• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Emeral Bookwise

A lonely pony amidst the darkness, ever longing for companions to share the night with.


This story is a sequel to Elements of Insanity

Silverstar, formerly sheriff of Appaloosa, had one job: find the fugitive Twilight Sparkle and bring her safely back home to her family -- He failed.

She was caught, but not by him. Guilt ridden, the weary trail worn stallion comes to visit the unicorn as she awaits trial for her crimes. However, one promise can all to easily turn into an excuse to avoid another.

• Semi-canon tie-in story set in RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse.
• Editing advice provided by FinalFan.
• Cover art elements compiled from Twilight Sparkle vector art by Hawk9mm, and an image of Silverstar edited from screenshots of the show.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

I don't suppose that the Mane Six's world is ever going to become common knowledge. Also, I hope he finally finds some measure of peace. He may not believe it but he does deserve it.


Also, I hope he finally finds some measure of peace.

That's supposed to be the idea. :twilightsmile:

6071311 Oh, good. Something positive came out of it after all.

I feel like I am missing a bit here with Silverstar, but it's all nice to see that Lunaverse Twi has grown so much so quickly.

Also, that mare at the end... :twilightoops:

I still don't know how to feel about Shining though. He is legitimately good at his job, but he is an enormously entitled brat sometimes.

I'm not sure what's missing with Silverstar. I though this story more or less follows directly off of the implications from the end of EoI, but if you could maybe explain what you feel is missing then I could likewise try to better fill in the gaps.

Anyway, yeah Shining is a bit entitled, but then again he's also under a lot of stress over his sister going missing, so it's kind of hard to blame the guy for getting a little overbearing in relation to that. Then again maybe I just have more empathy for him as an older brother myself.

I am an older brother myself, and I certainly get him on that point, but I also remember how he acted in the Gala story. Overall, he seems to be balanced on a bit of an edge. He has a lot of the arrogance and entitlement you see in the nobility in this setting, some of which probably comes from his own parents, some of it simply from where he lives, the culture in which he was raised. However, when the chips are down, he is not only very competent, but has shown that he will generally make the right choice, regardless of personal feelings. The Gala, for instance. He spends a lot of time bedeviling Trixie for REALLY petty reasons, and as a result indirectly hurts a town's ability to get disaster relief. However, he goes along with Trixie's sting operation completely, even though he pretty much despises her. I feel like he leans a little more towards dropping off towards the less positive traits, except things have been changing in Canterlot, and with his sister having a near 180 in how she acts. It might push him back the "right" way.

As for Silverstar, this is really me. What I meant by missing, is that I am unaware of his backstory, thanks to not really being up to snuff on the Lunaverse. I didn't even know Silverstar was involved. So it's not anything you did.

Fair enough. Obviously I'd recommend reading EoI seeing as this story is listed as a sequel to that in the description. Specifically chapters 2, 5, 7, and 11 are the most directly relevant, though obviously bits and pieces are woven throughout.

Keep in mind that prior to Gala, Shining Armor would have known about Trixie...from her pre-Ponyville days. A lot of Gala and Season 1 in general is the nobles treating Trixie and reacting to Trixie based on how she used to be when she lived in Canterlot, which was...less than pleasant.

Count me as another who felt Shining Armor was a self-entitled jackass who made things a lot worse. He was too close, and I think I've liked him maybe... once, so far?

Anyway, nice tying up of loose ends, Emeral. Good to see Silverstar and Loosy finding some measure of happiness, there. :)

Well yeah, Shining is being a bit self-entitled, but can you really blame him? I mean after months of worrying about his sister's safety, he's finally found her, and then before he even so much as has the chance to talk to her again, the ponies who have up to that point failed to do their job in capturing her come along and try to take over. It's not like he's trying to block justice from being served, as he still fully intends that she needs to stand trial. I think he just legitimately doesn't trust anyone else to be able to hold her in custody, and so is very much afraid that if he turns her over now she'd only escape and runaway all over again.

I'm not trying to say that he's "right", only that he's a big brother trying to look out for his little sister. You don't have to agree with his methods, but I'd hope you could at least understand his reasons.

Good to see Silverstar and Loosy finding some measure of happiness, there. :)

This was always the more important part of the story, so I'm glad at least that much worked out for you.

> "And maybe if I'd never been so preoccupied with my own ideas of what is and isn't magic, I'd have never need to do something so stupid as drag a starbear into the middle of a peaceful little town just to show Trixie up. Were it not for simple quirk of fate, she and I could have even found our entire positions reversed." 

Not even in a parallel universe would the Great & Powerful Representative to the NightCourt Beatrix LulaMoon and Miss Twilight Sparkle have their positions reversed.:trixieshiftright:

He's finally getting a measure of peace. Heartwarming.

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