The Love of a Heartstring

by Shadowflash

First published

2nd Person - Anthro - Your relationship with Lyra seems to take a turn for the worst during a heated argument. Will you be able to recover? Or is it just hopeless to date such a stubborn girl?

You have enjoyed the company of your special somepony for over two years. You've laughed, you've cried, you've cherished, and you've lied. But, Lyra Heartstrings just seems to be perfect in every way... But one.
Your relationship is about to hit a snag when you bring up a certain topic; it may send your relationship spiralling downwards. Not in a good way, either.


A/N: To those who wanted me to continue TLOAD (The Love of a DJ), I will create a series of anthro clops. Might try to just do basic Anthro/cute stories. I don't want to do the mane 6 as a pairing with you, because they're over-used and they're boring characters to write (no offence). Anyways, another attempt at 2nd person. 2nd attempt at Anthro. Enjoy!

PS: Thanks for the feature on The Love of a DJ

1: Heated Debates

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The Love of a Heartstring

"The day-to-day making of policy is arguing all the time. You're trying to get the right approach and the right answer, and there are moments that aren't very pleasant. But in the end, you look at the overall product."
--Madeleine Albright


Lyra Heartstrings. She's a beautiful girl, there's no doubt about that. The way her cyan mane moves in the wind, how her eyes lock onto yours during those beautiful moments; it just makes you feel on top of the world. Lyra is very intelligent for her age. She can name a lot of species of animals off by heart, display pi to the fiftieth decimal place, recite a lot of Shakespeare (You didn't even think she'd study human literature) and even play the harp.

Her intellect is what makes you the perfect pair. You prefer a girl... Scratch that, you prefer a woman who knows what she's talking about. If you had a quarter, or bit in this case, for every time you met a woman who's below intelligence within your youth -- You'd be one rich man. But, that's beside the point.

Lyra's intellect is a part of who she is, and who you are. The both of you being able to connect on a level higher than humanly--and pony-ly--possible just makes the bond so much more. However, you do get into quite a few arguments with somepony of such a lofty intelligence level. Not just a few here-and-there; it was quite frequent.

Seventy-five percent of the time, Lyra would seem to start it. It could be as simple as having a small stain on your shirt from working, or not picking up some laundry detergent on the way home. Those were just the petty arguments, though. The real arguments fell later in these recent months.

You've been working very hard to try and arrange for a new place for the two of you. The downside is that you've been having to work a lot more, and that's something Lyra doesn't approve of. She feels that you should gradually progress to where you want to live, but you believe in getting it done now instead of dreaming. It's just how you were raised, really.

In fact, trying to get all the money together was going quite smoothly. You were just a few hundred bits away from affording a decent house for the two of you to live in. However, when you gave Lyra this news, she just went berserk. You can still remember the fury in those golden eyes of hers, and how she yelled at you for trying to push the two of you out of your home.

You didn't understand why it was a big deal. As intelligent as you are, women still confuse you to this day. Upon coming to Equestria, you thought it'd be different... But it's the complete opposite. They're twice as bad as human women, but twice as intelligent. You just couldn't choose which to be with, most of the time, but you loved Lyra.

Loving Lyra is what you enjoyed the most. Even during heated arguments, you loved her company. She was a sweet, gentle, and caring woman -- and she knew how to make your heart melt. Her smile is what made the relationship. Even if she wasn’t as intelligent, her smile would've made it just as perfect to be with her. You're not even able to take your eyes off of her after she smiles so sweetly to you.

The relationship you both share was very strong, even with the weaknesses that were arising lately. You believe it was time to push your relationship just a bit further; you wanted to show her your passion, your love for her, and you wanted to let her feel every bit as good as you do being with her...

... But things never always work out, for you.


You and Lyra are sitting on the couch in your small home. This place belongs to her former roommate, from what she told you, and the roommate gave it to her after moving out. The couch you sit on is located in the decent-sized living space. The walls are painted with harps and candy against a white base. It may be plain, but it’s cute.

Lyra has her arms wrapped tightly around you. She's had quite a long day, as she plays in an orchestra once or twice a month and it just so happens that today was one of those days. You admired her affinity for music... Along with a few other assets she had to show off.

I think it's time to ask her. Two years of dating... Two years of loving this woman... It's time to push it a little further... This thought makes your heart race. You hope Lyra can't feel it, because her head is pressed against the left side of your chest. Thankfully, her horn is facing away from where your heart lies. You've always worried about that thing killing you, sometimes.

"Lyra, may I ask you something?" You stare down at Lyra’s plush face and golden eyes, and she looks back up at you.

"Yes, pumpkin?" she coos your pet-name, and you give a hearty chortle.

"Well, I've been thinking... We've been together for two years. Two wonderful years, in fact, and I just wanted to know if you want to take the relationship a bit further?" Lyra sits up, but your eyes are still locked on hers. The sweetness in her face seems to dissipate into confusion.

"What do you mean?" Lyra questions, her golden eyes deepening their look on you.

"Well, we've never had any intimacy besides a bit of kissing and cuddling. I don't mind that, I find it wonderful, in fact. But, I want to love you a bit more than that. Isn't it time we just have a little fun together, and show each other how much we really love one another?" Big mistake saying that, on your part. Her stare of confusion turns into a glare of anger.

Incoming shitstorm, you think to yourself.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm not loving you enough and you want to 'push' the relationship further?" She stands up from the couch, glaring down at you.

"Lyra, I didn'--"

"Shut up! I've loved you for over two years and you want us to have sex to show a 'little more intimacy'?!" Lyra interrupts you, and mocks you by deepening her voice at the latter part of her sentence.

"Lyra, please, calm down. I ju--"

"No, I'm not calming down. Or did you mean 'cumming'?! Because that's just gross!" She's yelling at you, now. You've always hated her yelling. It scared you, and it made your heart beat faster, and faster. Yelling was something your parents did, and you've always had a phobia to it.

"Lyra... p-please..." You've told Lyra about this fear. Sometimes you think she uses it to scare you and drive a point across.

"Not going to explain to me?!" the pitch of her voice reaches a scream, now, "because I have to deal with so much of your shit each month! You always argue with me and 'want to push a relationship further'..." she mocks you again, "and I've had enough of it! I love you, and you don't love me, clearly. Why don't you just fucking leave?! All you care about is getting some pussy! It's all you guys care about!" Lyra's horn was glowing lightly. A green aura emanated from it. It doesn't do anything, but it usually happens when she yells.

"Lyra, I didn't mean it like that... Please, stop screaming... You know I don't like it..." You plead to her to calm down, but that just makes it worse.

"Oh, now it's about you, again?! This is about us! Stop thinking with your dick and start thinking with your head!" Lyra was pushing it, now. She knows you don't like anyone mocking your intelligence. You never mock hers, and she never mocks yours. You made that promise.

"Lyra, it was just a yes or no... You didn't have to agree to it. I just wanted to know if you'd like to. I see you don't, so, can we drop this?" Lyra shakes her head furiously.

"No, we're not dropping this! It's not a simple 'yes or no' answer! You've clearly been wanting my pussy for over two years, and now that you have me in your grubby little hands, you're going to take it, aren't you?!" You're about to shake your head, but then she does something that really ticks you off.

"You probably don't even know how to please a woman, let alone a mare! You've probably been masturbating to me ever since you saw me, and since you're human, you can't get anything!" You stood up to her eye level after that remark. You glared at her, and you know your face was tensing up with anger.

"Lyra, that's the last straw. Just because I'm human, doesn't mean I don't deserve to give you my everlasting love. If you believe that I don't deserve you, then say it. I'll just leave and never come back. I'll let you go with your life, and we'll just end it right here." Lyra looks at you, long and hard.

"Fine! Leave! I don't want to see you again, ever!" After that, you push past her and walk out of the living room to the door.

"If you ever become rational, again, I'll talk to you. But know this, Lyra..." you look back at her, she's standing in the doorway, "I've always loved you. I don't care about sex, I just thought this tension between us lately was because of it. I wanted to show you I love you more than anything. Sex to me is something that only a couple may share. Not something you do after a couple drinks at a bar. Think about it." You turn the doorknob, open it, and close the door gently.

After you close it, you sigh. You put your hands in the pockets of your pants, walking down the yellow gravel road that was connected to the house you once shared. After walking quite a ways away, you glare back at the home. The place where you both shared a loving bond together. You wanted to have kids with such a woman. If it wasn't possible biologically, you wanted to adopt a kid and raise it like a family.

Another dream crushed... Another nightmare beginning... Tears start to flow down your cheeks, and you slowly walk away towards the town you once knew.


It’s quite a trek, but, you eventually make it to a little town called 'Ponyville'. Cliche, is what you think of the name, but it's where you met Lyra. As much as you don't want to be here, you find yourself with an unstoppable urge to do so anyway. You immediately enter the farm-like town, and make your way to one of the market squares.

Maybe if Lyra cools down, she'll come after me. You considered this in your head, multiple times on your way to Ponyville. You just wanted Lyra to come running to you, wrapping her arms tightly around you, and making you feel special once more. But, as these types of positive thoughts appear in your mind, the negative ones seem to overcome it.

She won't come back to me. She hates me... She screams at me, puts me down during an argument, and makes everything about herself... I wanted to be there for her, really did. You let out a sigh, looking forward and noticing an empty bench near one of the market stalls.

You fast-walk your way to it, and immediately sit down, placing your hands on your knees and looking down at the yellow-graveled ground. Your shoes are within your vision, and you can see something dripping on them. It looked like water, the sunlight glimmering upon it and making it shine a gentle rainbow colour. However, it was your salty tears. You were crying again.

You immediately cover your face, putting the hands at the sides of your head to make sure nobody saw you crying. But, it was futile.

"Excuse me, sir, is something wrong?" You hear a feminine voice speak to you. Your vision is still glaring at the ground, but, you can see the small feet of a woman in front of you. They have a pale cream colour to them. Must be a pony. Whoever it is, she is wearing decently designed high heels.

"Nothing. Just go away." You mutter. You just hoped people would leave you alone. It was too late to go back to Lyra. You thought you might as well give up.

"Now, I know you're upset." You see the feet move, and hear the bench creak as somepony sits next to you. "Holding it in doesn't help, you know. It's best to let out your emotions. Even if it's to a stranger." The voice was calm. Pleasant to your ears. You had to look to see who it was.

Your vision, blurred lightly with tears, traces over to the right of you. The woman had a dark blue and heavy pink mane. Her eyes were a dark cyan colour, and her eyelashes were curled upwards. The woman was wearing a velvet dress, and you assumed she was going on a date, or something. You only wish you were the guy, and she was Lyra.

"My name is Bon-Bon, if you're curious. Mind telling me who you are?" You pronounce your name to her. A muffling voice perks from your throat, as you don't feel like speaking.

"Oh! I know you! You're dating my former roommate, Lyra, aren't you?" Your attention raises a bit to Bon-Bon's comment. This was Lyra's roommate?

"You're her old roommate...? How do you know about me...?" Bon-Bon lets off a gentle smile, and her gaze is locked onto yours.

"Well, Lyra and I speak quite often. She always talks about how great and romantic you are..." She stops, seeing as you looked down at your feet once more.

"Did... something happen?"
The question was expected. But, you didn't have an answer. Did you really need to tell her?... Well, it wouldn't hurt to be honest.

"Lyra and I got into an argument. I wanted to push my relationship with her further, going into a bit more passion and intimacy... She freaked out, and I just... got up and left. Lyra doesn't want me. She's probably with another guy now, since I'm out of the picture." You hear Bon-Bon gasp, and then her voice perks up.

"Lyra would never cheat on her boyfriends! I've known her all of my life, and she's a very sweet, and intelligent, girl..." That was true.
Now another argument with one of her greatest friends. Woohoo... You sigh, but, your thoughts are countered with something unexpected.

"However, she is very stubborn. What you asked would've caught her by surprise. She's lost quite a few boyfriends because of her attitude towards... Intimacy."
Well, I'm another one, then...

"But, that doesn't mean you need to give up on her. She wants to take things slow with you. She always has. The only reason Lyra's afraid of the passion you want to give her is because she lost a boyfriend for giving herself up too early." You look over at Bon-Bon. Your tears have stopped, but you're still upset.

"Then why does she scream at me? She knows I'm afraid of screaming and yelling... She knows I don't like being belittled and feeling inferior. I thought Lyra wanted to be equals, not rivals." You sigh, and Bon-Bon places a hand on your shoulder.

"Listen... Lyra means well. She loves you beyond anything in Equestria; trust me on that, okay?" You nod, but, her words mean nothing. What was already said and done between you won't be helped by any consolation.

"Lyra just doesn't want me, Bon-Bon. She's bored of me. I thought if I brought up the topic of sex, she'd be excited, and maybe would stop yelling at me... Lyra scares me so much." Bon-Bon was about to say something, but, you cut her off.

"I wanted to raise a family with her. I really did. I know humans and ponies can't inter-mix, but, I'd love to adopt a foal or filly just so we could be a family." Tears start to emerge from your eyes again, "I wanted to marry that woman. Lyra is beyond smart, beyond talented, and beyond beautiful. I love her so much... But, how does one love a girl who hates you?" Bon-Bon gently placed her hands on your cheeks. They feel warm, and soft, and delicate to the touch.

Bon-Bon's eyes glare into yours. Is she reading me...? you think, and her thumb replies with a gentle touch to the cheek bone. It tickles a little, but, you don't mind. She eventually opens her mouth to speak.

"I know you mean the greatest in the world for that mare. I know you do. Tell her how much she means to you. Why you want to progress your relationship, and tell her your plans for the future. She's probably already hitting herself for being so irrational. Don't blame this on yourself." Bon-Bon smiles to you. It's gentle, and meaningful, to show you she meant everything she said.

You can't help but wrap your arms around the mare before you. She's obviously caught off guard, but you feel her arms tightly wrap around you; the hug makes you feel safe and blissful. But, she then gently pushes on your shoulders and breaks away from the embrace.

"Go get her. Lyra needs you." Bon-Bon smiles again, and you stand up.

"Thanks... I mean it, Bon-Bon." You let out a teary-smile, and she nods.

"I do what I see is best. I know her very well." Bon-Bon smiles. You turn, and start heading back to Lyra's place.

I love you, Lyra. Forever and always.


You started running out of Ponyville, as fast as your human body would let you. You just had to get to the mare you love and tell her you're sorry. You just hope she feels the same way about you, still. You just want to hold her tightly in your arms again, and tell her you love her. Tell her you don't care about the sex. It was a stupid idea, anyways.

As you run, full force, out of Ponyville, you can see her house. Your adrenaline kicks in, and you feel your legs move twice as fast. Your body wanted her to be with you again. Your mind yearned for her comforting words. Your ears wanted to hear her delicate voice, and beautiful laugh. Your mouth wanted to taste her lips once more. You knew you loved her for how fast you were running.

After a full-force sprint, you make your way to the door. A trail of yellow dust follows behind you, and you lean forward to catch your breath. You softly sigh, looking at the door.

I can do this... I know I can. Please, God, let me be able to get her back. You move forward, raise a fist to the door, and gently start knocking.

A minute or two later, someone opens up. You had hoped to see Lyra, her beautiful mane, her golden eyes, her amazing form... But as the door opens you’re crushed to see a dark-gray pegasus with a white and blue mohawked mane standing at the door. His yellow eyes were not too impressed to see you.

"What the hell are you doing back here?" His voice was deep, and threatening. You recognize the cocky stallion as Thunderlane of the weather team.

"I'm here to talk to Lyra. Let me in, please." You go to push past, but a fist hits your shoulder.

"I don't think so. She doesn't love you anymore, bud. Piss off and find a new girl. Lyra needs a real man." Your face clenches with anger. You see the door start to close, but you put your foot in the doorway, stopping it.

"I didn't just run a mile at full sprint just to be turned away by some stupid, arrogant ass. I suggest you let me in, or I'll make my way in myself." Thunderlane let out a laugh at your remark.

"What are you going to do? I can just get the police down here for your breaking and entering. Just get out of here. Lyra's mine now." You clenched a fist, but Thunderlane started talking again.

"Just imagine, my dick in that beautiful pink crevice of hers. You've been waiting two years, and I can get it in ten minutes. It's not hard. Just force yourself on her. She'll eventually give in. Besides, my dick is probably way bigger than yours, anyways." That was enough. You raise your fist back, pulling back your shoulder, and throw your whole weight into a punch at his face.

It was enough to knock his ass onto the foyer, and the door open completely. His nose is bleeding, and his eyes closed tightly. Thunderlane was knocked the fuck out.

"Serves you right, you cocky bastard." You step over his unconscious form, and make your way into the house.

You immediately head to the living room, expecting her to be there. She isn't unfortunately, so, you move to the kitchen. No luck. You make your way all around the house, twice, and still find no sign of your green unicorn mare. You sigh in defeat, and then an idea hits you.

"The garden!" You immediately jump over Thunderlane and run out the door.

Your legs turn you to the left and immediately dart you behind the small house. You begin to slow down when you see the plants surrounding the backyard of the place. Many roses, daffodils, vines, vegetables, and other things are all surrounded by small irrigation ditches. There was a bench where you see Lyra. She has her head down, her body turned away from you.

"Lyra..." you softly speak. Her ears perk up and she turns around.

"P-pumpkin?" Lyra's golden eyes were surrounded by a red hue. Tears were seeping out of them, and falling onto her shirt.

You move forward and wrap your arms tightly around her. Lyra repeats the action, turning around, and starts kissing your cheek wildly. It feels great to hold her delicate form in your arms once more, and you can hear her whisper into your ear, sobbing.

"I'm... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean all that. I just... I lost control of myself. Please..." You start to let out soft 'shhh' noises, to tell her it was okay.

"Lyra, Bon-Bon told me why you were so diligent about holding the relationship back. I understand, now. I understand why you're scared. But I need to tell you why I want to push it forward." You gently push her out of the hug, kneeling down, and looking up at her, "Lyra, I want to push it forward because I want to be a father, and you a mother. I know it's not possible, but, we can adopt. We can have a little foal, or filly, and raise it as our own. I want to have sex to show I'm ready to take the risk of having a pony of our own..." you stop yourself, smiling softly.

"I want to marry you, Lyra. I really do. You're an amazing, intelligent, and beautiful mare. No one back on Earth can compare to a woman like you." You smile, and see she's smiling.

"I'm so--" You stop her, moving upwards and kissing her.

"Don't apologize," you say between kisses. "I never told you. I should've, but, I never told you." You wrap your arms around her again, standing up.

"I love you, pumpkin... I really do." You smile, and kiss her cheek, multiple times.

She starts to kiss your cheek, as well, and slowly starts to ease her way to your lips. Lyra's soft and plush lips gently caress yours, and slowly, her tongue starts to venture into your mouth. You allow the entrance, and start colliding your tongue against hers.

You both wrestle with each others tongues, warmly sharing saliva and mouth fluids. Lyra starts to push you onto the ground below, making you fall on the soft dirt path. Her knees are at each side of your hips, and her hands are gently pushing against your chest, massaging it with soft parting of the fingers.

You pull out of the kiss very slowly, and she glares at you. Lyra's red-hued eyes have returned to their original whites, and are now glazed over with desire. You place a hand on her hip, where her tight jeans snugly fit around her waist. Slowly a hand slides to her ass, and you look up at her.

Lyra nods to you, and you smile. Slowly, you start to squeeze her bottom, gently caressing how plush it is. Even though it is encased in very tight pants, you couldn't help but get the same feeling. Lyra leans down, and start to kiss your neck. She trails her hand to your arm, and brings your hand to her ass, letting you squeeze both of her tightly contained cheeks.

Her kisses on your neck are soft and delicate. They feel euphoric, and you can feel it within your own paints. Your groin is heating up with desire, and you can't help but squirm. You eventually make your hands move to her zipper and button. Slowly, you undo them, and start to slide the pants down.

Lyra pulls away, looking down at you. A smile of joy is on her face, and the wind that blows around you gently makes her fur and mane blow with it. It's a beautiful sight to behold, but not as much as what you were going to experience soon.

"I love you... I really want this... Don't worry about what I said earlier..." Lyra stands up, speaking softly to you.

You watch her jeans fall to the ground, and she pulls her legs out of them. You glare at her lightly-meaty legs, and can't help but lick your lips in desire. You enjoyed the woman's leg, because it was just as vulnerable to pleasure as a woman's neck. Alongside that, the panties she wore were made of pink lace, with a small heart cut out near her inner groin.

"You want this, don't you?" Lyra starts to tug at her panties, showing a bit of her pink slit against the plush colour of her fur. You nod, slowly, and she smiles with a seductive look falling upon her face.

"You'll have to earn it, then. You said you've wanted to please me, so, why not do it now?" Lyra lets out a giggle, and sits down on the bench, her legs spread open.

You stand up, and lean forward to her. You start kissing her lips, and slowly trace your hands to the lip of the shirt she wears. You start to tug up on it, pulling it upwards, lifting her arms, and taking it off. As you do, you reveal the tender breast that is concealed in a matching pink-lace bra.

Lyra had a decent set of breasts, but you were never much concerned about them. You enjoyed playing with them, but you always enjoyed pleasing a girl and eating her out much more. That was your strong suit. You lead yourself back to kissing her, and trekking your lips to her neck.

The bristles of her fur gently slide across your face, and every time you breathe, you can see it part to show the lighter plush skin underneath. You place your right hand on her left thigh, continuing to trace down her neck, to her chest. You begin to bring a hand to her right breast, softly squeezing it. They feel fairly large in your hands, and you enjoy the moans that escape her lips as you touch her.

Eventually you pull away, sliding down to her nethers. You kneel down, slowly spreading her legs a bit further, and gently start to kiss up her inner thigh. Your kisses make Lyra part moans from her throat, and make her lean back, allowing further access to her dainty marehood.

"Ready?" You look up at her, gently tugging at her panties and softly kissing near her groin.

"Y-yes..." Lyra nods and you immediately pull the lip of the panties, and slide it down her legs.

You revealed to see her subtle sex, glistening with ecstasy and awaiting your touch. You gently feel her hand against the back of your head, pushing you closer. You oblige, gently starting to lick at her gentle labia. You could taste the sugary juices she was secreting from her moist sex, and you slurped it up.

The noises didn't bother her, thankfully, and you continue to trace your tongue and lips upwards to her hidden clitoris. Your eyes are closed as you make your way upwards, and the moans from above continue to escalate until you hit the sweet spot.

You feel the button of her clitoris against your tongue, and warmly start to vibrate your tongue. You start out soft, to listen to her moans of ecstasy, but then you start to speed up and push harder. It continues to pleasure your mare, and she lets out many pleas for more.

Obliging, you bring a finger to Lyra's marehood, and gently part her lips. Slowly, you slide it into her, and start to wiggle it around. You don't want her feeling immediate pleasure, but she continues to beg, and you continue to tease. You feel the tight squeeze she gives, but it at first is very subtle. You trace your wiggling finger to Lyra's clitoris, and immediately start to vibrate it on the underside, earning you a scream of joy and euphoria.

"Oh, YES!" Lyra screams loudly, and pushes your head back and forth, letting your tongue thrust against and inside her marehood.

The constant motion earns you more sweet juices from her vagina, and, eventually, she pulls you upwards, making your finger slide out, covered in a thick substance. Lyra immediately starts tugging at your pants.

"I... I want all of you... Now... Show me how passionate you really are." Lyra was breathing so heavily against your pants you could feel it on your slightly erect member.

Lyra's hands unbutton and unzip your pants, tugging them downwards along with your briefs. You member flops out in front of her, and she immediately start to suck on it.

The surprise earned you multiple slurps from her, and groans out of your mouth. Lyra's tongue caresses your cock rapidly, and her lips continue to suck on your head. By now, you realize she's getting you hard. You member erects into her mouth, and she slowly starts to gag on it.

Lyra pulls off rapidly, a trail of saliva and pre-cum attaching to her lips. She leans back on the bench, presenting her glistening marehood to you once more. You smile as she pulls you closer to it. Your member's head just touches her labia, but before you do anything, you wrap her legs around your waist. You can feel the bristles of fur, and how gentle they are against you.

You start to rub her thighs, and gently push into her. Lyra screams in delight, and you let out a groan of pure pleasure. You eating her out has made her so moist that it's already making you want to ejaculate. But you hold yourself back, thrusting passionately into her.

You can see her breasts bounce gently against her chest, and you let out a smile. Your gaze goes upwards to her face, and you can see she's blushing. Lyra's eyes are clenched shut and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. It's adorable and sexy all in one.

Lyra starts to slide a hand to her sex, and gently caresses the exposed clit, letting out louder moans and screams. You push deeper into her, feeling her pussy tightly clench around your cock. You feel moist juices press against its head, and know that it is time.

You explode into her, letting out a groan of euphoria and heavy breathing. You pull yourself out as you continued to ejaculate, letting it fall on the ground below. Lyra let out one last moan and scream, sighing as you stopped. You leaned over her, kissing her immediately, rubbing her side.

She pushes you away, and smiles, "I love you, pumpkin. Forever and ever."

"I love you too," you respond, smiling. "I'll never stop loving you..." You kiss her again, her breasts colliding against your shirted chest as you continue to breathe heavily.

Forever and ever...