• Published 4th Nov 2011
  • 5,173 Views, 34 Comments

Shadow Of Dreams - Keyframe

An inventive pony wants to fly like a pegasus but us faced with challenges other than limitations.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The last few weeks for Summer were nothing but stress. She had been blackmailed into staying at Ponyville by her own creation. Summer rarely got any sleep and finding the library was a worse matter. Her robot never seemed to leave her alone. He always kept a watchful eye on her and never let her out out of his sight.

One night, she woke up to see Gigatrot directly over her head just to tell her what time it was. Her scream must have scared the neighbors because the next morning the police knocked on her front door and asked if they could look around. They didn’t find anything.

There were other times that Gigatrot was trouble for her. The first thing he mentioned to her was that he wanted to go to the Ponyville library. Summer later found out that Gigatrot didn’t see a library, he saw somepony’s home. Gigatrot suggested knocking but Summer didn’t want to bother them. They would both walk around Ponyville for hours trying to find the library, until Summer suggested to Gigatrot they ask somepony where it was.

“We don’t need directions.” He said.

Summer couldn’t help but laugh, typical male response, robot or not. Instead,Summer got the attention of the first pony that came by. She was a light blue unicorn with a safety pin cutie mark and flowing white hair with a silver blue streak.

“Excuse me, do you know where the library is?” asked Summer, being polite as she possibly could. The blue pony turned around slowly with her eyes closed and started giving directions, until she saw Gigatrot. The look on her face was a mixture of fear and confusion. The pony started to backtrack slowly then galloped off in the other direction. “Wait!” Summer shouted after her.

“She was frightened.” Stated Gigatrot, tilting his head looking down the street after the pony.

“Really? I didn’t notice.” Said Summer sarcastically. “C’mon let’s try again.” She trotted up to a minty green unicorn. “Excuse me, sir?”

“Yes?” He responded kindly.

“I’m looking for the library. Do you know where it is?”

“I sure do it-” His eyes shifted to Gigatrot, who was twisting his head around following a bird. He gave a short scream, trotting in place and then dashing off. Summer turned around to see Gigatrot’s head spinning like a top.

“Gigatrot!” Yelled Summer, Gigatrot’s head stopped spinning.


“You’re the one scaring everypony!” Scorned Summer. “Try being... less weird.”

“How should I do that?” Asked Gigatrot, spinning his head in the opposite direction.

“Never mind.”

Every time Summer and Gigatrot tried to talk to somepony they would instantly run away. It was odd: when they first arrived into town no pony gave them a second glance or at least that’s what she thought. Summer didn’t notice the ponies on her first walk through Ponyville. She was more concerned with her job, but now she couldn’t help but notice.

They’ll come around eventually, Summer thought, besides I have other things to worry about. Namely Gigatrot. He wanted to see the library, so he wouldn’t say anything about Summer’s non-existent cutie mark, not to mention he also said he would help her get her cutie mark.

“Gigatrot, I think I should try this by myself.”

Pings and grinding gears buzzed in his head; he was thinking again. His head twitched. “Agreed. You will receive better results without me. I will meet you back at your house with your findings. I will try to not to create anymore problems.”The robot trotted off and disappeared behind an alleyway to avoid being seen.

It didn’t take long for Summer to finally turn around and head back home. It was getting late and finding a pony outside was scarce. When she returned home the movers from Canterlot were still unloading boxes from the van. At least they would be if they weren’t hiding inside it.

“Belle, Rims, Sander, Ace, this is Gigatrot. He’s with me. He’s a robot I built him, he’s not here to hurt you.” Summer said, after she had been introduced to the movers.

“You built him?” Asked Belle.

“Yes, without magic.”

“Why not use magic?” Questioned Ace.

“Because I can’t use magic. Look it’s been a long day how about me and Gigatrot help you guys move everything into the house?”

The ponies gave each other nervous looks but accepted the offer. With Gigatrot’s help they were finished in no time at all. They each thanked Gigatrot, apologized for the delay and headed back off to Canterlot. It was good that ponies were getting used to Gigatrot.

It just takes time is all. Thought Summer.

They were finally ready to unpack.

“Take a good look, Gigatrot.” Said Summer, staring at all the boxes neatly sorted around the living room. “This is probably as clean as it’s going to get when we’re here.”

“Are you planning on making a mess?”

“Well I gotta unpack, don’t I?” She smiled. “You’re going to help right? You’re the reason I’m still here.”

“I anticipated that.” Gigatrot nodded in his slow birdlike manner, “I will assist you in unpacking.”

“Good. That will give me more time to find that library.”

They left most of the contents in the boxes but moved them to different rooms where the contents would be needed. Kitchen utensils in the kitchen, Summer’s stuff in her room, etc… It didn’t take long to finish, Gigatrot moved and lifted the heavier boxes with ease and Summer tried to move the heavier packages but when one almost crushed her she decided to picked up what she could. It was a quarter after six, there was just enough time to go out for another search, this time without Gigatrot.

The streets of Ponyville were mostly empty and the sun was beginning to set. Clouds began to form above the rooftops to keep the night warm. Summer had been walking for five minutes and realized she was taking a stroll and not really looking for anything; she couldn’t help but notice all the wonders Ponyville had to offer. The large fountain in the center of town, the clock tower, Town Hall, even Carousal Boutique was an impressive sight at this hour.

“Maybe staying here won’t be so bad.” Summer said to herself, passing a flower bed. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply taking in that welcoming air into her lungs like she was breathing for the first time.

A loud crack screamed through the sky startling Summer, an instant later she would find herself on her back with the wind knocked out of her. Her vision was blurred, only seeing shapes and colors, she groaned.

“Oops.” Said a voice, chuckling, “are you alright?” Summer looked at the source of voice, a fuzzy blue circle, with a clash of every other color on top.

“I’m… fine,” she said. “W-what happened?”

“I kind of crashed into you.”

“Kind of crashed? What were you doing?” she was getting her vision back and was thinking clearer. She shook her head violently focusing to get a better look at this fuzzy ball. Only, it wasn’t a fuzzy ball. It was a Pegasus, as blue as the sky with short hair made of rainbows.

“New trick, I’m still working out the kinks.” Replied the pegasus.

“Like not crashing into anypony?” Summer asked sarcastically.

“Yea, that would be one of them.” The pegasus took a closer look at Summer, eyeing her suspiciously. “Hey, you’re new around here aren’t you? I’m Rainbow Blitz, nice ta’ meet’cha!” Rainbow Blitz extended a hoof to Summer, she hesitated at first but eventually met his with her own.

“Rainbow Blitz? As in, the Rainbow Blitz?” asked Summer. She had heard of a pegasus that could travel so fast he could break the sound and light barrier, performing the legendary Sonic Rainboom. The last time it was mentioned was after the Best Young Flyer Competition, the winner was Rainbow Blitz. He saved his friend and few members of The Wonderbolts.

“Yup that’s me! The one and only, Rainbow Blitz!”

Summer got up from the ground with the help of Rainbow Blitz, even though she wasn't completely comfortable with the gesture.

“So, what’s your name?”

“Summer.” She said, trying to hold back her enthusiasm, she was going to ask more questions about him but he spoke before her.

“Hey! Elusive told me about you!” Summer’s ears perked up, “You’re the one who made that robot everypony’s talking about.” Not exactly the response she was looking for, but it was better than having Equestria’s Best Young Flier fly off in fear.

“Yea, that would be me.” Smiled Summer.

“Can I see it?” He said quickly, Summer staggered back.


“The robot, can I see it?”

"Uh... Sure."

“Great!” He latched onto Summer and led her the way she came. Rainbow Blitz didn’t know where she lived but continued on down the road all the same.

“Hey! Wait a minute!” Protested Summer. “Wait!”

Rainbow Blitz screeched to a halt, releasing Summer from his grasp. Inertia made Summer continue and almost fall over. Regaining her balance she turned to the pegasus, her face flushing.

“What’s up?” Asked Rainbow Blitz.

“What’s up?” Echoed Summer, “I don’t know if you noticed but I was a little busy looking before you decided to sweep me off my hooves just to go see my robot!”

“What were you doing?”

Summer lifted her head, trying to regain her composure. “I was trying to find the library.”

“What? Is that all?” he said, rolling his eyes.

“You know where it is?” Summer asked with a tone of excitement.

“Yea, a buddy of mine lives there.”

“Oh?” Her tone of excitement dropping. Somepony did live there.

“Of course, we can visit after we see your robot.” Said Rainbow Blitz while trotting down the road. Summer followed, reluctantly.

It wasn’t far of a walk, Summer didn’t get very far before Rainbow Blitz crashed into her. Rainbow Blitz lead the way floating above the ground.

“I live just on the river bank. Next to the watermill.” Summer directed.

“Wow you weren’t that far from Dusk’s place.”

“You mean the library?”

“Yeah, that too.”

Summer trotted up ahead of Blitz to the doorstep. She stopped in front of him, putting up a hoof.

“OK first things first. Yes, I did build him, and no I didn’t use magic.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s just see it.” Said Blitz, bouncing weightlessly off the ground. The door swung open. Inside all the boxes that were recently full were now folded and neatly in the corner opposite them. All of Summer’s possessions on the desks and cabinets. It was much more organized than she was used to. However, Gigatrot was nowhere to be seen. Rainbow was the first to enter and look around, zipping and buzzing around looking for the robot. “So where is it?”

“I- don’t know.” Admitted Summer, while walking inside. “Gigatrot? Somepony’s here to meet you.”

“Yea, no reason to be afraid.”

I’m sure that’s not the reason. Thought Summer. They heard a shuffle in the next room that caught their attention. Summer and Rainbow Blitz briefly looked at each other and ventured into the room. Sure enough Gigatrot was standing still in the corner. His yellow eyes flared as Rainbow Blitz quickly approached for a close inspection.

“Whoa...” He said astonished. “You built him?”

“Yes I did. We’ve been over this.” Summer said annoyed.

“I know but just... Whoa. This thing is awesome. How fast can it go?”

“Excuse me?”

“You know, how fast can it run?”

“I have no recorded running speed to date.” Gigatrot answered. In an instant Rainbow Blitz shot straight up.

“We should race! Pony vs. Machine!”

“You don’t mean right now do you?” Asked Summer. Almost sure of what the answer was. She looked outside the window, the sun had already set, the night looked darker than usual with the cloud cover...

“Yeah! This’ll be the race of a lifetime!” He was buzzing around the room. Summer and Gigatrot’s eyes trailed the pegasus as he came to a soft landing.

“It’s too late to race now.” Said Summer.

“Why? Fraid’ he’ll lose?”

“You’re not racing!” Protested Summer. “You won’t be able to see anything and I don’t want you to crash into another pony.”

Gritting her teeth, Summer glared at Rainbow Blitz who landed next to Gigatrot. Everything about him irked her. He was arrogant, obnoxious, impatient, and hot headed. Rainbow Blitz tried to play it cool and avoided her deadly glare.

“Well, we can race tomorrow... After I take you to the library.”

“W-what?” Stuttered Summer.

“Yeah that was the deal right? You show me the robot and I take you to see Dusk Shine and the library.”

“You mean you just doing what you wanted.”

“Lighten up Summer.” Chuckled Rainbow Blitz. “You didn’t honestly think I’d leave you hanging.”

“No, but-”

“Summer.” Interrupted Gigatrot. He had been so quiet she forgot he was there. Paying attention to Rainbow was the only thing that concerned her.

“What?” She asked trying to calm down.

“I see no reason not to have a race. He appears very eager.” He said looking at Rainbow Blitz.

“Eager to win.”

“Correction: He is very eager.” He turned back to Summer. “With your permission I would like to race.”

“Why do you need my permission?” asked Summer. The pings and whizzes turned in Gigatrot’s head. He was thinking again, something Summer was beginning to recognize easily. Rainbow Blitz wasn’t quite so quick.

“What’s he doing?”

“Thinking” She said quickly. Looking at Rainbow Blitz she could see the confusion on his face. “I think.”

“I don’t know.” Gigatrot said at last. The look of confusion returned to Rainbow Blitz’s face.

“Hey, aren’t robots supposed to be smart?” Asked Rainbow Blitz, looking to Summer.

“My knowledge is based on observation.” Said Gigatrot. “And my observations have been brief.”

“So that’s why you want to go to the library? To learn?” Asked Summer.


No one spoke for a moment. The only sounds that could be heard was the wind scraping against the windows and rattling the framework. Suddenly a loud crack of thunder shook the house. Summer let out a short scream as she ducked closed to the floor. Rainbow Blitz grounded himself with eyes as big as plates. Even Gigatrot flinched.

“Oh that’s right,” said Rainbow Blitz, putting a hoof over his face. “There was supposed to be a rainstorm tonight.”

“That sounded pretty nasty.” Said Summer.

“Tell me about it. I wouldn’t want to be out there tonight.” Rainbow was looking outside the window. Large water droplets stopped short right in front of his face as they hit the window. From across the room Summer glanced at the same window.

“You should go.” he offered. Immediately regretting the action.

“Are you crazy? I’m not going out in this storm. Can I stay here?”

“No...” Said Summer to herself. The thought of Rainbow staying the night was out of the question.. “It’s no trouble at all. Plus, thunderstorms can be pretty dangerous. But you would know that, being a pegasus and all.”


Everything about this made Summer feel uneasy, and the polite conversation just made it worse. Gigatrot left, announcing that he was going to shut off for the night. That was as good as time as any to leave as well.

“I think I’ll turn in too. Big day tomorrow.” She said, forcing a yawn and stretching.

“Good idea.” Agreed Rainbow Blitz.

Summer trotted up the stairs. Halfway up she stopped and turned around. Rainbow Blitz was following her upstairs.

“Um... What are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Going to the guest room.”

“I don’t have one. It’s just my room up here.”

“Then where am I supposed to sleep?”

“The couch.” She said, pointing back downstairs. His rosy colored eyes followed where Summer was pointing.

“Right... The couch. I knew that.”

“Of course you did.”

She turned her back on him and went to her room. She and Gigatrot spent that day unpacking but the boxes were still lying around.

The sound of thunder cracked through the walls again. Summer jumped onto her bed and held her pillow tight. There was nothing worse than a thunderstorm. She stared at the window being pelted by water clenching the pillow harder. Next to the window was the picture of her father, the older stallion with his kind eyes calmed her. She yawned and then smiled at the picture like she always did.

“Good night Dad.” She said, closing her eyes softly and drifting to sleep.


Sunlight shined brightly through the window the next morning. For the first time in a week Summer didn’t see Gigatrot when she opened her eyes. Instead, the smiling face of her father in the photograph.

“Yaaa!” Screamed a voice from downstairs. Summer jumped at the sound.

“Sounds like Rainbow’s awake.” Giggled Summer while heading downstairs for breakfast. As she expected Rainbow Blitz was wide awake and hovering in a corner starring at Gigatrot.

“Summer...” He started.

“That’s how he says ‘good morning’.” Said Summer with a small laugh.

“I Apologize, Rainbow Blitz,” said Gigatrot.

“It’s fine. I wasn’t really scared.”

“Of course. Breakfast?” Summer offered.

“Sure! What did you have in mind?” asked Rainbow Blitz.

“Toast and orange juice.” Said Summer coolly. “Is that alright?”

“Sounds good to me."

They both went into the kitchen. Rainbow Blitz sat down at the table while Summer prepared their meal.

“So, what brings you to Ponyville?” asked Rainbow once his patience left him.

“Work at first. Your friend Elusive sent for me from Canterlot.” The toast sprang out of the toaster into the air. With two plates ready Summer caught each piece of toast and set them at the table.

“And you decided to stay?” He asked reaching for his plate. Summer glanced down at the shorts she was wearing then to the living room where Gigatrot was. She didn’t want to tell him about her problems and she would have to lie to somepony about why she was here.

“Yea, I needed a vacation.” she said quickly. She took a bit of her toast. Rainbow’s plate was already empty.

“Vacation huh? How long did you plan on staying?”

“So your friend Dusk Sparkle?” She asked, trying to change the subject


“Right, Shine. He lives in the library?”

“Yeah, he’s a student of Lord Solaris.” Answered Rainbow, “He studies magic and sends a letter to him about what he learned about friendship.”

“Friendship?” Asked Summer, completely puzzled.

“Yeah, we send him letters too. Dusk tells me there’s some magic behind friendship.”

“I’ll bet.” Summer said, taking a sip of orange juice. Studying friendship. That’s funny, thought Summer. Or there is a certain type of magic behind friendship... doubt it. At least he’s still learning real magic.

Summer finished her meal at last and put the dishes in the sink. “Ready to go?” She asked Rainbow Blitz.

“You know it!” He cheered. Gigatrot was waiting for them in the living room. “I’m looking forward to our race, Gigatrot.”

“Agreed, Rainbow Blitz.”

Summer opened the front door. Rainbow swooped out the doorway and Gigatrot slowly followed behind then Summer.

“OK so it’s just down the road here.” he said circling overhead.

“It’s not far?” Asked Gigatrot.

“Not at all.” Rainbow landed right in front of Summer and Gigatrot. “Hey, why don’t we race there?”

“Because we don’t know the way.” Summer said quickly.

“Let me finish. I could tell you where to go and whoever gets there first, wins.”

“OK.” Said Summer. She looked to Gigatrot. “You’re racing not me.”

“No objections.” Gigatrot said. His head twitched again. “Proceed.”

“Right.” Smiled Rainbow. He began drawing in the dirt, an overhead view of Ponyville. “We’re right here.” He said pointing at a dot in the ground with his hoof. “And this,” he pointed a few inches away, “is where Dusk Shine lives.”

“I didn’t expect it to be a couple of inches away.” Summer joked.

“Summer, this is crude drawing of Ponyville. I doubt it is to scale.” Said Gigatrot, turning his head to Summer. Blitz smiled at Summer.

“Yup, he’s a robot.” He said. “Ready?”

“Yes.” Answered Gigatrot. Blitz took to Gigatrot’s side. “Will you be racing as well?” Gigatrot asked Summer.

“I don’t think so.”

“Think you’ll keep up then?” Asked Rainbow Blitz, egging her on. Summer narrowed her eyes.

“What makes you think I won’t?” She asked suspiciously.

“Because you’re not racing.”

“Fine! I’ll race.”

“Great!” Rainbow Blitz took a spot next to Gigatrot and drew a straight line in the dirt. “First one to Dusk’s place wins. Ready? One.... Two.... Three... Go!”

And just like that Rainbow Blitz and Gigatrot bolted from the starting point catching Summer by surprise. She knew Gigatrot was fast but she didn’t know about Blitz.

“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” She groaned, sprinting to catch up. Up ahead Gigatrot turned a corner just before Rainbow. Turning at the same corner, Summer looked ahead and couldn’t see them anymore. At least she still knew where she was going now. It was already apparent that she lost. “I can’t believe he talked me into this!” Said Summer, talking to herself. She slowed down some turning at another corner, the library was within her sights. Rainbow and Gigatrot waiting for her to arrive.

“Who won?” Asked Summer, trotting up to them and breathing irregularly.

“Rainbow Blitz.” Said Gigatrot.

“Really?” She asked Rainbow, shocked.

“Was there really any doubt? Your robot’s pretty fast, Summer. If I didn’t fly on the last stretch I might have actually lost.” Boasted Blitz, circling above them.

“You flew? How is that fair?”

“I saw no problem.” Said Gigatrot, “it was a race to see who got here the quickest, and Rainbow got here the quickest.”

“But you can’t fly!” Argued Summer. “And neither can I. It’s just an unfair advantage...”

“He flies and I don’t tire easily. We both have advantages.” Stated Gigatrot, tilting his head to Blitz. The pegasus nodded in agreement.

“Than what was I for? Clearly this was between you two.”

“Fun.” Answered Rainbow Blitz before Gigatrot. Rolling her eyes Summer looked at the tree.

“This is the library?” Asked Summer, changing the subject.

“Yup.” Said Rainbow Blitz, “Dusk Shine lives here too, with Barbara too.”

“Summer, I also noticed something about this tree.” Said Gigatrot.

“I know, Gigatrot.” Said Summer, holding up a hoof. Ignoring Gigatrot’s gaze Summer walked to the door and knocked.

“Just a minute!” shouted a small voice from inside. The pitter patter of small feet scrambled across the floor, getting louder and louder as they got closer. The door opened revealing a small purple and green scaled dragon.

“Dragon!” Gasped Summer, hiding behind Gigatrot.

“Robot!” Screamed the dragon, hiding behind a pile of books. “I knew this day would come. It was only a matter of time before robots took over Equestria! Robotic overlord show mercy!”

“Why don’t you call me Robot Overlord?” Asked Gigatrot, reaching his head over to look at Summer.

“Because I know better.” Said Summer, poking her head from behind Gigatrot to look at him.

“Barb, it’s OK.” Chuckled Rainbow Blitz looking through the door. “The robot isn’t our new overlord.”

The dragon popped her head out from the behind the books. “You sure?”

“Yes.” Said Blitz as he casually walked to Barbara’s side. “Barbara, this is Summer and her robot Gigatrot.”

“Whoa. That’s so cool!” She said emerging from the pile of literature. She circled around the robot, examining it, then she saw Summer. “Hi! I’m Barbara.” She exclaimed, extending her claw.

“Summer.” She replied slowly, examining the claw. “I’ve never seen a dragon before. Are you all this nice?”

“Hmm. Not the ones I’ve met. I’m nice though,” said Barbara. “So does it talk? The robot I mean.”

“Yes.” Answered Gigatrot, turning his head to Barbara.

“Co-ol!” She said in amazement.

“Hey Barb, is Dusk here?” Interrupted Rainbow Blitz.

“Sure is. He’s talking to Applejack in the basement.”

“Can we come in?” Asked Summer.

“Oh right! Yes, yes of course!” She moved out of the way and gestured inside. Books upon books neatly stacked in rows and tightly organized on the shelves. As expected, everything was made from the tree. The shelves looked like it was carved into the wall and the tables, while not directly connected to the ground, were cut from the same tree. Barbara scuttled across the floor to a door in the back. Opening the door showed the stairs that lead to the basement. “Hey Dusk! Rainbow’s here with a friend! And a robot!”

“What?” Yelled a voice from the basement. “A robot?”

“Ain’t robots... Uh.. Science fictiony?” Said another voice. The accent was more Southern than the other. The voices became louder, accompanied by clops of hooves hitting the wooden stairs.

“Of course they are. Even with magic, constructing a working robot is almost-” His train of thought stopped in his tracks when he saw Gigatrot. Jaw dropped, he stood motionless. His eyes fixed on Gigatrot. Dusk Shine, a lavender unicorn with a dark indigo mane with two streaks in his hair. One a hue of pink and the other purple. His train of thought stopped in his tracks when he saw Gigatrot. Jaw dropped, he stood motionless. His eyes fixed on Gigatrot.

Another pony approached his side and smiled at Dusk Shine. He wore a brown cowboy hat under his blond mane. He was very... large. He almost towered over the lavender pony.

“Heh, look at him.” He chuckled, nudging Dusk Shine. “The lights are on but nopony’s home. Well don’t just be a stick in the mud Dusk. I’m Applejack.” Stepping forward he extended a hoof to Summer.

“Summer.” She said, shaking his hoof. “This is Gigatrot.” She tilted her head to point at Gigatrot. He didn’t seem all to interested about what was going on and had already removed a book from the shelf and began reading. After Dusk Shine shook himself off he came up next to introduce himself. He didn’t seem to mind that Gigatrot was reading.

“That’s a really impressive piece of machinery.” Complimented Dusk Shine.

“Isn’t it awesome?” Agreed Rainbow Blitz.

“Yes it is. How did you build it?”

“With a lot of help. My friend Natty helped me in certain areas. It was my father’s design. I just wanted to see it complete.” She stared at the robot reading a book. Her eyes instinctively focused on the cutie mark she had welded onto Gigatrot’s flank.

“What’s he doin?” Asked Applejack, bringing Summer’s attention back to the other ponies.

“Huh? Oh, right. He’s reading. He wanted to come here to read the books. We didn’t know the way and that’s when I ran- Rainbow ran into me.” Said Summer, shooting Rainbow a disapproving look.

“You’re not going to let that go are you?” Complained Rainbow.

“I don’t think so.”

“It was an accident and not to mention it was-”

“OK that’s enough you two. Summer I don’t see any problems with him reading the books here.” Interrupted Dusk Shine. Gigatrot took another book off the shelf, he was already on his seventh book. “I don’t think it will take long anyway.”

“Can he stay here?” Asked Summer. “Until he finishes reading?”

Dusk Shine contemplated for a moment. Barbara anxiously looked over to Gigatrot then back to Dusk Shine.

“Sure, that’s fine with me. You OK with it, Barb?”

“Yeah, as long as he doesn’t take over the world or anything.”

Dusk shine started laughing, before everypony joined in.

“Gigatrot you going to be able to find your way back once you’re done?” Asked Summer, looking over Gigatrot’s shoulder. With a quick glance she saw a picture of a pegasus flying.

“Yes.” Answered Gigatrot, without turning to look at her. She stood there awkwardly as he was reading. Without anything else to say she turned back to Dusk Shine.

“Are you sure it isn’t a problem?”

“It’s no trouble, Summer.” Assured Dusk Shine.

“Are you stayin’ in Ponyville?” Asked Applejack. Summer thought for a moment. Gigatrot wanted her to stay in Ponyville to see the library and to help her get her cutie mark. No reason she could go back to Canterlot once he was done reading.

“For a little while. I don’t expect to stay long.”

“Well that was a lot of stuff you had at your place for a short visit.” Commented Rainbow.

“It’s a girl thing.” She said quickly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means ‘it’s none of your business’!”

“Whoa! Am I gunna have to separate the two of you?” Joked Applejack, moving between Rainbow Blitz and Summer.

It took awhile for Summer’s eyes to trail away from Rainbow to Applejack. “No.” She said, “Dusk Shine thank you again for letting Gigatrot stay. I need to go and do some errands.” Crossing Applejack, and approaching Rainbow Blitz. He reared his head, anticipating another argument. “Thank you for taking us to the library.” She didn’t wait for a response from him, she continued walking by to the door. Opened it, and left the library without another word.

“She seems nice.” Said Dusk Shine.

“That’s one spicy redhead.” Applejack joked, nudging at Rainbow Blitz. The pegasus gave a stern look back at him, Dusk Shine could only laugh.

Gigatrot picked up another book.


She slammed the door behind her with a loud grunt.

“I cannot believe him!” She roared to the empty house. “‘That’s an awful lotta stuff you have for a short visit.’!” She said in a low mimicking voice, crossing her eyes and put her forelegs up on her back to make chicken wings. Stomping to the couch she immediately flipped onto the cushion and stared at the ceiling. She forced herself to get comfortable on the couch by grabbing the pillow next to her and turning to her side to face the empty fireplace. She looked at all the row of flat, folded boxes in the corner.

It was a lot of stuff. Rainbow was right, it was just how he said it. She turned on her back again, trying to ignore the boxes and Rainbow Blitz. “I have time for myself now... No blackmailing robots, no obnoxious, big headed, pegasi... Just me and my-” She took a whiff of the pillow she was holding. It smelled vaguely familiar, for some reason Summer held it closer and closed her eyes. The musk from the pillow was a smell she had almost forgotten. One that never really went away but still lingered from the past. Then she realized Rainbow Blitz slept here last night. She threw the pillow away as quickly as she could, and pretended she never had it.

A bell started ringing from outsider Summer’s door.

“Who is it?” Replied Summer out of instinct. She poked her head over the headrest of the couch.

“Mail call!”

Summer pulled herself from the couch and rushed to the door. A grey pegasus stood in the doorway. A large bag filled to the brim with letters. “I have mail?” Asked Summer, confused.

“Sure do! Your mail’s been forwarded from Canterlot to here! And you’re new to the neighborhood, so I thought I’d deliver it personally and say hello!” He said with a genuine smile, as his eyes drifted apart. Summer stepped back in shock. The pegasus didn’t seem to mind. Reaching into his mailbag he grabbed a bundle of letters held together by rubber band.

“Thank you.” She said after taking the letters.

“You’re quite welcome.” He paused, “It’s the eyes isn’t it?”

Summer blushed. “No! Not at all!” She hadn’t realized it but she must have been staring. “I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s alright. I’ve accepted who I am. Also it’s a great trick at parties.” He laughed and tilted his head back and forth. His eyes swirled about and he made a funny scrunched up face. Summer laughed until it quickly melted to a small smile. “Something wrong?”

“No, I just have a lot on my mind.” She admitted while adjusting her shorts.

“You sure? Maybe I could help.” He said. Summer looked at him with some skepticism. “Try me.”

Summer took a deep breath. “I created a robot in Canterlot and he came with me on a job to Ponyville to fix a sewing machine now he wants me to stay here in Ponyville but I wanted to go back to Canterlot then he wanted to go to the library but we didn’t know the way so we got help from a local pony Rainbow Blitz and I can’t stand him so now Gigatrot is over at the library and now I’m here staring at the ceiling.” As soon as she finished she immediately recovered the air that she lost. The mailpony stared in wonder, his left eye trailing off again.

“You built a robot?” He said finally. Summer rolled her eyes.

“That’s not the point.”

“Sounds to me like you’re bored.”

“Bored? How can I be bored? I just explained what was going.”

“And now nothing’s going on. Summer, you like being active and doing things right? Just because you’re not in Canterlot doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good time while you’re here in Ponyville.”

Now it was Summer’s turn to stare in wonder at the pegasus. “Who are you...?”

“Just your friendly neighborhood mailpony! But you can call me Dopey.” He said with a cross-eyed smile. “Have a good day ma’am!” And with that he vaulted into the sky and down the road.

Summer watched the figure of Dopey fly off down the street. He dropped a parcel and when he went to pick it up another one fell out. Summer grabbed the mail she had set down beside her and walked inside, closing the door behind her, and took a seat on the couch and sorted through the mail. It was mostly just spam and bills for her house in Canterlot, she could look at those later. One piece of mail was a flier with big bold letters: “Apple Cider’s Harder Apple Cider!” with a picture of Apple Cider holding her own mug.

The largest envelope was from Natty. Summer didn’t hear from Natty ever since she told him she was staying in Ponyville.

But why such a big envelope? Thought Summer, opening the yellow package. She poured it into her hoof. It was a big clump of papers, some looked older than others. Then one with Natty’s writing.


I hope you’re enjoying yourself in Ponyville. You deserve a vacation. Take as long as you need. I’ll watch the store. I did some cleaning up and I found this design in your father’s office. Since you’re finished building that robot I thought you could use another hobby. I can’t understand a word it says but maybe you can figure it out.
Also, I think you’re over thinking this ‘no cutie mark thing.’ I know you. And no pony is going to look at you differently just because you don’t have your cutie mark. You’re successful, smart, and a little stubborn at times and not having a cutie mark doesn’t change that.
Keep me in the loop on what’s going on.Natty

P.S. There’s a letter from your father in his plans. Be sure to read it.Summer took a look at the big pile of papers and grabbed the first one. Her father’s scribble was instantly recognizable. At first glance it looked like blueprints with his writing in random places. At the bottom one, one section of writing caught her eye. She tried to make out what those two words are. She tilted her head from side to side, rotated the paper, even squinting until it looked like normal writing. ‘For Summer’ it read. She dropped the paper and froze for a moment.

“He didn’t have any other projects.” She said reassuringly to herself and picking up the small piece of paper. With all her heart she wanted to read what was on that note, but she was hesitant. She and Natty already looked through his office, even at home to find anything else that belonged to her father. She opened it slowly and began to read.

The letters slowly formed words. He never was a good writer, but with each word she read she could hear him talking to her. It felt like he was there, in the living room with her.

For Summer,

I’ve watched you grow into a remarkable young lady. A lady with ambition, courage, and wisdom. You’ve helped me so much, with little time for yourself. I solely take the blame for that. In my old age you came to help me in the shop and as you got older it became your life. While you may have grown, I still see the little filly that dreamed of flying with The Wonderbolts. Just don’t forget me when you’re famous OK?

Summer finished reading with tears dropping onto her father’s signature, the parchment shaking in her hoof. She held it close to her chest and cradled it like a child. It didn’t matter what was on those blueprints. Nothing else mattered. To her the note was the last thing her father had written and he felt remorse. Every time she pressed the note against her, she was saying ‘I’m sorry’ back to him. He had left so quickly, and she didn’t get the chance to say goodbye.

That evening was spent alone with the thoughts of her father. Summer had relocated herself to her own bedroom to look at the family portrait of her and her father. Normally, Summer seemed like a tough shell to crack. Not really, her shell was already cracked. She didn’t hide her feelings about her father. Nopony expected her to. He was the only family she had. Her grandparents and other relatives didn’t approve of him marrying a low town Canterlot pony. They weren’t much better off themselves, but he said ‘it was for love, not wealth’ and communications ceased. However, her mother left when Summer was very young. He never told her why. Instead he would pat her on the head and say:

“She still loves you.” And left it at that, but Summer never really believed that. How could you love somepony and then run away? She loved her father too, and she ran away.

Summer smiled back at the family portrait and clenching her father’s note. The thoughts of memories long passed warmed and saddened her heart. Tomorrow she would have to write back to Natty to thank him.


Birds chirped outside Summer’s window to signal the new day. Although, Summer refused to open her eyes. She squinted at the rays of sunlight and rolled away from the window. Now she couldn’t get comfortable. Twisting in the sheets she pushed the pillow aside and reluctantly opened her eyes to see Gigatrot staring at her.

“Ahh!” She screamed, flailing her legs about and falling off the bed.

“Summer, it’s 10 A.M. You overslept.” Gigatrot said.

“Gigatrot! I thought you were at the library!” She yelled, trying to make herself look presentable for some reason.

“I was. Now I am here.”

“I can see that, but why?” Questioned Summer, “What about all those books?”

“I finished reading them. Dusk Shine was very hospitable. He even escorted me here. Along with Rainbow Blitz.”

If Summer wasn’t awake then she was now. “Rainbow Blitz is here?”

“No. He’s downstairs.”

She shot Gigatrot a dirty look. Summer rose quickly, pressing against the wooden floor with her hooves . She checked to make sure she was still wearing her shorts.

“Good.” She muttered to herself, walking past Gigatrot and opening her bedroom door. Gigatrot followed after her.

The clops of her hooves hitting the stairs announced her presence to the ponies downstairs. Dusk Shine was standing in a corner surveying some papers. Rainbow Blitz was buzzing around the room, impatient as always and refusing to sit still.

“Summer!” Greeted Dusk Shine. “I hope you don’t mind. Gigatrot let us in.”

“No, of course I don’t mind. He wasn’t too much trouble was he?” Asked Summer.

“Not at all. He read all my books in a single night! That’s very remarkable.” Said Dusk Shine, smiling as Gigatrot appeared from behind Summer.

“So what brings you here?”

“Well, you kind of stormed off yesterday.” Said Rainbow.

“Sorry about that...” Apologized Summer, scuffing at the ground with her hoof. “I was kind of out of line.”

“Kind of?” Pressed Rainbow.

“Rainbow!” Interrupted Dusk Shine.

“What? She was.” He said, coming to a soft land next to Dusk Shine.

“That’s not the point.”

“He’s right though. I was a pain, especially to you Rainbow. So... I’m sorry.” Said Summer with enough courage to face Rainbow Blitz. He ruffled his wings in a smug manner. Dusk Shine and Summer exchanged looks but didn’t say anything.

“Summer, Dusk Shine was inquiring about some papers you left out on the table.” Said Gigatrot, interrupting the silence.

“Something Natty sent. I haven’t had a chance to look at them yet.”

“I took a glance at it Summer. If that’s alright.” Said Dusk Shine. “To me it looks like a plan for a flying device.”

“Flying?” Echoed Rainbow Blitz and Summer together.

“You can read my father’s writing?” Asked Summer.

“Well not at first, but if I squint really really hard.” Dusk Shine said while squinting at Summer. “Do you plan on building this?”

“I- I...” Stuttered Summer.

“Come on Summer! If you can build Gigatrot, a flying machine will be no trouble at all!”

“Have you looked at the plans Gigatrot?” Asked Summer, turning her head to him.

“I have.”

"And can it work?" She asked.

“No.” Gigatrot said quickly.

Summer’s ears dropped for an instant. She thought about it for only a second. The answer came easily to her. “I’ll do it.”

“You will need a different source of power to maintain flight. His calculations are incorrect.”

“Then we’ll just have to correct them. I’m not about to pass up this.” Said Summer determined to prove herself to Gigatrot. “As for power... We’ll think of something.”

“Understood.” Nodded Gigatrot.

“How long will it take?” Asked Rainbow Blitz. Summer shrugged, Gigatrot took a long time to build. Something like this would take just as long, if not longer.

“One year.” Announced Gigatrot.

“One year?!” Gasped the ponies. Although the tones were different for each pony. Summer couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Rainbow Blitz sounded disgruntled, and Dusk Shine was fascinated.

“It- it can’t take a whole year... Can it?” Asked Summer, skeptical.

“With both of us working. Yes.”

“That sounds wonderful! If you need any help you can use some of the equipment in the basement at my place.” Offered Dusk Shine.

“Thank you.” Smiled Summer, trotting up to Dusk Shine. She stacked the designs on top of each other and scooped them up into a yellow folder. “Best get started right away.” She said as she reached for the folder with her teeth, trotting to the door.

“Where are you going?” Asked Rainbow Blitz.

“To make a list of supplies.” Answered Summer through her teeth. The folder glowed and sparkled in Summer’s mouth. Surprised, Summer released the folder. It didn’t fall to the floor, instead it floated in midair. Dusk Shine used his unicorn magic to grab hold of it. He danced to Summer’s side.

“I’m good at making lists! Lemme go get my pen and quill.”

“I also need to send a letter to Natty. He’s in Canterlot.”

“Hey! Wait for me!” Yelled Rainbow Blitz, exiting the house to catch up.