• Published 24th Nov 2013
  • 8,232 Views, 186 Comments

Running away - AlphaRidley

Running, it's all Chrysalis has ever done since she was born. Running from her emotions, from her heritage, from Celestia, and now she's on the run again, but this time is different. Twilight Sparkle doesn't give up so easily.

  • ...

Trapped in a tunnel

~Ten minutes later~

Chrysalis flew over the Everfree forest as fast as she could, obliterating any abnormally tall trees that got in her path.

'Buck!' Chrysalis cursed in her head as one of her wings was hit by a bolt of magic, sending her crashing into the ground. Releasing a pulse of magic that burned every plant within a ten meter radius, Chrysalis quickly jumped back into the air and continued to fly away from Twilight Sparkle.


The wind whispered the word in her ears as it blazed past. It was such a simple word, but it unleashed a savagery in her that forced her to follow her instincts and not to over think things for once, forced her to push herself until she dropped to the earth in exhaustion.

A primal roar ripped it's way out of her throat as her magic began to build up around her like it had a mind of it's own. With every wing beat she took, every breath she released, her magic visibly pulsed in time with the heart that hammered away deep within her chest. Her magic left a scar upon anything it touched, leaving not only a visible trail, but a magical one as well. Easy for a Unicorn of Twilight Sparkle's caliber in magic to track.

A growl rose in the back of Chrysalis's throat as she heard Twilight's voice. Why couldn't Twilight just leave her alone? A flash of purple off to Chrysalis's right caught her eye, the only warning she got before a magical dome crashed on top of her, send her smashing into the ground.

Chrysalis snarled in fury as green flames once more enveloped her body as she changed back into her normal form. Spittle flew from her mouth to the translucent walls of the dome where it oozed downwards towards the ground. Her horn lit up as her magic discharged into the air like lightning, each individual bolt slamming into the dome with incredible force. The air smelt of burnt rubber by the time Twilight Sparkle arrived.

Chrysalis smashed her horn against the dome, grunting as pain exploded in her head. While the love the bats gave her kept her alive, it wasn't enough to keep her going for long unless they were around.

Twilight watched silently as Chrysalis's eyes lost their luster and closed. The magic dome dissipated into the air as she rushed forwards to catch the fallen queen before she hit the ground.


Chrysalis awoke in a dark and damp room, a cave by the smell of it. She laughed; it felt good to laugh. She hadn't truly laughed since she was a child, back before their home burned to the ground. Not to say that laughing lifted her spirits, because it didn't. It did, however, make her feel slightly more comfortable, and it took her mind off the fact that she was more or less powerless at the moment.

Her laughing stopped abruptly as a purple light filtered into the cave and shone directly in her eyes, causing her to hiss in pain as they began to water. Changelings, being nocturnal in nature, hated the sun and any other source of bright light, Chrysalis was no exception.

The atmosphere within the cave suddenly became tense as Twilight Sparkle walked in, her magic the source of the burning light. Chrysalis was forced to shield her eyes with her hooves until they adjusted to the light. She groaned as she began to get a headache.

"You're awake."

It was a statement, an observation, not an insult or a taunt like Chrysalis had been expecting. "Why did you chase me?" The words were like lead in Chrysalis's throat, she'd obviously been unconscious for several days.

"Would you like some water?" Twilight completely ignored Chrysalis's question and levitated a bowl filled with water in front of her. Chrysalis nodded reluctantly, the need for water overriding the need for her question to be answered.

Twilight placed the bowl in front of Chrysalis, watching curiously as the parched Changeling greedily gulped down the water as if it was the last she'd get for several days. When Chrysalis was done she pushed the bowl towards Twilight with her horn, too tired to lift herself up so she could use a hoof to push it over.

Twilight levitated the bowl over to a nearby rock, carefully placing it down before returning her attention to Chrysalis. "Well, I wanted to talk to you. It's not every day you meet the Queen of the Changelings after all." After a few seconds of an 'Oh really?' look from Chrysalis Twilight continued. "And I wanted to know why you were in the Everfree forest."

Chrysalis laughed in her face, she couldn't help it; Twilight Sparkle was just too funny. It took several minutes before Chrysalis had stopped laughing and could breathe properly again. She couldn't believe that Twilight Sparkle, the protege of Princess Celestia, could be so blind to the things right in front of her. "You're kidding, you're kidding right?" The grin on her face faded when Twilight didn't respond. "You're not kidding..." Chrysalis drifted off in thought as her mind tried to think of a proper way to respond to the shocking news that she had just been told.

"Well If you must know," Chrysalis began as she moved her hooves from her face and looked up at her captor for the first time. "I was using the bats as a food source of love, a source that's now gone thanks to you."

Twilight had the decency to look ashamed. "I-I'm s-sorry, I didn't know..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Chrysalis sneered. She opened her mouth again to insult Twilight, but decided against it at the last moment. "Where are we anyway?" She asked instead.

Twilight turned her head away, mumbling something under her breath.

"What was that?" Chrysalis asked as she stood up.

Twilight mumbled again, shuffling her hooves nervously.

Chrysalis was beginning to become annoyed. "Spit it out will you?" She spat.

"I don't know!" Twilight shouted, lowering herself to the ground and placing her hooves protectively over her head.

Chrysalis's eye twitched in disbelief. "WHAT!"