My Little Kirin

by DoYourBest

First published

An alternate version of "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; where the ponies are kirins, and it takes place in Japan.

What if My Little Pony Friendship is Magic took place in Japan, and the ponies were kirins. Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they go on adventures you can enjoy

Requested by Roxas2017

Friendship is Magic Part 1 Chapter One

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"So, Mrs. Faust?"

"Yes, Mrs. Strong?" Frost moved an eyebrow.

"I think we should make a series about Kirins."

"It'll be a splendid idea. I'll have Sagwa, her family, the palace staff, Fu-Fu, the alley cats and the mice join the main cast. I've known that Amy Tan created them. I am using them with my

"Yeah. Indeed."

Once upon a time. There was a town located in Japan, rather than the UK, known to be Equestria, or in some cases, Kirindom. The town of all Kirins. After the Foolish Magistrate's palace back in China was destroyed, he had decided to move here with his staff and the Miao family. The alley cats had decided to move in too. This series is not canon to this guy's Sagwa canon, whom requested this. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The kirins relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger kirin refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon. She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to kirindom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently in the moon. The elder sister took on responsibility for both...

"Sun and moon..." said Twilight Sparkle and the narrator altogether.

Twilight Sparkle told the narrator to let her finish the rest of the introduction.

"...and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since. Hmm... Elements of Harmony. I know I've heard of those before... but where?"


Twilight was just taking a road walk at Canterlot when 3 kirins named Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine and Minuette came up to her.

"Hey guys!" she said.

"There you are, Twilight!" Twinkleshine said. "Moon Dancer is having a little get-together in the west castle courtyard. You wanna come?"

Twilight Sparkle raised an eyebrow. "Oh, sorry, girls. I've got a lot of studying to catch up on. It was a job for me."

And she headed off. Lemon Hearts, Minuette and Twinkleshine looked at each other.

"I think....she's more interested in books than friends." muttered Lemon Hearts.

"Does that kirin do anything except study?" muttered Minuette.

The three walked away.

The Miao family were getting used to live at the new home of the Magistrate, except Dongwa, who was angry - it was because he felt the new house was too small compared to the old one.

"Why was this house boring!? It was just plain senseless to the core."

"Look on the bright side, Dongwa." Sagwa confronted him. "At least we still write scrolls for the Magistrate, Cook feeds us, and we still play outside."


"Do not call me that name again!" snapped Sagwa. "It's yet another offensive name!

"Oh please!" snorted Dongwa again. "I rather wish to be adopted by somebody else and live in a much, much, much larger place!"

"Oh, brother!" Sagwa muttered as Dongwa stormed off.

Just then, a familar kirin came up.

"Who are you?" asked Sagwa.

"My name is Starlight Glimmer. Who are you?"

"My name is Sagwa, this is Sheegwa, my little sister, and Dongwa is my big brother. We and our parents used to live in China, but we moved here since the Magistrate's palace was destroyed."

"I see. I lived with Twilight Sparkle. She's my adoptive sister, and she's on her way to the library to look for something. By the way, see ya." She left.


Twilight was heading towards some place.

"I know I've heard of the Elements of Harmony." Twilight said as she ran towards something. "I bet the others would've known about it too if I tell them that."

A green kirin named Lyra Heartstrings greeted Twilight, who passed her and a light purple kirin.

"Hey where are ya going!?"

Twilight entered a library atop an ivory tower. A purple male dragon named Spike was there. Twilight opened the door fast that one of them hit Spike.

"OW!" yelped Spike. "IT HURTS!"

Twilight however didn't know that Spike was behind her. "Spike? Spiiiike!" But there was no reply. She turned around. "Spike?" She saw Spike groaning in pain. "There you are. Are you alright? Did I hit you with that door?"

"Yes..." Spike groaned.

"I'm sorry." apologized Twilight. She then led him to the inside of the library. "Quick, find me that old copy of 'Predictions and Prophecies'!"

Spike raised an eyebrow. "What's that for?"

"Well, it WAS a gift for Moon Dancer, but-"

Before Twilight could finish her sentance, Spike flopped the books on the ground like a idiot.


"But Twilight, we're on a break!"

Twilight calmed out a bit. No, no, no, nonono!" She let out a frustrated grunt. "DAGNABBIT SPIIIIKE!"

Spike pointed at something." It's over here! It's 'Elements of Harmony: See Mare in the Moon?'" He have it to Twilight.

":Mare in the Moon?: But that's just an old kirins' tale. " She paused for a moment. "'Mare', 'Mare', aha!" She began to read. "The Mare in the Moon: Myth from olden kirin times. A powerful kirin who wanted to rule Equestria. Defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about nighttime eternal!" She gasped. "Spike! Do you know what this means?!"

"No." he brought something like a fast rocket for Twilight, then tripped. He stood up. "Take a note, please. To the Princess."


She begun to read the note next. "My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of kirin magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster."
Spike interrupted. "Hold on... "

Twilight stuttered. "Preci-...Preci..."

"Threshold." corrected Spike.


"Er, brink?"

Twilight let out a exasperated sigh. "That something really bad is about to happen!" She went back to reading. "For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon and she's about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true! I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." She poundered for a moment. "'Twilight...Sparkle'. Got it!"

Spike cheered. "Great! Send it to your teacher!" He paused. "Now?"

"Of course, Spike." chuckled Twilight.

"Uh, I don't know, Twilight. Princess Celestia is a little busy getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration, and it's like, the day after tomorrow. I am getting a little confused."

"That's just it, Spike. The day after tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration."

Spike was still confused. "I still don't get it. It's imperative that the princess is told right away." He paused again. "Imper...I-impera...

"IMPORTANT!" shouted Twilight.

Spike screamed at the sight of this. His face was terrified. "OKAY TWILIGHT OKAY I'LL BE MORF SMARTER!" To say he had to do, he inhaled sharply and breathed fire seven times. "There! It's on its way-" His voice begun to sing. "but I wouldn't control you and hold your breath-"

Twilight chuckled. "Oh, I'm not worried, Spike. As far as I am concerned, the princess trusts me completely as I know. In all many, many, many years she's been my mentor, she's never once doubted me." Spike belched and hiccuped. He handed Twilight another note." See? I knew she would want to take immediate action." She started to read the note and cleared her throat. "My dearest, most faithful student Twilight, You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely,. Mhh-hmm. But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books." She gasped. Spike readed the rest of the note: "My dear Twilight, there is more to a young kirin's life than studying. So I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location, Kirinville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!"

Twilight was anxious.

"Look on the bright side, Twilight. The princess arranged for you to stay in a library. It'll be a nice surprise! Doesn't that make you happy?"

Twilight perked up "Yes, Spike. Yes it does. Do you know why? Because I'm right. It's just I'm a bit nervious. I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library and find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return."

Spike smiled. "Then, when will you make friends, like the princess said?"

"She SAID to check on preparations!" wailed Twilight. "I am her student and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends!"

"Thank you ma'am." Spike remarked. "In fact, I know what you said about was true."

Then Twilight had an idea. "Maybe the kirins in Kirinville have interesting things to talk about. Such as Dragon Ballz, Pokemon and Digimon!

"Come on, Twilight, just try!" Spike protested. Twilight just starred. "Uh...hello?"

Twilight let out a loud sustained gasp. "Well, that was interesting, all right!" she said sarcastically and left. Spike sighed and went back to his business.

Meanwhile, Sagwa and Sheegwa were talking with Hun-Hun and Jet-Jet about their new home.

"I'm glad you liked your new home, Sagwa." said Jet-Jet. "I may be rough and call you mean names, but I do care for you."

"Yep." Sagwa remarked.

"It's too bad Dongwa is complaining about it." Sheegwa said. She took a sip of cat milk. "He needs to get over it."

"He does!" said Hun-Hun. "Things change."

Friendship is Magic Part 1 Chapter Two

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Lauren was enjoying developing her videos about Kirins.

"By the time this first episode is completed, we shall have pizza for lunch." suggested Tara.


"And afterwards we may play board game."

"Of course."


Dongwa was still grumpy about the house he, Sagwa, Sheegwa, Mama and Baba moved in. He stomped over the alley cats in a state of a furious tantrum.


Jet-Jet, who took a sip of cat milk, didn't approve of this. "Will you stop this pathetic shouting tantrum, you brat?!"

Of course Jet-Jet called Dongwa a brat, but it was justified since he had to put up with Dongwa's attitude. Dongwa didn't care what Jet-Jet met. He went over a hay cart and shook its handle shouting "THIS NEW HOME IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" at the top of his lungs. He turned to Jet-Jet with gritted teeth. "I am gonna scream into the heavens!" He stormed out of the alley.

Twilight returned to her home where Starlight was waiting.

"Starlight! Starlight! I need to make new friends! Wanna join my side?"

"Sure thing, Twilight."

And they sat off for their quest. On their way, Spike showed up and decided to come. The two sisters agreed.

Twilight started following the order of new friends. "Summer Sun Celebration Official Overseer's Checklist: Number one: Banquet preparations, Sweet Apple Acres.

At Sweet Apple Acres, a orange kirin was doing her usual duties


She brought manu baskets for apples to bring, and kicked the trees, and apples plopped into the baskets. The orange kirin sighed. "Let's get this over with. That will do."

Just then, Twilight arrived into view.

"Good afternoon, ma'am."

"Who are you?" asked the kirin.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. And this is Starlight Glimmer. She adopted me as a sister."

"Well, howdy-do, Miss Twilight and Starlight. A pleasure makin' yer acquaintance. I've never met you before. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends."

Twilight stammered. "F-friends? Actually-y-y, I-"

Applejack took a sip of water and spoke up again. "So, what can I do ya for?"

Spike giggled. He knew Twilight had to do as he requested her.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. It's common sense. And you're in charge of the food?

"We sure as sugar are. Would ya care to sample some? As long as it doesn't take too long..." A group of Kirins were there with her. "SOUP'S ON, EVERYKIRIN!" She turned her head back at Twilight. "Now, why don't I introduce y'all to the Apple family?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow? "Thanks, but I really need to hurry..."

Applejack brought in the family. "This here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apple, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, aaaaaaand... Granny Smith. She's my grandmother." She turned to Smith. "Up'n at'em, Granny Smith! We got guests!"

Granny Smith snorted. "Mm, wha-? Soup's on? I'm-a, here I come, I comin'..." She ran up to Applejack. "You know, grand-daughter, why, I'd say they're already part of the family." Applejack took a bite of the soup. But it tasted like dirt. She spitted it out and gagged, and then giggled nervously. "Okay, well, I can see the food situation is handled," said Applejack. "-so we'll be on our way."

"Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?" wailed Bloom. "It's important, I tell you!"

"Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do..."

The Apple Family began to complain.

"OH TARTER SAUCE!" shouted Apple Bloom in SpongeBob-levels of foulness.

Applejack finally resigned. "Fine."

The party was going well, as the family cheered. They ate food til it was over.

"Food's all taken care of, next is weather. Whatever is hot or cold."

Twilight groaned. ;...I ate too much pie...ow."

"Hmm..." poundered Spike. "There's supposed to be a blue kirin named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds like a bristle..."

"Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?" thought Starlight.

Just then, a blue kirin flew and hit Twilight.

"OW!" grunted Twilight. "My face!"

The name of the blue Kirin was Rainbow Dash-

"YES! That's my name!"

-who was doing her business. She chuckles sheepishly. "Heh, 'scuse me?"

"Are you alright?" asked Starlight to Twilight.

"Yes. Got a bruise on my cheek. That'll go away in 2 weeks."

"Here." said Rainbow. "Lemme help you."

She thudded on a cloud, causing a heavy rainfall to poor on Twilight and Starlight.

Rainbow Dash giggled. "O-oops, I guess I overdid it. Sorry."

"Um, uh, how about this?" asked Twilight.

Rainbow Dash was about to show someone something. "Gather around! I'm presenting! My very own patented...Rain-blow Dry!"

Twilight wasn't impressed. "No, no, don't thank me. You're quite welcome."

Rainbow stifled laughter, and then she and Spike guffaw.

Twilight ignored the pain of her cheek bruising. "Stop guffawing. Let me guess, you're Rainbow Dash. THE one and only!"

Rainbow finally stopped. "Why? You heard o'me?"

"I HEARD you're supposed to be keeping the sky clear." snorted Twilight." She sighed. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my sister Starlight Glimmer, who adopted me, and the princess sent me with her to check on the weather. "

Rainbow Dash, dismissively, was of course a show off. "Yeah, yeah, that'll be a snap. You're such a coward!"

"NO MEAN NAMES!" snapped Twilight.

But Rainbow didn't care. "I'll do it in a jiffy, just as soon as I'm done practicing."

"Practicing? For what?" asked Twilight.

"Tell me." said Glimmer.

"THE WONDERBOLTS!" shouted Rainbow. "They're gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow, and I'm gonna show 'em my stuff. That's who they are."

The two sisters stared for a moment. "The Wonderbolts?"

"Yup. That's them."

"The most talented fliers in all of Equestria?" asked the sisters in unison.

"That's them."

"Pfft!" snorted Twilight. "Please. They'd never accept a pegasus that can't keep the sky clear for one measly day. It makes zero sense! It's not true!"

"Who cares?" Rainbow bragged. " I could clear the sky in ten seconds flat! Watch what I can do!"

"Prove it." Twilight muttered.

Rainbow did make it ten seconds by shouting "LOOP-DE-LOOP AROUND AND WHAM!" Shw turned to the two sisters. "I did it! What'd I say? Ten. Seconds. Flat."

"We'd never leave Kirinville hangin'." sulked Starlight.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "You should see the look on your face. Ha, you're a laugh, Twilight Sparkle. And so are you, Starlight Glimmer! You know what? I can't wait to hang out some more!"

Spike was surprised. "Wow...She's amazing!" He snickered quietly for a moment. "Wait! It's kinda pretty once you get used to it..." He stared at a white pony. "Decorations.... Beautiful..."

Twilight and Starlight thought the "decor" otherwise. Yes. The decor is coming along nicely." said Starlight.

"This oughta be quick." said Twilight. "We'll be at the library in no time." The two ran off. "Beautiful, indeed."

Spike was horrified. "NOT THE DECOR! HER!"

The two stopped, and went back.


Dongwa, now getting used to the small home, was having a small talk with Sagwa and Sheegwa.

"Sagwa, Sheegwa, I'm sorry for being so angry over this home. I was feeling stressed. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course." smiled Sagwa and Sheegwa in unison.

Just then, Tai-Tai's Sleeve Dogs barked into view and wear heading towards Dongwa.

"LOOKOUT!" screamed Sheegwa so fast in one word.

Dongwa ran out of the way, just as the Sleeve Dogs ran towards the alley.

"So, Dongwa apologized for his attitude-" said Jet-Jet. "-and changed his mind about the new home."

Hun-Hun, who had taken a sip of her cat milk, smiled at him. "Quite right, Jet-Jet."

Just then they heard the Sleeve Dogs barking. They were heading towards Jet-Jet.

"JET-JET LOOK OUT!" screamed Hun-Hun at the top of her lungs.

Jet-Jet got out of the way, as the Sleeve Dogs crashed into the wall.

"Me, Lik-Lik and Wing-Wing may be bullies, but those dogs are nastier!" Jet-Jet had a fair point. "I wish I can see you burn those jerks alive." he told Hun-Hun.

"I wish I could." sighed Hun-Hun.

Friendship is Magic Part 1 Chapter Three

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"No, no, no. Oh, GOODNESS no."

The white Kirin was working on decorations, cleaning them. Spike was staring with awe.

"She's so attractive. I love her."

Rarity continued to work on them. "How are my spines? Are they straight? Are they perfect?"

"Good afternoon." Spike piped up to her.

"Just a moment, please. I'm in "the zone', as it were. I will be done in a few more minutes."

"Ah, yes. Sparkle and Glimmer ALWAYS do the trick, does it not?"

"Why, Rarity, you ARE a talent." said Spike. "I bet my friend would agree."

"Now, um, how can I help you-" Rarity saw Twilight and Starlight in front of her and yelped.

"OH MY GOODNESS! MY STARS, DARLING!" She noticed Twilight's mane. "Whatever happened to your coiffure!?"

Twilight corrected her. " mane?" She laughed. "Well, it's a long story. As far as I know. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair."

Rarity was stressed. "OUT OF MY HAIR?! What about YOUR hair?"

Twilight ran off, quickly.

Starlight was shocked. "WAIT! WHERS ARE WE GOING!? HELP!"

Twilight stopped. Rarity tried her hardest to find the right thing. "No, no. Uh-uh. Too green. Too yellow. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. Too shiny." She turned to Twilight and Starlight. "Now, go on, my dearies. You were telling me where you're from."

"We'!" said Twilight.

"Yeah." said Starlight.

"Huh? CANTERLOT?!" Rarity was shocked. "Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! This is my perfect dreams! I have always dreamed of living there. I can't wait to hear all about it! The truth is, we are gonna be the best of friends, both of you and I."

Starlight remembered something. "EMERALD!? What WDRD we thinking...? Let me get you some RUBIES!"

Twilight spoke to Spike. "Quick! Before she decides to dye my coat a new color!"

Spike sighed dreamily. "Wasn't she wonderful?"

"Focus, Casanova." said Twilight. "Can you tell me what's next on the list?"

At the small house, the Sleeve Dogs knew karma was coming to them.

"YOU THREE-" shouted Tai-Tai, who had heard the trouble from Cook. "ARE VERY NAUGHTY TODAY!"

"Can you please stop shouting, my Delicate Daisy?" asked her husband.

"I AM NOT SHOUTING!" Tai-Tai turned back to her guards, who stayed silent. "Your carelessness had caused me a great deal of stress! For almost knocking some cats out of the way, you will hang out with Mama and Baba's kittens! AS PAINFULLY. AS POSSIBLE."

The Sleeve Dogs whined.


The Magistrate on the other hand wished Tai-Tai understood his advice about shouting, but of course she didn't really care at all. So, after they left, Sagwa, Sheegwa and Dongwa piped up to see the three michevious dogs.

"Well well well!" teased Sagwa. "Looks like those dogs got into trouble for almost bumping into Dongwa and Jet-Jet!"

"I know!" added Dongwa. "Those dogs are nothing but braindead idiots!"

"And despicable!" finished Sheegwa.

"SHUT UP! SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!" Ping screamed at the top of her lungs.

But the Miao kittens laughed. The dogs just groaned angrilly and layed down.

A yellow Kirin cleared her throat. "I have the perfect idea for something. Oh. Music! It's the last one."

The birds began to sing like heaven so hard that their leader's rhythm was off.

The kirin flew to them. Oh, my...Um, stop please, everyone. I have to tell your leader something." She then turned to the bird's leader. Um, excuse me, sir? I mean no offense, but your rhythm was just a teeeeeny-tiiiiny bit off. You need to do it better, okay." She turned her attention to all the birds. "Now, follow me, please."

She and the birds began to sing. "A-one, a-two, a-one-two-three-"

Twilight and Starlight popped up, shouting "HELLO THERE!" at the top of their lungs.

"YIKES!" yelped the yellow Kirin. The birds flew off.

"Oh my, We're so sorry, ma'am!" said Twilight. "We didn't mean to frighten your birds. The fact is, We're just here to check up on the music and it's sounding beautiful."

"Yeah, and marvelous." Starlight added.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. And this is Starlight Glimmer, who adopted me as a sister."

"What's your name?" asked Starlight.

"Um... I'm Fluttershy..." mumbled the Kirin.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Uh... (mumbling softly) My name is, um, Fluttershy... Diiidn't quite catch that." She squeaked. "Fluttershy..."

Just then the birds came back. Twilight was nervous. "Well, um, it looks like your birds are back, so I guess everything's in order."

"Keep up the good work!" said Starlight.

"You're very welcome..." said Fluttershy.

Twilight stared for a few seconds. Then she spoke up. "Ooookay. Well, that was easy."

"Yeah." agreed Starlight."

Suddenly Fluttershy saw Spike. She gasped, and started talking normally again. "A baby dragon! This is the first time I came across one! Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before!" She dotted him. "He's so cute!"

Spike was amused. "Well, well, well. She's truely kind."

Fluttershy was amused too. "Oh, I am, and, oh my, he talks. I didn't know dragons could talk. That's so incredibly wonderful."

Soike was confused'. "I...I just don't even know what to say."

"Well, in that case, we'd better be going." said Starlight.

"Yeah." agreed Twilight.

"Wait, wait!" shouted Fluttershy. "What's his name?"

"I'm Spike."

"Hi, Spike. I'm Fluttershy. I am kind, gentle and sweet. Wow, a talking dragon. And what do dragons talk about?"

"Well, whaddya wanna know?" asked Spike.

"Absolutely everything."

Twilight and Starlight let out annoyed groan.

Spike began. "Well, I started out as a cute purple-and-green egg and that's the story of my whooole entire life! Well, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?

Fluttershy was delighted. "Oh, yes, please!"

Suddenly, Spike yelped as Twilight bumped into her.

Twilight was shocked. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you."

"How did we get here so fast?" asked Fluttershy.

"This is where I'm staying while in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep. No wonder why he's tired."

"No, I don't." Spike was exaggerating, and then he fell on his back with a thud.

Fluttershy saw the whole thing. "Aww, wook at that. He's so sweepy, he can't even keep his wittle bawance." Her talk turned motherly. Poor thing. You simply must get into bed.

"Yes, yes, we'll get right on that. Well, good night!" said Twilight as she and Starlight slammed the door.

Spike thought otherwise. "Huh. Rude much? Are you rough?"

"Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time! We have to get going!"

After all thr suffering the Sleeve Dogs recieved, they had to take a nap to let go of them. Sagwa and her siblings on the other hand were having dinner.

Sagwa heard everything from Celestria. "There's a purple Kirin named Twilight. I've never known her before. She's making friends, and on her way to the Princess."

Dongwa was confused. "What princess?"

"Celestria, another Kirin." Sagwa answered. "I could remember when Sheegwa was mistook for one."

Sheegwa cringed. "I hate that time. But at least I didn't have to leave my family."

"Another good new is, she and her new friends will adopt us after they finally met."

"HOORAY!" cheered Sheegwa.

At the studio, Tara Strong and Lauren Faust were still towards the last act of the episode.

"So, the Kirins are doing well with meeting with each other." Tara said.

"Exactly." remarked Lauren.

"We're looking foward to the seven Kirins adopting Sagwa and her family." added Tara.


Friendship is Magic Part 1 Chapter Four

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Twilight and Starlight arrived home. They found out something.

'"SURPRISE!" shouted a pink Kirin.

"Who are you?" asked the two sisters.

"I'm Pinkie Pie." said the Kirin. "I made a surprise party. Just for you two and your new friends."

"Sorry, but we have to get home." said Starlight.

"See ya." said Twilight.

"Oops. Sorry." said Pinkie. "May I come with you?"


Just then Sagwa and her siblings came up.

"May you adopt us?" asked Sagwa. "Your home is next door to the Magistrate's new home."

"Of course." said Twilight. "I'm sure Starlight and my new friends will agree."

As indeed they did. The Alley Cats decided to join in as outside cats of Twilight's house.

Twilight has gotten used to her new friends. But then suddenly, a black Kirin came up.

Pinkie Pie screamed, and the other Kirins gasped.

"Oh no!" wailed Twilight. "Nightmare Moon!"

"The most scariest Kirin!" cried Starlight.

Spike fainted and fell on his back'

Moon walked up to the Kirins. "Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious sun-loving faces. Tell me, what did you do with our princess?!"

Applejack walked up to Moon. "Whoa, there, Nelly!"

Mooj giggled maliciously. "Why, am I not royal enough for you, you idiot?" DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?"

"OOH! OOH!" Pinkie shouted. "More guessing games!" She poundered for a few seconds. "Um...Hokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snoo-mmph!"

"Does my crown no longer count?!" snapped Moon. "Now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?! I never liked being imprisoned! Did you not recall the legend?! Did you not see the signs!? Tell me, NOW!"

Twilight stuttered for a moment. "I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon. Nightmare Moon. J AM correct. Right?"

The Kirins gasped. Nightmare was amused. "Well, well, well, somekirin who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here."

Twilight was scared. "You're here" She whimpered.

Moon laughed evilly. "Remember this day, little kirins, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last FOREVER!" She laughed evily.

Sheegwa was scared. "I don't want the night to last forever!" she wailed.

Jet-Jet heard about what happened and began to wail out "THE NIGHT IS GONNA LAST FOREVER!?"

Hun-Hun heard this too and ran to the upset tabby cat.

"WHHHHHHHHHYYY!?" sobbed Jet-Jet.

"What's the matter, Jet-Jet?"

"Oh, Hun-Hun! A black kirin is going to turn everything into night!"

Hun-Hun confronted Jet-Jet. "Don't worry, Jet-Jet. I'm sure Twilight and her new friends will save the day."

"I hope so." Jet-Jet felt a bit better.