• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,975 Views, 5,040 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 65: The Devil You Know

Episode 65: The Devil You Know

For a moment nothing but fear gripped Twilight Sparkle as she stared into those fathomless mirrors to her own eyes. Midnight Sparkle’s gaze filled her with dread, because she could so easily see the unmitigated hunger for knowledge and power that filled them like a swirling vacuum, cold and more than capable of sucking in everything around it with no care at all for those who got hurt in the process. However the fear only lasted as long as it took Twilight to remember the bright warmth of Sunset Shimmer who had saved her once from this madness and had shown her, along with her other friends, the strength that came from the friendship of others.

Midnight Sparkle’s hand still cupped her chin, but Twilight batted it away and shot a fierce look back at her dark double.

“We have nothing to talk about! Get out of my head, now!”

A momentary flash of surprise crossed Midnight Sparkle’s features, but then it was replaced by an amused and confident smile. ”Oh it won’t be that easy to cast me aside this time. And I will be heard, whether you like it or not. You’ve been getting a free pass because I’ve found this excursion with the Quincy to be rather enlightening, but now that it's threatening both our existences I’d say its time we discuss our... relationship.”

Twilight shook her head, backing up another step and taking a ready stance as she held out her hands. She knew this was some kind of dream, and that it was all taking place in her head, but from what little she’d learned of how Sunset interacted with her Zanpaktou Twilight wasn’t going to underestimate the effects conflict in her mind could have. Nor her own power within her mind. In an instant she summoned the plain blue glowing hue of her Quincy bow and aimed it at Midnight Sparkle.

“We don’t have anything to talk about, unless its concerning you slinking back into the deepest part of my mind you can find and never crawling back out again. You nearly killed dozens of innocent people, including my friends, because you wanted to tear open a hole into Equestria to learn more magic.”

”Strictly speaking we did all of that. You and me together, because in case you missed the rather obvious, or in serious self-denial, I am you and hence you did all of those things you’re being so self-righteously angry about. Now seriously, stop waving that silly bow around. I’m not intending to harm you. That would be counterproductive to my goals.”

If Midnight Sparkle showed any particular fear of Twilight’s bow she didn’t show it by the way she held herself calmly and with an imperious look of self-assurance crossed her arms under her breasts and gave Twilight a smile that seemed to dare the young Quincy to fire her bow.

Twilight chewed her lower lip, keeping her bow steady but not firing it yet. If she was being honest with herself she wasn’t at all confident she could so easily win a mental battle with this version of herself. On top of that, for all of her fear of Midnight Sparkle and what this phantom might do if she ever took control of her body again, Twilight was curious about Midnight as well. In all the time after the Friendship Games she’d spent a lot of effort to try to forget what had happened, to get over it and become comfortable with her new friends, yet some back part of her mind was always curious on a basic scientific level to learn more about her alter ego. Was she a split personality? An alternate entity created by the magic Twilight had unleashed? How did the magic interact with her mind to create these effects, and why had Midnight Sparkle manifested in the specific manner she had?

Twilight never had any opportunity to experiment on or study Midnight Sparkle, but it was clear she was innately tied to the magic that still permeated Twilight’s soul. Sombra had tasked her with learning how to harness that magic...

But there was no way she could possibly trust Midnight Sparkle! Yet... maybe trust wasn’t needed in this case.

One thing was clear enough, she had to choose now between either fighting Midnight Sparkle to try to force this dream to end, or indulge her alter ego’s desire to talk and see where that discussion went.

Taking a deep breath Twilight let her bow fade away. If it came down to it she could always fall back on violence as a last resort. Meeting Midnight Sparkle’s eyes with as much bravery as she could muster, Twilight said, “Okay, I’ll hear what you have to say, but there are some rules I’m setting down first.”

Midnight Sparkle’s voice echoed over the dreamscape. ”Oh? What rules would those be?”

Twilight held up a finger, “First rule; stop doing that thing with your voice and talk like a normal person.”

”What thing?

“That thing!” Twilight near shouted, “The weird and entirely unnecessary echoing quality. Just talk in a normal voice, otherwise I’m going to be distracted the entire time wondering how you’re even doing it in the first place.”

Midnight looked at her, then let out a chiming chuckle and her voice shifted from an ethereal echo to a merely smug and still vaguely sultry soprano. “Fine, ruin all my fun why don’t you? So what other rules are you going to be shackling me with, hmm?”

With a withering look towards her alter ego Twilight held up a second finger, “Second rule; there will be absolutely no attempts to take over my mind and body. The second I even suspect you’re trying, its arrow time, got it?”

Midnight made a throwing away gesture with one hand, rolling her eyes, “If I was going to try to brute force this I wouldn’t have even bothered trying to talk to you in the first place. Do we have a number three?”

“Yes,” Twilight said with an irritated huff, holding up her third finger, “Third rule; this exchange goes both ways, if I have to listen to you then you have to listen to me, and I got a lot of questions for you, clear?”

“Crystal, as long as you understand I either might not want to answer them or may not know the answers myself. Anything else?” Midnight Sparkle asked, raising a slim purple eyebrow at Twilight.

Twilight blushed slightly and raised a fourth finger, “Uh, rule four; could you wear something a little less, uh... revealing? Please?”

Midnight blinked at her, and looked down at the clothing she was wearing, which largely consisted for a ornate dress of dark violets and purples, streaked with elements of pink. The dress was cut low to reveal quite bit of bare leg, and was a halter top that exposed the shoulders and cleavage a fair portion. With a snort Midnight looked back at Twilight and smirked.

“Oh grow up and deal with it, Twilight. I’m the total sum of all of your repressed desires and emotions, and in case you totally missed the symbolism of this, you’re a teenage girl well past puberty who spent most of that time locked up alone in a lab. So either go get laid so I don’t have to deal with all your repressed sexual tension, or deal with the fact that this is how I dress.”

Twilight sputtered, eyes popping wide as grapefruits as her face went from purple to crimson in the blink of an eye. “W-w-w-w-waaaah? N-no way, I couldn’t, can’t possibly, wha...?”

Midnight Sparkle smacked her face with a heavy palm, “Seriously, it wouldn’t even be that hard. I’m sure one of your friends would be willing, if you had the guts to proposition one of them. Or if you’re just that flustered at the idea of the real thing, why not do what everyone else does and use mechanical assistance? You wouldn’t even have to buy anything, you could build one yourself. It’d probably be more advanced than what’s on the market.”

Twilight plugged her ears, redder than a cherry and saying, “Not hearing this. We are not having this conversation. Nope, can’t hear a thing, la la la la la!”

“Ugh...” Midnight Sparkle sighed with the weight of a thousand hormonal teenagers. “Great, guess its more fun repression for me. So can we have an actual conversation now or do you want to keep complaining about how I dress due to your excessive prudishness?”

Hissing through her teeth, Twilight took her fingers out of her ears and tried very hard to get her heated features under control while giving her double a reproachful glare. “Yes, fine, dress how you want. Now what is you actually wanted to talk about so badly you dragged me into this dreamscape for it? For that matter, let me start by asking how? How are you even still a thing after Sunset Shimmer’s magic banished you.”

“Obviously because that’s not what Little Miss Friendship Angel actually did.” Midnight Sparkle said with a scalding tone, “Her ‘magic of friendship’ couldn’t destroy me, or banish me, or do anything actually harmful to me, because like I’ve been trying to tell you, I am you. Harming me would be like harming you, and the kind of magic Sunset Shimmer was wielding can’t be used to do harm. It only heals, seals, weakens, or purifies. It can’t be used to destroy. Besides you can’t really destroy magic. You can alter its properties almost infinitely, but just like matter and energy you can’t destroy it.”

Despite herself Twilight started to get drawn into the topic, her natural curiosity and desire to know overriding her discomfort. “So you’re saying that you were weakened, then? You certainly don’t seem purified.”

“Weakened, yes. I think the magic wanted to seal me, but it couldn’t because of how, heh, intimately I’m tied to you.” Midnight Sparkle said with some satisfaction creeping into her voice, “By sealing me, it may have done irreparable harm to your psyche, so instead it merely weakened my hold over our collective mind so you could control yourself. In the meantime I’ve been stuck observing everything that’s been happening to us on the outside. All the time you’ve spent become closer friends with those girls, and eventually the advent of all this fascinating but ultimately dangerous interacting with the spirit realm. I’ll admit even I was shocked to learn our family are Quincy, and I’ve been eagerly absorbing all the lessons we’ve learned about Quincy techniques and spirit particles the same as you have.”

Midnight pursed her lips and frowned deeply, “However the reason I decided to take the risk of talking to you is because things are clearly becoming far too deadly. In case you haven’t quite figured this out yet, if you die, I die. Not an experience I’m eager to have, even if there is a confirmed afterlife now.”

“Is that why...” Twilight gulped, “Is that why you took over during the Hollow raid on the Academy?”

Midnight gave a thin smile, “Of course. I’d been trying to take over earlier, but was only able to when your emotions got so out of hand when we saw...” Midnight’s smile faded, “All those other dead students, their bodies torn to shreds. Like I said, Twilight, I’m where all the emotions you don’t want to acknowledge go. Including anger and hatred. I wanted to destroy those Hollows because you wanted to destroy them. So I did. And it felt good didn’t it?”

Twilight remembered all too well that moment when she and her fellow cadets had broken into that clearing, and she’d seen the horrors that had been visited upon some of the less fortunate Academy students. The memory of those torn, bloody bodies made the bile rise in her throat and she could clearly recall every feeling that’d rushed through her then. Frozen terror, but also an undercurrent of rage filled denial and righteous fury. She remembered vividly the way she’d destroyed the Hollows that had appeared before her then, laughing all the while.

But she wouldn’t say it had felt good. More like being trapped in a fever dream.

“I won’t say that what we did wasn’t what those Hollows deserved, but I never want to lose control of myself like that. I can’t have you taking over every time my emotions get out of hand. I don’t want you in control at all.”

Midnight gave her a cold, level look, lips pressed to a thin line. “It doesn’t have to be a binary thing, Twilight. You in control, or me in control. I have access to all the magic you absorbed from that moment during the Friendship Games, and a great deal more latent magic that’s been growing inside you since then. I can... open the faucet a little, if you’re willing to cooperate with me. With my help we can both survive the coming days.”

“And is that all you’re after, survival?” Twilight asked dubiously, “I don’t believe that for an instant. You say you’re a part of me. Well, if that’s true then you’re forgetting that when you came out at the Friendship Games I remember everything we thought and felt at the time. I know you’re only interested in growing more powerful and controlling all the magic you can find. Why should I trust a thing you say?”

A shrewd look crossed Midnight’s face, “Let me answer that with another question; do you really think you can survive without me? You’ve seen how strong the Arrancar are, and you’re days away from walking headfirst into a war with them. Assassins from your own people are popping out of the woodwork trying to kill us! And you still only have access to a fraction of your power, because in case you haven’t figured it out one of the reasons you can’t use all of your internal reishi is because the magic inside you is acting like a blockage against it. You won’t be able to get at all of your spiritual energy until you also can control the magic. And guess what? I’m the one in control of that power, because I am that magic, and you can’t just get rid of me or ignore me!”

Midnight’s voice had grown more heated with every word and she’d taken several threatening steps forward, raven wings spreading behind her like a looming dark cloud. Twilight summoned her bow again, but cut herself short of aiming it, instead just meeting Midnight’s gaze with her own even look.

“You’re the one who seems desperate to me.” she said, “I’ve been doing fine so far on my own, and I can figure out a way to control the magic in me, control you, without having to cut a deal with a devil like you.”

There was a cold fury in Midnight’s eyes, and her voice dropped to a low, spiteful octave. “Really? Tell that to Spike.”

Midnight’s words lanced right through Twilight, leaving a frozen pit in her chest as she remembered Spike valiantly trying to protect her and being thrown into a wall for his efforts. Midnight’s voice rasped across her ears, angry and... pained?

“Do you remember, Twilight? Did you feel me rising up when that bitch hurt Spike? I wanted to kill her, and couldn’t because you’re holding me back. If you worked with me, we could have beaten that assassin, and Spike would be okay right now.”

“What... what do you care about Spike!?” Twilight shot back scornfully, tears entering her eyes as she aimed her bow, “He’s my friend. My best friend, who's been with me my whole life! Don’t pretend you care about him! Don’t you dare!”

“Don’t I dare...?” Midnight grit her teeth and looked away, “You’re an idiot. Why do you think you got control back so easily back then? We could have beaten Sunset Shimmer. We were overpowering her! I was so close to being free to go and absorb and understand all the magic we could ever want, but then Spike... all he had to do was say our name with those little green eyes of his and... argh! Don’t you get it!? I stopped us back then, not you! I held back because I care about Spike just as much as you, because I keep having to say this; I AM YOU!”

The last came out like the roar of an exploding star, the entire void of the dreamscape quivering as Midnight Sparkle appeared to grow in height along with her explosive anger, teal fire erupting in sheets from behind her in a pale corona.

Twilight held her ground, not stepping away from the display, but her mind reeled. Could what Midnight was saying be true? Twilight only remembered that seeing Spike back then had snapped her back to her senses, but it had never really occurred to her that the nearly instant manner in which she’d come to her senses might have been due to the Midnight Sparkle persona actually willingly letting go instead of Twilight reasserting control. Twilight didn’t think Midnight was lying, either. There was far too much raw emotion in her other self’s voice to be so easily faked.

“I... I’m sorry.” Twilight said.

Midnight blinked, the flames lowering around her. “What?”

Twilight hesitated a moment, then said again, “I’m sorry. I had no idea you cared about Spike as much as I do.”

Midnight grimaced, but her voice softened. “Of course I do. He’s the best dog ever.”

“He is. He really is.” Twilight wiped a tear away from her eye and sighed heavily, letting her bow vanish again. “Midnight, I... I don’t know if I can do this. I’m scared of you, and I can’t just let you take control of our body. I can’t trust you to not go do more crazy things with it.”

Midnight looked at her carefully with a slightly raised eyebrow, “I hear a ‘but’ in there.”

With a reluctant nod Twilight said, “But I also can’t refute what you’re saying. Things among the Quincy are just getting more and more dangerous. I’ve been lucky so far. Statistically speaking I’ve already blown way past the point of expecting that luck to hold out. So, yes, I... I do need your help.”

She looked at Midnight warily, slowly holding out her hand, “If you can show me that you’re able to work with me without trying to take more control than I’m willing to give, then I’m equally willing to try to make this work. I don’t want to lose Spike, or anyone else for that matter. My family, my friends, I need more power to get through this without losing any of them.”

Midnight had a surprisingly tired look as stared at Twilight’s offered hand. “You’re going to need more than power. You’ll need to learn how to deal with all the emotional parts of yourself you don’t like. There is a lust in you for understanding everything, and a cold angry side of you that wants to hurt those who hurt you. There’s a part of you that wants to cut loose and not care about everything around you so much. And yeah, there’s a part of you that’s tired of being the frumpy nerd who never gets any action. Bottom line, Twilight... I’ll take care of the power, if you agree to take care of unchaining some of that repression.”

Twilight winced slightly, licking her lips. “I can’t make any promises. Especially about that last part. But, I’ll try, as long as you try not to go mad with power again.”

Midnight laughed and clasped Twilight’s hand, and the world of the void seemed to grow brighter around them. “Heh, like you I can’t make any promises except to try. But hey, better the devil you know, right?”


Twilight woke up half laying on Spike’s bed. She felt a wet tongue licking her face and she turned to see Spike looking over at her with worry filling his canine eyes.

“Twilight, you okay?” were the first words out of Spike’s mouth, despite his paw still being in a cast, his head wrapped in bandages, and his face still clearly showing a great deal of pain despite being awake now.

“Oh Spike, yes I’m fine, but you-” Twilight started to say, but Spike huffed and leaned back in his bed.

“I’m cool. Ugh, just... remind me next time to go for the ankles or something. Getting thrown into a wall sucks, big time.”

“Good to see you both awake.” said Soarin, yawning fro his corner of the room, where he’d pulled up a sofa and was laying on it. “I was this close to taking a nap myself, except then His Majesty would super-murder me. How you feeling, Spike?”

“Uh, like I have multiple broken bones and a mild concussion.” Spike drawled with a hefty note of sarcasm and settled into his bed with a sigh, “And like I could use about another week of sleep.” He opened one eye and wagged his tail while smiling at Twilight, “Which of course will require many pettings and treats while the brave hero recovers, right?”

Twilight chuckled, wiping at her face, “Of course.”

Soarin stood up from the sofa and stretched, glancing out the window, “Going to be morning soon. I’ll call in the nurse and she can do a check up on Wonder Dog. In the meantime you might want to go grab more than a power nap yourself, Cadet Sparkle.”

“Would that even be safe?” Twilight wondered aloud, and Soarin nodded.

“As long as I stick nearby it will. No wannabe assassin is going to get past my Schrift’s detection abilities.” He frowned and gave a slight groan, “Aww, I’m catching Lightning Dust’s blabber bug. I shouldn’t be talking Schrift powers with a cadet and her dog.”

A soft laugh escaped Twilight as she adjusted her glasses, “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”

Although it did explain why Soarin had been set as her bodyguard. She’d known he was a Sternritter, and had assumed it was simply a matter of him being powerful enough to protect her from just about any attack combined with the fact that he was acting as her instructor for that day that had led to Soarin being given the job of watching over her. However if his Schrift was specialized for detection and sensory powers it made that much more sense why he was watching her instead of one of her parents or her brother.

She looked back to Spike apologetically, “I want to stay, but Soarin is right I could also use some rest.”

Spike nodded and waved his one good paw, “No worries, I’m not going anywhere. As long as this nurse brings me something to eat and maybe a comic book or two, I’m golden.”

“I don’t know if they have comic books around here, Spike.” Twilight said. Ever since Spike had gained the power of speech through the magic mishaps at the Friendship Games, Twilight had also taught the dog how to read, and ever since he’d been delving head first into the realm of comic books.

Soarin smiled, scratching the back of his head, “We technically don’t, buuuut I might have a few stashed in my room. What? Don’t look at me like that. I don’t spend all of my time chewing out cadets or fighting Hollows. I got hobbies. Just don’t tell Spitfire that, otherwise she’ll think I have too much free time and find more work for me to do.”

Spike made a zipping motion across his mouth, “My lips are sealed my good man, as long as you bring me some awesome comics.”

“Done and done, Wonder Dog.”

Twilight leaned over and very gently stroked Spike’s head, careful not to aggravate his injuries as she did so. “I’ll be back to visit soon.”

Spike nodded, but a serious and concerned light entered his eyes. “Be careful out there.”

She gave his uninjured paw a soft squeeze, “I will.”

As she and Soarin left the hospital room, leaving Spike to go back to sleep, Soarin heading for the nurses station with Twilight following close behind. She looked at her hand and flexed it, feeling a slight, ever so chilly tingle there.

I really hope I can trust you... she thought, wondering if Midnight heard, and on impulse she snapped her fingers, concentrating on that soft tingle of power.

To her equal parts surprise, delight, and trepidation, a flicker of teal flame appeared for a moment, the tiniest but very real spark of magic.


Adagio followed Roka’s slim form up the stairs that ran in a central spire through the entire tower. Their steps echoed up and down the shaft far louder than they should have, by Adagio’s reckoning, but perhaps that was just her nerves. Now that she was moments from meeting face to face with the Fourth Espada she did her best to beat down the butterflies of unease in her stomach and ensure she had a powerful and confident face to show.

Of course for all she knew that might trigger this supposedly unpredictable Espada and cause him to attack her out of hand. She supposed she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. Adagio didn’t know how to do anything other than approach each situation with confidence and a certain level of smug arrogance. Humility wasn’t her style, and if the Fourth was going to require much of that from her then negotiations were going to go south rather quickly. She’d had more than enough bowing and scraping when dealing with Grogar, and that had been out of pure necessity.

If worse came to worst she’d open a Garganta to flee, then come back to collect her allies. Then they’d seek another solution. Adagio shook her head ruefully, refusing to think further on the possibility of failure. She’d simply just have to not fail. No matter how mentally unstable the Fourth Espada might be he couldn’t be entirely without reason, otherwise he’d end up slaughtering his so-called ‘children’.

Still, never hurt to do a little probing while she still had a minute or two to do so.

“So, Roka, was it?” Adagio began with a calm, honeyed but casual tone, “It's interesting your Father has gathered so many of you. I take it you were the first he rescued?”

Since half of her face was covered by the remainder of the skull mask Roka’s expression was harder to read than most, but Adagio detected a hint of cautious optimism in the slight twitch of a smile on Roka’s visible features. “I was, in a sense. I wasn’t alone when he adopted me. I had already been trying to take care of several orphan Arrancar by myself back then.”

An unpleasant shadow of pained remembrance entered her one visible eye, “Existence was bleak, and unlike many of our kind, I had an uncharacteristic desire to care for others. I had found and started taking care of several abandoned children, but keeping ourselves safe was far from simple. We had to run and hide many times from other Arrancar that wanted to prey on us. My knowledge of the Warrens kept us one step ahead for a time, but eventually we were cornered and would have been consumed had Father not intervened.”

“I see. Has ever ever told you why he saved you, or is so adamant about taking care of other orphans?” Adagio asked, keeping her voice politely curious.

Roka took several moments to respond, her pace up the stairs slowing until she paused, glancing back at Adagio. “Family, I believe. He’s never said as much in words, but I’ve always felt that having a family matters a great deal to him, and so he made one from those who should have had a family from birth, but were abandoned.”

“Hmm, and he’s never sought a consort? If he desired family so much wouldn’t that have made sense?” Adagio didn’t actually care what the Fourth did one way or another to make his little family unit, but it stood to logical reason that if that had been all he cared about there were easier ways to go about it than crusading to protect Las Noches’ orphans.

It was well enough she asked, because the answer came quickly and with a somewhat sharper tone from Roka, “Family is more than blood relation, and Father has always responded... poorly to any female that’s tried to suggest that kind of interest in him. I’d suggest not doing the same if you had the notion in your head of trying to seduce him to get his cooperation, otherwise I’m afraid your friends won’t be seeing you again.”

Adagio hadn’t been planning on using seduction tactics in the first place, but it was good to confirm at least one of the Fourth’s potential violent triggers. Interesting that such a thing would set him off. Adagio wondered what that meant? Was he simply not interested in that kind of thing or was there a deeper reason behind it? Either way, the information might prove useful.

“Perish the thought,” she told Roka, “I was merely curious, and can you blame me? I’d like to have some notion of the kind of man I’m about to negotiate with, and you clearly know him better than anyone else here.”

Roka didn’t fully hide the tinge of pink on her cheek as she looked back up the stairs and started walking again, “I do know Father well. Enough to say that the most useful thing I can tell you is that whatever you do, be honest with him. He has no tolerance for liars or those who even play with half-truths. Be up front and earnest in your words and you may live to leave this tower, Adagio. Attempt to manipulate Father or play games, and I fear the clean up I’ll have to do afterward.”

Adagio tried not to make a face. Great, an honest psychopath. He might kill her out of hand, but he’d do it honestly. More irritating was just that Adagio was entirely too used to using half-truths and subtle manipulations to get what she wanted. Being upfront about things wasn’t her usual style at all. She could handle a situation where she had to use careful word play and twisting of meanings and intent to gain a favorable outcome to a conversation. How was she supposed to control the situation if she could only afford to be honest?

Then again, how many reasons did she have to lie in this situation? She honestly did just want to secure medical aid for her vassals and was willing to offer any number of favors in return for the service. Perhaps she could, just this once, forgo the word games and just speak plainly.

If nothing else this cinched that she wasn’t even going to attempt use her siren song in this instance. She’d likely be killed before she got out the first verse.

She could see they were nearly to the top of the tower now, where the stairs spiraled up into a clear opening where she could see a patch of Las Noches’ blue-sky interior ceiling. So they were going all the way to the roof? Before they reached that opening she did have one more thing she wanted to press Roka on.

“I appreciate the advice. I have one more thing I’d like to ask about. You’re sister, Fenice, how did she end up here?”

Roka halted again, this time her one eye boring into Adagio with measuring weight. “...You know her, don’t you?”

Adagio blinked, then opened her mouth to deny it, then recalled that if the Fourth valued honesty then it was likely his ‘children’ adopted a similar attitude. Not that she was going to tell the whole truth, but she could afford to explain some of it. “I know her face, if that means anything.”

Roka’s eye narrowed, “From what I understand you have not been among us Hollows for very long. Fenice came to us years ago. How do you know her?”

“I never said I knew her, only that I know her face. I remember a girl who looked like her, once, in a place called Canterlot City. I don’t know if it was her, or just a girl that looked like her. I’m only curious because I know its extremely unusual for a living human to be here and I can’t fathom how she’s here, or where she got the power to wield a sword that spews lava. You can’t say my curiosity isn’t warranted, can you?”

Roka’s eyes continued to weight her, then the woman sighed and provided Adagio with an reserved stare. “Fenice arrived here some time ago, badly burned, delirious, and barely alive after fending off many Hollows that tried to devour her. When several Arrancar ruffians tried to finish her off at the gates of Las Noches, Father intervened the same way he has with the rest of his children. None could dispute the Fourth adopting her into his family, and she’s since adapted to existence here. I make trips into the human world to take food and water to bring here to her, among other knick-knacks she sometimes requests. I know little of her unique powers, aside from the fact that they are somehow related to us Hollows and have only grown more powerful over time as she’s trained to master them. As for her life before coming here, or how she came to be here... that is not for me to say. Fenice does not like thinking about it and I respect her choice to keep it to herself, so I’d appreciate you not bringing the subject up again. Does that suffice to satisfy your ‘curiosity’, Adagio?”

By her flat tone it was clear Roka considered this the end of the conversation, so Adagio could only nod and offer a polite, “Yes, it does.”

Which wasn’t entirely untrue. Adagio was exceedingly interested in finding out just how Sunset’s human counterpart ended up here, although even she wasn’t entirely sure why. Certainly it was interesting, but ultimately the knowledge of this Fenice’s existence didn’t directly help Adagio in any way. So why was she so curious? Perhaps... did she miss Sunset Shimmer?

No, that was ridiculous. Whatever budding feelings of... friendship? Acceptance? Tolerance? Whatever it was, those feelings had been small and rendered relatively obsolete by Adagio choosing to become a Hollow. She sincerely doubted she’d be seeing Sunset Shimmer again any time soon. She supposed some small part of her imagined Sunset might be planning to do something foolish like try to come ‘rescue’ her from Hueco Mundo, but that would be madness. Surely Sunset was smart enough to realize trying to storm the home base of one of the major spirit realm factions would be suicide. Even that smug, overconfident girl and her crazy band of friends wouldn’t do something so blatantly insane.

Still, the thought was oddly pleasing as well, and that bothered Adagio. Did she really want to see Sunset Shimmer again that badly? She’d much rather see her sisters again, but they seemed even further out of reach. Perhaps the only reason she found this Fenice so interesting was because after having dealt with so much new and unfamiliar things in Hueco Mundo she was feeling a tad nostalgic over what she’d left behind.

Whatever the reason she put aside those thoughts for now, as Roka had led her to the top of the stairs where they opened up onto the tower’s roof. Adagio followed the Arrancar woman out into a stiff, chilly breeze, and she looked around at her new surroundings with shrewd eyes.

What struck her first was the dirt. Not the white sands that were ever present throughout all Hueco Mundo, but actual, dark brown earthen soil. It covered the roof’s surface as if someone had painstakingly filled in the rooftop in some attempt to turn it into a garden. The roof was circular, with a high rampart wall surrounding it, and Adagio imagined the dirt filled in about one or two good feet of space beneath her. The only reason the dirt hadn’t spilled out down the opening to the stairs was because someone had built a wooden barricade to keep the dirt from doing so. Speaking of wood, the next thing Adagio noticed were the trees.

They were bare, dead things, but not like the near ashen white or charcoal black trees of Hueco Mundo. These were real trees, some small pines, others more willowy deciduous types. All were lacking leaves and seemed to sag lifelessly in the dirt, but they were there, all in neat, ordered rows, like an orchard.

Looking around, trying to keep the surprise off her face, Adagio finally noticed that one side of the roof, built up against the ramparts, was a small log cabin. The humble affair couldn’t have been more than thirty feet across and maybe half that deep, but it was well built, obviously with loving hands. A small chimney of worked stone rose from the cabin’s side, gently smoking from a fire within. The cabin had a simple front porch that ran the length of it, and sitting in a small wooden chair by the cabins door was a man reading a book.

His tall and athletic frame was clad in the same white clothing typical of the Arrancar, although the styling of it was somewhat different from what Adagio had seen thus far. What appeared to be an open white duster was left with frayed and tattered edges, as if it had suffered damage from both the elements or battle and had never been repaired afterward. An almost too plain white shirt was tucked into a red sash around his hips, which in turn covered the top of loose slacks that covered his legs. A pair of black boots like the kind any blue collar worker might wear finished off the outfit, which altogether gave the man a simple and rugged appearance. His skin was pale, like polished marble, and Adagio saw that a small Hollow hole sat at the base of his throat. The man’s face featured a strong jawline combined with what might have once been a boyishly handsome face if not for a certain rough harshness that instead gave the man a wolfish look, accentuated by sharp green eyes that scanned the pages of his book with an hungry speed. A long wave of unkempt hair, a shade of red just a touch lighter than fresh strawberries, spilled down his shoulders and back. Adagio couldn’t see where his Espada number was tattooed, and the only evidence she saw of his Hollow mask fragments were a few small spurs of bone that ran across the top of his right eyebrow.

At his side, resting against the wall of his cabin like some trusty shotgun, was a long curved sword in an apple red sheath. The sword, too long to be considered a normal katana and more akin to a nodachi, had a hilt of dark oak wood, with a bronze guard in the shape of two small, curved horns. The sword’s sheath carried a leather strap that was clearly meant to allow the blade to be worn over the shoulder.

He didn’t immediately respond as Roka approached, with Adagio following a step behind. His eyes just stayed locked on his book, which had no title that Adagio could see on the spine, but it was a thick affair with a hard cover. The man flipped the page silently as Roka politely cleared her throat and bowed her head to him.

“Father, I hope the afternoon finds you well. I’ve brought you a guest who wishes to speak with you.”

The man’s eyes flicked up from his book, and Adagio realized just how still he’d been sitting the whole time, like a painting or photograph. Even when he moved his eyes, those were the only part of him that moved, at least until he spoke. His voice was... pleasant, like what one might expect from a charming next door neighbor greeting you on a lovely spring day. Rich, not quite baritone enough to be deep, and with a faint twang of an accent that didn’t infect his speech so much as lightly brush it with a country flavor.

“Heard you kids playing all the way downstairs. Sounds like Fenice had quite the tussle. Better have made sure she knows to clean up afterward. You know how I don’t like messes in the house.”

Roka rose from her bow, “Of course Father, I’ll ensure she knows to tidy things up. May I introduce our guest?”

Those sharp green eyes moved towards Adagio, the man still having not moved so much as a millimeter, yet Adagio suddenly had the sensation of being placed firmly under a microscope ten times more penetrating than the most exposing of Grogar’s scientific devices. For all her increased power as a newly evolved Vasto Lorde she had a profound sense of danger stemming from that one look. It wasn’t even a matter of reiatsu. She sensed nothing from the man. It was just in his look, a certain weight that didn’t have any logical explanation besides some innate force of will. Still, Adagio stood her ground against it and eyed the Espada back just as levely, not flinching from the look.

“I reckon she can speak for herself, Roka. Why don’t you head on back downstairs and take the rest of the kids off Fenice’s hands so she can clean up? Its getting on to supper time and I’d like to take care of business quick so the whole family can eat.”

Adagio couldn’t decide if that was meant as a subtle threat or not, but decided to not comment on it while Roka bowed again, “Yes Father.”

With a quiet glance at Adagio that may have been a look of encouragement, or simply a farewell, Roka quietly retreated from the roof, leaving Adagio alone with the Fourth Espada. He was still looking at her with those measuring eyes, and she decided that whether this was going to go smoothly or not she may as well get this over with.

“To get introductions out of the way, I’m Adagio Dazzle.” she said with a careful balance of formality and self-confidence.

The Fourth Espada showed the barest hint of a nod before rising from his chair, dog-earring the page of the book he was reading and setting it on the sill of the cabin window beside the chair. His motions, now that was moving, were seemingly slow and casual but Adagio could sense the ready energy about them. He might look almost lazy in his motions, but she realized it was a mask for a man in a state of constant, battle ready tension. He yawned, almost exaggeratedly, and scratched the back of his head.

“Pretty enough name. If I had one to give back to you I would, but haven’t known it for a long time. Folk around here either call me Lament, of the Fourth, unless you're one of my kids. Take your pick, don’t much matter to me either way.”

“I’ll use Lament if you don’t object. Calling you ‘the Fourth’ continuously seems entirely too formal for what is going to be essentially a personal request.”

“Well let’s hear it inside.” he said, turning to open the door to the cabin. Before he went inside he snatched up his Zanpaktou in one smooth motion and carried it with him into the cabin. Adagio might have found that alarming if she wasn’t already familiar with the fact that Arrancar rarely, if ever, left their swords far from their person.

Following Lament into the cabin she was taken aback by just how homey and warm it was inside. The interior consisted of one large room that ran the whole length of the cabin, and it was furnished like one might expect from a well lived in home. A dining table dominated the center, with a small kitchen running along the back left corner by the fireplace. A checkered red and white rug sat in front of the fireplace and to Adagio’s surprise there was a dog laying by the fire. A Hollow dog, as the brown furred canine had a full Hollow mask covering its face, although the mask mimicked the dog’s retriever breed features quite closely.

The dog’s head rose and its tail wagged with a welcoming bark as Lament entered. It then saw Adagio and sniffed the air, making another, more inquisitive bark as it rose and padded closer to her. Lament made no comment, and Adagio was left wondering what to do as the Hollow dog went right up to her and sniffed at her feet. It then barked happily and sat at her feet, wagging its tail and looking up at her with its tongue lolling out in a smile.

Adagio had never been a dog person, but deciding the creature was harmless she reached out and gave it a smooth pat on the head. “Good... boy?”

The dog gave another happy bark and Lament glanced back at her from where he’d gone to the kitchen and started to pour a dark liquid that after a moment Adagio realized was coffee into a waiting mug.

“Looks like you pass the second test. Winston seems to like you.”

“Second test?” Adagio asked, petting the dog Winston again.

Instead of answering her question Lament turned a firm look towards her and nodded behind her. “Close the door.”

Adagio blinked, then turned and closed the door she’d left open behind her. With that done Lament took a deep sip of coffee and gestured at the dining room table. “Take a seat and we’ll talk. Coffee?”

Adagio was starting to become slightly... weirded out by the sheer normality of the situation. Whatever she’d been expecting of the Fourth Espada, a casual chat in a warm cabin over coffee wasn’t it. Refusing the coffee might set him off for all she knew, but she recalled Roka’s advice on honesty and decided if she was going to follow that advice there was no point splitting hairs on it.

“No, but thank you. Not a huge fan of coffee.” she said while slowly going over to sit at the seat indicated. It was a tad awkward, what with her tail somewhat in the way, but she managed to adjust it so it wasn’t too uncomfortable as she sat. Lament watched her sit, and glanced at the rest of his kitchen.

“Ought to get you something. Bad manners to sit a guest down without breaking some bread, even if I don’t got any bread here to break. Ah, I got it.” He opened up a cabinet, which was surprisingly full of various foodstuffs and cooking ingredients, and pulled out a small sack. From this he drew out a crisp, crimson apple and tossed it to her.

Adagio caught the fruit without a second thought, looking at it in surprise.

“Can’t say no to a ripe apple.” Lament said, taking a seat opposite her while setting his Zanpaktou down to lean against the table next to him. “Don’t have many left, so I’m going to have to go wrangle up some more soon.”

“Where do you get them?” Adagio asked, still looking at the apple in surprise. She hadn’t eaten any ‘normal’ food in... how long had it been since she’d become a Hollow? She’d lost track of the days, but surely it hadn’t been more than a month. Yet it had felt like an eternity since she’d tasted anything other than the flesh of other Hollows. She hadn’t even been sure she could eat other food, but seeing Lament’s kitchen she figured it couldn’t hurt to try.

She bit into the apple, and was shocked at just how sweet and juicy it was. She had to control herself to keep from moaning a bit at the contrast of taste from the Hollow’s she’d been consuming day in and day out. Eating Hollows held a primal satisfaction that satisfied her belly, but she’d forgotten just how good something with some actual sugar in it could taste, and this apple was sweet indeed.

The side of Lament’s mouth twitched in what might have been a smirk as he said, “The world of the living. I pop in every now and then to snag some proper food for the young ones. Hollow meat might be what makes them grow big and strong, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to make sure they can eat a proper meal when I can.”

Adagio took another bite of the apple, savoring the taste before setting it down on the table. “A wise choice. Now about why I’m-”

She didn’t see him move. She didn’t even feel the brush of air from the motion. Just one moment she was setting the apple down and talking, feeling more comfortable with the situation and imagining that Ember was exaggerating Lament’s mental state, and the next she felt the cold edge of his Zanpaktou against the side of her neck.

He’d stood, drawn the sword from where it rested next to him, and had the long curved blade against her neck in the span it had taken her to drawn in half a breath. Adagio went still and silent as she stared at him, and his eyes held a strange, frozen light to them. His voice sounded different too, like someone had drawn a razor over the strings of a guitar instead of a gentle pick.

“Finish the apple.”

Winston made a soft whining sound and laid down by the fire while Adagio suppressed the urge to run or retaliate. She doubted it’d do any good here. Instead she carefully picked the apple back up and without a word starting eating again. She didn’t stop until there was nothing but core left.

Lament nodded and sheathed his sword, sitting back down again, his voice going back to a pleasant twang like nothing had happened. “Can’t go wasting food. Not polite. So let’s hear it, what brought a newly minted Vasto Lorde to my doorstep?”

Slightly shaken but still determined to do whatever it took to secure help for her companions, Adagio took a deep, steadying breath and said, “I won’t mince words. I have two allies outside your home who have suffered grievous injury while in my service. I heard that you have a skilled healer among your children, and wish to request permission for them to heal my companions.”

Lament took another sip from his coffee and said, “Why come to me? If you have injured who are hurt too bad to recover on their own, why not let them die, or consume them for their power? Isn’t that how Hollows usually deal with things like this?”

Adagio tilted her head, but she heard the raw distaste in his voice and knew well why he was asking that question. Again following Roka’s advice, she stuck to the truth. “It’s not for the sake of altruism that I seek their recovery, I’ll admit that. It’s rather I take my role as a leader seriously, and these individuals have offered me loyal and good service. It’s only natural that I reward that in kind by doing all I can to ensure their survival. After all what good are dead vassals to me?”

“Hm, think I see why you run with Torch’s crowd.” Lament said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, “You have some of his attitude.”

His eyes gained that frosty look again, but his voice seemed to stay pleasantly neutral. “I’ll tell you true I considered taking that head right off your shoulders the second I sensed you walking up to my home, girl. You still got Grogar’s stink all over you, and I’d as soon cut that bastard down as look at him, if Tirek wouldn’t burn my home and all my children down in retaliation for getting rid of his favorite mad scientist. Yet here you are, Torch’s girl attached to your hip, and looking to take care of your own. Either you’re one smooth actress, or you really are cut from a different cloth than your master.”

It was impossible for Adagio to keep some of the disgust out of her voice, or the acidic venom. “He is no master of mine.”

“I believe you. Now the question is, should I help you?”

Adagio didn’t miss a beat, “In exchange I’d be willing to help you. I may be in Torch’s service currently but as far as I’m aware there is no rule against me owing favors to other Espada.”

Lament held up his hand, “I’m not interested in games of favors and alliances. All the power squabbles in this place are worse than a waste of time. They just go to show how much trash occupies Las Noches, as if the number of abandoned kids didn’t show that already.”

Adagio couldn’t help but want to probe, despite a legitimate fear of triggering him again, “I take it you’re not a fan of Hollow culture?”

“Culture is putting it generously. It if wasn’t for Tirek and his ‘Queen’-” a particular note of vehement distaste rang through his voice at that point, “-I’d have taken the kids and packed up to find someplace far away from here where they could be safe and I wouldn’t have to worry about any Hollow backstabbing power plays. Torch is a decent buffer between me and the rest of the lot below us, but much as I might respect his family values and no-bull attitude, I know he doesn’t like having me above him and I can’t discount he’d be just as happy as the rest to see me taken down.”

“Is that why you stay in this tower, not interacting much with the rest of Las Noches unless it's to save another abandoned orphan?” Adagio asked, and felt a chill of fear as Lament went very still and spoke in that soft, razor tone again.

“If it is what reason do you have to care? I can smell the ambition coming off you, Adagio Dazzle. It stinks to high heaven. Whatever else you might be, a ‘good’ leader or a girl looking to get revenge on those who wronged her, I can see the lust for power coming off you like a smog. You fit right in here with the rest. Might be I’d be doing you a favor just to end you here and now, before you hit that point where you realize whatever lies you're telling yourself to justify your climb to power were just words to comfort yourself, before you become just another monster.”

She hadn’t felt any reiatsu from him before, but she felt it now. It was thick as tar and wide as an ocean. It was like standing at the precipice of a massive, dark chasm, one that seemed to pull at her as if daring her to fall off the edge. It echoed with an almost lonely, desperately painful air, and for some reason Adagio felt like she could put a name to that power; Regret.

Yet she didn’t let herself drown in that reiatsu. As vastly more powerful as the Fourth Espada was, Adagio was a Vasto Lorde, and not without her own vast reserve or spiritual energy. She didn’t move, but her own reiatsu formed a hard, cold shell around her and pushed back the crushing feeling of Lament’s power. Not enough to remove it or actually counter it, but enough for her to maintain a calm breath and look at him evenly, her voice steady.

“Judge me however you wish, but I’ll point out that you have a less than clean reputation yourself. I’ve been told you’ve killed without a moment’s thought. Perhaps I should be afraid of that. Perhaps I am afraid of that and have the strength to admit it. However, your daughter Roka told me you value honesty, yes? So here is some honesty for you...”

She leaned forward, hands folded beneath her chin, “Whether you like it or not you are a part of Las Noches’ power structure. Scorn it if you wish, but understand that as powerful as you are, there are still those above you with more power, and those below you who may still have enough power to be a threat to you and those you hold dear. If you want to protect your family then you cannot afford to hold yourself apart. Those ‘games’ you disdain are very real and very dangerous, and if you keep ignoring them then eventually, one way or another, you will lose without having made a single move. I do not claim to be a ‘good’ person, only one who has no interest in allowing this place to crush me down or those I choose to care about. I will rise, or die trying, so I and those who aided me can have a better future in this bleak realm. And unless I’ve completely misjudged you, I think you’re a man interested in a similar future.”

The overwhelming weight of Lament’s reiatsu remained for a moment longer... then receded like a black tide. He remained exactly where he was, having not moved a muscle, but Adagio noticed his eyes had gone from cold to measuring again as he weighed both her and her words. Off to the side there was a dull thumping as Winston wagged his tail and gave a soft whine. Eventually Lament let out a sound that wasn’t quite a laugh, but more like a bemused huff.

“You believe what you’re saying. Don’t know that it's right, but you believe it. There’s something to be said for someone that’ll stick to their guns, even when it might get them killed. Alright, Adagio Dazzle, you want your people healed? I’ll do it, in exchange for something in return.”

Adagio managed not to let out an explosive sigh of relief and maintained her dignity while she nodded her head, “Name it.”

There was something decidingly wry in the look on his face as he said, “You make friends with my eldest daughters and help out with watching the rest of the kids.”

She wasn’t certain she heard him right and asked on reflex, “I beg your pardon?”

“Pretty sure I was speaking plain English there, girl. You want my help, the price is you make a point of coming back here and making friends with my two oldest. You know, the gals who greeted you at the door? One of them tried to bash your face in?” Lament’s pale features became shadowed with the ghost of a frown, “Hate to say it but might be some truth to your talk about needing to get out there more, if only to be visible to the other Espada and make it plain I’m not to be taken lightly. Thing is, I’ve been keeping the girls cooped up here too, for their own safety. Maybe that ain’t what’s best for them. Maybe I’m thinking they need a friend, one who’s savvy to trouble and can keep an eye on them while also giving them the kind of fun kids ought to have. On top of that the little ones need plenty of looking after too, and even Roka and Fenice get a bit overwhelmed at times, so you can help out on that front.”

“I don’t know if-” Adagio began, and Lament’s voice dropped an icy note as he smiled thinly.

“Of course I could boot you face first off my tower, if you prefer.”

“...Your negotiating skills are a bit rough around the edges but I think you’ll do better than you think dealing with your fellow Espada’s cutthroat ways.” Adagio said dryly. “Very well, I accept. I’ll make a point of coming over when time permits, say once or twice a week?”

“That’ll be fine. Don’t want to rush this either, especially with the excitement we’ve got coming our way.”

“You’re referring to the imminent attack by the Quincy I assume.” Adagio tapped one claw on the table, frowning, “I’ll be with Torch’s forces during that battle. Might I suggest you consider aligning yourself close to Torch during the conflict? You may believe the Fifth Espada would gladly see you fall, but it might go some length to alter that view if you show a willingness to stand beside him and his own. A show of solidarity between the Fourth and Fifth Espadas would do wonders to curb the ambitions of those below you and incite some level of caution from those above who might have their own plans.”

Lament let out a soft, bitter breath. “You sure do sound like you belong here, but at least you own who you are. I’ll think about it. In the meantime we’d best see to your friends. I can suss out some spirit energies in the area that are none too friendly watching the place, and they’ll move sooner or later.”

He must have been referring to the Arrancar that Adagio had sensed following her and her companions here. Had they moved beyond the threshold wall to get closer to the tower? “I thought few would dare challenge the Fourth’s territory by snooping around?”

He gave her a slightly raised eyebrow, “You did, so not too surprising others would too, especially if its Guto’s people. They’re a belligerent bunch. None of my concern as long as they don’t try to get into the tower, and they’re wise enough not to try after I send a few heads rolling when I first moved in. Still, that’s not going to stop them from taking a crack and you and yours when you leave here, I’m thinking.”

“You could perhaps help drive them off.” Adagio suggested, but Lament shook his head.

“No need. You managed to go head to head with Fenice. I’m thinking you’ve got the power to deal with this yourself, especially with Torch’s girl helping you. Besides if you can’t handle a few of Guto’s thugs then how can I expect you to keep my daughters safe when your hanging out with them?”

Adagio sighed and rose from her seat, “I can’t really refuse, can I? I need your daughter’s healing skills. I suppose I’ll deal with these so-called thugs when they make their move, but shall we see to my people first? We do have an agreement, yes?”

He rose as well, shouldering his Zanpaktou, “That we do. That we do. Let’s go get Roka so she can patch up your friends.”

Adagio kept needing to suppress a twitch every time he used the word ‘friends’. She’d been trying hard not to think of them in that light. Ember was, in a way, a friend, but was really more of an ally Adagio felt she could trust. But that might change soon depending on just how Ember dealt with the revelation of Adagio’s siren powers. As for Di-Roy and Gaw, they were vassals. Useful, capable subordinates. Friends was... not a word she was sure she could afford to believe in. Yet she may well have to revise that thinking, if she was to do what Lament wanted. Make “friends” with Roka and Fenice? She could certainly talk the talk and even walk parts of the walk, doing what was needed to ingratiate herself with them, show them a good time, and essentially act the part of a friend.

But would it be real? Could she afford that level of trust again, especially when in the end she may have to use any of them at any time to achieve her goals?

The thought unsettled her, especially as she recalled Lament’s words. Had she sacrificed herself to save her sisters, felt that moment of realization of how empty her search for power using the darker siren arts was, only to slide right back into that same ambitious lust for power? She’d convinced herself it was worth it if only to gain revenge on Grogar, that nothing else mattered but seeing him destroyed. But she’d never really expected to encounter others who might be... of more value than as mere pawns for her to use as she saw fit.

“Wait a moment...” Lament said as Adagio reached the door, and she turned as he tossed her another apple from the kitchen. “One for the road. Be sure to finish it.”

She couldn't’ tell if his eyes were unreadable and faintly pleasant, or unnervingly sharp and cold as a blizzard. Either way she hold the apple firmly and nodded, “Of course. Now, about my... friends?”

The word didn’t quite feel right as she said it, but she found she could do so with a straight tone.


The monitor glowed with a dull red light, casting Grogar’s aged, leathery face with a bloody hue. He leaned back in his wide metal chair with a ponderous look as he watched the scene unfold on the screen, which showed an exact view from Adagio’s perspective as she and the Fourth Espada departed the rooftop of the Fourth’s tower and descended back down to find that ‘Roka’ woman.

He’d rather hoped Adagio might have bitten the proverbial bullet and returned to him to heal the failed experiment and the bizarre, giant aberration. Grogar was eager to have either one back under his knife again. The half-breed experiment had survived long past his expiration date and Grogar was curious to cut it open to find out just how it had sustained itself despite being designed to explode after a certain period of not having the process of being reborn as an Arrancar finished. As for the giant saurian aberration, it was oddly unique itself from the scant data Grogar could gather through the limited sensors he’d left in Adagio’s body. Oh, he’d taken out the pain receptors and even the more obvious tracers and probes... but he’d left just enough in to observe and hear her actions and do some limited scanning around her.

Grogar never let go of a promising specimen, and Adagio clearly had so much more still to give to Grogar’s continuous quest to dissect, understand, and forcibly improve the Hollow condition. Mostly for his own benefit. Actually exclusively for his own benefit, but that was besides the point.

Adagio’s budding potential was now entering a stage where it would start to bloom, and Grogar was interested to see how far she could go. A possible alliance with the Fourth Espada might prove problematic in some regards, but Grogar knew the Fourth’s weakness was his so-called “family”. That was a lever he’d find a way to gain leverage over in due time, likely with no lack of help from data Adagio was unwittingly gathering at this very moment.

Grogar felt a presence opening a Garganta into his laboratory lair and with a casual flick of his wrist he shut the monitor off and turned in his seat, already knowing who the interloper was before... “she” showed herself.

Chrysalis stepped through the Garganta’s dark, yawning mouth and looked at Grogar with an exaggerated level of poisonous mirth. “I’m not interrupting any ‘personal’ time am I, dear Grogar?”

Grogar rolled his eyes, his voice basted in disdain, “Spare me the pointless quips ‘Chrysalis’. Are you going to take the disguise off or am I going to continue to have to pretend you’re your Queen? Does she know half the things you do when wearing her skin, I wonder?”

“Chrysalis” pouted and then laughed, her body becoming enveloped in a curtain of emerald flame as she stepped forward. As “she” stepped out of the flames a body more humble and stature and masculine in frame revealed itself. He had Chrysalis’ dark onyx skin, and while clearly male in build he still possessed a rather thin and feminine figure. He wore a white vest lined with emerald, leaving it open to expose a smooth chest and thin waist. Tight fitting pants were held up by a green sash and a white hilted, straight and single edged Zanpaktou akin to a cutlass was sheathed at his hip. His face was much like the rest of him, vaguely feminine while still clearly having male features. Mossy green hair topped his head in shoulder length curls, spilling out from a helmet of bone that had two long protrusions shaped like the mandibles of a stag beetle. Teal colored eyes sparkled with amusement and he spoke in a high and perpetually laughing tone.

“So you prefer me to look like this, huh? Didn’t know you swung that way, and honestly your too old to be my type-”

“Oh do be quiet Thorax!” Grogar snapped, “I’m in no mood for your juvenile games. I trust you’re here for a suitably important reason?

“Spoilsport.” Thorax, Fraccion to the Second Espada and one of Chrysalis’ most trusted servants, said with a mock whine, then winked, “Of course it’s important. My Queen is returning within the day and she’ll demand word of your progress. You have been making progress, haven’t you? Your continued existence may well be dependent upon you pleasing our Queen. You know how she gets when she’s grumpy, and nothing makes her more grumpy than plans that don’t bear tasty, succulent fruit.”

Grogar had difficulty not rolling his eyes again at Thorax’s flamboyant manner, waving his arms dramatically as if delivering lines at a play. Grogar blew out a snort and rose from his seat, walking over to another table filled with monitors where his cracked, aged fingers punched a few keys to change the screens to an overlay of Canterlot City.

“The girls in question have returned to their homes after making quite the stir in Soul Society. Unfortunately my attempts to establish a means to spy upon the city have been hampered by... unforeseen complications. However it's of little concern.”

“Little concern?” Thorax asked in a dubious voice, placing one hand petulantly on his hip, “Your entire task was to capture one of those girls! What have you been doing all this time?”

“Correction, Chrysalis’ task was for me to study the power of magic. Those girls were merely the most convenient source of magic to potentially take and study.” Grogar said as if talking to a simpleton, which in his mind he was. A few more keystrokes brought up new images on the monitor, displaying biological diagrams of Adagio’s Adjuchas form, and a slowly forming composite of her Vasto Lorde state. Other images showed elemental charts and subsections of Adagio’s siren gem, alongside reams and reams of data on energy wavelengths and frequencies.

“However I have found a far, far more useful and convenient subject with which to study magic and how its power can enhance Hollow kind.” Grogar said with a deep, appreciative smile at his own work. Adagio was his growing masterpiece, but even she would pale in comparison to the power he’d unleash from himself once his ‘prototype’ was complete.

Thorax approached the screens and looked at them with undisguised curiosity, his eyes lighting up. He licked his lips, revealing that his Hollow hole was in a truly odd place, in the center of his tongue. “Oh my, isn’t she a pretty one? Where did you snatch up a treat like her?”

“She comes from the very realm whose magic we wish to study and make our own. Her ability to adapt to Hueco Mundo and existence as a Hollow is matched only by the extraordinary manner in which her magic empowers her Hollow abilities and vice versa. Soon the secrets of that power will be laid bare before me, and you can tell Chrysalis that my progress has been swift on that front. I expect a working prototype to be finished within a few days.”

“What kind of prototype? What manner of toy are you building?” Thorax asked with an eager smirk and the air of a child interested in seeing what was under the Christmas tree.

“Something I believe Chrysalis will gain a great deal of use out of.” Grogar said, and silently added, As a field test so I can refine the more advanced model for myself. He went over with long strides to the other side of his lab where a large metal box lined with pulsing circuits of red energy sat attached to a work table running with cables. A quick press of a button on top of the box caused the upper half of it to open in four separate portions while a shimmering red force field rose up around a small platform within.

On the platform was a device shaped like a white metal ring with four prongs jutting inward towards its center. The ring buzzed with small arcs of red energy, and the prongs held suspended between them a gleaming, flawless red gem.

A near exact replica of Adagio’s siren gem.

Author's Note:

I imagine most of you figured out who the Fourth Espada was well before this chapter, but I'd say I made it fairly obvious with this one, what with his slight, er... apple obsession. Hey, the man's right, can't waste good apples. Meanwhile Twilight has reached something of an accord with her inner demon. Both her and Adagio are advancing in their own ways, and things will come head to head soon enough as both sides prepare for battle, and Grogar prepares his own shenanigans.

Anyway hope you folks continue to enjoy the story and as always thank you all for reading. Leave any and all comments, questions or critiques you wish, I highly appreciate hearing what you folks have to say. 'Till next time!

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