Runia Impirii

by Patric12345

First published

Chaos. Entropy. Discord. It goes by many names. Something happen at random other don't. This is true chaos and darkness. A single stallion has a curse shoved upon him yet he makes the best of it.

Ruined Empires. All empire must crumble as all leaders must fall eventually. A fallen leader of darkness, his fall took place after he made a decision that would affect the course of history. Now another stallion has to take up his place, Ebon. He has to take up rank against the undead and other dark threats to Equestria. The only problem is he has to do it beside the Elements Of Harmony.

Ebon an adventurer of sorts. A traveling mercenary. Going to wherever the winds took him and his friends they wandered from their last mission. Ending up in a tower in an approaching storm they took shelter only to be attacked by shadow dogs. Ebon was jumped and knocked unconscious this is where our story begins

Smashed Out of His Mind

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“Hey Anorn I just ha.... oh shit.” I said as I awoke seeing the bomb. Fuck my life.

I was blown away by the bomb oddly enough I wasn’t destroyed. Then I felt nothing. Until I slammed into a chariot and almost killed a mare. Fun times.

“Ow. Getting blow up hurts a lot...” Smooth move.

“Getting hit by a body hurts a lot too!” The mare replied.

When I moved I had multiple spears pointed at me. “Wow. Wow! Lets not get too hasty!”

“And why shouldn’t they?!?! You just slammed into me and almost killed me!” The mare said.

“Well for one I just woke up less than a minute ago! After being out cold for I don’t even know how long!” I replied getting off of her and getting onto my knees.

“And how did you go unconscious?” She asked getting up herself.

“Well I was attacked by a shadow dog which jumped at me and then.... nothing.” I replied recalling the proceeding events as best as I could.

“Wait.... that doesn’t explain how you smashed into me...”

“Well when I woke up I was right next to a bomb. Must have been Anorn that got it there.”

“......... That doesn’t make any sense.”

“I know it doesn’t. I wish it did. I sincerely wish it did. Now that thats over. My name is Ebon, and I am sorry for almost killing you and I will attempt to... if I don’t get killed by the guards.... make it up to you in any way I can.”

“Well Ebon. Since it truly seems like an accident I will forgive you. Just don’t do it again.”

“Mrs. Sparkles do we need to take him away?” One of the guards asked.

“No not anymore you can go.” She replied.

“Are you sure you don’t need us Ma’am we can take care of him.” Another guard added.

“No I don’t need you anymore it’s okay.”

She shooed the guards away.

“By the way the guards have a sloppy stance I would’ve been able to disarm them all before they could’ve made a move if it wasn’t for the fact...”

“You surrendered?”

“Exactly. I’ve never been one to fight if I can talk my way out of it. And I really am sorry for almost killing you.”

She laughed, “It’s okay. And there is something you can help us with...”

I stood up and I noticed a glint in the sky.... oh no... it’s my sword and if she doesn’t move...

I proceeded to tackle her to the ground and get her out of the way of my sword... but I got it to embed itself in my lower leg.

“AGAIN?!?!” She screamed until....

“Um Twilight.... he just saved you.” A little dragon that I just noticed said.

“You.... You’re welcome....” I said as I began to black out.

“We need to get him to a hospital Spike go look for some strong ponies who can help move him I need to keep him stable!” Twilight said.

“Agh it hurts and my head is spinning.... Great.”

“Don’t worry Ebon you....might.... not die...” She began.

“I doubt I will make it..... The sword sliced through to my bone....”

“No.... you’re right....”


“Why is this great??”

“I smash into a...” I coughed up some blood, “... a.... beautiful mare... almost kill her only to die in her arms.... that’s my luck....” I coughed up some more blood... Odd I didn’t feel any closer to death then I did a few moments ago.

“Wha.... you... really.... think that?”

“Yeah.... I do.”

She began to cry, “That’s my luck as well.... A cute stallion almost kills me and then dies to save me..... please.... don’t die.... please...”

“I’ll try.... I really.... don’t want to die...”

Spike came back with a few ponies, “Twilight I got some others to help us.”

“Thanks Spike... Lets try to get him to the hospital....” Twilight said.

“I... I know... this seems... like an odd.... request... but...” I began to say before I coughed some more blood up... I like the taste of it.... it feels empowering....

“What is it Ebon?” Twilight asked.

“Keep holding my hand.... I don’t want to feel alone when I go...” I said slowly losing consciousness.

The last thing I remember is somepony kissing me. Lavender... something I’ve rarely tasted. But I like it. I like her.

Then something spoke to me. “SO DO I!

Third Person

Twilight leaned up from kissing Ebon, “Come on lets get him to the Hospital may be he will make it....”

The other ponies lifted him up as Twilight kept a healing spell on him. She couldn’t fully close the wound without killing him because the sword was lodged in his femur.

They made it to the hospital and Nurse Redheart was assigned to him.

Twilight waited in the room for Ebon to come back from surgery.

Nurse Redheart returned to the room with Ebon, “I have some good news, and some bad news.”

“Can.... can you please start with the bad?” Twilight asked.

“He’s going to be unconscious for at least the next few hours at most the next day. The good news is he will survive and he will make a full recovery once he wakes up!”

Twilight now felt a little better. At least he’s going to be alright. But now she felt like what he said may have been a lie. No he seem so sincere... He wouldn’t have lied.... Would he?

“I’ll just leave you two alone with Mr. Ebon.” Redheart said as she left.

“Twilight you heard the Nurse he’ll be alright. I think maybe we should...” Spike began.

“Yeah we should! I’ll check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration and check in on Ebon again when I’m done! And if he isn’t awake I’ll check in tomorrow after I research a little more on Nightmare Moon!” Twilight said trying to cheer herself up.

“But that’s.... you know what nevermind. You won’t stop until you’re proven wrong so I’m done trying....”

“Lets GO Spike!”

Unbeknownst to them there was a heavily armored stallion standing inside the room with them. Just watching the unconscious Ebon.

“Nightmare Moon? She’s returning.... has it really been that long?” The stallion asked the darkness around himself. “Could I really be that behind..... No.... It’s almost time I must begin with this stallion..... Ebon.... I must save your life.... Although in order to save you.... I will have to destroy your life.... Not many.... ponies are welcoming of Night Stalkers... But in time you will forgive me... In time....”

First Taste

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I woke up in a hospital bed. With a heavily armored stallion sitting on the edge of the bed.

“So you’re awake” It said.

“Where... where am I?” I asked.

“Ah yes out of all of the questions you have you ask the simplest first. You Ebon. Are in Ponyville General Hospital. As of now you are all alone in your room.” It said.

“But... but...”

“Don’t worry. She will be back. And yes she did kiss you. I was surprised too. But now she has some work to do. But I can tell you weigh heavily on her mind.”

“Okay then.... now...”

“What am I? Well I am an Ancient One. A Vampony Lord. I have control over life and death. And I chose you to be my host. Since wandering is not fun.”


“No I am not attempting to take you over. Infact I just want to watch what you do. I’m just a.... hitch hiker. Yes. But I am not gaining a ride for free. I am going to teach you how to control your new powers.”

“What powers?”

“Well first look at your eyes.”

Then a mirror floated in front of my face and I saw it. My eyes were silver, ‘My eyes....”

“Good you aren’t as stupid as I thought. Yes they did change. But what that means might be revealed to us later since even I don’t know why your eyes are silver. Mine turned crimson.”

He then turned to me and I saw he wasn’t lying. “Why aren’t you out there feeding and hunting then if you are so powerful?”

“I refuse to feed off of the innocent. The evildoers and evil vamponies I have no problem feasting on. I am a hunter. I hunt and wipe the evil from this world. Sort of a reluctant Villain of sorts.”

“Why do you want me?”

“I have no answer for that. I just chose you. Now before you ask no... you are not conscious. Infact you are in a coma like state. That I brought on you for the sole purpose of teaching you. Ah.... You will wake up before tomorrow night. So I suggest we begin right away.” It said throwing me a sword, “We have a lot of undead to kill. And a lot of talking to do.”

Then I heard a moan and the door burst inward. Why....

“You are a vampony now you do have to drink blood to survive. Although you could eat that won’t help much.”

I got out of the bed and jumped on top of the cultist and.... bit on his neck and drank.... I felt empowered.

“HAHA GOOD GOOD! You are learning quickly. Oh and yes I can read your mind.”

‘Gotcha. So no talking is needed.’

“Not by you! I still need too.”

‘Great... I now have a crazy mind reading vampony in my head.’

“Got that right! Now you might want to head outside.”

‘Some-pony’s out there?’

“Not right outside. More.... trapped inside another house. You might want to move or else it’s..... GAME OVER MAN! IT’S GAME OVER!”

Oookay. So with that I proceeded to leave the hospital not much else was inside.... odd.

“Not really they are having too much fun outside! Can you hear the sound of the falling rain? It’s like an armageddon flame!”

‘Great now you’re quoting a song. Don’t mock me. Please it won’t help either of us.’

“Oh it helps me alot. You on the other haha hoof... not so much.”

I sense something coming... wait hoof?

Then an undead horseman charged right at me. I jumped out of the way.

“DIE MORTAL YOU HAVE NO NEED TO BE HERE!” The Skeleton screamed.

“Da fuck I do get the hell out of my head!” I said.


It proceeded to attempt to kill me.... I just sliced through the horse and rider with my blade like they were paper. I turned around and was met by a burning Ponyville. All around were bodies. One building remained untouched. One. A tree.... I looked around some more and saw the entire town surrounded in fog. Thick and impenetrable.

“Yes I wouldn’t attempt to leave without her.....”

Her? Oh no.... that building.....


SHUT UP FOR ONCE! I sheathed the sword and charged for the tree. I smashed through the door and was greeted with an undead sonnabitch attempting to kill Twilight...

“So soon?”

Ha ha ha ha ha. I don’t think so... She’s mine....

“Well then he can’t tell you what’s going on he’s currently in his first blood rage. Oh that’s brutal he just leaped onto the cultist and tore it’s throat out. Yummy. I bet rotted guts taste good... I never had any. But it appears they don’t. Since he is now puking. Fool. Oh back to Ebon.”

What the... I don’t remember much other than... eating that things intestines.

I felt Twilight hug me. “Thank you Ebon. There were too many of them for me to handle alone.”

I wiped my mouth off and returned the hug and looked at the carnage that I had caused. Nice try but this isn’t her.

“I try my best. Just play along.”

“No problem I’m happy to help!”

Then it vanished from around me. CELESTIA DAMMIT!

“Ha she has no way to get in here. So tell me what have you learned?”

‘Learned? Well I have super strength.’


‘I can sense undead.’

“Also check.”

‘I drink blood and I have...’

“AH yes. I forgot to mention. You have the ability to fly into a blood rage. I’ll let you figure that one out. And you can heal others and manipulate darkness. Fun times. You also have many other less than... good abilities. That I want you to never use.”

‘I have no complaints I don’t want to be a vampony.’

“Neither did I. Now.” A dagger appeared in front of me. “Take that and cut along your arm. I want you to make a blood pact with me.”

‘A what?’

“A blood pact. A deal that you won’t use any of the power I didn’t mention. Unless you discover some more own your own. Or unless I say its fine.”

‘Fine.’ I cut along my arm. ‘Now what?’

“I’ll do the rest.”

He drew some sort of seal on the ground in front of me.

“Step into it.”

I followed what he said.

He said something in a language I didn’t understand.


“Hahaha. Like I would tell you my name. But now it is done.”

‘So I can go?’

“No not yet you still have to train. Get back out there and slaughter the undead. I’ll awaken you when it’s time!”

‘Fine. I’ll go.’


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I forced myself awake.

“No you didn’t... I did...”

‘Shut up.’

I woke up and opened up my eyes. I was greeted with somepony squeezing my hand. I returned the squeeze.

“Ebon! You’re awake!” Twilight said happily.

“Yeah I am. It’s nice to see you too!” I replied as best I could. ‘Damn, these pain killers suck.’

“Surgery sucks.”

‘Yeah it does.’

“It’s great that you made it! But...” Twilight began to say. I knew this was coming.

“I meant what I said Twilight.... every word of it.” I said quelling the depressed feeling that I felt rising.

She leaned in and kissed me again. This time, I returned the favor. We locked lips for a few seconds, before a cough came from her friend.

Twilight broke away quickly and blushed a little.

She looks so.... amazing. I don’t know how any mare could look any better than the one standing in front of me.

“Twilight, darling! We came to see if it was alright not to make out with him. Now I have to work on redoing your look!” The intruder said.

‘Oh great.’

“Oh, this is good.”

“Sorry Rarity I just...” Twilight began.

“It’s okay dear, the way you spoke of him and from what he said, I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back! But how about you bring him along as well, hm?” Rarity said.

Twilight began to blush.

I also noticed Spike staring dreamily at Rarity. I really couldn’t tell why... She seems like a bitch to me.

“I don’t see how I could be of much help.... Seeing as I’m...” I yawned, “A bit doped up right now, I may fall asleep anytime.” I said.

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to have Twilight’s colt friend along, so you may see which look you like best!” Rarity replied.

I sighed.

“Let it all out.”

“I really don’t see anything wrong with the way Twilight looks right now. Why fix what isn’t broken?” I questioned.

“So anti-climatic. I expected you to say you’d hunt her down or the likes!”

“Please. Come on, I want to talk with you...” Twilight said.

“Okay, I’ll come...”

“Ha! As if! ‘I’ll come’ he says...”

Twilight helped me up.

“Remember: Fall back into the building... it would also help if you grab the leg you hurt.”

We all left the room and began to walk towards the entrance when a ray of sunlight hit my wound.

I jumped back and fell onto the ground. “AHHH! CELESTIA THAT HURTS!”

“Padawan learns quickly!”


“What! What’s wrong?” Twilight rushed back to me and asked, the worry clear on her face.

A nurse rushed to us. “Twilight he isn’t ready to leave the hospital yet give him until tonight! I’ll release him when I know he can move without much pain.”

“Oh... s...sorry.” Twilight said, already on the verge of tears.

“No, no... it isn’t your fault.... hey... when I’m out, I’ll come right to you.” I said, trying to cheer her up as the nurse helped me up.

“Okay... *Sniff*.. see you then Ebon....” Twilight said sadly.

The nurse helped me to my room, and back into bed. “Now just rest. I’ll get a doctor in here to check on the injury.”

‘Great. I forgot.’

“Yes you did.”

‘Ah screw you. Wait, what’s that?’

I looked around and saw a stallion standing at the door. I... I could see that he wasn’t living.

He snickered, “So you’re the new vampony. Too bad... there can only be one!”. He lunged at me.

“Nope”, I said as I swatted his bat aside and grabbed him. “You’re right! There can be only one. Too bad... that isn’t you. Time to eat.” I bit down, hard, on his jugular and took in the vibrant juices. I felt all of his prowess flow into me. I could feel what he felt.

“Woah, there bucko! Not yet.”

Then it just left me.


“You can’t be doing that. At least not yet, anyway. You aren’t meant to join the ranks of the Silver Hand. Unless you want to give her up, of course.”

‘No deal.’

“And you will have to tell her. I’m sure she will accept you. She doesn’t seem willing to let you go. It seems that you are one of the first stallions to show any interest in her. That’s going to be... difficult to overlook.”

‘So I’m stuck with this?’

“And that will never change.”

‘Always a part of me..? DAMMIT!’

“HAHA! Gotcha to do it. Just wait until you lose it the first time. I can sense a decent song coming up.”


“You’ll see.”


‘What the hell was that?’


‘Really? Wow you are one.... Give me some.’

“Get your own, fool!”

‘There isn’t any here....’

The doctor came in. “Now, let’s see how the wound is now.” After an hour of check ups, he finally finished, “Well, I can let you go at around seven tonight. How does that sound?”

“Just say great.”

“That sounds great. Just send somepony in to wake me up then.” I replied.

“Okay then!” The doctor said as he left the room.

“Great, getting some MORE sleep?”

‘No. I need your help to figure out what to do if Twilight accepts the fact that I’m a vampony.’

“Oh.... fun. I’ll help.”

‘You’d better.’

“Or else what?”

‘Or else I will set fire to the rain.’


‘HA! I said something you didn’t understand.’

“Give me some time....”


“I think you should stay.”

‘That’s a great idea. But... how would it work? I mean, she wouldn’t be nocturnal. And I wouldn’t want to keep her to myself, as that wouldn’t be fair.’

“You, sir, are too damn nice. It scares me. You might as well have apologized to the guy before you sucked out his soul.”

‘Ha. Fuck that. I want to see him squirm.’

“Okay, now you are scaring me.”

‘I better be. Okay, so part two... when do I tell her?’

“Get her alone, and then break the news. Give her the final decision on whether or not you can stay. If she doesn’t want you anywhere near her, then leave. And don’t look back. But if she does....”

‘ ...I’ll love her every minute I can, and try to spend time with her. Find a way to break this curse. Be with her until she dies. Then.... take my own life.

“Wow, your romance is more doomed than Romeo and Juliet's. It’s strange how you are planning on doing this, but if it works, then... hey. It works!”

‘Exactly. So find her tonight?’

“Yep. Big treehouse. Can’t miss it.”


“No prob. I’m here for ya. Now just go to sleep.”

‘What about the body?’

“What body?”

I looked down and the body was gone.

‘How? You know what, never mind.’

“I got your back.”

‘That you do. That you do...’

Party Time

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I was awoken by one of the night nurses, “Sir it’s time for you to go. The Doctor has given you permission to be discharged.”

I woke up slowly, “Okay...”

“Just go to the front desk.”

I got up and put on the armor that had been placed by my bedside. I also noticed the large scabbard but there was no sword to go with it. ‘So I need a broadsword.’

“Or a long, kite, or bastard sword. Any of those will work.”

‘Great.’ I attached the scabbard to my hip and walked out to the front desk.

After check out I walked outside. ‘So what now...’

“Find her and tell her. Simple, non?”

‘Thanks smart ass.’ I began a short trek to the tree. But I stopped at a shop that was selling a nice looking broadsword.

“No I’ll tell you where you can find the perfect sword.”

‘Meh I like it.’ I shook my head I didn’t have the money for it. I’m broke since I have to pay this hospital bill.

“Hahaha sucks for you! Oh wait... I don’t have any money to my name...”

‘Ha sucks for you at least I may have a home.’

“Ha You may not have one for long. If she doesn’t like the fact that you drink blood.”

‘As you said she may look right over that. I don’t plan on leaving her at all.’

I walked over to the tree house and... heard a lot of music behind it. So I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Spike, “Oh hey man you’re awake!”

“Yep. Where’s...” I got a good look inside it was packed with ponies who were dancing and partying.

“She’s inside... trying to avoid... this. You should join us!” Spike said as he let me inside.

“I might but first I have to talk with Twilight...” I said acting as casually as possible. I was fully armored and now I had everypony looking at me.

I noticed a door open and Twilight stepped out, “So it’s....”

I needed a cover... So I walked up to the stage casually and cued the DJ to begin.

‘Demons’ By Imagine Dragons came on. I shook my head. She turned it to ‘Ready Aim Fire’.

I began to sing, “Whoa
With our backs to the wall, the darkness will fall
We never quite thought we could lose it all
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire
An empire's fall in just one day
You close your eyes and the glory fades
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away (fire!)
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away!”

They restarted the party as I sang away to the song. “
Off in the distance, there is resistance
Bubbling up and festering
Hey Mr Motion, make me a potion
Shake it all up with your mystery

How come I've never seen your face 'round here?
I know every single face 'round here
A man on a mission, changing the vision
I was never welcome here

We don't have a choice to stay
We'd rather die than do it your way

With our backs to the wall, the darkness will fall
We never quite thought we could lose it all
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire

An empire's fall in just one day
You close your eyes and the glory fades
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away (fire!)
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away”

Twilight slowly walked up to the stage.

“Back in the casing, shaking and pacing
This is the tunnel's light
Blood in the writing, stuck in the fighting
Look through the rifle's sight

How come I've never seen your face 'round here?
I know every single face 'round here
Here in the heckle, holding the shackle
I was never welcome here”

The party goers prepared to chant the chorus.

“We don't have a choice to stay
We'd rather die than do it your way”

So they did, “With our backs to the wall, the darkness will fall
We never quite thought we could lose it all
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire

An empire's fall in just one day
You close your eyes and the glory fades
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away (fire!)
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away”

Now me,” Whoa”

Now them, “ With our backs to the wall, the darkness will fall
We never quite thought we could lose it all
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire”

Now all of us, “An empire's fall in just one day
You close your eyes and the glory fades
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away (fire!)
Ready, aim, fire, ready, aim, fire away!”

I stepped down and embraced Twilight, “I told ya I would come as soon as I was out!”

“Yeah you did...” She said as she leaned into me, “But what’s with the armor?”

“It’s a lot more protective than a hospital gown. And it was all the clothing I had...” I began to say, “And can we go somewhere a bit more private... I have something I NEED to tell you...”

“Oh... Okay...” She said sadly.

“No no it’s nothing like that... I hope...” I said trying to lighten the mood a bit.

She nodded and led me to... what I assumed to be her room. “So what was it that you wanted to tell me... we are in a quieter and more private room...”

“Just say what I say.”

‘Got it.’

“I just found out... that through a random attack. I am a vampony. Then just to prove it show her your fangs.”

‘You’re of no help.’ So I said, “You may not believe me I don’t want to believe it. But it’s the truth.”

“What is?” She questioned.

I led her to the bed and sat a slight distance away and began my explanation. “When I arrived at the hospital I was awoken by a... I’ll call him Lord for now... He woke me up inside of my coma. And...” I reiterated what the Vampony Lord had told me and the entire conversation.

“Woah woah woah... You’re saying you are a vampony?” She questioned drawing closer.

“Yeah... I am... I can’t deny it. I almost died when the sunlight hit me right as we left.” I said. She’s taking this differently than I expected.

“So... it wasn’t the leg. It was the fact that... you got burnt by the sun...” She said sadly.

“Yeah... After that. I fought undead for a few hours inside that coma training my powers... or what little I understand at the moment.”

“So... that means... you can only be out at...” She began.

“At night... I want to find a way to be out during the day without drawing any attention... and I don’t want to feed off of anypony...”

“So what will you do?”

“Well after I woke up and the events that took me back to my room happened another vampony attacked me. And I kind of...”

“Drank his blood? So you plan on feeding on other vamponies? They are rare beyond belief.”

“Not really. There are quite a few in town. And some other undead outside in the Everfree.”

“I really don’t think they are as rare as you think... And there are other forms of undead I can delve into...”

“So... what does that mean for... us?”

“It means... we could continue... but it’d be hard...”

“Way too hard... but... I want this to continue.” She got right next to me, “Your eyes... they’re silver... I like that color... It’s... different...” She kissed me.


I ignored him and opened up and began to kiss her.

She was exploring my mouth... just like the second time... but now she was tracing around my... fangs...

She broke away and hugged me, “I love you Ebon... I love you so much...”

I returned the hug and cuddled with her, “I love you too Twilight... I’ll do anything I can to be with you... anything...”

“I... I have some things I need to tell you...” She said.

“Go ahead...”

“I’m the personal student of the Princess.”

“Oh... that’s.... unexpected.... you may be able to solve that... sunlight problem sooner than I anticipated.”

“That’s... surprising... anything else?”

“Well I found that... Nightmare Moon is returning... and... she’s going to bring eternal night...”

“Much MUCH sooner. Then I expected.”

“If she does return... I won’t let her bring eternal night... I’ll try to stop her...”

“What? That would...”

“It would allow us to be together... But it would kill hundreds of ponies”

“Yeah it would... But only the Princess can stop her... And she doesn’t believe me.”

“I do... and I’ll help in any way I can.”


Spike came through the door with a lampshade on his head. “THIS IS ONE AWESOME PARTY! You should join us! Both of you!”

I looked at Twilight, “Maybe we should join... I can’t think of a better way to celebrate at the moment... And it’s too crowded... to do...”

“Yeah,” She agreed a large smile on her face she kissed me one last time, “Lets go... and... you should...”

“I will...” I said as we both stood up and joined the party.

I walked back up onto the stage.


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After the party in which I sang quite a few more songs. Twilight and I both retired to her room.

“Wow... those songs...” She began.

“They mean alot to me.” I replied.

“So... are you...” She began again.

“Yeah just give me a second.” I said removing my armor.

After it was all off She walked up to me and pulled herself against my body. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up.

“Mmm. If you're going to do this... It may get TOO romantic tonight...”

I laughed slightly and carried her up to the bed. I laid her down and laid down right beside her pulling the blankets over both of us.

She kissed me lightly.

As she pulled away I returned the favor kissing her more passionately. As we got into it I noticed how willing she was to go on. How much she wanted me... I was happy to give her what she wanted. She again picked up exploring my mouth.

But this time when we broke away there was a trail of saliva between our mouths. “Mmm... I love this... But...”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it... for now... lets just enjoy each other...”

She looked me in the eyes and smiled before she laid her head down beside mine. I followed and laid my head down beside hers’ and gently caressed her. “Good night Twi.” I said as she closed her eyes.

She yawned, “Good night Ebon...”

I kissed her again to show that I did infact love her.

She pulled back with a smile and soon fell asleep.

I soon joined her.

After an hour I awoke and felt something strong coming. Something beyond even my current power...

“It’s her.... Nightmare Moon. Wake her up and tell her it’s time for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

I gently shook Twi slightly and greeted her with a small kiss, “Hey... It’s time for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

She woke up slowly. “Wha? Oh... Ebon are you..”

“If its about staying... yes... if it’s about going with you then Yes... I am.” I said hugging her.

She smiled as she got up. “That’s all I wanted to know...”

I now noticed she was... nude. So in one movement I wrapped my arms across her and kissed her neck.

She jumped when I grabbed her. But she seemed to love the kiss. “Ah... you need to do that more... It’s strange... It feels like...”

I stopped her from saying the next few words by spinning her around and kissing her. Our love... if it was possible would be able to stop anything... except changelings... that would be me that’d be able to do that.

She pushed me back and laughed, “Knock it off I need to get dressed.” She shook her flank a bit when she walked away.

“Damn... That’s better the T. And DAMN was she good in bed. But another time my student.”

I agree. But... I... Fuck me... I need to get ready too.

I heard the door quickly shut. I wish I had magic this’d be so much easier. I slowly walked over to my armor and was surprised when Twilight grabbed ahold of me and reached right for my goods.

“I guess this can be considered...” She began to say.

I cut her off again when I put my hand over her mouth and took her hand away. “Let me turn around first... If this is going to happen... lets at least do it... like this...” I said as I turned around and kissed her. I let go of her hand and she put it right back and began to stroke me.

She seemed unsure of what she was doing. I took a slight hold of her hand and helped her along.

Soon she was doing it on her own. So I did my part. I slightly hovered a hand under her marehood.

I saw her eyes shoot open as soon as I got close. She was scared that’d I’d do something to hurt her. So in order to ease her fear I pulled back.

She calmed down considerably. And she sped up a bit before letting go.

“Mmm you are big... I guess... We shouldn’t want to do this... but...” She began to say as she pulled me in closer, “Come on big boy... mount us...” Something was seriously wrong.


I pushed away quickly. “What the hell....”

“Oh come on stallion how could you not wish to mount a goddess?” The fake questioned.

“Nightmare Moon...” I said.

“Bravo stallion you aren’t as stupid as we thought...” She said as she transformed into well Nightmare Moon. “We will be waiting... We do hope you consider this proposal. You are by far one of the better stallions we have met. And we wish for you to become... our king... Consider it. Your current mare friend would never be able to offer as much!” She vanished.

I was now stunned again. But I shook that feeling away and threw my armor on and attached the scabbard.

“Get out into the main room now! You need to be there to help her! Oh and sorry for the late call. I went to go get a drink! You got a full stocked bar and walk in fridge in here. As well as an arcade! FUCK YEAH 20 HIT COMBO EAT THAT SCORPION!”

‘Oookayy.’ I rushed out to the main room and just in time too. Twilight and Spike rushed in.

“Ebon! Where were you? Nightmare Moon attacked!” Twilight said to me as she rushed in.

“I know... I was almost... I almost.... I’m confused.... I....” I stuttered.

“Wait... She didn’t...” Twilight began staring at me open mouthed.

“No I caught on in time.... She offered to make... me her king... That’s not... something I want!” I replied.

Just then Rarity and a few other mares rushed in. “Twilight! Who was that?” One of them asked.

The Cyan mare and the Orange mare rushed Twilight and me respectively.

“How do we know she doesn’t work for her? She foalnapped the Princess!” The cyan mare said.

“How do we know we can trust this stallion? I haven’t seen him around at all!” The Orange mare said eyeing me up.

“I’ve been unconscious do to surgery for nearly two days and the first thing I did instead of meeting everypony in town was come here!” I replied.

She looked me in the eyes.

“Damn she’s one strong mare. Able to lift you fully armored.”

“And another thing. I don’t work for Nightmare Moon. I despise her and everything she’s going to attempt to do!” I said.

“Ah believe him.” The orange mare said as she let me down.

“Well Twilight! If that is even your real name!” The Cyan mare questioned Twi.

I moved slightly under her so I could catch her.

“Rainbow Dash! Let her down! She has nothing to do with this!” Rarity said.

I don’t hate her as much now. She has my respect. So does the Orange mare. And this Dash for... being... rainbow and cyan....

“Strange color combo!”

Then the pink mare said, “Dashie! Let Twilight down! Without her we won’t be able to come close to defeating Nightmare! It’s canon!”

“What in the holy fuck? OH FUCK NO I AIN’T DEALIN WITH THIS! ONLY I CAN BREAK THE FOURTH WALL” I heard a slight scuffle inside my head. “NO MORE BREAKING THE DAMN FOURTH WALL!”

“Ow! That hurt!” The pink mare shouted jumping back.

All eyes went to me except the pink mare’s.

“He didn’t do a thing! It was the meanie pants--” She was cut off as a bolt of lightning struck outside the house.

“OOOKAY THEN!” I stated.

Dash dropped Twilight and I caught her. “Thanks Ebon.”

I smiled in response and asked, “Okay so what now?”
Time Freeze


“Sorry Mr. Writer! But it’s soooo fun!”

If you stop doing it... I’ll ugh.... allow you to sing more often.... FML.....

“Really? How about right after...”

NO I was planning on cutting out all of your songs... But... now you can have them all back... even.... Smile.... Oh god why?

“YEAH! Oh oh! Can I talk like this from now on?”

NO that is for me and me alone. Or for the dreams... or for... other more important things... like.... ENOUGH BACK TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMING!

“Oh I think not Mr. Writer. You owe me big time.”

How do I owe you?

“Just make it easy and worthwhile to find the damn sword. And make it big. Then I’ll forgive you.”

For what?

“For almost abandoning us. GOOD DAY SIR!”

“Wait wait! Mr. Vampony can I play Mortal Combat with you later?”

“I was thinkin we should all get together after this and play some ‘Left For Dead’ seems like a plan?”

I’m down.

“Oh oh! I wanna be Bill!”

“Sounds like a plan then. After this entire nightmare moon thing is done and... Eb and Twi get... a little close I ain’t got nothin to do.”

We need a fourth player though.


“Not really. See ya two again then?”


“You betcha!”
Time Unfreeze

“Fourth wall has been repaired! And some other things have been cleared up.”


“Now what?” Twilight questioned again.

“How about we find out some more about Nightmare Moon?” Pinkie suggested.

“Oh yeah. Introductions. Ask for them.”

“Okay so if I’m going to help I need to know who else is going with us.” I said.

“Okay then. Ebon I’d like you to meet... Rainbow Dash,” Twilight began pointing towards well Dash.

“An Ebon... Ah’m sorry for attacking ya without thinkin. Ah’m Applejack.” The Orange mare said extending a hand towards me.

I took it and shook.

Next was the Pink mare, “I’m Pinkie Pie! And it’s nice to meet you Ebon!”


Finally the last mare. She eeped and said something so softly I couldn’t hear it.

“That’s Fluttershy... She’s really shy...” Pinkie said to me.

“Well... Um...” Again for the fourth time today I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say.

“Well... I guess you might warm up to him....” Twilight said hopefully.

Pinkie ran over to a shelf and handed Twilight a book. Didn’t catch the name.

“Thanks Pinkie.” Twilight said.

“Your welcome!” Pinkie replied.

“Now then you wait outside.”

“I’ll wait outside. I don’t think I’ll be of much help until we enter the forest.” I said as I started to leave.

“We’ll all be out soon. Don’t go anywhere.” Twilight said to me.

“I won’t. I don’t really know where to go. I’ll wait for you girls to figure that out.” I replied as I left.


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‘Great. I don’t even know what to do now.’

‘What are you talking about?’

“I found some pretty weird stuff out. Like for instance. Wait that’s not weird. Just be careful in the Everfree. Something big’s going to happen there and it may just…. Oh gods.”

‘AGAIN! WHAT ARE YOU...’ That was interrupted as the girls came charging out. I got up and prepared to join them. As I did I felt something nearby. It was either powerful or there were quite a few of them.


I followed behind the girls and they all stopped at the entrance of the… “Everfree forest…”

Oh great.

“Oh this is going to be funny.”

“What’s the problem?” I asked walking up to the group.

“The fact that nopony knows…” Dash began to say.

“Well from the humidity in the air I hope you all packed raincoats or the likes.” I stated.

“You can tell that it’s going to rain?!?!” Twilight said with a large amount of surprise in her voice.

“You get used to telling the weather in these places when you spend enough time in them. I was a traveling mercenary of sorts when I wasn’t *cough* getting blown up.” I replied.

“Wait a mercenary? Really.” Dash said getting closer to me, “I doubt that. If that’s true then where’s your weapon? And what did you fight?”

“Well I can use a broadsword and I fought changelings. I helped clear out a few hives nearby a frontier settlement right on the edge of the Badlands a few months back.” I replied.

“Oh that’s good. What else did you do fuck the Hive leaders?”

‘Shut up. And no. I’m… as odd as it is to say this… still a virgin.’

“Oh snap. I didn’t know that! Although you won’t be if you succeed in your quest.”

“Lead the way then Ebon.” Twilight said motioning for me to take the forefront.

“I guess it’s back to being Pathfinder.” I said. Oh great musical quoting. I forged onward and I heard Dash back there attempting to scare everypony else with stories of coming in and never leaving.

“Oh yes none of you will be leaving tonight. Or any other!” A new voice shouted from beside us. Eight vamponies jumped out of the woods surrounding us.

One grabbed me from behind. “And she said to look out for you. I guess she was wrong about how strong you were!” I was lifted up and thrown against a tree. I smashed right through and kept going for a short distance.

I heard from what seemed like a far off distance, “Ha too easy. Which one of you…”

I didn’t hear the rest time slowed down significantly. I saw something inside one of the broken trees. A beautiful great sword. A monster of a blade. It was radiating a cold aura and no light seemed to escape it. I could barely see the blade

“It’s… it’s… It’s yours…. Damn you got lucky.”

I took the blade out of the stump and felt it in my hand. It was weightless and perfectly balanced. I could make out one of the vamponies making a move. I prepared to throw the blade right at him.

“Woah woah. What are you doing?”

Ignoring you. I then threw the blade right at the vampony and chased after it. I made it to him just before the blade did and leaped into the air. Time returned to normal and the blade hit it’s mark.

“Wha?” One of the other vamponies said.

“I’m not that easy to defeat!” I said as I slammed my foot down on the vamponies head… shattering him.


“What the hay was that?” Twilight questioned as I picked the blade up.

“OH OH! That’s Duskfang! It’s a blade that’s enchanted with the power of the moon!” Pinkie almost shouted.

“... Not really helpful…” I said.

“It can either freeze or slow down whatever it hits! And it’s invisible!” She shouted again.

“Okay… Sounds great!” I said turning towards the other vamponies. “Oh and there’s another path around them I’ll deal with the vamponies. Go on ahead I’ll catch up soon.”

“Okay… Don’t lose… Come on girls we need to get moving!” Twilight said as she led the others towards the path.

“Perfect time to feast”

‘Exactly what I was thinking.’

I lunged right at the closest one. “AH SHIT!” He screamed.

Again I bit down hard on his jugular and drank. This time not for power but for sustenance.

“Shit!” The third one yelled.

“KILL HIM!” The leader said trying to back away.

I dropped the body of the one I had feasted on and looked at the leader. “Run. I want a hunt.”

“You are getting violent. I like it alot.”

They charged off into the forest. I already had the scent of one of them. I’ll track them down like the dogs they are. I stepped off into the darkness of the forest and felt free.

“They better prepare for the entire four thousand metric tonnes of pain coming for them. CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKERS THE RAPE TRAIN IS COMING!”

‘Not even going to try.’ I stepped forward and felt like I was moving faster then when I wasn’t in the dark.

“You are. Again four thousand metric tonnes of pain is heading for them!”


I moved through the darkness of the forest and got to the group just as they made it to the girls.


“What?” Twilight questioned.

“Knock Knock!” I began.

“Who’s there?” Pinkie asked.

“PAIN!” I replied.

I lunged out of the darkness at the closest vampony and hit him full force.

I snickered as I slammed the vampony into a tree.

“How… how did you… we left you…” The surviving vampony began. He slowly backed up.

I was about to attack before Applejack kicked him solidly in the head.

He was sent flying into his comrades dead body.

“Oooh that has got to hurt… remind me never to get on your bad side!” I commented.

“That joke was so bad!” Pinkie said.

“Best I could come up with in the short time I was given.” I responded.

“No more jokes than!” Pinkie said.

“Fine fine. I’m never good with them anyway. So how much…” I began.

“Not that much further! Just across this… chasm….” Twilight replied.

“Oh that’s a big drop. You should go for it! Could be fun!”

‘Ah shut up.’

I heard a cough come from behind me.

“Eh hem. We have an insanely awesome pegasus right here!” Dash said.

“So then Dash what do you propose we should do?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll fix the bridge!” Dash responded. She dove right into the chasm.

“Now I guess we wait…” I said.

“Yeah…” Rarity responded.

“How about we play a game?” Pinkie asked.

“What game Pinkie?” Applejack questioned.

“Hide and…” Pinkie began.

“I’m done!” Dash shouted as she cleared out the fog.

Breaking And Entering

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We all made our way across the bridge on the other side stood the ruins of a castle.

I could tell right away that the door was barricaded from the other side.

“Great. Front door is locked down tight.” I commented.

“There… there isn’t any other way in…” Twilight said as she fell to her knees.

“How are we going to get in?” AJ questioned.

“Oh! Oh!” Pinkie began.

“Not now darling… we have to think not throw a party!” Rarity cut her off.

“We could always just…” Dash began.

“If you want to get an arrow through your wing and get captured… go right ahead. That is what I promise will happen to you. And if you do. They won’t get farther than getting you into the cell before I break in and go berserk on them.” I commented.

“Oh…” Dash said backing away a little bit.

“All out of ideas it’s up to you entirely.”

“Ebon can I talk to you pleeeeaaaaasssssseeee?” Pinkie asked dragging me back.

“How? HOW? HOW?”

When she dragged me back she let me go.

“Okay Pinkie go ahead.” I said.

“Just break down the door! They forgot that you can…” Pinkie began.

I stared at her, “What the… he…”

“Well in order to carry that armor you have to be strong! And Twilight and Rarity can boost your speed a little bit giving you enough momentum to break right through the barricade!” Pinkie responded.

“Dude she knows. Give it up. She won’t tell a single soul though.”

‘Thanks for telling me NOW!’

“Okay Pinkie. I’ll try…” I replied.

“And you can up it with your super strength!” Pinkie said.

I got into a great position to charge the door.

Pinkie explained the plan to each of them. None of them had a better plan and Twilight knew I could clear the door.

“Okay I’m ready.” I stated.

“On the count of 3…” Twilight said as she charged up a spell.

“3…” I said.

“2…” Twilight added.

“1…” I finished.

I charged forward as the spell slammed me in the back. I felt a hell of a lot faster.

I slammed into the door with enough force to shatter it and the barricade on contact. I sent the guards on the other side flying in every direction.

I slipped at the worst time and slammed into a wall which broke my momentum and face planted against the ground.


Dash and Aj broke out laughing.

Twilight was trying to hide her laughter as she helped me up.

Pinkie was poking at one of the unconscious guards.

“Great…” I stated with a little distaste.

“Come on! We have an evil being to defeat!” Twilight shouted all of her friends gathered around.

Then a very slow, very sarcastic clap echoed through the hall.

“Bravo! Bravo! You all put on quite a show to get here but I’m afraid your journey ends here. With moi. The greatest Night Hunter ever to exist.” The stallion began.

“Oh great I thought he drowned in his own fathers cum.”

I snickered.

“WHAT’S SO FUNNY?” He screamed.

I whispered what Lord had said to me to Twilight. She had a lot of trouble concealing her laughter.


“He’s all talk and no game. That won’t change. No amount of training or power can fix that fucking broken piece of gayness.”

“Okay then Funny Man. I’ll fight you.” I stated stepping forward.

“Ha. You’re nothing compared to me now. I am all powerful now! YOU WON’T SURVIVE!” He screamed.

He leaped forward and vanished.

“Psha. So easy. He’s coming from the top.”

I slashed in a large arc blocking his first attack.

He pulled back and slashed at me wildly.

I dodged and blocked all of his attacks.

He jumped back and I could tell he was planning something. He moved faster than I could recognize and I prepared to defend again.

I heard a scream come from behind me so I spun around to face him.

“This ends now. Surrender and die and she’ll be able to survive a little longer.” He stated. His sword was at Fluttershy’s throat.

Both Dash and Applejack moved in.

“None of you move or she dies.” He stated.

“You won’t be able to save her unless you go berserk… You won’t be able to move fast enough to stop the sword in your current state.”

I took in a deep breath, “Not… so… fast…”

“Oh that’s a new way of doing it.”

“Wait where’d he go?” The Vampony questioned.

“Right behind you.” I replied.

“What the…” He stated.

I drove the tip of my blade into his back, “Let her go. Or you will die.”

He swung his sword around and tried to cleave my head off. I was to fast for him now.

He leaped back in an attempt to get away.

“Ha. To slow.” I said as I sliced down.

He barely made it out of the way I still managed to cut him cleanly on the chest.

“FUCK!” He screamed as he was sent flying onto the floor.

“You put on quite a show…” I began.

“No… No…” He stammered.

I brought my sword over head, “But I’m afraid your life ends here. With moi. The second greatest Night Stalker.”

“I’m flattered.”

He had no time to dodge as my sword cleaved through him. Instead of spraying the area with blood his remains burst into flames and turned to ash.

I felt my own rage end, “One less vampony exists now.”

“What… did…” Dash began.

“After Nightmare is defeated… I’ll explain it.’ I responded.

I slowly walked back to them.

“Fine. But don’t think any of us will forget that.” Dash stated.

Twilight stepped closer to me, “Thank you… Without you we may not have been able to save her…”

I lightly embraced her hands, “I’d do it again and again. For any of them… and for you I’d do anything.”

She looked longingly into my eyes and I gently leaned forward and kissed her. Her tongue grazed my teeth tasting the fresh blood on both of them.

“I guess love is blind. I was told once long ago, Love is blind. It doesn’t know right or wrong, good or bad, living or dead, it just knows what it desires. I forget by whom.”

Her friends watched in an odd mix of emotion.

We broke apart.

“I heard from a wise-pony once, ‘Love is blind to right and wrong, good or bad, love only know what love wants.’ I may not be fully good. But I’m still going to try.” I stated.

“Kiss ass. But thank you for flattering me.”

‘Suck a dick vamp. I was talking about the Pony who told you that.’

“We have one last fight to deal with. Nightmare Moon. Then everything’s going to go back to normal…” Twilight said slowly as she stepped towards the stairs leading to the last place in the castle we had to check.

“Let’s kick some flank!” Dash said as she stepped up.

We all stepped up and in some form or another vowed we’d defeat Nightmare Moon.

Darkness Of The Night

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We made it up to the last tower. Nightmare was nowhere to be seen. A group of old looking stones sat in the center of the chamber on an ancient pedestal.

“The elements!” Twilight shouted. She rushed forward only to be slammed back by… me…

“Ah. Not so fast.” ‘I’ said.

“Wow. I feel… disappointed. But now you can find out what your...”

“Not so fast?” I questioned. I was fucking pissed.

“Oh? Are you angry little vamp? Are you angry that after I’m done with her I’m coming for you?” It questioned as shadowy tentacles formed out of the walls.

I felt something deep inside of me break. Something… grand. I felt… like a god. “Show me how to lie. You’re getting better all the time.”

“What?” It questioned.

“What the hell? He just vanished? No not the damn fake. Ebon van… nope. He just…”

“Hit him right between the eyes!”


“Well it’s all because of me!”

“He’s having fun beating his fake.”

After another few minutes from what I could tell I regained control. The fake had vanished and in it’s place a very very pissed off Nightmare Moon, “We… Will not. Take this anymore. We hoped that thou would see our truth Stallion. But instead thou has failed even that. How could one single being be so stupid as not too…”

“Stupid? No. I’m just not one for joining the wrong side.” I said as I delivered a healthy punch right to her face. The crack was loud. She was sent reeling backwards into the ground.

“OH SNAP!” Dash shouted.

I backed away.

Nightmare looked even more pissed off. “Thou… SHALT… PAY FOR THAT!” She charged a spell up and fired it at me. I had no time to dodge. I was sent backwards and smashed through the pedestal for the elements.

“NO!” Twilight screamed.


“It’s over now. We hath won. Good shan’t prevail this time. Now we shall deal with all of you before we deal with this rebellious husband of ours.” Nightmare said.

“Bitch just said what?”

“Bitch what did you just call me?” I questioned. A new fire flamed in my entire being.

“What did thou just call us?” Nightmare said as she turned towards me.

“That doesn’t answer my question. Let me reiterate. What did you. The Bitch. Just call me?” I responded.

All of the girls were staring at me.

“Ebon… don’t…” Twilight said.

“Twilight. I’m dealing with the most pressing matter right now.” I responded.

I think she got the cue. I was playing Nightmare into another battle.

“Thou… hast dared to call us… The new Supreme Ruler of all of Equis… A bitch? You shall pay for your tongue stallion.” Nightmare responded. She prepared to fight me again.

I twirled the blade effortlessly around myself, “Let’s dance then.” I brought down flawlessly a violent blow that managed to destroy part of the floor.

She dodged and fired a few spells at me. I sliced two in half sending them in opposite directions. I threw my blade and it clearly missed her on it’s way to her.

“HA! Thou hast thrown away your only…” She began as I charged up and delivered a clean gut punch.

“I don’t fight fairly!” I responded as I began to beat the shit out of her. Every punch became more violent and powerful.

She finally was able to fight back and kicked me hard sending me into the thrones.

“Ebon! Get up!” Somepony shouted.

The blood and adrenaline rushing to my head… no. The rage and anger pouring into my head made all the voices except Nightmare’s sound the same. Unappealing. I flipped back up in what could have been considered a breakdance move.

“JUST DIE!” Nightmare shouted. She fired a spell that spelled my end.

My sword came flying straight back down and cleaved the spell into nothing. It was stuck in the ground halfway between Nightmare and I.

“Not the best so far but a great start!”

I rushed the sword and so did Nightmare. When I connected with the sword I heard a gasp and somepony say, “I’ve got it!”

I heard something else and all six of their names said. I ripped the sword out of the ground. When it swung back it collided with a spell.

“NO!” Somepony screamed.

Instead of seeing a cleaved spell the sword changed. It became an entirely new sword.

“... Twilights’ Requiem…”

I like that name a lot. I slid it around the air seemed to alternate between heating up and cooling down so there was a trail of superheated steam following the blade. “It’s over Nightmare.”

I charged and swung the blade around I succeeded in cleaving across her chest.

She screamed in pain and was thrown back.

When she stumbled up again I brought the sword straight down cleaving through her. She was frozen I stepped back and swept the blade through the air creating some sort of air blade. When I released it the air blade slammed into Nightmare creating a large explosion sending me backwards.

In place of nightmare was an unconscious alicorn. I slid to the ground and basically wanted to fall asleep. Instead I was hugged tightly by Twilight who took to scolding me, “You shouldn’t have done that! You could’ve died!” Before she said, “Thank you… I… I don’t think we would have been able to get this far without you…” She helped me to my feet as Princess Celestia appeared.

I really stopped paying attention as I pulled Twilight into a kiss. Neither of us cared about anything going on around us. That was until the Princess said, “Twilight.”

Twi broke away and blushed intensely.

The Princess then spoke to me, “I’m sorry for ending that prematurely but I want to ask you one thing.”

I nodded and turned towards her. She wasn’t glaring or seething with rage.

“Are you by any chance undead?” She questioned.

“No. I never let you die. Infact I just made sure you would survive everything.”

“No. I am not.” I responded.

“Then I’m guessing your an Unturned Vampony or a Dark Stalker?” She questioned again.

I heard a gasp come from the girls.

“Yes. I am.” I responded.

“Ah. Now I understand why you helped defeat Nightmare instead of helping Nightmare herself. I’m also venturing to guess you have an Ancient Vampony acting as a guide inside of you.” She said again.

“My Turn.”

Lord suddenly appeared in front of me, “Yes he does T. That would be me. Your old friend.”

Oh. Shit. That’s who T is.

“Lord Ryzen. It’s been really far too long.” Celestia replied.

“I had… more important things to worry about… I’m sure you didn’t want me around at all.” He responded, “But enough about the past. I’m going to…”

“I already did.” Celestia responded.

I realised what they meant. The sun was coming up and it was coming in through the crack in my armor. I wasn’t burning. I gently grasped Twilights hand.

“Now… Let’s get back to Ponyville I have a few things I need to attend too before I leave with my sister.” Celestia said.

When we teleported I was dumped into Twilight’s Bedroom with none of the others around me.

“Sorry about that. She doesn’t want you involved at the moment. I’ll tell ya when we’re done.”

‘Great. So is it about me?’

“Can’t tell ya. Technicalities and all. You’ll find out in a few.”

I pushed myself off the ground and stripped my armor off. I found some clothing waiting for me. I realised that Celestia had wanted me to wait. I got dressed and walked out into the main room. Nopony here either. I sat down in a chair and leaned back. I was almost asleep when Twilight came in.

She looked right at me as the door shut behind her, “Ebon… I…”

I got out of the chair and walked over to her. We embraced and she laid her head down against my chest.

She started to cry. I was about to ask what’s wrong when she kissed me passionately. When she broke the kiss she said through the occasional sniffle, “I’m staying! And the Princess said she doesn’t mind us being together! She said it’s up to my family on whether or not I’m allowed to date you.”

I wiped a tear from her eye and said, “Twi, that’s great…”

“That’s not it though, the Princess said she’d try to get an old recipe for a substitute for blood!” She continued.

I was a little surprised maybe I’d be able to live a more normal life then having to feed every few days.

“And… and… I… decided that… um…” She began.

I smiled a little, “Give it some time… We have a long time to get there. For now all I want to do is hold you, comfort you, love you, and be here for you.”

She looked up again and our eyes met, “Ebon, I love you…”

“Twi, I love you too. And tonight you’ve done so much…” I began.

“No! You’ve done so much more! I…” She began as she realised what I was implying. She smiled.

“My lady… If I may?” I said.

She nodded as I lifted her up and carried her back to our room. Instead of waiting for me to set her down she managed a spell that teleported our clothing off.

I laid her down and laid down in bed right beside her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself towards me. I kissed her right away as I pulled the blankets up, “Let’s sleep in a little late today…”

“I’m not going to say no to that…” She responded with a smile as we continued to make out. After a few minutes of making out she started to fall asleep.

“Good night Twi.” I said as she fell asleep against me.

She tried to respond but her head hit the pillow and she fell asleep right there.

I smiled a little and wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep myself.

Do Not Disturb

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Instead of waking her up like I did last night I gently wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her closer. I kissed her right there without a second to spare.

Instead of freaking out like I expected her too she let me have my way with her. We began to make out right away. Soon she got on top of me and straddled my lap. My morning wood chose what I feel was the best time to come through. She was gently rubbing my full length right against her flank.

I broke the make out session for a few seconds and said, “Twi are you… are you suggesting that?”

She kissed me again and pulled right away, “Only if you want me…”

I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in to begin the makeout session anew.

We continued for a good two of three minutes before she pulled her hips up freeing my dick for what she wanted. She gently pushed her hips back down just as her marehood was over my dick. I gently entered her wet mound. Although only the tip was in I could feel just how tight she was.

She broke our makeout session and said, “I… I hope you’re ready for… the first… ti… I… hope… I’m… ready…”

She was choking up and unsure of what to do.

“If you don’t want to go on… I was fine with the grinding… I can repay that without the use of my member…” I said trying to comfort her.

“That’d… that’d be…” She began.

Spike flung the door open and it scared both of us. Her entire body tensed up and she slipped impaling herself on my member. I was forced so deep into her I hit the entrance of her womb.

“It’s almost noon! You two should be getting up!” Spike shouted.

Neither Twilight or I had the ability to speak. Twi had fallen forward after I had been forced into her by accident and I was trying to keep under control. Twi was fighting to hold back tears and to prevent herself from crying.

“Fine I’ve got something I need to do anyway!” Spike said as he slammed the door shut.

Now Twilight regained her ability to speak again, “It… it hurts… I… you… you’re… so deep… and… and it… hurts… so… much...”

I was taking in the sudden movement of her interior muscles and the intense tightness and heat of her inside. Her tears hitting my face snapped me back to the reality at hand. Twi was in a lot of pain. “This… this isn’t… the way… either of us… wanted to lose our… first’s… is it?” I questioned.

She shook her head no.

I place my hands on her hips, “I’m… I’m going… to pull out…”

“O… okay… I… I don’t like the pain… I want… I want it to end…” She responded choking back tears.

I gently pulled her hips up and either way it felt good for me. Now she seemed to be feeling the same way because she moaned loudly.

“That… felt… good…” She moaned.

I pushed myself back in slowly and she moaned again.

“I… I’m… beginning… to love this… Eb… Ebon… I love you…” She said as she kissed me.

I shoved my hips up causing hers’ to collide with mine in a wet smack. She pulled back and moaned loudly. She planted her hands on my shoulders and pushed herself up allowing her hips to slam back down into mine.

“I… I… love… you… too… Twi...” I managed to stammer out as we continued to make love right there. Neither of us cared anymore if Spike or any of the girls walked in on us all we cared about was each other. And that felt pretty damn good.

I let go of her hips as she continued to force me in and out of her. After about a minute of that her body tensed up and she came. She held back the urge to scream by kissing me. We continued to make out as I took control allowing her to rest a little bit.

Our love making became more and more passionate and fiery as we kept going. We had lost whatever pattern or repetition we had before and we just took it in.

I felt a large pressure rising inside my body. I was closing in on my first orgasam. I broke the make out session and told her exactly that, “T… Twi… I… I’m… cl… closing… in…”

Every Time I thrust into her she moaned, when ever I pulled back she gasped. Through her moaning and gasping she managed to say, “D… d… don’t… p… pull… o… *moan* out… p… p… please…”

I pulled her head back into mine and we continued the make out session as I pounded into her with an increased roughness and drive.

Her body shuddered and her breath became ragged and choppy. She was close too, “S… s… same… t… time…”

I pounded into her even more as my orgasam drew closer. She was moaning loud enough that if anypony was outside in the library they would hear her.

I felt the area around us get invaded but I didn’t care I was right at the peak.

She tightened up and came hard as our lips met again. I felt my sweet release come up as I came inside of her. For the first time in I don’t know how long I came, and it was possibly the strongest I had ever cum. I filled her to the very brim as some was beginning to slide down my shaft.

One of the girls swung the door open to investigate. I don’t know who it was… All I was paying attention to was Twilight. Her breath was slow and heavy. She was cuddling even closer to my body now.

“Sweet…” Dash said loudly.

Twilight prodded around the bed with her hand to find mine. I gently grabbed and held her hand.

“Dash… please get out… Right now it’s my time…” Twilight said her voice was still fiery.

The door shut quickly right after that.

“Ebon… that was… great!” Twilight said happily as she repositioned herself off to my side.

“Yeah… it was… Twi… I can’t believe that we’re doing this just after we met…” I responded as I wrapped my other arm around her.

“Neither can I… but… I can’t imagine a better way to start off for us…” She agreed, a large smile running across her face.

“Twi… I… I want to say…” I began.

She kissed me breaking my train of thought. She broke away almost instantly, “Don’t… I know you do Ebon! Just don’t ever leave me… I… I don’t want to go back to having a cold bed…”

“I don’t want to go back to sleeping alone either. That’s not something you ever have to worry about…” I responded as we snuggled closer together.

She pulled the blankets over us, “Maybe we should let them in. As much as I enjoy having time alone with my Knight… They really seem to want to talk to me!”

I laughed, “Your wish is my command my Liege. I am your humble servant.”

“Just keep yourself covered. They’ve seen breasts before… I want your size to be kept to myself…” She whispered.

“I’M COMING IN!” Dash yelled.

“Oh great. A battle cry.” I said quietly with a smile.

“Dash it’s okay!” Twilight said back. It was too late as both Dash and AJ charged in.

“Okay Vamp. I can stand you being alive… but once you start trying to…” Dash began. She saw the way we were positioned and how I was holding on to Twilight and she backed down, “Oh… it wasn’t… that… it was… THAT…”

“Ebon. Ah agree with Dash on this… but for a different reason. Yer kind is inherently evil… that vampony last night even said so himself! Ah don’t want ta…” AJ began.

Twilight sighed, “AJ, Dash, and Rarity. I know you're there too so don’t try to hide. He wasn’t attempting to turn me. Nor was he about to drink my blood… We were… experimenting a little. One thing led to another and we started up. Now… if you're going to stand inside my room and threaten my colt friend who is in bed with me… then please… save it for later…”

I leaned in and started to whisper, “We also need to…”

“No… That won’t be a problem anymore…” Twilight quietly responded.

“What won’t be a problem?” Dash questioned accusingly.

I sighed, “What got us to start. If you threaten me for something I wouldn’t do… please just go away. I never enjoyed being put up for false accusations. I refuse to feed off of any living pony. Period. No matter what. End of story.”

As their anger over me being in bed with Twilight faded their faces both became beet red.

I snickered, “Now… I’m sure you wouldn’t want your friends walking into the room you and your colt friends were doing it in… sooo…”

“Girls… please leave I’ll be out in a little bit. I need to get dressed.” Twilight cut me off.

“Oh… yeah… yeah… I’ll just…” Dash began as she rushed out of the room.

AJ just slowly backed out before bolting.

“That means you to Rarity. You're not that good at hiding!” I called out.

A flash of light came out from behind a dresser and Rarity was gone.

“Twi… If your friends are going to be this protective over you… It’s going to be hard to do this again…” I said quietly as I kissed her neck.

“I know. I’ll… I’m sure Rarity will have some way of stopping that…” Twilight responded. She then sighed.

“If not… then… we’ll just have to do it secretly… and… that should at a little bit of spice to doing it for us… Not getting caught when everypony wants to stop it.” I started.

She giggled, “That’d be fun to try…”

I gently grabbed her flank and began a slow thorough massage. I was letting it become sensual for her.

“Ebon…” She lightly moaned, “I really want to continue… but we can’t… not now at least…”

I let go of her flank and placed my hand on her stomach, “Just a little longer… We’ll have to wait a long time to do this again!”

She sighed, “I know… I hate that too! After we got started I really began to love the feeling of you inside me…”

I caressed her body lightly as I pulled her against myself even more.

“Maybe… someday we could find a way to make it even better… And… I have another area that’s untouched…” She said a little suggestively.

“Twi… are you suggesting… anal? That’d be even more painful for you… I’m not going to hurt you… I won’t…” I said quietly.

“I could do a little bit of searching to find a spell that’d help with lessening the pain!” She responded.

“No. That’s final. I won’t hurt you even if you ask. I won’t.” I responded.

“Then… one last thing…” She said quickly, “Let me try something…”

“Okay.” I responded.

She got out of my grip and rolled me onto my back, “Just lay back and let me do it…”

She crawled under the blankets and I could feel her breath against my dick.

I pulled her flank down closer to my snout.

“Hey… I said I wanted to try something…” She said quietly. She looked back at me with an almost accusing stare.

I sighed and let go of her flank. She didn’t move it away from my snout.

“At least wait until I start!” She said as she went back to gawking over my size. I could feel a sharper more controlled burst of air pass over my dick, “I… I don’t know what it is… Next time you shower… don’t wash down here… I want to… taste what caused this… musk… If it tastes as good as it smells…”

“I won’t… but… I don’t really see how… my unwashed junk could possibly smell good…” I responded quietly. I was beginning to take in the scent of her marehood. The cum didn’t have a smell and I used a little bit of my new magic to force it farther back.

She moaned as I did that, “What are you doing back there!?!? I told you to wait!” She scolded quietly.

“Sorry… I just want a taste without my cum being in the way…” I responded, “You go ahead and start when you're ready… I’ll wait for you…”

Next I felt her tongue run from the base of my cock all the way to the middle. My dick reacted and got hard again. She licked from the middle to the tip before bringing my full length into her mouth right away.

The warmth and texture of her mouth was great. She swirled her tongue up and down as she sucked away.

I took my start and took in the full scent of her marehood. I was deciding whether or not I should eat her marehood out. The way she was sucking me off was giving me more then enough pleasure to lay here and not do anything. But I decided I might as well try something new with her.

I snickered a little as I licked over her clit and her lips. My mark was higher up right now… I continued to lick up as I gently grazed over her ass she shuddered.

She pulled up for a breath of air and questioned my actions, “Ebon… you said before you wouldn’t…”

“Maybe not yet… I was a little hasty when I said that… If you truly want it then… I’ll do it…” I responded quietly.

“Then now… I… I have some…” She began.

“I know… I found it last night…” I responded.

“I… I never tried it anywhere but my ass… I never pushed it in further than just the tip… I wanted both to be saved for the stallion I fell in love with…” She responded with a little shame.

“Don’t be ashamed of masterbating… I did it to when I had the time… It helped keep any urges I had low…” I said quickly.

“Then… take my last virgin spot left… now…” She said as she crawled back around to face me.

I grabbed her head and we kissed again. She grabbed the lube and broke the kiss.

She got back to our previous position and poured some of the lube onto her hand and slowly spread it all over my dick. No spot was spared. I grabbed the bottle from her and poured some onto my own hand and covered my finger in it.

“What…” She began to ask.

“I’m getting you ready…” I responded as I slid my finger into her ass. When I pulled it back out it was just as clean as it entered, “Twi… you keep really good care of yourself…”

She smiled weakly and blushed, “Thanks… so do you… I'm ready…”

She turned back around this time her ass was over my dick.

“No… let’s try it differently this time…” I said as I gently laid her on her back.

“You… you on top? You’re… a lot heavier than I am… You could hurt me…” She began as she saw me take position over top of her.

“No… this position just allows me to enter more easily… and if I need to I can add more lube…” I responded as I bent down and kissed her, “I’m going in…”

She grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly.

I slowly pushed into her ass. Right as I entered I could feel it was much much tighter than her marehood.

She moaned a little, “Ke… keep… g-going…”

I continued to push in until I was halfway in. Her entire ass tightened up and I felt a warm unidentifiable liquid run against my dick. I didn’t need to look down… I was beginning to encounter what I feared.

A few tears ran down Twi’s face as her ass was expanding to accept my girth, “Th… this hurts… m-m-much… m-m-more than… y-y-you take… taking my… virginity… I… I… hope… I… I begin… begin… to like it…”

She wanted me to continue in, so I did.

As I pushed the rest of my length in she tightened up even more than before. I pulled back. I needed more lube to continue. I was almost all the way out much to Twi’s dismay and I poured a lot more of the lube onto my dick. I drove right back in without a second thought and followed a slow over-emphasizing pattern. I pushed in slowly and pulled out slowly. She was moaning every now and again. She gripped me tightly both outside her ass and inside. I continued to slide in and out of her. The combined effect of her own cum, saliva, lube, and blood made it easier to move.

After we had gotten into it time began to fly. We had been at it for a few minutes and I felt the urge to cum rising up.

She moaned and collapsed backwards. She had just cum.

I felt my finish rise up almost instantly, “I’m… going to… cum…”

She grabbed me again and pulled me into another kiss. I came inside of her for the second time today and flooded her colon with cum.

She moaned into my mouth. When we broke apart and I pulled out of her she said, “It… feels so… nice to have...that much warmth inside me… I love it…”

I smiled and laid down beside her, “Maybe before we leave we should shower…”

“Wash your dick off today then… but in a few days I want to taste your unwashed dick… I don’t care if it sounds dirty…” Twi responded as she cuddled against me.

“If you want to then fine… I won’t stop you… Not anymore.” I said quietly as I nuzzled her neck.

“I love you Ebon.” She said as she hugged me.

I pulled her in against my body fully, “I love you too Twi.”