Chrysalis, she was too cold to care if Chrysalis got angry at when she woke up, that was future Twilight's problem.

Sighing in relief as her body began to warm up again, Twilight's eyes began to feel heavy. Her mind was telling her that the cold damp ground didn't feel right to be sleeping on, but her body was exhausted and decided it wanted to sleep, and her mind's protests be damned; her body was going to get what it wanted.


Chrysalis shifted in her sleep, bumping into something warm next to her. The contact with the warm object snapped her barely conscious mind back into place. Chrysalis groaned in annoyance as her eyes fluttered open. Whatever was in front of her was very blurry, and purple. Her pupils shrunk as the purple object came into focus. It wasn't a purple object at all; it was Twilight Sparkle.

Chrysalis was not used to waking up next to anyone, or even warm for that matter; having slept alone for the vast majority of her life. Chrysalis had refused to let any of her children sleep with her. Why should she get the choice to be comfortable while she slept if her children could not have the same luxury?

'But they're all dead, or did you forget that already?

"No, but it's my fault they're dead, It's not fair if I don't make my life as miserable as possible to compensate." Chrysalis muttered to what was without a doubt her conscience speaking. After standing up and shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Chrysalis walked in a random direction.

'I have an idea, why don't you make more? If you can get Twilight to truly love you then you can use that love to fertilize your eggs.'

"No, I won't do that, I have not fallen so far as to resort to that."

'Just listen to yourself talk for a second why don't you? I haven't fallen that far? What a pathetic excuse! You have nothing left to live for! If you won't revive your race then you're just a waste of space, you might as well just DIE!'

"SHUT UP!" Chrysalis roared at her conscience.


"WHAT?!" Chrysalis snapped as she looked over at Twilight, who was awake and looking at her eyes wide as a dinner plate.

Twilight yelped and flinched back in fear. She pressed herself against the wall of the tunnel to try and make herself as small as possible.

Chrysalis's rage evaporated as she realized what she had done, and she hung her head in shame. Twilight was the only thing that could keep her alive at the moment, Chrysalis shouldn't have taken her anger out on the poor mostly innocent Unicorn who had probably just been concerned for her."I-I'm sorry." She murmured just loud enough for Twilight to hear.

"I-It's okay." Twilight replied after a minute. "W-why don't you come back in here? You'll catch Hypothermia if you stay out in the rain much longer."

It took Twilight mentioning it for Chrysalis to realize that she was indeed standing in the rain, and that she felt like she was freezing to death. Chrysalis lunged back into the safety of the tunnel, but was unable to move after that. Being a very distant relative to insects, Changelings couldn't stay in the cold for very long before their joints would lock up, rendering them helpless to everything and anything that was in the vicinity.

After Twilight had brought her over with her magic and she had recovered enough warmth to move, Chrysalis cuddled up against Twilight even though her body was screaming at her not to. Twilight had the warmth she needed, so her instincts be damned she was going to get it even if it meant reducing herself to doing something like this.

Author's Note:

I'm actually not sure how I feel about this chapter, it kind of rubs me the wrong way for some bizarre reason. Oh well, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if it's good or bad. :D