• Published 4th Nov 2011
  • 5,173 Views, 34 Comments

Shadow Of Dreams - Keyframe

An inventive pony wants to fly like a pegasus but us faced with challenges other than limitations.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“Summer, I’ve been flapping my wings for months!” whined Rainbow Blitz, lifting his wings and remaining grounded. Wires were attached to his wings and he wore a helmet that blinked with many different colored lights. They were conducting experiments on wing pattern movements. Summer had asked Rainbow Blitz for help gathering data. They were underground, the roots from a large tree protruding from the soil and looming overhead. Despite being in a hole, the basement to Dusk Shine’s library was well furbished, clean, and organized. At first it was anyway, since Summer began working in his basement, it became less and less organized over the months.

“And you’ll keep doing it if you don’t sit still!” Summer persisted, removing her blue Wonderbolt goggles to get a better look at Rainbow Blitz. She was under a control panel fiddling with wires and sparks. “Now, just keep flapping your wings I almost got this working. What’s your hurry anyway?”

“Applejack is going to be showing Elusive some rodeo tricks on the farm. I don’t want to miss it—Ow!” Rainbow yelped from another shocked.

“Sorry,” apologized Summer, removing her hoof from a wire. That was a half lie. She smiled every time she pressed that fickle little wire against the metal box. “Just hold still. Hey, isn’t Elusive all prim and proper? Why would he want to learn how to do rodeo tricks?”

“AJ dared him to enter. At first it was just going to be Elusive, but Elusive wanted Applejack to perform in it as well.”

“When did they decide this?”

“During a thunderstorm, they hung out here at Dusk Shine’s for the night and they were playing Truth or Dare.”

“I see. Still, that doesn’t sound like something he’d particularly be into,” thought Summer aloud as she put on her goggles to look back at the wires.

“You know how he is. ‘The word of a gentlecolt is as good as his bond and sometimes better’.”

Summer caught a glimpse of Rainbow with his chest buffed out and head held up high. He also wasn’t flapping his wings. With a sinister grin, she grounded the same wire she’d been pressing with her hoof and gave Rainbow Blitz another shock.

“Ow! I’m starting to think you’re doing that on purpose!” said Rainbow.

“What? Me? No,” Summer said with big eyes and batting her eyes, looking as innocent as she possibly could. She pressed the wire to the metal box again sending a shock to Rainbow Blitz. He yelped and jumped from the tiny shock. Trying to keep a straight face, Summer tried to look innocent again, and batted her eyes making them look bigger. Rainbow Blitz narrowed his eyes at her. She grinned and chuckled softly knowing she was in trouble. “I have to go. I hear Elusive is going to be in the rodeo!”

“Oh no you don’t!” protested Rainbow Blitz, now smiling as well, removing the wires and helmet in a hurry. Summer already began prancing up the stairs when she looked back to see him reaching the bottom of the steps.. She stuck her tongue out at him and dashed out of the basement. Rainbow Blitz followed close behind.

“C’mon Gigatrot, we’re taking a break!” shouted Summer through the house. She bolted across the floor and through the front door. “We’ll see you at Applejack’s!”

Rainbow emerged from the basement. Gigatrot came to the entryway at the right moment.

“You coming?” asked Rainbow, smiling as the Gigatrot approached him.

“Is it required? I understand there is still more work to be done.”

“Oh take a break, Gigatrot. You’ve earned it. Come on! We’ve given Summer a pretty good head start. Let’s go.”

Rainbow Blitz took off flying through the front door, closing from the sudden breeze. The whirls and pings of Gigatrot’s head echoed in the vacant room. He opened the door and galloped to Sweet Apple Acres.


Apple trees spread across the viridian fields. Hundreds could be seen for miles. It didn’t seem like it could end, and on the far side was Sweet Apple Acres. Summer had never been up close to Sweet Apple Acres, but she had seen it from a distance. The owner was a hard working stallion; he was a bit stubborn at times, but who wasn’t in this town?

Summer ran along the dirt road, passing the brown wooden fences surrounding the building and into the driveway. The hoof steps on the gravel slowed as she approached the barn.

“Applejack!” she called, looking around the building. There was no reply; maybe he was around the back.

Rainbow flew over the trees, Gigatrot directly under him. It didn’t take them long to catch up. They drew nearer to the large red barn. In an explosion of dust, Rainbow Blitz landed next to Gigatrot. Once the dust had settled both of them looked around. Summer was nowere to be seen.

“Where’d she go?” asked Rainbow, trotting to one side of the barn.

“Current location is unknown. If you would like I can recite where she is not,” said Gigatrot, coming up to Rainbow’s side.

“No thanks, Captain Obvious,” he said, rolling his eyes.

“I am no military officer.” Rainbow put a hoof to his face. Honks and screams came from the other side of the barn. “I hear something.”

“Yea, I hear it too. It’s coming from over here.” He pointed as he floated to the backyard.

Before Rainbow Blitz could get to the corner of the barn, Summer appeared and crashed into him.

“Rainbow Blitz, I found Summer,” declared Gigatrot. Summer quickly got up and brushed her red hair out of her face, then hid behind Rainbow Blitz.

“What’s wrong?”

“There’s a mad goose on the other side of the fence,” shuddered Summer, crouching lower to the ground.

“A goose?” chuckled Rainbow, “you ran from a goose?” Summer punched his back leg. “Hey!”

“If you’re so brave then why don’t you go first?” pressured Summer, pushing Rainbow forward.

“Alright, I will,” he said, bracing himself. He hesitated for a moment and glanced back at Summer and Gigatrot.

Summer smiled at him, “Go on then.”

Rainbow turned back to the post, avoiding her gaze, he marched forward to the fence. In an instant, he returned with a goose at his heels. Both he and Summer were screaming. The goose followed Rainbow back to their hiding spot, honking and flapping it’s massive wings at the intruders.

Summer galloped off and Rainbow flew up into the air. Gigatrot stood still watching the chaos in front of him, until the goose approached Gigatrot. Its chest was puffed out and wings extended to make it look bigger. Its head floated to its peak like a snake coming out of a basket, staring at the mechanical wonder.

“Honk! Honk!” it went, taking a quick jab at Gigatrot with its beak. Gigatrot lowered his head to be level with the goose. Pausing, his yellow eyes locking on to the goose.

“Honk!” mimicked Gigatrot. His yell was amplified and exactly like the goose’s. His yell also caused a few feathers to be blown away. Breathless, the goose raised his wing to his head, and saluted Gigatrot, then waddled away.

Rainbow, who had been hiding on the roof, floated down to Gigatrot. Summer emerged from the bushes with some difficulty. Her shorts were caught on some thorns.

“That was awesome!” cheered Rainbow, patting Gigatrot on the back. “Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine," said Summer, brushing off some foliage. The thorn bushes were a hassle to get out of.. “Did that goose salute you?”

“Yes,” Gigatrot noted, “maybe I am a captain.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” laughed Summer. “We still have to find Applejack.”

“And if that goose comes along, Gigatrot can just honk at it,” Rainbow Blitz said. “You don’t think he’ll come back, do you?”

“I don’t think so,” said Summer, skipping along the gravel past the fence.

Around the next hill was a large corral. Elusive and Applejack were running around four barrels that made a diamond. Applebud was hanging from the top fence post, cheering the two colts on.

“C’mon Elusive! The point is ta run around the barrels!”

“Applebud, what’s going on?” asked Summer trotting up to the fence, Gigatrot and Rainbow at her heels.

“Hey, Summer. Applejack’s teachin’ Elusive some rodeo tricks.”

“How’s he doing?” questioned Rainbow Blitz.

“Ah’ve seen worse,” he confessed and turned back to the corral. “Elusive, pick up the rope! It ain’t gonna bite!”

“It’s covered in mud!” Elusive protested, inching away from the rope. It floated up with magic.

“No magic, Elusive. This is a contest of skill,” yelled Applejack, galloping up and stepping on the rope.

“Magic is a skill.”

“Ah mean physical skill. Go take another try at barrel racing.” Elusive trotted off with an exasperated grunt. Applebud started egging Elusive on while Summer and Rainbow cheered for him. “Well, I’ll be. Finally decided to come out of Dusk Shine’s basement?”

“I thought I’d join the living for a change,” joked Summer.

“You’ve been down there for weeks. Any progress?”

“Making strides. Would be bigger strides if Rainbow stayed focused.”

“Well if you didn’t shock me every three seconds!” argued Rainbow. Summer laughed the thought of Rainbow getting shocked. The look on his face was priceless.

“You shocked him?” asked Applejack.

“Just a little pinch,” smiled Summer. “Nothing too serious.”

“If you say so. What are you making down there anyway?” inquired Applejack. He turned his head slightly to catch a glimpse of Elusive tangling himself up in some rope then slowly falling into the dirt.

“A flying machine,” answered Gigatrot.

“Ah remember Berry had somethin’ like that.”

“Summer says this one is supposed to go really fast,” said Rainbow Blitz.

“If we can power it,” added Summer.

“Well that shouldn’t be a problem. We can just use magic to power it.”

“No!” snapped Summer, stomping her hoof on the ground. “No magic!” Everypony stepped back in shock. Applejack exchanged looks of concern with Rainbow Blitz. Summer didn't look up from the ground in the silence. Applebud jumped off the fence; Gigatrot didn’t move as usual. Even Elusive stopped what he was doing to pay attention. “I’m sorry, but… I just don’t want to use magic.” Summer said to the ground, embarrassed from her outburst.

“That’s fine, Red. No one is making you use magic on your flying contraption.”

“Well, how do you keep Gigatrot powered up?” asked Applebud.

“He runs on a battery, and that gets powered from sunlight.”

“So if it’s dark, he’ll shut off?”

“No. When he’s in the sunlight the battery stores the energy, but that’s not enough to keep a pony flying. We need something stronger.”

“Do you have something in mind?” asked Elusive, setting the lasso down. He must have walked over when she hadn’t been looking.

“I’ve had some thoughts, but shouldn’t you be practicing for the rodeo?” asked Summer as she raised an eyebrow.

“I think that’s quite enough for one day,” said Elusive, hanging the rope on the fence. “If you will excuse me, I need to go wash up. Summer, do let me know what your plan is for your machine.”

“Sure,” said Summer as she nodded.

With his head held high, Elusive cantered off. Once he was out of earshot, Applebud turned to the rest of the ponies.

“He’s doomed, ain’t he?”

“I’ll say,” affirmed Rainbow Blitz. Applejack was about to say something in Elusive’s defense, but the goose Gigatrot stood up to honked again, this time at Elusive.

“I’m leaving! I’m leaving! Ah!” screamed Elusive off in the distance.

“I don’t like that goose,” grumbled Summer, listening to the honks muffled by Elusive’s screams.

“Ah, don’t pay Sgt. Gander any mind,” said Applejack. “He’s just protectin’ the apples.”

Gigatrot instantly spun his head. “He’s a seargent?”

“Ah don’t think so,” shrugged Applejack.

“I like to think of him as our ‘Guardian Goose’!” shouted Applebud. “We always know if someone is comin’ up to the farm.”

“I can imagine that’d be pretty useful.”

“So what brings ya’ll down here anyway?” asked Applejack.

“We came to see Elusive practice for the rodeo,” answered Rainbow.

“But it looks like you guys finished early,” added Summer. “I should be getting back to work.”

“Now hold on just a minute, Red,” said Applejack. “Ya’ll came all this way, how about some apple juice?” Applejack jumped over the wooden fence and paused before he gave Gigatrot a confused look. “And whatever you drink.”

“This unit does not require anything,” said Gigatrot.

“And after that you can tell me how ya got your cutie mark!” blurted Applebud.

“My what?” breathed Summer. She didn’t think he’d remember that.

“Yer cutie mark. Remember?”

“Uh… Yeah,” said Summer dimly.

“Maybe something to eat too. I’m starving,” spoke Rainbow Blitz, holding his stomach.

“Well, come on then. Let’s go eat some grub.”

Applejack lead the way to the house on their property. It almost looked the same as the barn they saw when they arrived, but it was browner. An old green pony sat on a rocking chair on the porch. He swayed back and forth in the chair with the soft breeze, he was asleep.

“Who’s that?” asked Summer in a hushed voice.

“That’s Grampy Smith,”Applebud said without hushing his voice. “Don’t worry. He never wakes up from his naps.” He ran up to the old pony in the rocking chair. “Hey, Grampa! We got guests!” he yelled at the top of his little lungs. Summer flinched, expecting some big uproar from the older pony, but he just sat there, yawning and snoring in his chair. “See?”

“C’mon, let him sleep, Applebud. Now, about that apple juice. Ya’ll can wait out here while I get it,” said Applejack.

“I’ll come with you,” offered Summer quickly. “You’ll need help carrying all those glasses.”

Applejack didn’t object. “Well thank you kindly, Summer.”

“Me too! I can help!” added Applebud.

“Rainbow, Gigatrot, care to help out too?” asked Applejack.

“Nah, I’m good,” shrugged Rainbow Blitz. Gigatrot didn’t respond. The gears in his head were turning; he was thinking again.

“Yes,” he said with a jerk of his head.

“Try not to get too bored out here by yourself,” joked Summer.

“We’ll get that apple juice lickity split,” assured Applejack.

The inside of the Apple family house was just as expected. It was old, and smelled like it too. The old, country house itself must have been owned by Grampa Smith. It was cozy, and it reminded Summer a lot of her grandparent’s house.

Applejack and Applebud were already in the kitchen. Both of them were working as a team, arranging glasses and sliding small kegs across the floor.

“Wow,” gaped Summer.

“What? This?” asked Applebud, holding a glass as Applejack poured apple juice. “This is nothing. You should have seen us in the Brotherhooves Bash.”

“Do you normally do things together?” asked Gigatrot.

“Any chance we get,” grinned Applejack.

“You two accomplish a lot don't you?”

“There’s also Mac,” said Applebud.

“Mac?” Summer asked, tilting her head.

“Our sister.”

“Named Mac," Summer noted, unconvinced.

“That’s just a nickname, Red,” smiled Applejack, setting down the pitcher. “Her name’s Macareina. You’ll know her when you see her. She’s as tall as me.”

There was a pause. Summer couldn’t think of anything to say to that, or maybe she was just thinking about how tall Mac was. Applejack was already a tall pony; it was hard to imagine anyone else that tall.

“So, about yer cutie mark...” prompted Applebud. He slid a cup of apple juice to Summer. His eyes got big and his mouth started to gape in anticipation. Summer didn’t respond. The only noise came from Gigatrot and his turning gears.

“Well… You see I don’t--” started Summer, until a metal bolt whizzed past her head. She looked at Gigatrot, who was shaking violently.

“What in tarnation?”

Clang! Chzzzzt-clank!

“Get down!” yelled Summer, leaping at Applebud and Applejack, pushing them behind the table for cover. Gigatrot’s head started spinning, releasing a loud whistle like a boiling tea kettle. He started jumping up and down with the grace of a connonball, knocking over the mugs of apple juice and breaking the wooden floor. Summer shut her eyes and put her hooves over her ears.

O Solaris! Please don’t explode! she pleaded to herself. A second later, Gigatrot stopped dead in his tracks. The whistle died off and he stood still just like he always did.

“Ah think he stopped,” spoke Applejack, poking his head out from the table.

“What happened?” Applebud asked as he tapped . Summer's withers. She opened her eyes and put her hooves down to stand up, but her legs were jelly.

“I- don’t know," replied Summer. “Maybe he blew a fuse.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Applejack said, taking a closer look at Gigatrot.

“It could have been much worse.” Summer pushed herself up this time and joined Applejack to look at Gigatrot.

“How much worse?”

“Ever been in ten places at once?” asked Summer sarcastically.

“Mhmm,” thought Applejack. “Once, during Applebuck Season.”

“I mean exploding,” whispered Summer. She didn’t want Applebud to hear.

“Ah, in that case I reckon’ I haven’t.”

“I need to bring him back to my place,” she said quickly, changing the subject.

“Why not Dusk Shine’s?”

“My place first. The sooner the better.”


“What’s going on?” yelled Rainbow Blitz, bursting through the door. Everypony jumped, thinking Gigatrot had finally exploded. “I heard a noise.”

“It’s Gigatrot,” answered Summer. “Well he… broke. I have to get him home.” Summer braced herself against him and pushed as hard as she could, but to no avail; he didn’t budge. Summer tried another push.

“Go help her,” Applejack whispered to Rainbow Blitz.

“Last time I helped, she swatted me with a wrench,” Rainbow whispered back. “You see the face she’s making? That’s her stubborn face.”

“I’m right here, you know?” grunted Summer, pushing Gigatrot again and finally making progress.

“Sorry, Red. Lemme help,” offered Applejack.

“That’d be great," said Summer through clenched teeth. She caught a glimpse of Applejack giving a smug smile to Rainbow. He might have called him an ‘idjit’, but she wasn’t sure.

With two ponies pushing, Gigatrot was finally moving. Applebud rushed ahead to open the door, Rainbow floating above him.

“You can borrow our cart to get him home,” huffed Applejack as they gave Gigatrot one final push outside.

“Thanks. That should help out a lot," breathed Summer with an exhausted smile. She wiped the sweat off her brow and took a seat.

“You won’t be needing anything else?” asked Applebud.

“No. Pulling him in a cart won’t be that bad. Sorry about the scare.”

“Jus’ glad everypony’s safe,” reassured Applejack. “Applebud, can you go get the cart?”

“Sure can!” he said, happily trotting off.

“When’s the rodeo?” asked Summer once Applebud was gone.

“This weekend, right here on Sweet Apple Acres. Reckon you can make it?”

“I’ll make it.”

“How about you, Blitz?”

“And miss Elusive muddying up his hooves? Doubt it!” snickered Rainbow. Applebud came around the corner with the cart going as fast as his little hooves could go.

“Here ya go,” he said, smiling at his accomplishment. Summer and Applejack hoisted Gigatrot on to the cart. The sudden change in weight caused the cart to bounce and nearly roll away with Applebud still attached. Summer quickly switched places with him.

“I’ll see you all this weekend then,” she said. “Sorry, Applebud. I’ll have to tell you my cutie mark story some other time.”

“B-but,” stuttered Applebud.

“Don’t sweat it, Red," said Applejack, resting a hoof on his brother’s withers. “This crusader won’t give up so easily. He’ll just have to wait until this weekend.”

“Uh… Yeah, of course,” agreed Summer. She hauled the cart off, slowly at first, and left Sweet Apple Acres.


“I cannot believe you broke down!” shouted Summer, throwing a wrench across the room at Gigatrot. The wrench bounced off with a clang, not even making a dent on the metallic exterior. “I’ve looked at every piece of you and nothing is wrong! Grr!” Summer threw her hooves up into the air and lied down on her back. “Finishing the flying machine is going to take longer because I have to fix you!”

She scanned the room, possibly looking for something she missed. It was still a mess; in one corner was all the equipment for the flying machine, and in the other was her bed and random junk. “What am I going to do?” she asked the piles of scrap. She fiddled with her Wonderbolt goggles, rotating them in her hooves. Summer rolled over to look at Gigatrot. “I’ll deal with you later.” she sighed, standing up and walking to her bedroom window.

Working on Gigatrot was frustrating enough, and she didn’t want to start working on her flying machine until Gigatrot was fixed. She also told Applejack she would go to the rodeo today. Summer pressed against the glass and watched the pegasi flying towards Sweet Apple Acres. When she did pull herself from the window, she made her way to the door, but not without giving Gigatrot a swift kick in the leg.


“Ladies and Gentlecolts! Welcome to the 74th Annual Equestrian Rodeo! Today is a great day for these ponies to show us what they got! Ain’t that right, Ticker?” said the announcer, his voice booming over the entire stadium.

“Sure is, Boomer. We got a lot of new contestants today along with returning champions like Applejack from Ponyville and High Tide from Phillydelphia,” agreed Ticker.

“What a treat, folks! I’m sure those ponies will not disappoint!”

“I don’t think that’s even possible. Remember everypony, we couldn’t have this big event here without the help of Sweet Apple Acres. Growing the best apples in Equestria! Be sure to support them by buying some of their de-licious apples! Get them while they last! I know me and Boomer already have some. And let’s see... for our first event…”

The announcements fell short over the rustling crowd. Sweet Apple Acres didn’t look the same it did a couple of days ago. Millions of stalls selling food, toys, and even accessories like sunglasses and hats. There was a dragon ride in the back where a pony could get on the saddle and be bucked off onto a mat.

So many things were happening all at once. It reminded Summer of the ponies in Canterlot, hustling and bustling through the large city.

“Howdy, Summer!” shouted a pink stallion above the crowd. Summer recognized Bubble Berry immediately in the crowd, bouncing up and down with his cotton candy hair. When she reached him, she was greeted by the rest of her friends, all wearing appropriate attire for a rodeo.

“Where’s Applejack and Elusive?” asked Summer.

“They’re in the stadium getting ready for their events,” answered Dusk Shine.

“How many events are they in?”

“Applejack is in most of them. Elusive is just doing barrel racing.”

“Hey! Where’s your robot?” asked Bubble Berry, interrupting Dusk Shine.

“Couldn’t make it. He’s still not fixed yet.”

“That’s a shame. Butterscotch was looking forward to meeting him!” smiled Bubble Berry.

“Not really,” muttered a yellow pegasus, who hiding behind his light pink hair. “Barbara says he’s going to take over the world.”

“And I told you that wasn’t true," Rainbow Blitz said, rolling his eyes.

“With animals I know what to expect, but with something… not alive? I just don’t know,” shrugged Butterscotch in his hushed tone.

“He’s not so bad," shrugged Summer reassuringly. “He’s really nice.” Summer believed half of what she was saying. Gigatrot was quiet nearly all the time, and when he did speak, it was blunt, inquisitive or blackmail.

“We should get to our seats," said Dusk Shine. “It’s almost about to start.”

Since they knew the owner of Sweet Apple Acres, they got front row seats, close enough to even hear what the rodeo coaches were saying to the broncos. The first event was barrel racing; Elusive’s event. Rodeo clowns rolled the barrels out onto the dirt stage one by one and set them up in a diamond pattern.

Elusive wasn’t the first pony to run. It was an ocean blue pony with white hair.

“Ladies and Gentlecolts, we’re ready to begin our first event! Barrel racing! First up, we have High Tide from Phillydelphia! Oh, Boomer, this is the one I’ve been telling you about! He’s not one to disappoint.”

“Oh, will you hush up and watch, Ticker?”

As the bell’s ringing shot through the stadium, High Tide broke out into a full gallop in a blaze of dust. The crowd roared in excitement; unlike anything Summer had ever heard before. Everypony around them stood up, waving their hooves in the air. The uproar surprised everypony.

“Look at him go! He’s already past the 3rd barrel- now the fourth! Holy guacamole, Boomer! Nineteen seconds! Not a world record, but still very impressive for the distance ran. That’ll be hard to beat. High Tide has set the bar and he’s set it high!”

“If this was a limbo competition, it would be easy,” Boomer blurted into the microphone.

“But thankfully it’s not. Our next competitor is Elusive from Ponyville!”

It was their turn to surprise everypony in the stadium. Everyone of them got up, stomped their hooves on the floor and screamed their heads off.

“Go, Elusive! You got this in the bag! You’ll do great!” everypony in the crowd cheered.

Elusive approached the starting line as gracefully as always. The bell burst, and Elusive trotted off, slowly gaining speed until he approached the first barrel. Daintily, he circled it then making a run for the next one.

“Well, jeez wiz Ticker. Do you think this pony knows the rules?”

“At least he’s running… I think. He hasn’t knocked over a barrel just yet—Whoops spoke too soon. That tipped barrel will cost him some time.”

"And he's done! Elusive finished in 23 seconds, but with a tipped barrel his total time is... 28 seconds!"

"Boomer, I'm told this is his first time competing in a rodeo."

"Fantastic! We hope you had fun, Elusive. I'm sure you'll do better next year!"

"He couldn't do much worse."

"Tinker!" shouted Boomer. Both microphones cut off, but not before the announcers managed to say some choice words to each other. Elusive, down below, left the stadium with his head held high, walking like he was trying to stay as far away from the ground as possible.

Clowns entered from the opposite tunnel, cartwheeling and jumping all over the place. One was even being rolled out in a barrel, all while funny organ music played. They entertained the crowd and set up the barrels again for the next contestant.

"Don't you just love clowns?" asked Bubble Berry, snorting in laughter as a clown shoved a pie into another's oversized pants. "It looks like a lot of fun."

"You won't catch me doing that," scoffed Rainbow Blitz.

"Sure you could, Rainbow. You just need silly pants. You already got the wig." teased Summer as she poofed up his mane. Bubble Berry and everypony else laughed along. Rainbow's face flustered as he quickly fixed his mane.

"I think Applejack is next," said Dusk Shine, pointing at the scoreboard. The clowns left the stadium single file, cartwheeling just as they’d entered.

“Um… Sorry, folks," said Ticker over the speakers. “Technical difficulties.”

“You cheat,” snorted Boomer, spitting something out of his mouth.

“I do not. Our next contestant is Applejack. Caretaker of Sweet Apple Acres, show him some love!”

Everypony within the stadium erupted in cheers, whistles, and hollars. It wasn’t long before the bell sounded off again, at which point Applejack shot off like a rocket. The cheers and hoofstomps never stopped, not even after Applejack had stopped running. For such a large pony, Applejack was an orange blur.

“13 seconds!” shouted both of the announcers; impossibly it was followed by an even louder hoopla.

“That has to be some kind of record!” shouted Rainbow Blitz, trying to be heard under the roars of the pony’s around them.

“What?” everypony shouted back.

“I said I think that has to be a record!”

“Amazing! 13 seconds! That’s a new record!”

“Hey, Rainbow! He broke the last record!” shouted Summer with the biggest smile on her face.

Rainbow Blitz put his hoof to his face.

“Whoa, hang on a minute folks! One of the barrels got tipped!”

Everypony started murmuring in disbelief. Summer could catch a few conversations from those around her but they all were close to the same thing. “What does he mean a barrel’s been tipped?”

“It means he going to get 5 seconds added onto his time," murmered Butterscotch, “but I didn’t see him hit a barrel.”

“The ref’s are reviewing the run.”

The wait was unbearable. Everypony knew Applejack didn’t even touch a barrel. A pony in a black and white shirt strutted onto the field.

“After close exaimination, we have determined that a barrel has been tapped," announced the pony into a microphone. He was drowned out by the sea of disapproving fans, Summer and her friends amongst them. “Five seconds will be added to his time.”

Up above a yellow pegasus swapped the numbered sheets to Applejack’s time, making it 18 seconds.

Berry started smiling, confusing the rest of them. He turned to Summer and Blitz “We should go congratulate Elusive and Applejack!”

“What about the other ponies competing?” asked Summer, turning her head to the stadium to see the referee being hit by some red beverage.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine!” said Rainbow.

“It does sound like a good idea!” admitted Dusk Shine. The cheers started to settle as Applejack took one last wave at the crazy fans. Summer and the other five ponies stood up from their seats and awkwardly stepped to the stairs dividing sections.


“You were robbed, Applejack!” shouted an angry rodeo pony.

“It’s not so bad. I still had a good run.”

There was one pony who was not feeling very sympathetic towards Applejack. High Tide stood in the corner glowering at the orange cowpony.

“Applejack!” shouted Berry. “That was an amazing run, I’ve never seen you run so fast!”

“You must have practiced really hard for it,” added Dusk Shine.

“Of course, but I had a great pardner,” admitted Applejack, putting a hoof on Elusive’s withers. He said it in the most modest tone he could.

“That’s kind of you, Applejack, but you did a splendid job without me.”

“Sorry, about the tipped barrel," said Summer.

“T’ain’t yer fault. I’ll just have ta do better next year.”

“We know you will," smiled Dusk Shine. “Elusive, we’re going to go back to our seats. Care to join us?”

“Of course," said Elusive, trotting up to Dusk Shine and the rest as they left. Summer and Rainbow Blitz stayed behind.

“For what it’s worth, we don’t think you tipped that barrel," said Summer, at a lost for words.

“But he did,” spoke up the blue cowpony in the corner. “And you still beat me.”

“Well shucks, High Tide,” shrugged Applejack. “We did our best; it’s not a matter of who did what better.”

“Says the pony that beats me in everything,” sneered High Tide. “Not only that, but you keep very pleasurable company.” He gave a look to Summer and winked.

Rainbow Blitz leaned over and whispered to Summer. “He’s talking about me,” he boasted, smiling with pride.

“Of course he did,” agreed Summer, sarcastically.

“I guess you can add barrel racing to things you’re better at than me,” he paused, thinking. “But can you do this?” He jeered his head back and opened his eyes and mouth wide open. The noise that came from his mouth was best described as an inward wail, scratchy and forced. Summer and Rainbow stepped back in shock.

“I don’t think so, pardner," said Applejack.

High Tide frowned. “Then you win again, because I have strained my throat.”

Rainbow Blitz and Summer both started laughing until they were shoved aside by a green unicorn.

“High Tide, that’s enough," interrupted the unicorn, stepping to his side. “You have to get ready for the next event.” She pointed to one of the stalls down the hallway. “I assume you do too, Applejack.”

“I do… Miss?”

“Green Grass,” she said, sneering. “Good luck, Applejack. Don’t tap anymore barrels.” With that, she led High Tide away with a flick of her tail.

“What’s eating her?” asked Summer.

“Dunno, but High Tide has always been real competitive. Maybe she’s just an onry’ fan.”

They heard another ring from the bell signaling another pony running around barrels.

“I should be goin’," said Applejack.

“We’ll get going too,” added Dusk Shine. “We saved you a seat, Elusive.”

“Thank you very much, Dusk Shine.”

Everypony headed back to the stadium, but Summer bit Rainbow by the tail to make him stop.

“Hey, what gives?” he asked, yanking his tail away.

“Stay here with me. I don’t trust that unicorn.”

“Lighten up, Summer," said Rainbow Blitz. “You heard it yourself. She’s just a crazy fan.”

“I think there’s something else going on.”

“… Like?” asked Rainbow as he floated above the ground, folding his hooves.

“I don’t know! But something is and you’re going to help me find out what,” pressed Summer, grounding the blue pegasus.

"Are you like this when you meet most girls?"

Summer choked on the air she was breathing and stopped in her tracks. "What? No!" she paused for a second. "Only when they're prettier than me.”

“No contest there," said Rainbow. Summer punched him in the gut. “Ow!”

“Don’t agree with me. She's up to something and you're helping, end of story." She opened a door that read ‘Backstage’. It lead to where the participants waited for their time to shine on stage. She held the door waiting for Rainbow.

“Fine, what did you have in mind?” he agreed reluctantly flying through the doorway.

“Well, first we have to--”

“What are you two doing back here?” shouted a large pony wearing a black shirt with white lettering labeling ‘Security’.

“Run!” she yelled at Rainbow, galloping away. Rainbow was a little slow to the punch but it wasn’t long before he caught up with her. With some strange luck, the two outran the pony. Summer was a slow runner, but he was slower. They ended up taking shelter in one of the trailers for some of the performers.

“That was close,” Summer said, wiping her brow.

“Unnecessarily close,” grumbled Blitz. “Now what’s your plan?”

“Well…” thought Summer aloud. She took a glance around the room. Hangers held up the most disturbing garbs, mannequin heads on shelves wearing multicolored wigs and a mirror in the back with makeup next to a pile of goofy looking props. She smiled wickedly, pointing behind Rainbow. He turned around, terrified to see what was behind him. When he saw the rodeo clown outfits, he turned pale and quickly turned around.

“No, no, no, no. No… NO!” he protested.

In the end Rainbow Blitz agreed to put on the disguise. Honestly, Summer wondered how he agreed to look so… stupid. He didn’t need a wig like she thought; just goofy pants and a red nose. She couldn’t hold back a laugh even if she tried.

“Yeah, yeah. What are you going to wear?”

“Simple,” Summer replied. She dabbed white makeup over her face followed by red blush. She pulled the closest dress off the rack and put the dress over her head, leaving her shorts on underneath Next, she twirled her short hair in braids. Summer looked like the dolls she wanted as a little filly. “C’mon, let’s go Fezzy Wig.”

Rainbow brushed his hair uncomfortably, but followed all the same. Summer took the front, opening the door to the dressing room. She looked both ways down the hallway.

“Coast’s clear,” she said, motioning him to follow, “no one should bother us now.”

“Right, because nothing is more suspicious than two clowns,” Rainbow said, rolling his eyes.

“Look there she is!” Summer pointed. Green Grass was surveying ropes, most likely used for the wrangling events. Summer crouched low to the ground, hiding behind a corner and dragging Rainbow Blitz with her.

“What’s she doing?” asked Rainbow, squinting his eyes to get a better look.

Green Grass’s horn shined softly on the lassos and all the knots started to loosen.

“That no good--” cursed Summer, standing up abruptly.

Rainbow hushed her and pulled her back into hiding.

“She’s cheating!” growled Summer, trying to stand back up again. “She’s loosening the knots!”

“Now what?” Rainbow asked again. He looked between Summer and Green Grass. His rainbow fro wiggled when he stopped.

“Uh…” Summer thought with a blank stare. “I haven’t thought this far ahead. I honestly thought you wouldn’t even dress up like a clown.”


“Yeah... didn’t think you’d go for that... just wanted to see if I could get you to do it.” Summer smiled weakly.

“What?!” repeated Rainbow Blitz with increased volume. “What about you? You’re dressed up too!”

“Yeah, but I look cute,” she smiled victoriously.

Rainbow put a hoof to his face, proceeded to flatten his mane. “What now?” he grumbled.

“I know! We’ll catch her in the act!” Without a moment to spare, she leapt out from her hiding spot, yelling and screaming, “gotcha!”

Her moment of victory was short lived. By the time they had stopped talking, Green Grass had already left.

Rainbow Blitz calmly walked up next to her. “I was going to say something, but then I decided not to.”

“Thanks,” she said coldly.

“Welcome. What else did you have in mind?”

Summer scuffed the ground with her hooves, embarrassed. She blushed behind her makeup. “Tell Applejack?” she said finally, unsure of her answer.

“Lookin good there, RB,” spoke a familiar southern voice.

“Applejack?!” spouted Rainbow Blitz as he turned his head. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m competin’," reminded Applejack. “Remember? The rodeo?”

“Of course I remember,” lied Rainbow Blitz.

“Question is, what’er you two doin back here?”

There was a pause. Summer and Rainbow both looked at each other for answers.

“Spying,” admitted Summer.

“Spyin’?” mused Applejack. “I don’t understand.”

“We found someone cheating.”

“What? Who? Why?”

“Just an onery fan," said Rainbow Blitz, mimicking Applejack. Applejack took a moment to let this all sink in.

“Yer sure?”

“Positive," replied Summer. “You can check the lassos over there. The knots have been loosened.” Applejack trotted over to the piles of rope and inspected each one carefully. “See?”

“I do, but what I don’t understand is why y’all would do this," said Applejack.

“What?!” blurted Rainbow Blitz and Summer at the same time.

“I know I didn’t get that record, but there's no reason to go and do this. I won’t say anything to the judges but I want you two to go back to yer seats and think about what y’all did.”

Summer’s jaw dropped.

“But we didn’t-” Rainbow Blitz said defensively, stopping when Applejack held up a hoof.

“To yer seats,” he demanded. Rainbow took a glance at Summer. She was defeated as him.

“Can I still keep the dress?”


Rainbow Blitz and Summer didn’t say a word to each other as they made their way to the exit. Whether it was the fact that they found out somepony was cheating or that Applejack didn’t believe them it didn’t matter; the result still stung. Summer disrobed and tossed the dress aside and placed it on a random shelf next to Rainbow Blitz’s costume. It would get noticed eventually. She looked at it for a moment.

“Why are we heading back?” she asked Rainbow Blitz.

“Because Applejack told us to?”

“I know that but… why?”

“I’m not following.” Rainbow raised his eyebrow as he approached her.

“We came back here to see what she was up to. She was cheating, and we’re just going to leave?”

“Well, what can we do?” shrugged Rainbow Blitz. “Applejack thinks we’re the ones that are cheating.”

“And I want to prove him wrong," Summer replied, determined again. She started walking back head first and quickening her step.

“Hey! Whoa hang on a minute!” said Rainbow Blitz, taken aback. He hovered into the air and with a few easy strokes of his blue wings he was right beside her. “How are you going to do that?”

“By catching her in the act.”

“And then what?” asked Rainbow Blitz, swinging himself in front of her.

“And make sure Applejack is there,” she said, glowering at him and walking around. Rainbow soon followed. “What’s the next event?”

“Hay toss.” Rainbow answered quickly.

“Rainbow. You go find where they’re prepping all the hay and I’ll go get Applejack.”

“Got it.” Rainbow Saluted and soared off down the hallway, angering a couple of ponies with a gust of wind as he flew by.

The quickest way to find Applejack was to go back to the lassos by the clown trailer. At first, Summer started to trot then into a full gallop when she heard that the lassoing event was done. She wouldn’t find Applejack by the ropes; he would have just left the stage. Summer turned to the right towards the exit, she arrived just in time to see all the contestants leave the stage and enter the back hall. As they left, rodeo clowns entered giggling and honking their noses to bring smiles to all of the little ones in their seats.

“Applejack!” Summer shouted above the distant cheers. She waved her hoof high in the air back and forth. It caught his attention along with other ponies, checking to see where the extra noise was coming from.

“Summer? I thought I told you to go back to yer seat,” he frowned, slowly approaching her.

“Oh I know,” smiled Summer innocently, “I just don’t listen to authority very well.” Applejack looked at her confused, like he had never heard of anything like that before. “Anyway… Thought you ought to know... got a lot of mischief to do.” She turned slowly, taunting him and letting her gaze linger on him.

When she saw that he was approaching her she cantered off around the corner. That was the worst performance I’ve ever done, thought Summer. When she was little she used to pull that stuff off, but it’d been years since she’d been that age; she was horribly out of practice. Now, it felt like Applejack was her father and she was a little filly again. Applejack came around the corner faster than she thought he would. Summer galloped off, avoiding Applejack’s eyes. She had to find Rainbow Blitz, but she looked around, and realized that he was nowhere to be seen. The ponies she ran by stopped what they were doing and stared.

“Summer, get back here!” shouted Applejack. He was catching up to her. She had forgotten how slow she was.

“I don’t think I will!” giggled Summer, nearly out of breath. Up ahead, Rainbow Blitz appeared from around the corner, also looking for Summer. “Rainbow!” yelped Summer, getting his attention. He waved at her and vanished from sight. Summer turned at the corner with Applejack right at her heels. Rainbow was high above the crowd with Summer underneath. The hay stalks were just up ahead. Green Grass stood next to the hay carrying a large grey sack with magic. With her magic, she lifted up one of the hay cubes and inspected it.

“Applejack, what’s that?” Summer asked as she came to an abrupt stop. “Hey Green Grass! Whatcha doing?” she shouted to get her attention. Applejack ran past Summer, unaware that she had stopped. He stumbled to a stop right in front of Green Grass, who shrieked and dropped the lump of hay. It fell to the floor with a thud and crackle as stones rolled out from inside it. Green Grass’ jaw dropped in horror as the stones rolled in front of Applejack.

“What… What’s this?” mumbled Applejack. “Yer the one that’s been cheating?”

“What? Me? No!” snapped Green Grass defensively.

“Cat’s out of the bag now," said Rainbow Blitz. He took a bite out of the grey sack she had and lifted it into the air to reveal the contents inside. More rocks cascaded down onto the ground and spun in circles.

“Oooh. Too bad," said Summer. “The nerve of some ponies, right Applejack?”

He was speechless as he stared at the stones on the ground. The same security pony from before approached the scene.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“She’s been sabotaging the games,” accused Summer.

“Fine! Yes! I’ve been fixing the games,” admitted Green Grass. “There were a lot of bits running on these and… and…”

“I’ve heard enough," said the security pony, leading her away. Summer got a glance of Green Grass before she walked around the corner and stuck her tongue out at her. She turned to Applejack.

“Somepony owes two ponies an apology,” she said grinning.

"I'm sorry," said Applejack slowly. After a second, he said it again, this time to Rainbow Blitz. "I really thought... But she... I should have believed you two."

"Uh duh. I've always-" said Rainbow Blitz. He put a hoof up to his chest like he was posing for a statue.

"We," corrected Summer.

"Right, we always got your back,” assured Rainbow Blitz, giving the biggest grin he could possibly give.

"Yer right. I'm sorry."

"We forgive you. The good news is you can make it up to us by bringing home a big ol' trophy!" she encouraged. It seemed to snap Applejack out of his trance and Rainbow Blitz started to encourage him as well..

Applejack rose with new confidence and trotted off with his two cheering fans.


Applejack may not have brought home a shiny new trophy, but he did bring a lot of blue and red ribbons. He told Dusk Shine and everypony and even wrote a letter to Lord Solaris to trust in friends as much as they trust in you. From what Summer was told, only Dusk Shine wrote letters about the friendship of magic.

She and Rainbow got a lot complementary apple pies, though Rainbow Blitz ate most of Summer's pies.

"Do these kind of things normally happen?" asked Summer as Rainbow Blitz took another pie.

"The pies?" he said with a full mouth.

"No not that. I mean is there something always happening?" she asked, finally taking a bite.

"Uh," he said, "sometimes, but you've been pretty busy too. What with the flying machine and Gigatrot being broken-"

"Oh my gosh, Gigatrot!" She spat out the contents of her mouth all over Rainbow Blitz and stumbled to the door as fast as she could, leaving Rainbow covered in red apple pie.

"Hope you ponies are ready for another round!" chimed Applebuck and Applejack, carrying in another platter of pies. They froze when Rainbow Blitz turned around covered in pie.

"That good?" asked Applejack, chuckling a little with Applebud.


When Summer finally got home, she hesitated to open the door. She heard clanks and hums of mechanical gears. Normally, that would have been the calming symphany she grew up with, but no pony was home. Finally, she opened the door and slowly entered her dark living space, taking in every nick knack and checking to see if anything was misplaced. Her first thought was a burgler. Her mind began to race as she imagined all the horrible things that it could be and what could happen to her. She grabbed the closest blunt object she found. In this case, it was a can opener.

Holding the rubber tongs in her mouth made her a little braver. She inched acrossed the room, making her way to her small work station. The clangs got louder and louder when she reached the doorway. She pressed herself up against the wall and peered into the next room.

The dark figure was hunched over the work bench. Summer felt the courage she got when she grabbed the can opener. She leaped at the figure, teeth gritted, and swung with all her weight behind to bring this burglar to his knees!


The figure didn't drop. The mechanical whirls and hums didn't stop. He was still hunched over and but he also reared his head to look at her. Summer's fear left her. She was staring straight into the eyes of her maker.

"Summer, why did you strike me?" spoke the figure. Suddenly, and all at once, the figure came into focus.

"G-Gigatrot?" she stammered.


"B-but you were--"

"Broken? No."

"No?! What do you mean 'no'?! I carried you all the way from Sweet Apple Acres! I thought you were going to explode!"

"I didn't. It was what you call a ruse." Gigatrot waited for Summer to respond. When she didn't, he spoke again. "A trick."

"I know what it means!" she snapped.

"Very well," said Gigatrot. "I said I would keep your cutie mark a secret. I decided to take this opportunity to continue working on the flying machine. It's almost ready."

"What?" Summer was shocked. She took a step back. "You mean.. soon?"


Summer could have punched him right then and there, but that would have been pointless... and painful.

"You really need to work on your delivery."

"I don't understand," he cocked his head like a bird again.

"Of course you don't," muttered Summer. "What else do we need?"

"The power source. Once we have one, we'll be able to conduct proper experiments and simulated tests."

"You all this in one day?" Summer pointed to the work bench.

"And nights. You are a very heavy sleeper; you might want to see a neurologist."

Summer's jaw twitched. "I'm going to bed."

"Very well. We will speak in the morning."

"I don't think so. I might sleep through it," sneered Summer. "Heavy sleeper."


She said goodnight to her father and easily fell asleep. She dreamed of flying, much like she did when she was small. She would fly with the Wonderbolts, but flying along would be Rainbow Blitz right beside her. He winked at her.

That’s when Summer woke up, trembling in her sheets. “Just a dream,” she comforted herself.

“You have mail, Summer,” announced Gigatrot from behind the bed. Summer yelped and threw the closest thing at him.

“You need to stop doing that!”

“I took the liberty of opening the mail,” Gigatrot said, addressing the piles of open letters on the night stand. “You received ticket’s to Freelancer’s Tournament from Natty.”

“Freelancers?” asked Summer, rubbing her eyes. “What’s that?”

“You mean ‘who is that?’,” corrected Gigatrot. “A well renowned jousting champion. Natty thought you would be interested in going.”

“Well, apparently he forgot what I like,” grumbled Summer, rolling off the bed.

“Yes, that did occur to me, but he didn’t get you tickets for jousting. The Wonderbolts will be performing after the tournament, accompanied by a formal party.”

“What?” She raced to the night stand and browsed through the letters to find the tickets. When she picked up the letter three tickets fell out. “Why are there three?” she asked.

“You and I,” counted Gigatrot. “Natty also suggests taking that blue pegasus that drives you crazy. I think he believes you have a certain reverence for him.”

Summer blushed. “I do not!”

“Very well. I’ll leave you to get dressed. I’ll be at the library.”

“For what?” asked Summer.

“To see about an additional power source,” said Gigatrot. “You should continue working downstairs. I’ve left notes for you.”

“Fine.” Gigatrot departed, leaving Summer alone in her room. She lingered by the window, her back warmed by the morning sun. The sunlight filled the room, but Summer only saw it pointing at the three blue tickets. She heard the front door close, signaling Gigatrot’s departure. “Morning, Dad,” she said awkwardly to the photo. “Isn’t it nice that your daughter is now working for your robot?” she laughed, but it died quickly. It was apparent that it was true. “Naw, just kidding,” she told her father. She paused, talking to a photo was just silly. Without looking at the photo she went downstairs and began reading Gigatrot’s notes. She could hardly read them. “At least I’m better at him than some things.”

She made out what she could out of Gigatrot’s scribbles, then took a hammer in her mouth and started working.

Comments ( 6 )

Yay! Update at last!

Also, do I detect a Hunger Games reference?

There's a Hunger Games reference? I have not read the book or seen the movie you're going to have to explain that to me O.o>>1330088

1330089 Oh come on, it can't be a coincidence: most of the first Hunger Games book is set during the 74th Annual Hunger Games. And this is the 74th Annual Rodeo. Get it now?

1330118 :twilightsheepish:
Well this is awkward... It's a coincidence. 74 just seemed like a good number. I think the last time I went to the Macy's Day parade it was their 74th anniversary. Might have been something related to that. But het why not. It's a hunger games reference ya got me. *poker face*

Wait... Which pony went to war?



I can see that but a description of the story doesn't have to detail every character's gender, or even how it's relative to the story to mention that this is a 63 universe. I normally don't like tags but there is one listed as "Alternate Universe".

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