• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 6,723 Views, 421 Comments

Augmented Love - Silentpegasus

After losing his right arm and eye, Crank Shaft, and his parents move to Ponyville to get away from the busy city and enroll him in the local high school.

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Chapter 12: Exposed

Chapter 12


The next day started out normal and was the week before Spring Break so everybody had already turned their brains off and started making plans. It was mid day and the group of friends were having lunch at their usual table.

“So what are you guys gonna do over break?” Pinkie chimed.

“Mac needs a hand on the farm and I need the doe.” AJ said in a her usual demeanor.

“I have at least a dozen orders to fill for Sapphire Shores new line of dresses.” Rarity sighed.

“I have to help a few rabbits make a new hole.”

“That don’t seem too bad. How many ya gotta do?” The farmer asked.

“Over one hundred.” The timid girl then squeaked and hid under the table as they heard a thunder clap. The group looked out the window and saw that dark clouds were forming.

“Storms coming in.” Crank said. AJ gave Rarity a wink and she nodded as she looked at the squirming Dash.

“So Crank what escapades are you going to do?”

“Nothing special, work most likely.” He said with a shrug.

“Partner ya gotta put down that gizmo of yours and take a breather or you’ll work yourself into an early grave.”

“Didn’t Twilight give you a lecture like that few years back?” The farmer crossed her arms and pouted at the man as the others chuckled. “What about you Dash?”

“Oh uh...nothing...training I guess. Playing games. You get Titanfall?” Before he could answer he saw Dash frown. Crank looked behind him to see Blueblood fast approaching with a smug grin on his face.

“What do ya want Blueblood? We’re eating.” The man sighed.

“What I can’t have a friendly conversation?” Crank narrowed his eyes on the man. “I just wanted to say no hard feelings.” The man said as he continued on his way. “Oh and to offer my condolences about your sister.” The grey horned man’s eyes shrank and rage swelled within him. Twilight had also noticed that the overhead lights started flickering.

“What’s he talking about?” Dash asked.

“Nothing.” Crank said as he used all his self control to not zap the Prince.

“I hardly think that your sister dying under your watch and loosing an arm qualifies as nothing. I guess she was just too dimwitted to trust you with her life.” Crank cracked his neck and was about to strangle the man when he heard a giggle coming from Pinkie.

“That’s silly! Crank still has his arms!” She said as she chuckled. Blueblood gritted his teeth. If there was one thing he hated it was being laughed at and Pinkie’s laugh had always annoyed him to feats he thought impossible.

“Shut up peasant!” The man fired a bolt at Pinkie that struck her square in the chest and sent her crashing into the fashionista and farmer. “No one dares-” The Prince was cut off as a large magical bolt of electricity hit him square in the jaw and sent him back. Twilight and several onlookers turned and saw the usual calm cool headed Unicorn with rage in his eyes and magical sparks arcing over his body.

The Prince wouldn’t dare be beaten a second time by the inventor and he pulled out a small plastic pistol. Several students hit the floor and gulped. It was a Parisprite 38. It fires concentrated bullets from the user’s magic. It was the standard issue side arm for Police. The room was then filled with a blinding flash of light and the Principal appeared before them.

“CEASE THY ACTIONS BLUEBLOOD OR FACE OUR-” Was all the copy of the Princess could say before Blueblood fired a magic bullet at the clone and it vanished in a puff of Smoke. Crank quickly pulled out his screwdriver and pointed it at the sidearm as he pressed the button. Another blast erupted from the gun before it exploded and the Prince clutched his hand in pain. The blasts didn’t hit the man but it destroyed his screwdriver.

Crank took the opportunity to lunge at the man and hopefully subdue him. Blueblood gulped and dodged the man’s fist just in time to see Crank’s clenched right hand break through the concrete pillar as though it was cardboard. Several students’ jaws dropped at the display. Blueblood gulped in fear as more Electricity poured out of the man’s body. Crank grabbed the Prince by the collar and slammed his knee into his ribs. He gripped the man’s hair with his right hand and charged his left with magic.

“You. Never. Mention. Her. Again!” He yelled between punches. Blueblood felt blood in his mouth and focused his magic into his horn and let out a bolt of magic that hit Crank square in the face. The blast shot the inventor back and through the window. Crank managed to land in a summersault way and panted. He had already used up at least half of his mana and was getting more worn out. He saw Blueblood jump down with his magic charged.

The man sighed and raised his hands as the downpour continued. The Prince was so busy charging his magic that he didn’t notice Crank gathering his magic in his two hands. Just as Blueblood was ten feet away, Crank brought both his arms down and a massive bolt of lightning with it. The magic infused bolt came down on Blueblood hard. The only thing that anybody remembers is a flash of light and a blood curdling scream.

After the bombardment Crank saw that Blueblood was still moving. Squirming on the ground, but alive. Part of him wanted to continue beating him until only a stain remained but settled for a spitting on him as he walked by. The smell of burnt flesh was present in the air. Crank dropped to his knees as he felt most of his magic drain and coughed up a mouthful of blood. The inventor then heard grunting noises and saw Blueblood attempting to stand up.

“You....little...worm.” The Prince said as a large amount of energy formed in his hand. Crank managed to stand up by steadying himself on his knees. The amount of magic the Prince was holding in his hands was enough to blow up a bus. With the last of his strength, Blueblood threw the sphere. The Prince’s fatigue made the sphere go off course and was now heading for where Dash and the other students were standing. In a flash crank remembered the exploded factory and the yells of frightened people.

The man fought through the pain and extended his damaged right arm and caught the ball of magic. For a second, time stood still before a flash of light and explosion filled the student’s senses. The students ducked as the shockwave hit them and shattered the remaining windows. After the dust settled Dash looked out to see the storm raging on and Crank’s body was on the ground, barely moving.

“Crank!” The woman yelled as she flared her wings and approached the man who was now on all fours. Dash could see that he was turning towards her. When she saw him from the front, she and most of the girls screamed in horror. His right arm had been completely destroyed and wires were sticking out along with mangled pieces of metal. Dash was frozen on the spot and was shaking. The man’s once electric green eye had a large crack in it and was flickering. The right side of his face was also burnt.

The students all looked at the man and gulped as the room was filled with bright blue light. The real Princess Luna stood before them with four guards, along with Shining Armor by her side and a foul look on her face. She looked at the scene before her and put a hand to her mouth in shock. Two guards broke up the students while the other two cuffed Blueblood. Shining summoned a blanket and put it over Crank who grunted in pain as the ambulance arrived and took him away. The last thing Crank saw before blacking out was Dash’s shocked face and tears running down her cheeks.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the length.