• Published 6th May 2013
  • 6,396 Views, 265 Comments

Drowning in Love - Silentpegasus

Wake Breaker, a Pegasus stallion that prefers the dark blue realm of the water to the sky above. A certain Pegasus mare soon finds herself infatuted with the stallion. What will happen when water and air clash?

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Chapter 6: Crazy Cousins.

Chapter 6

Crazy Cousins

The next few days went relatively slow for the blue stallion. Every time he had a moment to himself his mind was plagued by images of the cyan mare. The stallion kept his remaining lessons short and barely talked to the Rainbow Haired speed demon outside of the swimming pool. Rainbow trotted along the road and stopped inside Sugar Cube Corner where Twilight and the other mares were sitting. Applejack waved her over and noticed the mares saddened look on her face.

“What’s wrong RD?”

“It’s Wake. He’s been acting really weird lately.” She said as she rested her chin on the table’s surface.

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“He’s barely talking to me and cutting our lessons short by ten minutes.”

“That doesn’t sound like him at all.” The farmer said as she frowned.

“Yeah and I don’t know why.” She said in a low tone. The orange mare put a hoof to her chin and thought for a moment.

“Here’s an idea; Why don’t we go ask Thunderlane?”

“Yeah! Those two hang out. Maybe he can tell us something.” Pinkie chimed.

“Worth a shot I guess.” Dash said as the group got to their hooves and walked out of the bakery. The mares made their way through the streets of Ponyville with Twilight leading the way. Applejack and Rarity hung back next to Rainbow Dash who had almost no motivation in her step.

“You okay Sugar Cube?” Applejack asked in a comforting voice.

“I don’t know.” She said in a flat tone.

“Well, did you tell him how you feel?” Rarity asked.

“No, I’m sure that he’d reject me.” She said as she lowered her head.

“Don’t think like that now.” The farmer said as she put a hoof on her friends shoulder.

“There he is!” Pinkie chimed as she pointed to a dark grey Pegasus stallion walking along side a light blue mare. “Hey Thunderlane hang on a second!” Pinkie yelled as she zoomed after the pair. The dark Pegasus turned around to see a familiar Pink mare charging at him. Pinkie’s hoof hit a rock and she accidentally crashed into the two, sending them into the ground. “Oops sorry about that.” She said with a weak grin on her face.

“It’s fine accidents happen.” The dark stallion said as he helped Cloud Chaser to her hooves. The stallion shook off the collision and looked back at the mares. “You guys need something?”

“Yeah, have you guys seen Wake around?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah I saw him this morning. Why?” Cloud Chaser said.

“He’s been acting weird around Dash and we were wondering if you knew anything about it.” The farmer said.

“Define weird.” Thunderlane said as he cocked an eyebrow.

“He’s barely talking to her and is avoiding her like she’s a plague victim.” The white mare clarified. The dark stallion scratched his chin and shrugged.

“Don’t know.” The mares all held their heads in defeat. “However, I saw him yesterday with some odd envelope he gave Ditzy. I didn’t hear the full conversation, but he told her he needed it delivered and wanted a reply as fast as possible.” He said with a shrug.

“Did you hear what it was?”

“No sorry, but he seemed pretty serious about it.” He said as he scratched his neck.

“Thanks anyway Thunderlane.” Twilight said as the stallion nodded and walked away from the group of mares. The six friends made their way down the dirt road in disappointment. A familiar shadow passed over them and they looked up to see the light blue Pegasus stallion flying towards them. Dash felt her face flare up as he landed in front of the mares.

“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you Dash.” He said in a calm tone.

“Why?” She asked in an annoyed tone.

“What’s with you?”

“Tell me why you’ve been cutting out lessons short and avoiding me!” She bellowed at the stallion. The stallion let out a chuckle and looked at the mare.

“I’ve been cutting our lessons short be cause I’ve run out of things to teach you.” The cyan mare had a confused look on her face. The stallion then withdrew a sealed plain white envelope and handed it to the mare. “Consider this a reward for passing my class.” The mare blushed and opened the envelop. He jaw dropped when she pulled out it’s contents.

“Y-you got me Wonderbolt tickets!” She yelled ash she held the two tickets in her hoof.

“Yup front row. I-” He was cut off as the mare tackle hugged him.

“You are the best coach ever!” She said as she squeezed harder.

“Dash.....can’t breath!” The stallion managed to say through the mares iron grip.

“Sorry. How did you get these? The show’s been sold out for weeks.”

“I know a guy.” He said as he got to his hooves. “I figured that you and one of your friends would enjoy it.” Rainbow felt her heart sink a little.

“When’s the show?” Twilight asked.

“Tonight.” Wake said in a flat tone.

“I have to finish a report for the Princess.” The lavender mare said as she winked at her friends who gave her a nod.

“Sorry, those tree’s ain’t gonna buck themselves.” Applejack said.

“I have to finish up a dress for a client.”

“Um.....I promised the squirrels that I’d help them gather acorns.” Fluttershy said in a timid tone.

“I gotta watch the twins tonight.” Pinkie chimed.

“Well, that fell through. I’m sure Dash can find somepony else.” Wake said as he started to leave.

“Wait!” Dash cried out. The blue stallion turned back and looked at her in confusion. “Do you want to go?” Wake felt his face blush at the mares offer.

“Well, sure. I guess.” He said with a shrug.

“Cool. When should we go?” She asked in a giddy tone. Wake felt a small wave of fear course through his body.

“Why don’t we meet up at the stadium?” He said in a nervous tone.

“Um.....okay.” Dash said in a semi disappointed tone.

“Cool see ya then.” He said as he took flight and flew into the sky. As soon as he was out of range the cyan mare smiled brightly and squeaked in happiness. The mares crowded around her and smiled.

“See, nothing to worry about.” The farmer said with a smile. Rarity looked at the tickets and smiled.

“These must have cost him quite a lot.” The white mare chimed.

“Yeah, front row tickets cost twice as much as normal tickets. Where’d he get that kind of money?” The cyan mare wondered. “Oh well.” She said with a smile.

“Now that that’s taken care of, what are you going to do about tonight?” Rarity said in a suggestive tone.

“What are you getting at?”

“Oh come now Rainbow this is the perfect opportunity to seal the deal.” Rarity said as she batted her eyelashes. The mare looked at her friend in confusion. “Ugh, come with me.” She said as she grabbed her friend by the hoof and led her towards her boutique.

Wake sat in his living room with a glass of Scotch in his hooves. He stared down at the auburn colored liquid and saw his reflection. He set the drink down and looked at his pendant. His gaze fell upon the brass turtle. Wake felt a small tear well up in his eye as he put the necklace down on the table. He shot back the drink and laid his head against the couch pillow. His eyes slowly closed and he let sleep take him.

Wake walked along the sandy beach with his hooves dragging behind him. He was clutching his side as it bled profusely. Each step left a bloody imprint in the sand. The light blue colt trudged through the sand hoping to find some form of civilization. He felt his strength leave his body as he collapsed on the scorching sand. “Hey there’s a foal over here!” He heard a stallion yell. “Oh my Luna! Somepony call an ambulance.” He yelled.

“What’s that over there?” Another stallion asked. Wake gripped the necklace tightly in his right hoof and a bloodied knife in the other as his vision blurred and slipped into unconsciousness.

Wake woke up with his body covered in sweat. He wiped his forehead and looked at the clock. Shit I’m gonna be late. He thought to himself. Wake took a quick shower and combed his mane a little. He ran back down stairs and threw his necklace back on creating the illusion that hid his wings. He trotted out of his home and took flight towards the cloud city.

As he flew through the sky hundreds of thoughts raced through his mind. Most of the thoughts concerned Rainbow Dash. Does my mane look alright?

Why should I care?

Because Dash is HOT!

Shut up. She wouldn’t be interested in a freak like me.

You never know. He thought as he bit his teeth fighting off the pain the pain his wings were giving him. As he started his descent he saw a cyan dot standing outside the entrance with an impatient look on her face. The stallion landed out of sight from the mare and took a few deep breaths as she relaxed his wings. He collected himself and trotted up to the mare. Rainbow looked to her right and noticed the blue stallion galloping up to her.

“There you are!” She yelled.

“Sorry, I dozed off for a few minutes and I lost track of time.” He said out of breath. He looked at the mare who had a relieved look on her face.

“I...I thought you stood me up.” She said as she looked down at her hooves. Wake put his hoof underneath her chin and lifted her head up so their eyes met.

“Hey, I would never do that to anypony. Especially not to you.” The mare smiled and blushed at the stallion’s motion. “C’mon let’s grab some popcorn before the show starts. My treat.” He said with a smile. As the two made their way through the stadium Wake felt the mare brush up against his body a few times which caused the stallion to blush profusely. After the stallion paid for their popcorn and drinks the two made their way towards their seats.

The two took their seats in the front row and waited for the show to start. “Hey Wake can I ask something?” She asked ina hesitant tone.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“How did you pay for all this? I mean this tickets must have cost you a lot of money. I didn’t know that being a lifeguard paid so well.” She said as she sipped her drink.

“It doesn’t. I only make ten bit’s an hour.” The mare almost coughed on her drink.

“Then how were you able to afford these seats?”

“I sacrificed a goat and sold my soul to Discord.” He said with a chuckle. The mare slugged him in the arm. “Ow! Jeez. Fine, I know a pony who managed to get me these tickets for free.”

“What?” The mare yelled.

“I’ll tell you later. The shows about to start.” He said as the lights dimmed and the ponies in uniform took the stage. Rainbow Dash cheered as Spitfire and Soarin each did a quadruple back flip in perfect succession. As the show came to a close the two ponies exited the arena.

“That was so awesome!” Rainbow yelled.

“Yup, they never cease to amaze me.” He said with a warm smile. “Do you...want to meet them?” The cyan mare froze at his words.

“Meet who?”

“The Wonderbolts.” The mare’s jaw dropped.

“How? Security looks tight.” She said as she noticed a pair of guard ponies guarding the side entrance.

“I have my ways Dash.” He said as he and the mare walked over to them.

“Halt who goes there?” The guard asked as he held out his right hoof stopping the two.

“Hello sir. I’m here to see the Wonderbolts.” Wake said with a smile.

“Name?” The guard asked as he pulled out a clipboard.

“Wake Breaker.”

“You’re not on the list.” The blue stallion leaned his head in and whispered something to the guard pony. The tall dark stallion looked at Wake with an eyebrow raised.”Wait right here.” He said as he trotted inside. The other guard stallion watched the two Pegasi like a hawk until his companion returned. The guard pony undid the red velvet rope and smiled. “Sorry about that sir. You and your date are free to pass. It’s the door at the end of the hallway.”

Date? Wake thought as he blushed.

Yes, he didn’t object! This is so a date! Rainbow thought

“Thank you.” He said as he and Rainbow trotted past him. Dash looked at Wake in shock and awe. “What?”

“How did you do that?”

“In this world Dash it’s all about who you know.” He said as he knocked on the door. A few seconds later it was opened by a light blue Pegasus stallion with a dark blue mane and piercing green eyes.

“Yo Wake! How’s it going man?” Soarin said with a smile.

“Good. You?”

“Great! C’mon in! Party’s just getting started.” Wake smiled and entered the room to see the Wonderbolts out of uniform. Rainbow felt her heart skip a beat as she saw her idols smile at her. Wake was looking around the room and cocked an eyebrow.

“He Soarin, where’s-” He was cut off as he was tackled to the ground by a wall of golden fur. He looked up to see Spitfire pining him to the floor with a wicked grin on her face.

“Ha! Got you again Wakey!” She teased.

“Damn it Spit! How many times have I told you not to call me that?” He said in an annoyed tone.

“Three hundred and forty-seven times, but who’s counting.” She said as she wrapped him in a head lock and gave noogied him. The stallion groaned as she let go of his neck. Wake looked at Rainbow who had a confused look on her face.

“Oh right. Rainbow this is my cousin Spitfire.”

“COUSIN?” She yelled.

“Yeah, remember that cousin I told you about that I always had to play bodyguard for?” The cyan mare nodded as the stallion pointed to the golden mare who was blushing. Rainbow grabbed the stallion and started to shake him.

“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT SPITFIRE WAS YOUR COUSIN?” Rainbow yelled as she stopped shaking the stallion.

“See your reaction right now? This is why.” He said as he collected himself.

“Awwe, don’t be poor sport Wake. Let’s party!” Spitfire yelled as the Wonderbolts all raised a glass. The drink started flowing and the party was in full swing. Wake held back and trotted over to the bar.

“I’ll take a mug of cider.” Wake said as he put a bit on the table.

“Coming right up.” The bartender said with a smile. As the stallion handed Wake his drink Soarin walked up to him with a smile on his face.

“Sup man?” The Wonderbolt asked as he hoof bumped the stallion. “Enjoying the party?”

“Yeah, pretty cool.” He said as he sipped his drink.

“So.....You and Rainbow Dash eh?” He said with a smug grin on his face. Wake almost choked on his drink as he looked at the stallion in surprise.

“W-what makes you say that?” He asked as he blushed.

“C’mon Wake. I saw how you looked at Rainbow during our performance.” He said as he waggled his eyebrows. The lifeguard was about to protest, but let out a sigh in defeat.

“Alright fine I like her. I guess I’m just worried.” He said in a low tone.

“About what?” Soarin asked.

“You’ve been dating Spit for like five years now right?”

“Six next month. Why?”

“Has she told you about my.....condition?” The life guard said in a low tone.

“You mean your wings?” Wake nodded. “Yeah, why?”

“I’m worried that Rainbow will see me as a freak. I’ve been outed like that once before and I don’t want that to happen again.” He said as he lowered his head. The Wonderbolt put his hoof on Wakes shoulder and smiled at him.

“I may not know Dash that well, but I doubt that she’s anything like that.” He said with a grin. “Does Rainbow know about your-”

“No. No pony does outside the family. I take it that Spit told you?” He said in a flat tone.

“She told me the that he’s dead. I didn’t ask anything else. I figured that it was a sensitive topic.”

“Correct. So what should I do?” He asked in a low tone.

“Just tell her how you feel. You got nothing to lose.”

“I’ll think about it.” The stallion said as he sipped his drink.

Across the room Rainbow Dash was sitting on a couch next to the golden mare. As the Wonderbolt talked Rainbow’s gaze kept drifting over to the two stallions chatting at the bar. “Rainbow?” The sound of the Wonderbolts voice snapped Rainbow out of the trance and looked back at the golden mare. “You seemed to be staring off into space.”

“Y-yeah. I do that sometimes sorry.” Spitfire cocked and eyebrow and looked as the two blue stallions. Her eyes lit up as she made the connection.

“Oh my Luna! You’ve got a crush on my cousin!”

“Wh-what? N-no I don’t!” She said with a bright blush on her face.

“Dash, I know when a mare is interested in Wake and you’ve got it written all over your face.” Spitfire said with a smug grin on her face. Rainbow lowered her head and looked at the mare.

“Okay. I admit it, I have a crush on him.”

“Yeah, you and almost every mare that’s met him.”

“That’s the problem, he’s turned down almost every mare in Ponyville. So what chance do I have?” She asked in a grumble.

“Sometimes that’s the risk you have to take in these types of situations.” She said with a shrug.

“Yeah. I see your point.”

“If it makes you feel any better I would always clam up when I was alone with Soarin. He was so scared of asking me out that it almost killed him.” She said with a chuckle.

“So what happened? Did he finally get enough guts and ask you?”

“Nope. Wake did that for him.”


“Wake is smarter than you think Dash. He asked Soarin how he felt about me while I hid in the bushes and listened in on their conversation.” She said with a giggle. “Soarin was so embarrassed that he almost fainted.”

“Wow. I didn’t know that. So Wake is the reason why-”

“It’s been the best five years of my life and I have Wake to thank for it.” She said with a hard nod.

“How are you two cousins?” Rainbow asked.

“My dad and his dad are brothers. Mine’s the older of the two.” She said as she sipped her drink.

“Both of them are in the military?”

“Yup. It’s sort of a family thing. My dad is in the Air Force while Wake’s dad is in the Coast Guard. He used to be in the Navy but transferred out when Wake was born.”

“You two seem pretty close.”

“I think of Wake like a younger brother and he’s always had my back. Heck he took on two stallions that tried to mug me when I was visiting him in Colt Cod.”

“He took down two stallions!” Rainbow yelled in shock.

“Yeah, he may not look it, but when he gets angry. You’d better run.” She said in a serious tone. “Everyone down at Colt Cod follows one rule. ‘Don’t mess with Wake.’”

“How come he’s never told me any of this?”

“Sorry Dash, you need to ask Wake that yourself.” She said in a low tone. Rainbow let out a sigh of disappointment. “Look Dash, I’ve lost track of how many mares Wake has turned down.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” She said in a sarcastic tone.

“Just listen. All of those other mares were empty headed floozies that were only interested in his looks.” She said in a flat tone. “I know that you’re not like that and I can tell that Wake likes you.” Rainbow’s ears perked up in surprise. “Just trust yourself and you can’t go wrong.” Rainbow smiled and got to her hooves.

“Thanks Spitfire.”

“Don’t mention it. Oh and one more thing.” She said as she trotted up to the mare. “Hurt Wake and you’ll see what twenty-five years of Air Force combat training can do.” She said as she flexed her right arm, making her lean muscles and veins bulge against her golden coat. Dash gulped as she looked at the mare who lowered her hoof. “Good luck.” Spitfire said with a smile as she trotted off towards a group of Wonderbolts.

The cyan mare walked over to Wake who was sitting with Soarin at the bar. “Hey Rainbow.” He said as he blushed.

“Hey Wake. It’s getting kind of late and I have weather duties in the morning.”

“Yeah sure we can go.” He said as he got to his hooves. Soarin tapped him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring wink. Wake and Dash said their goodbyes and made their way out of the stadium and into the cool night air. Wake felt the mare brush up against him as she walked next to him. “So enjoy the show?”

“Yeah, I had a lot of fun.” She said with a smile. Wake nodded and the two took off towards the small town. Halfway home, Wake stopped on a could to catch his breath. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I just...pulled a muscle earlier and it’s bugging me. I’ll be fine in a minute.” He lied as he let out a sigh. They cyan mare landed beside him and smiled. Wake looked ahead towards the moon and grinned. “Luna went all out tonight.”

“Yeah she sure did.” Rainbow leaned her head into his shoulder and let out a comforting sigh as she took in his scent. “Hey Wake, what do you think of me?” She asked in a low tone.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean what do you see me as?” She asked as she sat up.

“I see you as a very capable Pegasus. You’re funny, loyal, athletic.” The stallion said as he refused to make eye contact. Rainbow took the opportunity to slowly inch her face closer to his. As the stallion looked to his right he felt his nose come into contact with hers. Wake felt his face turn scarlet as Dash looked at him with half lidded eyes and a smile on her face.

“I think you missed something.” She said as she gently pressed her lips against his. Wake’s mind was going crazy as he felt the mares warm lips come into contact with his own. The cyan mare let out a moan as her wings extended and she broke the kiss. The blue stallion had a surprised look on his face and was still as a statue. “Wake?” Rainbow asked as she waved a hoof in front of him. The mare looked at the stallion who was still frozen at the mares action. Rainbow took a few steps back and lowered her head in shame. “I’m...I’m sorry.....I’ll leave you alone.” She said a tear rolled down her cheek.

As the mare started to walk away she felt something grab hold of her hoof. Wake pulled Rainbow so she fell back into his hooves and he pressed his lips against hers. Rainbow let out a small squeak in shock. It quickly turned to a mean of pleasure as she moved her tongue inside his mouth. Wake suddenly felt the taste of wild berries on his tongue and felt his wings extend. As he broke the kiss both of them started to pant heavily.

“I’ll have to add excellent kisser to the list.” He said as he continued to pant.

“You’re not so bad yourself there Wakey.” She teased as she nuzzled his chest.

“What ever you say Rainy.” He teased. He braced himself for another punch but felt the mare wrap her hooves around him and smile. “You’re not gonna hit me?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean I won’t punish you.” She said in a seductive tone. “You won’t know when or where, but it’ll come.” She said as an evil smile crept across her face.

“Uh-oh.” He said as he cracked his back. “So I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He asked. The mare gave him a quick peck on the cheek and smiled.

“We’ll see.” She teased. The two went their separate ways and soared into the sky. Wake landed in front of his home and let out a sigh of satisfaction as he walked to his room and laid down in his bed.