• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 3,672 Views, 178 Comments

My Little Investigations: Wonderbolts Under Fire - Metool Bard

Someone wants me and my team dead. At least, that's what this weirdo in a costume tells me.

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Prying before Post Time

January 14, 14:30
Wonderbolt Derby Racetrack

I should probably take this time to explain the purpose of the Wonderbolt Derby. See, most ponies just see it as just another Wonderbolts event; something that's not really all that different from any of our other performances. The truth is actually much more practical. Because for us Wonderbolts, the Derby is a great way to relieve stress.

I mentioned before that we try to look out for one other, and that we have a mutual respect that makes us a great team. That might be true, but just like any group of ponies who have to share living space, we can sometimes get on each other's nerves. So we use the Derby as a means to blow off some steam and settle scores. That way, nothing gets in the way of our regular duties and performances.

For that reason, I usually don't attend these races as a spectator. Knowing the backstory behind the sport doesn't make it all that interesting to watch. But this time, I wasn't here for the race. I was here to get some information.

I walked over to the soldier guarding the entrance to Fancy Pants's private box. Not surprisingly, he recognized me right away and used his magic to let me pass. I gave him a nod of thanks and made my way upstairs. Once I stepped into the private box, I was greeted by none other than Fancy Pants himself.

"Ah, Ms. Spitfire! So glad you could make it," said he.

As soon as he said that, every other pony in the place turned to look at me and immediately started to crowd around. This, I did not need. I like my fans and all, but even I have a little something called "personal space." You'd think that being civilized ponies of the Canterlot elite, they'd understand that. Heaving a sigh, I nudged my way past the crowd and over to Fancy Pants, who was with his consort, Fleur de Lis.

"Well, thank you for inviting me, Mr. Fancy Pants," I said with a polite nod. "Although I have to say, it's very odd of you to drop this on me out of the blue. What's the occasion?"

"I simply thought you'd like to join me for a spot of tea," said Fancy Pants with a shrug. "After all, with the Ghastly Gorge Gauntlet coming up, even a hard-working pony like you could deserve a break."

I raised an eyebrow. "You, know about the Ghastly Gorge Gauntlet?"

"But of course, Ms. Spitfire. It's been the talk of the town ever since Ambassador Honor Bound made his address a couple of days ago," said Fancy Pants.

"Huh," was all I could say to that. I suppose it made sense. An event of this magnitude was bound to generate at least some attention.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Fleetfoot was the first to finish," Fancy Pants continued. "She is quite the fast flier."

I snickered and shook my head. "Believe me when I say this, Mr. Fancy Pants. It takes more than just speed to fly through Ghastly Gorge."

"She is correct, Fancy Pants."

I recognized that stern voice right away. I turned around and sure enough, there stood Honor Bound. We quickly exchanged bows.

"Good of you to join us, Ambassador," said Fancy Pants with a bow of his own. "I was worried that you'd be too busy to accept my invitation."

"I managed to work it into my schedule," said Honor Bound with a shrug. "Besides, it is a good chance to see the Wonderbolts in action before the big day."

"Of course, of course," said Fancy Pants. "Oh, I should probably introduce you to Miss..."

"We've met," I said, cutting across Fancy Pants. "He dropped by the Academy to visit yesterday. At oh-six hundred."

Honor Bound chuckled. "I do apologize if that was a bit too early for you, Captain Spitfire. It's just that the Proud Pride was eager to meet their competition."

"I see," said I. I then took a deep breath. This was it. If I was going to get any background on the Proud Pride, it had to be here and now. "Um, Mr. Fancy Pants? Could you please excuse us for a moment? The ambassador and I have some, private matters to discuss."

"Of course, Ms. Spitfire," said Fancy Pants with a nod. "Take your time."

As we went over to an unoccupied corner of the private box, Honor Bound seemed perplexed.

"Is there something troubling you, Captain Spitfire?" he inquired.

"A few things," I said, dipping my voice. "Among them is the Proud Pride."

Honor Bound gave me an odd look. "I never took you to be the nosy type, Captain Spitfire."

"Usually I'm not," I said, adjusting my shades. "However, the whole concept behind this new team just baffles me to no end. They've been around for less than a week, and yet they somehow managed to build a great reputation in the Griffon Kingdom without making an impact on anypony here in Equestria. It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, does it?"

Honor Bound snorted and turned his attention to the racetrack below. "Your point is not without merit, Captain Spitfire. Nevertheless, this is none of your concern."

"With all due respect, Ambassador, I want to decide that for myself," I said firmly.

"In the interest of national security, I ask that you do not continue this line of inquiry," said Honor Bound sternly.

That little verbal slip got my attention. "National security?" I parroted.

"That's all I can tell you, Captain Spitfire," said Honor Bound. "I'm sorry."

Okay, so it wasn't a verbal slip. But it was still a vital piece of information. Something was happening in the Griffon Kingdom. I had no idea what, but it had to be something pretty serious to justify the secrecy.

"Fair enough, Ambassador. Let's change the subject a bit," I said. "What inspired you to create the Ghastly Gorge Gauntlet?"

Honor Bound smirked. "I thought I had already made that clear, Captain Spitfire. I am trying to create an event for the Equestria Games that both ponies and griffons can enter. It is sure to strengthen our relations."

"Yeah, yeah. I know all that," I said. "But, why do our relations need strengthening? From where I'm standing, we get along just fine."

"That doesn't mean it couldn't be improved," said Honor Bound with a shrug. "You'd be surprised how many griffons in Equestria wish to participate in the Equestria Games."

"And that's all there is to it."

"That's all I can tell you," Honor Bound corrected. "There's more to it, but again, that information is classified."

I knitted my brow. It became rather apparent that Honor Bound was in no position to tell me what I needed to know. I had to get my answers elsewhere.

"Is that everything, Captain Spitfire?" asked Honor Bound.

I then remembered that I had brought Mare-Do-Well's clue with me. It was a long shot, but it was my last chance to get some semblance of clarity.

"One more thing, Ambassador," I said, reaching into my pocket and taking out the cloth. "Does this look familiar to you at all?"

Honor Bound eyed the cloth quizzically. "Where did you come across this, Captain Spitfire?"

"I just found it in my office," I said with a shrug. "Why? Do you know it from somewhere?"

"Perhaps," said Honor Bound, holding out his talon. "May I?"

"Oh, of course," I said, giving him the cloth. He looked over the piece of fabric with a critical eye for a brief moment before closing his eyes and nodding sagely. He then handed it back to me and brought his beak to my ear.

"This is not something I can help you with, Captain Spitfire, though I wish I could," he whispered. "I suggest going to the Proud Pride. They would know more than I."

I have to give Honor Bound credit; he's not the type to pull the wool over your eyes. The way he said that, I knew I could believe every word. I gave him a nod and put the cloth away. I didn't get all the answers I wanted, but I had enough to plan my next move.

As it so happened, I managed to wrap everything up with Honor Bound just in time. The bugle had sounded, and the race was about to begin. Feigning interest, I looked out at the racetrack below.

With a wave of the flag, the Wonderbolts were off. As was the norm, Fleetfoot and Rapidfire were neck-and-neck while the others followed at their heels. For a moment, it looked as though Wave Chill would make an attempt to take the lead, but Fleetfoot and Rapidfire weren't letting anypony pass them. It looked like it was going to be another close race between those two.

Then, the unexpected happened. On the final lap, Fleetfoot charged forward and violently rammed Rapidfire off of the racetrack. Rapidfire spun out and crashed into the wall, the impact knocking him out cold. The audience was astonished, as was I.

"I take it that usually doesn't happen," said Honor Bound.

I snorted and adjusted my shades. "No, it doesn't," I said darkly. "Please excuse me, Ambassador. I think a member of my team needs to be disciplined."

With that, I flew out of the box and made my way to the track below. In my mind, this didn't make sense. Fleetfoot can be a hothead at times, but she's never violent. Either Rapidfire did something that really pissed her off, or there was some other form of foul play at work. Either way, she had a lot of explaining to do.