• Published 26th Feb 2012
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Upheaval: Reckoning - Visiden Visidane

Sequel to Breaking Point. The barrier is no more and the Legion is on the move. What happens next?

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Upheaval: Reckoning

Chapter 16: Triumvirate

From her room, Luna watched as a group of legionnaires made their way through the streets of Canterlot. It had been six days since the public address, and reunification was finally on its way. What had been a dream a couple of months ago left her both satisfied, and apprehensive at once. She glanced at the piles of reports by her desk with a weary smile. Before, her only duty was managing the moon and occasionally mingling with her subjects. Now, she was up to her neck in reports.

Luna walked over to the most important pile: the one which contained the medical reports. Before she even left the Barrier Lands for the Heartland, Terrato had discussed the health of both his legionnaires and the chosen with her. Though the Legion had strict health practices, especially when dealing with the plague-loving ophidites, Terrato suspected that many legionnaires still carried some disease or another that didn't affect them anymore. Once they reach the populated areas in the Heartland, these diseases could run rampant among the ponies who never had to deal with them before.

Terrato allowed Luna to take as many unicorns as she needed for a new medical unit, and she took her brother's words to task. In a short period of time, she had to teach all these unicorns some the proper spells to treat and prevent diseases. It certainly didn't help that healing magic in Equestria had suffered because of her time in the moon. Every legionnaire had to be magically inoculated, and cleansed before stepping anywhere near a Heartland settlement. Even then, reports of legionnaires falling sick with Cutie Pox, which they called “Chosen Disease”, and chosen coming down with cases of Hiderot trickled in.

Luna read through every gristly detail, and mentally noted the necessary spells she was going to have to teach her new division. She glanced occasionally at the pile of reports she wanted to read. She knew about the Special Operations ponies that her brother had brought along with him. When she saw them reporting to him, she had made a request of them: send her some reports on how the interactions between the Barrier Lands and Heartland ponies went. It didn't have to be formal or extensive, she just wanted to hear the initial thoughts that the legionnaires had of their long lost brethren. She had found some time yesterday, and she still remembered a particularly interesting one.

Three days after the public address, the first legionnaire recruiters entered the city of Canterlot. The first thing they had noticed was the strange manner by which it had been built. Canterlot hugged the sheer cliffs of Mount Unicornia; a gigantic testament to unicorn aesthetics: tall and stately towers, pristine white walls, luxurious amenities, and a touch of fancy over practicality. The earth pony, and pegasi legionnaires were quick to agree that Canterlot must have been designed by a unicorn’s unicorn: a stallion or mare who weighed the danger of plummeting down a cliff against visual appeal, then decided that visual appeal mattered more.

Comparisons to Arcanotropolis, Canterlot’s equivalent in the Barrier Lands, were inevitably made. Even the unicorn magi had to agree that Canterlot was grander, and better maintained. They added, however, that Canterlot had no Grand Arena like Arcanotropolis, and did not have a tradition as wonderful as the annual Mage Battle tournaments, which would explain why Canterlot did not have to deal with frequent explosion damage. They also added that Canterlot served as Princess Celestia’s choice of dwelling, making it more important, better funded, and likely explained why no earthquakes had touched the city. Arcanotropolis, on the other hoof, was not the capital of the Barrier Lands. That honor belonged to the Great Delve, which was primarily an earth pony city. The mention of the Barrier Lands capital piqued Luna’s interest. She had found neither the time nor excuse to see what kind of capital Terrato managed.

While she had yet to lay eyes on the Great Delve, Luna did get to see some of her brother’s management. Barrier Lands ponies were now trickling into the Heartland as fast as her medical division could get to work on them. Not all of them were legionnaires: craftsponies, engineers, even scholars, were already on the move to integrate Barrier Lands and Heartland technology into a unified whole. Terrato also gave them the same stern warning he gave to the Legion: any abuse heaped on the chosen will be considered sabotaging the reunification effort, and will be treated as treason.

The movement wasn't one-sided either. Terrato had asked Celestia to pick out “ponies of integrity and influence” among the chosen to be brought to the various Barrier Lands so they could assess the situation there. It was his hope that these ponies would see the danger, and speak out among their fellows, allowing for a smoother reunification. That was Luna’s hope too. Aside from the chosen not suspecting that the frightening, and stern alicorn had sent these ponies to a far off land, killed them, then replaced them with clones. When Terrato later added that he wanted Prince Blueblood among those ponies, even she had to be suspicious.

“I like that one,” Terrato had said. “His mouth says he’s a coward, but the rest of him says otherwise. He should see the truth as I want him on my side.”

Terrato had also made good on his promise. Two days ago, he had the Legion's High Command meet through magical projections, then had them acknowledge the authority of his sisters. Some of the commanders were uncomfortable with this decision, as Luna had predicted. Still, she now had a grip on the Legion, and planned on making good use of it.

In that same meeting, Terrato also gave more specifics on his plan with the draft. All draftees were required to serve for a minimum of four years, and would be allowed to go home if that was what they wanted. They were to be held in reserve, and sent to the rear lines until they racked up some experience. He had done all of this while he managed the Legion still in the Barrier Lands. Fangbreaker Fortress still had to be converted to a proper launching point for an offensive. Great amounts of resources and a lot more ponies also had to be transported.

Celestia also had her own duties to attend to. She continued to speak with the chosen, reassuring them that times would get better. Terrato was content with just having Celestia rest, but Luna would have none of it. There were problems to be dealt with and the two of them weren't enough to take care of everything.

First, there was the money problem. Incidents had arisen when legionnaires would attempt to buy something with Barrier Lands bits only to have the chosen store-owner refuse to accept it. The legionnaires took it as mocking Terrato’s authority, and reacted violently. A new form of currency had to be adapted by a reunified Equestria. At the very least, values had to be assigned so money changers could get to work. Celestia had elected to deal with the matter.

Then, there was the growing booze problem.

Alcohol was not a complete unknown in the Heartland. It just happened to be a very scarce commodity for a very small fraction of the population. Sweet Apple Acres, for one, produced about a small crate or two of applejack each harvest time to be shipped to Canterlot, and sold at exorbitantly high prices. A lone bottle would last a noble a year as a sipping drink. That was about as much of a presence alcohol had in the Heartland, and Celestia preferred it that way. When the legionnaires heard about the scarcity of such a familiar comfort, they had no compunctions about bringing their own supply. When the first legionnaires arrived in the Heartland, barrel after barrel of cheaply-made, highly potent booze poured in with them. With the health concerns, it was natural for the Barrier Lands ponies to prefer their booze over the local water. This wasn't bad in itself. Legionnaires have had a lifetime to deal with booze. Faced with especially harsh penalties should they get rowdy in the Heartland, it was easy for them to moderate their drinking.

The trouble started when a group of legionnaires, in a commendable, but ultimately misguided, attempt to ingratiate themselves with the locals, shared some of their booze with nearby curious chosen. Ordinary chosen did not have the same sort of incentives the legionnaires had to moderate their drinking. They knew almost next to nothing about the stuff. They accepted the drinks, enjoyed them, then proceeded to besot themselves. In the following days, the Royal Guard scrambled to quell the drunken antics of chosen around the streets.

Terrato refused to have the legionnaires get rid of their booze as Celestia asked, stating that it was one of the few comforts they had in such a strange land. He did issue orders for the legionnaires to avoid sharing anymore, but it was doubtful that would be enough of a measure. It wouldn't be long until the chosen applied their resourcefulness to support their newly acquired habit. It was up to Celestia, and the Royal Guard to temper that habit lest even Canterlot turn into a drunken orgy.

Luna sighed as she set down the reports. With so many things to take care of, she hadn't even put a hoof on the problem of Black Rose. The usurper was out there somewhere, planning something involving the Blasphemous Rift.

Special Operations, however, had made good use of the hidden archives. Terrato was confident that Black Rose had not gained access to them yet, but he doubted the likelihood of things staying that way. With Terrato actively looking out for her with his magic, it would be difficult for Black Rose to move about personally without revealing herself. Hopefully, she would be forced to rely on minions. The movements that Terrato asked of his Special Operations ponies concerned her a bit though.

That led to another issue Celestia insisted on taking care of. Luna left her room, and strode through the halls until she stood outside the room she was looking for. She opened the double doors, catching Celestia’s patient and imploring tone.

“All we ask for is unhindered access to Sky Mirror Lake,” Celestia said. “We have no intention of attacking your hives, but it is imperative that we are able to go there.”

“The changelings owe you nothing, Celestia!” the magical image of Queen Chrysalis spat. “Tell me why we should bow, and part before you and your pathetic little ponies while you make your way through our territory?”

Luna stood outside the room, and looked on quietly. Terrato was also inside, using his magic to facilitate the meeting with Chrysalis’s projection. He had his eyes closed, and his forelegs crossed. Luna could understand why. Celestia had been reluctant to tell him about the Canterlot Wedding Incident, knowing the sort of action he would recommend. Even Luna didn't want to bring it up even though what had overcome the changelings was, perhaps, the greatest sign of the barrier’s inadequacy. When access to the Blasphemous Rift became necessary, he eventually had to know.

“No pony will set foot on our territory!” Chrysalis snarled. “Those who try will be sucked dry!”

Terrato’s eyebrow twitched. Luna and Celestia could only watch him nervously. Sooner or later, he was going to lose his patience, and recommend exterminating the changelings as both retaliation for their previous attack, and as a precaution against any more attacks. For that reason, Celestia insisted on taking charge of negotiations. Despite what the changelings had become and what they had tried to do, she didn't want them destroyed like pests.

Luna still remembered what the changelings were like before the change. They were strange hybrids of pony and butterfly, gifted with amazing powers of transformation. They delighted in mischief through impersonating others, but never meant any harm. Indeed, those who displayed good humor towards the changelings’ pranks were often rewarded. Celestia had no problem with their remaining inside the barrier. During Luna's banishment, the changelings had apparently become more and more withdrawn. Celestia admitted that, while she had found it a bit odd, she believed it was simply a slight shift in their lifestyle, and continued to have faith in the changelings’ immortal queen. Even when the changelings settled around Sky Mirror Lake, there was little cause for concern. The seals laid down by Lexarius ensured that the power of Oceanus did not infect Equestria.

What happened after that was difficult to pin down. By Celestia’s account, the changelings isolated themselves further for the next three hundred years. Though she had the Royal Guard keep a vigilant watch, she was loathe to use more militant methods in preparing. At that time, she still hadn't believed that Queen Chrysalis could have changed so much or gone so far. After her return, Luna had grown suspicious, and worked with one of the royal nieces. Princess Cadance confirmed what Luna had suspected; the changelings had turned into the dark, emotion-feeding creatures they were today, and Chrysalis had taken great measures to hide that fact from Celestia. It seemed that even the seals of the Eternal Herd’s stewards were not perfect or, as more rebellions took place, the power of Oceanus grew.

Unfortunately, Cadance had not been subtle enough. Chrysalis discovered not only her spying, but also her wedding, choosing that time to make a move. It was only during the Canterlot Wedding Incident did Queen Chrysalis reveal the full extent of what the changelings had gone through. The surprise attack allowed for a Canterlot invasion even with Shining Armor’s powerful barrier. The combination of Celestia’s hesitation to reveal any great degree of fighting prowess to her subjects, her underestimation of the threat, and the sheer surprise by the boldness of Chrysalis’s attack nearly resulted in complete disaster. Afterwards, Luna finally decided to go to the Barrier Lands to talk to her brother, ironic given that it was the incident she hesitated in mentioning.

“You are flirting with disaster here, Chrysalis!” Celestia snorted, and a stomped a hoof. The sudden angry gesture surprised both Luna, and Terrato. “You seem to be ignoring that I chose not to retaliate after your attack on Canterlot. Do not exhaust my options for settling this peacefully!”

Luna took some satisfaction when Queen Chrysalis visibly flinched. The changeling quickly recovered, however. “Your little tantrum does not impress me, Celestia,” Chrysalis replied. “But it’s easy to see that this means a lot to you. I’m willing to negotiate safe passage in return for some tribute.”

Celestia smiled, and Terrato relaxed. “Name your price,” she said.

“I will think it over first." Chrysalis turned away with a dramatic flourish, but Luna suspected that it was to hide her increasing fear. "This meeting is over. I will contact you once I've made up my mind.”

Chrysalis’s image dissipated, and Terrato opened his eyes. “I still think we should just destroy them,” he said.

“Equestria has more than enough enemies,” Celestia replied as Luna entered the room.

“Which includes them already,” Terrato said. “They attacked first, remember? You may have cowed them for now, but they’re still a disaster waiting to happen.”

“The changelings were turned into this. There is still hope in turning them back, but that will be impossible if you wipe them out.”

“Luna?” Terrato asked. He threw a glance her way.

Luna cleared her throat, suddenly aware of her place between her siblings. “The changelings will have to be dealt with soon,” she said, eliciting a frown from Celestia, “but I think we should bide our time until the reunification has settled some more.”

Terrato let out a snort. “So what did you come by here for, little sister?” he asked. “Just passing by to see how negotiations went?”

“I just wanted to know why you’re moving Special Operations around,” Luna replied. “You've sent a couple of squads to Ponyville of all places. Now, you've got more working with the Royal Guard to delve Mount Unicornia. What for?”

“If Black Rose plans to open the seals to the Blasphemous Rift, there should be two ways to do it,” Terrato replied. “She can break them externally, which would require more power than she has at the moment. She can also break them internally.”

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asked.

"The Foul Weapon possesses immense power,” Terrato said. “It’s certainly enough to break any seal Lexarius can come up with. If Black Rose can slip in just a small amount of magic through the seals, she can coax that power to go off. This was the same plan as Clover the Clever was developing before Lexarius struck her down.”

“So you had some squads sent to Everfree Castle,” Celestia said. “But why Mount Unicornia?”

“Haven't you been reading from the hidden archives?" Terrato asked.

Celestia sighed. "I hid it away, and put it out my mind, remember?"

"Mount Unicornia's mines contain the Crystal Grave, a strange device discovered by Princess Platinum when her ponies settled around this area. Even though she lost the mine's use, she spent a lot of resources tinkering with it. After she retreated to the Old Kingdom's capital, Lexarius found it, and sealed it away.”

“So Black Rose’s plan is to break through the seals using the various projects of the Six Companions?” Celestia asked.

“If we’re willing to believe Blue Moon entirely,” Terrato said. "It’s the best way to open those seals. Even if that’s not her goal, controlling these dangerous sources of power is important.”

Luna watched Terrato carefully. He had already mentioned in earlier meetings that Black Rose may have deliberately allowed Blue Moon to betray her with that much knowledge so the Legion would do most of the legwork. He spent a great deal of resources monitoring his own Special Operations to ensure that none of them were spies for her, but he mentioned that he was banking more on one thing that even she wouldn't be expecting. When Luna pressed him about what that was, he refused to say anything more.

Unable to gauge anything else from Terrato, Luna looked out a window. This one had, fittingly enough, a good view of Mount Unicornia's summit. Terrato had not mentioned which squads he had sent, but she had found out earlier. First, and Third squad, along with a group from the Royal Guard were currently spelunking in that abandoned gem mine. She could only hope for their success.

Though they were already quite deep into the mine, Vanguard, and the rest of the Special Operations ponies sent with him, found it easy to navigate the tunnels of Mount Unicornia. The walls were lined with luminous gems that served them better than any torch. Nevertheless, they moved slowly. One of the ponies with them was mapping everything down.

The presence of the gems begged the question. The mine clearly had plenty of resources. Why was it abandoned? Not even Canterlot’s residents knew. The mines were off-limits, and they weren't the sort to pry. Vanguard could understand that part. A sense of wrongness permeated the mine’s tunnels like thick fog. The walls, the scattered mining tools, the overturned carts…this mine wasn't abandoned because it was depleted.

“I spent my entire life reading about Princess Platinum being insufferable snob who eventually learned the importance of friendship,” Shining Armor said. “Now, I get to find out that she was up to some horrible things down here.”

“You’re welcome,” Vanguard replied. It was a bit unusual working with the Royal Guard, but Special Operations was low on ponies in the Heartland. He suspected that Princess Celestia requested it to foster better relations between the two groups. He empathized with Shining Armor in this case. The Heartland seemed a place clean of the grim incidents that happened often in the Barrier Lands, but it turned out that there are still niches of such things carefully tucked away beneath a veneer of peace.

They descended a particularly steep slope as they followed a large tunnel, carefully making sure that none of them started sliding down the chasms around them. There were stalagmites, and pointed crystal formations at the bottom of those chasms, ready to meet any pony unfortunate enough to fall.

“So what happened here anyway?” Scarlet asked. When Vanguard looked at him sternly, he grinned sheepishly. “Hey, I didn't get to read from the hidden archive!”

“After the Windigo Crisis, Platinum ran a gigantic mining operation here with a city’s population of earth pony slave labor,” Vanguard replied. “Eventually, these earth ponies developed a magic of their own, and started an uprising. Led by Rock Maven, they massacred a small army of unicorn overseers, and fled to the outskirts of Equestria.”

“Rock Maven…I've heard of that name before,” Scarlet said.

Vanguard snorted. “Rock Maven, the first leader of the True Earth Ponies.”

“Well, if I--”

Before Scarlet could say anything else, Vanguard raised a hoof. “Did you see that?” he asked. He focused his gaze towards the far end of the tunnel. The ponies with him readied spells and weapons.

At a distance, a dim, pony-sized figure was approaching the group. Vanguard’s ears perked, but he couldn't hear a single sound despite all the loose rocks and gems around.

“Who goes there?” Shining Armor called out.

“Get back to work…” was the faint reply. Shining Armor tensed.

The figure came close enough for a better view. One of the royal guards gasped. Standing before them was a pony-shaped blob of shadow. There appeared to be a horn and a mane on it, but the rest of its features were too indistinct.

“We’re not workers here,” Shining Armor said.

“Not yet…” the thing replied.

Before anypony else could react, the thing gave a loud wail, and charged. More shadows burst from the walls, the ceiling, and from the ground itself.

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