My Little Pony meets SD Gundam Force

by atfalcon261

First published

FIM gets cooler SD style. What happens when the ponies meet the most heroic team in the multiverse?

Shute gets a distress call in his dreams, resulting in the Gundam Force and Genki Energy Squad to go on another dimensional journey, where they end up in Equestria, meet the Mane 7, and help them protect their home from a newly-created Dark Axis, with the help of new and reformed allies.

Dream Premonition

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It was nighttime in Neotopia, and all was quiet and peaceful. At the Maxworth home's workshop, young Shute was already in dreamland. Little did he know, he was about to get a surprise you'd never expect in a dream.

Shute's dreamworld:

Shute found himself in a place that wasn't part of Neotopia. There were trees, mountains, valleys, and a small town in the middle, as well as a castle on the mountainside.

"Where am I?" Shute asked himself. "No way this is in Neotopia."

Suddenly the sky darkened, and a large shadow covered the town, castle, and everything else around him, changing it all from beauty to ruined.

Shute horrifyingly wacthed what was happening. Then the ground began to violently shake and he saw a dark and massive shape rise from behind the wrecked town, then 2 glowing red eyes appeared in front of it staring viciously at Shute.

The object lunged at him as he screamed too scared to get away. Suddenly 7 orbs of light appeared between the shadowy thing and Shute, and shined brightly, blinding the object. At the same time, a calm and majestic voice spoke to the boy.

"We need your help." it said.

"Huh?, but how?" Shute asked

"Please help us." The voice continued. Suddenly, the background, the dark shape and the glowing orbs began fading away.

"Wait!" Shute yelled. "I promise, let me help yooouuuuuu!" Then everything went white.

End of dream

Shute woke up, panting. He looked around and saw that he was still in his bedroom. Looking out the window, he saw it was morning, the sun shining on on his face. Shute sighed as he thought about what just happened.

'Weird dream, yet it felt so real, like a vision of the future or something.'

Suddenly, there was knock at the door. Shute jumped out of his bed and opened the door, being greeted by the smiling face of Captain Gundam. With him were Zero and Bakunatsumaru.

"Good morning Shute." Captain said warmly.

"Oh, hey guys." Replied Shute.

"Is something wrong Shute?" Asked Bakunatsumaru. "You look like you just woke from a nightmare."

"I agree." Said Zero. "What's troubling you?"

Shute looked away for a moment, then he looked back at them and sighed.

"Actually there is somthing that did happened, but I don't understand it. Perhaps telling you guys might help." He said.

With that, Shute told the 3 Gundams about his dream, not leaving any detail out.

"And the strange thing is , it felt like a call for help, and the place in my dream was another dimension, and it's in trouble or at least it will be."

The Gundams looked at each other, then back at Shute.

"It seems that dream was more like a premonition to me." Zero said while Bakunatsumaru nodded his head in agreement.

"Either way, it's worth investigating." Captain said.

"Sounds like another adventure for the the Gundam Force." said Bakunatsumaru.

Hearing this, Shute smiled excitingly. "Yeah, let's go!" he shouted as our heroic team prepares for their newest mission, 1 that may be the greatest ever.

Onward!, Enter the Argama! part1

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The next day, Shute and the Gundam Force arrived at the SDG's DTD station, Where the Zakorello gate stood before them. They were greeted by Chief Haro, the head of the SDG, GunEagle, the GunDivers, GunBike, Entengo(Bakunatsumaru's faithful steed), Noblemaru(Bakunatsumaru's self-proclaimed fiancee, despite Bakunatsumaru's constant refusals to it), Princess Rele, Fenn, Genkimaru, Cobramaru, and surprisingly, Zapper Zaku and the rest of the Genki Energy Squad, as well as a group of Pawn Leos and Zako Busshies. Both Rele and Genkimaru told them they were friendly.

"While I'm still unsure about this 'premonition thing', we cannot deny the possibility of another dimensional world, nor can we ignore a cry for help." said the chief. "Therefore, I'll give this mission the green light, however, you won't be taking the Gundam Musai this time." He pointed to the left them, where they saw a big, white ship that was standing there. "This" the chief continued, "is the Argama. It has everything you'll need for this mission and supplies for the travel. Now we only have half a crew to manage it, which is why the Princess Rele and the others agreed to be the remaining half."

"Don't get the wrong idea, Gundam." Zapper Zaku said. "We're only doing this because well we didn't have anything else to do." He finished with a sweatdrop on his head.

"We appreciate your help." Captian said.

"Help?!" A voice shouted from behind them. They turned around and saw a golden robot standing there. "You think they're your only help? Huh I don't think so, not while I'm your best help!"

"Oh." The chief spoke. "This is the head commander of the Argama, Admiral Hyaku. He is one of the SDG's top officers ever known. Anyway, Shute, I suppose you have the coordinates to this dimensional world we're sending you all to from your dream."

"Uh." Shute started. "Well actually, I don't have any idea, my dream didn't give me any coordinates at all."

"What?" Grappler Gouf exclaimed. "Well how are we going to know where we're going?"

"Perhaps I can assist you with that." A familiar voice spoke. Suddenly, the sky turned black and a big japanese appeared, opening to reveal none other than the Daishogun of Perfect Virtue.

"Daishogun! Have you come to marry me and my beloved Bakunatsumaru?" Noblemaru said, as she held Bakunatsumaru's arm, while he tried to pry his arm away her.

"No." said the Daishogun said. "I have come to give you the key to help your journey." He waved his fan, and a tailisman came into Shute's hands. He looked at it and saw it was in the shape of a horse. "Wear this around your neck, and it will do the rest. Farewell." With that, the Daishogun went back into the door. The door disappeared, and the sky returned to normal.

"Well, if the Daishogun says it can help, then there's reason we should doubt him." Bakunatsumaru said.

With that, everyone got onboard the Argama. They were in awe at the inside of the the ship, as awell as being greeted by the SDG GM and Nemo soldiers that made the first half of the crew. As they reached the bridge, Admiral Hyaku proudly gave the details of ship. "As you can see, the Argama has everything you could ask for, from a galley all the way to a rec room. Yep this ship is fantastic if I do say so myself. So any questions?"

Destroyer Dom raised his hand. "Duh, does this ship have any weapons?" He asked.

"Yes, in the armory." Admiral Hyaku answered.

"Hooray!" D Dom praised.

"Now, lets get going!" The Admiral shouted.

"Aye Aye Admiral." said 1 Nemo.

Soon the Argama began to lift up into the air, then it entered the Zakorello gate disappearing as the gate closed.

"Good luck." Chief Haro said, "And be careful."

Onward! Enter the Argama part 2

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The Argama is traveling across the Minov Boundary Sea. In the bridge, Shute, Rele, the Gundams, and the G.E.S were relaxing while the Zakos, Pawns and Busshis were manning their stations.

"How's she doing?" Admiral Hyaku asked.

"The Argama is well at 100%, Admiral." 1 GM said from his post.

"Excellent! Keep me informed if something changes." the Admiral said, after which he went into the bridge lobby where the others were. Shute was looking at the talisman that the Daishogun had given, which was around his neck.

"Can we be sure that piece of stone will take us to that dimensional world we're go to?" Zapper Zaku asked doubtingly.

"Of course." Genkimaru said. "My future self wouldn't have given it to us if "I" didn't believe it would help." After that, he floated up to a shelf on the right side of the lobby. "I'm going to take a nap, wake me when we get there." Soon he fell fast asleep in his hibernation bubble.

Princess Rele looked at Shute, with a small blush on her face. She had a crush on Shute throughout the adventures they had, but she wasn't sure if he felt same way, especially after the false princess incident back in Lacroa, though he did fight to protect her when they were captured by Kibaomaru when they were in Ark, but after that, she wasn't sure. "Shute." She said.

"Yeah Rele?" Shute asked as he turned to look straightly at her.

"Um...there's something I've been wanting to ask you that been on my mind for awhile". The princess continued. "Do you li-?" But before she could finish, the talisman began to glow and levitate.

"Shute, your talisman is glowing." Zero spoke.

Suddenly, an alarm went of around everyone. They all ran to the bridge.

"What is it?" Hyaku shouted.

"Admiral, scanners are detecting a large energy spike. It's unlike any energy we know of." Said 1 of the GMs at the control console.

"My scanners are also picking up the same energy reading." Captain said. "And it's building up very fast."

Soon after, a portal opened up in front of the Argama, showing a circle of rainbows in the center of it. Everyone was in awe at the sight.

Just then, the Argama jerked violently. The crew staggered when it happened.

"What's happening?!" Bakunatsumaru exclaimed.

"The ship's being pulled into the portal by some sort of magnetic force. We can't seem pull away." Said a Nemo.

"Everybody brace yourselves!" Hyaku yelled. "This is going to get bumpy!"

Zero and Rele used their magic to protect themselves and the crew,while Noblemaru was hugging Bakunatsumaru so tight that he was gasping for air, as the Argama began to enter the portal. But as it was half way in, the talisman around Shute's neck glowed more fiercely and completely enveloped him in a ball of white light, and suddenly he began screaming in pain. He felt as if the light was hurting him and changing him at the same time.

"Shute!" Captain cried out his human friend before the whole bridge became enveloped in the light, just as Argama completely went into the portal, and it closed up entirely. After that, some where in Minov Boundary Sea, a voice calmly spoke out, "it has begun."

Shute's change

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Captain Gundam awoke and looked around the bridge.

"Is everyone alright?" Captain asked.

"Oh yeah, just perfect." Zapper Zaku said sarcastically, recovering from the crash.

The others had recovered as well.

"Are you hurt princess?" Asked Zero, as he tried to help Rele up.

"No Zero, I'm uninjured, thank you for your concern." She responded.

"Bakunatsumaru, are you okay my beloved?" Noblemaru spoke concerningly as he finally broke out of her grasp.

"I'm(gasp)fine." Bakunatsumaru spoke, trying to breath in the air to replace the amount he lost in in his crushing situation.

Admiral Hyaku got up very quickly. "Damage report!" He shouted to 1 of the Nemos at the control panel.

"The Argama has sustained no damage on the outside, same thing on the inside too." The Nemo spoke, showing the group pictures of the interior, including one with the Zakos, Pawns and Busshis recovering from the crash aswell with swirls in their eyes. GunBike, Entago, and the others were okay also.

"However," The GM on the left spoke," the main port engines are completely disabled from that magnetic force that pulled us in, so the ship's not going anywhere until we get them working again."

"Oh perfect." Grappler Gouf mumbled.

"See what you can do about it. In the meantime, we need to find out our location." Hyaku ordered.

"I'm on it!" Another Nemo said. As he went to the observation deck of the bridge, Captain suddenly remembered.

"Shute! Where's Shute?" He said, looking for his best friend.

"I'm here Captain." A voice groaned. Captain looked to where the boy's voice came from. In the right corner of the bridge, a figure got up and walked to the others.

"Shute!" Captain said with relief. But as he got close to the Shute, he stopped dead center in shock. The others became shocked aswell.

"Man my head hurts." Shute said. He then looked at everyone else and noticed the expressions their faces showed. "Uh, why are you guys looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with the ship?"

"No, ship fine, left engine thing only disabled, it's just uh..." Destroyer Dom started, then paused.

"Well, then what's the problem?" Shute asked feeling he wasn't going to like the answer.

Finally, Noblemaru took out her compact make-up mirror and held it to Shute. "Here, have a look." She said with worry.

"O...kay." Shute said reaching his hand for the mirror. But when he did, he saw something that terrified him. He saw that his hand had no fingers. Despite that, he managed to hold the mirror, looked in it, and after a few seconds, he let out a scream of horror. He wasn't boy anymore, but a light peach colored pony. He still was wearing his favorite red jacket, and still had his green eyes and brown hair. But it was now in a mane, and he had a tail that was also brown. Finally, on both flanks of his body, he had the SDG symbol.

"I'm a pony? Oh man this can't be happening! How am I going to explain this to my mom when we return to Neotopia?" Shute said frantically, horrified at his form.

"Don't worry Shute." Zero said, trying to calm the now ponified Shute. "The princess and I will use our magic to change you back." With that, both Zero and Rele cast their magic on Shute, but he remained the same. "I don't understand, our spell should've worked." He said in shock.

"Oh man , I'm going to be stuck like this forever." Shute spoke sadly.

Just then, a yawn was heard and Genkimaru appeared in the bridge. "What a great nap." He said. He then saw the newly changed Shute, and gaped, wide eyed. "Shute? Is that you?" He asked.

Shute nodded shamefully. Genkimaru then burst into laughter.

"Hah hahahahahahaha! Oh you look ridiculous man. All you need is a saddle and a harness, hahahahaha!" He laughed, barely able to contain himself.

"Leave him alone, Genkimaru!" Bakunatsumaru yelled at the small Musha Gundam. "He's already upset about it, don't make it worse for him!"

The Nemo contacted the bridge at that time to give his report.

"Admiral sir!" He said.

"What have you got?" Asked Hyaku.

"We appear to be in a forest of some kind." The Nemo continued.

"Put it on screen." The Admiral ordered.

"Aye sir!" Replied the Nemo.

A picture of the forest top showed up infront of them. When Shute saw it , his eyes grew wide.

"I know this place." He said. Looking at the picture closely, he began to realize exactly what he assumed. "These trees are the same ones in my dream, and so are those mountains, and the sky. We're here!"

"Finally." Genkimaru said after hear that.

"There's also a town outside of the forest as well." The Nemo said.

"My scans show that the town is inhabited." Captain said. "Perhaps we should investigate."

"Alright, you take a small group with you to the town." Admiral Hyaku said. "The rest of us, including me, will stay here and protect the Argama while we get the port engine fixed."

"Right!" Everyone said.

A moment later, Captain, Shute, Zero, Bakunatsumaru, Genkimaru, Zapper Zaku, Grappler Gouf, Destroyer Dom, and 5 Zako soldiers exited out of the Argama, and began walking through the forest towards the town.

When 2 sides meet

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"Alright, is everypony ready?" Twilight asked, looking at her friends. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity now were there, along with her, Fluttershy and Alex, as all seven of them stood outside of the Everfree Forest. They came here after the emergency meeting at Ponyville Town Hall, where Twilight explained about the object that appeared in the sky and crashed in the eastern side of the forest to the citizens. She then told them that she and her friends would investigate.

"Ready Twi!" Applejack said with confidence.

"Me too!" Rainbow Dash added.

"As am I." Rarity pitched.

"Uh, I don't know, coundn't we wait for Princess Celestia to send some guards to handle this?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Don't worry Fluttershy," Alex said holding her hoof. "I won't let anything happen to you or the other girls."

"Besides," Pinkie Pie said. "I'm sure it only is looking for fun and friendship, which I'll do by throwing a "Welcome and be best friends with us" party!" She pulled a string on her pack, and confetti and streamers appeared in a displaying style.

"That depends on if this thing is friendly." Twilight reminded her. "Come on, lets go!"

With that, they entered the forest. Moments later, ponies were deep in the forest. Twilight leading the way while looking at a map, Applejack walking behind her, Rarity behind her, Alex was behind her with Fluttershy close to him and still holding his hoof. Pinkie Pie skipping behind them, and Rainbow Dash bringing up the rear.

"According to the map I drew up, we should be a few more yards away from where that thing landed." Twilight said, looking up from the map.

"Thank goodness, the sooner we get there, the better." Rarity spoke, putting her left hoof on her mane. "I think my hair is starting to get fritzy."

"Shhh." Applejack exclaimed. "Y'all hear that?"

The other ponies listened, and soon enough, they heard faint voices coming from behind the bush in front of them.

"There's something behind that bush." Alex said.

"A lot of something." Fluttershy said, holding Alex's hoof tightly.

"Somepony should take a look." Applejack spoke.

"I'll do it." Twilight said, as she slowly went towards the bush.

"Be careful Twilight." Rainbow Dash.

Meanwhile, at the same time as the ponies had been walking, Shute, the Gundam Force, and the Genki Energy Squad were walking through the forest, making their way towards the town outside of it.

"This place seemed better from the top." Grappler Gouf said, looking at the trees surrounding them.

"I agree zako." 1 Zako soldier nodded, trembling rapidly.

"You think we should've brought a few more members of the Argama crew with us?" Genkimaru asked, floating above them.

"While that idea would've been wiser." Zero said, also floating above the group. "Princess Rele and the Argama will be better protected incase someone tries to raid the ship while the port engine is being worked on."

"Besides Genkimaru, the twelve of us can handle anything that's in this forest." Said Bakunatsumaru, with confidence.

"Unless there are ghosts, then the eleven of us can handle it." Zero teased. This angered Bakunatsumaru, resulting in another one of their "famous arguments." While they continued to bicker with the Genki Energy Squad watching, sweat drops appearing on their heads, Captian Gundam looked at Shute, who was trying to handle walking on his four pony legs. He had been struggling all the way from the Argama, and though he started getting better at it, he was still saddened by his transformation.

"This is going to take some getting use to." Shute sighed in depression.

"Don't feel bad Shute." Captain said, trying to comfort his best friend as he could. "You mastered using two legs, I know you'll be able to handle this."

After hearing this, Shute looked up at Captain and smiled. "Thanks Captain. That makes me feel better." He said happily.

"You're welcome Shute." Captain replied. "By the way, I noticed that the talisman isn't around your neck anymore."

"Oh yeah. I guess I was still freaking out about being turned into a pony, that I forgot about that." Shute said, feeling his neck. "What do you think happened to it?"

Before Captain could answer, his head suddenly perked up and looked straight at the bush infront of them.

"Captain? What is it?" Shute asked. His question got the others attention aswell.

"My sensors are picking up voices from behind the bush." Captain said.

"Duh, me hear voices too." Destroyer Dom said, holding his right hand up to the right side of his head, as if he had an ear there.

"Think they're friendly or dangerous?" Zapper Zaku asked.

"Only one way to find out." Shute said. He began carefully heading towards the bush. Everyone had their hands near their weapons, while Captain stood there ready to change modes and move in quick incase whatever's behind the bush was hostile and tried to attack Shute.

When Shute split the bush aside, he was greeted by a purple face. He screamed, so did the face but it was a girlish scream.

Shute fell backwards to the ground as Captain came to his aid. When they looked straight back infront of them, they were all surprised at what they saw. There, looking back at them in shock and awe, were seven ponies, six girls and one boy. The first two ponies looked just like Shute, except one was orange, both her mane and tail were yellow and tied in ponytails. She had lime-green eyes, and three freckles each of her cheeks. On her flank were three red apples, and to top it all off, she had a cowgirl style hat on her head. The other pony was light pink, while her mane and tail were magenta and puffy. Her eyes were blue and while the other ponies faces had nervous and concerned looks, her face had a big, grinning smile. She had three balloons on her flank.1 blue, 1 light blue, and 1 yellow. The next two ponies had wings on both sides of their bodies. One pony was cyan with a rainbow colored mane and tail. She had magenta eyes and a cloud shooting a rainbow colored lightening bolt on her flank. The other was yellow and had a long pink mane and tail. Her eyes were teal-green and as the group noticed, she seem very timid. On her flank were three pink-winged butterflies. The other two ponies didn't have wings, but a horn on their heads. The first one was white with a violet mane and tail, that looked to have been fashionably styled. She had blue eyes, long eyelashes, and light blue eyeliner. Her flank showed three diamonds. The second pony, who also fell backwards to the ground after the face-to-face encounter with Shute, was purple and had a violet-blue mane and tail with a pink stripe. Her eyes were violet and her flank had a pink six pointed star, surrounded by several small white stars. The seventh pony surprised Shute and the others most of all, because he had both wings and a horn. He was nighttime blue, the same as his eyes, and his mane and tail were silver. His flank showed the black silloute of a wolf.

"Twilight, are you alright?" He said, helping the purple pony up.

"Yeah, I'm okay Alex." She replied, shaking any dirt off of her.

"Hey." Shute spoke up, walking towards the pony group. "Sorry I scared you. And don't worry, we're not going harm you guys."

"Oh that's okay. I'm sure I gave you an equal scare." The purple pony accepted his apology. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and her boyfriend, Alex. What's your name?"

"I'm Shute." Shute responded. "This is the Gundam Force and the Genki Energy Squad."

"Greetings. I am Captain Gundam." Captain introduced himself.

Six roses appeared before the six female ponies, while Zero kneeled before them. "I'm Zero, the Winged Knight." He said with his usual knightly charm. "It is an honor to meet such lovely maidens."

While the girls(except Rarity) were confused by this gesture, Bakunatsumaru grabbed Zero's cape, and yanked him backwards. "Sorry about that." He spoke, turning back to them, bowing. "My name is Bakunatsumaru, the Blazing Samurai."

"Name's Genkimaru." Said the little Mussha Gundam.

"Call me Zapper Zaku."

"Grappler Gouf is my name."

"Duh me Destroyer Dom."

"We're Zako soldiers."

"Oh! You're so cute!" Fluttershy exclaimed, as she managed to grab Genkimaru and the five Zako soldiers, and hugged them all so tightly.

"So what are you guys, like robots?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Affirmative." Captain replied.

"Oh my gosh!" Pinkie Pie said excitingly, popping up in between Bakunatsumaru and Grappler Gouf. "This is so exciting! I've never thrown a party and made friends with a robot before, let alone twelve robots. This is the greatest day eveeeer!" Before she could pull her party pack string agian, Twilight used her magic to grab her tail and dragged her away.

"You'll have to excuse Pinke Pie, she just loves to throw parties for anypony she's never met before." Twilight said. "So what are you guys doing here in the Everfree Forest anyway?

"Our ship came here through a portal, and we crash landed in this forest." Bakunatsumaru told her.

"Wait a minute, so that thing we saw was your ship?" Alex asked.

"No." Grappler Gouf said sarcastically. "It was our flying, magic carpet. Of course it was our ship!" He then shouted before Zero smacked him on the back of his head.

"So you're aliens?" Applejack asked.

"Actually no. We're from a different dimensional world than this one." Shute said. "What is this world by the way?"

"This is Equestria, but what do you mean by "different dimensional world"?" Twilight asked.

"Well, we can explain that to you, but not here." Shute responded. "You guys woundn't be from that town we saw outside the forest, would you?"

"As a matter of fact, we are." Twilight replied." We'll be happy to take you there."

"In that case, lead the way!" Exclaimed Shute, eagerly. With that, the Mane 7 lead their new friends through the way the came into the forest back to Ponyville.

Gargoyle attack! Gundam Force and Genki Energy Squad to the rescue!

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As the Mane 7 were walking out of the Everfree Forest with Shute and his friends along with them, they got to know them better. However, Twilight still couldn't help but wonder Shute meant earlier.

"So, you mean to tell me that you guys are from a different dimension?" She asked Shute curiously.

"Well not exactly." Shute replied. "Me and Captain are from Neotopia. Zero is from a dimension called Lacroa. Bakunatsumaru and Genkimaru are from a dimensional place known as Ark. And Zapper Zaku and the others use to live in a dimension called the Dark Axis, which was actually a corrupted, alternate Earth. But now they live in Ark."

"Huh, well I guess that makes sense judging by each of your choice of fashion." Rarity said.

"Thanks, I think." Zapper Zaku said with some confusion.

"By the way Twilight." Zero spoke. "You and Rarity are unicorns, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are pegasi. But Alex has a horn and a pair of wings. I've never heard of something like that."

"Oh, well Alex is an alicorn." Rainbow Dash.

"An alicorn? What's that?" Genkimaru asked.

"It's like a mix between a unicorn and a pegasus." Applejack explained. "But Alex ain't the only one. The princess is an alicorn too."

"Wait. Did you say princess?" Zero asked.

"Yes." Twilight answered. "You see, Equestria is ruled by Princess Celestia, who brings forth the sun. But there's also another princess named Luna. She is Celestia's younger sister, and the bringer of the moon. And then there's a third princess, who's Celestia's niece and my childhood foalsitter, Princess Cadence. She's married to my big brother, Shining Armor, who's captain of Celestia's royal guard. Candace also embodies love, and right now, rules over the Crystal Empire."

"So Equestria is governed by three princesses. One who brings day, one who brings night, and one who brings love. Quite an aspiring combination." Bakunatsumaru said, impressed.

"Thanks. I also happen to be Princess Celestia's student." Twilight said with a smile on her face.

"And Princess Candace is Alex's childhood school teacher." Fluttershy said.

"Whoa! Really?" Shute asked, looking at both Twilight and Alex. "Well, what are both Celestia and Cadence like?"

"Oh, well they're nice and understandable." Twilight responded. "Princess Celestia always looked out for me aswell as everyother pony. And Cadence was the most fun foalsitter I ever had. For Alex, it was a bit different."

"Different? How?" Zero questioned.

"Well." Alex started. "Princess Celestia was kind to give me house of my own when I was young. And Miss Cadence was the only pony who didn't think bad of me." His face started to show some sadness before he continued. "That was back in my old home of Fillydelphia, where I was hated by every pony else. Even my old family hated me, and I was beaten by them at home and by bullies at school."

"Wow, that's horrible." Said all five Zako soldiers, after hearing the story.

"Yeah, even to former bad guys like us." Grappler Gouf said. Both Zapper Zaku and Destroyer Dom nodded their heads in agreement.

But that's in past." Alex said, now smiling. "Because Fluttershy, Twilight,and the others, are my new family now. And Miss Cadence is still as nice as back then. And Princess Luna is kind too. As long as I know all this, nothing can take away this smile."

"That's the spirit!" Genkimaru said. "The kind of ponies who mistreat you, are no friends or family at all!"

"You know, Zero's world is governed by a princess aswell." Captain mentioned.

"Really?!" Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, Princess Rele." Shute said. "We'll be happy to introduce you all to her, along with the others back on the Argama."

"Well, that's very generous of you-" Rarity said, but was cut off by Pinkie Pie.

"Wait a minute! You mean there's more of you robots back on your ship?" She asked.

"Well, most of the crew are." Zero said.

"Is this Princess Rele a pony too?" Asked Fluttershy curiously.

"No." Bakunatsumaru answered. "She's a human. So was Shute." He then placed his hands on his mouth when he realized what he said. But Shute already heard what he said, and frowned in embarrassment.

"A human? I read all about them in one of my books. But I've never seen one before. "Twilight said. "But what do you mean "so was Shute"?"

"Well you see, I'm not really a pony." Shute explained. "I'm actually a human too. But I somehow was turned into a pony when we traveled through the portal. Plus, I don't know how I can be human agian."

"Maybe Princess Celestia can help you." Alex said.

"Yeah. When we get back to town, I'll have Spike send a letter to her explaining the situation. I'm sure she'll be happy to turn you back."

"That would be nice. Thank you." Shute said. "By the way. Who's Spike?"

"He's Twilight's personal assistant." Applejack responded.

"And a dragon." Rainbow Dash added.

"A dragon? As in a big, scary, fire-breathing dragon, zako?" One Zako said terrified.

"Oh no. Spike's a baby dragon." Fluttershy said, assuring the frightened Zako.

"But there are many adult dragons in Equestria." Rarity spoke.

"Just as there are many earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi." Added Pinkie Pie.

Soon, the whole group was out of the Everfree Forest. And ahead of them was the town.

"There it is." Applejack announced. "Our home town, Ponyville."

Shute, the Gundam Force, and the Genki Energy Squad gazed at it with awe. Shute was amazed the most, because the town was exactly like his dream described.

After looking at it for awhile, the Mane 7 lead them into the town. But when they entered, the pony residents there were in shock at the pony and group of metal creatures that were with Twilight and her friends. Shute saw that some of them showed nervousness and a small amount fear on their faces, while others showed curiosity. And others backed away as if they were afraid Captain and the others would attack them.

"Duh odd welcoming." Destroyer Dom said after noticing the ponies behavior towards them.

"Well, we are strangers to their world, so you can't blame them for acting like this." Zero said.

Of course, Twilight and the other ponies managed to convince the residents that Shute's friends were friendly. And that she would explain to them in another meeting. Once that was taken care of, the group continued to head towards Twilight's house, which after seeing it was a tree, Shute and others were beginning to question her living habit. Outside waiting for them was Spike. When he noticed the Gundam Force and Genki Energy Squad, he became a bit frightened.

"Don't worry Spike, these guys are not dangerous." Twilight assured, before turning to Shute and his friends. "Everyone, this is Spike."

Shute and the other introduced themselves to the baby dragon. After which, Twilight began to speak to Spike.

"Anyway, Spike." Twilight started. "I need to write a letter to the princess, to let her know of my findings. Aswell as to request her help with something."

"Okay Twilight!" Spike replied before heading back in to start the letter.

"This will take awhile." Twilight said to Shute. "Why don't my friends give you guys a tour of the rest of Ponyville? I'll meet up with you when I'm done here."

"Sure!" Shute replied. With that, Twilight entered her house. While the group began to explore, with Alex and the others being their tour guides. After a few hours of seeing shops, parks, and other places, they all decided to sit down and wait for Twilight.

"I must say, your town is quite peaceful." Captian commented.

"Well, it's not always peaceful." Rarity said.

"Yeah." Added Rainbow Dash. "Sometimes, something happens unexpectedly."

As soon as she said that, the sky began to burst with the sight and sound of fireworks.

"Like that!" Pinkie Pie said, amazed by the display.

Just then, a big stage magically appeared infront of the Ponyville residents, and the newcomers. A cloud of light-purple smoke covered the stage center.

"Hello citizens of Ponyville!" A voice announced proudly.

"Oh no, don' tell me." Applejack said in distraught, after recognizing the voice.

"I'm afraid so." Alex answered her, with a big sigh.

The smoke cleared, and standing on stage was an azure unicorn. She had a pale blue mane and tail. Her eyes were a grayish violet. Her flank showed a light blue curve and a magician's wand. She wore a purple wizard's hat and cape, both of which were adorned with stars and spots. As Shute looked at her, he couldn't help but notice how cute she was.

"It is I, the Nice and Friendlier Trixie!" She continued in her proud tone.

It was then, Twilight arrived and approached her friends. "Hey guys." She said. "I finished the letter and Spike has sent it to Princess Celestia. I told him to come find me when he receives her response." She then saw Trixie and was surprised. "Is that Trixie? What's she doing here?"

"That's what I'm going to find out!" Rainbow Dash said, flying to the stage. "Alright Trixie! What're you up to now?" She continued, glaring straight into Trixie's eyes. "The last time you came to Ponyville, you not only kicked Twilight and Alex out, but also made the town do slave labor while you acted like a tyrant!"

The residents all agreed angrily with her.

"She really did all that?" Zapper Zaku whispered to Twilight.

"Yeah." She responded. "It's a long story."

"Well I admit, I did those things." Trixie tried to be reasonable. "But only because I was corrupted by the Alicorn Amulet!" After that day, I thought about my actions, and I decided to turnover a new leaf. I'm now nicer, kinder, and friendlier."

"Yeah right!" Rainbow said doubtfully. "You just want to earn our trust so you can cause trouble again!"

"Stop it Rainbow! Leave her alone!" Shute spoke outloud. All the ponies turned and looked at him, surprised that somepony was defending the pony who caused them misery during her last visit. Twilight and her friends were dumbstruck, while Captain and the others looked at Shute, knowing well what he was doing. "So she did that stuff when she last came here! But those were mistakes she made in the past, and she's learned from them. I think you all should give her a chance!" He continued.

"See? He knows that I'm speaking the truth!" Said Trixie. "Surely that's enough for everypony to accept!"

"Applejack, you think she's really telling the truth?" Rarity asked, looking at her friend.

"Unfortunately." Applejack replied. "She's being truthful."

"Yeah." Alex added. "It seems that way."

"I guess we all can trust her." Twilight said. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and the residents of Ponyville agreed.

"Hmph!" Rainbow still disapproved. "I'll trust her when gargoyles attack the town."

Suddenly a screeching roar was heard above Ponyville. Everyone looked up and saw, coming through the clouds, a massive flock of creatures in the sky.

The creatures were all stone gray colored with sharp bird-like beaks, two 3 taloned legs, a long devil-tail, and orange-red eyes. Most of them had two arms with 4 claws, two bat-like wings, and two horns on top of their heads. The one infront however(which was no doubt the leader), had four arms, each with 4 claws, four wings, and three horns on top of it's head.

The lead gargolye let out a growling screech, and dove towards Ponyville, the rest following close behind. Ever pony resident ran screaming in different directions, as the gargoyles began to terrorize the town.

"I didn't mean that literally!" Rainbow Dash said, dodging a gargolye that flew at her.

"Everypony, get to safety!" Twilight said, as she used her magic to keep gargoyles away from them. She then turned to her friends. "Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Alex!" She continued. "You guys help me deal with the gargoyles! Rarity and Fluttershy, you two help keep everypony safe!" The others agreed, and the Mane 7 went to it. As the gargoyles continued wrecking Ponyville, Shute couldn't stand the sight.

"We have to help them Captain!" He exclaimed to the Gundams and others.

"Don't worry Shute!" Captain spoke, as he transformed to his standard form, and took out his Beam Rifle and Shield. "We will help them out! Right everyone?"

Zero called forth his Vatras, and unsheath his Buster Sword. The others took out their weapons aswell. "Right!" They shouted. And with that, the Gundam Force and Genki Energy Squad went straight to the scene.

Meanwhile, two ponies were trapped by three gargoyles. The one in the middle advanced toward them and was about lash out at them. Suddenly a beam of energy hit it in the back, causing it to blowup into pieces. The other two looked back, so did the ponies. There standing behind them, was Captain Gundam, with his Beam Rifle aimed at them, barrel smoking, and his aiming visor on his eye.

"I have been given authorization by the SDG for the use of weaponry to protect innocent beings." Captain announced. "Cease your attack, or I will use lethal force!"

The gargoyles just stared at him. Then they roared and flew at him.

Captain readied himself, his hidden treads started. He then charged at the gargoyles. The first one lashed out his claw to strike the Gundam. Captain dodged to the gargoyle's left side. Then he shot his Beam Rifle at it, disintegrating it aswell. The second gargolye tried to strike Captain with it's tail. But using his jetpack, he jumped high over the beast and fired his Head Vulcans, completely tearing it to shards. As soon as Captain obliterated the creatures, he turned to the two ponies he saved and gave them an assuring nod. "Don't fret citizens." He said. "You'll be safe."

Suddenly, two more gargoyles were about attack the SDG robot from behind, only to be shredded to pieces by a barrage of bullets from the right of them. Captain turned his head to the right and saw Zapper Zaku, his machine guns smoking at the barrels.

"I got your back Gundam!" Zapper said. Captain smiled as the two of them continued to face off the gargoyles.

At the other side of of town, four ponies were being chased by a gargolye. Suddenly, Zero appeared inbetween them, his Buster Sword at the ready. "You shall not harm these ponies vile heathen!" He said.

The gargolye just hissed, and attacked the Knight Gundam, only to be blocked by his Vatras. Zero then slashed the gargoyle, disintegrating it. Another gargolye tried to attack Zero from the right, only to be cut down by Grappler Gouf's sword.

"This isn't even a satisfying challenge." He said to Zero.

Meanwhile, eight gargoyles were attacking Twilight and Alex, who were protecting two fillies by creating a barrier around them. But they weren't sure how long they would hold it against the gargoyles' continuous attacks. Suddenly, Bakunatsumaru jumps above one of the gargoyles, and slices it in half. He slashes the second gargolye with quick success.

"You guys show dishonor by attacking these ponies! This will not go unpunished!" He exclaimed. The Mussha Gundam then charged at two more of the gargoyles, and cut them both in half. At the same time, Destroyer Dom rolled by. He fired his two bazookas at two of the remaining four gargoyles, completely obliterating them.

"Hah ha ha, flying grey creatures don't stand a chance!" He said, as he took out his Chain-sword, and cut down another gargolye, while his Gallop unleashed a full weapons barrage that destroyed the remaining one.

Twilight and the other ponies were amazed at how the robots were easily dispatching the gargoyles.

"Yeah! Way to go guys!" Shute cheered. Suddenly he heard a scream, and saw that Trixie was being taken by a gargolye. Shute raced toward them as the gargolye began to fly away with it's captive. Using his jet backpack, he took off after it, landing on the creature's back. Shute then took out his goo shooting stick, and shot goo into the gargoyle's eyes, causing it to drop Trixie as she fell screaming. Shute jumped off the gargoyle's back, activated his jet backpack and flew towards Trixie, while the gargolye smashed into another gargolye, destroying them both.

Shute flew underneath Trixie and reaching out with his forelegs, caught her as he landed safely on the ground. Trixie, noticing that she wasn't falling anymore, opened her eyes and saw Shute looking straight at her with a bold smile on his face. The moment she saw his face, the azure colored pony began to blush lightly.

"Don't worry." Shute said as he put Trixie down. "You're safe now."

"Oh." Trixie replied flusterly. "Of course." She looked away from him, still feeling nervous and timid in a way that would rival Fluttershy. Shute looked confused by the unicorn's behavior. Suddenly, another gargolye appeared infront of them, growling viciously and bearing it's fangs.

"Get behind me, quick!" Shute exclaimed to Trixie, as he readied his goo shooting stick. The gargolye prepared to lunge at Shute, when suddenly, a pebble hit it in the back of the head.

"Hey you big block-head!" A voice shouted from behind. The gargolye turned and saw Genkimaru and a Zako soldier standing there. "Bet you can't get us!" The little Mussha Gundam continued, as he pulled his right lower eyelid and stuck out his tongue.

"Nya na na na na nah, zako!" The Zako soldier added in the taunt.

This made the gargolye angry and start charging at them. As soon as it did, the other four Zakos appeared out of nowhere.

"Zako Ambush!" They shouted, latching onto the beast's arms and legs, trying to hold it down. The gargolye thrashed furiously to get the robots off of it.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all, zako!" One of the Zakos said, he tried to hold on tightly for dear life.

Just then, Captain zoomed into the scene. Taking out his Beam Saber, he thrusted it into the gargolye from behind. The creature fell limp and crumbled to pieces, while the Zakos landed on the ground shaken. Captain then turned to Shute.

"Are you alright Shute?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks Captain." Shute replied.

The gargolye leader, angry at the sight of these metal strangers defeating it's warriors, let out a loud and violent roar. This roar caused the remaining gargoyles to regroup to it, as they prepared to focus their attacks on the Gundam Force and Genki Energy Squad.

"It looks like they've now decided to make us their primary target." Zero said, as he and the others came to Shute and Captian's side.

"Well then. I think it's time we end this battle!" Bakunatsumaru suggested.

"Right!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Yeah go for it!" Shute shouted. At that moment, deep inside Captian's body, his Soul-Drive began to glow.

"Let's blow these winged freaks to smithereens!" Zapper Zaku said, as his hidden head component opened and began charging. Grappler Gouf's Missle-arm opened and was charging up aswell. Destroyer Dom's hidden chest component opened and also started charging.

"Tri Chaos Nova Cannon!" They shouted, and they fired at the gargoyles. The massive beam destroyed one huge group of gargoyles above the leader.

Next, Bakunatsumaru readied himself. His swords began to blaze with fire, as he began running fiercely.

"Secret Art! Bakunatsu! Tenkyoken!" He exclaimed, as he slashed his swords to create a fiery X that shot forward and wiped out another huge group of gargoyles to the left side of the leader.

Then, Zero prepared his attack, his Buster Sword glowing light blue.

"Lacroa Crescent Slash!" He announced, sending a big light blue slash wave that obliterated the remaining huge group of gargoyles to the right side of the leader. The gargolye leader was shocked by this.

Finally, everyone looked to Captain for his attack. And he didn't disappoint. His right fist began to glow and his eyes began to show fire in them. Captain then used his jetpack and took off towards the gargolye leader, and began to rotate his right arm very fast. Shute stood on his hindlegs and did the same action as Captain.

"And goooo!!!!" He shouted.

"Captain Punch!" Captain said loudly, thrusting his fist forward as it slammed into lead gargolye's face, completely turning the beast to ashes. As Captain landed back on the ground, he noticed all the ponies look at him and the others. There was silence at first, then the ponies let out a large array of cheers to them. Twilight and her friends came to Shute and the robots, cheering aswell.

"That was the most awsome thing I've ever seen!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Ah'll say. You practically made mincemeat out of those gargoyles!" Applejack added.

"It was nothing at all." Captain said.

"Nothing? I don't think so." Twilight spoke. "I have a feeling the mayor will want to give you medals for this kind of heroics."

"Well that would be very nice, zako." One Zako said.

"And after that, I'll throw a great, big party!" Pinkie Pie said.

Shute turned to Trixie, only to find that she wasn't there.

"Hey." He spoke. "Where did that pony I saved go?"

"I don't know." Alex replied. "But I'm sure she's ok."

"By the way." Genkimaru said to Rainbow. "Remember what you said you'd do when gargoyles attacked the town?"

"Don't remind me." She said, upset that somepony mentioned that.

At Town Hall, Mayor Mare honorably congratulated Shute, the Gundam Force and the Genki Energy Squad, and gave each one of them a medal, announcing them as heros. The ponies cheered with excitement, while the Mane 7 came to their side.

"Twilight! Twilight!" A voice suddenly made itself known. The group looked in the crowd to see Spike running to them, with a scroll in his hand. When he got to the platform, he held it out to Twilight, who took it with her magic and began reading it. Then she let out a gasp and her eyes were wide shock.

"What is it Twilight? Asked Shute. "What does it say?"

"It's from Princess Celestia." Twilight answered, turning to him and the others. "It says she wants to meet with you."

Alex and the other girls gasped in surprised, while Shute, Captain, and the rest of were shocked.

Zako Zako Hour 1

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We now turn our attention to a big metal curtain on a stage. Music begins to play, while a spotlight shines in the center of the curtain.

"Zako! Zako! Zako!" Three voices begin to sing out all together. "ZakoZako Hour."

The curtian rises up and the spotlight expands on the whole stage, as a huge round of appluase is heard. On the stage are three Zakos, each one holding a microphone of a different color. The one in the middle had a red microphone, the one on the left had a blue microphone, and the one on the right had a yellow microphone.

"Ladies and gentlebots!" The red microphone Zako announced, as all three of them began bowing. "Welcome to the ZakoZako Hour. Today's meeting is all about," he turned to each of his co-hosts. "Alright, altogether now!"

"The name of the place is Equestria!" They said in unison. The audience began cheering loudly after that.

"Zako zako!" Red Mic Zako continued. "Well it's quite a surprise to be doing this show again, zako."

"I agree, zako." The blue microphone Zako said. "It seems like it's been a while."

"You said it, zako." The yellow microphone Zako added. "And it sure was nice of the SDG to have this stage put inside the Argama."

"That reminds me. How did we get back here in the Argama from Ponyville so fast, zako?" Blue Mic Zako asked, his eye turning into a question mark.

"Well explaining it would take too much time." Red Mic Zako answered. "Not to mention it would be very complicated aswell, zako."

"Mhm, I guess you're right, zako." Yellow Mic Zako nodded.

"Now lets focus on today's subject, shall we?" Red Mic Zako said, as they turned to a big video screen, which flickered to life and showed a view of Equestria. "This is Equestria." He began. "A dimensional world inhabited by multi colored ponies." The screen then changed to show an earth pony, a unicorn, a pegasus, and Alex. "There are four different types of ponies." He continued. "Each with their own capabilities. For example," he then pointed to the earth pony. "This is an earth pony. They have great strength and stamina, which is a great help when they pull their carts and/or run fast, zako."

"This one here," Blue Mic Zako added, pointing to the unicorn. "Is a unicorn, or one horned pony. And the reason they each have a horn on their head is not just to identify them as unicorns, but because they can use their magic through those horns. Equestrian magic, by the way, is different than Lacroa's magic, zako."

"Now this one here," Yellow Mic Zako chimed in, pointing to the pegasus. "Is a pegasus, or winged pony. They use their wings to soar through the sky, manage the weather, and land, sit, walk, lay, and stand on clouds without falling through them. A wonderful thing to have if I do say so myself, zako."

"And finally," Red Mic Zako said, pointing to Alex. "This is an alicorn. Not only can they use magic and fly, but there are other things about them that are mysterious."

"That's not it, that's not it, that's not it!" Blue Mic Zako spoke frantically. "They can also walk on the ground and the clouds."

"Oh, that's true, zako." Red Mic Zako said.

"But, but, but, but, but." Yellow Mic Zako stuttered. "We know the names of eight ponies. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Alex, and Trixie. But why aren't we also talking about Equestria's three rulers, zako?"

"Because, we haven't met them yet, zako." Red Mic Zako answered. "Not to mention you forgot that Shute is a pony now too."

"Yeah, how did he turn into a pony anyway?" Blue Mic Zako wondered.

"Good question." Yellow Mic Zako said.

"I know something about that." Red Mic Zako spoke.

"You do?" Both Blue Mic Zako and Yellow said, looking at there fellow host. "What is it? We wanna know! We wanna know! We wanna! We wanna know!" They began chanting.

"I kow," Red Mic Zako answered. "That it's a mystery, and Lacroan magic can't change him back, so the ponies are going to see if their princesses can help."

"Oh!" Blue Mic Zako and Yellow Mic Zako groaned in unison, falling flat on the stage. The curtain then came down infront of them.

"Anyway everyone." Red Mic Zako continued. "For the future of the SDG."

We now to the audience of Zakos watching the show.

"Zako Soldiers Fight! Yaaaay!" They shouted and cheered together very loudly.