• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 3,370 Views, 92 Comments

Sergeant-at-Hooves - Emeral Bookwise

Lunaverse: Cheerilee goes overboard when trying to prepare for the fight against Corona.

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Chapter 4: Rest and Recovery

The first thing Cheerilee noticed as she slowly regained awareness was a throbbing ache in the side of her jaw. The second thing she noticed was that she was laying in an unfamiliar bed, but the drab walls and scent of disinfectant in the air made it easy enough to discern where she was. Given her own reckless past this was hardly the first time she'd woken up in the hospital after an altercation.

Blinking the last of the hazy fog from her mind, Cheerilee tried to recall the last thing that happened. At the same time, she became distinctly aware of a third fact — she wasn't alone.

Ditzy was at her bedside, looking sufficiently concerned so as to have brought both of her normally skewed eyes into briefly focused alignment. Then it all clicked, and Cheerilee couldn't help but laugh aloud at the absurdity… at least until the pain in the side of her face protested.

"Ow… Trixie sure wasn't kidding, you really do pack a mean sucker punch. Maybe Mac and I should have let you tag along to help mop the floor with those Manhattan gangsters," Cheerilee tried to finish with a chuckle, but stopped short, clutching again at her still aching jaw.

"This isn't funny, Cheerilee," Ditzy said frowning, "You could have been seriously hurt and it would have been all my fault."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It was more my fault, if anypony's, really. Like I always tell my students before a nature hike, never provoke a mamma bear," with a carefree wave of her hoof, Cheerilee added, "Besides, I've taken worse bumps running with my old gang back before I settled down as a teacher. Other than this splitting pain in my jaw, I feel surprisingly refreshed. Guess maybe I needed the extra nap more than I thought."

"I'd hardly call sixteen hours a nap! When I couldn't wake you up the first thing I did was rush out to find Nurse Redheart. I was so worried, even after we moved you to the hospital and the doctors said you were just suffering from extended sleep deprivation."

"Okay, okay… I get it. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I suppose I'm just not as young as I used to be and I can't push myself the way I did back in college anymore. So how about I promise to get more sleep from now on and we just put this whole unfortunate altercation behind us, deal?"

"No," Ditzy said sternly in that way only mother's seem able to, "It's not okay. This is about more than just you spending too many late nights researching nonstop and writing endless contingency plans. It's about what caused you to become so obsessed with all of that in the first place."

"Obsessed!" Cheerily retorted with frustrated indignity, "I'm just trying to keep everypony I love and care about safe, and you're somehow trying to make that sound like a bad thing?"

Ditzy opened her mouth to retort, but paused before letting out a weary sigh.

"Maybe… I suppose… I mean, when you put it that way, but well… while you were unconscious I started reading more of your notes," she reached reached over to a small stack set beside her, and then holding up one notebook in particular, "Specifically the ones about Corona, since she's kind of the biggest threat that dragged all of us into this whole Heroes of Harmony mess to begin with… and you know, she's kind of obsessed too, isn't she?"

Cheerilee starred, wide-eyed, "Ditzy… you can't seriously be trying to compare me to that tyrant?"

Ditzy forced out a halfhearted chuckle, "It does sound pretty crazy, doesn't it, but I think that's kind of the point. Before she was Corona, Celestia was the guardian of peace and prosperity across all of equestria, beloved and worshipped by ponies far and wide. She just wanted to protect everypony too… until she took that desire to keep everypony safe too far."

Sighing again, Ditzy took a deep steading breath, "She’s sort of like an overprotective mother that way, I suppose. No wonder she can come across as so arrogant and uncompromising. Compared to the immortal centuries she's lived, all of us… we must be like less than foals to her, but still her responsibility all the same... and as a mother myself, I know what that's like all too personally. I have to think to myself, if I really had that kind of power, if I could turn the world into a perfect place where nothing could ever hurt my little Dinky… just how far would I really go to make it a reality?"

"Ditzy…" Cheerilee muttered trying to find words of comfort.

"No, it's okay, because I'm not Corona, because I haven't lost sight of what truly matters most to me, because I still see the ponies around me as individuals all with hopes and dreams of their own… because my heart is full of kindness, my own virtue of harmony. The princesses wielded those virtues together before us, and it empowered them to do great and wondrous things, but… whatever it is that happened between the two of them all those centuries ago, their harmony was broken and they both lost that connection. Don't you see, Cheerilee, that's why it's so important that we hold onto each other and to ourselves, or else we might also lose those virtues that tie us all together."

Cheerilee turned her head downcast, "You make it sound so easy, Ditzy, but what does that make me? My virtue is laughter, is that really all I'm good for? Am I just supposed to be a clown who keeps everypony else happy while ignoring just how dangerous things are?"

Ditzy gently placed a hoof under Cheerilee's head, lifting it up so their gaze met, forcing her own eyes into aligned focus to emphasis the point, "Of course not, the Elements of Harmony aren't that simple. According to your own research even, they've gone by many names before the ones we call them now. You didn't have to act the clown the day we all chose to bear our virtues. You aren't defined by any preconceived definition of laughter, Cheerilee. You define it for yourself, just like how I define my own kindness."

"But what's any of that even supposed to mean?"

Ditzy smiled then booped Cheerilee on the nose, "Silly, it means just be yourself and above all else be a friend. Not a clown and certainly not a drill-sergeant… be the pony who has always bravely led by example and encouraged the rest of us to be our best even in the face of terrifying adversity."

There was a long silent pause, before a cough interrupted the two mares. Standing in the doorway was a caramel-coated and chocolate-maned unicorn stallion in a white coat and levitating a clipboard, "As much as it pains me to intrude on this touching moment, but since the patient is up, I really should give here a proper exam, just to make sure everything is okay."

"Oh, Doctor Stable, of course," Ditzy replied as she stepped aside to let the him through, "I'll just show myself out then, but Cheerilee… you'll think about what I said, won't you?"

Cheerilee opened her mouth, paused, then sighed, "You've given me an awful lot to think about, but I promise."

Ditzy nodded.

The following day, the heroes of Equestria gathered again, not on the outskirts of town, but this time at the train station. Trixie, Ditzy, Carrot Top, Raindrops, and even a recovered Lyra all stood in a line.

Trixie leaned over to Ditzy, "You're sure you got through to her this time?"

Dity shrugged, "We'll find out soon enough."

Cheerille marched officiously up to the assembled mares, "Now I'm sure you girls are all wondering what special training exercises I have instore for us this weekend."

"Not really," Raindrops droled in reply, "I've kind of given up trying to second guess your insanity."

Carrot Top nudged her friend, whispering, "Do you really have to risk making her mad?"

Cheerilee whipped her eyes around, marching menacingly, "Did you have something you wanted to share with the rest of class?"

Carrot Top wilted under the other mare's overbearing gaze as Cheerilee got directly into her face, "Umm… no sir… I mean, no ma'am… I mean…"

Cheerilee bore down flatley, "Is that so…?"

A thick and silent tension stretched out before, "Boop!" Cheerilee exclaimed taping her friend playfully on the nose, "Why so serious, you'll worry yourself sick like that."

Carrot Top blinked, so did everypony else too, "Wait, so you aren't mad at me?"

"No, only mad at myself for driving you to the edge of a nervous wreck in the first place, but I've only got myself to blame for that. Fortunately, a very wise pony reminded me who I really am, who we all are. We might be heroes, knights even, with the weight of this whole nation's welfare on our shoulders, but we aren't and never have been soldiers… just six ordinary mares forced into extraordinary circumstances."

"Speak for yourself, the Great and Powerful Trixie was always extraordinary long before she became a hero."

"An extraordinary loudmouth," retorted Raindrops and then everypony, including Trixie, shared a brief giggle.

After allowing laughter to drain away any lingering tension, Cheerilee spoke up again, "I suppose each of us was always extraordinary in our own unique ways, but together we've become so much more than that. Not just heroes, but friends… and friendship is magic... a bit more litterly for the six of us, but still friends first and foremost, and there is a power in that bond which goes beyond any fancy artifacts."

"So then," Trixie inquired, "Does that mean you've finally come to your senses and we can forget all these training exercises?"

"No… or rather, yes. I've come to my senses, but we still need to train—"

There was a collective groan from four of the other five mares, only Ditzy keeping silent, although her eyes were no less pleading.

"Now, now hear me out first. Yes, we need to keep training both physically and mentally so that we can be ready for whatever challenges are ahead of us… together. That's the part I'd been forgetting, because the six of us are all in this together, and it's all of our responsibilities to look out for each other, not just to make sure no pony is slacking off, but also to make sure no pony is working themselves too hard either… and maybe most of all to make sure none of us is losing our way and forgetting what actually matters."

"So no more bugle wake up calls," asked Raindrops.

"I don't know," Cheerille replied slyly, "I spent an awful lot of money on that bugle, and I still never got to catch Trixie oversleeping in with it."

"Alright then," Raindrops conceded, "You can still use it to wake Trixie's lazy flank up."

"I hate both of you," Trixie said sticking her tongue out in exaggerated indignation.

"And we love you too," Cheerilee said sticking her own tongue out teasingly, "But onto the matter at hand and why I had you all meet me here at the train station. Today's special training mission is… have fun!" and to emphasise her point Cheerilee held up one hoof fanning out a set of tickets.

Five pairs of eyes blinked silently.

"The Barn and Haybale Circus, really?"

"Don't you think we're a little old for that kind of kid stuff?"

"Nope, I'm quite serious, deadly serious you might say…" Cheerilee paused stretching out a single bated breath before she burst out laughing, "Come on girls, you've got to loosen up, that's the lesson of the day… well, that and one more thing."

"Oh, and just what is that?"

"It's not just about the six of us having fun, it's about sharing in the fun of everypony else and reminding ourselves of just what it is we're fighting to protect," Cheerilee paused, taking a moment look between each of her friends, "And I'd like to think that's something we can all agree on?"

The other five looked back and forth with each other. One by one, four heads nodded in turn, but for one pony that just wasn't quite good enough.

"Heck, yeah!" Lyra exclaimed, "Come noon or high water, we six amigos stick together!"

She reared back to emphasise her point, standing tall on her hind legs with one fore-hoof held skyward. Unfortunately the mood was all to quickly spoiled by a subsequent exclamation as Lyra clutched at her back.

"Ow! Guess I'm not quite 100% again yet."

Another few chuckles were shared, even as Carrot Top offered to mix up an ointment to help Lyra feel better.

Cheerilee smiled to herself as she watched four of her friends board the train, already chatting excitedly about sights to see and shows to catch on their day trip. Turning to the one friend that had remained and trotted up beside her, Cheerilee asked, "Did I live up to your expectations?"

Ditzy shook her head with a smile, "It was never mine or anypony else's expectation you had to live up to in the first place."

"Heh… the old believe in myself speech is it?"

"As long as you're believing in the right version of yourself."

"Well, if I ever forget, at least I know there's one pony around who can literally knock the sense back into me. Though hopefully we can keep that left hook of yours in reserve until the next time there is a real fight to be won."

"I'd prefer it if I never had to hit anypony ever again, even if they are the bad guys we're trying to stop."

"Shame, I could have used somepony other than Raindrop to spar with," Cheerilee gave Ditzy a playful punch across the shoulder before adding, "But maybe I could impose on you to help me with something else."


"Like I said, we need to keep training both physically and mentally, and that means more research to be done and plans to be made… but I could use a study buddy, somepony to both double check my work and help keep me grounded?"

Ditzy frowned as she breathed out a long weary sigh, "Things are gonna get worse before they get better, aren't they?"

"Maybe… maybe not, but whatever the future holds I know we'll get through it together."

"Alright then, as long as you don't mind inviting all of us to study… together."

"I don't know," Cheerilee hesitated with a cherlish grin, "Trixie and books don't exactly get along all that well. She might just fall asleep if she tried."

Ditzy returned a knowing smile of her own, "Well, fortunately somepony still has a bugle, in case of bugle emergencies."

The two mares shared another laugh together, interrupted only by the blowing of the train whistle and the exclamations from their other friends already abroad to hurry up. With one final nod between them Cheerilee and Ditzy did just that.


Author's Note:

So one last time I'd like to thank GreyGuardPony for all of her assistance and feedback… I'd like to but I can't. As mentioned in my blog and elsewhere, she unfortunately passed away before ever getting a chance to read this final chapter. Still, it's in honor of her memory that I strived on to finish this anyway. She always encouraged me to keep working on this story over the too many years it's taken, and without her constant support, I'm not sure I'd ever have made it to the end.

I just wish it could have taken me even a month less get here, and that she could have still been around to share it with me.

Additional thanks must be given to RainbowDoubleDash, who stepped up to provide editing and feedback on this final chapter.

Comments ( 8 )

It’s a good chapter, and like all the best MLP stories this has a good moral lesson at the end. You shouldn’t let fear rule you, or you risk becoming the thing you fear. Gaze long enough into the Abyss and all that.

Connecting Cheerilee to Corona seems natural in hindsight. In Tambelon I of course had a bit where all the L6 have their moment of realization that Corona is just any one of them with phenomenal power and after a really bad day, but without realizing it I really did lay a lot of groundwork for those two in particular. Cheerilee is even the member of the L6 most willing to do wrong in order to do right, RE: Yangin.

Anyway. Glad the story has at last reached its end, and I’m looking forward to whatever you work on next!

Hmm this was an interesting story to read. Though I would have loved to read training after the epilogue this story was fun none the less. :twilightsmile:

Ditzy forced out a halfhearted chuckle, "It does sound pretty crazy, doesn't it, but I think that's kind of the point. Before she was Corona, Celestia was the guardian of peace and prosperity across all of equestria, beloved and worship (worshipped) by ponies far and wide. She just wanted to protect everypony too… until she took that desire to keep everypony safe too far."

Good ending overall. Glad to see this one finished.

It's good that they're finally in a place where they realize what happened to Corona. It'll make it easier to relate to her when she can rightfully use her real name again........

Huh. Didn't notice this had been updated and finished.

A nice ending for a good story. Good that things worked out for Cheerilee and Ditzy.
Other than that, don't know what else to say.

I really enjoyed this story, although I do wish we got to see more of the group switching roles and houses. IT would've been fun to have them get more into it.

There is a lot of potential, though for expedience I chose to focus on the ones I though would be the most entertaining, or in Ditzy's case actually necessary to the story. Cheerilee I think works better if we don't see her and instead hear about it after the fact from Dinky, especially since Ditzy more or less becomes the main character for the second half of this fic, so we find out about that part the same way she does.

I didn't really have any ideas at all for what to do with Trixie in Carrot Top's house, and it felt unfair to single her out as the only pony we neither see nor hear about, so I left Raindrops on the cutting room flor as well. Admittedly, I do sorta regret that since Lyre's House is more accurately BonBon's, and that's a pairing I think could maybe lead to some amusingly awkward antics. I suppose I could always go back and write a bonus chapter "deleted" scene.

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