• Published 4th Nov 2011
  • 5,174 Views, 34 Comments

Shadow Of Dreams - Keyframe

An inventive pony wants to fly like a pegasus but us faced with challenges other than limitations.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Shadow of Dreams

By Keyframe (Ronvarone@gmail.com)

The night was rank with the smell of sweat and grease in the streets of Canterlot.

Sounds rang with constant clanks and buzzes of saws and other mechanical wonders grinding away on steel. The flames licked the air as they hummed and cracked, while the smoke ascended to the starlit heavens above. Everything that came from the shop would be considered noise to some ponies. To Summer Sparks, it was a glorious mechanical symphony.

Summer was a cream colored Earth pony. She had a short strawberry mane with a matching tail-- the length was more of a safety precaution than fashion statement. Her tool belt, tightly harnessed around her shorts, was ornamented with ratchets and wrenches; the shorts she wore had many pockets.

“Summer, are you almost done over dere?” called a deep voice from across the yard. A solid black colt trotted across the open lot of the ‘shop’ looking at Summer. His hair was messy, unkempt, and in clumps-- ‘dreadlocks’ he called them; and so everypony called him Natty Dread. “You need to get some sleep. You can finish your project tomorrow after your trip to Ponyville.”

“It’s not just a project!” protested Summer. She put down the boots used to hold up the welding torch. “He’s my new friend and assistant. Once he’s up and running, we’ll make more parts than we’ll know what to do with! Some ‘project’... pshh.”

“Summer, I don’t know whatchu’ see in dis’ robot. It’s just going to be like all da rest-- dey take two steps den’ dey’ fall over and leak oil.” Natty kicked the nearly finished robot in the leg to make a point; he winced and immediately regretted his actions. The robot didn’t topple over but Summer knew what he meant to do.

“That’s not going to happen. Not this time,” Summer said pulling off her yellow laced goggles.

“Dey’ never do what you want dem’ to do. They’re all useless.”

“Useless? Just because something doesn’t do what I planned it to do in the first place doesn’t make it useless.”

“Den’ what do you call dem?” Natty asked.

“Works-in-progress,” snapped Summer. “Did you just come here to make fun of me?”

“Not at first,” Natty admitted, “Just promise me you’ll get some sleep. You’ve made over a tousand’ robots and each time you failed.” Natty turned and left the shop, departing into the streets of Canterlot without a single glance back.

Summer was left to herself and the robot she had been working on. The light from the furnace filled the spot where Natty was standing. Summer scowled at the now vacant spot. “I haven’t failed. I just found a thousand ways not to make a robot...” Her scowl disappeared as she surveyed the mechanical pony. It was as large as Natty, but opposite color. Inside, a mainframe of gears, chips, and circuit boards intertwined like nopony had ever seen. It was going to work-- it had to.

Setting up the coding for the system to work was troubling. It was so new that anything could happen. Nopony had ever done it before; at least not without magic. Even then, an understanding of the mechanism was essential. The robots that fell over were a result of bad coding, the ones that exploded were a result of an electrical issue. Natty hated the ones that exploded, and for a good, logical reason.

She chuckled remembering the very first test run with Natty.

“Uh, you sure about dis?" asked Natty, adjusting his worn out goggles. They were both behind a large pile of sand bags. A prototype robot stood 40 feet away, cord laid out between them.

"Nope," grinned Summer. "Bonzai!" And she throwing the switch. Natty ducked under the bags, shaking like a leaf. Nothing happened. Summer scowled at the failure. Natty perked his head up slowly and took a good look at the robot. He removed his goggles at the worst time; the robot exploded in a huge ball of fire. Both Natty and Summer barely escaped the burst of heat. Summer was covered in black ash and Natty lost his eyebrows. She couldn't help but laugh every time she saw him like that.

That was the last time Natty participated in testing. For her the only way to see if it worked was for an all or nothing test. Of course, Natty always made sure she was safe. She could always count on Natty for that.

Summer stared long and hard at the robot. Checking and double checking to see for mistakes in her work. Her eyes traveled down to its flank, the same solid white as the rest...

“Oh, I almost forgot!”

Summer snapped her goggles back over her eyes and inserted her hooves into her gloves. The torch ignited and she began drawing on the flank of the robot. Summer drew a check mark with two empty circles, one on either side of the longer stroke of the mark. She smiled at her work, putting down the torch for good this time. Her goggles fell around her neck but she didn’t care. Her eyes swelled as she stared at the forged cutie mark.

“Well Gigatrot. You're a true pony now.” Summer said, weakly, her eyes starting to swell. “My father had that cutie mark." She tried to hold back her tears, but she couldn’t help herself. Small water droplets ran down her face and dripped onto the floor. She sniffed regaining her composure and wiping her eyes and cheeks.

“Guess I better start you up.” With her nose she flipped a switch inside his left ear. Its eyes spiraled, glowed yellow and flashed slowly. It stood motionless. “So far, so good. I’ll check up on you in the morning.” She closed up shop and headed home.

She must have been more tired than she realized. The stepping stones beneath her hooves moved by themselves, and before she knew it, she bumped her head on the door to her house.

“Ouch…” Summer whined as she rubbed her forehead.

Opening the door, she made no hesitation to go straight to bed. Summer tip toed around the gadgets and tools that littered the that made the place seem more like a junkyard than any living environment. The would have to clean the place up one of these days. The lights weren’t on but the glow of the moon reflected off of every metal piece on the ground. Kicking the knickknacks off the bed, Summer let gravity pull her as she flopped onto the soft feathered mattress.

Summer closed her eyes for a moment, hugging the pillow she was resting on. She opened her eyes. Next to her bed was a night stand with an unlit candle and a picture frame. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness again she saw a brown colt much, much older than she was. Summer smiled at the picture, her eyes half open.

“Good night Dad…” She yawned and drifted off to sleep.


Summer dreamed she was in the clouds-- one of millions in a white stadium. Every pony’s eyes all traced the circled smoke in the sky above. Summer was just a little filly. She sat next to her father, comparing height and trying to sit as tall as he did. Both of them were in the nosebleed section of the stadium high above the other pegasi and ponies. The other pegasi were faceless and blurry and the day was bright and sunny. A lightning whip cracked across the stadium as The Wonderbolts zoomed overhead. The faceless crowd cheered, her father smiling at the wonder in Summer’s eyes.

“Dad! Dad! Did you see that?! They were all like whoosh and swish!” Summer exclaimed, acting out the performance. The show may have been over but it was engraved in her brain.

“I did, I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He said, nudging her along to keep moving.

“I still can’t believe you took me to see The Wonderbolts!” she was bouncing now. Her father laughed.

“I pulled some strings-- not every Earth pony can walk on clouds.” He said scooping her up onto his neck.

“So how can we walk on the clouds?”

“Magic, Summer” he said. “Remember Ivory? The white unicorn?”

“The one with the smiley cutie mark? Yeah! She was really nice!”

“She used a magic spell to let us walk on the clouds.”

“Does that mean I could fly too?” Her father stopped, and looked back at her. He was surprised Summer would ask that. His face wasn’t angry. Instead, he smiled her.

“Yes, I suppose you could.” He turned his head forward. They were crossing the archway now. The white sun disappeared for a moment before returning again in a blinding haze.

“That’s what I want to do. I want to fly. Fly really, really high! Just like The Wonderbolts! I could get my cutie mark!”

“I would love to see that. You could be the first Earth pony to fly with The Wonderbolts.”

“You really think so?” asked Summer, her eyes glowing.

“Anything is possible. Just remember your old Dad when you’re big and famous.” He smiled, bucking her softly up and down. They both entered the taxi basket to descend back down to Equestria. Summer hugged her father about the neck tightly.

“I won’t forget you, I promise.”


Chapter 1

Summer awoke the next morning with the biggest smile on her face. She opened her eyes and blinked quickly multiple times. The picture frame of her father reflected the light from the sun just barely from behind the mountains. It wasn’t white like her dream.

Only, it wasn’t a dream, it really happened. Her father brought her to Cloudsdale for The Wonderbolts air show, it was her first time seeing pegasus ponies fly around, performing daring stunts and amazing feats. Summer wanted to go to more shows, but money was tight and her father would always say “Some other time.”

Mechanics and engineers didn’t make as much then. Her father owned the store she worked at, and instead of buying new toys he would create fantastic ones for her there. The best gift he gave her was a pair of goggles that looked just like the ones The Wonderbolts wore. She wore them everywhere. She would run around in front of the shop lot pretending to fly; there were times she really thought she was a member of The Wonderbolts. But over time, the toys would stop being made and that dream of becoming a Wonderbolt was met with reality. She was an Earth pony, and Earth ponies can’t fly. When she was old enough she worked in the shop with him and made her own gadgets and learned everything she could from her father. Then he passed away a few years later, and left the workshop to her in his will. The loss of her greatest role model nearly destroyed her. It was Natty that helped Summer rebuild her life after her father’s death. She reopened the shop and took over the business. Summer renamed the shop from The Big Nail to The Little Nail.

Business didn’t catch on very quickly until Summer fixed a chariot for Lord Solaris during the last Summer Sun Celebration in the streets of Canterlot. Meeting with Lord Solaris was something Summer would never forget.

“Thank you, Summer.” Lord Solaris said. “Without your help these supplies would never have made it to Ponyville this year.” Summer blushed-- she didn’t know what to say.

“Y-you’re welcome, milord. I did what anypony would do.” Summer looked at the ground, almost terrified to look up.

“Of course, but thanks to you we will be on time for the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration. Will you be attending?”

“What? Um… no, I have a lot of work to do.” Summer worried she said that too quickly. Lord Solaris didn’t respond for what seemed like an eternity.

“I understand.” He spoke finally, “Thank you again, Summer.”

Of course, that was the day Nocturnus Mane returned to bring night time eternal and was defeated by the Elements of Harmony soon after. Not very many ponies, outside of Ponyville knew what had happened until it was all over. A few days later, an article in the Equestria Daily newspaper mentioned her shop, along with a royal recommendation. Business boomed and The Little Nail was known throughout Canterlot, not only as a machine shop, but as a repair shop for almost anything. It would have made her father proud to know how well the shop was doing.

Summer got up from her bed and maneuvered through the debris field that was her home to the front door.

Natty was already at the shop when she arrived, but he was standing a good distance from the entrance.

“What’s going on?” She asked as she approached the black colt, he didn’t say anything. “Natty? Hello-o-o-o.” Natty motioned inside with his hoof. Hesitantly she glanced over to the shop. A white flash whizzed by one of the machines; Summer jumped prompting another flash. A small squeal of fear escaped from her lips that made Natty jump. “Sorry… What was that?”

“I was hoping you could tell me!” He said, looking very surprised. “Isn’t dat your robot?” Summer honestly didn’t know. The white flashes did look like a pony, but nopony could move that fast-- not even The Wonderbolts. Summer was scared. She wanted to run away but in that brief instant her legs had a mind of their own and were walking towards the shop.

“Hello?” Summer said softly. There was no response. “Is… anyone there?” The white flash burst itself directly in front of her. It was her robot. The white metallic colt turned his head like some bird and inched towards her. Summer’s eyes frantically looked around, unsure what would happen next.

“Voice recognition required.” It spoke to her, its mouth not moving but only flashing a light.

“Uh….” Summer said dumbfounded.

“Uh….” echoed the robot, replaying the audio. It kicked his head back. Summer could hear the data crunching in its head. “Voice key recognized: Summer Sparks. Greetings, creator.” It was then Natty appeared behind her. Summer shot him a dirty look. It was so nice of him to appear when everything was safe. The robot’s mechanical eye never moved away from Summer.

“So it is your robot. I’m eatin' my words Summer; it didn’t fall over.”

“Yea…” said Summer to Natty, lost for words.

“This One has no identity.”

“Your name is Gigatrot...” said Summer. The robot’s eyes flashed at Summer’s words.

“Gigatrot.” The robot repeated.

“Dat name fits,” agreed Natty. “You see da way he was runnin'?” Summer looked back to Natty. He was more impressed than she was, it seemed.

“Gigatrot accepted.”

“So, what does it do?” asked Natty.

“I- I don’t know.” admitted Summer, looking from Gigatrot to the black stallion.

“Didn’t you build it?”

“Of course I did! But you know what coding is like!”

“Not ta mention you had trouble readin' your father’s notes.” joked Natty.


“Hey, it’s not goin' to explode is it?” Natty asked, ducking quickly behind Summer. She pushed him away.

“It shouldn’t,” said Summer.

“But can,” Natty added. Summer gave Natty a very nasty glare. “But it probably won’t! My look at da time, you should be on the road to Ponyville.” said Natty pushing her away from the shop.

“What? I just got here. And Gigatrot-“

“-will go witchu'.” interrupted Natty, “I’ll watch The Little Nail. You go to Ponyville. You’re going to Carousel Boutique-- can’t miss it.” Natty pushed Summer out to the street until she finally gave up struggling against the bigger colt. Gigatrot didn’t do anything except follow and stare wordlessly. Summer waited outside the store for Natty to bring the wagon out to the front. He also brought her toolbox and anything else she may have needed. When Natty came back with the wagon, Summer helped him load the tools.

“Who's the client?” asked Summer as she put the last of her things on the wagon.

"His name is Elusive."

"You don't think he's going to be a problem?" Summer asked, nodding at Gigatrot. Natty shook his head. Gigatrot stood motionless, watching Summer and Natty's conversation from a distance. “So, you going to help?” she asked Gigatrot uncomfortably. She didn't know what Gigatrot could do, but something would be better than nothing.

“If it is required. Is it required?” Gigatrot approached the wagon. He looked at the harness and the contents of the wagon. There was a sequence of pinging noises coming from his head. “Will you be pulling the wagon?”

“If it is required...” mocked Summer. She looked at Gigatrot, half-expecting a response but she received none. Summer finished securing the last of her tools and trotted to the front of the wagon. To her surprise Gigatrot, was already harnessed in and waiting for her to appear. Summer didn't say anything; she just looked at him. Gigatrot had just recently been activated. She didn't know the limits he had, she trotted up beside him.

“This One will haul the wagon.” offered Gigatrot. Summer looked at Natty; he turned away to avoid eye contact. “You are welcome,” said Gigatrot, getting Summer's attention. The kindness he offered oddly annoyed her. If she wasn't doing something, she felt useless, almost like a broken tool. Instead of sitting in the wagon, she grabbed the harness around Gigatrot and adjusted it for two ponies. The wooden harness doubled over itself like a sandwich. The top half of the sandwich had a groove for a pony’s shoulders facing the sky, and when folded over side by side, it created two harnesses. It was a simple device Summer invented when Natty was having trouble switching from a single to a double harness. She fastened herself in easily enough, Summer looked at Gigatrot who was standing as still as ever, watching her. Summer caught a glimpse of Natty shaking his head; Summer ignored him and faced Southwest.

“Let's go.” Summer said, pushing against the wood on her chest. It was a slow start, but she was a strong filly. Once Gigatrot began pulling it was almost weightless; it didn't even look like he was trying. The walk to Ponyville would be hours but at least the sun was shining. The birds were already flying around the town in the shadow of Canterlot’s giant towers. Canterlot was still busy even for an early morning, industry never sleeps. The shop owners all came out, ringing their morning bells to start the day. Summer would, on occasion, chat with the fruit stall owners when shopping.

The owner of one stall was a red mare with blonde hair and her cutie mark was a brown jug with three X’s. She would call Summer over once she had a new product to sell. The last time Summer saw her she claimed she had the ‘best thing since sliced bread’.

“What’s this?” Asked Summer while pointing at a bottle with the same three X’s on it.

“Hard apple cider.”

Summer examined the contents of the bottle carefully. “Is it safe? What’s so hard about it?”

“It’s just got a kick to it and if it ain’t safe than my name ain’t Apple Cider!” She gave Summer a toothy grin.

“Can I try it?”

“Of course!” Apple Cider turned around and went behind her cart. She must have had a fountain back there. The sounds of a frothy liquid filled a small mug, some splashed on the ground. Soon after Apple Cider returned with a mug handle in her mouth and propped it on the table. “Drink it slowly.” she advised. Summer nodded and pinched the rim of the mug with teeth and slowly raised it up and took a sip. The cider was ‘harder’ than she thought and immediately coughed on the drink, dropping the mug. Apple Cider laughed “Yup, that’s usually the first response.” Summer blushed and later chuckled as well.

Eventually, Apple Cider’s ‘hard’ apple cider became very popular in Canterlot and she hadn’t seen her since. Summer was happy that she was doing so well, although she didn’t see Apple Cider at the market when she and Gigatrot were leaving for Ponyville.

They continued hauling the wagon through the market and down to the lower city. Children trotted past them to their morning classes, some groggy and stumbling over their hooves. They didn’t pay Gigatrot any mind. It was either too early or they didn’t see him. Summer didn’t spend much time with children but would often sit and chat with the teachers. They shared funny stories of the little ones. The stories of the children were very heartwarming to her. Some were about them getting their cutie marks or others eating the glitter and paint. One story was about a group of friends that made a ‘secret society’.

“They call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” said an orange pony, adjusting her glasses. “Three colts from Ponyville started the group when they realized how the other ponies had already gotten their cutie marks.”

“How adorable.” smiled a blue pony standing next to Summer. “And these are Cherry Lee’s students?”

“Did they get their cutie marks yet?” asked Summer, interjecting before the orange pony could respond.

“Um, I don't think so. Cherry Lee hasn't mentioned anything about it yet, but the idea is getting very popular amongst students in Canterlot.”

Summer smiled but didn't say anything else to the teachers. They continued to talk about the Cutie Mark Crusader movement and the funny sayings that the children made.

The teachers would always mingle at The Tossed Salad restaurant for lunch. Summer occasionally ate lunch there on her breaks. Summer would be social and friendly, but she hadn't seen them anywhere else in Canterlot. She really hoped that those boys got their cutie marks.

I think she said they were from Ponyville, Summer thought, maybe if I get the chance I'll ask somepony about them.

Almost tripping over a stone brought Summer back to the task at hoof. She didn't realize it yet, but she wasn't keeping pace with Gigatrot. Gigatrot hadn’t said anything or make any noise that would suggest thinking. Summer looked at the sun; it had already been three hours since they left. She looked around, trying to remember where she was. The surrounding mountains loomed over the hills, rivers, and ,of course, the dirt road with a wooden fence. The trees lined the road giving Summer the impression that they were close to Ponyville. She didn't even remember leaving the gates of Canterlot. She was so lost in her thoughts reminiscing about Canterlot’s market and the teachers at the preschool. Summer finally noticed her hoof steps became irregular to the rhythmic *clop* *shht* *clop* *shht*, her breath became deeper and heavier with each hoofstep, and much slower than the hoofsteps of the mechanical horse next to her.

“Are you well?” asked Gigatrot, almost with a tone of concern?

“Don't you worry about me. I'm just fine.” groaned Summer. She gave a heavy push, showing she was still fit to keep going.

“Do you normally exert yourself like this?”

“I'm not exerting anything... I'm fine.”

“I do not detect any difference from me when we started.” he persisted, “but your heart rate and breathing have increased significantly over time.”

“You're not like other ponies. One: you're a machine; you don't have lungs. Two: you're connected to a battery that's solar powered. And thirdly: why are you so concerned about me?” Summer was having trouble talking to him while pulling the wagon, but talking almost kept her mind off of the weight. Almost. It was heavier than usual.

Whoever was at Carousel Boutique clearly didn't know what was broken and what wasn't; Summer had to bring all the tools just to make sure they could adequately complete the job. The letter they received was written so elegantly neither Natty nor Summer could read it. They did get the address figured out, but they still didn’t know what needed to be fixed, so they brought everything. The harness abruptly stopped. Summer was walking in place, and the wagon wasn’t moving an inch. Eyes closed and her hooves digging into the earth. Gigatrot wasn't moving, his mechanical eyes stared at something that wasn't there.

“Concern. Is that something one feels for another? Do I have these feelings?” Summer stopped pushing and opened her eyes to look at the broken ground.

“I... don't know. Maybe.... I mean... uh.. can we talk about this later? We really should be going.” Gigatrot blinked, or at least his eyes shuttered like a camera.

“Yes, of course.” He pressed against the harness with ease catching Summer by surprise when she was pulled along. “Apologies.”

Neither of them said anything to each other for the awhile. That awkward silence lingered longer than it should. How could she say that he was just a thing? Summer had spent so much time talking to him in the shop, but that was when he couldn't talk back. To her, Gigatrot was something that listened and didn't judge. Now he was operating and anything could happen, he might even become someone that looked down upon her like most people for her crazy ideas.

“Is that Ponyville?” asked Gigatrot, breaking the silence. Summer looked up from her hooves.

“That's it, all right.”

Off in the distance was the small town Ponyville. The whole place was welcoming: birds flew over head, the noise of busy ponies coming from the center of town and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. She had never been to Ponyville, but she instantly realized she wouldn't mind living here. The air was refreshing; it was as if it said, “Welcome to Ponyville!” to any passerby fortunate enough to inhale it. But Summer lived in Canterlot, and she didn’t think about it moving to Ponyville.

It didn't take long for them to reach the town limits of Ponyville. The dirt road became stone under their hooves. Summer was hardly pulling the wagon anymore and by the time they came to a bridge to cross the river that flowed through town, she was out of breath.

And there it was, Carousel Boutique, located close to the center of town. It was very well decorated with red ribbons and dazzling sparkles. The building itself truly looked like a Carousel; the only thing missing was a clockwise rotation! The mannequins in the window were adorned with gorgeous outfits for colts, fillies, mares, and stallions. The pair stopped in front of the stoop and Summer unfastened herself from the harness.

“Gigatrot, I'll meet you around back. I'll go have a talk with the owner.”

“Acknowledged.” Effortlessly he pulled the wagon around to the side of the building. Summer didn't think too much about it and rang the doorbell. Summer could hear erratic movement beyond the door. A was cat hissing followed by a scream of fear.

“Opalite! No! It's just the doorbell! “ Summer listened, getting uncomfortable.

“Is... Everything OK in there?”

“Yes! Be right there! Ow! Opalite, Ow!” There was a large crash followed by the sound of a vase shattering on the floor, Summer cringed. “Okay, everything is not alright but the door is open!” Summer immediately pulled down the door lever and swung the door open. Summer followed the noise of chaos around the circular white building until she saw a white unicorn with short lavender curls. His tail longer than his mane, but curled all the same. Three diamonds adorned his flank.

This was one groomed pony, Summer thought.

Everything was on the floor: Fabrics, threads, ribbons, a broken vase, all scattered from the ruckus. The unicorn stood very still. On his back was a short haired white cat digging its claws into his withers.

“Darling, so good of you to – drop by,” he cringed, forcing a smile.

“Are you alright?” Summer asked inching closer.

“Quite. Are you the mechanic?”

“That would be me, Summer Sparks,” smiled Summer reassuringly. “I have a friend out back with my supplies. Can you show me to the backdoor?” The unicorn cringed as the claws of his cat dug deeper into him.

“Yes of course, but if you'd be so kind as to remove Opalite from my back?”

“Right, sorry.” Summer approached the unicorn cautiously. The white cat was staring at her intently. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” Opalite hissed. Summer frowned at the sound. “Now listen here!” she started, “You should treat this unicorn-”

“Elusive,” prompted the unicorn.

“Uh, right. Elusive more kindly. He's given you a home, food, and I'm pretty sure he treats you like family. Why do you act like this?”

“Oh, h-he's just naturally vicious,” said Elusive, wincing.

“You're not helping. Opalite, I think both of you can live here without bothering each other. Is that too much to ask?” Summer and the cat stared at each other. Elusive cringed again by reflex, expecting the claws to dig deeper, they did.

“Ah!” gasped Elusive. Summer leapt forward and swatted the air in front of Opalite. The cat hissed and swatted back with more ferocity, Summer retreated back into a shelf closing her eyes. That cat really was viscous. The shelf she stumbled into slowly shook and spilled its contents, strings, plastic boxes of needles and a yellow ball of yarn, onto the floor. The yarn bounced along and caught Opalite’s attention. Leaping off of Elusive he chased the yellow ball out of the room. Summer opened her eyes after the last object fell to the ground. Elusive was in the same spot, except this time without a white cat attached to his back.

“Oh, thank you so much for helping darling,” he said, smiling. “Usually I would have had Butterscotch come over and talk some sense into that cat.” Elusive glared at the doorway where Opalite left, he glanced back at Summer who was looking at the mess on the floor.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to,” apologized Summer, picking up a ribbon and placing it on the shelf.

“Don’t you worry dear; no harm done.” Elusive said, he closed his eyes and his horn started to glow. All the pieces on the floor shined in the same color as all the items lifted into the air and onto the shelf. “Thank you again for helping me with Opalite.”

“But I didn’t do anything.” said Summer, confused.

“Of course you did! You tried your best and it paid off.”

“How? I made a mess of your shop.”

“True, but the cats gone for now and the mess is cleaned.”

Elusive smiled at Summer.

“I guess you’re right.” Summer agreed, smiling back at Elusive.

“Of course darling. Now what did you need?”

“The backdoor, my friend is waiting outside.”

“Ah, of course. Right this way madam.” Bowing, Elusive pointed a hoof towards the back.


The sun had finally broken through near midday. Although, most of that time was spent calming Elusive down about Gigatrot.

“So he’s a robot?” asked Elusive.

“Yes,” said Summer.

“And you built him... without magic?”

“That’s right. Gigatrot is going to help me today.” Summer smiled at Elusive, who could only return with a frail smile, “if that’s alright with you.” Elusive nodded at Gigatrot in contrast to the initial scream when Elusive first saw him, of which Summer had to promise never to speak again. Mainly it was because of how he screamed: High pitched, and very humorous.

Elusive lead them both downstairs into his basement. The windows let small rays of sunlight into the room. The fabrics lay upright against walls and wooden racks organized by color and material.

“So what are we fixing?”

“This sewing machine right here,” Elusive said while pointing at a very large sewing machine with a wooden cover. Summer looked at him quizzically.

“You know I’m not a carpenter right?”

“Yes, but the problem is inside the framework.”

“Alright, let me see,” said Summer trotting close to the sewing machine, “Gigatrot can you hand me my toolbox?” Gigatrot gave a small nod, bringing forth the red metal toolbox, placing it on the table.

“I don’t use it often, only for custom work.”

“It’s really old,” said Summer, while she carefully removed the framework of the machine with her hooves.

“My great grandfather gave it to me,” said Elusive, “so... can you fix it?”

“Of course I can,” boasted Summer, “you hired the best there is.” Gigatrot released a sound that resembled a snort at Summer’s boast. Summer glanced angrily at him but ignored the gesture. “We’ll have it fixed, don’t you worry.”

“Fabulous darling, I’ll leave you two to your own devices... and mine.” Elusive laughed at his comment until he was interrupted by a loud thud coming from upstairs. “Sweeney, is that you?” Elusive quickly trotted up the stairs with a look of concern.

Of course, fixing an old sewing machine is easier said than done without magic. You still had to know what was wrong. Gigatrot mostly watched, which was probably for the best since he didn’t know anything about the inner mechanical works. It was good that he asked a question every now and then; when Summer changed to a new tool he would ask what it was called and what it was used for.

“That’s a ratchet,” said Summer, “something for Earth ponies to easily place, loosen, and tighten bolts.”

“This is used by Earth ponies?”

“Yea, since Earth ponies can’t use magic to get a grip, they can swivel to adjust.”

The two would talk back and forth, he would ask, she would answer; he would watch, she would explain. The old sewing machine wasn’t nearly as wrecked as Elusive had thought. The timing belt was off and the gears were loose; it didn’t take much time to finish. Summer replaced the frame, wiped her sweaty brow with a hoof, and smiled at Gigatrot. Summer pressed down on the hoof pedal and the machine ran smoothly.

“All done,” she announced, “let’s go tell Elusive the good news.” Summer rushed up the stairs, a small spring in her step when she pushed the door open. “Elusive?” No response, “Elusive? We’re finished-- it’s fixed.” She looked around the white boutique. He was nowhere to be seen. Opalite was sitting on a mannequin, sleeping. Summer looked at Gigatrot; as usual, he was simply staring into space. “C’mon, we’ll look outside.” She nibbled on Gigatrot’s ear pulling him towards the door.

The sun was well past its peak and the citizens of Ponyville were more active than before. Gigatrot was free from Summer’s bite and pulled away to look around Ponyville. They searched around back where the wagon was and that’s where they found Elusive.

“Sweeney, Scooter Lou, Apple Buck! The contents of this wagon do not belong to me.”

“Elusive what’s going on?” asked Summer, looking into the wagon. She saw three young colts in the wagon, each one with a hammer in their mouth.

“Summer, I thank goodness you’re here. My brother and his friends are… how should I put it?”

“We’re trying to get our cutie marks!” shouted a young pegasus the color of a Tuscany sun with a purple crest slicked back like he was caught in a wind tunnel. Another pony spat a hammer out of his mouth. His coat was a buff color with a red wine mane and a lighter colored bandanna.

“Anything yet?” he said with a thin country accent, trying to get a good look at his flank.

“Nothing yet,” said the pegasus, “how about me?”


“Sweeney, these tools belong to Summer,” interjected Elusive. “Now I know you’re doing this for your cutie marks but couldn’t you find something safer?”

Sweeney, the white unicorn, looked Summer then to his friends. “C’mon, Cutie Mark Crusaders,” he said, jumping off the wagon. Summer snapped back to reality by the name he mentioned.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders?” asked Summer, almost forgetting where she heard the name from.

“We’re on a quest to get our cutie marks!” the little colts yelled. The sudden increase in volume made Summer and Elusive cringe. Gigatrot lowered his head at the little ones, cocking his head at each one.

“Whoa.” They said in unison.

“What is it?” asked Scooter.

“I am an artificial equine,” answered Gigatrot, moving his head to look at Scooter.

“And you built him?” asked Apple Buck, glancing back at Summer.

“Sure did.”

"Without magic?" asked Sweeney. Summer noticed a pattern when introducing Gigatrot to ponies.

"Sure did." She said.

“Wow! Your cutie mark must be amazing if you built this without magic!” jumped Sweeney. Summer backed away slowly looking at her shorts. “Can we see it?”

“No!” Snapped Summer. Elusive and the little ponies jumped at the sudden outburst. Even Gigatrot lifted his head quickly. “I mean… we should go. Right, Gigatrot?”

“We have no-“

“-time to stay!” said Summer quickly silencing the robot. She pinched the metal ear and pulled him to the front of the wagon. “We’re going back to Canterlot.”

“What of the restitution?”

“I’ll send them a bill in the mail,” replied Summer while lifting the harness to a single, “you pull.”

Gigatrot complied and began moving the wagon forward. Summer cantered behind the wagon to the other ponies. “I’m so sorry, Elusive, but we really have to go. Crusaders, I’ll have to take a rain check on my cutie mark story.”

“Promise?” asked Sweeney Belle.


“Bubble Berry promise?”


“He’s a friend of ours. He’s very colorful and spontaneous,” said Elusive. “It’s no trouble dear. I’m sure you’re very busy.”

Summer smiled, kindly excusing herself and catching up with Gigatrot. She walked beside him as they left for Canterlot.

“May I ask you something?” asked Gigatrot when they were out of ear shot from the other ponies.

“Does it involve my cutie mark?” asked Summer suspiciously. She already knew the answer. The way she left in a hurry, lying about an appointment they were late for.


“Then the answer is no,” said Summer quickly. Gigatrot continued effortlessly pulling the cart.

“Why did you give me a cutie mark?” asked Gigatrot, “Is it not something one finds on their own?”

“How could you find it on your own?” asked Summer, “you’re a robot.”

“But you gave me one.” Gigatrot looked at the welded metal circle with the check mark and two circles of a percentage on his flank.

“Do you not like it?” asked Summer, a sad tone in her voice.

“It is sufficient." Said Gigatrot. “How do you plan on getting your cutie mark?” Summer stopped dead in her tracks. Gigatrot pulled the cart to a halt as well.

“Gigatrot, h-h-how did you…?” stuttered Summer, “I haven’t told anyone about…”

“I didn’t,” he said, “I calculated that you would confirm my suspicion.” Summer dropped her jaw. She had just been played by her own robot. Summer shook her head still not believing what just happened.

“You can’t tell anypony!” Summer said. “Not a soul!”

“Who can I tell?” shrugged Gigatrot. Summer eyed him suspiciously.

“… Good.” she said slowly. What is he planning? Summer thought.

“I request one thing,” said Gigatrot. “Stay in Ponyville.”

“What?” blurted Summer, “I can’t just-“

“You can, and you will.” Said Gigatrot, holding a hoof up to Summer.


“I have calculated a desirable outcome for you.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Call it a feeling if you must.”

“You don’t have any feelings.” Said Summer coldly.

Gigatrot tilted his head at her. She had the impression that he was smiling. Even though he didn’t have any nodes to distort his mouth. “Perhaps,” he said, “I wish to stay.”

“And you’re blackmailing me to do that?”

“Only you can maintain and repair me,” Gigatrot reminded her. Summer stared at Gigatrot long and hard, being blackmailed by her own creation never crossed her mind. “Also, I will help you with whatever you need to earn your cutie mark.”

“Now you’re being nice?”

“I am Gigatrot,” he said, “I am what you made me to be.”

Summer couldn’t think of anything to say to him, or anything to get her out of his grasp. She would have to send a letter to Natty explaining her absence from Canterlot and what would that say?

Hey Natty,

I’m writing to tell you that my robot has taken me hostage and I won’t be coming back to Canterlot for awhile until I figure out how to permanently shut him off.

-Your friend,

Summer Sparks.

“Fine,” she said, “what do you want to do?”

“I saw a library when we arrived,” said Gigatrot, “I would like to go there.”

“There’s a library in Canterlot!”

“We are in Ponyville. Canterlot’s library does little good right now.”

Summer grunted. “Lead the way…” Gigatrot marched forward. He veered off the path to Canterlot and took the road that lead further into Ponyville.