• Published 26th Feb 2012
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Upheaval: Reckoning - Visiden Visidane

Sequel to Breaking Point. The barrier is no more and the Legion is on the move. What happens next?

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For the Legion

Upheaval : Reckoning

Chapter 15: For the Legion

Six days had passed since Canterlot's public address. The past few days had been peaceful enough. Twilight had taken the time to keep up with news coming from Canterlot, and other nearby cities.The address had gone well enough, and the Legion was moving in.

The larger settlements were first: Manehattan, Cloudsdale, Baltimare, Canterlot…the big cities with plenty of recruits to gain. It was only now that the Legion had started to pay attention to the smaller settlements, including Ponyville.

Twilight watched the first few squads of lightly-barded earth ponies arrive. She had woken up early, and had been watching for them ever since news of them coming arrived yesterday. She wasn't alone. Applejack had thought of doing the exact same thing. “What’s with the disappointed face?” she asked.

The last of the legionnaires had entered the village when Applejack answered. “I was hoping Vanguard would be with them,” she said.

That familiar and annoying twinge was back. “That’s completely ridiculous,” Twilight said. The tinge of harshness in her voice surprised even her. “He’s Special Operations, not a recruiting officer, why would he come here?”

“To see us,” Applejack replied. She kept her gaze on the legionnaires, ready to interfere if something went out of hoof. Twilight bit back another harsh reply, berating herself for suddenly being so irritable.

There was something anticlimactic about the way the legionnaires arrive: no trumpets, no procession. A small group of armored ponies simply walked into town as if they were merely visitors. Indeed, it took some time before somepony realized that the draft had finally begun. The mayor hurriedly arrived to greet them while the rest of Ponyville gathered behind her.

“Greetings, ponies of the Equestrian Legion,” the mayor said. She had that prepared script with her that Twilight helped with. "Welcome to our fair village.”

Twilight watched nervously as the lead legionnaire stepped forward. They were probably from the Western or Southern Barrier Land. They were all earth ponies, clad in light chain armor, and carrying enormous blades or spears on their backs. Northern Legion infantry were more armored, and less armed. She and Applejack moved closer. Among the crowd, Rarity and the others also looked on.

“I am Recruiting Officer Mineshaft,” the lead legionnaire replied. “Behind me are legionnaires from the Fourth Infantry Platoon of the Western Legion. We greet you, citizens of Ponyville, and we look forward to working with you in the fight for our realm.”

Mineshaft must have replied to the prepared script with one of his own from that delivery. ‘I suppose I should be glad that he, at least, made a decent attempt at enthusiasm,’ she thought.

“We request access to your registry list to determine who, and how many we are expecting to draft,” Mineshaft said. “We are also going to set up here in your main plaza.”

“Of course, sir, right away,” Mayor Mare replied. She and her assistants trotted back to her office.

Mineshaft turned his attention to all the gathered ponies. “All ponies expecting to be drafted, and all volunteers should remain. The rest of you, please return to your daily business.” As he was saying that, the rest of the legionnaires were already spreading out. A few asked for chairs and tables, while others were already organizing lines and herding out the ponies who were not expected to be recruited: colts, fillies, and the elderly.

Twilight and her friends approached Mineshaft. “Excuse me, Officer Mineshaft,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am?” Mineshaft replied.

Twilight glanced at the lines. “Does this mean that all the ponies recruited here will be stationed at the Western Barrier Land?”

Mineshaft nodded. “That is correct.”

Twilight relaxed a little. She didn't know much of the other Barrier Lands, but she could expect the fighting there to be less intense to the west. At least, as long as the ursans didn't decide to launch their own major invasion. Mayor Mare returned with the registry list, which she promptly handed over. “Thank you, madam mayor,” Mineshaft said. “The Legion appreciates your cooperation.” He looked over the list, then eyed Twilight curiously. “We received a memo that there are chosen legionnaires currently staying here. Do you happen to know who they are?”

“That would be us,” Twilight replied. She gestured towards her friends. “We’re from the Northern Legion.”

“In the thick of the fighting, eh?” Mineshaft said. He looked glad to encounter fellow legionnaires. “I can respect that. I understand that you’re on some kind of leave, but we’d appreciate any assistance.”

Twilight nodded. She was actually hoping for that. If nothing else, she wanted to make this draft as easy as possible for Ponyville.

By the time noon rolled around, the draft was well under way. Though the smooth proceedings were a relief, the lack of volunteers proved disappointing. Twilight had believed that some of her fellow chosen would join in on their own volition. The looks on their faces, however, were more resigned acceptance than any sort of enthusiasm. Twilight was now glad that Vanguard had not come to see this, not after all her talk about how ponies from the Heartland would help if they knew. The legionnaires matched the resignation with emotionless, mechanical movements that were only a little better than outright hostility.

“They should really make this into a happy occasion,” Pinkie said. “Think of how much better recruitment would be if these legionnaires threw a ‘Welcome to the Legion’ party to celebrate all the new recruits!”

“I don’t think our friends and neighbors are in any mood for a party, Pinkie,” Rarity said.

“They won’t be if these legionnaires keep acting like grumps,” Pinkie replied. “Can't they take off those champrons, and smile?”

“I don’t think the legionnaires are in any mood for that either,” Fluttershy answered.

An hour passed when a legionnaire approached Twilight’s group. “Legionnaire Sparkle, we need your assistance,” he said.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“We've encountered some resistance with one of the chosen,” the legionnaire replied. He led them to a house where several legionnaires were standing by the entrance along with a mint-green unicorn. Twilight recognized Lyra Heartstrings, and knew who was inside.

“Open this door, Miss Bon Bon,” one the legionnaires said. “By unified Equestrian law, avoiding the draft is punishable by jail time!”

“Never!” Bon Bon shrieked. “I don’t want to go to some far off land and fight! Leave me alone!”

“Bon Bon, please come out,” Lyra implored. “You’ll only make things worse in there!”

There was no answer this time. The legionnaire that brought Twilight and her friends along turned towards them. “Maybe you can talk her into putting a stop to this tantrum,” he said. “Otherwise, we’re arresting her.”

Twilight knocked on the door briefly. “Bon Bon, it’s me, Twilight Sparkle."

“Go away, Twilight Sparkle!”

“Bon Bon, the Legion needs your help…”

“They’re not getting it! There are hundreds of ponies out there they could get, they don’t need me!”

“Don’t you care about protecting Equestria?” Twilight asked.

“I’m just one pony,” Bon Bon answered. Her voice quivered. “I’m not a fighter. I don’t have magic or great strength. What am I supposed to do against monsters? Please, just leave me alone!”

“Bon Bon--”

“This is all your fault, Twilight Sparkle!” Bon Bon sobbed between the words. “Why couldn't you have just left things alone? Why couldn't you have just stayed banished to wherever you were? Everypony was happy! Why did you have to ruin everything?”

Twilight’s gaze lowered. “I just…”

Eventually, one of the legionnaires planted his forelegs firmly on the ground, then bucked at the door. His tramplers smashed into the house’s wooden entrance, breaking it in half, and sending splinters scattering into the interior. Inside, Bon Bon gave a panicked yelp, and tried to run farther into the house. The legionnaires quickly surrounded, and restrained her.

“You’re under arrest,” one of the legionnaires said. With his fellows surrounding Bon Bon, he pushed her forward roughly. Tears streaming down her face, Bon Bon gave one last angry look at Twilight.

“You’re not going to hurt her, are you?” Lyra asked as the legionnaires walked past her.

“Our orders are to arrest anypony who tries to avoid the draft. Seeing as this village doesn't have a jail, we’ll probably have to transfer her to the nearest city. Get to the plaza, Miss Heartstrings, you’re on the list too.” The legionnaire softened his tone. “We won’t hurt her unless she makes us defend ourselves,” he added.

“Coward,” Rainbow muttered as Bon Bon was led away.

“Rainbow!” Applejack said. “It ain’t that simple!”

Rarity put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Are you alright, Twilight?” she asked. “Don’t let what she said get to you. You did the right thing by going against the division.”

“But is it really our fault?” Fluttershy asked. “Are we the ones who dragged Ponyville into war?”

“The war didn't need any help in bringing itself here,” Rarity said. “It was going to happen eventually thanks to Black Rose’s meddling. If there’s anypony to be blamed it’s her, and all the creatures trying to invade Equestria!”

“We still had a part in it,” Twilight said. “But you’re right, Rarity." She watched as Lyra ran off to the plaza. “There’s going to be more of these incidents, and not just here in Ponyville.”

The Ponyville was almost finished by late afternoon. Throughout the entire procedure, Twilight kept looking for at least one volunteer. She was disappointed to the end. She didn't consider the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who tried to sign up, only to be shooed away. “So what’s going to happen to all the new recruits now?” she asked Mineshaft.

“We've got a large training camp set up near Cloudsdale,” Mineshaft replied. “They’ll start their training there, then it's off to their new posts.”

As Mineshaft was speaking, a large, red stallion approaching the legionnaires. ‘Big Macintosh,” Twilight thought. It looked like she was going to find that one volunteer after all. Applejack was already moving to intercept her brother.

“Big Macintosh!” Applejack called out. “What are you doing here? You’re not being drafted!”

Big Macintosh ignored his sister, and walked over to Mineshaft. “Sir,” he said. “I’d like to replace Applejack in your Legion please.”

“I already told you that it doesn't work that way!” Applejack said.

“I still got to try,” Big Macintosh replied.

Mineshaft looked Big Macintosh over, then turned to one of the other legionnaires. “Scree Trail! Why aren't we drafting this big, strapping stallion?” he asked. “Just looking at him, I know he’ll do well!”

Scree Trail walked over, and inspected Big Macintosh. “Which family are you from, stallion?” he asked.

“The Apple Family,” Big Macintosh replied.

“Well, there you go,” Scree Trail said. “It says on this report that the Ponyville branch of the Apple Family is exempted from the draft. The Legion already has a member in the ranks.”

“Well, that explains it,” Mineshaft said. “We’re not drafting you, and the Legion doesn't do trades.”

“But--” Big Macintosh said.

“Not just any legionnaire too!” Scree Trail said. “It says here that she’s a Special Operations Vice Captain!”

Mineshaft gave a low whistle. “A chosen in Special Operations that fast?” he said. “From the Apple Family too. It’s the legend of Apple Slice all over again.”

“Wait just a golldarn minute!” Applejack said. She cringed when she saw the look of horror that Big Macintosh gave her. “I’m not Special Operations! That report’s a mistake!”

“It’s true,” Twilight added. “We formed a squad under a Special Operations captain, but we weren't part of that group.”

“Would you like to be anyway?” somepony said from a distance.

Everypony turned towards the newcomer. Applejack took one look at the dark blue unicorn mare with the curly mane, then shook her head. “Captain Nightcanter,” she said.

Behind Nightcanter walked towards the gathering of ponies, and looked around. Behind her, several ponies followed. “So what do we have here?” she asked. She focused on Big Macintosh, who was still staring at Applejack. “You looking to join the Legion, big boy?” she asked. “I can think of several uses for you. A few might actually involve fighting.”

Applejack planted herself between Nightcanter, and Big Macintosh. “Why don’t we just talk about why Special Operations is here?” she asked. Her tone was tense, but still respectful. Twilight agreed with the approach. Captain Nightcanter may often talk playfully, but she was still a high-ranking pony, one who had defeated her in a sparring match before.

“I…I’ll be back in the farm,” Big Macintosh said. When he turned around, he did so in a daze.

“Big Mac!” Applejack called out to him. “We’ll talk about this later!” She pressed her lips together tightly when he didn't respond as he trotted off.

“So what is Special Operations doing in Ponyville, Captain Nightcanter?” Twilight asked. “Does it have something to do with us?”

“No,” Nightcanter replied. She gestured for Mineshaft and his legionnaires to move on, an order that they promptly obeyed. She lowered her voice slightly. “We’re here to set up a base of operations, then we’re off to investigate the Everfree Forest. Maybe we can talk somewhere more private than the middle of a public plaza."

“The library is pretty empty,” Twilight said.

Several minutes later, Twilight found herself playing host to two squads of Special Operations legionnaires, and her friends. She peered outside, then closed the curtains. Nightcanter cast a spell, temporarily engulfing everything in the tree-house in dark blue light. “Just something to make sure nopony’s spying,” Nightcanter said.

Most of the Special Operations ponies remained in the other reading rooms while Nightcanter sat at the center of Twilight, and her friends. “So why do you need to go to Everfree Forest?” Twilight asked.

“Not the forest,” Nightcanter said. “Our destination is Everfree Castle. We've received information that it might hold what we need to finally get a grasp of Black Rose’s plans.”

“You mean the goal isn't even to defeat Black Rose?” Rainbow asked. “She’s already stolen Princess Celestia’s power, and we’re still just getting to know her?”

Nightcanter’s eyes narrowed. She set both her forelegs on the table before resting her chin behind them. “Things aren't as simple as your rainbow-stained brain might take them to be,” she said. “It’s easy with the wolven, or the ursans, or the ophidites. They want to attack Equestria, and the goal is to defend against them. We’re in the dark with Black Rose here. We originally thought that she wanted to kill Princess Celestia, but she’s not dead now is she? Our best lead is the one provided by her brother, of all ponies. Special Operations is spread thin, and clutching at straws so, yes, our current goal at the moment is to get to know her better.”

“And you think that there’s something in Everfree Castle that could help with that?” Rarity asked. “What could it be?”

“You only scratched the surface during your last visit,” Nightcanter replied. “We’re going deeper than that. Thanks to what we found inside Canterlot’s Great Library, we know that the castle is sitting on something even older.”

“What’s that?” Twilight asked. She leaned closer, her eyes wide.

“The Last Refuge of Clover the Clever.”

Twilight's heart nearly stopped. “You’re kidding,” she said. She had to force the words out.

“How much do you know about Clover the Clever?” Nightcanter asked.

“She was Starswirl the Bearded’s disciple, and a great spell caster in her own right,” Twilight answered eagerly. “She helped found Equestria during the Windigo Crisis along with several other ponies.”

Nightcanter failed to hold back a snort.

Twilight frowned. “What? That’s not how Barrier Lands lore remembers it?”

“No, but it’s not about Barrier Lands lore, it’s about what we found in the Great Library's hidden archives.”

“There are hidden archives in the Great Library?” Twilight asked. Her breathing quickened. Plans to schedule a trip to Canterlot started forming in her mind.

“Woah, nelly,” Applejack said. “Let’s focus here.”

“Right,” Nightcanter said. “According to the sealed histories, the ponies before Lexarius’s dominion migrated outward from the Blasphemous Rift. The Windigo Crisis prompted a move inward in a desperate attempt to survive.”

“And then they discovered that the power of friendship, and defeated the windigos,” Twilight said. She made a mental note to find out more about this "Blasphemous Rift" later.

The corners of Nightcanter’s lips twitched a bit, but she controlled herself. “Well, they found something. I don’t think it was friendship though.” She grew serious as she went on. “Clover the Clever, and her companions strayed very close to the Blasphemous Rift, and managed to attune themselves to the lingering power of Oceanus. They used this power to destroy the windigos, and claim Equestria.”

It was Twilight’s turn to settle down grimly. ‘So much for Hearth’s Warming Eve,’ she thought. “What happened then?"

“While the rest of the ponykind settled the land, the Six Companions delved deeper into utilizing the power of Oceanus. They built a great capital city around the rift dedicated to further attuning all of ponykind to their progenitor. A lot of bad things were committed during those times. Several books worth, in fact.”

Nightcanter paused to massage her throat. “Say, you don’t happen to have some booze in this library do you?” she asked.

“No booze,” Twilight replied. “I’ll get you some water.” Once she set down a glass of water for Nightcanter, she spoke in a grim tone. "Was Starswirl the Bearded attuned to Oceanus too?"

"Starswirl the Bearded died of sickness immediately after the discovery of Oceanus, and the Blasphemous Rift," Nightcanter replied. "At least, that's what the records say," she added with a sly smile. After several gulps of water, she went on. “Lexarius eventually interfered. He arrived in this world, and rallied every pony who was horrified with what the Six Companions were up to. To our race's credit, there were a lot of them. With his army, he met the Oceanites in the battlefield, and annihilated them, reducing their mighty city into a rubble-filled crater, and then teaming up with his fellow stewards to seal the Blasphemous Rift for good.”

“That wasn't the end,” Rarity said. “You wouldn't be here if that was the end.”

“Of course not," Nightcanter said. "Clover the Clever survived, and fled into where the Everfree is now. She went into hiding, and spent the rest of her life trying to find a way to undo the seals, and reach Oceanus’s power. The sealed histories say that she came up with a way but…”

“..but what?” Twilight asked. She tapped a front hoof on the table impatiently.

“She didn't get to use it. Lexarius intercepted her. That was the end of Clover the Too-Clever-For-Her-Own-Good. Lexarius sealed away her last refuge. Centuries later, Princess Celestia built Everfree Castle over it for extra protection.”

“Why didn't they just destroy it?” Rainbow asked.

Nightcanter shrugged. “Clover stored a lot of power in that refuge in order to hide and protect it. That power was distilled from remains of her former companions, and the last traces of the Blasphemous Rift she could gather. Destroying the refuge would have spread that power all over Equestria. Who knows what effect it could have?”

“So why go there now?” Twilight asked.

“Black Rose plans to get into the Blasphemous Rift. She’ll need a way how, and whatever’s in that refuge is a good lead.”

“She’s been on the move for a while now,” Twilight said. “She may have already gone there and taken anything useful.”

“Maybe, but she doesn't have free access to the information we just got like we have." Nightcanter took another gulp. "The prince is sure that what she learned from the Library of Lexarius only has vague clues about the sealed histories, which hadn't been disturbed when we got to them. She still needs a means to complete her goals. We just might get the jump on Black Rose this time. At the very least, we can actually be on her trail instead of floundering around.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rainbow asked. She stood up, and flapped her wings. “Let’s go!”

“Hold on there, RD,” Applejack said. “This ain’t our mission. It’s Captain Nightcanter’s.”

“You’ll need help, right?” Twilight asked.

“We could use some assistance navigating the forest,” Nightcanter replied.

“We can help with that,” Twilight said. “We’d like to go into the castle with you as well.”

Nightcanter paused again. "You know...Vanguard asked me not to bother you mares on your vacation..." she said. She smiled the same sort of smile that made both Twilight, and Applejack shudder. "But why not? It sounds like fun."

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