• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 3,370 Views, 92 Comments

Sergeant-at-Hooves - Emeral Bookwise

Lunaverse: Cheerilee goes overboard when trying to prepare for the fight against Corona.

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Chapter 1: Wake-Up Call

His coat was a golden tan, over a body so toned it looked almost as though he were an expertly crafted statue cast in bronze. His long and elegantly groomed mane with matching tail was a rich auburn that blew magnificently in the wind. His eyes were like two endlessly deep pools of ocean blue, and it was with those eyes that he gazed upon the mare.

The jasmine coated pegasus shivered as he traced a hoof along the outline of the three droplets of her cutie mark. She moaned in delight as he nuzzled his snout though her turquoise mane, inhaling deeply of her scent. When he pulled away she opened her mouth to protest, but all such thoughts disappeared from her mind as she felt a gentle prodding at her lips. The mare opened wide and took in the full length of his offering and swirled her tongue about it, savoring the taste before biting.

As she chewed, the rich flavor of the honey-glazed prench bread became even more pronounced. The stallion then silently offered her a glass cherry wine which she eagerly took to wash down the remains of the bread.

The pair of ponies sat at a table amidst a vibrant field of flowers all in full bloom, the only illumination a singular candle at the center and the stars above. He gazed at her and she back at him before speaking but a single word, "More."

The stallion spoke back to her in his luxurious accent, "Ah, be careful my sweet. You do not want fill up on appetizers before the main course... and of course after that there is dessert."

She smiled coyly, "Maybe we could skip right to the desert then."

"Oh, but you are a naughty g—" the stallion's words were cut short though, as the mare lunged across the table and locked her lips with his. The two tumbled down the sloping field of flowers until they came to rest by the side of A sparkling river.

As their kiss broke, the mare looked down upon her stallion and he back up at her. He leaned up softly, but not for another kiss; instead he nibbled her ear once and then whispered, "There is something I must tell, something I have felt in the pit of my heart from the moment I first saw you."

"Yes..." she moaned she felt his moist warm breath against her.

The stallion took in a deep breath — and then blared like a trumpet.

Raindrops shot bolt upright in bed as the trumpeting continued its relentless roar, fast ripping away the lingering ecstasy of her dream.

Hurling her blanket to the floor –along with a novel depicting a rather familiar looking stallion in a suggestive pose– the pegasus stomped over to her window. She nearly unhinged the shutter as she threw it open, ready to murder –or at least maim– whatever fool had spoiled her dream... and just before it got to the good part, no less.

As she drew in a deep breath to begin shouting down the interloper, her rage caught in her throat at the sight in the street below, "Che... Cheerilee...? I don't... but what... do you have any idea what time it is?"

The plum colored earth pony lowered the bugle from her lips and smiled, "Why, of course I do. It's a half-past sunrise, which means you're late."

"Late...? Late for what?"

"Tsk...tsk... Raindrops," Cheerilee scolded with exagerated dispointment, "Don't tell me you, of all ponies, forgot." Then, beeming with exuberance, "Why, it's the first day of our new knights of the realm training regiment, of course! Now, up and at'em, girl, we've all got a busy day!"

My little pony, My little pony
Ahh ahh ahh ahhh...
My little pony
Friendship never meant that much to me
My little pony
But you're all here and now I can see
Stormy weather; Lots to share
A musical bond; With love and care
Teaching laughter; It's an easy feat,
And magic makes it all complete!
You have my little ponies
How'd I ever make so many true friends?

At the edge of Ponyville, five mares all stood in a line.

Carrot Top absently brushed a yellow hoof against a stray tangle in her orange mane, quietly lamenting having to cut short her normal morning grooming session. She wasn't a vain earth pony by any stretch of the imagination, but she still took great pride in mane-care as her singular luxury that she never skimped out on, no matter how much she had to squeeze her budget. True, it was only just the one tangle, hardly even noticeable, but she knew its existence would nag at the back of her mind all day long.

Next to her, Lyra Heartstrings was bouncing energetically on her mint-colored hooves, her golden eyes darting back and forth as she eagerly asked her friends on either side if they were as excited as she was. Her horn even let off the occasional spark to punctuate her enthusiasm.

Ditzy Do stretched out her gray feathered wings wide, flexing the tips to work out any early morning kinks. One of her yellow eyes tracked her friend with each bounce, while the other seemed to contemplate an errant blade of grass. "Aren't you a bit hyper this morning?"

"Huh...?" the unicorn stopped mid bounce, though her hooves still danced about with restless energy, "Is that supposed to be a crack about me being lazy?"

Ditzy shifted uncomfortably under her friend's gaze, "I'm not trying to judge. It's just that whenever I've dropped off the morning mail at the confectionerium, BonBon always says you're still upstairs sleeping."

"That's not about being lazy!" Lyra responded a bit more harshly then intended, "There's just not much call for a musician in the morning, which means I make my best money playing in the afternoon and evenings, so it's just that I might as well sleep in."

Ditzy supposed that made sense, even if she preferred spending her own occasional off-duty morning by catching up on chores. Of course, having her daughter to look after probably made a difference there, too. "Alright, but you still seem a bit perkier than usual."

"Well, I might have had an extra two or three cups of coffee with breakfast just to make sure I was at my best... and well, there was probably a little cream and sugar involved too."

At that moment Carrot Top joined in, "I've seen you drink your coffee; it's usually more than just a little cream and sugar, and you even stir it in with a candy-cane."

"Hey! I do live in a candy shop, so it's just more convenient than having to clean up an extra spoon later," then with a sly grin the unicorn added, "Besides, who said I was talking about my coffee when I mentioned the cream and sugar."

Next in line was Trixie, the self-proclaimed Great & Powerful, who was too tired to feel her typical unease at such innuendos. Her azure coat was bereft of its signature garb. As she yawned and swayed lightly on her hooves, the unicorn muttered some mild curse that her mentor couldn't have –just this once– neglected her eternal duties and left the sun beneath the horizon, if only for an extra hour or two.

Lastly stood Raindrops, still in something of a foul mood and lamenting the loss of the dream Cheerilee had stolen from her. Yes, they'd all come to a mutual agreement to begin this training regiment, including the part about starting at the crack of dawn, but she'd never expected the usually laid back school teacher would enforce punctuality with quite so much zeal.

As Trixie stifled another yawn while rubbing her weary eyes, Raindrops whispered to her, "So I guess Cheerilee dragged you out of bed too."

"Qui, moi? How could you say such a... *yawn* ... thing? Just because I'm not a morning pony doesn't mean I can't drag my own flank out of bed, thank you very much." Trixie then grinned slyly, "Besides, yesterday I saw Cheerilee buy a bugle of all things. As much as I despise mornings, it was worth the extra effort just to see the shocked look on her face when I stepped out my door five minutes early."

A moment passed in silence before Trixie realized, "Wait, you said too; don't tell me she...?"

Raindrops only blushed with shame, but before Trixie could press the matter any further, "Alright girls, that's enough chitchat."

All five ponies broke from their disparate conversations to give Cheerilee their full attention as she paced slowly in front of them. "Philomena, the Salamanders, Tambelon..." she conveniently failed to mention the time all the alcohol in town had been cursed, but that event had been embarrassing enough that the six –along with most of the rest of the town– preferred not to speak of it, "...now then, I know none of us ever expected to bear the burden of an entire nation on our shoulders, and that we've all been trying our best, but we've all agreed that it hasn't been enough and that it's high past time we started treating our duties like the knights Princess Luna made us. We've got three strikes against us, but we aren't out of this game yet, and we won't let the tyrant sun catch us with our pants down again; are you with me!"

A chorus of raucous cheers came from the assembled mares. Even Trixie felt invigorated as she cast aside the remains of sleep. The six ponies who bore within them the primal forces of harmony stood together of a single mind and purpose... well, almost all of them.

The cheers were cut short as Raindrops interceded, "None of us even wear pants." It was a silly thing to say, but some part of Raindrops' mind that still begrudged the rude awakening she'd been given just let it slip. She flustered slightly in embarrassment as the others all eyed her, but still pressed, "Well, we don't. What kind of pony wears pants anyway?"

Maybe it was just the early morning air or that she was still in the grips of a combination caffeine buzz and sugar rush, but Lyra responded, "I think Ace does."

"Mrs. Pearl too," added Ditzy.

Cheerilee coughed lightly to get everypony focused again, "It's just a turn of phrase. Now then—"

"Where'd it come from though?" interrupted Carrot Top, to everypony's surprise, "I mean, it's just never made any sense to me, did some noble come up with it?"

Trixie scratched a hoof under her chin, "I don't think so. Not many ponies in Canterlot wear them either, not even Fancy Pants, and it's even his namesake."

Cheerilee coughed more sternly this time, "That's enough of that, my little ponies," said the school teacher in the same tone she would use to quiet a class of noisy foals.

With that distraction put aside, the six mares had began the day's routine with a series of calisthenics and stretches. For Raindrops, it really wasn't all that different than her own usual exercise habits –albeit not at such an early hour– so despite her grogginess, she found the activities mostly effortless, even if flexibility still wasn't her strong suit.

Carrot Top also had no real difficulties, but that was hardly surprising given that out of all the six, she had by far the most physically taxing job. The farmer's demurely reserved composure belied an impressive physique built from single-hoofedly plowing fields day-in and day-out.

What did surprise most of the assembled ponies though, was just how well Trixie kept pace. It wasn't exactly common knowledge, but for the past few months, Trixie had been exercising alongside Raindrops, if inconsistently. While she mostly started as a means of occasional distraction and stress relief, the efforts had gotten results nevertheless.

Despite her initial excitement and vigor, Lyra had quickly lagged behind, at least with the more rigorous exercises. The unicorn did still manage to show everypony else up when it came to stretching, most of the others having forgotten the displays of extreme flexibility she had shown off when they were all introducing themselves on that fateful day in the Everfree Forest so many months ago.

Ditzy was having some trouble as well. While no stranger to a hard day's work, she was more used to the long-term efforts of lugging post ridden bags along her mail routes, so exerting herself so much in such quick bursts was quite exhausting.

Cheerilee easily had the most balanced performance; not the strongest or most flexible, but blending both in equal measure and seamlessly shifting from one exercise to the next. Yet even as she cheerfully complemented the efforts of the others while encouraging them to each push just a bit harder, she could also be heard occasionally muttering about how out of shape she'd let herself get since settling down as school teacher.

With the warm-ups out of the way, Cheerilee had lead the group to the morning's main event and so now the six mares looked out at an expansive obstacle course that had been set up for them. Five of those mares exchanged wearily nervous glances.

"Uh, wow... so umm, did you really set up all of this by yourself?"

"Oh, it really wasn't that hard," Cheerilee replied matter-of-factly and oblivious to any concern, "Besides, I got Rainbow Dash to help me. She even said she based some of it off the obstacles the Wonderbolts use in their training, though modified for non-pegasi, of course."

"Uh, maybe we should tone it down a little; we aren't exactly Wonderbolt class athletes."

"Hmm..." she contemplated, "I suppose we could cut out the jump through the flaming hoops."

A wire mesh was strung out across several low stakes in the ground, forcing the mares to crawl their way under it. Carrot Top came to an abrupt stop about three-quarters of the way through. Normally, her natural affinity for plants helped her pass bushes and brambles with minimal effort, but that clearly didn't apply to metal wire and that errant tangle in her mane from earlier had snagged. As she fidgeted, she got more of her mane caught, along with her tail as well.

Minutes later, the farm pony stood with puffed cheeks, glaring at the pair of shears that had been used to free her. The damage was overall pretty minimal, her friends having been careful what they cut away, but it was more so the principle of the matter. Still, despite her best efforts, the offending object refused to melt into a pile of slag under the ire of Carrot Top's vengeful gaze. Finally the mare harrumphed, and as she turned away, gave an absent-minded kick with a hind leg.

...she yelped in pain and began hopping on three legs, the shears having got one last laugh at her expense by managing to sit at just the right angle so as to have jabbed the flustered mare in the soft inner lining of her hoof.

A grid of wagon wheels laid on their sides, one-by-one each mare took turns trotting through, until an azure-coated unicorn stumbled, tripped, and went sprawling into the ground. Trixie muttered a Neigh Orleanian curse and glared at the offending objects, while four other mares giggled lightly before helping her up.

A nearly vertical stack of logs barred further progress. Two-by-two, the mares each took one of the hanging ropes hanging form the top in their mouth and begin climbing their way up.

Heaving herself to the top, Lyra let out a victory cry and even proceeded to dance a little jig. With one misplaced hoof though, she lost her precarious balance; Ditzy reached out to catch her but only lost her own balance as well and the two ended up rolling down the other side, ending up in a heap atop of Raindrops and Carrot Top below.

Cheerilee sighed and shook her head, only for Trixie to nudge her with a hoof and give her a reassuring grin. The school teacher returned the smile, but her eyes still lingered on the other four as they disentangled themselves.

A long narrow plank stretched across a mud pit and weighted sand bags swung back and forth across the path. Lyra deftly dodged and ducked under the pendulums, putting her flexibility, balance, and sense of rhythm to excellent use. Carrot Top followed after with significantly less grace, having to pause at several spots to avoid falling over or rushing into an oncoming bag. Ditzy crossed with mixed effort; her skewed eyes left her with poor depth perception, but also helped her track multiple objects at once.

Raindrops barreled forward with reckless abandon, actually taking one or two grazing hits completely unfazed, until finally a bag caught her full on. Even at that, the sturdy pegasus only stumbled, but as she struggled to regain her balance, her forward momentum carried her into the path of another bag swinging in the opposite direction.


As Raindrops cleaned the mud from her eyes she gazed up at the plank, roiling with restrained fury; the fact Trixie blew her a raspberry as she passed certainly didn't help. Without even stopping to think, Raindrops scooped up a sizable ball of mud in one hoof and tossed it in the unicorn's eyes. Trixie let out a startled cry, before misplacing a hoof step and tumbling to join Raindrops in the pit.

"Hey, no fair! That's cheating!"

"Meh, you deserved it."

"And you deserve this!" shouted Trixie as she took a ball of mud in her own hoof and lobbed it at Raindrops.

The pegasus effortlessly dodged the attack, "You really shouldn't give somepony so much warning", but rather than seeming frustrated, Trixie only grinned. Raindrops only had just enough time to glance upward before an even larger ball of mud, levitated by unicorn magic, fell down on top of her.

Trixie chortled in triumph, but it was short-lived before a barbaric roar pierced the heavens.

As the two mares took it in turn dodging volleys while returning their own, three other mares watched from above.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" asked a worried looking Carrot Top.

Lyra shrugged, "Nah, I say we let them get it out of their system," then with wry grin, "besides, why spoil a good show?"

Shortly thereafter though, a seemingly errant ball of mud curved sideways in mid air, guided by Trixie's magic, and struck Lyra in the side of the head, "I heard that!"

With a single hoof, Lyra slowly wiped the mud from her cheek. Then clapping her hooves together, she spread twin streaks of mud as a sort of makeshift war paint, "Oh, it. Is. On!" and with her own battle cry she charged into the muddy carnage.

It wasn't long before a few more not-so-accidental balls coxed both Carrot Top and Ditzy into the fray as well, and soon all five were laughing as they rolled about in the muck. That is until they all had to hastily cover their ears as a shrill whistle cut the air.

Cheerilee lowered a hoof from her mouth as she glared down at the five, who all averted their gaze as though they were a group of naughty foals caught in the act. "Would you care to explain yourself?"

"Aw shucks, Cheers..." chuckled Lyra, as she scratched a hoof behind her mane, "I guess we maybe just all got a little carried away."

"I'll discuss the issue of your getting carried away, like back at the wall, later. Right now though, I was specifically talking to Raindrops. You deliberately tripped Trixie up."

"Ooh, busted," said Trixie in a mocking drawl.

The school teach then shifted her glare, "Don't think you're off the hook either, missy! I caught that raspberry you blew. Raindrops might have been in the wrong, but you provoked her; what kind of teamwork is that?"

"I... um, well... that is..."

"Oh come on," flustered Raindrops, "It's not like either of us would pull stunts like that if any of this was real. Besides, if this were real, I'd have never fallen in the first place," she then spread her wings wide, "Or did you forget I've got these?"

"Oh, is that so? And did you forget that time Zecora used a potion to paralyze your wings? Or what if that sandbag had been a salamander who coiled around you before taking a dive into a lava pit?"

As Raindrops glowered, Trixie regained her composure, "Look, we get it; we both screwed up. Like Raindrops said though, it's only practice, so nothing wrong with a little harmless fun and games."

"Fun and games?" Cheerilee dead panned, "Oh sure, it's all fun and games until—"


Silence hung dead in the air as four mares stared slack-jawed at the sight of Cheerilee, now with her face plastered in mud. Slowly, they turned their heads to eye the culprit.

Carrot Top wilted under the combined gaze. "Uh... I guess that was bad timing."

"Lake! Now! All of you!" bellowed Cheerilee, "I want you cleaned up and ready to give the course a second run in five!"

"Why bother?" Raindrops moaned, "We're just going to get dirty again anyway."

"Don't give me any lip soldier, now move it, move it, move it!"

Author's Note:

-- Extra special thanks to my old buddy and long time editor, ColdGoldLazarus, for proof reading this.
-- Additional thanks to Blackbelt for beta feedback and story advice.