• Published 6th May 2013
  • 6,397 Views, 265 Comments

Drowning in Love - Silentpegasus

Wake Breaker, a Pegasus stallion that prefers the dark blue realm of the water to the sky above. A certain Pegasus mare soon finds herself infatuted with the stallion. What will happen when water and air clash?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Return

Chapter 9


Rainbow Dash sat in the library surrounded by her five friends with a cup of tea between her hooves. “So I asked the doctor about it and he said that we should have some type of intervention counseling....thing.” She said as she let out a sigh.

“You said that he’s woken up screaming and heavy sweating?” Twilight asked. Rainbow nodded as the lavender mare trotted over to her bookshelf and levitated a book down to her. “Let’s see....Screaming.....Sweating......It sounds like he’s suffering from night terrors.”

“Night terrors?” Applejack asked.

“Think of them like extreme nightmares and can have psychological damage on the individual.” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“Have you tried to talk to him about it?” Rarity suggested.

“Yeah, whenever he wakes up I ask him if anything is bothering him but he brushes me off.” She said in a defeated tone. “I wanna see if I can help him before we think of calling a therapist.”

“Is there anypony that he’s close too? Maybe we can ask them.” Pinkie suggested. Rainbow Dash thought for a moment and got to her hooves.

“Hey Twi, what time is it?”

“Ten thirty. Why?”

“Good, there’s still time.” Dash said as she charged out the door leaving the mares in a confused state.

Rainbow took to the skies and flew in front of the Wonderbolt Headquarters. As she approached two Pegasus guards blocked her path. “Sorry Ms. Dash but the Wonderbolts are too busy to sign autographs today.” One of them answered.

“Look it’s really, really important that I talk to Spitfire.” She said in a persistent tone. The two guards looked at one another and shrugged.

“Nice try Ms. Dash but-” They were cut off as the cyan mare zoomed past the guards and into the Wonderbolt building. The guards charged in after her hoping to catch the rainbow maned speed demon. Dash flew through the Wonderbolt halls until she saw her prize; the Wonderbolt lounge. She burst through the door startling several Wonderbolts, including Soarin and Spitfire. The golden mare was in her dress uniform and stared at the mare in shock.

“There you are.” She said as she galloped up to the golden Wonderbolt.

“Rainbow Dash? I really don’t have the time for an autograph session!” She said in a flat tone.

“I’m not here about that.” She said as the two guards entered the room and restrained her. As they started to drag her away Spitfire rolled her eyes and started to trot back to her couch. “It’s about Wake.” The golden mare stopped in her tracks at the words. Spitfire turned around and faced the mare who was being dragged away by the guards.

“Wait.” The captain said as she held up her hoof. The two guards stopped moving and let go of the mare. “Follow me.” Spitfire said as she walked by the cyan mare. Rainbow followed the Wonderbolt Captain into her office and closed the door behind her. “This better be the truth Dash or else-”

“I swear on my Wonderbolt admission that this isn’t some trick.” Rainbow said with a sigh. Spitfire sat behind her desk in her swivel chair and stared at the mare as she raised an eyebrow.

“So what’s wrong? Did you two break up?” She asked.

“NO!” Rainbow stammered. She took a deep breath and looked at the Captain. “I came here because I need your help. Wake’s been having night terrors and I don’t want to force him into therapy.” She said as she lowered her head, “I want to help him but I don’t know where to start and since you’re his cousin I thought you might have some good advice.” The golden mare looked at her with a saddened look on her face.

“I thought that he’d gotten past this.” She said in a low tone.

“Gotten past what?” Rainbow asked.

“Look Dash. Wake has had a rough life. Do you know about his-” She said as she pointed to her own wings.

“Yeah, he showed me his wings.” She said with a sigh.

“Did he tell you about his brother?”

“Only that he died. Why?” Rainbow asked.

“Wake blames himself for his brother’s death.” The room went silent and a thick layer of tension seemed to fall between the two mares.


“He’s always blamed himself, even though it was a freak accident. He used to have nightmares about it. Eventually he said that he moved passed it but, it looks like he just lied so I wouldn’t worry about him.” She said as she looked out the window.

“How did his brother die?” Rainbow asked.

“Sorry Dash, even I don’t know the full story. I would tell you to talk to Wake’s folks about it, but since they don’t know you and they’re both unreachable you’re gonna have to get that info from Wake.”

“Where are his parents?”

“Last time I checked his dad is off on a six month tour and his mom is off studying marine life in Gryphonia.” She said with a sigh. “Not unlike them.”

“That’s horrible!”

“Don’t get the wrong idea Dash. Wake’s parents love him with all their heart. He’s just too stubborn to ask them for help and doesn’t want to be a burden to them.” She said with a sigh. “Look the only way to deal with this is to hit the source and the only way to do that is to get Wake in a place where he feels safe.”

“Where’s that?”

“That’s the tough part. The only place that he feels safe is the place he hates with a burning passion.” She said with a sigh.

“You mean Colt Cod?”

“Yeah. Look Rainbow, even I couldn’t get him to go back there.” She said ina defeated tone.

“Why does he hate it? It’s his home.” She said in confusion.

“Aside from his brother’s death, some plot hole photographer got a rare shot of Wake with his wings exposed.” Rainbow put a hoof to her mouth in shock. “I managed to use what little influence I had to get the document pulled but by the time I did it was too late and everypony in Colt Cod saw his wings.” She said in a reluctant tone.

“Wake felt humiliated and outcasted. He packed up his stuff and went inland without a word of goodbye to any of his friends. He spent the last two years traveling from town to town. I didn’t even know he moved to Ponyville until you two visited us at the after party a month ago.” She said with a sigh.

“So.....What’s causing Wake’s nightmares-”

“It’s only a hunch, but it’s believable that Wake’s nightmares are being caused by his memories of that place.” She said as she looked at the cyan mare. “Look Dash you have two options: Either get Wake to face his fears or therapy.” The two mare’s looked towards the door as Soarin entered.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we gotta get to the photo shoot Spit.”

“Right, I’ll be there in a second.” She said as the stallion nodded and turned back out into the hallway. “Look Rainbow I can tell that you care about Wake and you want to help him. Franky I think that you’re the only one who can.” She said as she walked back towards the door. “Please, he needs your help.” She said with a small tear in her eye. Rainbow nodded and flew out the window back towards the town. Spitfire walked out of her office to see Soarin waiting for her with a concerned look on his face.

“You okay Spit?”

“Me? Yeah, I’m fine.” She said in a low tone.

Rainbow Dash landed in front of the town pool and saw Wake on the Lifeguard stand. Since his accident had left him bed ridden The mayor had assigned Lyra and Bon-Bon as additional help. Wake smiled and waved Rainbow over to him. “Hey Dash what’s up?” He asked with a smile on his face.

“Can we talk? Alone?” She asked in a low tone.

“Sure Lyra’s shift starts in five minutes.” He said as he cocked an eyebrow.

“Cool, meet me by the gate in five then.” She said as she trotted off. Wake had a gut wrenching feeling in the pit of his stomach as she walked away. Five minutes Later the mint green mare came to relieve him. Wake handed her the whistle and mega phone. The blue stallion caught up to the cyan mare who was waiting for him with a nervous look on her face.

“Hey Rainbow what’s up?”

“Look Wake, we need to talk.” She said in a worried tone.

“Did I do something wrong?” He asked with his voice wrapped in fear.

“No, it’s your dreams.” The stallion felt a little relived. “They’re hurting you and I want to help.”

“I’m fine Dash-”

“No, you’re not!” She yelled. “For the past four night’s you’ve woken up screaming and covered in sweat. I know it has something to do with your hometown and I want to help you.”

“Look Rainbow it’s complicated and-”

“Is it about the photo that plot hole took of you?” The blue stallion looked at her in shock. “I talked with Spitfire today and she told me.” She said with a look of guilt on her face. “She’s worried about you, I’m worried about you. All of our friends are worried.” Wake sat on the ground and held his head low.

“I was humiliated Rainbow. Back then only two other ponies knew about my wings. Ponies started to call me the ‘Sea Monster from Colt Cod.’ It was just too much for me to take. So I skipped town.” He said as he hung his head in shame. Rainbow wrapped him in a hug and ran a hoof through his mane.

“I know you’re scared. Who wouldn’t be? Whatever it takes Wake, I’ll be there to help you.” She said with a smile. The blue stallion smiled back at her.

“Thanks Dash. You’re the best and you’re right. I think it’s time I went home.” He said with a gulp. “I’ll go talk to the mayor this afternoon and see if I can get a week off.”

“Got it. I’ll get packing then.” Dash said with a smile. Wake galloped down the road towards City Hall. Dash took to the skies and ventured off towards her house.

Later that Night Wake was busy packing his things into a duffle bag when he heard a knock on his door. “It’s open.” He said aloud. The door opened to reveal Rainbow and the five other mares with saddle bags on their backs. “Hey Dash, what are all of you guys doing here?” He asked.

“You didn’t think that we were gonna let you tackle something like this on your own now did ya?” The farmer said with a grin.

“You guys don’t have to-”

“We want to help you silly.” Pinkie chimed.

“Quite, plus a trip down to Colt Cod sounds simply divine.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Look Wake we’re your friends and we want to help you in any way we can.” Twilight said with a nod.

“Thanks guys.” Wake said with a smile. “Are you all packed?” The mares nodded. “Okay then let’s go.” The stallion said as he finished putting his belongings in his bag. The seven ponies then made their way to the train station. As they got into their seat’s Wake had an uneasy look on his face.

“You okay?” Dash asked.

“Yeah, just nervous.” He said as the cyan mare took his hoof in hers.

“It’ll be okay and if anypony gives you any trouble then they’ll have to deal with me.”

“Celestia save them.” He said with a chuckle. With that note Wake remained quiet for the rest of the train ride. The mare’s talked amongst one another as the train ride lasted into the late night. Wake eventually dozed off and rested his head against the glass window. The blue stallion was awoken by Rainbow nudging his shoulder. “Hmm? What?” He asked in a tired tone.

“We’re here.” Rainbow said as she got to her hooves. Wake stretched and pulled out his duffle bag. Before he left the train car he threw on a red hooded sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off. “Why are you wearing that thing?”

“I just want to keep a low profile for now.” He said as his stomach growled. “Let’s just get to my house and then we’ll go sightseeing okay?” The mares nodded and followed the hooded stallion through the busy streets. Wake took in the scent of the salty air coming from the ocean and smiled. “Just like I remembered it.” He said to himself. The mare’s followed the stallion to the outskirts of town to see a massive white house on the ocean front.

“Wow.” The mares said as they looked at the house.

“Yup, home sweet home.” He said as he lifted up a fake rock and pulled out a key. He inserted into the lock and opened the door. The floor was tiled and had a deep blue to it. The walls were pearl white and had photo’s attached to the walls. As they stepped into the living room the mare’s realized that there was a massive fish tank against the far wall. Fluttershy hurried over to it and her eyes boggled.

“Oh how wonderful.” She said with a smile.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Wake said as he set his bag down. “There’s a guest room upstairs along with my parent’s room. You guys can use those.” He said with a nod.

“Thanks Wake.” Twilight said as they trotted upstairs. The blue stallion showed them the restroom and the other rooms of the house.

“Oh jeez I better check on Crush.” Wake said as he face hoofed.

“Who?” Dash asked.

“My pet.” He said as he ran down the stairs. The mares followed him down to what they thought was a basement. Their jaws dropped when they saw that there was a sandy beach with a private cove surrounded by rocks.

“This is so awesome!” Dash yelled.

“Yeah this lagoon has a direct link to the ocean. Just swim under the small stretch of rocks and you’re in the ocean.” He said as he stepped off the concrete and onto the sand. Rainbow landed on a small smooth rock slightly bulging from the ground.

“So Wake where’s your pet?” The blue stallion looked around and noticed that the rock Dash was sitting on had a tail and eyes.

“I think you’re sitting on him Dash.” He said as he pointed to the now moving rock.

“Huh?” She said as she looked down to see two flippers come out from the rock along with a head. The mare immediately hopped off the animal and hid behind Wake. “What in the hay is that?”

“It’s a-”

“A Sea Turtle!” Fluttershy said as she flew towards the animal.

“Yup.” Wake said with a smile. The turtle slowly made his way towards the blue stallion who met him halfway. “Hey boy, how are you doing?” The turtle raised a flipper and slapped him in the face. “Okay I deserved that.” The animal nodded in agreement. “Look I’m sorry okay, I just had to get away from it all for a while.” The turtle remained emotionless and went back into the water. “I think I just got bitch slapped by a turtle.” He said as he rubbed his face.

“That’s what it looks like.” Twilight said with a small giggle.

“Let me show you guys around then.” He said as he started to walk back into his home. The mares followed him back through the house and onto the street. The blue stallion threw the hood over his head and kept his head held low as Rainbow trotted next to him.

“You okay Wake?” She asked in a hesitant tone.

“Yeah, it just feels....weird being back.” He said with a gulp.

“I don’t know about y’all but I could go for a drink.” The farmer said trying to lighten the mood.

“Likewise and I know just the place.” He said with a smile. The mare’s followed the hooded stallion onto a boardwalk that was staring to fill with ponies. The group entered a deserted bar and looked around for a place to sit. The place was made out of mahogany colored wood. The seat’s were a variety of different colors. The stallion smirked and eyed the golden seat in the far corner. The mare’s sat down next to him and saw a smile creep across his face.

“Why are you smiling?”

“A friend of mine used to work here.” He said as he sat back.

“Does he still?” Twilight asked.

“We’ll know in three....two....one.” As he pointed towards the kitchen door a tan Earth pony stallion with his dark brown mane in dreadlocks came bursting from the doors and galloped over to the seat. His Cutie Mark showed a record behind a glass with a straw and small umbrella sticking out of the top of the glass.

“Hey folks. Ya can’t sit here.” He said in a thick accent.

“Why not?” Dash asked.

“This be the seat of the greatest stallion I ever knew. Only he deserves to sit here man.” He said in a flat tone. Wake flung his head back and burst into laughter. “What’s so funny man?”

“You haven’t changed at all mix.” He said with a smile.

“Wait.” The stallion then eyed the hooded Pegasus. Wake removed his hood and laughed. “Wake you old bastard!” He said as he started to laugh. Wake hoof bumped him and smiled. “Where have you been you crazy stallion?”

“I’ve been traveling. You still keep my seat reserved?”

“You know it!” He yelled.

“Ahem!” Dash said in an aggravated tone.

“Oh right. Mix, this is my mare friend Rainbow Dash and her friends.” He said as he pointed at the mares.

“Nice to meet you girly.” He said with a nod.

“So you and Wake are friends?” Twilight asked.

“Oh yeah, we go back a long way.” Wake said with a cocky grin.

“This be the craziest stallion I ever laid eyes on. How about a round of drinks?” He said with a smile.

“Are you still the bartender here?” Wake asked.

“Bartender and owner, thank you very much.” He said as he went over to the bar. The blue stallion followed him along with the mares.

“You’re all gonna want to watch this.” Wake said with a smile. The brown stallion pulled out a series of fruits, a knife and cutting board.

“So, what can I get for you girlies?” He asked as he started to chop the fruits.

“Give em the works.” Wake answered.

“On it boss.” He said as he rapidly chopped the fruits and threw them into a blender. The stallion added ice and turned them on. “They be done shortly.”

“So how’s the DJ business going?” Wake asked.

“Great man. I put on a show every night the music of always booming and the ponies are dancing. Everypony always has a good time.” Pinkie’s ears perked up at the mention of the party.

“Can we come?” She asked.

“By all means. Any friend of Wake is welcome here!” The stallion said as he served their drinks. “Just one last touch.” The stallion inserted a tiny umbrella into each drink and smiled. The ponies took their drinks and sipped it with a smile on their faces.

“This is awesome!” Dash yelled.

“Indeed, this drink is exquisite.” Rarity chimed.

“Hey mix.” Wake said in a flat tone. The tan stallion looked over to his friend with a blank look on his face. “Thanks for looking after my house while I was gone.”

“No problem. Anytime man. By the way the festival is coming up should you want to-”

“No. I don’t do that anymore. I’m a life guard now.” Wake said as he sipped his glass.

“C’mon man. It’s what you do. You’re the best on the coast. Probably the best in Equestria.” The blue stallion got to his hooves and trotted out the door. “Where are you going man?”

“Where do you think?” He said as he exited the establishment. Rainbow and the other mares gave chase along with the brown stallion. As they exited the bar they saw the stallion jumped off the dock and into the bright blue sea. As the ponies looked over the edge they could make out a pony sized shadow speeding away from them under the water’s surface.

“Where is he going?” Dash yelled.

“The only place no pony ever goes.” The mares looked at him in confusion. The stallion pointed with his hoof towards an island off in the distance. “Wake be the only stallion strong enough to cut through the currents in these waters. Boat’s are easily swept away in the current so they stay away.” The mares looked at him in confusion. "Now that he's in the water no pony can catch him now." Rainbow Dash looked at the tan stallion with an unimpressed look on her face.

“I don’t care. If I can’t go by boat then I’ll go by air.” Before anypony could make a move the cyan mare took flight and zoomed off towards the island after the blue stallion. The mares let out a sigh at the Pegasus's action.

“Um Mix.” Applejack said.

“What you need cow girl?”

“Why doesn’t anypony ever go to that island?” She asked.

“Wake is the only stallion to come back from that island in one piece.” The mares looked at one another with shock and worry.

The blue stallion slowly raised his head out of the water and looked upon the island. He took another breath and silently approached a cove. He made his way to the shore and let he water run off his body as he walked on the beach. He came to the forest edge to be greeted by a dark brown Earth pony mare with a jet black mane tied in a ponytail and tribal markings across her coat.

“So, you’ve returned.” She said in a similar accent to Mix’s.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update everypony.