• Published 6th May 2013
  • 6,396 Views, 265 Comments

Drowning in Love - Silentpegasus

Wake Breaker, a Pegasus stallion that prefers the dark blue realm of the water to the sky above. A certain Pegasus mare soon finds herself infatuted with the stallion. What will happen when water and air clash?

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Chapter 8: Recovery (Re-uploaded)

Chapter 8


The group of friends waited in the hospital lobby on the news of their friend. Rainbow kept pacing up and down the rug, sick with worry. The smell of sterile air filled the ponies nostrils. “If you keep doing that Dash then you’re gonna make a rut in the floor.” Thunderlane said with a chuckle.

“If you make another comment like that then I’ll use you to make a rut in the floor.” She said as she glared at the stallion. A white Earth pony mare with a pink mane tied in a bun with a nurse hat sitting on her head.

“Are you all here for Wake Breaker?” She asked.

“Yes! How is he?” Rainbow yelled.

“Wake is going to be fine.” The group let out a collective sigh. “He’s got a small concussion, his back right leg is broken and his wing’s muscles are just agitated.” She said with a sigh.

“Will he-”

“He’ll make a full recovery.” She said with a smile. “Do you want to see him?” She asked. The group nodded and followed the mare to the door. “Just keep your visit brief. He needs his rest.” Rainbow stopped at the door and hung her head.

“What’s wrong sugar cube?” The farmer asked.

“I just....It’s my fault that it happened.” She said as she lowered her head.

“No, it ain’t. It’s Flitter’s and those three stallions’s faults.” She said as she put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Look, it was just a big misunderstanding. I’m sure Wake will see that.”

“O-okay, but I just need a a moment to get my head straight.”

“You got it. We’ll assess the damage then you come in.” Twilight said with a nod. The ponies all agreed and walked into the room to see the light blue Pegasus stallion in bed with a bandage over his left eye, a cast around his back right leg and his wings in bandages. The five mares trotted up to him with their heads hanging low.

“Hey guys.” He said with a weak grin on his face.

“How are you feeling partner?” AJ asked.

“I’ve been through worse.” He said as he tried to sit up.

“Oh no you don’t.” Red Heart said as she stared at the stallion. “You’re in no condition to be moving anytime soon.” She said in a flat tone.

“Yeah, yeah I hear ya.” He said as he laid back against the bed.

“Wake....We’re all really, really sorry.” Twilight said as she lowered her head.

“It’s fine.” He said in a flat tone. “Where’s Rainbow?” The door opened to reveal the cyan mare with tears in her eyes.

She trotted over to the light blue stallion and hung her head in shame. Before the stallion could react the mare wrapped her hooves around him and cried into his chest. “I’m so sorry!” She yelled as she sobbed. “I..I should’ve let you explain and-”

“It’s okay Dash.” He said as he returned the hug.

“No, it’s not! I can’t believe that I brought your brother into it.” She said with a sniffle.

“You were upset and angry. You didn’t mean it. He said as he looked at the mare.

“Why are you so forgiving?” She asked as the tears flowed.

“Might be the alcohol mixed with the drugs the doc has me on.” He said as he looked at the I.V. “Or, because that that’s what couples do. We forgive each other whenever we do something stupid.” He said with a grin.

“Can I ask something?” Twilight said.

“I guess.”

“Before at the library you said that you wouldn’t safe Rainbow a third time. What did you mean by that?” She asked. Wake’s eyes shrank at the words and gulped. He looked down at Dash who was still crying and he let out a sigh.

“Nurse can you remove my bandages?” He asked.

“I suppose. The damage to them wasn’t to extensive but we-” She was cut off at the stallion glared at her with his right eye. The mare kept her mouth shut and undid the bandages. The ponies looked to see his bright blue wings flare out and stretch.

“There’s no such things as sea ponies Dash.” Wake said in a flat tone.


“Like I said; Sea ponies don’t exist.” He said as he took off his medallion and rested it in his right hoof.

“I know what I-”

“What you saw wasn’t a sea pony. It was a Pegasus with a wing disorder.” The mares looked at him in confusion. The stallion rested the medallion on the night stand next to him and hesitantly took his hoof off of the bronze sea turtle. The mares looked in shock as the illusion around his wing vanished revealing their web like structure. Rainbow took a step back and stared at the stallion.

“You mean...All those years ago?” She said as her brain put the pieces together.

“Yeah. I didn’t know it myself until you told that story.” He said in a low tone. “I....I didn’t know how to tell you. I was afraid that you’d see me as some freak or-” He was cut off as the mare pressed her lips against his.

“You saved my life and you’re the best stallion I know.” She said with a teary smile. Wake wrapped her in a hug and smiled. He looked at Twilight who didn’t look surprised by his wings.

“Something wrong Twilight?” He asked.

“N-no. Why?”

“You look like that you know something.” He said as he squinted his eyes. The other mares quickly turned towards the unicorn who gulped. The stallion’s gaze intensified. Twilight felt a bead of sweat forming on her forehead.

“Okay fine. I found something today in the library while I was sifting through those papers.” She said as her horn glowed summoning a newspaper. Wake’s eyes shrank as he read the headline.

Fifteen Year Old Surfer Captures and Kills Twenty-five Foot Terror from the Deep.

The ponies looked at the picture and managed to make out the shape of a light blue pony sitting in front of a twenty-five foot bleeding beached shark. Rainbow’s eyes shrank as she noticed that the stallion had a necklace with a bronze sea turtle around his neck. The group instantly looked back to wake and let out a gasp.

“Is that you?” Dash asked.

“Yeah, seven years ago.” He said in a reluctant tone.

“Y-you killed a shark?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes.” The stallion breathed out.


“Payback.” He said as he pointed to his scar. The mares all gulped at the scars “When can I leave nurse? If I’m going to be bed ridden I prefer to be in my own house.”

“Unless you can get a friend to-”

“I’ll do it!” Rainbow chimed. “I..I can look after him until he’s better.” She said with a smile. The nurse pondered the words for a moment and let out a sigh.

“Very well.” Rainbow smiled at the mare’s decision. “However I’ll check on him daily.”

“Fine by me.” Wake said as he took the covers off his body. As he got to his hooves a small ripple of pain tore through his body.

“Stay off that hoof!” The nurse yelled.

“I know!” He shot back.

“Oh don’t be so cranky.” Pinkie said as she played with his mane.

“Hey that’s MY stallion you’re playing with Pinks.” Rainbow said as Twilight levitated the stallion into a wheelchair.

“Sorry Dashie.” The pink mare said with a giggle as the cyan mare wheeled Wake towards the exit.

“Change the bandage on your eye once a day and let it get some air from time to time.” Wake gave a nod and smiled.

“Wait. How am I supposed to get-” Before he could finish his sentence he was levitated by a purple aura onto the cyan mare’s back. “Oh the humiliation.” He said as he face hoofed.

“Suck it up you big foal.” Dash said as she took flight into the sky. Wake wrapped his hooves around Dash’s body and held on for dear life. As they got into the sky Wake looked down and gulped at the clouds below. “Relax. You’ve flown before.”

“Never this high.” He said in a nervous tone.


“I can’t fly for to long with my wings.” He said in a flat tone. Rainbow hung her head in shame. “Hey, it’s okay.” He said as he tapped her on the shoulder. The cyan mare stopped on a cloud and looked back at him with a sad look on her face. “It’s fine.”

“I still feel bad.” She said as they took off. The cyan mare landed in front of the stallion’s house and walked inside.

“I can walk from-” The mare hovered off the ground and stared at him.

“Oh no! Red Heart said no walking. You are going right to bed mister!” She said as she flew upstairs into the stallion’s room. She put him on the bed and looked at him. “There you go. If you need anything then just ask.”

“That’s very nice of you Dash, but I’m fine now.”

“Nope. I said I was gonna take care of you and that’s what I’m gonna do.” She said with a smile. “I still owe you for saving me.”

“You don’t owe me anything Dash.” He said with a sigh. “Look, I just want to get some sleep okay? You can leave.” He said as he sat up.

“Okay. If you need anything I’ll be right downstairs.” She said with a smile. Wake gave her a nod and smiled back. As she closed the door Wake laid back and closed his eyes.

The light blue stallion awoke to see a group of ponies looking down at him with odd expressions on their faces. The blue stallion rocketed out of bed only to feel a splitting pain in his side. He noticed that a brown Unicorn stallion with a white coat on was staring at him. “Take it easy. Do you remember your name?”

“Wake Breaker. Where the hell am I?” He asked.

“Colt Cod General.” He said with a grin. “You just came out of surgery. You need to rest.” Wake laid back in the hospital bed and let out a groan.

“Wait. I had a turtle medallion with me. Where is it?” He asked in a concerned tone.

“Right here.” He looked over to see a teal Unicorn mare trot over to him and levitate it to his bedside.

“Thanks...Where are-”

“Your parents are on their way.” The doctor said in a reluctant tone. “Do you want to be alone?”

“Yeah. Thanks doc.” He said as the ponies started to leave. As the doctor and nurse left the room the Unicorn mare looked at the brown stallion.

“Will he be okay?”

“The body will heal. I’m more concerned about his mind.”

“I can’t even begin to imagine what he went through.” The nurse said with a sigh. Inside the room Wake held the small medallion between his hooves and felt tears well up in his eyes.

Wake woke up in a cold sweat and he started to breath heavily. Rainbow came into the room with a worried look on her face. “Are you okay?” She asked in a concerned tone.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Why?”

“I heard you scream and I came racing up here.” She said as she trotted over to him. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She said as she put a hoof to his forehead and had a concerned look on her face.

“Yeah, just a nightmare.” He said as he let out a groan. The blue stallion then felt a small pain go through his wings. “Hey, can you go get something to kill the pain in my wings?”

“Sure. I’ll run to the drug store on the corner okay?” She said with a smile.

“That’d be great. Thanks.” The mare gave him a quick kiss before she exited the stallion’s room. Wake gave her a wave and reached over to his night stand and pulled out a copy of the Da Filly Code. He heard the door open as he reached Chapter three. He smiled as Rainbow knocked on the door.

“I got some muscle relaxing lotion to put on them.” She said still on the other side of the door.

“Thank Luna. My wings are killing me.” He said as he closed the book.

“Just do me a favor and close your eyes for a second okay?” She asked ina timid tone.


“Just do it.” She said with a smile. Wake let out a sigh and covered his eyes with his hooves. He waited for five minuted until he heard a knock on the door. “Are your eyes closed?”

“Yup, come in.” He heard her walk over to his bedside and stop just a few feet away from him.

“Okay you can look now.” The stallion removed his hooves and his jaw dropped as he saw the cyan mare wearing a pink nurse uniform that seemed two sizes too small for her with matching stockings that creeped up to her mid thighs and small pink cap resting on top of her Rainbow colored hair which was done up in a bun. The mare had also curled her eyelashes and was wearing ruby red lipstick and eyeliner. “Like what you see?” She asked as she fluttered her eyelashes.

Wake gulped and felt his wings extend and a small wave of pain course through them. The stallion let out a groan at the pain. “Oh poor Wakey. Don’t worry I’ll take care of that.” She said in a seductive tone. Rainbow held up a bottle of massage lotion.

She hovered into the air and landed behind the stallion on the bed. The cyan mare put the lotion on her hooves and started to massage his wings, causing him to moan loudly. “You like that?” Dash said as she whispered in his ear.

“Oh Celestia yes.” He said as he bit his lip and blushed brightly. The cyan mare then felt her own wings extend and let out a moan of satisfaction. Dash then started to nibble the tip of his left ear which caused the stallion to cry out in both pain and pleasure.

“What’s wrong?” She asked wondering if she went to far.

“Love hurts.” He said with a weak smile.

“Don’t worry I’ll make it all better.” She purred as she ran a hoof through his mane. The mare hopped in front of him and let her tongue hang out of her mouth. The mare quickly closed the gap between them and locked her lips against his. Wake felt the mare’s tongue prod it’s way into his mouth as she let out a moan. As the mare broke the kiss she ripped the cap off her head and shook her mane out of the bun and back int it’s natural messy state. “You like it?” She asked as she put her mouth next to his ear.

Before he could answer he heard a series of knocks on his bedroom door. “Hello Wake? Are you in there?” The two Pegasi recognized the voice of the Earth Pony Nurse and they both cursed under their breath.

“Crap! Rainbow get down!” He said in a hushed tone. Instead of hiding under the stallion’s bed. The cyan mare pulled the covers over her and laid flat against the stallion’s chest. The door opened to reveal Nurse Red Heart and the five other mares along with Thunderlane come into his room.

“How are you feeling?” The white mare asked.

“Better. What are all of you guys doing here?” He asked with a gulp.

“I’m just here to drop off some pain medication.” Red Heart said as she set a paper bag down on his night stand. The mare then noticed Wake’s blushing cheeks. “Are you okay Wake?”

“I’m fine.” He said in a nervous tone. The white mare put a hoof to his forehead and felt his temperature.

“You seem a little warm.” She said in suspicion.

“I’m fine I just-” He was cut off as he felt something warm and rough rub against his chest. Is that her tongue?

“You okay bro? You seem a little...” The stallion’s eyes shrank as he saw a small tuff of rainbow hair sticking out from the covers. Fluttershy followed his gaze and started to blush.

“Oh...my.” She said with a gulp. The white mare squinted at the blue stallion who kept as still as a statue. The mare pulled back the covers to reveal the oddly dressed cyan mare with a sheepish grin on her face. A long silence fell over the room as the mare’s jaws dropped while Thunderlane burst into laughter. Red Heart blushed and copied the farmer as she pulled her hat over her face.

“Hey guys.” She said as she hopped off the bed and gulped.

“You dirty stallion! Red Heart was just telling me that you can’t participate in any strenuous activity!” Thunderlane yelled through the laughter.

“Just shut up Thunder.” Wake said as he face hoofed.

“Priceless!” He said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Wake grunted and rolled over to try to get out of bed only to be stopped by the frowning white nurse.

“I’m gonna kick your ass as soon as I can use my leg!” Wake yelled.

“Yeah, yeah. See ya later bro.” The stallion said as he walked out of his room still laughing. Rarity trotted over to Rainbow who wiped the lipstick off her lips.

“So that’s why you wanted my mascara, hmm?” The white mare said as she waggled her eyebrows. The cyan mare blushed as the rest of her friends stared at her.

“I’m sorry about this Red Heart.” Wake said with a groan.

“It’s fine. I’ve walked in on patients at the hospital doing far worse.” She said as she let out a breath. “However, it’s good that we walked in when we did.”

“How’s that?” Rainbow asked in an annoyed tone.

“Your colt friend’s leg is still broken Ms. Dash. Any kind of overactivity and I mean any overactivity could result in permanent damage to his leg.” The cyan Pegasus gulped. “Anyway, back to why I’m here.” She said as she pointed to the bag. “Take one pill in the morning and one before you go to bed.”

“Thank you nurse.” Wake said as he still held his fore arm over his eyes in embarrassment.

“Relax Wake. Like I said I’ve caught plenty of patients doing far worse things at the hospital.” She said in a reassuring tone.

“Yeah, but were they surrounded by their friends?” He asked.

“Sometimes yes.” She said with a sigh. “Trust me Wake. I’ve seen it all. Makes sure he takes those pills Ms. Dash.”

“You got it.” Dash said as the nurse left. The room fell silent as the group of mares fell on the two Pegasi. The pause lingered for what seemed like hours until the white Unicorn mare finally broke the silence.

“Let us never speak of this again.” Rarity said in a flat tone.

“Agreed.” The ponies said in unison.

It has been four weeks since Wake had gotten his leg broken and he was on his way to recovery. The blue stallion was reading a magazine as Nurse Red Heart, a tan Unicorn stallion wearing a white coat and Rainbow Dash entered his room. “Good afternoon Wake. How are you feeling?” The white mare asked.

“Good.” He said with a smile. The doctor trotted over to Wake’s bandaged leg and scanned it.

“I have good news.” The unicorn said with a smile. “Your leg is fully healed.”

“Thank Luna.” He said as the doctor’s horn glowed and the cast cracked open. The stallion immediately scratched the appendage. “Oh Celestia I’ve wanted to do that for days.”

“I’ve been there myself.” Nurse Red Heart said with a smile. “Now, your leg most likely has a small case of muscle atrophy. I suggest you exercise it daily until it’s back to normal. Nothing extreme.” She said in a flat tone.

“I hear ya.” He said as he got to his hooves and stretched his back leg. “I’ll see you guys later I’m going for a nice swim.” He said as he grabbed a towel and walked out the door.

“I’ll join you in a few okay?” Dash said with a smile. Wake gave her a quick peck on the cheek and smiled. As the two ponies turned to leave Rainbow held up a hoof with a concerned look on her face.

She poked her head out of the door and listened until she heard the click from the door that leads to the pool room. “Hey can I talk to you guys for a sec?”

“What’s wrong Ms. Dash?” The Unicorn asked.

“Okay, I’ve been crashing here since Wake hurt his leg. Ya know, incase he needed anything.” The two nodded. “Well, several nights he’s woken up screaming and covered in sweat.” The two medical ponies cocked an eyebrow.

“How often does this happen?” Red Heart asked.

“More than three times a week by my count.” Rainbow said in a nervous tone. “He keeps blaming it on nightmares, but I know it’s more than that.” She said as she hung her head. “I don’t want to have him committed. I’m just scared and I’m worried about him.” She said in a nervous tone.

“Has he gone through any traumatic experiences?” The stallion asked.

“He was attacked by and killed a shark when he was fifteen.” Red Heart clarified. The stallion scratched his chin at the words.

“I’m not a Psychiatrist Ms. Dash. I do know that the mind is harder to heal than a broken spine.” The mare let out a disappointed sigh. “You two are together right?”


“I suggest trying to talk to him about it along with some close friends.”

“Like an intervention?”

“Along the same lines, yes. I do suggest that you wait until he’s fully healed and off his meds so he's able to really grasp at whatever is causing thses nightmares.” He said in a low tone. His horn flared and he levitated a business card over to her. “If things get really bad then call this number. She’s a personal friend of mine and is a great psychiatrist.” He said as the two started to take their leave. Rainbow put the business card away and made her way down to the pool where she saw her colt friend relaxing in the hot tub.