• Published 26th Feb 2012
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Upheaval: Reckoning - Visiden Visidane

Sequel to Breaking Point. The barrier is no more and the Legion is on the move. What happens next?

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Upheaval: Reckoning

Chapter 25: Justifications

It was already evening when Lion Court returned his headquarters. The remainder of the day had not been as interesting as he had hoped it would be. Instead of enjoying a leisurely afternoon getting to know the Element of Generosity a little better, the details of somepony else’s mission kept him busy. He smiled, and walked closer when he saw a gray, earth pony mare fiddling with the door to her room. “Octavia, how was your day?” he asked.

Octavia was startled at first. When she noticed who it was, she dipped her head slightly. “Mister Lion Court, welcome back,” she said.

“Mister?” Lion Court asked. “Now where did this formality come from?”

A look of confusion crossed Octavia’s face. “W-well, you are a senior member of our group aren't you?”

“Seniority does not rate very high among our group’s concerns, Octavia,” Lion Court said. “You may have noticed that we don’t carry ranks. The Thorns stand as equals with only Black Rose as our leader. So, please, my friends call me Lion for short.”

“A-alright then, Mis-- I mean Lion.”

“Now, may I ask where you’re going?”

Octavia looked away briefly. “I’m going to tell some of my family about my new job. And possibly some of my old band mates, if I could find them.”

Lion Court nodded. “Of course,” he said. “But the hour has grown quite late, and the ponies you’ll be speaking to are likely asleep.”

Octavia looked around. “Is it that late already?” she asked. “It’s hard to tell with these halls.”

“There are devices in your quarters that indicate the time of day,” Lion Court said. “I’ll help you with them if you like. For now, you should get some sleep. I imagine this is a lot to take in.”

“You’re right.” Octavia yawned, then opened the door to her quarters. Before she went in, however, she turned to face Lion again. “Lion,” she said hesitantly.


“So..." Octavia pawed the floor briefly. "What instrument do you play?”

Lion Court raised an eyebrow. “I dabble a bit in piano, and violin,” he replied. “But my music is for mere recreation. It’s certainly not worthy of being mentioned alongside yours in any discussion.”

Octavia closed her eyes, and inhaled deeply. “Then…why recruit me?” she asked. “I had thought at first that this was a band of sorts, but those weapons around your belt, and the way Miss Sablesteel was dressed just a few hours ago…is this some kind of private fighting group? I can’t…” Her voice trailed off.

“Your concern is understandable,” Lion Court replied. “Know that we recruited you for your musical talents. The Thorns are not mere fighters. We are an elite group that takes care of most of Black Rose's affairs so the talent pool is certainly...diverse.”

Octavia let out a relieved sigh. Lion's smile widened a bit. She was certainly no fighter. He knew that the moment he had spotted her in that café. Still, Warsinger picked her so the inherent talents to wield it must be there. All she needed was a gentle nudge. “But what is Black Rose’s goal?” she asked.

“To protect Equestria from all things,” Lion replied. "Including itself at times."

Octavia stared at Lion for a while. Eventually, she returned his smile. “I’ll just rest for tonight then,” she said.

"You mentioned Sable," Lion said. "Is she here at the moment?”


Lion bowed one more time, and let Octavia go back to her room. Despite his weariness, it wasn't his room that he went to. He knocked on the door. When nopony answered, he pulled out his own key, and entered anyway.

Sable’s quarters were easily the biggest in the hall. They were also second only to Stride’s when it came to lack of luxury. A laboratory took up three quarters of the room. Here, Sable plied the craft of the Blackmoon Blades. Vials, beakers, and other sorts of paraphernalia, adorned several tables, each one meticulously labeled. One area held containers for various live snakes, spiders, and other poisonous creatures. A stand which held her gear stood by one corner.

As far as comfort was concerned, there was a bed by the side, and a nightstand. Lion shook his head at the simplicity. At least, it was a step up from the rug that Stride used. At the center of the laboratory was Sable herself, making adjustments to her foreleg devices, and replacing its used up poison cartridges.

“I’m busy,” Sables said. Without even looking, she waved a hoof dismissively.

“I imagine you would be,” Lion replied. He walked in, and stood just a little behind her. “So busy that I didn't expect you here so quickly.”

Sable snorted. “Neither did I. Pinkie Pie is a volatile one. I expected to scare her, but not that much. Now, I don’t even have to follow up. She’s probably seeing me everywhere without my help.”

“The chosen are more sensitive than you think,” Lion said. “Of course, this means that there really is no need for you to actually kill her loved ones, right?”

“I might, just to spite you for constantly bothering me about it,” Sable replied. She pressed a button on the foreleg device, causing a blade to spring out for inspection. “I said I wasn't making any promises. I might decide to perform a little corrective surgery on some baker’s under-bite, or try a new formula on some ‘random’ rock farm.”

“I’m noticing a distinct lack of smiling on your part, my dear Sable.”

Sable put down the foreleg device, and stared at the table. “You know I've done a lot of horrible things to a lot of ponies, Lion,” she said.

“More so than any of us,” Lion replied. “That's not even including non-ponies.”

Sable thumped the table. “But each one of those targets shared one thing in common. They brought it on themselves one way or another: they were a danger to Equestria, they got on Black Rose’s bad side, they were idiots…”

“True,” Lion said. “And Pinkie Pie?”

“Pinkie Pie doesn't deserve this.” Sable replaced the foreleg device on its stand. “She’s not a criminal, or a spy, or even an inconvenient pony to have around. She’s just some farmer’s daughter who happens to be the Element of Joy. The Blackmoon Blades reacted to threats. They never--” Sablesteel caught herself, and snorted.

“The Blackmoon Blades died along with your grandfather, Sable,” Lion said softly. “We are the Thorns, and we do as Black Rose commands.”

“I know,” Sable replied. “It’s just…assassinating some traitor is a lot different from scaring some mare witless in order to suck all the joy out of her life.”

“And yet our tasks are graver now than they have ever been,” Lion said sternly.

“Don’t mistake my musings as traitor talk, Lion,” Sable hissed. “I’m not spineless like Blue Moon. Just because I’ll make some noise about it doesn't mean I won’t skin every foal in the Heartland at her command.”

“Nopony doubts that,” Lion said, his tone lightening again.

“Nopony better,” Sable muttered. She walked towards Lion.

“I should be going then,” Lion said. “We both need our rest.”

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“Oh?” Lion looked at Sable askance. She shoved him onto her bed, and on his back.

“You think you can just walk into my room, and lecture me?” she asked. “You've pissed me off, Lion. You and that wretched pink pony. I’m taking it out on you, or my work will suffer tomorrow.”

“Well, we can’t have that,” Lion said. His horn glowed briefly, making sure that the door to the room was locked. “I suppose I’ll take one for the team.”

Sable placed her forelegs on either side of Lion's head. She fixed her eyes on him intently, letting some of her mane droop past her, and brush against his face.

Lion inhaled deeply, and licked his lips. The pungent odor of poison gas, harmless at this point, still clung to Sable’s mane, and coat. Though she had likely wiped herself down, she was still grimy, and covered with dust. She also stank of blood, and dried sweat.

“One,” Sable hissed. She pressed her lips against Lion’s sword belt, and unbuckled it. “If you tire out at one, I'll gut you.”

The magical light that illuminated the room dimmed in response to Sable’s will. Black Rose’s light enchantments were tailor-made for each thorn’s room. Black Rose’s magic was far from Lion’s mind for now, however. He matched her stare, admiring how her green and blue eyes still stood out in the dark. “Until you’re satisfied then,” he said.

It was already evening when Applejack walked to the audience hall. She had hoped that the palace would be winding down at this point. Instead, it looked even more alive. The staff were whispering worriedly among themselves while a group of legionnaires walked down the hall urgently.


Applejack turned around, and spotted Twilight walking towards her. “Hey, Twilight, you need something?”

Twilight saluted. “I just wanted to talk, vice-captain,” she said.

Applejack cringed, then looked around her. She drew Twilight aside afterwards. “Uh…look, Twilight, I know we’re in the same squad and all, but there’s no need to get all uptight with the rank,” she said. “We’re still friends first, alright?”

Twilight smiled. “I was just teasing, Applejack. Congratulations are in order, I suppose.”

Applejack scratched her head in embarrassment. “Y-yeah,” she mumbled.

“So what’s this about, Vanguard?”

“I’m not going to mince words over this, Applejack. I have an earth pony skirmisher spot in my squad, and I want you to be the one to fill it.”

“I…uh…well…this is so sudden. I mean…I’m flattered and all, but aren't there legionnaires who can fight even better?”

“Don’t sell yourself short. Special Operations has eyes all over the Legion to check on candidates, and you’re not anywhere in the bottom of our list. And there are other circumstances…”

“It’s because Twilight joined up isn't it?”

“Interesting…how’d you know?”

“Just a guess. It sounds like something Twilight would do.”

“She did. That’s one more reason. You’re still listed as my vice-captain. I don’t think there’s any need to correct that.”

“Well…sure. You look like you really need the help, Vanguard.”

Vanguard raised an eyebrow. “That was fast,” he remarked. “You could say you need to think about this some more.”

“I thought so too,” Applejack replied. “I guess I just can’t say no when you ask me all serious like that. Besides, you’ll need help reining Twilight, and Scarlet in.”

Vanguard smiled, and patted Applejack on the shoulder. “True,” he said. “I can always count on you, can't I?”

Applejack shook her head. Twilight was already staring at her suspiciously. “S-so, what did you want to talk about, Twi?” she asked.

“Well…” Twilight hesitated. For a few tense moments, Applejack didn't know if she wanted Twilight to continue or just give up. “Applejack, tell me honestly, do you…do you like Vanguard?”

“Of course I like him, Twi, he’s a nice stallion and--”

The withering stare from Twilight halted Applejack in her tracks. “You know what I mean.” she asked in a low tone. Applejack looked away, fidgeted, then simply let out a long exhale. Of course it would come down to this. Rarity had warned her already, but it still caught her unaware.

“Well?” Twilight asked again.

It was Applejack’s turn to fall silent. There was no sidling out of this conversation without angering Twilight, but what was she supposed to say now? She had never prided herself in being able to figure out her friends. It was Rarity who was able to tell things about somepony from just a few signs. She had always been reliant on the assumption that if somepony had a problem, they’d say so honestly. These days however…

“No,” Applejack mumbled. As soon as the answer left her mouth, she was already questioning why she had said that. Was her answer really no? Rarity didn't believe so. Part of her wanted to take it back.

Twilight only scrutinized Applejack further. “Really?” she asked. “You’re making that face again, Applejack.”

It was then that Applejack realized that she was scrunching her lips together, and glancing about. She pressed both front hooves against her face, and rubbed. When she was sure that her face was blank, she faced Twilight again. “No,” she said flatly. More protest welled up inside her.

“And so is she!”

Dense as Applejack knew herself was, even she could now tell that Twilight felt strongly about Vanguard. Twilight's intensity made it all too clear as to how invested she was on the answer. Rarity was right, their harmony was in danger and she had to do something. Twilight hesitated when she repeated her answer. Instead of subsiding, however, the doubt and protest continued to build until she could feel a physical ache in her chest.

“Well…okay,” Twilight said. She didn't look completely convinced, but she backed off.

“Is there something else, Twi?” Applejack asked. She tried to sound emotionless, but her voice came out strained from all her internal effort. “I sort of have somewhere to go.”

It was Twilight’s turn to look surprised. “No,” she said. “I...I’ll see you later, Applejack.” She walked off in a daze.

With Twilight gone, Applejack pushed everything that had just happened away before a wave of difficult emotions hit her. She was going to meet with one of the royalty. She didn't want to do so looking as if she was about to break down any minute. Half an hour of waiting passed before a royal guard approached her. “Your audience has been granted, Legionnaire Applejack,” he said. “Prince Terrato is waiting inside.”

Applejack let out a sigh. Of the three royal ponies who could have met her, it had to be him. Prince Terrato enjoyed making ponies squirm.

The doors to the audience hall opened, revealing the magnificent sight of the three thrones. Applejack’s jaw dropped. This wasn't the audience hall she remembered. A throne of white marble, trimmed with gold, dominated the central portion of the halls far end, behind the white throne hung a great banner that bore the symbol of the sun. To its left was an obsidian throne, trimmed with silver. The banner behind the black throne bore a crescent moon. Opposite the black throne was a plain throne of polished granite with a gray circle on its banner. Stairs led from the three, and joined together at the center of the hall.

A familiar, booming voice resounded within the audience hall. “Somepony’s admiring my hoof-work I see.”

Prince Terrato descended the stairs from his throne, and walked towards Applejack. She quickly went down on her knees, and bowed her head. “Thank you kindly for taking time to see me, your highness,” she said.

“I always have time to see my favorite almost-dead messenger,” Terrato replied. As he approached, Applejack wrinkled her nose a bit. A slightly fishy smell emanated from the prince. “Do you have another one, Applejack? Does mother want me to kick Luna in the face this time?”

“Um…no your highness,” Applejack replied. “I haven’t almost died again. It does have something to do with the Queen.”

Terrato raised an eyebrow, prompting Applejack to start. At the end of her story, he walked even closer, and examined her. “So you want to know more about this special gift that my mother gave you, hmm? Well, her majesty is more of the sort who unlocks the gifts you already have instead of adding things. The most likely scenario is that she provided you a means to tap into your Element of Harmony’s more individualized power. If I looked hard enough, I think I can sense it within you, and see how you can bring that out. Is that what you want, Applejack?”

Applejack nodded. His magic enveloped her in an instant. A few minutes passed until Terrato “let go”. She waited anxiously, while he simply frowned, and stared at her.

“You sure you actually created this shield you said you did?” Terrato asked. “I've thoroughly checked, and I don’t see any particularly strong power coming from the Element of Honesty. In fact, I’m barely sensing the Element of Honesty at all.”

Applejack could only stare blankly. Terrato may as well have uprooted a tree, and smashed her face with it. She lowered her head. “I-I’m sorry for wasting your time, your highness,” she said.

“You didn't,” Terrato replied. “Don’t think you’re failing yet, Applejack. I have a particular fondness for Honesty, and Loyalty. Among the Elements, their brightness becomes truly glorious when put to the test.” He eyed her carefully. “Confront whatever’s bothering you, and we’ll see what my mother expected.”

Applejack remained kneeling for some time. She had no reply to that.

Vanguard strode swiftly through Canterlot Jail. Around him, royal guards and visitors alike moved out of his way after one look at his grim expression, and his bulky armor. Whatever pleasant mood he was in upon Applejack’s quick agreement to join had evaporated when he received word of what Scarlet had been up to. All the new experiences of the Heartland excited Scarlet, who had nearly talked his ear off about solid, low altitude clouds, and liquid rainbows. All of that was fine. Getting jailed with Rainbow for causing the largest drunken brawl in Canterlot was not.

“I’m here for Scarlet Rabbit and Rainbow Dash,” Vanguard told one of the stationed guards. They nodded, and escorted him through the cells. Canterlot Jail used to be a small, barely-used building before the Legion arrived. Now, a lot of its cells held ponies who couldn't handle their new boozing habit, legionnaires who couldn't maintain discipline, and, most disturbingly, ponies who disrupted the draft. He came to the end of one hallway, and looked into one cell. Due to so many new cases, Canterlot Jail was overcrowded, and constructions were already underway for additional space. Along with several other ponies was a red pegasus stallion, and a rainbow-maned pegasus mare. Both of them were lying on the floor, trying to sleep off a hangover.

“Scarlet," Vanguard called.

Scarlet got up and looked at Vanguard, who gestured for him to come over. He obliged and put his face near the bars. “Captain!” he said. “I thought you’d never come!”

Vanguard sniffed once before his forelegs shot out, grabbing his "subordinate" by the head, and slamming it against the bars. “Who are you, and why are you pretending to be Scarlet Rabbit?” he growled.

“W-what are you talking about?” the impostor mumbled between the bars. “It’s me!”

Vanguard slammed the impostor's head a few more times until his nose started bleeding. “Where are they?” he asked. The impostor merely smiled, and started chuckling. Vanguard tossed him aside, then turned towards one of the royal guards. “Send word to both Unicorn Guard Captain Shining Armor, and Pegasus Guard Captain Bright Shield. Legionnaires Scarlet Rabbit, and Rainbow Dash are currently missing, and must be found at once.” They saluted, and ran off. He glanced back at the impostors. Their deception discovered, they didn't bother maintaining their disguising enchantments. He considered questioning them, but it was unlikely that they knew anything at all.

Half an hour passed after Vanguard’s visit to Canterlot Jail. It was late in the night, but both Twilight and Applejack were awake, and alert, when they heard that some of their friends were missing. He glanced over at his new vice-captain. Applejack was clearly distracted. He was going to have to talk to her about it later.

“Vanguard what’s going on?” Twilight asked. “What happened to Rainbow and Pinkie?”

“I've got preliminary reports already,” Vanguard replied. “Pinkie has been spotted in Ponyville, and is staying in Sugarcube Corner. I asked Sixth Squad to head over there to pick her up. As for Rainbow…” Vanguard paused. He could only assume that Rainbow, and Scarlet had been abducted. Almost as soon as he sent word out, conflicting reports reached him. Apparently, in addition to causing a massive bar room brawl, the two were also seen talking about flying off to Cloudsdale, making their way back to the Barrier Lands, flying off to Ponyville, robbing a local bank, and all sorts of incidents. “Rainbow Dash and Scarlet Rabbit are currently missing,” he said.

Both mares gasped.

“Do we have any leads?” Twilight asked.

“That’s the problem,” Vanguard replied. “We have too many leads. Whoever has taken them has scattered about a hundred decoys to cover their trail.”

Applejack stomped a hoof. “In the meantime, who knows what they’re doing to Rainbow!” she said.

“This is Black Rose’s work,” Twilight added.

“There’s no doubting that,” Vanguard said. “Both of you get ready; this will be our first mission together.”

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