• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,971 Views, 5,040 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 58: The Dust Settles

Episode 58: The Dust Settles

A heavy silence filled the meeting hall of the Gotei 13, its ten occupants not making a single sound as they stood in their traditional spots, although the two neat rows were minus three of its usual occupants. Amore was still in critical condition, and Zecora was overseeing the Fifth Division Captain’s care, refusing to leave her hospital and tending to any of the wounded present there. Scorpan was not inclined to disagree with Zecora’s wishes and had made no insistence she attend this meeting. As for Platinum... it was unlikely they would be seeing her again, and if they did it would only be as another foe to face.

The absences in the room weighed heavily upon Scorpan. Soul Society, the Gotei 13, both were wounded, and he felt he only truly had himself to blame for it. The remaining Captains standing before him were people he had trained himself, fought beside for many years, in some cases centuries. He had thought he had built a stronger house than this, a stronger family. Had he always been blind to the thin threads holding them together, or just plain ignorant?

Yet strength was needed now more than ever. He couldn’t allow himself to fall apart. Neither could he ignore the failings on his part or that of his fellows. Matters needed to be settled. The wreckage needed to be cleaned up, the wounds tended to so they could heal. The air needed clearing, and it was his duty as the Captain Commander to begin that process no matter how much more comfortable the thick silence was.

“This has been a dark day for all of us.” He began, leaning forward in his chair, eyeing the Captains arrayed before him.

“Mistakes have been made that must be rectified, starting with this,” he turned his gaze to Luna and Celestia, who stood on opposite ends of the two rows of Captains. “As of now I am absolving you of any an all charges put against you, Captain Luna, Captain Celestia. Central 46 has given me emergency authority under the present state of crisis to make such command decisions until such time that they are capable of resuming their duties as Soul Society’s law. I know it may mean little to you now, but I am truly sorry for not being able to do this sooner.”

“It is not you we blame, Captain Commander.” said Luna with a sharp eyed look towards Hurricane. “There were others who made the situation devolve to what it became.”

Celestia shook her head, “Luna, now is not the time for that. Captain Commander Scorpan, we accept your apology, but as my sister said we don’t blame you. You were only following the law as best you could, and given the circumstances it would have been difficult to defy Central 46 on the matter until you had evidence.”

“Evidence we should have been looking for harder before tossing you two into cells and accepting insane charges of treason.” Cheese Sandwich said with a emphatic gesture. “Not that it matters now.”

“It matters enough.” Thunderhooves rumbled in a sighing breath, thick and strong features dour behind his beard. “We have all made errors that made it easier for our enemies to strike at us. I hardly feel worthy of this Captain’s rank, allowing my fear of breaking the laws and traditions of Soul Society to control me so.”

“Go easy on yourself Thunderhooves.” said Daring Do. “This Starlight Glimmer did some seriously twisted scheming to pull this off and I don’t know how any of us could have been ready for it. Sure the charges on Celestia and Luna were obvious bullcrap, but what the enemy’s real objective was and even who they were? That would’ve blindsided us no matter how skeptical we were about the treason charges.”

“Although it may have helped if some of us weren’t so eager to persecute their fellow Soul Reapers?” Luna said in a digging voice, eyes still locked on Hurricane, who in turn cast a disinterested glance back her way.

“My actions were all performed under the right of law. The fact that you and your sister are not guilty of the charges doesn’t change that at the time my Division’s actions were all in the pursuit of enforcing our laws and defending Soul Society. If you wish to dispute that, Captain Luna, feel free to do so but I will defend my honor personally if need be.”

“As if you understand the meaning of that word-” Luna began to say, but Scorpan tapped the sheath of his Zanpaktou on the ground, the small motion still making a clarion ring echo in the chamber.

“I will not see us tear each other apart further than we already have. Captain Hurricanes actions, while questionable at best, were still under my own standing orders to force your Divisions to stand down. The fault lies with me.”

“What of Platinum?” Blueblood spoke up, his voice lacking its normal boisterous tone and instead carrying a quiet reflection. “Knowing that she was the traitor, how can any of you trust me or Hurricane? We both supported her. Either of us could easily have been in on the entire scheme.”

“Ya ain’t smart ‘nough ta be in on any schemin’.” said Sweet Cider, her voice echoing a sourness that matched her features, the tall woman’s entire body radiating tenseness. “An’ much as I hate sayin’ it, if Hurricane was part o’ the plan, can’t figure he’d stick ‘round ta fight it out with me when everything went tits up. He’d have cut n’ run while the runnin’ was good.”

“Your vouch of confidence is appreciated.” Hurricane said with barbed sarcasm.

“Don’t count it fer much, bastard. Still a’ shame the old man stopped our brawl before I got a’ proper chance ta kick yer teeth in.”

“Enough!” Scorpan spoke with the voice of a falling gavel, but Sweet Cider met his disapproving look with an even one of her own.

“Yer right that we can’t be at each other’s throats, sir, but bottom line is... I ain’t even sure I’m gonna still be wearin’ these Soul Reaper duds by the end o’ the day.” She plucked at her Captain’s coat with a deep seated frown. “Right now only reason I’m standin’ here is to make sure my daughter an’ her friends are gonna be treated right by you folk, an’ ta tie up some loose ends with ya’ll an’ the folk I feel I owe some dues to. After that, whether I stick ‘round these parts or go my own way is a matter I’m still thinkin’ on.”

“Can’t really blame you for feeling that way. If our positions were reversed I’d be pretty peeved too.” Cheese Sandwich said with a helpless shrug and shake of his head, “Be a shame to lose you, Cider, but give me a heads up if you choose to pack it in, I can at least throw you a farewell party!”

Sweet Cider grunted unenthusiastically, “I’ll think ‘bout it.”

“So not to put a halt on our self-flagellation here but don’t we have more important things to talk about than who did wrong to who?” asked Daring Do, “What are we going to do about the fact that Starlight Glimmer stole our entire classified research facility and might be using it to invade the realm across that dimensional portal? I mean, we could spend days blaming each other for the shitstorm that just went down and weeks punishing ourselves and licking our wounds, but call me crazy but I just think we need to be focusing more on our next move than on feeling bad that we all got sucker punched like idiots.”

Scorpan looked at her for an instant, and Daring cleared her throat and stood a bit straighter. “Uh, sir.”

With a grave nod the old man’s hard lined features softened somewhat, but his voice remained solid. “You speak wisdom, but before we attend to that matter I must make certain things clear. Not just to all of you, my Captains, but to myself. An affirmation that I must speak aloud so there is no question or doubt remaining.”

He rose from his seat, back straight, but his posture humble as he bowed his head as if under a great weight. “The damage caused to Soul Society is as much our fault as it was the one who schemed these events. Blind adherence to our laws without clarity to see how they could be used against us, distrust among our own kind sowing the seeds of this sad conflict, and an unwillingness to hear out those who come from the outside... we must make good on the mistakes we have made. I will not allow us to fall as we have again, nor will I waste time placing blame upon the few when it is the whole of us that bear the burden of responsibility. First and foremost I shall tolerate no more squabbles among my own." He turned hard looks towards all of his Captains, perhaps lingering for a moment longer on Hurricane. "Not between any of you. What grievances you have, bury them now for there will be no more fighting among ourselves. Secondly, the courageous young women who finally exposed the nature of our enemy and fought to stop them shall receive our utmost respect and cooperation. I will brook no talk concerning using or controlling them, nor seeking conflict with them over past battles. We owe them, for without their actions we might not even know who our enemies were, let alone where they took the Hitsuyo Aku facility.”

“Even if they each are tainted by Hollow powers, and one of them was a Hollow corrupted exile?” Hurricane asked, or rather began to, but was silenced quickly by a single glance from Scorpan that carried with it a weight of spiritual pressure akin to a localized mountain dropping down.

“There will be no talk made against them. They are our guests here, and free to depart when they choose. It is my sincere hope to cooperate with them in resolving the next issue, which is the danger to not only the our world but now to the realm of Equestria.”

“Permission to speak, Commander?” asked Celestia, and at Scorpan's faint nod she went on, “Given the word we received from my sister’s Lieutenant, Cheerilee, our means of entering Equestria has been cut off. If I know those girls they will be wishing to do everything in their power to find a way to reach Equestria to stop Starlight Glimmer’s plans. However given all that’s happened their trust in us, if there was any to begin with, may be all but spent. If we want to cooperate with them then we must handle the situation delicately. I ask permission for me and my sister to resume our posts in Canterlot City. Even with the portal closed we should maintain a presence in the city itself, and any efforts we coordinate with those girls will be best smoothed over by familiar faces.”

Scorpan was silent for several long moments of contemplation, then said, “You may return to the human world, Captain Celestia, as you are correct that if we are to form any trust with the girls you are best suited to do so. However Captain Luna must remain behind.”

Before either Luna or Celestia could voice objections that were obviously coming, given both Captains’ expressions, Scorpan raised a silencing hand. “It is not punishment, simply practicality. Given our reduced forces I have tasks for all of you, and Captain Luna will have her own assignment that cannot be completed while in the realm of the living.”

Luna looked less than pleased but after giving Celestia a sidelong look, she bowed her head. “I understand, Commander.”

“Good, then we can proceed. Securing a route to the realm of Equestria is to be one of the Twelfth Division’s highest priorities. Captain Starswirl, can you provide an estimate on how long such a task may take?"

His hands lightly running over his long white beard, Starswirl's eyes seemed bright at the thought of a challenge. "I already have a few ideas in mind that I'd like to try out upon that portal in the living world. Even if those don't pan out, there's other theories bouncing around upstairs on how we might get there. Give me a month and I'll probably have something for you."

"Can we not recreate the Crossgate device that was stolen by Starlight Glimmer?" asked Thunderhooves.

"Yeah, sure, if you want to spend the next year gathering the materials for it." said Starswirl with a wave of his hand, "My people had been working on that project for quite some time before that damnable woman swooped in and stole it out from under us. I could put resources towards building a new one, but it'd take longer than just finding another way to get to Equestria specifically. Keep in mind the Crossgate was designed to go to multiple worlds besides Equestria, so trying to build one just to go there would be like constructing a siege tower to get over a fence. Better to just look for another gate in the fence-line, or a convenient spot to dig a hole, you know?"

Scorpan coughed loudly to draw back attention, "I trust Starswirl to know how to handle that matter. In the meantime we shall focus our attention on the recovery of the wounded, the reconstruction of damages to the Seireitei, and strengthening our border defenses. The latest intelligence we have from Captain Daring Do’s reconnaissance teams tell us that both the Quincy and Arrancar are stirring. Correct, Captain?”

“That’s right, sir. Lieutenant Quibble Pants sent me his reports and so far it seems the Hollows are gathering in large numbers near Las Noches, while at the same time many of the Quincy we knew to be deployed to various places in the living world have vanished, suggesting a large scale mobilization of their own forces.”

“Sounds to me like one group is pulling in its defenses while the other is getting ready to strike.” Blueblood said, tapping one foot thoughtfully, “If the Quincy attack, will it be at the Hollows, or at us?”

“We’re the weakened ones, and no matter our efforts we’d be fools to assume the Quincy don’t have some eyes on us.” Hurricane said roughly, one hand holding the hilt of his Zanpaktou idly, “I should keep my Division on full alert.”

“Do so, but ensure your people still have time to rest and recover.” commanded Scorpan, to which Hurricane managed a stiff but still eager bow. While Scorpan didn’t wish to cause further turmoil among his people, he knew he’d need to talk to Hurricane in private soon and address the man’s actions. Not during the conflict with the Thirteenth and Second Divisions, as those were far more Scorpan’s responsibility than the Captains carrying out his orders, but Hurricane’s obsession with testing his warrior prowess had put much at risk simply because he wanted an excuse to fight Sweet Cider.

Scorpan knew all too well it had been a blow to Hurricane’s pride that the title of Kenpachi had gone to the much younger and inexperienced Captain, especially one he knew was a leftover from one of the Twelfth Division’s weapons experiments. Yet for Scorpan bringing Sweet Cider into the Gotei 13 had been a natural choice. Her natural power was impressive, but more than that Scorpan had felt responsible for her. By bringing her into the fold he’d been able to guide her to a degree, and while her anger with him and Soul Society was now blistering, he was proud of how well she’d handled herself during this crisis. Even if she left the Gotei 13, she’d served as an example of what Scorpan considered an exemplary Captain.

While Hurricane had acted hotheadedly, Scorpan couldn’t afford to remove him from his position. He needed every powerful warrior he could keep, and Hurricane was still the Soul Society’s best field commander who held the personal loyalty of his Division. More to the point, Scorpan had meant what he said before. They all shared the responsibility for this debacle, not the least amount of which fell squarely on his own shoulders. Punishing Hurricane specifically would go against Scorpan’s own sense of personal responsibility. They would all come together to fix their mistakes, or fall together in the bed they’d made.

Hmm, it is times like this I wonder if my brother was right. To rule requires a heavy hand, and perhaps I have always been too soft hearted.

He shook his head at the idle thought. His brother and him had parted ways long. He doubted Tirek would have hesitated to destroy unruly or disobedient subordinates, but that was the Hollow way. Scorpan still believed in the innate strength of order and structure wherein the strong had the sense of duty, honor, and responsibility to protect the weak. Hurricane was not a lost cause...

Platinum, however, Scorpan felt equal measures of grief and anger at the woman’s actions. There was indeed the sharp cut of betrayal, the simmering and impotent rage that came with the realization that one of his own had turned upon him, her comrades of centuries, and the very sanctity of the afterlife she’d sworn to protect! Yet Scorpan was painfully familiar with Platinum’s reasons for doing so. He’d guessed it before he’d heard the full tale. What other reason could there have been, besides the need to save her son’s life?

Heavy was that weight, the knowledge that his own actions had trapped one of his own Captains in such a position of despair. Yet he had seen no other way at the time. Central 46 nor himself could authorize the treatment of Pipsqueak’s condition via such a method as the “Hollowfication” that the Twelfth Division’s Hitsuyo Aku had discovered. To allow it would have brought potential ruin upon all of Soul Society.

It’d been nothing short of a miracle that the Zero Division had been talked down from purging the whole Twelfth Division after the incident involving Discord when he’d been Captain of the Twelfth. Scorpan was still trying to decide how to best deal with the Zero Division’s ire over this latest set of events. However he was resolved to protect those human girls, no matter the cost.

“As of now my only desire is we rest and recover. We will remain vigilant, however. In the meantime we will do all we can to find a way to reach the realm of Equestria and support the efforts of the young women from the realm of the living to stop Starlight Glimmer and whatever it is she plans.”

“Not a hard guess, Commander, given she nicked the Queen’s Key from our Treasury. I’m not even sure why she went to Equestria to play around in horseland instead of going straight for the Spirit Palace itself.” said Cheese Sandwich.

“The woman may be insane, but she’s probably not insane enough to think she can take on the whole Zero Division with just herself, one Fullbringer, a half-dead Platinum, and a Hollow that’s about as trustworthy as a bag of scorpions.” replied Daring Do, “If I were her I wouldn’t. She’s in that pony realm to gather power. What else could she be doing?”

Before further speculation could begin among the other Captains Scorpan raised his hand for silence. “We could talk for hours and get nowhere when trying to divine the purpose of Starlight Glimmer. In the end her motives and objectives don’t change that we must stop her. As such there will be no further talk for now. We must all attend to repairing the damage done. Go now, and see to your Divisions. Dismissed.”


The girls had been given accommodations at the barracks for the Thirteenth Division. After their initial rest and recovery, including a fairly hearty meal, they’d been largely left to their own devices. The Soul Reapers of the Thirteenth Division who passed by the girls showed grateful looks and smiles, many stopping to thank them personally for their intervention during the battle with Hurricane’s Eleventh Division. Many even expressed varying degrees of awe at the fighting prowess displayed by Sunset and her friends, not only from their battle with Hurricane, but many of the fights thorough the Seireitei. Apparently the rumor mill was churning full speed and word had spread fast of such feats like Applejack matching the famous Kenpatchi one on one in a battle that’d shattered half the Academy training field, or Rarity’s actual defeat of Captain Blueblood (apparently an excited inn staff had talked about that one to anyone who passed by). Not a one of the girls hadn’t faced a high ranking officer and failed to at least survive it, which seemed to transform them into local celebrities, at least to the exceedingly grateful Thirteenth Division, whose Captain’s life had been saved.

Still, the Soul Reapers also seemed to be able to sense when the girls were getting a tad tired of the attention. Rarity soaked it up, and Pinkie Pie had quickly started chatting up some of the locals like old friends, but most the rest of the group was exhausted. Rainbow Dash especially had been uncharacteristically quiet since the end of all the fighting and during the long hours into the evening as they’d all rested. Sunset was worried about her friend, but was equally wrapped up in her own fuming emotions.

With an angry toss she sent a rock skipping across the lake in the center of forest near the Thirteenth Division’s cluster of barracks and administration buildings. She and her friends had all decided to go for a walk, and take a rest along the banks of the lake. Ditzy Doo wasn’t there, having wandered off to “check on some things”, while Clover had gone to the Fourth Division hospital to check on Meadowbrook’s condition, so Sunset was alone with her friends as they all gazed out over the lake.

Sunset’s tossed rock skipped a few times before plopping heavily into the otherwise still waters, and she grunted, casting about for another one to toss.

“Ya doin’ alright there, sugarcube?” asked Applejack, even as she walked up, bending down to pick up a stone of her own to heft in her hand before giving it a sharp toss. It cleared half the lake before sinking beneath the shining waters.

Sunset drew in a let out a calming breath, looking at the rock in her own hand for a second before tossing it to plunk into the water. “Just impatient. I want to get back home and start working on a way to chew my way through that portal now. Having to sit around here, even if we do need the time to rest, is just getting to me a bit.”

“Even if we left tonight, Sunset, I don’t think it would make that much of a difference in how long it will take us to find a way to get to Equestria.” pointed out Fluttershy, who was sitting nearby on the soft grass beyond the shore of the lake, knees drawn up and her hands resting on them. Nearby a few small squirrels sniffed at her, and she idly pet one. “Right now we need to take care of ourselves, so when the time comes we’re at our best to take it on.”

“I know that, but it still just makes me... urgh! You know?”

Fluttershy’s face lit up with a small but understanding smile. “I think so?”

Nearby Pinkie Pie, who for reasons unknown was in the middle of doing a head-stand, piped in, “Hey look at it this way, we’ve got lots of time now to go help out Miss Grumpy Fish while the sciency people chew through that research progress bar to unlock the next tech tier we need to progress the story!”

“Huh?” Applejack said.

“Miss Grumpy Fish?” Fluttershy asked with a confused look.

“I’m fairly certain she means Adagio.” said Rarity, who’d been laying out comfortably on a wide picnic mat placed out on the grass, enjoying a cup of tea. Taking a sip the girl’s eyes shined with pleasure for a moment before turning serious as she set the tea aside. “And it is a logical next step for us, isn’t it? To go and repay the debt we owe her for saving our lives after that dreadful business with Grogar and Grand Fisher.”

The words actually hit Sunset rather hard. She’d been so focused upon the threat Starlight might pose to Equestria, somehow Adagio had fallen somewhere to the back of her mind, but her friends’ words brought all of the guilt she’d felt at Adagio’s fate right back to the forefront. Ultimately Pinkie Pie and Rarity both were right. There was little Sunset could do to hasten a way to be found to reach Equestria, but Discord did have a way into Hueco Mundo. With the newly forged strength she’d attained with Hokori no Hikari, and that her friends had obtained through their own experiences, it was possible they could take down Grogar and free Adagio.

Assuming there’s anything left of her soul at this point to free. No, there has to be. That woman is way too headstrong to let herself break. Sunset thought firmly. As much of a pain in the butt as Adagio had been, both as an enemy and as a reluctant ally, Sunset had to admit she both recognized and admired the siren’s willful personality and couldn’t imagine Adagio falling prey to other Hollows.

Of course there was the question of whether or not anything could be done for her, even if she was rescued from Hueco Mundo, but Sunset wasn’t about to wallow in that pointless question. Whether anything could be done for her or not, the answer was a resounding “No” if they never tried in the first place. And Sunset Shimmer wasn’t one to give up without trying.

“That’s right.” she said, turning to her friends, “Whenever the time comes, we’ll get to Equestria and stop Starlight Glimmer, but in the meantime we do owe Adagio for what she did for us. Once we’re all back at one hundred percent, a trip to Hueco Mundo sounds like its in order.”

“Wouldn’t bother me none ta take another shot at that old bastard.” said Applejack, a brief shadow crossing her features, “An’ double worth it if he’s got any rightful notion o’ what happened ta my pa.”

There was a moment of silence before Fluttershy said, “I hope Twilight is okay.”

“Which one, darling?” asked Rarity, looking worried herself, “Because I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m more than a tad fearful for both of them. One has been enduring who knows what trials from her oh so loving family of bow wielding maniacs, while the other has gone to face unknown danger defending her realm from an entirely too powerful madwoman’s schemes. As it stands I can’t decide which I fear for more.”

“I know how you feel.” said Sunset, walking over and plopping down on the picnic mat next to Rarity. “I hate not being able to do anything to help, but that fact is we can’t do anything yet. Our Twilight, the human one, she’s beyond our reach right now. We don’t even know if she’s still in the country. As for Princess Twilight, all we know is what Celestia told us after getting that message from Cheerilee. She and Flash went through the portal, and the portal’s just... dead, for all we know. Whatever made them go through, it must’ve been something to do with Starlight’s plan. We can only hope they’ll be alright until we find a way to get there to help them.”

“Yeeeeah, transitional periods suck, amiright?” Pinkie Pie said, falling from her head stand and laying on her back, arms and legs splayed as she stared up at the sky for a moment, then turned to the last member of the gang. “So, Dashie, being awfully quiet over there...”

All eyes turned to look at Rainbow Dash, who’d been sitting nearby, arm resting on one knee while her other leg just sort of hung out. She was pulling up blades of grass and tossing them into the breeze touched air with contemplative eyes. Dash’s usual energy and enthusiasm seemed more than a little curbed, but she wasn’t catatonic and looked back at the other girls with a small smile.

“Just thinking, Pinks. Not trying to worry you guys, I’m just still processing things.”

“With...um, with your mom?” asked Fluttershy in a quiet, cautious hush.

Rainbow nodded, pulling up another blade of grass, then letting it fall from between her blue fingers. “Yeah.”

“Not ready to talk about it yet?” inquired Sunset gently.

“Kinda. I don’t know. Its...” she grunted out a sigh, “Its both more and less complicated than I thought. She clearly didn’t tell me everything, but it was enough... enough that I think I get it, but I still don’t get it.” Despite her clear consternation her smile stayed on her face, “All I can say for sure is that I feel like an idiot for hating her for so long. There’s no way she could’ve told me this stuff when I was a kid. I’m almost an adult and I still can’t get my head wrapped around it, so no way kindergarten-me would’ve understood. Still...” another blade of grass was ripped free and then summarily discarded. “It would’ve been nice to know that there was a reason.”

“We understand if you can’t share it with us right now, Rainbow dear.” said Rarity, “As long as you know we’re here for you when you are.”

Rainbow Dash ran her hands over her face, rubbing it like trying to wake herself up from a deep sleep. “Nah. I’m cool. If I mope on this too long it’s gonna eat at me, so I’d better just get this over with.”

She hopped up to her feet and started to pace around the lake shore, clearing thinking harder than she was usually used to.

“So, the way my mom explained it to me, it was like this; she left because if she stayed the Zero Division would’ve killed both her, me, and my dad.”

A tremor of silence echoed over the group for a moment, Pinkie Pie gasping loudly before blinking once, raising her hand, and saying, “Not the Zero Division! ...Who are they again?”

Sunset scratched her head, thinking back. “I barely remember myself, but Discord might have mentioned them once. I don’t recall what their deal is. But why would they want to kill your mother, Rainbow? Or you and your father for that matter?”

The heady storm of confusion only mounted in Rainbow Dash’s features, stopping her pacing briefly. “Mom told me the Zero Division are these super powerful Soul Reapers who really run the show down here, only they do it from up there.” She pointed vaguely skyward. “From some ‘higher plane’ where this Spirit Queen lady lives or whatever. They’re also called the Royal Guard because they protect the Queen, but the way my mom said that kinda clued me in that there’s something off about that whole thing. Anyway, the way my mom tells is the Zero Division are not exactly on the up and up. When our parents all got out of Xcution and had their memories fiddled with, my mom was the only one who got away with keeping her memories intact because she buzzed off with Starlight Glimmer and Twilight’s mom to the Quincy. She didn’t stick around, though, and tried to start living a normal life again, where she met my dad, and then had me. Only Soul Society was watching her, and word got passed along to up the chain of command.”

“All the way to the Zero Division?” asked Sunset, and Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“Kinda sorta. The dude in charge down here, Scorpan, wanted Discord to bring my mom in for the whole memory wipe deal, but then some Zero Division chick shows up with orders to just straight up murder my mom. Only apparently Scorpan runs interference, buying Discord time to warn my mom about the pile of bricks about to drop on her head so... she has to skip town. Has to leave me and dad, because if she didn’t, when the Zero Division came for her they’d not only off her, but anybody near her.”

“Not to overly question your mother’s word Rainbow Dash, but I don’t understand something.” said Rarity, her brow creasing in thought. “Why would these Zero Division ruffians want your mother dead so badly in the first place? Just because she didn’t get her memory altered? Forgive me, but that seems exceedingly strange. If they had no faith in such methods why not kill all of our parents, just to be sure? If they’re so cutthroat it’d be more plausible they’d not take the risk of leaving any of our mothers alive, let alone children who might inherit their powers like we have.”

“Believe it or not, Rares, I kinda figured that one out too, and asked her that same question. And, well...” Dash rubbed at her forehead, “This is where it gets weird. And vague. She clearly didn’t want to tell me everything, but she told me enough. You see, during the time after she had me, but before the Zero Division showed up to come after her, she was still in contact with Starlight Glimmer. You see Starlight hadn’t gone all coo-coo yet, hadn’t stolen that Hokgywhatever from Discord yet, and was still working as a Substitute Soul Reaper. And apparently she and my mom had this friend in the living world named Sunburst-”

“Oh hey! Starlight totally mentioned him!” Pinkie Pie said happily, “I remember that!”

“Same here,” said Applejack, frowning deeply, “Seemed ta me like she was downright royally ticked off ‘bout somethin’ this Zero Division did ta the fella.”

Rainbow Dash gave a shallow nod, “Yeah, about that... mom was being real dodgy about the details, but he apparently died in some accident and Starlight had to send him on to Soul Society personally. Only instead of his soul passing on, like it was supposed to, it... uh, well you remember what happened to that Hollow Sunset and Clover took down during that first day we went out training?”

Sunset’s eyes widened as she remembered. The large, snake-like Hollow had been a tough opponent for them during that time where they’d only just barely begun to learn about the spirit realms and their own powers. Rainbow Dash had awakened her Fullbring for the first time, and Sunset had fought for the first time in her spirit body. Most of all, however, she remembered with stark clarity what had happened to that snake Hollow when Clover had struck the final blow.

A massive, horrific door to the realm of Jigoku, Hell, had opened up and dragged the Hollow to a fate that Sunset could only imagine, but shuddered when she did so.

A heavy, frozen silence hung among the girls. Fluttershy broke it with a whispered, “He... was he really taken to... um... that place?”

Rainbow Dash gulped, “That’s what my mom says happened, and from the look in her eyes, I believe her. This Sunburst guy got taken to Hell, and both Starlight and my mom were right there when it happened. Couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it.”

“But why?” breathed Applejack, “I ain’t givin’ Soul Society much credit fer smarts these days, but surely even they can’t screw up so bad they send the wrong folk ta eternal torment an’ damnation! Did... did this Sunburst fella do somethin’ real bad?”

“The way I understand it a Zanpaktou isn’t what actually sends souls to Jigoku anyway.” said Sunset with a bewildered and uneasy look. “Its supposed to be the weight of the soul’s crimes that summon the Gates that drag them down.”

“I don’t know.” Rainbow Dash replied with a helpless shrug, “According to my mom, she and Starlight tried to find out what went wrong on their own. Apparently this Sunburst dude was supposed to be a real stand up guy. Mom basically called him ‘a total nerd and wuss’. No way he did something worth ending up in Hell for, at least that’s what she said.”

“Did they find out?” Fluttershy asked quietly, “What went wrong, I mean?”

“That’s the vague part.” Rainbow Dash grumbled, arms crossing over her chest in a frustrated display. “She said they did dig up the truth, but that she couldn’t tell me what it was except that the Zero Division was up to some seriously screwed up shenanigans and that’s why she and Starlight make a pact to do... all of the crap they’ve done up until now. Steal the Hogyowhatsit from Discord, prod all of the circumstances leading to us getting our powers, framing Celestia and Luna so they could steal a bunch of stuff from Soul Society, including that giant flaming chicken stick and the creepy laboratory base, then run off to Equestria. All part of some big plan to take on the Zero Division and save this Sunburst guy.”

“Do you trust it?” Sunset asked after a moment, meeting Rainbow Dash’s eyes with a blunt and serious look. “What your mother has told you?”

She could see the tight jaw muscles clenching in Rainbow Dash, and the way tension just shot up through the young athlete's body as she looked away, eyes filled with a heady mix of conflicting emotions. “That’s what I’ve been trying to process. I want to believe her. For once in my life I got a reason, you know? A reason she left that I can at least kind of understand!” The girl’s face was reddening with embarrassment as her ruby eyes grew wet and she looked away from her friends with clear shame weighting her shoulders down.

“Dammnit this is so lame. I shouldn’t be crying like a baby over this.”

“Hey, hey...” Applejack went straight up to Dash and put a firm, strong hand on her shoulder, “Sugarcube, ya got nothin’ ya need to feel ashamed of in front o’ us! Ya remember how much I was bawlin’ when I finally got ta talk ta my mom properly? Ya see me holdin’ my tears back then, hun?”

“Gah, dangit AJ, its still feels so...” Rainbow Dash wiped at her face, and managed an awkward smile. “Not lame, but good. It feels too good to just have all that anger I’ve been holding onto drain out of me. I want to believe my mom because for once I believe in the idea that she loves me and that when she left it wasn’t because she didn’t care, but because she did. So maybe I’m just, uh, being biased or whatever. But yeah, I do believe her.”

“That’s good ‘nough fer me.” said Applejack.

“For me too.” said Sunset, her mind racing. “The real question is, what does this mean? Even if Starlight Glimmer has a reason to be doing what she is, she’s still threatening other people’s lives and possibly the balance of two realities to get what she wants. She still has to be stopped.”

“Don’t think anyone’s arguing on that count.” Rarity said, pale features grave as she stood up and brushed herself off. “I for one think we should leave these weighty matters to be discussed until our return. Certainly we could ask questions of certain Soul Reapers we trust such as Miss Clover, or Captains Luna or Celestia. However any such questions, no matter how careful we were in asking them, might run the risk of reaching the ears of this Zero Division, no? If they truly are so dangerous I think it best we pretend everything is normal for now. Perhaps Mr. Discord has more information. I certainly have questions of my own for him.”

“Like what?” Sunset asked.

“For one, did he know about this Sunburst fellow and that his unfortunate descent into, um, ‘H E double hockey sticks’ was the motivator behind Starlight Glimmer’s actions? If he did he certainly failed to tell us, and if I remember Miss Doo’s reactions she didn’t know about this either. I’m curious how much more he may have been keeping from us.”

A cold stab of guilt hit Sunset then as she recalled her conversation with Discord just shortly before they’d left to come to Soul Society. “That’s... not all on him. I, uh... I’m sorry to say this girls, but I knew a bit about Starlight Glimmer before we even came here. Discord told me about her and how she stole the Hogkyoku from him.”

“What!?” Applejack shouted, “When’d that happen!? An’ why didn’t ya tell us!?’

“I’m sorry Applejack. It happened just before we left. He didn’t say anything about Sunburst, but he did explain to me a bit about Starlight and that he suspected she was behind the situation with Celestia and Luna being framed. I didn’t say anything about it because I wasn’t certain it mattered, at first, and by the time we knew for sure Starlight was involved things were happening too fast for me to really slow down and bring it up. I’m sorry, girls, I wasn’t trying to hide anything, it was just everything that happened in Soul Society the past couple of days has been one crazy mess of a train ride and there just wasn’t much of a moment to stop and say anything.”

“It’s okay Sunset.” said Fluttershy, smiling in understanding. “it has been pretty crazy. I’d have forgotten about it myself.”

“Besides, it all turned out okay!” Pinkie Pie said with a grin, then blinked, “Mostly.”

A flash of disgruntlement still sapped Applejack’s face into a deep frown, but she burst out with a grunt and said, “Dang it Sunset, ya still should’ve told us what ya knew the first chance ya had, but what’s the point o’ stayin’ ticked off about it now? We got so much more ta worry ‘bout right now I can’t even spare any anger fer this. Just hearin’ ‘bout the Zero Division is makin’ me wanna bash some heads, but guess they’ll have ta git in line at this point.”

“It does appear we’re accruing an alarming number of potential enemies.” Rarity said, “Although I suggest we don’t quite yet rush to label this mysterious Zero Division as a threat just yet. Whatever has happened between them and Starlight Glimmer doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with us.”

“Except my mom is dead set on fighting them alongside Starlight,” Rainbow Dash said with a tightly clenched fist, “And if they really are sending people to Hell who don’t deserve it, can we really say my mom and Starlight are wrong to try and do something about it?”

“If they’re tryin’ ta break the world doin’ it, yer damn straight we can.” said Applejack, “I ain’t sayin’ I don’t understand why they’d want ta take on a broken system, but look at all the chaos they caused just tryin’ ta steal the things they need ta do it! An’ how much more damage are they gonna do ta Equestria while pullin’ the same crap over there? Doin’ what’s right sometimes gets messy, I know that, but what Starlight is doin’ still feels wrong ta me. Sorry Dash, but if yer ma is a willin’ part o’ that, we’re gonna need ta take her down too, when push comes ta shove.”

“I know, AJ, I know! Kinda why I was taking my time processing things. I wasn’t planning to go jetting off to switch sides, I mean c’mon, do you take my loyalty that lightly!?”

“Nah, Rainbow, I don’t. I know ya would never turn on yer friends.” Applejack said softly, eyes as serious as they were solemn. “Just hopin’ next time ya got ta tussle with yer ol’ lady, ya let them same friends back ya up. Let us help carry that burden, so ya don’t gotta face it all alone.”

“I hear you, and I will, don’t worry.” Rainbow Dash said, finally seeming to relax a bit, her posture slackening to one that seemed both relieved and quite a bit more tired than before. “I just really needed to get all that off my chest. Thanks for listening.”

“Hey no problem Dashie. Heh, I mean, imagine how super-duper sucky it’d be to stew on all that for the next arc or two, letting the pressure build and build until it made you pop like an angsty pinata.” Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Yeah, not gonna let this drag me down. Especially not now that I’ve got my swanky, newly upgraded Fullbring.” Rainbow Dash said, pumping her fist, apparently trying to clear the air to a more light hearted topic.

“It looked pretty impressive.” said Sunset, then shook her head with a light laugh, “Your attacks were one of the few ones I saw that made Starlight strain a little.”

“To be fair, darling, you weren’t able to use your full power.” Rarity said, “And we were all rather drained from all the battles prior to that point. I prefer to optimistically believe that once we all catch up to Rainbow in completing our Fullbrings and you get a better handle on your Bankai we shall be able to make a better showing of ourselves the next time we face Starlight Glimmer.”

“So what can yer Fullbring do now, anyhows?” asked Applejack, eyeing Rainbow Dash curiously. “Looked ta me like it was more or less doin’ the same, only bigger.”

“Sorta, yeah. I mean, I haven’t used it much, but with it complete its like I have this stronger, innate sense of how to use it without having to actually do it first. I even know its name somehow. Anyway basically the new rainbow wings make me way faster than before, and can also bust out direct energy beams kinda like those big red Hollow ones. I don’t just generate a bunch of lightning now, but I also can totally control the weather to make way more than ever before. I’m not sure how much juice I can pump out, but you might as well start calling me Thor at this point. Oh, then there’s the sweet lightning spear I can bust out. Don’t know how, but it makes the lightning, like, physical and solid like its an actual blade that can pierce things. Not sure about all it can do yet but I feel like that spear can do some special moves if I test it out some more.”

Sunset found herself happily smirking, “Sounds like you’re eager to jump right back into training.”

Dash’s own lopsided, confident half-grin nearly mirrored Sunset’s own. “You know it. After all, aren’t you feeling the same way, Miss I-Got-Bankai? First thing I wanna do once we get back home is take my Fullbring and stack it up against your Bankai and see who comes out ahead.”

“Heh, not sure Discord’s training area could handle that.” Sunset said, feeling herself relaxing a little now. “But I’m game if you are.”

“I wonder how long it will take the rest of us to unlock our Fullbrings?” Fluttershy said with a thoughtful and slightly concerned look. “It sounds dangerous, if there’s a violent chance of exploding when it happens.”

Rainbow Dash shot Fluttershy a confident look, “No worries Fluttershy, I got that figured out. Kind of. Before we went our separate ways, mom showed me how to control those excess energies, so as long as I’m near you girls when one of you goes True Fullbring, I’ll be there to help. That’s part of the reason mom goaded me to fight in the first place, so she could teach me how that’s done.”

“True Fullbring?” Rarity queried with a quirked eyebrow, “Your term or your mothers?”

“Oh, uh, heheh, mine. I figured we needed to call it something to distinguish it from the powers we had before. Hey, what do expect? I like naming stuff!”

“Oh, I wasn’t criticizing, dear, merely clarifying. It’s a simple yet striking term, and I must say your ‘True Fullbring’ was quite lovely and inspiring. I share Fluttershy’s sentiments that I can only wonder what form our powers will take when all of them are complete. Hopefully we can find a way to accelerate the process.”

To that Rainbow Dash just shrugged. “Beats me, Rares. For me it was kind of a personal thing. Had to realize a few things about myself and what my loyalty means to me before it all just... clicked. Like a door opened up in me that I didn’t even know was there, let alone had been locked shut.”

“That corresponds to what Ditzy Doo told us earlier.” Sunset said, rubbing her chin, “It sounds like there’s an emotional component to achieving True Fullbring that can’t be sped up with regular training. Your mother clearly had an idea of what kind of stimulus you needed, but its probably going to be harder with everyone else. I mean, there’s no telling when the right emotional stress might happen that’ll trigger the change.”

Applejack made a small ‘tch’ sound, “That’ll make keepin’ Dash nearby ta deal with the explosive side effects kinda hard, won’t it?”

Suddenly a new voice cut into the conversation, gentle and soft, yet still carrying with it a great strength. “I might suggest then that all of you young ladies stick together as much as possible from now on, then.”

Everyone turned to see Celestia standing not more than a few paces from them, as if she’d been standing there in plain view the whole time. Sunset certainly hadn’t heard or even spiritually sensed the woman’s approach. Celestia was no longer wearing the plain white robes she’d had on for her execution, but was now changed into the formal black robes of a Soul Reaper, with her stark white Captain’s overcoat worn over the robes, prominently displaying the kanji for the Thirteenth Division upon its back. Her twin Zanpaktou were sealed and sheathed through her sash, resting there comfortably. Celestia’s expression was near painfully nostalgic for Sunset, carrying that level headed and motherly look of encouragement that also seemed to twinkle with just a hint of mischief that was so similar to the look Sunset had so often seen from her teacher back in Equestria it could have been a mirror image.

Somewhat awkwardly Sunset smiled and waved, “Hey, uh, Captain Celestia. How long have you been listening in?”

Celestia’s smile didn’t waver, yet her eyes warmed with amusement. “Please, just Celestia. None of you are under any obligation to refer to me by my rank. As for your question; long enough to know you girls must have many questions and may be unsure if its safe to ask even me about them.”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed, “Ya know ‘bout the Zero Division, then?”

“Not much, sadly.” Celestia’s expression turned sympathetic, “Certainly not enough to corroborate anything that Firefly or Starlight Glimmer may have said about them. Jigoku is, for all intents and purpose, a spiritual prison for souls too damaged by their own sins to function inside the cycle of reincarnation. I have never heard of a soul sent there that was not guilty of crimes worthy of that bleak place, yet I have never much cared for its existence either. I was not heavily involved with the matters involving Starlight Glimmer or Xcution. I knew Discord well, even counted him as a friend, but his exile soured his relationship with Soul Society. As a result I only know rumors and scant details about the falling out he had with our first Substitute Soul Reaper. The name Sunburst... I think I may have heard it once before, but certainly nothing to suggest why he met the fate he did.”

“Is there anything you can tell us about why the Zero Division might have done something like that? Anything at all?” Sunset asked, desperate to know anything concrete.

Celestia shook her head, eyes closing sadly. “I’m sorry, but no. Even among Captains such as myself, knowledge of the Zero Division is limited. We know their names, of course, their reputations and abilities, but their day to day activities and even elements of their history are unknown to all save for the Central 46 and the Captain Commander himself. However I can give you my word that I will look into this matter myself and when I know more I will pass along what I learn to you. In the meantime I suggest keeping your cards close to your chests, and focus on recovering from your ordeals. On that note, I actually came here to tell you that the Senkaimon Gate should be ready by tomorrow at noon, so we shall return to Canterlot City then.”

“So ya are comin’ back with us then? Luna too?” asked Appejack.

A shadow passed over Celestia’s face, “Unfortunately my sister will have duties to attend to that will prevent her from rejoining me in the living world. Scorpan needs the Stealth Corps fully mobilized for a number of operations that Luna will need to oversee. So I shall return alone, and for the time being also send Lieutenant Cheerilee back here so she may assist her Captain in the Second Division’s missions. However with Lieutenant Flash Sentry currently trapped on the other side of the portal I am also lacking a Second Seat officer. As such I’ll be bringing with me Third Seat Inkwell to take up the slack. Captain Starswirl has also generously offered to allow me to ‘borrow’ Third Seat Clover for additional support, and given her experience with you girls the Captain Commander approved her long term posting to Canterlot City. Given the Twelfth Division will be conducting studies on the portal more directly I wouldn’t be surprised to see others from that Division arrive as well.”

Applejack groaned, “Great, more hidden Soul Reapers at school. Least we know Clover’s on the up and up, an’ that Inkwell gal didn’t seem so bad.”

“Indeed.” Celestia smiled, “Inkwell will take over duties as ‘vice principle’, while Clover will officially be assigned an identity and gigai to pose as a student. I trust you’ll all help bring her up to speed on how to act like a modern high school girl?”

Sunset couldn’t help but flash a return smile, as did the other girls. “I think we can make her feel right at home.”

Pinkie Pie was practically vibrating in place, “Ooooooh, she’s getting such a party when we get back! I wonder if I should count it as her official birthday?”

A part of herself that Sunset hadn’t realized had been tense suddenly unraveled into a pool of cool relief. With everything else so uncertain and up in the air, it was good to know that Clover was going to remain close to them. She’d all but become another member of the group as far as Sunset was concerned, and after the loss Clover had suffered with Chishiki being stolen she was grateful she’d be able to be there for Clover. Well, that they all would be, of course. Not just Sunset personally. Huh. Where had that thought come from?

Either way, it was good news. Now if only they could find some way to get Twilight back from the Quincy...

As if sensing Sunset’s thoughts, Celestia said, “Its clear that there’s still much that weights heavily on all of you, but rest assured that for the moment you’ve done all you can, more than anyone could ever have expected of you. The Captain Commander wanted me to tell you all that you have clearance to go as you please around Seireitei and do what you must to recover your strength.” She cast a knowing glance at Applejack, “And spend time with those you wish.”

A grateful look overcame Applejack, “Glad ta hear it. Uh, do ya know where my ma is at? I know she had ta deal with some Soul Reaper business, what with that meetin’ an’ all, but I’d sure like ta take some time ta just... talk with her.”

Celestia nodded in understanding. “I was able to speak with your mother before coming here. She is dealing with some matters involving her Division, but she told me to let you know that as soon as she has those affairs in order she will come here and the two of you can spend as much time as you need together.”

Hesitance glinted across Applejack’s eyes, “Don’t suppose ya know if she’s plannin’ ta stay on with you Soul Reaper types, or...”

“Return to the living world?” Celestia finished the unasked question. “Sweet Cider did not tell me her mind on that matter. Truthfully I’m uncertain if she could return for any long period of time without a gigai to sustain her, although I don’t doubt Discord would be able to help her in that matter. I also imagine the Captain Commander might turn a blind eye to the matter, given he’s made it very clear how much we all owe you young ladies. Still, its a matter for Sweet Cider to decide at this point.”

“I figured. Thanks, Celestia.” said Applejack, shading her face with her stetson. “Was meanin’ ta give this back ta my ma, but reckon she’s got her own hat she’s wearin’ now, figurative like.”

“You sound like you already know the choice she’s going to make.” Celestia noted, and Applejack just gave a knowing smile.

“Ma didn’t raise me ta ignore responsibilities, or ta do one whit less than I oughta fer the good o’ the community. Yeah, figurin’ I know what she’ll do, but I’ll hear it from the horse’s mouth when the time comes.”

“Well, I for one could do with some proper R&R, and I think we all could use something extensively and overtly pampering.” Rarity said, “Given that you say we have the run of the place, Celestia, I don’t suppose you know of a halfway decent spa in this place?”

“I think we can accommodate your needs.” Celestia said with a wink.

“Um, I think we all might have things we want to do.” said Fluttershy, face reddening with a faint brush of heat. “I think I should talk with Posey at least once before we go.”

A surprisingly serious look overcame Celestia’s face, though her voice was no less kind for it. “I will not say you shouldn’t, but I would also give you a few words of caution, Fluttershy. As hard as it may be for you to understand, and as equally hard for Posey to accept, the fact that you are a reincarnation of her mother’s soul does not place any responsibility upon you to behave as such. If that were the case all of us would have such responsibilities. With the exception of Sunset Shimmer, you are all human souls who have dwelt in the cycle of reincarnation for a long time. You’ve lived other lives, likely had lovers, spouses, and children during those lives, but those lives are not the ones you live right now and you hold no ties to them.”

Fluttershy slowly rose from where she’d been sitting, a calm air surrounding her that gave the girl a sense of strength that went well beyond her seemingly fragile exterior. “I understand what you’re saying Celestia, and I don’t want to meet with Posey because I feel as if I must act like the mother she remembers. I just can’t ignore someone who’s in pain. That’s all. If I can do anything to set her at ease, I feel like I should. As her friend, I hope. Besides, I want to make sure Kyoki is behaving.”

Celestia paused a moment, then nodded in understanding. “Then I’ll so no more. As I said, you girls are free to wander Seireitei as you will, but of course my Thirteenth Division’s doors are open to you if you wish to just rest and recover here some more.”

“Thank you Celestia, we really appreciate it.” Sunset said, “After the last few days, even if I want to chew my way to Equestria if I have to, it’ll still be good to try and unwind for a bit.” After a moment of thought she added, “I think I’ll go check on Clover. She probably needs some company to take her mind of things.”

“Oh, why don’t you invite her to come along to join us at whatever spa or spa-like accommodations we happen to find?” suggested Rarity, “Nothing helps wring out the blues than some old fashioned, decadent pampering.”

“Yeah, you guys have fun with that.” said Rainbow Dash, “Me, I’m taking myself for a test flight. I want to really give my new wings a stretch!”

“And I’m gonna go see if there’s any proper party supplies around here.” chimed in Pinkie Pie, zipping up next to Celestia with a very intense look in her unblinking eyes. “Tell me there’s at least a bakery around here.”

“Not inside the Seireitei, but I’m sure we can find something in one of the Rukon districts.” Celestia said.

With that the girls gradually went off in different directions, all eager in their own ways to shake off the worries and uncertainties of future conflicts and to take what time they could to enjoy whatever brief moments of peace fate was going to afford them. But the dust had finally settled on the chaos in Soul Society, and at least for now there were no more battles to fight.


Pain exploded across Adagio’s body as she was slammed through the thick stalagmite, but despite the blow rocking her senses she still recovered fast and with a flick of her fin tail she flew around in a tight circle, soaring back at her foe with a guttural howl of challenge, one that was mirrored by a chorus of howls from the fierce battle she and her companions were engaged in. Blood already stained her claws, even as she slashed them in a rending arc...


Pain still ached in her shoulder but the wound was mostly healed, and Twilight slowly slipped out of her hospital gown to start putting her Quincy uniform back on. Piece by piece the military uniform enfolded her slim body, and with a uncertain sigh she looked at herself in the mirror of the recover ward room. In her mind’s eye she could see a flash of Midnight Sparkle’s looming shadow interposing itself over her. Shaking her head to wipe the image away she placed the military styled cap atop her head, the Quincy five-pointed cross blazing silver...


Adagio’s claws raked hard across the chest of her opponent, a heavily muscled bipedal Hollow of the same Adjuchas’ class as she was, its face covered in a bull-like mask sporting sizable, goring tusks. Her claws drew dark blood, the bull Hollow screaming in pain even as it took a meaty, boulder sized fist to hammer at Adagio with reckless abandon. She retreated, growing in frustration at the sight of the shallow wounds she’d inflicted. Hunger burned inside her like a roaring fire.

Nearby Gaw’s titanic form wrestled with another near equally tall Adjuchas that held the form of a massive, forty foot tall avian bird with dark, dusky wings that fired a hail of bony barbs at the dinosaur-like Hollow while Gaw roared and tried to bite through the other Adjuchas’ rib-like bone armor.

D-Roy and Ember were occupied keeping a small horde of lesser Hollows back, ones who served the Adjuchas that had claimed this section of the Forest of Menos. With the Gillians not proving to be sufficient sport for her aims, Adagio had chosen to seek bigger game.

Now it was do or die...


The Quincy Academy was no less active despite the losses among the cadets from the recent battle. For Twilight it was as if she could see the fresh anger and determination burning among her fellow recruits, and a deep seated and solemn conviction radiating off of the instructors like Spitfire who didn’t let up on her training methods. If anything she now pushed the trainees harder than ever before. As Twilight summoned forth her bow, facing off against Sunny Flare in her fifth sparring match in that hour alone, sweat poured off Twilight’s brow, but she found she could hold her bow more steady than ever before.

Her arrows came faster, the speed of her Hirenkyaku smoother, and her ability to switch between deflecting Sunny Flare’s rapid-fire reishi darts with Blut Vene and empowering her own strikes with Blut Arterie was happening with less and less conscious thought on her part.

Every time she felt her focus slipping her mind showed her an image of Midnight Sparkle, and of the horrifying blood and fire the Hollows had brought to the Quincy, and Twilight’s resolve sharpened and her mind worked faster than ever before...


With greater and greater speed Adagio circled her weakening foe, but the bull-masked Hollow was not going down easily, even as she snaked in with darting slashes that tore yet more bloody cuts across his thick hide. As she made one such pass he caught her by surprise with a sudden and powerful backhand that clipped her already injured side. As she hit the ground the bull Hollow raised a massive, cloven foot and smashed it towards her face. Her own eyes alighting with ferocious indignation, she opened her maw and disgorged a point blank Cero blast.

The crimson beam enveloped the other Adjuchas’ and blew him backwards. He’d crossed his thick arms in front of him, absorbing as much of the destructive beam as he could, but his right leg was a charred ruin and his arms showing bleeding, burned patches as he stumbled back from her. An enraged roar tore itself from his throat.

“Damned bitch! You think you can keep hunting in our turf without consequence!?”

His meaty fists smashed into the ground, tearing up a giant, ten meter wide chunk of stone to hurl at her like a fastball. Adagio with a swift flick of her tail had little trouble evading the crude projectile and swam up into the air to look down on the Adjuchas with a disdainful and imperious look in her eyes.

“The only consequence I see is more opportunities for me and mine to grow ever stronger feeding on fools who can’t defeat us even with such a numeric advantage. Really you should have brought your whole tribe, not just a few weaklings.”

Even as she spoke Ember and D-Roy combined their Ceros into a blazing trail of destruction that tore a ragged chunk out of the pack of lesser Hollows that had been obeying the bull-like Adjuchas’ command. As for the Adjuchas’ other two Adjuchas-class companions, one found its wide, ant-eater shaped face bitten into by Gaw’s massive jaws and shaken like a wolf tearing apart a rabbit, while the remaining Adjuchas took one look at the savagery in front of it and turned its own avian form around to fly off in abject retreat.

Seeing this, the bull Adjuchas, his mask seeming to tremble with his twitching rage, opened his mouth in a wordless roar of defiance and started to charge Adagio with his horned head lowered with clear intent to gore her.

Adagio just smiled behind her own Hollow mask, her red siren gem gleaming with lustrous, ruby light. She could feel its pulse like her own heartbeat, her power ever growing with the conflicts around her. Even if she wasn’t an Arrancar yet, the power was singing in her blood with a fervent tenor, a sound she matched with her own voice as she broke out into a feverish chant of battle and bloodlust as she flew to meet her foe.

As tired as she was from the constant fighting, as much as she chafed at her current situation and desired nothing more than to become stronger, a part of Adagio was strangely jubilant. With every battle she grew ever stronger, and it was clear that the battles were far from over...


Sunny Flare pulled off an impressively acrobatic front flip that took her above Twilight, her dart pistols firing down in a thick rain of flashing blue reishi darts. Twilight responded with breakneck speed, leaping back from the barrage with the darts passing by her nose by inches. Without conscious thought she hardened herself with Blut Vene, her speed increasing again as she kicked off with a burst of reishi to soar higher than Sunny Flare, bending her own body into an angled shot from her gleaming bow of azure light.

One arrow snatched a dart gun out of Sunny Flare’s left hand, while the next one caught the edge of the girl’s uniform pants and pinned it to the stone floor of the training ring as she landed.

Sunny Flare winced and tore her pant leg, her balance thrown off for just a moment. A moment long enough for Twilight to appear behind her in an instant, bow leveled at the other girl’s head.

A sharp whistle sounded from the edge of the ring, where Spitfire stood with numerous other Quincy trainees who were watching the bout. Spitfire’s eyes were hidden behind a pair of aviator sunglasses, but there was a faint smirk on her face.

“And that’s match! Thirty two seconds, a new record for you, Sparkle. Flare, pick up the pace next time! Or have you guys forgotten what those Hollows did to your fellow recruits? Soon enough you’ll be seeing more Hollows up close, so no slacking off!”

Breathing hard, Sunny Flare retrieved her disarmed dart gun and gave Twilight a sidelong look. “You’d think we hadn’t been doing this non-stop since we got back to the Academy, the way she yells at us.”

Twilight offered an apologetic smile, her concentration draining out of her. “I know, but it makes sense that we’re being pushed. If we’re going to Hueco Mundo soon, we need all the training we can get.”

“Hmph, some of us seem to be learning faster than others.” Sunny Flare said with a sideways smirk.

“Hey!” called Spitfire sharply, “You ladies don’t have time for gossip! Sparkle, stay in the ring, Flare you too. Zest, Zapp, get your butts in there. We’re doing a two vs two this time! No breaks! Move it!”

Lemon Zest, freshly recovered from her own injury but still sporting a tight body cast around her chest, winced as she limped into the ring alongside Indigo Zap. As the girls all moved to square off across the ring, Twilight took a deep breath and focused once more on her bow.

She was tired, but she had to keep pushing herself. She needed all the strength she could muster in the days to come, because as far as she could tell the battles were far from over...

Author's Note:

After all those actions scenes it was high time for some winding down. We'll be spending one more chapter wrapping things up with the girls in Soul Society, then perspectives will shift for a time to Adagio and Twilight's end of things, moving towards the next arc.

Thank you all for reading folks and hope you're all enjoying things so far. As always feel free to leave any and all questions, comments, or critiques you want, I'm thankful for all of them. 'Till next time!

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