My Best Friend Applejack

by SuperBronyFunTimeWooHoo

First published

This is a Little something sort of inspired by "My Little Dashie" It may be Under sad but It's a bit Funny too!

This is the story of Mathew. Mathew is a Brony much like you and me. He loves all the characters from the show. All except one. Applejack. He just hates everything about her! He hates the color Orange, He Hates Cowboys and He hates Applejack Cereal too! But he Get's a Little surprise when he wakes up one morning when he goes to the Park.

Note: I know it's under sad but there are one or two Funny parts here
Another Note: I know this did not happen with Season 3 But just roll with it.


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Rain. Rain, Rain and more Rain. That’s all Mathew saw. For miles were gray, dark, gloomy clouds. The sky almost described his day. His backpack ripped from carrying too many books. He was tripped by the school bully. He had not money left for his lunch and was forced to ask other people. He would ask his friends, if he had any. He failed his History quiz with a one way ticket to summer school, And Dad was making supper tonight. Mathew was 14 years of age as a Freshman in High school. A fish out of water too. He was made fun of for one major thing. Being a Brony. He was called a lot of names. Pony fag, gay. And the list went on. It wasn't the best last day of school at all. Mathew had a bad reputation at his last school. He used to be the most popular kid at school until someone figured out that secret. Mathew tried to tell them,

“What does me being a brony have to do with your Life?”

But they ignored him. Mathew had a happy life over the summer watching My Little Pony Reruns and such. His family never questioned his Brony-ness. They just rolled with it and never talked about it unless he brought it up. after walking in the rain to his house in turned out that he forgot his Math homework at school and was going to have to serve a detention with the kids who ALWAYS heckled him.

Luckly, it was Friday and Saturday comes. It would be a new Episode of My Little Pony. It was a new season! Season 3 would be out and ready! Mathew was so excited! Seeing his favorite characters! Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbowdash! Oh of course Rainbowdash that was Mathew’s favorite character on the show! But Not Applejack. Certainly not Applejack. Mathew hated Applejack For he cared none for the Orange pony. There was nothing good about her! Orange was his least favorite color, He hated cowboys, and He hated Applejack Cereal!

“Mathew!.How was your day?”

“Can you E-mail my teacher that I don’t have my Math homework in Mom?” Asked Mathew Demandingly

"Well It's nice to see you too, Ask Nicely dear!” His Mother said scolding him

“Ugh Can you PLEASE E-mail my teacher that I don’t have my Math homework in Mom!” Said Mathew one more time

“Fine, but don’t let this happen again!” Yelled his Mother

“Sure!” He Shouted back

Mathew ran into the kitchen where his father was making dinner.

“Hey pops, What’s for dinner?” Asked Mathew

“Oh Hey sport! We’re having burgers! Your favorite!”

Mathew loved burgers, when his mom made them. Whenever dad made them he called them “Dark matter on a bun”. This was facetious of him but very funny too.

“Awesome, just make sure there’s no horse meat in them, Remember last time?”

“Don’t worry We won’t put Rainbow – What’s her na-,“

“DAD!” Yelled Mathew he hated it when Dad brought up anything about My Little Pony.


Mathew went up to his room and watched some TV and took a nap until it was time for dinner.

“Hey Matt how was your day?” Dad asked

“Fine, just fine” It was the same response every time Someone asked that.

“Nothing exciting?”

“Well.. “Mathew got his backpack and pulled out his Test

“Oh Matt! A 76? I though you said you were going to improve?!” Said Mathew’s Mom

“Well I didn't mean too,”

“You do know this might mean Summer school,”

“Yes Mam..” Said Mathew Sadly,"

“No Computer until your grades improve!” Said Mathew’s Dad Sternly

“What?! That’s not fair!” Mathew Yelled.

“Sit down Mister!”

Mathew quickly sat down.

“Listen get your grade up or you’re not getting your computer back!”

Mathew nodded and continued to eat. After supper Mathew went upstairs to his bed and fell asleep and Dreamed of the Show My Little Pony all night it would just be him and them peacefully. Plus his Mom and dad were going to be away so he had the house to himself. So he could do anything he wanted. Saturday came, and Mathew raced downstairs had a muffin and rushed back to his TV and was ready to watch some Ponies! But To Nigel’s Surprise 8 words popped onto the screen that he never wanted to see. Especially at a time like this.

The Worst Day Ever.

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"Season Three has been canceled until further Notice," An Announcer on the TV said.

Mathew's jaw dropped like a bomb. He wanted to yell but he was to stunned to have the message go through him. He was so prepared for this he waited so many Holidays, Birthdays, Funerals every single occasion you can think of! And this is what he waited for. Matthew has some many questions.

But he just stared at his TV, motionless so many things went through his head. The moment he waited for. Ruined, by what though? He may never know.

After some dramatic staring Mathew woke up out of his trance and went to take a shower. He was so excited he forgot about the shower. He thought and thought about why the season was canceled

"Did the studio burn down? He Yelled.

Strangely the shower was the best place for Mathew to think it. What he thought about in there stayed in his mind for ever. He thought about getting a shower by his desk so every time the teacher said something that would be on a quiz he would hop in his shower and think about it and he would remember it, As you can think the Principle did not like that Idea. Mathew got a Towel and dried him self of then clumsily tripped over his towel and hit his head on the floor. A Tooth then came out

"God Damnit!" Yelled Mathew

He picked himself and his tooth up.

"Great Now I'm going to need a filling," He said Sternly

Mathew went into his bedroom and got his clothes on.There was one problem. Mathew had only one shirt that was a Brony shirt he never wore and if he went out in public he would probably get murdered. But he had no choice He put on the shirt and a jacket over it and headed to the park. Mathew's missing tooth was really bothering him he kept poking at it and really creepy with blood all over his mouth. He arrived at the park where he saw his Middle School crush, Grace. Her hair was a smooth golden blonde. Her voice was like Honey in the air. But she would never talk to a person like Mathew. He was a Brony she was... Beautiful. Mathew decided he would stand up and talk to her! He was a man! A real man! He watched a show for little girls! He was a real man! He walked up getting closer by the second then all of a sudden....

"H-H-Hi there" Mathew said trembling.

"He he! Hi there! What's your name?"

"It's Uh... M-Mathew from Mr. Pate's class?"

"Oh I remember you! Your the guy who everybody called Ponyfag! Ha That was Funny!

"Yeah funny..." Mathew said under his breath."

"Your over that dumb "My Little Pony" Show right?"

"It's not Du- I mean yeah That show is stupid!" Mathew said Stupidly

"Awesome! Hey I'm having a party tonight would you like to come?

Mathew Burst with excitement "Yeah! What time!?"

"7:00 tonight See you there!" Grace said happily

"Hey.. Why are you wearing jacket?" She asked

"Oh, It's Pretty cold outside Don't you think? He he" Mathew said suspiciously

"It's 89 Outside and it's Summer, Are you hiding something from me?"

"N-N-No! I have to g- Waahh!"

Mathew tripped and met some of the people who went to his school.

"Hey Ponyfag! What are doing outside? Shouldn't you be coming Pinkie Pie's hair?" A Member from the group chuckled

"Hey It's warm outside, Let me take that jacket for you!"

A large person picked Mathew up and ripped of his jacket reveling his shirt.

"BWWWWAAAAHAA!" The Bullies fell down laughing"

"Is that all you could find?" Said a member of the Group

The shirt was and Out line of Rainbowdash's Mane and under it said 20% cooler.

"More like 20% GAYER!" All of the people in the group laughed including Grace.

"See you later FAG!" The Group left and Grace walked up to him and said

"Don't even think about coming to my Party FAG!" She then kicked him.

Mathew was so angry and sad. His jacket was ripped his Reputation was ruined everything was wrong it was indeed the worst day ever. He then picked up his jacket and ran to a tree and sat behind it curling up in a ball not ever wanting to come out. Then a familiar voice came from the tree across from him

"What you crying about sugercube?"


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"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you!" Said Mathew Sternly

"That is no way to treat a mare mister!" said the voice.

Mathew looked up "Listen I don- WAHH??" Mathew was very surprised to find who else but Applejack at his feet! "How- Wh- How did you get here?!"

The orange pony just looked at him with an angry look. "Well It's nice to meet you too," Applejack exclaimed "The name is A-"

Mathew interrupted "Yeah, Yeah Applejack I know you."

Applejack looked very surprised to know that a creature she had never seen before know her name! "H-How'd you know sugercube?"

"Well, Duh! There's a TV Show about you!" Mathew you replied "My Little Pony? Friendship is Magic!"

Applejack was very surprised when she heard this! "A TV show? About me?"

"Well it's not really about you.. If fact your hardly in any episodes!"

"Oh.. wow, Am ah' famous?! Just a bit?!" Applejack asked excited

"Really, your not that famous at all, not a lot of people like you," Mathew said

"Oh my, that's not good," Applejack said sadly "Anyway off of that subject what's yer' name sugercube?"

"Uh... Mathew just Mathew," He said nervously. He was still trying to get over the fact that Applejack was right by him. Also he's LEAST favorite pony.

"Well, Mathew, Why were you cryin' over there?"

"Oh it's something stupid you don't need to worry about it," Mathew said quietly "How the hell did you get here?"

"Well Twilight was doin' some of her magic shamgic silly book stuff and she needed to test a Portal dimension thingamajig on somepony so she tried it out on me and now I'm here!"

"Oh great, I could had anypony I wanted and I ended up with you, Great this day just keeps on getting better and better' Mathew said sarcasticly

"Listen Mathew, I don't like your tone and you should treat a me better! And watch your language!"

"I'll say any fucking thing I want! Don't tell me what to do!" Mathew yelled in her face.

"MATHEW!" Applejack gasped

"Listen here and Listen well AJ! I don't care if you get back home and I don't care if you die out here! I. Hate. You"

Applejack began to shed a tear, "W-We-Well, I hate you too! Y-Y-You Salt Sphere!" She began to close her eyes and walk away"

Suddenly a big boom of thunder happened and it started to rain Mathew thought none of Applejack. He picked up his jacket and ran home. Mathew thought about the Orange Pony, Why season 3 was canceled? So many things went through his head. After his parents returned home he ate supper and went straight to bed. He thought a lot about Applejack that night. Then he figured out something that hit him so hard.

The reason why Season 3 was canceled was because they were missing a character. Applejack said something about Twilight making a Dimension Portal and she landed here. Away from the pony dimension. Which is where the show would "Animated" but really it's being filmed! They canceled it because Applejack is not there! And she doesn't realize it! Mathew knew what he had to do. He got his clothes on and his jacket and headed out the door.

Mathew arrived at the park and it was raining harder then ever. Mathew cried out for Her.

"Applejack!" He cried "Applejack!" He searched all over the place under the slides in the trees but then he heard a cry come from under a water fountain.


Indeed it was her.

"Go away! Ah' don't need you here!"

Applejack.." Mathew tried to cope with her 'I'm so sorry for what I said earlier, I-I don't know what I was thinking. I'm here to take you to my home so you can stay dry and keep you there until we find a way to get you back home,"

"Fine... you promise to get me back home?"

"I promise!"

"Pinkie Pie swear?"

"Cross my heart and home to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Mathew picked up applejack and put his sweater over her to keep her dry and warm. He took her home and got a warm blanket where she could sleep.

"Now be quiet, my parents don't like animals in the house,"

"Ah' Will be 'Night"

Mathew laid down in his bed

"sigh good night Applejack,"

A Turn For the Worst

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It was a nice Sunday Morning, Mathew couldn't have been happier. The birds were singing, The sun was bright, he had this weird dream about Applejack coming to him. He didn't know what it meant but he was glad she wasn-

"AHH!" Mathew screamed as he fell on the floor. "What the heck did I trip over?" Mathew still had Morning vision but what he thought he saw was a Orange object right next to his bed snoring very loud. The Orange thing then moved.

What ever it was yawned "Ahh, Morning Partner how was your sleep?"

"AHH, What the heck?! I thought I was dreaming about you!?"

"Well," Applejack bucked Mathew in the arm

"Ow! What was that for?" Mathew yelled

"To see if yer' Dreaming sugarcube! And it turns out your not!" Applejack replied

"Oh no.. Oh no no no no no no no! This is not happening!"

"What seems to the fret sugar cube?" She asked

"I can't take care of you! I had a pet once! I had a pet hamster and..."

"and what?"

"Uh. Let's not talk about that. Another thing I don't like you!"

"Ah don't see what's not to like about me! I'm the most trustful pony around!

"I don't care! I.. I can't take care of you! You'll probably be dead in a couple of.." Then it all came back to Mathew. He has to take care of her.

"You know what, Never mind" Mathew said

'Uh, What will I be dead in?" Applejack asked

"Oh, Just forget about it!"

Applejack was very startled.

"Listen I need to go check if My parents are home. Stay. Here,"

"Got it!" Applejack said.

Mathew went down to the Kitchen and sure enough, found his dad there.

"Hi dad!"

"Oh hey Sport, Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah yeah, Um can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"If I had a pet.. perhaps a Pony.. would you except it?"

Mathew's dad sighed "Mathew this My Little Pony thing is getting out of hand and No I would not except it! Why?"

"Oh.. No reason just asking!"

Mathew's dad looked at him suspiciously, "Well I'm heading to go pick up Mom she had to stay overnight fridge help yourself to anything in the fridge"

"Thanks.." Mathew ran back up stairs.

When he reached his room he sat on his bead and talked to Applejack.

"Okay my dad just left for work, so first things first, What do you eat?"

"Apples, hay, oats.," Applejack answered

"Huh, what an interesting Diet" Mathew said sarcastically. "I can get the apples definitively, I'm not so sure about the hay and outs though. Come with me and we can what's down in the Kitchen"

The two walked down to the kitchen they searched everywhere. But Applejack saw something that caught her eye.

"What the hay is that?!" She pointed to a box of Applejack Cereal. "Wow, ah Guess I am popular in this dimension! They named a cereal after me!" Applejack said excited.

Mathew just looked at her. "Those things are terrible go ahead and be my guest if you want some"

"Eh, what the hay Let's do it,"

Mathew poured some Applejack cereal into a bowl and put it on the ground. The Orange chowed down on the thing like there was no tomorrow.

"Whooooo Boy, That was delish!" She yelled,

"Good to know, now I know you won't starve"

"I find that good too!" Applejack chuckled


The next couple of hours the couple had chatted and chatted until nightfall.

"Hey, I'm getting a little nervous about my parents, do you think there okay? My Mom's office is only a half and out away. They've been out for a while."

"Don't worry! They'll be back soon! I'm surprised you didn't say anything before!" Applejack replied

"Well I guess I should, Maybe They'll be back in the mourning let's head back up stairs and sleep"

Applejack yawned, "Sounds like a good Idea,"

The two went up and said there goodnights and went to sleep


The two woke up and Mathew got out of bed to make Applejack's Breakfast. All of a sudden there the doorbell rang and Mathew went to go answer it.

"Uh, Can I help you?"

There was a very large man in a suit at the door he had blonde hair and he had a frown on his face.

"Are you the only child of the house?" the man asked.

"Yeah why?" Mathew asked

"Kid, I don't know how to tell you this, but your parents died in a car accident last night, I'm very sorry,"



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"Applejack? APPLEJACK!" The Purple Unicorn screamed. "I knew I should have tested this on Spike!"

Twilight Sparkle had invited had invited her friend over just to test her Portal Dimension Crosser and now Applejack had gone somewhere we might know!

"I need to get Everypony here!"

______________________________Various amount of timelater____________________________________

"Okay everypony I need to tell you why we're here it's about Applejack," Said Twilight

"Oh BOY! Are we planing a Surprise Party?!" Said Pinkie

"No Pinkie.. Applejack is gone!"

Everypony gasped.

"What Happened to her?!" Rainbowdash asked

"Well it all started when The Princess found out about these other dimensions and she wanted to find out more about them. So she gave me a potion that Star Swirl had made 1,000 years ago that could cross dimensions! So I kept it safe so I coul study it. Applejack I told Applejack come by and well...

"She drank it?" Rarity asked

"Yeah, Now we don't know where she is!"

"I think we can find her! I-If that's okay with you"

"Alright everypony shoot some ideas on how to get her back!"

The room went silent

"Great, Will never get her back," Said Rainbowdash

"You always have such a negative attitude! Be happy for once!" Rairty yelled

"Well Sooooorry! Mrs. I'm so perfect"

"You watch your mouth!"

"EVERYPONY QUIET!" Yelled Fluttershy "Oh, um.. Please"

"Okay Um, Thank you for that Fluttershy.. Now We need to think of something,"

------------ANOTHER DRAMATIC PLOT TWIST!------------------------------

Then Spike walked through the door

-------------FOOLED YOU >:D--------------------

"Hey guys! What's up?" The Dragon asked

"We're still figuring out how to get Applejack back, Not so good.." Said Rainbowdash

"Why not ask the Princess?" Asked Spike

"She's in Saddle-aribia for a week" Said Twilight.

"Oh.. Shoot"

The group shouted out Ideas until it seamed like for ever.

Rairity sighed, "I guess we won't ever find her,"

"And I'm the one with the bad mood," mumbled Rainbowdash.

Alright everypony, meet back here tomorrow we'll think of something!" Said Twilight

"Yeah! Zecora can help us with her Potion!" Said Pinkie

"Wait, Zecora had a Potion all this long?"


"And you didn't tell us?"


"Well everypony looks like we're paying a visit to Zecora!"


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"I'll be taking you to the Station and we'll figure out from there Pack your bags kid you got an Hour to say Goodbye," The man looked at him for a while and went to his car, "Remember In an hour We're leaving pack all that you need," Mathew was in shock. The man taking him away from his home and he couldn't have a say. His Parents, Gone, forever. He had to pack his stuff. He wanted to cry but for some reason he didn't feel sad at all! He was in too much shock to even have a feeling. Besides the feeling of shock. He went up stairs and packed as much as he could.

"Hey Hey Hey! What's with all the hurry and where is my brekfast?!" Said Applejack.

Mathew ignored her.

"What's wrong sugar cube?" are you mad at me again? What did I do?

"It's not you, We're just leaving," Mathew said

"Why? What about your parents they'll be home soon!"

"That's the reason why we're leaving.." Mathew said.

"Did your parent's say they'd be going away longer so your ru-"

Mathew interrupted her. "They're dead,"

Applejack laughed "He He Your funny sugercube! But really what happened?"

"They're. Dead I'm serious AJ,"

"Sweet Celistia, Mathew I'm so sorry.." Applejack said.

"It's not your fault we got an Hour to pack, I have no Idea how it's going to be like walking around with you, I mean you are a Cartoon Pony,"


Mathew Face palmed, People in this.. Dimension When people say a BOY walking around with a a CARTOON PONY. They don't react so. Well.

"Oh, Well I can just be.. Oh what's that word Twi' used? Incog-something?"

"Incognito," Said Mathew "and how exactly are we going to get out of here with out removing your Identity?"

"You got a Dog Costume?"

"Well what do you know I do! This Writer must have been Desprite!"

------------WARNING 4TH WALL HAS BEEN BROKEN--------------------

"Now just put me in it and we'll go around like this"

"You really think that's going to work?"

"I'm positive!"

He sighed, and repeated the phrase "This isn't going to work,"

He packed his stuff up clothes, Personal items, And of course his iPhone Which was so greater over all personal items it would not go in the category personal items. Anyway, Mathew also got Applejack's suit on, and got a sever buck to the face after touching by mistake her, "No, No" Part. He then got a brown marker and colored her nose a shade of brown, and of course she sneezed. The Two went out side with Applejack carrying a bag of apples and some Applejacks.

"Okay kid get in the back your Aunt Emma is coming to get you at the Station. And kid, You got a lot of Applejack's there. And what's the name of the dog?"

"Uh... Bark-er."

"Oh, Um. What a clever name! And get some Ice for that face kid,"

"Yeah I will." He then tripped applejack.

"Ow! Er..Woof Woof!"

After a long drive to the station they all stepped out

"Barker is going to stay here, While we go in and wait,"

Mathew tied up Applejack to a pole and said

"Now don't cause a scene, we don't want the public around us, Got it?"

"Got it Sugercube!" She said whispering

The man and Mathew went inside.

While Applejack was waiting (For what seemed like for ever) She encountered strange things in the world she was in. People using the word "Swag". People who had their pants down to there feet and very big shirts. Little babies playing with a pad that had moving pictures on it. People holding something up to there ear, and what was very strange.....


As you can tell a dog was sent to the Hospital that day with no transportation needed. Applejack just bucked him and he went flying!

Some time past and Mathew came out with a women that looked like she was in her older 20's with an iPod earbuds in one ear.

"Come on squirt let's go I need to get my nails done in an hour so I'm leaving you home okay?"

"Yes Aunt Emma, Can I go get my dog?"

"Oh My God! You have a Puppy!? Yay! I love Puppies! What's it's name?!"


Then the man that brought him in said "Wait I thought his name was-"

He was interrupted by the Door slamming.

"Come on boy!" Mathew whistled

Applejack mumbled under her breath, "I'm a lady thank you very much,"

It was a long car drive to Aunt Emma's house. They finaly landed there and the first thing he did was go up to the Computer.

"I'm going to be out for an hour, Dinner is in the Fridge!" Emma then left.

"Can you get me out of this Gosh darn it costume?"

Mathew ignored her. and continued playing

Applejack eventually got out of the costume safely (Ignoring the Vase she broke and table she knocked over)

"Now what in the hay are you doing up there that is more important then me?!"

Applejack ran up stairs too see Mathew staring at the screen. But not doing anything.

"Mathew! What are you doing!?"

Applejack saw words in the corner that read.

"lol faggot"

"ur a brony? gay"

"lolz u r such a fag"

"lol asshole"

"Mathew? What do these words mean?"

Mathew sighed "It's what I am Applejack,"

"Well I bet there nice things! Your the nicest person I know!" Applejack then smiled and curled up in his lap.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm tired! See you in the morning"

Mathew then looked at Applejack, He started to cry a bit. Out of Sadness and Happiness. Sadness was that she'll never truly understand what words mean and the power of them. Happiness, because he knew that feeling. That great feeling when you finally have someone who understands you. and is your best friend and won't abandon you for what you do. Mathew finally had. A Best friend

He then turned off his Computer and put Applejack's hat on. He laid her on the bed he was sleeping in and whispered to her,

"Good Night, My Best Friend Applejack"

That Top of the World Feeling

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It had been a couple months later after the accident, And Mathew had finished his summer vacation, and that means it was time for school which began in a week.

Mathew woke up from his slumber and went downstairs to have some awesome waffles for breakfast! (His favorite and also Applejack's SECOND favorite)

Mathew got his Waffles for him and Applejack and sat down with his Aunt

"Geez kid you must be hungry, 5 Waffles?!"

"Meh Yeah I am pretty hungry," Mathew said with a mouth full of Waffles.

"Can I go upstairs? I need to pack my last minute things.

"Okay squirt head upstairs,"

Mathew brought the waffles up stairs and put them in front of Applejack.

"Morning Partner, How'd you sleep?" Applejack said tired

"Fine thank you, Here are your Waffles," Mathew set the plate in front of her and she gobbled all 3 waffles, "Okay so we need to set some Ground rules I'm going to be heading to school tomorrow so just keep low, My Aunt doesn't come up here that much so, just keep low,"

'Fine by me," Said Applejack with a mouthful of Waffles

"Okay, This is for 9 months you know, And maybe we'll get you home by then,"

"Sounds great now go get ready tomorrow is a big day,"

"Okay, I'll see you later,"

Mathew spent the rest of the day packing and doing everything he needed to do to go to school. By then it was the next day.


Mathew groggily got out of bed and tripped over Applejack without even noticing. He brushed his teeth, washed his face ate breakfast and went outside to wait for the bus.

The bus arrived and Mathew couldn't wait to meet his peers, He sat next to a boy with short hair and his front was flipped up.

"Uhh.. Hi?" Mathew said

"Hey, I never seen you around here, are you new?

"Uh yeah, the name is.. Mathew"

"Hey Mathew I'm Ian! Welcome to Chest valley High,"

"Hi Ian,"

"Not much of a talk are you, Hey I bet you I can't get more then five words out of you!"

"You seem to have lost"

They got to school and continued on with their day they went to Homeroom and sat down. There was a women with brown hair and wearing a red shirt and khakis

"Morning class I am Mrs. Wells and I will be your Homeroom and Science Teacher for this year"

Mathew sat next to Ian and a cute girl with blonde hair, Much like Grace, Mathew hopefully would talk to her and not screw up like he did with Grace.

The teacher gave her info she needed to give and asked every student there name and Mathew learned the Girls name was Helen, she looked at Mathew and smiled a bit

He went through the 3 periods and then it was time for lunch. He sat down and pulled out his brown bag and pulled out a Sandwich with some Chips and a cookie, Ian and Helen sat with him.

"Hey man! What up?!" Ian said

"Oh, Just eating Lunch"

"Can. we join?" Helen asked

"Sure sit here"

They trio sat together and chatted and they became the best of Friends!

"Wow! You guys are great! I finally have a safe haven to come to, After all, me being a Brony and such!" Mathew said

Then Ian said "Wait, your a Brony?"