• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 6,721 Views, 421 Comments

Augmented Love - Silentpegasus

After losing his right arm and eye, Crank Shaft, and his parents move to Ponyville to get away from the busy city and enroll him in the local high school.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Homecoming and Dancing

Chapter 6

Homecoming and Dancing

Crank and Soarin walked towards the field where several men in football uniforms and pads were stretching out their bodies. Soarin held a clipboard in his hand and a whistle was around his neck. Every uniform was enchanted to remove a Unicorn horn or a Pegasus’ wings while being worn to keep the game fair. Once the articles of clothing were removed the horn and wings would re-appear. The Pegasus blew the whistle and the players dropped what they were doing and gave them their undivided attention.

“Okay ladies listen up!” Soarin bellowed. “The homecoming game is three days away and I’ll be damned if Trottingham wins again.” The crowd yelled in agreement. The blue winged athlete then pointed to Crank.

“Crank Shaft here is now our official playmaker. Show him the same respect that you’d show me.” Crank heard a loud scoff coming from the crowd. He focused and saw Blueblood giving him a death stare. Soarin clapped his hands and cleared his throat. “Now lets run some drills!” The men all yelled in agreement and started to perform some of the plays the Unicorn had given out.

Crank was using all of his attention to analyze each player’s strengths and weaknesses. Snowflake was a hulking Pegasus that wasn’t that fast, but made up for it with his endurance and large muscular body. Caramel was skittish, but could weave in and out of difficult situations. Thunderlane seemed to be an even mix of the two combined with his natural athleticism. Blueblood was....well Blueblood. The spoiled Prince seemed to use every opportunity he got to cheat and had three Pegasus goons around him at all times.

Crank glance up at the seemingly empty stands and saw that a few girls were watching the players and were giggling to one another.

Then a Rainbow Dash appeared.

“Sup dude?” The familiar voice snapped Crank out of his analytical state and almost made him fall over. Dash looked at him in surprise and chuckled.

“What do you want Dash?” He said as he collected himself.

“Just wanted to see what you were up to.” She shrugged.


“I’m bored.” She pouted.

“I’m kinda busy Dash.” He said as he pointed back to the players. He spied Blueblood kicking Caramel in his shin just as he was about to score a touchdown. Soarin caught the act and blew his whistle.

“Blueblood! Caramel was about to score for your team! That’s your last warning!” The man yelled. Crank walked over to Caramel and helped him up.

“It was an accident.” The Prince said in an innocent tone.

“Bullshit.” Crank said. “You’ve been giving everyone here problems since practice started and for no reason.”

“Silence peasant.” He growled. “Go back to that dyke and do whatever it is that you do.” The group of men gasped at the language.

“Why you!” Dash yelled as she flew towards the man. Snowflake caught her and managed to restrain the thrashing woman. Crank took his glasses off and looked at the man with a blank look on his face. Normally Crank would never willingly get into a fight, but Blueblood had this coming.

“Coach, we got any spare uniforms around here?”

“Yeah.” Soarin said. “But you said-”

“I won’t be playing in the actual game. I just think Blueblood here need to learn a little discipline.” Crank said before he stormed off towards the locker room. The unicorn got changed quickly and ran back onto the field.

“Okay, first to tackle the other three times wins.” Soarin said. The two got into position and waited for Soarin’s cue. Soarin blew his whistle and the two threw themselves at one another. The inventor wrapped his right arm around Blueblood’s mid section and slammed him on the ground. The second and third time had the same result.

The group of players respectfully clapped for the playmaker. Crank sighed and offered his left hand to Blueblood. The Prince grabbed it and pulled him down as Blueblood’s other hand clenched into a fist and crashed into Crank’s groin. The man was immediately on his knees in pain as Soarin blue he whistle.

“That’s it Blueblood! You are not playing in the homecoming game!” Soarin yelled. The other players gave the Prince a death stare and Soarin sighed. “Hit the showers guys.” Blueblood scoffed and walked towards the lockers. Thunderlane and Caramel helped the man to his feet.

“Thanks.” Crank breathed out.

“No problem.” Thunderlane said as he helped the tactician into the locker room. Crank sat down on one of the benches and Caramel passed him an ice pack. Crank tensed as he put the cold pack on his aching crotch.

“You okay Crank?” Soarin asked.

“I’ll live.” He said with a sigh.

“Good. Blueblood is gonna have to answer for this one.” He said as he waked into his office. Crank waited a few more minutes before walking out of the locker room. The man was surprised to see the rainbow flyer leaning against the wall opposite the door.

“Hey how are you feeling?” She asked as she walked up to him.

“I’ve been better.” He groaned. “Hurts to walk.” He said as he steadied himself against the wall.

“Can’t you teleport?”

“Don’t have enough magic left for that.” He said as he startled to hobble down the hallway. Dash picked up his left arm and slung it over her shoulders. “What are you doing?”

“Helping you out. What’s it look like?” She said as the two started to make their way out of the school and into the small town. The two remained silent until they reached the center of town. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For putting Blueblood in his place.” She said with a smile.

“Yeah about that.” Crank said as the flyer looked at him. “I know I’d be pretty pissed at him if he insulted me like that, but you look like he had just burned your house down and kicked your dog. What gives?” The woman stopped walking and sighed.

“Back in Jr. flight camp I was always picked on by guys like him because of my hair and my attitude.” She said with a sigh. “Just because I don’t act like how girls usually do they automatically think I’m gay.” She grunted. “I hate people like that. Its just not cool to treat someone like that just because they’re different.”

“I know the feeling.” He said with a sigh. “So are you....you know....into girls?”

“No!” She yelled into the man’s ear.

“Jeez not so loud.” He said as he felt his ears ringing. “Sorry, I just didn’t want to assume anything.” Dash sighed and gave him a nod. The two were then approached by the purple haired fashionista. Both of them narrowed their eyes at the girl.

“Hello you two.” She said with a smile.

“Rarity, I’m in no mood for your games.” Crank spat out.

“Yes, that’s why I’m here.” She said with a sigh. “I’m sorry I made you do that Crank. Truly I am.” She said with a genuine look on her face. “Alcohol and parties rarely end well.” Crank sighed and looked back at the woman.

“You’re lucky I’m not the type who holds grudges.” He said as Dash sighed. “Wait, I didn’t see you drink last night.”

“I drank one before you made the dare on me.” She said with as sigh. “Unfortunately, I’m not as accustomed to Applejack’s family cider so my judgement was a tad off.” The two nodded in understanding. “At least allow me to make it up to you in some way.” Rarity said.

“Its no big deal Rarity. We all have done stupid things.” Dash answered.

“No, you must let me make it up to you both for making you do that....uncouth act.”

“You don’t-”

“You must.”

“I don’t need-”

“You must.”

“I really don’t-”

“You must!” She said as she put extra emphasis on the last ‘st’ part.

“Fine.” Crank said as the fashionista smiled. Crank sighed and felt another wave of dull pain coming from his crotch. Rarity noticed that Dash had the man’s arm over her shoulders.

“Might I inquire why you are doing that Rainbow?” She said as she pointed at the man’s arm.

“Blueblood punched Crank in the crotch so he can’t really walk straight.” Rarity gasped at the words.

“My word! I know that Blueblood is a plot head, but what in the name of Equestria made him do that?”

“Crank took him down three times today on the practice field.” Dash said.

“Yeah Dash, I think I can walk now.” He said as he removed is arm from her shoulders.

“You sure?”

“Yeah I’m-” He was cut off as he felt a massive amount of pain rip through his body. He dropped to his knees and started coughing up a small amount of blood.

“Crank? What’s wrong?” Rarity said as she crouched next to the man.

“My mana is low.” He said as he saw the small indicator in the right corner of his right eye. The man frantically started searching for a power source. His right eye locked onto a transformer that was on top of a telephone pole. Crank grunted as he stood on his feet and panted. Dash frantically took out her phone and offered it to him.

“Here you can use this right?”

“Nah, it won’t be enough power.” He said as his left palm had sparks of grey electricity around it. “Stand back.” Crank shot his arm out an electric rope attached itself to the pole and seemed to rapidly pull the man towards it. Dash’s jaw dropped as he latched on to the pole and climbed to the transformer.

Crank grunted and grabbed both of the metal poles on top and felt the electricity course through his body. The man grinned and saw that the battery was fully charged.

“Are you alright darling?” Rarity yelled up as she and Dash approached the pole.

“Yeah, I’m fine now.” He said as he slowly climbed down the pole. The women gulped as they saw bolts of electricity crossing across his arms and body. “Whoops, looks like I absorbed too much.” He said as he looked at the bolts.

“What is that?” Dash asked.

“This is what happens when I take in too much power.” He said as he looked at his hand that had several sparks shooting out of it. “Its too much for my body to contain and it starts to seep out.” He said as he cracked his neck.

“Is it dangerous?” Rarity asked.

“For me? No. For you...lets just say that it would be a ‘shocking experience’ if you were to touch me.” The two took an extra step back. “But in all seriousness yes. If I absorb too much then I’d combust.”

“Huh?” Dash said in confusion.

“I’ll explode.” He said in a flat tone. The man then looked at the telephone lines and he face palmed. Hard. “I’m such an idiot!”

“What?” Both girls said in confusion. The man removed his palm to show a large red mark on his forehead.

“I completely forgot about that.”

“What are you talking about?” Dash groaned. Crank rolled his eyes and pointed up towards the power lines.

“Dash have you ever played Infamous?”

“No, I’m strictly an X-box gamer.” She said in a proud tone.


“Hey you have one too!”

“Yeah and I also have the PS3 and PS4.” He sighed. “We’re getting off topic. Just watch.” He said as he started to climb the pole. The women watched in surprise as he stood on top of the pole and then balanced himself on the wire.

The girls watched in amazement as his body glowed a grey color and his shoes were sparking. The palms of his hands were also sparking. The man leaned forward and he started to glide on the wire like he was sliding on ice. “Oh man I should have done this a long time ago.” He said as he zoomed down the street.

He heard a whooshing noise and saw that Dash was flying beside him. The man put more magic into his feet and sped up. “Woo hoo!” He yelled as he rocketed down the wires. “Thank you Cole McGrath!”

Crank looked ahead and saw that he was coming up on his house. He jumped off and landed with a forward roll. The man rolled back onto his feet and brushed himself off. “Nailed it.” He said as Dash landed next to him with a smile on her face.

“That was awesome!” She yelled in excitement.

“I used to do that all the time back in Manehattan. Sure as hell beats walking.” He said with a smile. “Well, see ya tomorrow.” He said as he started to walk into his home. The man heard the Pegasus take off and soar into the sky.

The next few days started out normally until Crank was called into Luna’s office to discuss the incident between him and Blueblood. Crank felt justified when he heard that the posh Prince would receive two weeks of detention so he wouldn’t be at practice for a while. Everyone was stoked for the game against Trottingham.

Crank gave Blueblood’s quarterback position to Thunderlane. Crank spied the infuriated Prince in the stands grumbling as he sat next to the Luna clone to ensure he didn’t pull anything during the game. Two minutes were left in the game and the score was 34 to 30 with Trottingham in the lead. The group huddled up. Crank could see the looks of despair through the men’s helmets.

“Their linebacker is a monster man.” Caramel said as he cracked his shoulder.

“Their offense ain’t something to laugh at either.” Thunderlane added as he panted. Soarin looked at Crank who appeared to be deep in thought. The Unicorn had spent most of the game analyzing the students from Trottingham. Their speed, strength even the way they breathed. The man pulled out a sheep of paper from his notebook and made a quick play.

“Okay I have an idea. Its a long shot, but it just might work.” He said as he gave a quick explanation of the play. The players grinned and broke the huddle.

“Hike!” Thunderlane yelled. Caramel was right behind Snowflake as he took the ball. The hulking athlete barreled through the opposition without breaking a sweat. Soon, the entire enemy team was gunning for him and he was only half a yard from the end zone.

“You ready Snowflake?” Carmel yelled.

“Yeah!” The man said as a few players grabbed his legs and started to trip him the man threw the ball up as Caramel stepped on the athlete’s back and jumped off his shoulders. Snowflake grunted in pain as he felt the cleats dig into his shoulders. Caramel launched himself towards the ball and caught it in mid air. As his feet hit the ground the man took off like hell itself was chasing after him. A large player blocked his way and tried to grab him.

Caramel easily dodged the player’s bone crushing arms and dove into the end zone as the timer ran out. The crowd and the teammates roared as Caramel did a victory dance. The scoreboard read 36 to 34. Crank let out a sigh of relief as the team members picked up Caramel and carried him back towards the locker room.

Crank walked into the locker room and heard the loud shouts of laughter and praise. Several players were patting him on the back and chanting his name.

“Nice work Caramel.” Crank said as he high five’d him.

“Dude if it wasn’t for your plan we’d have lost.” The other players cheered in agreement. Crank rubbed the back of his head and gulped.

“All I did was write stuff down. You guys actually played.”

“Oh quit being modest.” Soarin said as he slapped him on the back. “Head home guys and enjoy the spoils of victory!”

“Yeah!” Snowflake yelled. Crank collected his things and made his way outside where several girls were swarming around Thunderlane, Caramel and the other athletes. Crank deviated from the path and teleported back to his home. As he stepped into the door he smelled his mother’s cooking.

“Hey hun.” The brown haired woman chimed. “How’d the game go?”

“We won. By the skin of our teeth, but we won.” He said as he put his bag down and sat down on the table. The woman squealed in delight and gave him a hug.

“Oh I’m so proud of you!” She said as she kissed him on the head.

“Mom!” The Unicorn said as he grumbled. “I didn’t even play.” The woman rolled her eyes and served him a plate of pasta and meatballs. The door suddenly opened to reveal the red haired Unicorn man.

“Hey champ.” He said as he ruffled Crank’s messy hair. “How’d the game go?”

“We won.” He said as he took a bite from his food.

“Awesome!” He said with a smile.

“How are things at the office?” Nova asked. The man face palmed.

“Mire is really pushing my buttons. I’ve had to ‘loose’ his weapons proposal seven times.” He said with a sigh.

“That guy just doesn’t know when to give up.” Crank grunted as he stood up and put his dishes in the sink. The man yawned and cracked his shoulder and looked at his parents. “I’m heading to bed. Its been a long day.” He said as he walked out of the kitchen and up to his room.

The next day, the student body was still buzzing about their victory over Trottingham. Crank went through his classes with a bored look on his face. At lunch he felt Blueblood giving him a death stare from across the room. The Unicorn couldn’t help but notice that Rarity was giggling to herself. “What’s got you in such a good mood Rarity?”

“The homecoming dance of course!” She giggled. “I’ve just put the finishing touches on my dress last night.”

“Oh that.” He said as he sipped his ice tea.

“You’re not excited?” Pinkie asked.

“Dances and parties aren’t my thing.” He said with a shrug. “Why? You guys going?”

“Duh!” Pinkie chimed. “I’m in charge of the decorations!”

“Ah’m providing refreshments.” Applejack smiled.

“I’m helping Luna chaperone.” Twilight said.

“I’m....not going.” Fluttershy said in a timid tone. “I’m volunteering at the animal shelter.”

“I’m too cool for stupid stuff like that.” Dash said. The other girls rolled their eyes. The rest of the day seemed to go normal until Crank saw a familiar blue winged man approach him.

“Hey coach. Need something?”

“Nah, still getting over that hair brained plan of yours.” He chuckled.

“When the chips are down, go for broke.” Crank shrugged.

“No complaint here.” The man said. “So you going to the dance tonight?”

“Nah, stuff like that isn’t for me.”

“Too bad. You’re going.” He said with a grin.

“What? Why?” Crank said as he looked at the man un surprise.

“You’re part of the team. You have to go.”

“I didn’t even play. Dances like this are usually for the players.”

“The whole team is gonna be there and that includes you.” Crank groaned and rolled his eyes.

“No way out of this huh?”

“Nope, don’t worry about a ticket. Members of the team and their dates get in for free.”

“Who said I was bringing someone?”

“No one. Just letting you know. Semi-formal is fine, be here by eight.” Soarin said before walking down the hallway. Crank face palmed and groaned. The end of the day came soon. As Crank was getting the last of his things out of his locker he almost jumped out of his skin when he saw a familiar red haired girl leaning against the adjacent one.

Two other girls were standing behind her as well. One was wearing a pink T-shirt and had blonde hair while the other had a darker pink shirt and lime green hair. Rose had a nervous look on her face and the green haired one nudged her shoulder.

“Hey Rose. Need something?” Rose was about to turn around and flee only to be stopped by the two other girls. Crank raised an eyebrow at her and could easily see her crimson red cheeks.

“Um....yeah.....How do I put this?” She gulped. “Are you going to Homecoming?”

“Yeah, Soarin needs the entire team there.” He grumbled.

“Oh good!” She said in a happy tone. Crank was taken back by her yelling. “Sorry, I do that sometimes.” She said with a nervous laugh. “I was just wondering....if...you wanted to..I don’t know...go with me?” Crank scratched his head and thought for a moment.

“Um....sure. Why not?”

“Great! I’ll meet you in front of the school at eight.” She said as she and the other two girls tarted giggling to one another. Crank shook his head and headed for home.

Fuck! I don’t have anything fancy. He thought as he made his way out of the school. As he passed the Boutique he deviated and headed inside. The bell over the door rang as he stepped inside.

“Coming~” A familiar singsong voice chimed. The pretty seamstress came out with a smile on her face. “Crank. What a pleasant surprise.”

“Hey Rarity. Hate to make this last minute, but I need a nice outfit for tonight.”

“I thought you said you weren’t going?”

“Soarin is making the team go.” He grumbled.

“Say no more. I shall make you an outfit post haste!”

“Thanks. How much do you charge?”

“Its on the house darling.” She said as she waved him off and summoned a pair of glasses and a tape measure. “Okay, now I need you to strip.”

“Wait what?” Crank said as his face turned bright red.

“I need to take your measurements.”

“You don’t have to go to the trouble to make me a suit.”

“Oh dear, you make it sound like its going to be hard.” She said as she pointed to the changing room. Crank set his bags down and drew the curtain as he took off his clothes. He kept his boxers on for obvious reasons. Rarity gulped as she saw the scar on his right shoulder.

The fashionista pushed the thoughts out of her head and started wrapping the tape around his body. “Well, Crank you seem to take good care of yourself.” The man blushed as Rarity examined his torso.

“Thanks. My mom is a surgeon so she makes sure my dad and I are healthy.” He said as he started to put his clothes back on.

“So are you going alone?” Rarity asked as she started to work on his outfit.

“No, I’m going with Rose.” The fashionista stopped working and thought for a moment.

“That explains Blueblood’s behavior.” Crank raised an eyebrow at the words. “He was having a fit today because Rose turned him down.”

“Great. More complications.” He said as he sat down. The man pulled out his phone and saw he had a text message.

What up?

Who’s this?

Its Dash dummy.

How’d you get my number?

Took it out of your pocket and entered my number when I was dragging your ass home the other day. >:) I put the others in here too.

Kinda stalkerish no?

Most guys like having girls numbers in their phone. ;)

No argument here. I’m at Rarity’s boutique getting a suit for tonight.

Thought you weren’t going?

Soarin’s making me. >:(

Sucks. You get dead Rising 3 yet?

I ordered it. Should be here by tomorrow. He then saw a different text pop up.

Just heard you were coming Yay!


Yup! See ya then!

Crank put his phone back into his pocket and saw Rarity getting up from her seat.

“Done!” She chimed. The outfit was awesome. A grey blazer with matching dress pants and an electric green undershirt. “I usually don’t like green,” She shuddered. “but in this case it looks fabulous!”

“Thanks Rarity.” He said before teleporting back home. Crank walked into his room and saw the AI standing on the nightstand.

“What’s in the bag?”

“Clothes for the dance tonight.” The AI then beamed. Her image shimmered and she was wearing a long dress and her hair was done up. “No.”

“Oh come on!”

“No, what if someone sees you?”





“Please?” The AI then copied Rainbow and gave him puppy dog eyes.

“Fine! Just keep your head down.” He groaned as he laid on his bed and dozed off. His slumber was disturbed as his alarm went off He slammed it with his hand and quickly got dressed. The AI was still wearing the dress and smiled at him. Crank groaned and reached for the back of his head. He gripped a mole and tore it back to show an empty port meant for a chip.

“Ready?” He said as he walked over to a chip that had a clear glass center.

“Yank me.” She said as she jumped into the chip and her image vanished. The man inserted the chip into the port and winced. It felt like an ice cube was being rubbed on his brain. He shook off the feeling and cracked his neck before covering the port. “Still cluttered in here.”

“Don’t get any ideas.” He said as he made his way out of his home. His mother then ambushed him with a camera. “Mom!”

“Oh calm down. Its my job to document these things.” She giggled.

“Ugh, fine. D is coming with me too.”

“Have fun and be careful.” She said with a wave. Crank nodded and used the lightning tether to get himself up on the power lines. He glided along the lines and smirked as he closed in on the school. He managed to make out the figure of the girl and jumped off the lines. Rose’s jaw dropped in surprise.

“Sorry I’m late.”

“How did you do that?” She asked in shock.

“Magic.” He shrugged. He offered her his left arm and Rose gladly took it. Crank checked in and the bouncer let him and Rose through. Crank spied Vinyl behind the turn tables and she waved at him. Crank gave her a nod and was immediately approached by Pinkie. She was wearing a pink and white dress that appeared to be covered in candy.

“Hey glad you could make it.” She said with a smile. The two nodded and started to mingle with the other couples. Crank was approached by Thunderlane and Caramel who each had dates. Crank left to grab himself and Rose some punch. He spotted the farmer and fashionista conversing with one another next to the punch bowl.

“Howdy partner.” AJ was wearing a brown dress with green stitching and a nicer looking cowboy hat. “Ah heard from Carmel that ya’ll athletes got dragged here.”

“Yup,” He said as he grabbed two glasses of punch. Rarity then tapped him on the shoulder and pointed across the room. Crank frowned as he saw Blueblood trying to hit on Rose who was rejecting him left and right.

“For the last time, I said scram.” She said in a flat tone.

“Oh whats just one dance? Besides I don’t see your date anywhere.”

“Here he comes now.” Rose smirked. Blueblood’s face grew red with anger as he saw the Unicorn.

“Need something Blueblood?” He said in a flat tone.


“Yes, me. Look, just leave us alone.” Crank motioned towards the bleachers and Blueblood saw Princess Luna locked onto him ready to pounce. Blueblood grunted and scoffed in frustration. He got up in Crank’s face and bore holes through his eyes.

“You. Me. Dance off. Now.” Crank looked at the man in confusion. He shot a glance to Rose who had the same look on her face.

“Are you serious?”

“Deadly serious.”

“No way in hell-” The man then felt his entire body freeze. It felt like some foreign presence had taken over. “am I gonna give up a chance to kick your sorry ass on the dance floor.” He heard himself say. The music stopped and the crowd turned to look at them. Crank immediately gulped as Blueblood growled. “Let me just um...use the restroom.” He said as he zoomed off to the nearest janitor’s closet.

The man looked in the fractured mirror and his right eye shot a projection of the AI. “D! What the hell are you thinking?”

“That someone needs to learn a thing or two about respect.” She said as she cracked her holographic knuckles.

“I can’t dance!”

“I know. You suck.” Crank grumbled. “But I can.”

“You don’t even have feet!”

“True, but I do have yours. I also know several dance moves that are sure to wow the crowd and it’ll go great with the song I selected.” Crank weighed his options.

A.) Get humiliated in front of the school by Blueblood.

B.) Let D temporarily control him.

“Fuck it. Fine.” The AI raised her fist in victory. “But afterwards you’re getting pulled!”

“Deal.” She said as her image vanished. Crank felt the same sensation come over him and his body started to move on its own. “Man you really should stretch more.” The AI said as she cracked the man’s arm.

“Can it. Let’s just get this over with.” He said as he made his way back to the dance. Word had gotten around fairly quickly and the students had formed a massive ring where Blueblood was waiting for him. “You first Blue boy.” Crank said as he crossed his arms.

Blueblood removed his jacket and the music started to play.

Everyone clapped. Crank did the same out of respect. Blueblood ran a hand through his blonde hair and smirked.

“Top that.” He boasted.

“I intend to.” Crank said as he walked up to Vinyl and whispered something to her. The electric haired DJ nodded and got behind her turntables. Crank grabbed the hat Caramel was wearing and removed his own tie before stepping in the center of the circle. The AI cracked the man’s vertebra and stretched out his muscles. The girls watched in anticipation as the music started to play.

By the end the crowd roared and cheered. Blueblood stormed off in defeat as Crank felt the sensation leave his body. He saw Twilight, Rarity, AJ and Pinkie hurry up to him.

“That was so cool!” Pinkie chimed.

“Where’d ya learn that fancy foot work?” The farmer asked.

“Just something I picked up while I was in Manehattan.” He said with a nervous grin on his face. Rose then ran up to him and wrapped him in a tight hug.

“Nice moves.” She said with a wide smile. The dance winded down after that and the students started making their way back home. Crank walked Rose home. The girl was clinging to his arm like a lost puppy and ‘accidentally’ bumped into him causing his arm to come into contact with her chest. The man sighed and stopped as they reached her door to her flower shop which she lived right above.

“Look Rose, you’re a very nice girl and you’re very fun to be around.” The girl smiled at him. “The thing is....I just thought that this was a one time thing. Now I see that you want to get serious, but I’m just not looking for something like that at the moment. Its definitely not you, its me.” The woman’s smile shattered and she hung her head. “I hope that we can still be friends.”

“Y-yeah....I get it.” She said as she walked to her door. Crank started to walk away and he swore he heard a sniffle coming from the girl. The man felt a few raindrops fall on his head and quickly teleported home. The man walked into his room and took a quick shower after removing the chip from his head. He hung up the clothes Rarity had made him and laid on his bed.

The AI appeared on the nightstand and crossed her arms. The AI was now back to her usual image.

“Are you a complete idiot?” She asked.

“You should know the answer to that one D.”

“Yeah and more often than not I wish I were wrong.” She said before vanishing. Crank shut off his light and waited for sleep to take him.