• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,970 Views, 5,040 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 118: Gaia Everfree

Episode 118: Gaia Everfree

Many centuries ago...

“My lady, Lord Tirek calls for you.”

Her eyes remained fixed upon the green vines entwining the windowsill of her chambers, pale white fingers ending in reflective, sharp black nails gently coaxing the buds upon the vine to open. White petals softer than silk touched her fingers, and for a moment the Arrancar known to most as the Queen of Thorns allowed herself a small smile at the freshly bloomed flowers before turning to her Fraccion. Lily was shorter than her mistress by a full head, but appeared to stand up straighter to try and compensate for the fact, with her straight blonde hair covering the flower-shaped fringe of bone over her right eye that was the remains of her Hollow mask, and the black hole where that eye would normally be. She wore a simple white vest and skirt over her slim frame, which still irritated the Queen of Thorns because she had, for decades, tried to get Lily to wear something that’d complement her figure more, but Lily, much like her sisters, continued to parrot each other by saying they only wished to serve their mistress.

Gaia herself had no such issues, wearing a multi-layered yet form hugging dress that accentuated her curves. While still the same white as most Arrancar outfits were, hers was designed to appear as if formed from natural folds of leaves, vines, and flowers combined into a ethereal ensemble that always moved as if stirred by a breeze. Her thick hair of multi-toned greens hung well down her back, framing an elfin gaunt face that still retained a fey sort of beauty to it, with jewel-like black eyes that bore distinct yellow iris’. A circlet of bone white coloring encompassed her brow with sharp protrusions, akin to a crown of thorns, although if one looked closely one could see this crown was melded with her forehead and was in fact the fragments of her Hollow mask. Her Hollow hole was hidden beneath her dress, situated over her lower abdomen. Sheathed at her left hip was a thin blade like a rapier, but with two additional blades springing from the hilt, which in turn was shaped like intertwined vines.

“Did he say what he wanted?” Gaia asked, although she suspected Tirek hadn’t. The Primera Espada was not a very considerate individual, even to his most immediate successor and the second most powerful Hollow in Las Noches. Gaia, at times, almost regretted joining the Espada ranks and gaining the number “2” etched upon her chest, just below her throat. Yet being a member of Tirek’s little army did have it’s benefits, when compared to roughing it out in Hueco Mundo’s deserts, like that poor fool the Storm King, or the likes of Strife.

She did miss the days when they still could walk the world of the living freely, without Scorpan’s death squads trying to hunt them down. What were those people calling themselves these days? Soul Reapers? It caused a flash of irrational anger inside Gaia to think about them. Her little flowers, Lilly, Daisy, and Rose made friends so rarely, and one of the few they had made was recently lost to Soul Reaper blades. Bastards. That had been one of the main reasons she’d finally given into Tirek’s courting and accepted a position among the Espada. Safety in numbers. It’d gotten to the point that a Hollow needed allies if she was to look after her own.

“I believe he mentioned wanting your opinion on something important,” Lily said, bowing her head low, “I’m sorry, my lady, he said no more than that. I’m... not inclined to ask the Primera questions. Forgive me.”

“No, you did well not bothering that irritable man with questions and simply coming to me. Go find Daisy and have her prepare the others, just in case this is another raid into the Soul Reaper’s lands.”

“Yes, my lady. We’ll make ready. Oh, do you think this might have to do with those strange humans with the bows that ambushed Lord Torch’s people?”

A strange development, that. Humans sometimes developed odd powers in the world of the living, but usually only in small, isolated cases. There’d been a recent, growing number of reports of an organized group of humans attacking Hollows in force, with coordination and all displaying similar powers to manipulate reishi and form weapons such as bows. So far these incidents had been concentrated around Europe, but they kept happening, and so far no one had been able to pin down where these strange humans were coming from.

But Gaia didn’t care much about that. She only wanted things to remain stable here in Las Noches, and the biggest threat to that was Scorpan and his so-called “Thirteen Court Guard Divisions'', Gotei 13. Only a few millennia ago that young pup was happy enough to just be the damned gate guard at the Soul Queen’s Palace, now he felt he had to right to start a war of genocide on the Hollows!? Of course, he probably thought he had the Soul Queen’s support, or even orders, but Gaia was willing to bet Scorpan was just being spoon fed instructions from the Royal Guard.

If Tirek’s tale of that terrible day in the Soul Palace was to be believed, Scorpan was being played for a fool, but Gaia knew there’d be no solving that issue. Scorpan and Tirek had burned bridges with each other well before then. In truth, Gaia wasn’t even sure how much of Tirek’s story she believed, but it didn’t matter. It was clear the Soul Queen had gone silent, and the world had changed. The age of gods was over. Hollow were being hunted freely by Soul Reapers, and even the humans were now getting bold and powerful.

What was a Hollow to do but follow their instincts, and band with the strongest of their kind to preserve their ways?

As Lily went to follow Gaia’s instructions, the Queen of Thorns took her time in leaving her domain within Las Noche’s southern wall. She took time to nod and greet her followers she passed along the way, many young Arrancar who were models of beauty and grace, be that male or female. Gaia liked to collect those among her kind that appreciated the bounty her powers offered, a bounty that was on display in every corridor of her halls. Greenery filled the otherwise stone chambers, supported by Gaia’s rare power over life, uncommon among Hollows. At least, to those who didn’t understand her. Hollows were entities that emphasized the negative spectrum of soul energies, death most of all. Gaia’s particular aspect in this regard was ‘cycles’, particularly the cycle of nature that led to the growth, death, and rebirth of nature.

Currently, within the summer season, her domain was vibrant and verdant, with walls covered in hanging gardens of plant life. Come fall, it would turn into a golden red and orange field of Fall’s slow decline, until finally come winter her power would turn to its truest aspect of death, when all this greenery would turn barren.

It was a cycle that Gaia adored, and felt Hollows were uniquely suited to represent as a whole, although few among her kin agreed with that point of view. At least Tirek appreciated her power, even if they often butted heads over other elements of Las Noche’s governance. His insistence on encouraging violence and competition among their own annoyed Gaia. Arrancar fought enough naturally as is. Encouraging more did not breed strength, but was foolish waste, in Gaia’s opinion.

Leaving her domain, she traveled swiftly across the dead expanse of sands that filled the vast interior of Las Noches, the green walls of her territory falling behind her as she rushed with the godspeed of Sonido towards the central tower of the enormous fortress.

She didn’t bother with the doors, simply flying up the tower’s height to the very top portion where the Espada’s throne room was located. She proceeded to use one of the upper balconies to make her entrance, lightly hopping past several startled Arrancar guards that she ignored and strode past until she reached the throne chamber. She had already sensed Tirek within. His reiatsu was utterly unmistakable, and as overpowering and oppressive as ever. Even by his mere presence the man couldn’t help but want to remind everything around him of his dominance. Annoying as it was, Gaia could hardly argue the point with him. Tirek had surpassed them all, through untold thousands of years of conflict and feeding. None could challenge him, not even her. In her heart, she was afraid of him, knowing that if Tirek wished it, he could just as easily lay waste to what he had built.

It was just as fortunate he seemed to think he needed the other Espada. His sole virtue, in Gaia’s eyes, was that Tirek desired to rule, not to destroy, and a ruler needed subjects. As long as that was the case, and her own people could live without fear under that rule, then Gaia would bend the knee now and forevermore.

A flash of surprise struck Gaia as she strode into the throne chamber. None of her fellow Espada were present besides Tirek, which wasn’t in and of itself unusual. The ten Espada rarely convened all at once unless something major was occurring. It wasn’t unusual for Tirek to summon individual Espada here to discuss matters involving them specifically, either. So what surprised Gaia was not the sight of Tirek in the center of the room, although it was unusual for him not to be seated upon his throne, but the fact that there was another individual there with him. Someone who’s reiatsu Gaia had not sensed at all, nore sensed even now that she was in the room gazing directly at them.

She could not see much from her present angle. The person was standing in front of Tirek, with their back turned to the doors, and they were wearing a white cloak with the hood drawn up. From what Gaia could see, the individual was tall, somewhat slim, but that was about it.

At her entrance, Tirek turned his dark gaze towards her. His arms were crossed over his massive, bare red chest, and he had a look on his face that was a toss up between wry bemusement and weighty consideration. Gaia had seen such looks before on the Primera, often before he was about to do something rash.

“Ah, Gaia, prompt as always,” Tirek said in his rich, rumbling tone. “I have a matter I am deliberating upon and could use your counsel.”

“I am at your service, Lord Tirek,” Gaia said, striding forward, somewhat annoyed that she did so with an innate sense of caution that didn’t quite befit her status as the Second Espada. Something was amiss here. She just... felt it. Her eyes didn’t leave the cloaked figure, “Just who is our guest?”

A rough chuckle escaped Tirek as he gestured towards the cloaked one with a meaty hand, “They just strode into my chambers, past all of my guards, and asked to be made an Espada. I was so taken aback by the sheer audacity of it all that I decided to consider their proposal, but thought I’d ask your opinion on the matter first. Come now, introduce yourself to Gaia Everfree, the Second Espada, and let us see if you impress her at all. If you do, you may live through the day yet, young upstart.”

A feminine voice, smoother than silk, richer than the darkest chocolate, yet somehow carrying an edge sharper than any knife replied as the cloaked figure bowed her head, “But of course. I’d like to meet all of my new... colleagues.”

The figure turned, withdrawing her hood with the elegant motions of one, black skinned hand as she faced the approaching Gaia.

Gaia halted, taken aback by what she saw. Beauty didn’t describe it, utterly failed as a word to capture the perfectly formed angles and curves of the woman in front of her. Skin dark as coal yet shining like pure ebony. Emerald eyes brighter than freshly lit fire. Thick strands of hair of a rich, dark green, akin to Gaia’s own. Womanly curves befitting the words of Greek poets concerning their gods. Gaia ought to know, she had inspired some of those poets, when they thought those gods were real. Yet despite all of this woman’s, an Arrancar, by the bone-like horn growing from her forehead, physical charms her beauty extended to something far more primal and impossible to grasp with logic. Like lust made flesh. The raw personification of subconscious desire.

Gaia took a hold of herself mentally. She wasn’t about to drool over this woman here in the throne chamber! She was simply taken a bit off guard. Who was this? On instinct, Gaia probed out with her Pesquisa. There was no way the woman could consciously hide her reiatsu at this range. As if sensing what Gaia was doing, the woman smiled, showing a row of white teeth that somehow unsettled Gaia, for it was a look of purest hunger somehow cloaked as a pleasant grin.

“My apologies. I’ve been trying to avoid causing a stir, so I’ve kept my spiritual pressure contained.”

It was like her Pesquisa had just touched a solid wall. This woman wasn’t lying. She’d somehow suppressed her reiatsu to a dense mass around herself, undetectable at range until one was practically standing next to her! Gaia paused, blinking at the density of the reiatsu. Even compacted as it was, she could tell this woman bore immense spiritual pressure.

“Just who are you?” she asked, and the woman’s smile only widened as she performed a smooth bow.

“Call me Chrysalis. I hope we’ll become... good friends.”


Present day...


The voice echoed louder than the collapsing chamber around Sunset Shimmer. The voice was filled with undiluted rage, and Sunset could only wonder at who this Hollow was and how they knew Chrysalis. Clearly it wasn’t a good relationship between the two, if that vibrating voice of fury was any indication, but Sunset didn’t have time to ponder it with thousands of tons of rock and dirt coming down at her head!

There was also an incredible amount of magical and spiritual energy surging into the chamber from the root system outside, building to such a feverish pitch that Sunset couldn’t sense much of anything beyond the overwhelming buzz of power that was concentrating upon the cocoon that had absorbed Gloriosa and Timber.

She wanted to help, but there was little she could do at the moment other than survive the next few moments. Fortunately, being in a spirit body had its advantages, and Clover had shown her a very basic and handy trick Soul Reapers could pull off in the living world. As the chamber collapsed upon her, Sunset Shimmer simply... phased through it. She was a spirit, after all. Her physical body was being taken care of by Chappy. While all Soul Reapers and Hollows could physically touch the world and its particles through hardening their own spiritual energies, it was just as simple to ease off on that ‘hardening’ of their spirit bodies and allowing physical matter to pass right through them, like proper ghosts.

So Sunset was unharmed as she became surrounded by crushing rock and dirt, although she did lose her sense of sight and hearing as there was nothing to see and next to nothing to hear. She had to rely solely on her spiritual senses to get a feeling for what was going on, while suppressing the instinctive urge to breathe. There was an innate reflex to panic at being buried, but she calmed herself, knowing she wasn’t in any danger like this. Instead she focused on what her spirit senses could tell her.

It wasn’t easy. This Hollow’s power was incredible, and the energies pouring in from outside only added to it. It felt almost like an old balloon filling up with water, fit to burst. The rumbling in the ground continued as something large pushed its way upward, and Sunset sensed what she thought was the root systems beneath Everfree shuddering and moving as well. A massive amount of spirit energy was now moving upward, towards the surface, and Sunset followed it, willing herself to float upward, pushing off of particles of matter here and there to propel her spirit body up through the ground as fast as she could.

Before long she was back out in daylight, flying up into the air. What she saw around her baffled and astonished her.

It looked as if they’d risen up right beneath the Soul Reaper field lab, which was now effectively destroyed. In its place was an utterly colossal tree. Sunset was still flying upwards and estimated she was already a few hundred feet in the air, and was only halfway up the tree's fifty meter thick trunk. The bark was an unnatural ivory white, with branches sprouting off in numerous directions, many thicker than city buses, and covered in vibrant green and blue foliage.

She could see, towards the top, that the apex of the tree ended in a wide, circular area formed from various branches coiling together, like a roof. She senses Gloriosa there, and the Hollow... or were they both one in the same, now? The power Sunset senses was a strange reiatsu, both Hollow, human, and with the faint buzz of magic.

...It was a sensation very similar to what she felt from her friends, most of the time.

What had Gloriosa become?

And speaking of her friends, Sunset cast a glance down towards the earth as she kept flying up. She saw Camp Everfree near the former shore of the lake. The place was still intact, thankfully. The ground roots of the mountainous tree had grown towards the forest, but had, as if by intention, moved around the camp. Almost as if the roots were protecting the camp, rather than aimlessly seeking to destroy it. Sunset felt the various sparks of human life there that were all of her fellow Canterlot High students. She also senses the stronger sparks of reiatsu from Twilight’s Quincy friends, and the C.M.C.

It looked like they were all safe, for the moment.

But wait, where were her friends? Hadn’t she left most of them there as well?

Fearfully, Sunset searched out further with her scenes, trying to get a read on where her friends were. She frowned as a series of conflicting spiritual pressures made it hard to tell just what was going on out there. She sensed battles taking place, and though she felt Twilight out there, she couldn’t make out the others fighting. Either they were too distant or the conflicting reiatsus were too close together to tell who was fighting who, but it didn’t look like any of her friends were near Camp Everfree anymore... wait...

She did sense Fluttershy. Down below. Looking towards the ground, Sunset saw piles of rock that looked as if they’d been thrown around by the bursting of the giant tree from the ground, along with its roots growing from the lakebed. From one of those rock piles, a faint golden glow could be seen, and as Sunset watched the rocks were pushed aside. A dome formed out of hundreds of glowing, golden hands emerged from beneath the rubble. The palms of the glowing hands continued to push aside the rock piles until it was completely clear, then the ethereal gold hands withdrew, the dome shrinking until it revealed Fluttershy at its center, amid a group of people that the girl had apparently protected from the eruption of the tree.

Sunset was torn between wanting to go check on her friend, and needing to go confront whatever she would find at the top of the tree for a moment, but just for a moment. With a swift Flash Step she headed back to the ground, and appeared in front of Fluttershy. Glancing around, she also recognized Lieutenant Posey, who was standing by Fluttershy almost protectively. A number of Soul Reaper researchers from the lab were laying on the ground in a neat row, with some of Fluttershy’s golden hands from her halo still holding onto the researchers’ unconscious bodies. Then there were the four Arrancar present, all but one of which were in what Sunset assumed to be their Resurreccion forms.

“Fluttershy, is everyone alright?” Sunset asked.

Her friend beamed a calm smile towards her, “For the moment. I, um, take it that things didn’t go well with Gloriosa?”

“You could say that,” Sunset said, grimacing, “I’m sorry. I think I screwed up, rushing ahead like I did.”

“It’s okay. We’ll work something out,” Fluttershy said, and gave a pointed glance towards the four Arrancar, “Oh, um, I think the four of you should probably go now, shouldn’t you?”

Lieutenant Posey flinched, but didn’t raise an objection, which struck Sunset as odd, but the Soul Reaper was giving Fluttershy a look of deference, so Sunset assumed something had been settled between them. As for the Arrancar, Sunset recognized Ember, and although Gaw was much larger now, her reiatsu felt the same from the brief tangle with that Quincy assassin. It looked like the rescue operation was a success, at least. One small good thing in what was a growing clusterbuck.

“Yeah, if you lot intend to scram, you’d better do it now,” she said, trying not to sound friendly, but rather like she was letting a group of enemies go out of the goodness of her heart. Lieutenant Posey didn’t know the truth, so some acting was necessary. “Count yourselves lucky my friend is so kind hearted, and that we’ve got bigger fish to fry right now.”

Gaw growled at that, which might have been acting to help keep the illusion up, or for all Sunset knew it was genuine. Kind of hard to get a read on that one. Ember narrowed her eyes, and turned to a white haired Arrancar male with a strange shark-like arm shield and shark-toothed sword that... seemed vaguely familiar to Sunset.

Haven’t I seen a sword like that before? Wait, he’s not THAT Sharkface, is he!? When did he become an Arrancar!?

Sunset contained her surprise, while Ember said, “Di Roy, I don’t know what this damn tree is about, but I don’t like the spiritual pressure I’m feeling from up there. Are we really cool leaving without Adagio?”

Di Roy, for his part, just blew out a heavy sigh and swept his hand out, opening a Garganta portal, “Ember, the boss lady is a big girl who can take care of herself. We lose you, and this whole shebang was for nothing. So no more questions, no more delays, no more bullshit. Let these Soul Reapers and humans deal with the friggin’ tree, and get in the damn portal! We’re going home, and have some faith that Adagio will be joining us there once she’s good and ready.”

Ember looked ready to spit nails, but with a final glare, she turned and strode through the Garganta. Di Roy looked at the next Arrancar, a female that Sunset didn’t recognize, but had four spider-like limbs sprouting from her back.

“I know you’re worried about him, Roka, but there’s nothing more we can do here.”

“I understand, Di Roy,” replied Roka, staring off towards the north, “Whatever is happening is beyond my reach to affect. Just as you have faith in Adagio Dazzle, I too must have faith in my father, and that he will return safely.”

With that, she too entered the Garganta. Di Roy jabbed a thumb at Gaw and then at the portal, “You too, dino-gal.”

Gaw snorted, scuffing her large, clawed feet on the ground. Di Roy’s face blazed red as he pointed harder at the Garganta, “Don’t give me that! We’re still small fry on this field, whether we like it or not. Leave the big league fights to the big leaguers. Our job’s done.”

“I not go without alpha,” Gaw grunted.

“And what are you going to get done by staying here, huh!?” Di Roy shouted, “Adagio doesn’t need dead vassals, she needs smart ones that know when it’s time to bug out. That time is now, Gaw.”

Gaw turned her rather impressive bulk towards him and lowered her saurian masked face towards his, growling deeply. “Alpha Adagio stronger than me, but has no one to watch back. Even strong ones die if only fight alone... Di Roy, Adagio, and others show me this so many times, and I understand now. Strong or weak, tribe must fight together to live.”

“Which is exactly why we have to go,” Di Roy countered, “Adagio can’t do what she needs to do while still worrying about protecting us. Boss lady likes to act tough, but she’d throw herself in front of too much crap for our sake, so the best thing we can do now is go home so she can know we’re safe. Well, safe-ish. Gaw... we’re still too weak.”

The growl from Gaw’s throat turned... pained, like the whine of a kicked puppy.

“I not like this, Di Roy. Want to be stronger, so we can help alpha.”

He put a hand on her snout and looked her in the eyes with a fierce fire, “I hear ya. Truth is, I hate it just as much as you do. Just remember, we won’t stay this weak forever. One day we’ll pay back boss lady for everything she’s done for us, plus interest. But to do that, we have to survive, you get it?”

Gaw responded with a brief, but simple nudge of her nose on his chest, and then her form shimmered with a deep red gleam. Like bloody steam, red smoke and wafting strands of energy flowed off Gaw’s body as she deactivated her Resurreccion and shrunk back into the shape of a small, wild haired girl. The red, smokey energy reformed into her curved, claw-like Zanpaktou, which she shouldered as she silently prowled into the Garganta. Di Roy turned to follow her, but paused and looked back at Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer.

“Hey, don’t take this the wrong way but... good luck.”

He then went through the portal as well, the Garganta closing behind him.

Sunset just blinked, “How the heck are we supposed to take that the wrong way?”

“Oh, I think he’s just embarrassed about wishing us luck, because we’re on different sides,” Fluttershy said, laughing lightly. Next to her Posey had a contemplative look on her face as she scratched her head.

“I’ve never seen Arrancar act like that.”

“Like what?” Sunset asked.

“Like they, um, cared about each other,” Posey replied, hiding her face behind her hair, “It was strange.”

“The world is much stranger, broader, and filled with more wonders than any of us can really know,” Fluttershy said, but she quickly shook her head, “But I suppose now isn’t the time for philosophy. Sunset, is that presence I feel at the top of this tree Gloriosa?”

“Yes. Her, and a Hollow that was cocooned beneath the lake,” Sunset said, “I don’t know what it is, but it’s powerful, and is getting additional spirit energy, and magic, from these roots.”

Posey’s eyes widened, “Magic? As in the power from the other world!? Why is that coming through the roots!?”

“I don’t know, but I think it has to do with that ritual the Kraken had set up,” Sunset said, turning swiftly to look up at the top of the tree, her eyes narrowing a moment before she glanced sharply back at Fluttershy.

“We need to get up there and find out what’s happening. Fluttershy, where are the others?”

“Rainbow Dash went to help Rarity, and Pinkie Pie went to help Applejack. Both of them seemed to be in trouble,” Fluttershy said, “I don’t know more than that.”

“Dammit! Okay, look, it might take all of us to deal with whatever Gloriosa has turned into. I need you to go help the other girls, and once you’re all together, get anyone else who can still fight, and meet me up there.”

“Meet you there? Are you going up alone?” Fluttershy asked, and Sunset felt a fresh stab of guilt. Going alone had been a mistake earlier, but this time she really didn’t have any better options. Did she?

“She doesn’t have to go alone.”

Sunset turned at the voice, seeing a familiar gray skinned girl and head of green hair.


Clover, having Flash Stepped into the air nearby, softly landed next to Sunset, looking tired and a bit battered, but otherwise unharmed. Clover gave a small smile as she turned to Fluttershy and Posey, “I’ll stick with Sunset while you gather everyone else.”

“Third Seat Clover, where’s Lieutenant Meadowbrook? Wasn’t he with you?” Posey asked.

“He’s okay. We’d gotten a bit tied up by one of the Arrancar, but managed to get ourselves free. He’s gone to check on Captain Starswirl, while I came here to find out what was happening,” Clover said, glancing back at the tree, “Looks like things have escalated.”

“Just a bit,” Sunset said, then to Fluttershy, “Okay, me and Clover will keep Gloriosa busy while you go get the girls.”

“I’ll be as fast as I can,” Fluttershy said, turning a soft look towards Posey, “Lieutenant, do you think you could return to the camp and keep watch on the students there for me?”

“But there’s Quincy three,” Posey said, and Fluttershy held up one of her six hands.

“Just as you saw with Arrancar, not all Quincy are alike either. Please, do this for me, and have an open mind.”

“...As you wish. But if they start anything, I’m responding in kind.”

“They won’t,” Sunset said, “Alright everyone, get moving!”

Fluttershy and Posey both all but vanished, moving in different directions, Posey returning to Camp Everfree while Fluttershy went towards the battles to the north. Meanwhile Clover and Sunset Shimmer jumped upwards, kicking off the air to ascend the height of the massive tree looming above them.

Halfway up, Sunset said, “Clover, you good to fight if things turn for the worse?”

“I’ve got a few Kido I haven’t tried yet,” Clover said, turning a uncertain half smile towards Sunset, “I won’t slow you down.”

“Wasn’t worried you would, just wanted to make sure you weren’t pushing yourself. I have no idea what we’re about to face up there.”

“Isn’t she that human woman in charge of the camp?” asked Clover, and Sunset’s eyes filled with a deep rooted worry as she stared at the rapidly approaching top branches of the tree.

“...She was. Now? I don’t know.”


Warmth! Power! Souls! She’d been withering upon the branch for so long that she’d nearly forgotten what it felt like to properly feel herself filled with such sensations! The husk of her former spirit body was no longer a dedicated prison of torment! She was free. Her new flesh... it was so alive, pulsing and pounding with heat and life. This wasn’t quite like how she remembered her old body, but then again, this body had just been human. She had just been human.

It was a little disorienting, the melding of memory and spirit. She was at once Gloirosa, but not Gloriosa. She was Gaia Everfree, yet not Gaia Everfree. There was no separation between the thoughts and emotions of these two entities, but rather a fused whole. She felt everything Gloriosa Daisy would and should be feeling at this moment. Confusion, fear, anger, doubt. She was also feeling just as Gaia Everfree, former Second Espada, would be feeling at the moment of her triumphant rebirth! Ecstasy and excitement! Deep satisfaction as she fed upon the energies pouring into her.

The ritual was complete, but it wasn’t quite finished. She had to maintain the magical transfer through the circle, even as she’d grown the tree and roots that would be the nucleus of her new home. Those roots grew much further than anyone knew, far beyond the borders of her forest. All the way to the ocean, deep underground. In that distant ocean, her ally’s servant had enacted the other half of the ritual of transference. Just as Gloriosa had brought the geodes to her, Gaia Everfree could transfer magical power from them, just as her ally was transferring soul energy into her.

The geodes truly were incredible. They weren’t even being drained. The magical power within them seemed inexhaustible! Such a strange discovery, but her ally had made sense of things to Gaia, in due time. It didn’t matter much to her anyway, she had other business to attend to, and Charybdis could do as she pleased with this world’s oceans.

...Couldn’t she? A hesitance struck Gaia. Her host, Gloriosa, was not pleased at the notion of an unknown, magical aquatic horror being unleashed on her world’s oceans. Gaia Everfree wouldn’t have cared, but she wasn’t truly Gaia Everfree alone anymore. Gloriosa was tied to the world of humans, and that brought new considerations to the table. Gaia had never known just how... complete this melding would be with her host, but no point crying over it. She had a new life to experience and revenge to plan. But first she had to get out of her cocoon and kick some noisy guests out of her home!

She willed the wall of vines surrounding her to withdraw, and pressed one dark purple hand against the soft shell of her cocoon. It yielded to her like a thin layer of hardened amber, and as it cracked open, and Gaia Everfree took her first step out into the living world, she marveled at the feeling of cold wind on her skin and warm sun on her face. She was standing atop a wide canopy of thick vines forming a sort of roof to the giant tree that she’d grown. The energy transfer for the magic ritual was essentially complete now, but the magical runes carved along the vines still glowed with power. She ignored that for a moment and took stock of herself.

Hmm, not bad. My body as Gloriosa was fit and soft on the eyes. Looks like I have a darker version of her purple skin. Sharp, white markings on the arms and legs it seems. Fetching. How’s the face and hair?

She had no mirror, but it wasn’t hard to grow a few vines to form into a bowl shape and let moisture pour into to make a small reflective pool for her to examine herself with. Stroking her chin she admired her new features, much like Gloriosa’s, but with slightly sharper angles. Her eyes were black, as they’d been when she’d been Gaia Everfree, but the yellow of her iris’ were replaced with Gloriosa’s green. She could live with that. Her hair had gone green, but now contained streaks of Gloriosa’s magenta. She also retained Gloriosa’s freckles, which she didn’t mind at all.

Altogether she was pleased with the result of her melding with Gloriosa. Perhaps most noteworthy of the changes was that she, while still technically an Arrancar, no longer had a Hollow hole. Instead the seven geodes were set within her stomach in a perfect circle, where her Hollow hole would have been. Each gem gleamed brightly, and she felt the magic inside them mixing with her own spiritual pressure.

Stretching her limbs for the first time in centuries, Gaia Everfree briefly reveled in the chill air on her skin, but the part of her that was Gloriosa was a tad irked at their bare naked state. Truthfully Gaia was no nudist either, so with a gesture of her hands green, fiery light played across her fingers and the foliage around her stirred. From the roots and vines beneath her feet a veritable mass of greenery flowed over her body, transforming and melding to her body as it went. Normally she preferred dresses of a practical but elegant flair, but knowing she was going to be getting involved in some violence soon enough she crafted her new outfit for the occasion.

Thigh high boots of armored white ash bark encased her legs, while bladed leaves intertwined into a skirt of armored mail harder than steel around her waist. The midriff around the geodes was left bare, but a flexible armoring of bark covered her rounded chest, shoulders, and upper stomach, filled with swirling natural patterns. This armoring went on to coat her arms, turning more leaf-like once more until it stopped at her wrists, leaving her hands bare. The outfit would add a layer of protection while letting her stay mobile. Since her body was still technically human now, Heirro would be harder to use, so she’d need to channel more reiatsu through the armor to act as protection. There’d probably be all manner of new things to get used to with this host body. The melded human and Arrancar soul within would alter the body in many ways, but Gloriosa’s body remained fundamentally human, so some limitations would need to be dealt with.

Speaking of limitations, Gaia keenly felt the absence of her Zanpaktou. Chrysalis had destroyed it during their final battle, and although Gaia’s power was mostly restored, it’d be a while before she could reshape her Zanpaktou. In the meantime she’d need a suitable replacement weapon.

As if sensing her desires, she felt magical warmth flow from the geodes. Melding with her reiatsu, the magic flowed out of her in a spiral of green flame and entered the bark of a nearby branch. The branch then burst into emerald fire, transmuting its shape. Gaia reached out and grasped the central hilt of a double bladed sword, the slightly curved blades on either end made out of wood that had been hardened into a metallic sheen. Both magic and spiritual energy pulsed inside the weapon, and Gaia Everfree smiled as she admired it in her hands.

Yes, this would do.

Now that she was properly equipped, it was time to check on her brother. She went back towards the cocoon she’d emerged from, where a smaller bulb of large leaves and vines formed next to the cocoon. She willed that bulb open. Inside was Timber Spruce, his body connected to several vines that were pumping energy into him like IV drips.

She reached out a hand and touched his cheek tenderly. She was Gaia Everfree now, but she was still Gloriosa. Her brother would be protected. It was an odd mix of thoughts and emotions that hit her as she looked upon this young human man. There was no separation of memory and personality. She loved Timber as her brother, yet also recognized him as a weak human. The stray thought of turning him into a Hollow crossed her mind, so she could keep him by her side and strengthen him, but she just as swiftly dismissed the idea. There was no need to do that to her brother just yet. He’d die of natural causes eventually, then she could see about Hollowfying him.

There was no way she’d let him become a Soul Reaper! Damned sanctimonious, murderous cretins!

Gaia shook her head, the part of her that was Gloriosa somewhat disturbed the deep rooted rage and hate for the Soul Reapers that stemmed from Gaia Everfree. Then again, even more than Soul Reapers, there was another Gaia hated. A smiling, onyx face.

“Chrysalis...!” Gaia hissed, hands clenching.

She couldn’t wait to make that woman pay for all these long centuries of torment. For taking everything away that Gaia had loved. That would have to wait for now, however. She needed to deal with more immediate issues.

With Pesquisa she searched outward with her spiritual senses. She used her root system to help bounce and amplify their senses, getting a much clearer picture of the situation in her domain. Gloriosa’s memories helped put it all into context, and Gloriosa had already been mad about the damage done to Everfree forest and her beloved camp home.

Now she was livid, sensing the extent of the destruction the battling Soul Reapers, Quincy, and Arrancar had caused. So many countless acres of forest ruined! Her beloved lake gone! Mountains melted or torn asunder.

Gaia almost laughed at the angry thought that it’d take forever to rebuild the camp. The human summer camp! Hah, how odd for her, who once ruled at Tirek’s right hand in Hueco Mundo, was now concerned over rebuilding a mere summer camp... yet that was the nature of her melding with Gloriosa. Their wants and desires, their dreams and fears, they were all one and the same now.

And their memories. The part of her that was Gloriosa was both intrigued and a tad horrified to know the truth about her parents, now. How generations ago the indigenous tribes of the region had worshiped Gaia Everfree as a guardian spirit and made sacrifices to her. The very cave Gloriosa and Timber had played in as children had been an altar to Gaia. Over time, as civilization had encroached on the land, the tribes dwindled, but some remained, and ‘modernized’ themselves. Yet the cult of Gaia Everfree never fully died. It, too, dwindled over time, but it was kept alive by the last family of native descent who remained as caretakers of the Everfree Forest.

Gloriosa’s parents had been the last of Gaia’s cult. Although human sacrifice was a thing of the distant past, offerings were still made in the form of animals. These offerings fed Gaia, even if only in a tiny fashion and her power became so weak, she couldn’t save her last devoted human cultists when a freak storm struck the area. But Gaia had already given Gloriosa’s mother her blessing in the form of a daughter whom Gaia had ensured would develop powers, just as she’d done with many of the cult’s line over the centuries.

Gaia had done this not only to help guard her cult, but to gradually grow a suitable host. Gloriosa was the strongest of her line thus far, and the addition of magic entering the equation with the discovery of the geodes was the final spark of the plan, alongside Gaia’s otherworldly ally from the magical world of Equestria.

Now with all of these rowdy, unwelcome guests making a mess of her home, it was time to start cleaning house. Starting with the pair that were coming directly towards her. She felt two strong reiatsu’s approaching. Soul Reapers, although one felt different... wait, wasn’t that Sunset Shimmer?

Gaia smirked, turning and crossing her arms under her chest to await their arrival.


Sunset and Clover reached the top of the tree, which looked like a wide dome of converged vines and branches, making a nearly solid roof that was awash with waves of leaves and branches blooming with flowers of numerous deep colors. At the center of this floral heaven was the bulbous cocoon that Sunset had seen underground, with a smaller bulb attached to it within which she could make out Timber Spruce’s barely breathing body. She saw the small roots and vines sinking into his skin, and was at once fearful for what might be happening to him, yet hopeful that he was still alive and that perhaps the plants were helping to heal him.

Concern over that would have to wait. She saw another person standing by the cocoon, and Sunset’s heart lurched. There was no doubting that was Gloriosa, yet her body was changed, and the overpowering Hollow reiatsu she’d been feeling was stemming directly from this new person who might not be Gloriosa at all anymore.

She and Clover landed a fair distance away, giving the woman in front of them a berth of a good dozen or so yards. Sunset looked her over carefully. She had Gloriosa’s features and body type, but her skin was a bit of a darker purple, with several stripe-like white markings on her face and stomach. Most of her was clad in white armor of what looked like organic bark and leaves shaped into high boots, a skirt, a chest-piece, and arm guards. Held loosely in the woman’s right hand like a staff was a two bladed sword, although it looked as if it’d been carved from more white ash wood, similar to the armor. Sunset didn’t doubt the weapon’s potency, however, for she felt both spiritual pressure and the buzz of magic stemming from within it.

The woman was looking at both her and Clover with a disturbingly pleasant smile that did nothing to set Sunset at ease, and before either she or Clover could speak the woman spoke up herself. Her voice sounded just like Gloriosa’s, but there was something different in her manner and tone that made Sunset even more tense and fearful for the fate of the camp owner.

“I see you don’t give up easily, Sunset Shimmer. I’m aware you think you were helping, but I’ve got everything in hand now, so you and your friends can... what’s the modern term? Buzz off?”

“Gloriosa,” Sunset said, “Is that still you in there? I need to know what that Hollow has done to you.”

“Gaia Everfree.”


“My name. Not ‘that Hollow’. I am Gaia Everfree. Former Segunda of the Espada. I suppose I am also Gloriosa Daisy, but since I don’t need two names, I’ll stick with Gaia.”

Clover made a gulping noise and Sunset glanced at her. Her friend looked a bit paler as she said, “I know that name. From the war records. Gaia Everfree was the Second Espada prior to Chrysalis. It’s said she destroyed a large contingent of Third Division alongside one of it’s previous Captains during a massive Hollow incursion into the Soul Society over a thousand years ago.”

Gaia Everfree rolled her eyes, “Tirek does love his little invasions. I suppose that hasn’t changed over the past ten or so centuries, has it? Yes I’ve slaughtered your kind before, Soul Reaper, and without tears to shed over the matter. You hunt us in turn, so fair’s fair, is it not? The ‘balance’ that your masters like you to maintain, right?”

“Don’t act as if you Hollows don’t earn it by hunting human souls,” Clover replied, taking up a ready battle stance, although she flinched when her hand instinctively went for Chishiki only to grasp empty air. Wincing, Clover instead took up a ready Kido casting stance, “What, do you expect us to do nothing while Hollows gorge themselves?”

“Wouldn’t that be a nice change of pace? But no, I don’t,” Gaia replied, “Eating souls is in our nature, yes, but is the existence of predators and prey not part of the natural balance? I’d say we Hollows are following that balance far more closely than you Soul Reapers are.”

“None of that matters right now,” Sunset said, taking a step forward and readying her sword and shield, “I need to know what your intentions are, Gaia Everfree. What’s happened to Gloriosa, and will you release her and Timber Spruce?”

One of Gaia’s eyebrows rose slightly as her eyes gave Sunset a flat look, her voice turning into a faintly condescending drawl, “You’re not quick on the uptake, are you sweetie? I am Gloriosa Daisy. I am also Gaia Everfree. We’re one being now. There’s no going back. As for Timber, I’m healing his injuries at the moment, and after that... we’ll see. He’s my brother, and I will protect him and our home. Those are my ‘intentions’.”

“Okay...” Sunset said, frowning. On paper this sounded almost like Gloriosa, Gaia, whoever she was wasn’t hostile. Yet then why did Sunset sense such bloodlust coming from her? Gaia’s reiatsu was sharper than thorns and gave the impression of a furious predator ready to pounce. Sunset’s sense of danger was at an all time high, so it was hard to drop her guard.

“Let me rephrase that,” Sunset said, “What are you going to do now that you’re... one being?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I thought I’d go into town, do a little shopping, maybe get my hair done, and murder every last person that’s made a mess of my home!” Gaia shouted with an accompanying explosion of violent reiatsu that burst out of her in a dark green and violet aura of power that stirred up a near hurricane-force wind around the domed roof of the tree.

Sunset grit her teeth as the woman’s spiritual pressure crashed into her. Gaia certainly hadn’t been merely boasting about being the Second Espada. Her reiatsu quite thoroughly corroborated that statement. Compared to other spiritual pressures that Sunset had encountered shot past Platinum’s or Adagio’s and felt more on par with what she’d briefly felt from Chrysalis or Starlight back in Soul Society. Granted it was always hard to tell precisely which reiatsu was more potent, but Gaia Everfree definitely felt like she was in that general tier.

Yet for all of its strength, the reiatsu felt... unfocused. Wild and free flowing, without any concentration. Was it because of the magic? Sunset felt magic inside Gaia Everfree as well, and although she hadn’t noticed them before, her eyes were drawn to Gaia’s exposed midriff now and saw the seven glowing geodes there. The geodes!? They’d fused with Gaia’s body, not unlike the Hogyoku had fused with Starlight Glimmer. Sunset sensed the intense vibrations of magic inside those geodes and quickly realized what was happening.

“Gaia, Gloriosa, argh, whichever, just listen to me!” Sunset said, “Those geodes, you have to get them out of you. You can’t control the magic inside them and it’s affecting your emotions!”

“What are you talking about?” Gaia said, chuckling as she raised her left hand and let a dancing strand of green, fiery magic flow around her fingers, “The magic does what I want it to. It feels incredible. No wonder my ally was capable of doing so many wondrous things, even reach across dimensions.”

“...Your ally?” Sunset asked, feeling an uncomfortable and cold certainty that this situation was directly tied to the Kraken from the beach and the magical circle it’d been constructing. In fact, sensing that a portion of the magic flowing from the tree had been exiting the area through the roots, a suspicious thought struck Sunset. “Gaia Everfree, you needed more than just Gloriosa’s body to revive, didn’t you? And you made a deal with someone from Equestria to get what you needed.”

Gaia raised her left arm in a graceful shrugging motion, “Is it that much of a revelation to you? Chrysalis left me as a desiccated husk of my former self. Even centuries of sacrifices made by the local natives could do little to restore me. I was left in darkness and despair, just as that smug bitch intended. But I doubt Chrysalis could have predicted the leaking of magic into this world, or that through that magic a powerful ally from another realm could seek me out.”

“Why?” asked Sunset, pointing the blade of her Zanpaktou at Gaia, “Tell me who this person is and what they want. They fed your soul energy through this ritual, but you’re feeding magic right back to them. Why?”

“She was a bit coy with her desires, but from what I could pry out of her before we struck our deal, Charybdis desires a permanent portal into Earth’s oceans. I gleaned that she feels she’s too restricted in her home realm. Too many powerful entities that could keep her in check. She probably thinks this world offers better prospects for her own goals,” Gaia Everfree said, sounding rather disinterested in the whole affair, “Personally I haven't’ decided if I want a powerful sea witch running amok here, but I wanted to be restored more, so I don’t particularly regret the deal. Charybdis seems to have a personal interest in soul-based magic, but I don’t plan to continue my alliance with her past this point. Do whatever you like about her for all I care... assuming you live that long.”

“What do you mean by that?” Sunset said, tensing her muscles.

“Sunset, I’m famished after all these years of inactivity. Also, beyond livid,” Gaia Everfree said, the seven geodes in her stomach glowing even brighter as her body was surrounded by an even more intense glow of green and violet tinged magical flame, “The only reason I’ve been talking to you this long is because the part of me that was once Gloriosa didn’t hate you, or Twilight. You tried to help in your own, dumb ways. I don’t plan to harm the campers, either. They’re innocent of any wrongdoing against me. But everyone else? Everyone who’s participating in ruining my home? I owe some bloody retribution, Sunset Shimmer, and if you don’t want to be caught up in the bloodbath, I suggest you be somewhere else. I might spare Twilight, but the other Quincy running around? The Arrancar that helped plot this battle? The Soul Reapers infecting my land? All. Dead.”

There was little doubt in Sunset Shimmer’s mind, now, as she saw the glow of magic, green flame infect Gaia Everfree’s eyes. This was just like when she’d been consumed by the magic from Princess Twilight’s crown, or when the human Twilight had been overwhelmed by the magic her device had collected. Magic reacted to emotions. In Equestria this wasn’t too often an issue since those born with magic learned to control it as they grew older, although young ponies often did suffer from random magical surges. But time and again, even experienced spellcasters could succumb to dark, negative emotions and unleash magic they couldn’t control.

It was even worse with humans, who had no natural experience with magic, or for that matter beings like Soul Reapers and Hollows.

Right now Gaia Everfree was a powerful Hollow, driven by dark emotions of rage and revenge, combined with a human body and soul that was also filled with negative feelings of anger, fear, and pain. Throw in a set of incredibly powerful magical stones that were channeling an insane amount of magic into a person with this unstable of an emotional state...? It was a recipe for utter disaster and it was playing out right in front of Sunset’s eyes.

And Charybdis? Had this ‘sea witch’ from Equestria anticipated that Gaia Everfree couldn’t control the magic being channeled into her? Had it been part of Charybdis’ plan that Gaia would go out of control, and likely either end up destroying herself or get put down by the local spiritual factions? A problem for later, but Sunset wasn’t about to forget that end of the problem. Right now, though, it was clear there was no avoiding a fight.

And given how strong this reiatsu I’m feeling is, mixed in with the power of those geodes, me and Clover are outgunned here. But she doesn't have control of the magic fully, and I don’t think she realizes how little control she has of her reiatsu either. We’ve got a chance, as long as we keep her off balance. We don’t have to beat her, just keep her occupied long enough for Fluttershy to get everyone else and get here.

Sunset didn’t know precisely what they’d do once they subdued Gaia, but it was possible that Fluttershy’s evolved Fullbring might have the power to either undo the fusion between Gaia and Gloriosa’s souls, or at least give the Gloriosa side of their personality more control. Failing that, maybe Discord could do something.

“Clover,” she said, “The magic she’s using is clouding her ability to think straight. It’s the same as the incidents with me and Twilight at the school.”

“I’ve read the reports,” Clover said, gulping, “Is she going to be powerful enough to tear open portals like Twilight was?”

“I don’t know, but let’s assume the worst. Either way, we have to stop her, but we can’t kill her, Clover. She’s still Gloriosa.”

Clover gave her a sidelong look, but her hesitance gave way to a small smile, “I hear you. A Soul Reaper’s duty is to protect human life. Good thing the Kido that Chief Puddinghead taught me is Bakudo-class. If you can buy me time to chant it, we might be able to stop her right off the bat.”

“Ahem,” Gaia Everfree cleared her throat pointedly, “I can still hear you two, you know?”

“Then you know we’re not backing down,” Sunset Shimmer said, and let her own spiritual pressure pour out of her, slamming into the energies stemming from Gaia, “You’re not thinking straight, and I’m not about to let you go on a rampage.”

“Hmm,” Gaia licked the air, almost like a snake scenting with its tongue, “Nice reiatsu. Captain-level. Even the girl next to you is stronger than a Lieutenant, but isn’t wearing a Captain’s coat. I don’t know precisely what your story is from Gloriosa’s memories, but it doesn’t matter. Neither of you can stop me, so standing there, prepared to fight, is the same as tossing your lives away. For Gloriosa’s sake, I’ll give you a chance to run.”

“Not happening, Gaia Everfree. I can’t let you do as you please. Stand down, and we’ll end the fighting ourselves, then we can calmly work things out-”

“No,” Gaia snarled, “I’ve waited long enough. Retribution is at hand, and you’ve had your chance to run.”

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than the reiatsu and magic inside her exploded outward, making the entire domed roof of the tree shake like an earthquake. Dozens upon dozens of roots and vines shot upwards like living serpents. Giant, thorn-like blades sprung from the roots, not unlike when Gloriosa had eviscerated the Tatzulwrum, and with flaming green magic coating them the bladed vines all shot towards Sunset and Clover at sound-breaking speed.


At the depths of the ocean, at the bottom of the shear oceanic canyon, the massive shadow of the Kraken lay over the glowing ruins on the ocean floor. The magic circle flared so bright that it turned the pitch black depths into a deep purple light-show, shimmering and dancing with the Kraken's many tentacled shadows.

The Kraken didn’t have to do much more than act as a conduit for his mistress’ power, but now that the ritual was enacted, the flow was a two-way channel. Soul energy poured through him, into the circle, and towards their distant ally, and in exchange a flood of magic came pouring back, entering the Kraken and transferring across the veils of reality to fill his mistress.

He felt Charybdis’ voice croon in his mind.

Oh, yes. Yes! This is more than enough power to finish opening the portal. I just need a little more time, and everything will be complete on this end, despite that damned Princess’ meddling.

The Kraken sent a brief mental query to his mistress, but she made a dismissive, scoffing noise.

It’s no matter. Just a little interference from the surface. They won’t make it in time to stop my coming, although it’s irritating they found my sister’s old armory. You just maintain the ritual circle. We will need it again, soon enough.

As his mistress broke contact, the Kraken briefly wondered just what was happening back home that seemed to be irritating his mistress so, but decided it didn’t really matter. Charybdis was mighty beyond reckoning, and no surfacers, even a so-called ‘Princess’ could possibly halt her plans. All he had to do was remain here and keep watch over the magical circle until she was prepared to open the portal.

And at the bottom of the ocean what could possibly happen...?

Noticing an oddly bright light stemming from somewhere above, the Kraken shifted it’s titanic weight so one of it’s massive eyes could peer upwards. It’s internal sonar sensed a great disturbance moving towards the canyon, and he saw a bright white light from above. But that was impossible, wasn’t it? He had to be imagining things. Nothing could come down to this depth so easily or speedily, could it?

To the Kraken’s shock he felt the disturbance widen, and had to back up slightly as a massive, perfectly cube shaped pocket of open air descended into the canyon and settled over the ancient ruins. Within this pocket of air, a cube around thirty meters to a side, stood a bright point of light being held by a man carrying a golden staff with a metal ring at one end that had numerous smaller rings looped into it..

After a moment the light dimmed and the Kraken saw that the man standing on air in the center of the cube was a strange, lime green fellow with swirling pink hair and a rotund body clad in a wide-necked black and white robe. The man was glancing around with open curiosity and an air of faint irritation. While the Kraken was still sitting there in shock, the man spoke.

“Alright, on Captain Celestia’s suggestion I decided to take a stroll down here and take a peek at what was going on, but honestly all I’m seeing are a bunch of old pillars, a giant side of calamari, and... oh, that must be the magic circle she mentioned. Ugh, I’m the Chief of the Kido Corps, not a magic specialist! What does Clestia expect me to do with this!? You! You there, squid! I am Puddinghead, and my time is very valuable, so how about you tell me what all this magic dickering is all about so I can go home and do something better with my time. Come now, speak up, I don’t have all day!”

Author's Note:

Uh-oh, the main boss fight has started, but the main character's party is scattered all over the place. Talk about bad timing! Can Sunset and Clover hold out until help arrives? Also, it seems the Kraken has encountered a random Puddinghead in the middle of the ocean. Anyway, next time we'll get back to the other fights, just needed to get things set up with Gaia Everfree here first. The timeline of events is so tight at this point that much of what's going on in these recent chapters is happening concurrently, separated only by a matter of minutes or even seconds.

Thanks in advance for any and all comments, questions, or critiques you fine folks want to leave me, and thank you all for reading as well. 'Till next time.

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