• Published 26th Apr 2013
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My Little Investigations: Wonderbolts Under Fire - Metool Bard

Someone wants me and my team dead. At least, that's what this weirdo in a costume tells me.

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Confrontation: Mare-Do-Well

January 18, 05:40
Wonderbolt Academy Airspace

I spent the rest of the night sleeping with one eye open (or at least trying to sleep). I know that sounds a bit paranoid, but let's be honest here. If someone just tried to kill you, I highly doubt you'd simply treat it like you would a mosquito bite. The tengu weren't screwing around, and neither could I.

When I finally felt like I had the strength to get up, I felt something on my face. As I opened my eyes, I discovered that it was a piece of paper. Curious, I took it in my hooves and looked it over. Turns out it was a note.

Meet me in your office after breakfast. We'll talk then.


Ugh, that Mare-Do-Well weirdo is as stubborn as a mule (no offense to any mules out there). She won't even let the doctors look at her when she's clearly wounded. Is keeping that stupid secret identity really that important to her? Sheesh, it's almost comical at this point!

Oh well. At least she was willing to talk to me. I just had to wonder if what she had to say would actually help, or if she was just gonna spout off some more cryptic gibberish. Only one way to find out, I guess.

January 18, 07:00
Wonderbolt Academy
Spitfire's Office

Sure enough, Mare-Do-Well was where she said she would be; sitting behind my desk no less. I expected her to be covered in bandages or something, but to my confusion, she looked just fine (apart from a slightly-tattered costume).

"I've been giving some thought to what you said last night," said Mare-Do-Well, leaning forward and pressing her hooves together.

"Apparently not," I said. "Didn't I tell you to get those wounds looked at?"

"I told you before, Ms. Spitfire. I'm perfectly fine," said Mare-Do-Well. "Besides, we have more important matters to square away."

"Like what?"

"You said that I'm connected to the tengu when I know for a fact that I would never be associated with such savages."

"Forgive me if I'm a tad skeptical," I said, folding my forelegs. "Because I have proof."

"You do? My, my," said Mare-Do-Well, thoughtfully stroking her chin. "Well, at least hear me out. I wish for a chance to defend myself."

I suppose that was reasonable. "Alright, but no vague riddles this time."

Mare-Do-Well snickered. "That all depends on what you interpret as a vague riddle, Ms. Spitfire. But I'll try my best."

Oh, brother.

Argument: No Connection to the Tengu

"As you are no doubt aware, the tengu are your enemy," said Mare-Do-Well. "If I had any connection to them, why would I be trying to save you and the Wonderbolts? Besides, I was unaware of their existence until you caught our quarry. It's hard to be connected to something when you have never heard of it before."

Her points were somewhat valid, but not airtight. All she had to offer were words, after all. I, on the other hoof, had tangible evidence.

"Let's go over a few facts here," I said. "First of all, you told me from the start that you knew the assassin wasn't a pony."

"That doesn't automatically mean that I knew it was a tengu," Mare-Do-Well retorted. "You shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions, Ms. Spitfire."

"I'm just getting warmed up," I said. "Second, you managed to get your hooves on toxic truffles. You said so yourself that they're almost impossible to find in Equestria. However, they are far more plentiful in the far east, where the Tengu Dynasty once resided."

"Again, that's merely conjecture," said Mare-Do-Well in a very matter-of-fact tone. "I could've gotten the toxic truffles from the assassin himself."

"Ah, but if you could pick his pocket, then why didn't you catch him?" I said with a smug grin.

Mare-Do-Well lowered her hat over her eyes. "Touché."

"Thirdly, and most importantly, I know you're connected to somepony who has been in contact with the tengu," I said.

Mare-Do-Well titled her head. "Some, pony you say?"

"Let me get to my desk. I have something to show you."

Mare-Do-Well obliged, and I pulled out the order form I got from Raindrops.

"This form was sent to a fashion designer named Rarity over in Ponyville, and it was asking for your costume," I said. "From what I understand, this order was sent by an alchemist named Gypsy Moth. Does the name ring a bell?"

Mare-Do-Well snorted. "Why should it?"

"Because that's also where you got the toxic truffle antidote."

Mare-Do-Well flinched ever so slightly. It looks like I was right on the money.

"H-how do you know that?" she sputtered.

"Simple. I asked her," I said. "I took a trip to Stalliongrad and showed her the vial you gave me. She said that it belonged to her. Meaning you somehow managed to pilfer it from her."

Mare-Do-Well obscured her eyes with her hat. "You've done your homework, Ms. Spitfire. Impressive," said she.

"So, you see now what I'm getting at," I said. "Gypsy Moth is connected to the tengu, and you're connected to Gypsy Moth. Ergo, you are connected to the tengu."


I sighed. "You're really going to fight me on this? The logic is stacked against you."

"All I knew was that our quarry was not a pony. I didn't know it was a tengu," said Mare-Do-Well.

"Why should I believe you?"

Mare-Do-Well paused for a moment.

"It's a simple question," I said with a shrug. "Why should I believe you?"

Mare-Do-Well looked up at me. "Because I'm trying to help you."

"You can help by being honest with me," I countered. "If you're not connected to the tengu, then what's your relationship with Gypsy Moth?"

Mare-Do-Well nodded. "It seems I have no choice," she said. "As I have said on previous occasions, you won't believe me if I just told you. So, I shall show you. However, you have to promise me that what you are about to see never leaves this room."

I had to think about that for a moment. If Mare-Do-Well was important to the investigation, I couldn't keep it to myself. But on the other hoof, I wasn't going to get anything out of her unless I gave her my word that I'd keep her secret. After debating with myself for a few minutes, I relented.

"Your secret is safe with me," I said solemnly. "Wonderbolt's honor."

"Good," said Mare-Do-Well. "Now, I can show you."

She reached into the collar of her suit and pulled out a glistening vial hanging from a necklace. It appeared to have, something in it, but I couldn't tell what. The glare emanating from the vial was too strong.

"What is that?" I asked.

"There's a short answer and a long answer," said Mare-Do-Well, pointing to the vial. "The short answer is that this, is me."

I gave Mare-Do-Well a blank stare. "Excuse me?"

"Perhaps I should give you the long answer," said Mare-Do-Well. "Ms. Spitfire, have you ever heard of a ponunculus?"

"Um, no," I said, mainly because there's no other way to answer that question.

"Well, I didn't think so. Only those gifted in magic would know," said Mare-Do-Well. "A ponunculus is an artificial pony created by magic, alchemy specifically. And that, Ms. Spitfire, is what I am. This flask houses my core. My 'heart,' if you will. As long as it is intact, I continue to exist."

The wheels in my head began turning. "So, your connection to Gypsy Moth is that, she created you?"

"Yes," said Mare-Do-Well with a nod.

"But, why?"

"At first, I thought it was to have a companion. Now, I'm not so sure."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"That is the truth I want from you," said Mare-Do-Well, putting away the vial. "Allow me to explain."

Testimony: Mare-Do-Well's Plight

"As a ponunculus, I am supposed to follow my creator's will without question," said Mare-Do-Well. "However, when I was given my first instructions, I found that I couldn't carry them out. My mind has blotted out why, but I know that I fled afterward. I feel that this missing memory is why I knew of the attacks before you did, and it's also why you had to reach out of your comfort zone and play detective."

Well, she was right about one thing. If she simply told me all this from the beginning, I never would've believed her. Honestly, would you? Even so, this was gonna be tricky. How was I supposed to retrieve a memory that Mare-Do-Well blocked out when I didn't even know where to start?

"Tell me, do you have a name? Other than Mare-Do-Well, I mean," I said.

Mare-Do-Well placed a hoof to her muzzle and furrowed her brow. "Truth be told, Mare-Do-Well is the only name I know. If I do have another name, then I must've forgotten it."

Hmm. That didn't seem to help on the surface. But, what if I looked at it from a different angle?

"Gypsy Moth spoke highly of the original Mare-Do-Well when I asked her about it," I said. "Maybe she was trying to create another Mare-Do-Well to carry on the mantle."

"It's possible," said Mare-Do-Well. "But it doesn't explain why I couldn't follow her instructions. If she created me to be a new Mare-Do-Well, then her intention must've been to create a hero. Why, then, couldn't I obey her?"

That was a puzzler, alright. The only explanation I could think of was that Mare-Do-Well was given orders that the original Mare-Do-Well would've found impossible. But why would she do that if she wanted to create a pony who was fearless, stealthy, and...?

Wait. Fearless and stealthy. Who else fits that description? Only one answer came to mind, and I'll be the first to admit that it was a massive leap in logic. But no matter how much I thought, that was the only conclusion I could reach. I had to at least try it out.

"Mare-Do-Well, I don't think Gypsy Moth wanted you to be a hero."

I couldn't tell because of the mask, but I'll bet anything that Mare-Do-Well was staring at me as if I had three heads. "Wh-what? But I am a hero. I'm the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well."

"Yes, but that's not what Gypsy Moth wanted," I said. "I think she wanted you to be an assassin."

"Surely you jest!"

Mare-Do-Well sounded absolutely horrified by this revelation. Can't say that I blame her.

"I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out," I said. "Gypsy Moth based you on a pony who was brave and didn't draw a lot of attention to herself. Those are the traits she wanted. So when she gave you orders contrary to Mare-Do-Well's nature, your brain protected itself by suppressing the memory."

"But I could've just erased it," said Mare-Do-Well. "Why suppress it?"

"Because something about the memory triggered your heroic instincts," I said.

Mare-Do-Well gasped. "Y-you don't mean...?"

"I'm afraid I do," I said somberly. "Mare-Do-Well, I believe Gypsy Moth created you, in order to kill the Wonderbolts."

Mare-Do-Well froze. She stood as still as a statue for a long time. I, think I might've broken her.

"Um, are you okay?" I asked.

No answer. Yep, I definitely broke her. I sighed.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way this makes sense," I said. "Gypsy Moth was captured by the tengu a long time ago, and she somehow survived. Maybe she's working with them now, and she's helping them strike against Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom. Why, I don't know. Nopony would willingly stay with a culture of murderers."

"I-I don't get it," Mare-Do-Well mumbled. "I-I would never kill. Never."

"I don't know any ponies who would," I said with a shrug.

"Then why even create me?" said Mare-Do-Well.

"I can't answer that," I said sadly. "Maybe Gypsy Moth was forced to create you by the Tengu Empress."

Mare-Do-Well winced. "W-wait! That's it!"

"What's it?" I inquired.

"M-my memory!" said Mare-Do-Well. "I-it's starting to come back! Quick, what do you know about this Tengu Empress?!"

"Just that she managed to reforge the Wind's Mandate and..."

I trailed off as an epiphany struck me. And let me tell you; this one was a doozy. Now, everything was starting to come together.

"I, think I get it now," I said. "The Tengu Empress is the one who reforged the Wind's Mandate out of wind. And the only one who could've done that is an alchemist. And the only alchemist connected to the tengu is your creator, Gypsy Moth! Therefore, she's the Tengu Empress!"

Mare-Do-Well cringed and gripped her head. For a second, I thought she was going to scream in agony, but she managed to hold it in. Her pain threshold must be incredibly high. When she regained her composure, she gave me a nod.

"Yes. I remember now," she said. "My creator ordered me to kill, which is something Mare-Do-Well would never do. I couldn't handle the contradiction, so I suppressed the memory, along with all memory of the tengu. But I still knew that the Wonderbolts were in danger, so I took it upon myself to protect you."

She paused. "And yet, not once did I believe that I was doing the wrong thing by disobeying my creator."

"Because you weren't doing the wrong thing," I said with a small smile. "Heh, I guess the only real difference between a pony and a ponunculus is the external heart. Otherwise, I think any pony would've done more or less the same thing in your position."

Mare-Do-Well paused for a moment, and then nodded. "Yeah. I-I guess so," she said. She then took off her hat and bowed to me. "Thank you for taking off my blinders, Ms. Spitfire."

"Um, no problem," I said. "So, what now?"

Mare-Do-Well looked up. Even through her mask, I could see the determination in her eyes. "I know now what I must do," she said. "I'll see you tomorrow at the Ghastly Gorge Gauntlet."

Before I could say anymore, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Crescent Moon," came a familiar voice. "Message from the control tower."

"Sure thing, let me just..."

When I turned my attention back to Mare-Do-Well, she was gone. After all that, she still insisted on just disappearing when my back was turned.

"Oh, for crying out loud!" I groaned.

"Um, Captain?" asked Crescent.

"Ugh, never mind," I said. "Come in and give me your report."

Crescent Moon did so. "It's Ambassador Honor Bound and the Proud Pride, Captain. They're requesting permission to land."

And they had impeccable timing. Now that I had solved all the mysteries, all that was left to do was plan a counterattack with the Proud Pride.

"I'll be right there," I said. "Oh, and send Blaze to the landing strip as well. She needs to be in on this."

"Right away, Captain," said Crescent with a salute.

With that, he dashed off to fetch Blaze while I made my way to the landing strip. I was still hoping that Ambassador Honor Bound believe Kierra's story about the tengu. It wouldn't exactly look good if I had to drag him to the infirmary to meet Pine Talon. But if I had to, I had to. If we're going to survive this, we all have to be on the same page.