• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 6,721 Views, 421 Comments

Augmented Love - Silentpegasus

After losing his right arm and eye, Crank Shaft, and his parents move to Ponyville to get away from the busy city and enroll him in the local high school.

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Transfer

Chapter 7

The Transfer

It had been a few weeks since the dance and the cyan flyer was sitting in history class next to the inventor barely staying awake. Most of the students were the same since it was the last class on a Friday. The flyer was resting her head on her arms and was snoring softly. Crank pinched her arm and the rainbow haired girl stirred.

“Now I hope that you all have studied hard for your test on Monday.” Dash gulped at the words. “Its the last test before the quarter ends.” The professor said as the bell rang. Crank collected his books and saw that the color in Dash’s face was gone.

“You did study right?” Crank said as he looked at the woman. Dash had a sheepish smile on her face.

“Um....a little?”

“Dash! You gotta take school seriously.” He groaned.

“I know, I know.” She sighed. “I’ve just got a lot on my plate.”


“Work, practice, family. Stuff like that.” She said as she crossed her arms.


“Yeah, you’re looking at a future Wonderbolt. Figured that the best way to train was to join the girl’s flight team.” She shrugged.

“I know that stuff is important, but so is your school work.” He sighed.

“Thanks for the pep talk dad.” She said in a sarcastic tone. Crank rolled his eyes. “Besides I got the entire weekend to study for it.”

“Just don’t procrastinate.” He sighed as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. The man put it to his ear and answered with short responses. Dash saw a huge grin appear on his face before hanging up. “Awesome!”


“Okay so I’ve been working on a special project for a while now and the last part should be at my house.”

“What is it?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s a self powered levitating long board suspended by the users mana reserve.” Dash had a confused look on her face.


“A hover board that runs off magic.” Dash’s jaw dropped.

“That is so awesome! Can I see it?”

“No, it’s still in pieces and I have to test it.” He said as he looked at the cyan flyer. “Besides, you have a lot of studying to do. Don’t you Skittles?” Crank had opted to give Rainbow a nickname. Unfortunately it usually led to her blushing and punching him.

“I hate that nickname!” She yelled as she slugged him in the left arm.

Totally worth it. Dash had a reddish hue to her cheeks.

“Geez, Dash. Are you this abusive to every guy you meet?” He asked as he rubbed the slow forming bruise.

“No, just you.” She smirked. Crank rolled his eyes and watched as the cyan flyer took off towards her home. Dash zoomed through the clouds until she got to her house. The flyer immediately went up to her room and threw herself on her bed. The flyer yawned and soon drifted off to sleep.

Back down in the town, Crank had just finished opening the package he had received. It was a small sphere with a bright grey light coming from the center. A long snowboard shaped object was hooked up to a series of wires and cables as it rested next to the man. He grinned as he levitated the cylinder over towards the board.

“Hello?” The sudden voice made the man jump. Crank stood still and waited. “Crank? You here?” The voice belonged to the librarian and it was coming from outside his office. Crank set the sphere down and opened the door to see the librarian donning a purple sweater vest.

“Hey Twilight.” He said as he cracked his neck. “How’d you get in my house?” The AI then appeared next to her.

“I let her in.” She smiled. Crank sighed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Crank face palmed and headed back towards his workstation with the scholar and the AI in tow. “Oh finally got the power sphere huh?”

“Just came today.”

“What’s a power sphere?” Twilight asked.

“Think of it as a small conduit for magical energy.” He said as he held up the sphere. “It takes the user’s power and amplifies or disperses it.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Completely.” He said as he walked back over towards the board and placed it inside the board. There was a low humming noise and it started to glow at his touch. “So why did you come over in the first place?”

“I just wanted to talk.”

“About?” He asked as he crossed his arms. Twilight gulped and eyes his right arm that was covered in the flash like material.

“I know it’s not any of my business, but what happened to your arm?” Crank sighed and the AI vanished from the room.

“There was an explosion at one of the facilities. We were testing a new piece of equipment. I miscalculated and well,” He said as the facade ripped away and showed the piece of engineering. “what you see is what you get.” Crank sighed.

The purple horned girl gulped. “Managed to get the I-beam that was pinning me to the floor off and I started walking towards the exit. Thankfully a rescue team managed to find me before I bled out.”

“Oh my Celestia.” She said as she looked at the arm. “And your eye?”

“Piece of debris from the explosion.” He said as he pointed to his right eye. “Couldn’t save the eye itself, but the optic nerve was intact.”

“Couldn’t you get a transplant?”

“Nope. The hospital didn’t have any in my blood type and they’d already used what blood they had to keep me from bleeding out.” He sighed.

“What about the eye color?”

“My right eye was always green, even before the incident.”

“How does that work?”

“Genetics.” He shrugged.

“Did it hurt? Getting the implants.” She asked with a gulp.

“More than anything you can imagine.” He said as he remembered the incredible pain. “Look Twilight, its been a long day and I have to finish this up.”

“Okay.” She said as she hung her head. “See ya around.” The scholar said as she exited the man’s workshop and left the house. The AI then reappeared next to the man crossing her arms under her chest.

“Sounds like she want’s to help.”

“Yeah, well I don’t want any help from her.” He said as he continued his work. The AI rolled her eyes and looked at the man who continued to work on the board.

It was Saturday morning and Rainbow Dash was abruptly woken up by a hard knocking at the door. The rainbow speed demon stirred and grunted. The knocking continued. The girl opened her eyes and looked at her clock before frowning.

“It’s Saturday ya know!” She yelled as she put the pillow over her head. A few minuted later the knocking continued. Dash groaned and got up. She opened the door to find no one there. She made her way downstairs to see a man with short rainbow hair and light blue wings.

Beside him was a woman with dark brown hair and white wings. Her wine colored eyes were filled with worry. While the man’s golden eyes had anger in them. Dash looked at her parents and gulped. “Um, who died?”

“Ms. Grade point average. That’s who.” The man said as he narrowed his eyes. “We got a call from your history teacher last night.” Dash gulped in worry.

“Storm honey, calm down.” The woman said as she put her hand on her husband’s. The man let out a deep breath. “What your father is trying to say dear is that we’re concerned about your grades.” Dash rolled her eyes.

“It’s your senior year of high school and you haven’t even looked at any Colleges.” The man stated.

“I told you I’m gonna sign up for the Wonderbolts after I graduate.” Storm gritted his teeth and sighed.

“Rainbow, being a Wonderbolt is more about just being the fastest person with a pair of wings.” He sighed. “It requires a lot of discipline and studying.” Dash crossed her arms and grumbled. “You’d better get those grades up missy or you can forget all about that Summer Wonderbolt training.”

“What?” Dash yelled in surprise. “You can’t do that!”

“So long as you live under this roof you will abide by my rules.” He said in a firm tone.

“Mom!” Dash yelled as she looked at the woman.

“I’m with your father on this one Rainbow.” She said as she frowned. “You barely passed last year with a C- average. You need to take your school more seriously and I suggest that if need be get a tutor.” Dash groaned and left the table with a huff. The adults looked at one another and sighed as they saw a trail of rainbows and heard the front door being slammed.

Crank was walking with his board strapped to his back. He set it down on a bench and gave it one last scan before stepping on it. As his feet hit the board it glowed a light grey and three metal straps wrapped around his feet and ankles.

“D, run a final check.” He said as he put on a helmet that covered his entire head. The man then inserted the chip into the back of his scalp and shivered.

“Roger. Scan compete.” The AI said.

“Okay, lets start out with 10% power.” He said as he crouched and braced himself. The board roared to life and it shot him back in an upwards motion. He felt his chest hit the tree and groaned as he slid down it.

“Ha-ha!” The AI giggled.

“Oh bite me.” He said as his horn glowed and the clamps let go. He got to his feet and brought the board back to the staring position.

“Just keep your head down. There’s two of us in here now.” Crank nodded and took a deep breath before running his magic into the board. The man almost lost his balance as the board levitated up off the ground and stopped in mid air.

Across town at the library, Dash had just gotten done explaining what had happened between her and her parents to the indigo haired scholar. Dash sat across from the Unicorn who had a book in hand and a concerned look on her face.

“Then they said that they’d take away my Wonderbolt training if I didn’t pass!” She yelled. “Can you believe that?” Twilight bit her lip and sighed.

“Well, to be honest Dash.” Twilight paused as she tried to chose her words. “I kinda-sorta agree with them.”

“What?” Dash yelled as she got up in her face. “You’re supposed to be my friend Twilight!”

“I am! I’m just saying that you need to try harder in school.” Twilight said as the flier groaned. “Look, a lot of people have trouble in school. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help every now and-”

“I don’t need anyone’s help!” She yelled.

“Clearly you do.” Twilight frowned. Dash got up from her seat and made her way towards the door.

“I’m out of-”

“Heads up!” The two heard a familiar voice yell. Dash, with all her speed, couldn’t dodge the board using inventor in time and felt a hard object collide with her stomach. The force slammed her against the back book shelf which resulting in the entire unit to come down on top of them. Twilight gasped in horror as she quickly levitated the bookshelf off of them.

The door way was then occupied to show Rarity and AJ who seemed to both be out of breath.

“What in tarnation?” She asked as she looked around the messy room.

“What happened here?” Rarity asked as she walked in.

Twilight lifted the bookcase off her friends and the girl’s all blushed at what they saw. Some how in the tumble, the flyer wound up underneath the helmet wearing man. Crank’s body was in between Dash’s legs and his left hand had landed on her right boob. Resulting in an angry and embarrassed filled blush from the girl. Crank looked down and thanked the maker that they couldn’t see his blushing face through his helmet.

“S-sorry about that!” He yelled as he stood up and took off the helmet.

“Crank? What are you doing here and what the hell is that thing?” Twilight asked as she looked at the board.

“Hover board and I accidentally lost control of it.” He said as he cracked his neck. Dash got up and tried to hide her blush as she covered her chest. “Sorry about that Dash.” He said with a gulp.

“Accidents happen.” She said as she tried to hide her blush. Rarity smirked at the action.

“So what happened?” AJ asked as she crossed her arms. “One minute ah’m running my apple cart. Next I see you fly right into the library on some weird gizmo.”

“Just testing out a new invention.” He held up the board. “Still needs work.”

“Well, thanks to your experiment, you messed up my library.” Twilight said as she crossed her arms. Crank looked at the bookshelf and the hundreds of books that were on the floor.

“Sorry about that.” He said as he put the board aside and lifted the bookshelf back in place with one arm. He turned back around to see Dash, AJ and Rarity staring at him with their jaws hanging low. “What?”

“Partner, if ah know mah wood types and trust me, ah do.” The farmer said. “That there book shelf is 100% oak. Things gotta weigh at least 110 pounds. How in the hay did you lift that with just your right arm?” Crank froze as he tried to think of an excuse.

Shit! Not good! Not good! He thought. Say cool man. You got this. The man let out a sigh and scratched his chin.

“I sent a concentrated dose of magic to my right arm.” He lied. “doing that allows me to temporarily increase my strength.” Applejack glared at the man and raised an eyebrow.

“Eh. I’ll buy it.” Dash shrugged.

“Need a hand with picking these up?” Crank asked.

“Thanks.” Twilight smiled. The group started gathering books and putting them back in the correct order. Rarity grew a coy smile.

“Need something Rarity?” He asked as he looked at the seamstress.

“Mind if I ask something?”


“The night of our get together. Why did you choose the penalty rather than tell us about your first kiss?” Crank gritted his teeth at the question. “If you don’t want to answer then that’s fine.”

“There was nothing to tell.” His tone was flatter than a piece of two by four.

“Huh?” Dash asked.

“It..hasn’t happened yet.” His voice had a hint of shame to it.

“Really?” Dash said in surprise. “Why?”

“Most girls in Manehattan only care about one thing; money.” He said in a flat tone. “I dated a girl a few years ago and left halfway through dinner when I overheard her phone conversation saying that she was going to, and I’m quoting her on this, ‘bleed that idiot rich boy for all he’s worth.’” He snarled. “Needless to say, that left me a bit disenchanted with the whole romance idea.”

“Well, shucks that’s too bad partner.” AJ said.

“So is that why you turned down Rose?” Rarity asked.

“Rose?” Dash said in surprise.

“Yeah, they went to homecoming together.” Twilight said. Dash looked at the inventor with a surprised look on her face.

"Rose wanted to go with me so I let her. I thought it was a one time thing and she thought differently. Simple as that.” The man continued to stack the books on the shelf.

“Besides. I usually don’t let a lot of people know about my job. Else people will start kissing my ass for no reason.”

“We’re not like that.” Dash said.

“I know and I’m grateful for that.” The man smiled. “Refreshing to meet people that don’t let money define who they are. Shows good character.” The girls gave him a smile and continued to work. Within the hour the books were set back in their proper place.

“Thanks for the help guys.” Twilight chimed. “Would have taken me forever to put all that stuff back.”

“No problem. Was kinda my fault that happened in the first place.” Crank said as he grabbed his board.

“You free tomorrow?” Dash asked. “I wanna see what that thing can do.” The flyer said as she looked at the board.

“Sorry, but I’ve got work to do tomorrow.” Once again the farmer narrowed her eyes on the man. “See you all in school. Adios Skittles!” Dash’s face went red with anger and was about to tackle the man. Crank snapped his finger and he vanished in a flash of grey light.

“Gah! I hate that nickname!” Dash grumbled. “I’ll see you guys later.” She flapped her wings and flew out the door, causing some loose papers to fall on the floor. Rarity was quietly giggling to herself, while Applejack had a stern look on her face.

“What’s with that laugh missy?” AJ asked as she looked at the tailor.

“Oh nothing.” She smirked. “Why do you look so tense?”

“Something ain’t right about that guy. Ah don’t know what, but he’s hiding something.” She said as she folded her arms.

“That’s a bit judgmental.” Twilight said.

“Ah didn’t say that I didn’t like the guy. Just say’n that he’s hiding something.”

“We all have secrets Applejack.” Rarity stated. The girl then heard her digital watch go off. “Oh silly me, look at the time! I was supposed to meet Fluttershy for our spa visit! Goodbye all!” The girl charged out the door like hell was after her.

Hours later, Dash was in her room with a copy of the Wonderbolt’s monthly magazine in her hands and her music playing. The flyer felt her phone vibrate. She lifted the device to her ear and sighed.

“Need something Rarity?”

“Oh just checking in.” The raised an eyebrow at this. “I saw what happened between you and crank while Twilight was getting the bookshelf off you.” Dash’s face turned red at the memory.

“It was a total accident!”

“Oh I know that dear. However, your face when he called you ‘Skittles’ was priceless.” Dash blushed harder.

“I hate that nickname.”

“Well, I think it’s cute that he has a pet name for you.”

“Pet name?”

“Well, it’s obvious that you like him.”

“So what if I do? He’s a cool guy to hang out with.” Dash heard a slapping noise come from the other end of the phone.

“No, I mean you like, like him.”

“Me and Crank? Ha! Good one Rare’s.” She chuckled.

“Fine. Be stubborn about it. When you take the plunge don't hesitate to call me.” The seamstress hung up and dash retuned to her reading, attempting to get the thoughts out of her head.

The next day was going slow for the apple farmer. She sat at her stand in the middle of town and sighed. She hadn’t had a single customer all day. Even though she had Applebloom to keep her company she sulked at he sales. The girl perked up when she saw the scholar approach her stand.

“Howdy Twi.” The girl had a plastic bag clasped tightly in her right hand.

“Hey Applejack. How goes the sales?” The farmer groaned.

“Not a single sale all day.” The woman said as she stood up and cracked her back.

“What’cha got in the bag Twilight?” Applebloom said as she looked at the bag.

“Just some more paper and other school supplies. I was running low.” AJ gave a nod. Her eyes then widened when she saw a familiar inventor walk past. “Something wrong?”

“Didn’t Crank say that he was working today?”

“Yeah, why?” The farmer then pointed towards the grey horned man as he entered the flower shop. “Maybe he’s taking a break.”

“Why’s he buying flowers?” She asked as she started to walk towards the flower shop. Twilight caught up to her, leaving Applebloom at the stand. As the man came out the two hid behind the corner of the building and watched.

Twilight noticed that he was carrying a bunch of roses. “Wonder who they’re for.”

“Why does it matter?” The scholar asked. The man stepped inside the telephone booth and dialed a number. The girls then saw him turn into light and get sucked into the receiver. “Whoa! How’d he do that?” Applejack scratched her chin and entered the flower shop to see Daisy at the counter.

“Hey AJ. Need something?” She smiled.

“Howdy Daisy.” The farmer tipped her hat. “Just wondering what Crank needed those flowers for.” The woman put a finger to her chin and thought.

“I honestly don’t know. I didn’t ask.” Applejack sighed and hung her head in defeat. “Although, since school started Rose, Blossom and I have seen him come in here every Sunday around noon time and buy the same thing.” AJ raised an eyebrow. “A dozen cut roses with the thorns still on.”

“And he’s never mentioned why?”

“Nope. Not really my business to ask.” The girl shrugged. Applejack thanked the flower saleswoman and left. She met back up with Twilight at the stand and told the scholar about what she just heard.

“The same kind of flowers every Sunday?”

“That’s what Daisy said.” Applejack bit her lip. “Something just ain’t right about that boy.” The two were then interrupted as Dash landed in front of them. “Howdy Dash.” The flyer had a shame filled look on her face. “Something wrong?”

“Hey Twi, are you busy this afternoon?” The flyer said in a shaky tone.

“Um,” Twilight looked at the farmer who shrugged. “no. Why?”

“I kinda,” Dash scratched her chin. “I think that I might need,” She took a breath and gathered her strength. “I was wondering if you could help me study for tomorrow’s test.” She said in defeat. Twilight smiled and put a hand on her friend’s shoulder.

“I’d be happy to help. What’s the subject?”


“My specialty. C’mon I was heading back to the library myself.” Dash reluctantly followed the librarian back towards her fortress of knowledge and groaned. Her brain was so going to hurt afterwards.

It was noon on Monday and the inventor, along with the rest of the athletic team had been called out of gym for a mandatory meeting. Soarin ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he looked at the teammates.

“Okay guys we need to talk about something serious.” Soarin began.

“What’s wrong coach?” Caramel asked. “We’ve been winning every game since Homecoming.”

“It’s not that. I’m considering cutting Blueblood from the team.” The group all looked at each other with no surprise in their eyes. “I don’t want to make a rash decision on this and I want all of your input on this matter.” The group looked at the grey horned unicorn.

“Why are you all looking at me?” Crank asked as he looked at the players.

“You’re the brains of this outfit.” Thunderlane said. “No offense coach.”

“None taken.”

“Hey I just write the plays.” Crank said as he felt all eyes on him.

“That’s why we’re looking at you. You know the stats.” Soarin said. “The vote has to be a majority ruling.”

“Why isn’t Blueblood here anyway?” Caramel asked. Soarin pulled out a note.

“Apparently he’s in Canterlot for ‘royal Canterlot business.’” The players all knew what this meant. The Prince was out at an auction or some other useless thing like that. Despite being royalty, Celestia and Luna wisely kept him out of any and all political affairs. Crank let out a sigh and pulled out his clip board.

“Well, from what I’ve seen I’d say that Blueblood is not and probably will never become a team player.” Crank said as he put on his glasses and looked at the sheets. “Shows little to no interest in playing or winning for that matter. Constantly complains about getting sweaty or dirty.”

“We almost lost the last game because of his crappy fumble!” Thunderlane said.

“How’d he get to be quarterback anyway?” Crank asked.

“Well, the Principal asked me to put him on the team and well-”

“You’re scared of Luna aren’t you?” Crank said as he looked at Soarin.

“You’re not?”

“Only when she gets angry.” Crank had been on the other end of her Royal Canterlot voice once and once was enough. “However, she cares about this school and I’m sure that she’s noticed her nephew’s behavior.” He said with a sigh. “From a calculated standpoint, I suggest that he should at least be removed from his position of Quarterback.”

“We can’t use him on defense or offense.” Caramel said.

“Even Snowflake is faster than him. No offense big guy.” Thunder said as he looked at the hulking Pegasus. The large man gave a stern nod.

“Okay so lets put it to a vote.” Soarin said. “All those in favor of keeping Blueblood on the team?” Only the three goons that Blueblood constantly hid behind raised their hands. “All those in kicking him off?” Every other person raised their hand. “All right, meeting adjourned.” Soarin said with a sigh.

The team members only had five minutes until the bell rang and started talking guy stuff. Everything from video games to sports. The things that define manliness. Thunderlane took a deep breath before saying this.

“Gents, I bring news from the front. A particular front in fact.” He said as the group huddled together. “Word on the street, from a very reliable source is that Soarin is hung like Sea Biscuit.” The men exchanged looks.

“You mean the horse?” Caramel asked.

“No, the bucking race car genius.” Thunderlane said in a sarcastic tone.

“Where ya getting this shit?” Crank asked.

“From Roid Rage.”

“You mean Snow Flake’s older brother?” Caramel asked.

“Yes, now Roid is packing a verified ten inch wang. I was on the football team with him last year and I caught a glance.” The man said with a shiver. “Anyway, one night I saw him get drunk at the year end party and he dropped it in the punch bowl. I tell you that it was like a visit to sea serpent den.” The men all gagged.

“Oh god I drank out of that!” Caramel yelled.

“Relax, you had already gone home when he did that.” Caramel calmed down. “Now Roid claims that Soarin’s schlong makes his look like one of those small hotdogs you roll up in dough.” The group gulped.

“Wait is like a length thing or a girth. Not that I want a mental picture.” Caramel said with a shiver.

“Last year Roid claimed to have seen it while he was getting out of the shower and all he could do was refrain from coiling it up and put it where the janitors keep the emergency fire hoses.” The group chuckled. The boys quickly shut their mouths as the blue winged athlete came walking back in with a stack of papers.

“Oh right before I forget.” The man said as he put the stack of papers on his desk. “This the info for the barbecue trip in a few weeks. Hope you’re all still coming.”

“Yup.” The group said at once.

“Good, cause all the information is right here.” He said as he pointed to the papers. “If you guys like barbecues then you’re gonna love this place. Nothing, but huge chunks of delicious, mouthwatering, succulent meat.” The man said with a smile.

The boys’ eyes were the size of pin tips. “They’re all cooked to sweet perfection. Take one bite and you’ll see how juicy they are.” Crank was certain that he heard someone threw up in their mouth. “I also got us our own room, so we can really cut loose and have a ball.” He said before leaving.

The team watched the Pegasus leaved and looked at one another in shock.

“Anyone else hear a word he said?” Crank asked. “Cause all I heard was cock, cock, blah-blah. Cockity, cock, cock.” He shivered.

“Yeah, except when he said the words delicious, mouthwatering, succulent meat.” Thunder repeated with a groan. “At which point all I heard was myself screaming.” The other players all nodded.

“Well, now we gotta give him a nickname.” Caramel stated. “How about Super Hung Soarin.”

“No way.” Crank objected.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s too much of a mouth...ful.” Crank face palmed with his right hand and groaned as the bell rang. Crank made his way towards his math class. He sat down next to Twilight and groaned.

“You okay?”

“Yup.” He gulped.

“You sure? You look kinda pale.”

“Trust me Twi. You don’t want to know.” He said as the class started. Afterwards the two sat down at the lunch table.

“Hey Crank where’s you food?” Pinkie asked.

“Not hungry.”

“You sure? Its Hotdog monday.” Crank felt nauseous and shook his head. Dash sat down next to him and grumbled.

“You okay Dash?” Crank asked.

“No, I’m totally gonna bomb that test today.” She sighed.

“I told you-”

“I studied. Twilight is my witness.” Crank turned his head towards the scholar.

“Its true. We started at noon and ended at five.” Twilight said.

“There’s no way I’m going to remember all that stuff.” She hung her head in defeat. “If I fail this test then my dad said that he’s going to take away my Xbox.” The woman groaned and rested her head on her hands. Crank bit his lip and sighed.

“What if I have a way to make sure you pass?” The group looked at him in shock. “The plan is risky, but it should work.”

“I’ll do it!”

“You don’t even know what it is.”

“I don’t care! I’m so close to beating Dead Rising 3!”

“Fine, but after this you promise that you’ll get a real tutor.” He said as he crossed his arms.

“Hey!” Twilight said.

“I mean one you see on a regular basis. Deal?” He asked as he stuck his hand out. Dash eagerly shook it.

“Do ya Pinkie Promise?” Pinkie interjected.

“Yeah, yeah.” Dash said as she went through the motions.

“Good, now hold still.” Crank put his hands on either side of Dash’s head and brought her in close. Dash’s face turned red a tomato as their faces grew closer and Crank’s horn started to glow.

“What are you-” She was cut off as the Unicorn head butted her with all his strength. dash almost fell off her chair as she grabbed her head in pain.

“God damn that hurt.” Crank said as he felt the ed mark on his head forming.

“Now what in the hay did you do that for?” AJ asked as she passed the flyer her cold water bottle.

“Information transfer.” The man groaned. “I transferred any information I know about today’s test into Dash’s head.”

“How did you do that?” Twilight asked.

“Information in the human mind is compiled in electrical impulses. Where you live, your bank account, number, dreams even. It’s all tied into those electrical impulses. I just copied those impulses and put them in Dash’s head.”

“What?” Applejack asked. The man face palmed.

“Okay, think of the information like a word document on a computer. I copied the document and pasted it in Dash’s brain.”

“So why did you head butt me?” She asked as she frowned.

“Normally all I’d have to do is make physical contact, but due to your stubborn personality and thick headedness I thought it might need a little extra force.” Dash grumbled and slapped him upside the head. The rest of lunch went by quickly and luckily Crank managed to eat what he and Pinkie made in cooking class. Shop class was average.

Rarity toned down on the whining. Much to everyones happiness. Crank headed to his last class and sat next to Dash who had a sour look on her face. “How’s your head?”

“Still hurts ass hole.” Dash felt a wave of panic over take her as the teacher entered with a stack of papers.

“Okay students. I hope you all studied.” He said as he started handing the papers out. Crank began his and sat quietly. Occasionally he’d see Dash scribbling something down or biting her nails in frustration. Crank finished halfway through the class and handed his paper in. Dash used the full time and did the same. When the bell rang Dash stayed behind.

“Um, Mr. Quill. Could you possibly grade my test now?” The teacher raised an eyebrow and pulled out her test and a red pen. His un wavering eyes danced across the page and he scribbled things down on it.

“Did you study for this test?” He asked as he looked at the worried girl.

“Yeah, a bit.” She gulped. The man handed her the paper and her jaw dropped. In bright red letting read A-.

“Keep up the good work and you’ll pass my class.” He said as he stood up and walked out of the room. Dash smiled to herself and walked out of the room to see the inventor leaning against a locker.

“Told you that it would help.” He said as the two stared walking down the hallway. The girl immediately wrapped him in a tight hug and smiled.

“Thanks!” She said as she broke the hug. “You totally bailed me out.”

“It’s fine. Just be sure to keep your end of the bargain.”

“Relax, I know what happens when you break a pinky promise.” She shivered.

“Good, I’ll see you later.” He said as he teleported away. Dash zoomed back towards her home and went up to her room. The flyer jumped into her bead and let sleep take her.

Dash groaned and opened her eye to see the interior of a dark room. Wires were hanging from the ceiling and smoke filled the air.

“What the hell?” She groaned. The woman tried to move but felt herself being pinned by a large piece of metal. She looked to her right and saw her hand flexing. Dash turned her head the opposite way and saw that her right arm was missing. Her mind lurched and did the only thing she could do. She screamed.

Rainbow woke up in a cold sweat and looked around to see her room. The girl panted and looked at her right arm and sighed in relief.

“Rainbow?” A familiar voice said from the other side of the door.


“Something wrong?” She asked as she opened the door.

“Nah, just s crazy dream.” She said as she rubbed her eyes.

“Well, okay. Your father is working late tonight so we’ll be eating a bit later than usual.”

“Okay.” Dash said as her mother closed the door and girl put her head back on the pillow, trying to return to her sleep.

Author's Note:

For those of you that got the Rescue Me reference, You are awesome!