• Published 26th Apr 2013
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My Little Investigations: Wonderbolts Under Fire - Metool Bard

Someone wants me and my team dead. At least, that's what this weirdo in a costume tells me.

  • ...

Dogfight of Wits

January 17, 07:33
Wonderbolt Academy
Control Tower

"We weren't given any previous notification of this, Lieutenant Surprise!"

"Well, of course you weren't! If you were, it wouldn't be a surprise! Doy!"

"What wouldn't be a surprise?!"

When I had gotten to the control tower, things had already gotten out of hoof. The cadets in charge of the control tower were tearing their manes out while Surprise was being her usual semi-silly self. I sighed.

"Ten-HUP!" I barked.

And just like that, the bickering stopped. Works every time.

"Alright, what's going on here?" I asked.

"Ma'am, please talk some sense into Lieutenant Surprise!" pleaded Sightseer. "She says Raindrops doesn't have permission to land, but she won't tell us why!"

"She has a good reason, cadet. Trust me," I said. I then turned to Surprise. "By the same token, however, I want you to let me know about these kinds of things. I was expecting Raindrops to drop by."

"Oopsie-daisy. Sorry, Cap," said Surprise sheepishly. "So, what now? We can't have Raindrops ruining the surprise."

I smirked. "Well, let's go out to meet her and see what she wants," I said.

Surprise thought for a moment, and then gave me a broad smile. "Sounds good to me, Cap. After all, what's a good trap without bait?"

Before you ask, she whispered that last part so that the other cadets wouldn't hear. Yeah, I bet you all expected her not to be able to keep a secret to save her life, didn't you? Well, that's the beauty of Surprise. She always subverts your expectations.

"Right," I said with a nod before turning to the cadets. "Surprise and I will deal with Raindrops. Resume your regular duties."

"Um, yes ma'am," said Sightseer with an awkward salute. With that, Surprise and I left.

January 17, 07:37
Wonderbolt Academy Airspace

Raindrops was just as confused as the cadets at the control tower; maybe even more so. She simply stood there rubbing her foreleg sheepishly. When she saw me, she quickly saluted.

"Ma'am!" she squeaked. "I-I didn't expect you to come out here to get me."

"At ease, Raindrops," I said. "To be honest, I didn't expect you back so soon. We're in the middle of, something rather important. We're blocking all requests to land for the time being."

"Oh," said Raindrops. "W-well, I can always come back later..."

"I'm sure this won't take a minute," I said. "Give me your report."

"Oh. O-okay," said Raindrops, taking some time to collect herself. "Well, I talked to Twilight about what happened yesterday, and she gave me the order form regarding the Mare-Do-Well costume."

"Mare-Do-What-Now?" asked Surprise, tilting her head.

"Not your business, Surprise," I said sternly.

"If you say so, Cap," said Surprise with a shrug. "I'll just do a perimeter sweep while you deal with this, thingamabobber."

"That would be most appreciated, Surprise," I said with a nod.

Surprise then gave me a salute and flew off. I had to breathe a sigh of relief. Surprise has always been overly curious, but she knows when to respect somepony's privacy. Most of the time, anyway.

"Anyway, that's good news, Raindrops," I said. "You mind if I take a look at it?"

"Oh, not at all," said Raindrops, reaching into her saddlebag. "I have it right..."

Her thought was interrupted by the sound of a firecracker being launched, followed by an explosion. Before I could react, Surprise returned with a giddy disposition that was reflected in her flying.

"The Meanie Trap was a success, Cap!" she cheered. "We got him! Or her. Or it."

"It?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It could be a changeling," said Surprise with a shrug. "You never know."

A sly smirk crossed my face. "Well then, we'll just have to find out, now won't we?"

"Um, ma'am? What's going on?" asked a frightened-looking Raindrops.

My smile vanished, and I sighed. I really didn't want to rope Raindrops into this, but at this point, this was bigger than just the Wonderbolts. There was no point in keeping the information classified anymore.

"I think it's better if I show you," I said. "Surprise, lead the way."

"Right-a-reeno, Cap-a-rooni!" said Surprise with a salute. With that, she flew off, and Raindrops and I followed right at her heels. At long last, I was gonna meet the schmuck who was attacking my team. I pounded my hooves and cracked my neck. I couldn't wait to give this guy a piece of my mind.


Surprise led us to four clouds sculpted to have a hook shape. Each cloud held a rope connected to a large net suspended in midair. And indeed, there was someone struggling in the net. Surprise managed to catch the assassin; hook, line, and sinker. Honestly, I'd expect nothing less from the Queen of Unpredictability.

"Oh, Ms. Spitfire!" Kierra called out as she flew up to us. "I was just about to come get you."

"Surprise has already made me well aware of the situation, Kierra," I said, turning to the net. "Now then, let's see who our little pest is."

"So you got me in a net. Good for you," said a voice from the net. Judging by the pitch, I believe it was safe to say that the assassin was male. But was it me, or did he sound, bored?

"You've got a lot to answer for, dock-hole," I said with a snort. "Why did you attack my team?"

"Oh, so it's your team, is it?" said the assassin. "Well, I was planning on saving you for last, but since you're here..."

Suddenly, the net was shredded to pieces right before my eyes. Once the assassin had revealed himself, all of our jaws dropped. The creature flying in front of us was just as Kierra described: A bipedal bird with jewel-encrusted wings and a long, stick-like nose (or was that just part of a mask? I couldn't really tell). He wore in a wide-brimmed hat that shrouded his eyes and a brown cloak decorated with pine needles. He threw back his cloak, revealing a staff that he gripped in his right talon. There was no longer any doubt in my mind; the assassin was none other than a tengu.

"My name is Pine Talon," said he. "Mark it well. Or don't; I don't really care. Either way, I am here to kill you."

"We'll see about that, you meanie!" Surprise snapped. "We're not going down without a fight!"

"That, can be arranged," said Pine Talon.

With that, he threw something at Surprise in a quick motion. Before I could see what it was, it exploded into a towering cyclone! Surprise barrel rolled out of the way just in time.

"I guess I'm supposed to be impressed by that," said Pine Talon apathetically. "I could've dodged that in my sleep."

"Dodge this, you barbarian!"

Kierra flew up at Pine Talon with her talons bared. His motions a blur, the tengu met Kierra's charge and smacked her cheek with his staff.

"Must you shout?" Pine Talon groused, cleaning out his ear with his finger. "I'm already blind, you know. I do not wish to be rendered deaf as well."

My brow furrowed. For someone claiming to be blind, his attacks were pretty damn accurate. Either he was lying, or he was using his other senses. Whichever the case, fighting him was going to be tricky.

"You won't get away with this!" Kierra snarled, recovering from the blow. "I'll make sure that you pay for your crimes against the Grif— ack!"

In the middle of her declaration, Pine Talon swooped in and grabbed her by the throat.

"You are giving me a headache," he growled. "So, you'll die first."

No way in Tartarus was I letting that happen. No one, pony or griffon, was dying on my watch. Without uttering a word, I swooped down towards Pine Talon. I was just about to ram him when he let go of Kierra and blocked with his staff. I continued my forward momentum, pushing the staff against his chest with my hooves. Pine Talon flapped his own wings and fought against my charge. I appeared to be winning the standoff when I suddenly felt a tingling in my hooves. Something was happening to the staff. Before I could figure out what, the tingling turned into a searing pain. It felt like several blades that were dipped in ice water were slicing up my ankles. I yelped and drew back my hooves, allowing Pine Talon to get in a strike of his own.

"Ho hum. How incredibly droll," was all I managed to hear him say before he was too far away to hear. When I felt the pain in my hooves dull, I pulled out of my dive and flew back towards him.

"Ma'am, watch out!"

As soon as I heard Raindrops's warning, I swerved to the side. Sure enough, a towering cyclone manifested itself from my left and grazed my wing, plucking a few feathers off in the process. I winced. If I had been a second late, that thing might've torn me to ribbons.

When I got my bearings, I saw that Pine Talon had turned his attention to Raindrops. With a shriek, she flew away in terror while Pine Talon matched her move for move. Wasting no time, I flew towards the fray with the intention to intercept. Before I could reach him, Surprise flew in front of me and held up her foreleg.

"Let me handle this, Cap," she said firmly. "This meanie's little red wagon is broken, and I know just how to fix it."

"You sure?" I asked.

"Sure as sunshine, sweetheart," said Surprise with a firm nod. "And as an added bonus, I promise never to call you that again. I just always wanted to say that."

I fought back the urge to laugh. I don't know about you, but I really can't get mad at Surprise for being silly. Exasperated maybe, but never mad.

"Alright, Surprise. He's all yours," I whispered. "But if you find yourself in trouble..."

"You'll be right there to help. I know," said Surprise, finishing my thought. "Just leave it to me for now."

With that, she flew away from me and took a deep breath.

"HEY, BIRDBRAIN! I'M CALLING YOU OUT!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Pine Talon winced and turned angrily to Surprise.

"I thought I told you not to make me deaf," he said irritably.

"Sorry. Just wanted to get your attention," said Surprise, putting up her dukes. "And now that I have it, I'm challenging you to a duel! Mono-a-mono, birdy!"

Pine Talon scoffed. "So, you wish to die first. Meh, fine by me. Just remember this; it's too late to change your mind."

With that, he flew up at Surprise. Surprise swooped out of the way of his charge and flew a good distance away.

"Hey, Cap! Guess who I am!" she said, closing her eyes. "He's behind me, he's behind me, he's behind me..."

Pine Talon sighed. "If you're trying to mock me, that's rather poor," he said.

"He's behind me, he's behind me, he's behind me..." Surprise continued to chant.

"I can't believe you think I'm this imbecilic," Pine Talon groaned, palming his face (mask?). "You honestly believe that I'm going to get annoyed, charge at you in a blind rage, and allow you to strike me?"

Surprise didn't answer, but continued her chanting. "He's behind me, he's behind me, he's behind me..."

Pine Talon shook his head. "Alright, fine. I'll play along. But it'll be your doom."

He then flew around to Surprise's left flank and charged up towards her. Just when he was about to slash with his staff, Surprise kicked him in the forehead. Pine Talon stumbled backward.

"Grah!" he grunted. "How did you...?!"

"Lucky guess," said Surprise with a shrug. "Here, let me try again."

She then turned around and closed her eyes. "He's to the right, he's to the right, he's to the right..."

Pine Talon let loose a deep-throated snarl and flew up above Surprise. He then charged down into a sharp dive. Before he could reach her, Surprise did a bicycle kick and clocked the tengu in the cheek.

"Hmmph. So you fancy yourself to be clever," he growled. "I'll say this much; I haven't had such an invigorating fight in a long time. You are indeed a worthy opponent."

"Ooh, this is fun!" Surprise squealed. "Here, let's try it one more time."

She then closed her eyes once again. "He's in front of me, he's in front of me, he's in front of me..."

Pine Talon snickered. "Here's where it all ends, trickster. I've figured you out."

That's what he thinks. Seriously, I've flown with Surprise ever since she became a Wonderbolt, and even I haven't completely figured her out. I highly doubt anyone can.

Sure enough, Pine Talon tried attacking from the front, predicting Surprise to strike in a random direction. But instead, she clamped her hooves over his long nose, swung him around like a hammer, and let him fly. Pine Talon slowly regained control and snorted.

"Careful, you crafty little fox," he warned. "For I have some tricks of my own."

He then flipped himself upside-down and began spinning in place. As he did so, he held his staff in front of him and spun it like a parade leader twirling a baton. Currents of wind began to form around his body, and he bobbed up and down. In a matter of moments, the winds grew stronger and stronger, until his body became engulfed in a giant tornado! And a powerful one, at that!

"Uh-oh! I think he's mad!" Surprise hollered over the roaring winds.

Insert your own snarky comment here. I'm too busy trying to stay airborne right now.

"Wh-what do we do?!" Raindrops shrieked, hugging her saddlebag close to her body.

Before I could answer, the other Wonderbolts came flying in.

"Thought you could use a hoof!" Blaze called out. "Whiplash gave the order to scramble as soon as the tornado formed! What is that thing, anyway?!"

"No time to explain!" I yelled. "High Winds, you take half the team and give that cyclone some counterbalance! Once it slows down, the rest of us will strike!"

"Yes, ma'am!" said High Winds with a salute. "Soarin', Wave Chill, Fleetfoot, Rapidfire, Silver Zoom! You're all with me!"

As High Winds's team flew off, Blaze gave me a dirty look and pouted her lips. I gave her a stern glare in response, and she immediately adjusted her attitude. Yeah, I wasn't about to put up with Blaze's brattiness at a time like this.

"Alright, Wonderbolts! Form up!" I ordered. "Attack formation Pansy Delta! Raindrops, Kierra, follow our lead! We charge on my mark!"

The remaining Wonderbolts complied, spreading out in a zigzag formation. Kierra and Raindrops hustled into formation as well as we watched High Winds's team fight against Pine Talon's cyclone. Just as I saw a glint of Pine Talon's wings hidden in the gale-force winds, I found my opening.

"Wonderbolts, attack!"

We all charged forward, tearing through the tornado like a hot knife through butter. When I turned around to see the results, the tornado had all but dissipated, and Pine Talon dropped like a rock. Soarin' and Rapidfire managed to catch him by his arms.

"He seems to be unconscious, Boss," said Rapidfire. "What are your orders?"

I paused to think for a moment. As much as I hated this guy, unnecessary brutality is not my policy. Besides, I still wanted some answers out of him.

"Take him to the infirmary," I said. "Have them let me know when he's ready to talk. And make sure his room is under heavy guard. I don't want this guy causing any more trouble."

"Got it, Boss," said Rapidfire with a nod. He and Soarin' then carried him off.

"It appears *pant* the tengu are stronger *whew* than I remember," Kierra said as she caught her breath.

"Mmm," I said with a nod. "On the plus side, we know for a fact that they're the ones behind the attacks."

"So, what now?" asked Blaze, flying up to me.

"We can't explore the tengu too much until Pine Talon's awake," I said, turning to Raindrops. "Which means we need to pursue another avenue."

"M-ma'am?" Raindrops whimpered nervously. She still appeared to be in shock. I can't say that I blame her after what just happened.

"I promise, Raindrops. I'll explain everything," I said. "Now, you have that order form, right?"

"Y-yes, ma'am. Right here," said Raindrops, taking out a small slip of paper from her saddlebag. As I took it from her hooves, she reached in again and pulled out a baguette. I had to raise an eyebrow.

"Raindrops, what is that?" I asked.

Raindrops gulped. "C-comfort food, ma'am," she said meekly. "I-I think I need it."

I sighed. "Alright, fine. But don't make a habit out of this."

"Y-yes, ma'am," said Raindrops, nibbling the heel of her bread.

"So, that's the order form for the Mare-Do-Well costume Rarity told us about?" said Blaze, looking over my shoulder.

"The very same," I said. "And I think I know who ordered it."

"What do you mean?" asked Kierra.

"I mean we're gonna take a trip to the Crystal Empire," I said, pocketing the form. "It's time we paid your old friend Gypsy Moth a visit. I'll give you and Raindrops the full briefing on the way."