Don't Bet On Sinking Ships

by Galloruidoso

First published

Scootaloo develops a crush on her big sister Rainbow Dash.

Content Warning: Contains incest, (sort of) foalcon, clop, and cursed knowledge

When a stunt goes wrong and Scootaloo is forced to stay in bed for a week, she's devastated. That is, until her big sister volunteers to be her personal nurse for the whole time. Scootaloo is both elated at getting to spend more time with her idol, while also dreading so much close contact with her crush. As she struggles to come to terms with her feelings, she learns something about herself as well as the town she calls home.

This is my submission for Hearts and Hooves day contest organized by Shakespearicles

I Always Wanted My Own Sister

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The School of Friendship, a melting pot of all creatures of Equis. It had been the site of yet another near miss of an apocalypse when Cozy Glow tried sapping all the magic from the world. The crowning achievement of our sovereign Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the part time work place of an orange pegasus filly along with her closest friends, and big sister.

“Hi Rainbow Dash! Need any help teaching class today?” Scootaloo asked with a bit more enthusiasm than she meant to show. The cyan pegasus didn’t seem to notice as she flew around to land in front of her.

“Hiya squirt. Sure, come on! I was actually hoping to run into you today, I’ve got something awesome planned today,” said Rainbow, smirking down at Scootaloo. “Get your scooter and meet me at the sports field ASAP!” With that, Rainbow took to the air once again and dashed off, presumably to gather her students at the designated meeting space.

By the time Scootaloo retrieved her scooter and made her way to the field, she could see what looked like a series of ramps and obstacles set up specifically for a scooter. Nearby, she could see her idol hovering above various other winged creatures, including a few pegasi. However, other than Rainbow, Scootaloo didn’t recognize any faces.

As she got closer, she made eye contact with Rainbow, who was giving her an excited smile. That smile… she’d seen that smile many times before, but lately, Scootaloo couldn't help being mesmerized by it. She lived to see that Luna damned smile. That smile which melted Scootaloo’s heart and made her feel like she could actually fly. That smile, perfectly framing those deep rose pools, perfectly complimenting her cyan fur, covering her perfect athletic body along with her powerful yet downy soft wings. Not to mention her toned flanks that just won’t quit and- holly Celestia snap out of it!

Before any pony or creature could notice her mental lapse, Scootaloo made a sharp turn kicking up a cloud of dust as she came to a stop just in front of the students. “Sup,” Scootaloo said as nonchalantly as she could manage. “I heard your professor needed help teaching today's lesson.” Almost every creature looked impressed, if not a little confused by her sudden appearance.

“Awesome entrance as always Scoots, and thanks for helping out,” Rainbow beamed at her as she landed and turned to face her students while she tried to put on a more stern face. “Alright so, I hope by now you’ve all noticed something about your fellow students. Every one of you has wings,” she paused to let that sink in before continuing. “You may think that this means your lesson has to do with flying. In a way, that is right. However, for this lesson, you will be prohibited from flying!”

At that announcement, all the students went wide eyed. From hippogriffs, dragons, changelings, pegasi, and griffons one of them decided to speak up. “Uh, so what are we doing then Professor Dash?”

“I’m glad you asked! You’ll be going through this obstacle course! Now you can still use your wings for propulsion like Scootaloo here does, but you aren’t allowed to fly. Any creature who does will have to start from the beginning. Now before you say it’s impossible, or unfair, I’ll be having my awesome assistant Scootaloo here demonstrate how it’s done.” With that, Rainbow turned towards Scootaloo and nodded.

Not needing any further instruction, Scootaloo took off, gathering speed before making her way to the first ramp. She jumped it with ease before following the orange safety cones outlining the track. After a few sharp turns she was coming up on a loop. With an extra burst of speed she cleared it before jumping another ramp. Wanting to show off a little, she did a midair turn before touching down once again.

After a few more twists and turns, she noticed the last obstacle, a massive ramp leading to a mid air hoop above a kiddie pool. On the other side was a mirrored ramp right before the finish line. Standing next to said line was Rainbow Dash, occasionally glancing at her stop watch in her hoof. Scootaloo felt a rush of pride. Rainbow Dash thought of Scootaloo as being awesome enough to show off to her class.

Not wanting to disappoint the most important pony in her life, Scootaloo put on an extra burst of speed. She narrowed her eyes and pushed her wings to their limits. Hitting the ramp, her senses heightened, her thoughts sped up, and the world around her seemed to slow down momentarily. As she jumped into the air, she caught a glimpse of Rainbow Dash smiling.

That damn smile again. She didn’t noticed the top edge of the hoop as she slammed into it. As time seemed to speed up, Dash’s face fell, and so did Scootaloo. Hitting the hoop knocked the air out of her lungs before she fell down to hit her back on the bottom edge of the loop. She heard a small pop before she slid off and fell face first into the pool. She couldn't tell much of what happened after that. She heard Rainbow yelling, then a sudden jerking motion before she blacked out.

“Scoots? Scootaloo, can you hear me?”

That voice… it sounds like rainbow dash…

“Slow your roll now sugar-cube, Nurse Red Heart and Fluttershy got this covered. Just calm down and give ‘em space.”

Who’s that? Not Apple Bloom… Applejack?

Scootaloo managed to open one of her eyes. Looking around, she saw three familiar ponies and one not so familiar. “Wha…? What happened?”

“Scootaloo! Thank Celestia you’re awake! I was so worried!” Rainbow frantically shouted before Applejack bit her tail and forced her back down and away from Scootaloo.

“You’re going to be okay Scootaloo. You just got a dislocated wing a few bruised ribs. You’ll need about a week of bed rest. Then you’ll just need to take it easy for about a month before you’ll be fully healed,” said nurse Red Heart. “I would have taken you directly to the hospital but,” she gave an annoyed glance at Rainbow Dash, “miss Dash here insisted on keeping you here, and she is your closest familial relation...”

Red Heart sighed as she trailed off and Rainbow gave her trademark smug grin. “Yeah, don’t you worry Scoots. If it was really that bad, they would have taken you in regardless, but I convinced them to let me take care of you.” Then in a more subdued tone, “Don’t get me wrong, it’s gonna hurt, and being stuck in bed for a week is gonna be... kinda lame,” she then viably perked up, “but you’ll have me there the whole time! It’ll be like a week long sleepover!” Dash finished, beaming at her young charge.

After a few moments to let the words sink in, Scootaloo brightened at the news. A whole week alone with rainbow dash? This is gonna be the best week ever!

“We will be sending word to your aunts and parents, but seeing as they all have shown approval of miss Dash in the past, I’m sure there won’t be any issues. We just need to make sure they know where you’ll be staying,” Red Heart informed her before making her way back to her desk. “I trust you three can handle this matter from here.”

About an hour of Rainbow and Twilight signing paper work later, and Scootaloo was gently carried in her big sister’s hooves to Dash’s personal quarters in the Castle of Friendship. All of the elements had their own living spaces in the castle, along with Starlight Glimmer, her filly friend Trixie, and a dozen or so other guest quarters.

A lot of the castle has become more of a public space, especially the library, but there are still private quarters blocked off from the public. There weren’t really any guards, but Twilight and Starlight managed to enchant various sections of the castle to ward off unauthorized guests.

It wasn’t long before Scootaloo was situated in bed, laying on her stomach to avoid putting pressure on her insured wing. “Anything I can get you squirt? Water, snacks, more pillows, blankets?” Rainbow was trying to act nonchalant, but her little sister could see right through her act.

“Rainbow, I don’t blame you for what happened. I got sloppy trying to show off my speed when I should have taken that last jump slower,” said Scootaloo, trying to give a confident smile while hiding her own self deprecation. I got distracted by your beautiful, Luna damned smile, because I’m an idiot!

“Still, if there’s anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m at your beck and call for the week. I’ve got plenty of emergency leave saved up from the Wonderbolts. I just gotta fill out some paper work back at base, but I’ll be right back.”

“Well, you should probably go do that. I’m just gonna try to take a nap. But, can you wake me when you get back?” she asked, eyes half lidded from exhaustion.

“Sure Scoots, be right back!” With that, the rainbow maned pegasus bolted out of the castle via the balcony outside her room.

A week where Rainbow will do anything I want huh? Scootaloo thought to herself with a grin on her face. I could think of a few things she could do for me… or to me. At that, she drifted off to sleep, the adrenaline from the crash having worn off.

Scootaloo woke to the sound of Rainbow’s perfect raspy voice. Some ponies said it was grating or annoying, but they didn’t know what they were talking about, she could listen to that voice all day. Speaking of that voice, she was saying something, so Scootaloo tried to use a few more than two brain cells to pay attention.

“-oots, hey! You up yet?” Rainbow Dash asked, gently nudging the orange pegasus filly. “It took a bit longer than I thought to get all the paper work done, but now I’m all yours!” Dash beamed down at her groggy little sister.

At those last words, Scootaloo’s non injured wing started to unfurl before she forced it back down. Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to notice. “Uh, you got any games we could play?” Scoots asked, slowly looking around her temporary home for the next week. She’d been in here a few times, even had a few sleepovers with Rainbow. The decorations were pretty spartan, other than a few signed wonder bolts posters and trophies, it was otherwise identical to one of the many standard guest rooms at the castle.

“Well, Twi has basically every board game you can think of, and a few you probably couldn’t think of courtesy of discord,” Dash rolled her eyes at the mention of the Draconequus before she brightened up again. “We also got the full collection of Daring Do, and some other cool books that Twi showed me recently…” Rainbow trailed off with a mild red glow on her cheeks before quickly recovering her cool persona. “So… what should we do first?”

Scootaloo took a moment to think, while trying not to blurt out the first thing that came to mind. “Uh, how about battle clouds?” she finally managed to say while giving her most confident smile she could manage. It came across as more of a grimace, but the important part is that she tried.

Rainbow seemingly continued her oblivious streak as she quickly retrieved the aforementioned board game. After a few rounds of Dash winning and Scootaloo zoning out every few seconds, Rainbow finally spoke up. “Hey squirt, what’s up? You’ve been acting kinda weird recently,” Dash said giving the orange filly a worried look.

Scootaloo seemed to be snapped out of her daze as her eyes finally focused on the mare in front of her. “Oh, uh… it’s nothing Rainbow Dash, I’m just kinda out of it, ya know, since the accident?” Scootaloo only hoped Rainbow wouldn’t ask any further questions. Under too much scrutiny she was sure her secret would come out.

Rainbow Dash looked skeptical but accepted it in the end. She didn’t want to make Scoots uncomfortable, but she wanted to get to the bottom of her sister’s distress. “If you say so squirt. Just know you can always tell me anything. Seriously, if you need help hiding a body, I’m your mare!” Rainbow chuckled and Scootaloo cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

“Wait, really? You’d really help me hide a bod-not that I need help with that! I mean, I haven’t done anything illegal, at least that I know of! Heh heh…” she trailed off while looking a bit nervous.

Dash just looked into her eyes with the most serious expression Scootaloo had ever seen before saying, “Scootaloo, I’m being one hundred and twenty percent serious right now. I’ve got your back. No. Matter. What. You got that?”

Scootaloo was taken aback for a moment before taking in what she just heard. “Wait, so… even if I did something really bad, or maybe thought of doing something bad, you wouldn’t hate me?” she asked. What are you doing Scootaloo? Just stop talking! Scootaloo’s mind was screaming at her.

At this point Rainbow quickly put the game away and sat on the bed with Scootaloo. “Scootaloo, I can’t ever hate you. I’m physically incapable of hating you. I love ya squirt!” Scootaloo’s heart fluttered at those words, “You’re the best sister a pony could ask for!” and with that, the butterflies died, violently, in a fire, and a dog pissed on their ashes.

Scootaloo managed to hide her disappointment, “thanks Rainbow Dash… I love you too.” Even if Rainbow didn’t know it, Scootaloo felt good confessing her feelings. “Ya think we could go to bed now? I’m pretty tired.” That wasn’t a lie, Scootaloo was physically and emotionally exhausted.

“Sure squirt, just lemme get a futon set up and we ca-”

“Actually Rainbow… do you think you could sleep in the bed with me?” Scootaloo’s eyes were shut, not wanting to see her hero and crush deny her.

“Sure Scoots, that sounds good to me, definitely more comfortable than the futon.” At that Rainbow tucked herself into the blankets before stretching out one of her wings to gently wrap around Scootaloo. The orange filly momentarily tensed at the contact before melting into the cyan wing. As they both relaxed in the shared embrace sleep soon overtook them both.

And then one showed up at my door

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Scootaloo opened her eyes to the sight of her favorite pony in the world, but something was off. Trying to focus more reveled a sight Scootaloo hoped to never see. Rainbow Dash, the coolest pony ever, the most beautiful wonderful mare in Equestria, was sneering down at her with a look of pure disgust and hatred. “Wha-what’s wrong Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked barely above a whisper.

“You know what’s wrong Scootaloo.” Rainbow almost never used her full name, and even when she did, she never said it with such contempt. “Will you come clean, or do I need to say it?” Dash’s voice was raising and as Scootaloo was slowly backing away, Rainbow was advancing just as much so no ground was gained.

“I-I d-don’t know what you’re talking about!” Scootaloo shouted back, panic rising in her voice as her face contorted in fear.

“Stop lying to me!” Dash’s wings shot up as she crouched down in a show of aggression. In mere seconds, Scootaloo was pinned to the floor, Rainbow easily overpowering her. “I loved you! Celestia damn it, you were my sister! But that wasn’t enough for you was it? You sick freak!” Dash’s sneer morphed into a sick grin as she chuckled.

“As if I could ever see you as anything but a little filly! But now, you’re not even that! In fact, I never want to see you again! And not that you ever could, but just to make sure you never catch up with where I’m going, I’ll take those useless wings of yours!”

“No! Please, no! No no no no no! Please not my wings!” Scootaloo was wailing as tears blurred her vision. But nothing she said mollified the mare above her as she pulled out a hack saw. Just as she was about to make contact, Scootaloo woke up crying and in a cold sweat.

In seconds, Rainbow Dash was awake and holding Scootaloo in a gentle, yet firm embrace in her wings and hooves. All six of her limbs were curled around the orange filly as Rainbow attempted to calm her sister. “Shhh, it’s okay Scoots, I got ya. I’m right here, it was just a nightmare. Just let it out,” Rainbow gently cooed as Scootaloo’s tears seeped into her chest fluff.

After what felt like hours, Scootaloo finally calmed down enough to talk. “Ra-Rainbow D-Dash… I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. Please don’t hate me… I’m sorry, I promise I’ll be good, please don’t take my wings. Please…” Rainbow’s heart broke at those words and her eyes started stinging at their edges.

“Shhh, there there. Nopony is gonna hurt you Scootaloo,” Rainbow promised as she noticed a momentary tension in Scoots before she relaxed again. “Listen to me,” Rainbow said in a gentle yet firm tone, “I would never hurt you Scoots. I would give up my wings in half a heart beat before I would let anypony take yours,” she reassured as she felt Scootaloo calm down a bit. “Now, you wanna tell me about it?”

Scootaloo shook her head against Rainbow’s chest. Breathing in Dash’s scent helped calm Scoots down a bit, but she couldn’t tell her about that nightmare. She hated having to lie to the pony she loved the most, but Scootaloo knew that even if Rainbow didn’t hate her, she would definitely reject her feelings, or even laugh them off. Then everything would be weird between them… it was better to just forget all this. This is gonna be a long week, Scootaloo thought to herself.

After she was done crying Scootaloo managed to fall back asleep wrapped in the wings of her big sister. This time she was blessed with a dreamless sleep, only after she woke up did Scootaloo wonder if Luna would intervene if she kept having nightmares. Would she tell Rainbow about her feelings? No, Luna isn’t a snitch. Hmm… could I ask Luna for advice on how to deal with my feelings? I do love Rainbow as a sister, I just also want her to shove her tongue deep insi- Scootaloo cut off her own train of thought out of fear her body would start reacting.

Looking around she saw Rainbow still asleep… buck, how is she so perfect just waking up? “Ow!” Scootaloo’s wings involuntarily filled with blood, puffing out her injured wing. This also had the unfortunate side effect of waking up the rainbow maned pegasus sleeping nearby.

“Huh? Scoots, you good?” Rainbow asked groggily, still half asleep.

“Y-yeah Rainbow Dash, I was just… trying to stretch my wings and it hurt a bit! Yeah, that’s it! Sorry for waking you up,” Scootaloo’s ears fell in shame as she looked away.

“Hey, it’s no biggie sis,” Rainbow soothed, now at least seventy five percent awake.

“Sis? You’ve never called me that before Rainbow,” Scootaloo questioned. Hearing that word gave her conflicting feelings. On one hoof she felt giddy that Rainbow felt comfortable enough to call her that, but on the other hoof, it meant Rainbow DEFINITELY saw Scootaloo as a sister, and would think she was weird.

“Huh, I haven’t? Well it just felt natural, ya know? To be honest, I’ve always wanted a little sister or brother. Don’t go telling anypony else, but I’ve always been jealous of Twi, AJ, Rares, Pinks, even Flutters… to an extent. Zepher can go sit on a unicorn horn and spin, but at least Flutters has a brother, even if he’s the literal worst!” Rainbow’s wings started shifting in agitation as she finished her tangent.

“But enough about all that, I just want you to know how happy I am that you wanted me to be your big sister,” Rainbow said as her cheeks were slightly tinged pink. “I know I’m not always the best big sis out there-”

“-Yes you are!” Scootaloo interrupted on instinct. “You’re the coolest, most awesome, loyal, caring, amazing, best big sister ever!”

“Heh, thanks squirt, you’re the best little sister ever,” Rainbow replied, a look of adoration etched on her features. “So, what do ya want for breakfast?” At the mention of food, Scootaloo’s stomach gave a loud growl.

“Uh, can we have pancakes?” Scootaloo asked with a sheepish grin.

After a delicious breakfast in bed (courtesy of Spike) Rainbow gave Scootaloo a flying pony back ride to the library for some reading. While Rainbow had already read every published Daring Do book, Scootaloo was only about half way through the series, and Rainbow was more than happy to read aloud to the orange filly. They were about a dozen pages in when they heard a commotion in the next room.

They just looked up from their shared couch when the library doors slammed open just for two familiar fillies and an out of breath purple dragon to run in. “Huh, I’ve heard of ponies chasing a purple dragon but this is ridiculous,” Rainbow murmured almost too quiet for Scootaloo to catch, almost.

“Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom? What are you doing here?” Scootaloo asked, almost forgetting where she was and why.

“Scootaloo! We’ve been worried sick!” Sweetie Belle screeched out, panic evident on her features. “The last we heard you were heading to the school looking for Rainbow Dash, then you didn’t come to the crusader meeting so we went looking for you-”

“-Only for some creature at the school telling us they saw you get hurt doing one o’ your tricks, then Starlight tellin’ us you were staying at the castle, an’ we couldn’t see you ‘til morning!” Apple Bloom finished, almost as flustered as Sweetie Belle.

“I tried telling them to wait but, there’s no stopping them. Sorry Scootaloo,” Spike apologized after catching his breath. “In any case, did you want some more time alone, or are you feeling up to having visitors?” Spike asked with a sheepish grin, knowing there wasn’t anything he could do to keep the Cutie Mark Crusaders apart.

“It’s okay Spike,” Scootaloo waved him off before addressing her best friends. “Sorry I worried you girls, It’s not too big of a deal though,” she reassured them. “I just gotta stick with bed rest for a week or so and then I’ll have to take it easy for another month or so, but I’ll be fine! Don’t even worry about it!” the orange filly gave a cocky grin, mimicking her big sister’s trademark.

“Yeah, trust me, I’ve been through enough crashes to say Scoots here is gonna make a full recovery. Hay she’ll probably get over this quicker than the docs say, she’s just that tough,” boasted Rainbow, gently messing up Scootaloo’s mane, and reminding said filly of her current situation.

“Heh, well I don’t know about that Rainbow, I probably shouldn’t push it too much. I mean, not everypony is as awesome as you,” Scootaloo praised her big sister, hoping she could milk every second possible of her time with the Rainbow maned mare. With a grin and a shrug, Dash dismissed her worries as best she could.

“So… does this mean you’ll be feeling better by hearts and hooves day?” Sweetie Belle suddenly chimed in, surprising Scootaloo. “I mean, not that I had any plans, or I mean, we usually just spend the day together, but I know Apple Bloom is helping Big Mac with something for Sugar Belle, but I thought we could still spend the day together?” Sweetie Belle’s face was beat red as she was looking anywhere but at Scootaloo.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo’s head was off in another castle, thinking up ways her and Rainbow could spend the next week together, and maybe even spend hearts and hooves day together. While on the outside she looked contemplative, the white filly impatiently awaited an answer to a question never heard. “Does that sound like something you’d be up for Scootaloo?” Sweetie prompted, still refusing eye contact, but no longer sporting the same complexion as big mac.

“Huh? Yeah sure, sounds good…” Scootaloo answered on reflex before returning to her fantasies that were becoming more lewd by the moment, causing her own face to tinge pink for a moment.

“Great!” Sweetie screeched before calming down a bit, “I’ll come by later to check up on you, but I look forward to hearts and hooves Day!” Sweetie exclaimed before bolting from the castle.

“Huh, okay… I guess we’ll leave you to it then Scoots. Get better soon ya-hear?” With that, Apple Bloom made her way out, a bit confused at Sweetie Belle’s antics but nonetheless could tell her friend wanted to be alone with her big sister for now.

It took a few minutes and some gentle prodding from Rainbow before Scootaloo realized her friends had even left. “Hey squirt, you doing okay?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m good Rainbow! Wanna go back to reading?” Scootaloo asked without missing a beat.

“Sure lil sis, can’t blame ya, this is one of the better books in the series,” she said getting situated and making sure the filly in her embrace was comfortable before resuming her reading. So the two spent the rest of the day reading, broken up by meals, stretching breaks for Rainbow and a weather emergency from the Everfree that required a Sonic Rainboom to clear out.

“That was amazing Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo squealed at Rainbow as she came in from the room’s balcony, rainbow explosion still visible from behind her fading prismatic contrail. “How are you able to do that so easily anyway?” she asked, tilting her head slightly. “I thought you told me doing a Rainboom was super hard.”

Rainbow gave her trademark cocky grin saying, “Oh, it’s no biggie, Twi actually helped me figure that out,” Dash explained. Turning her head back and forth as if looking for ease droppers, she leaned down next to Scootaloo to whisper in her ear. “It turns out it’s a part of my special talent.” When her words only left a more confused filly, she tried explaining again in a less conspiratorial manor.

“Look, I don’t know all the specifics, but Twi said it has to do with my pegasus magic letting me go faster than any other pegasus whenever I need, but I have to like, clear my mind or something,” Rainbow explained. “By this point, it’s basically second nature to me.”

“Wow! So… do you think I could ever do a Sonic Rainboom?” Scootaloo asked, wonder in her eyes. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash’s grin morphed into a grimace.

“Huh, I mean, I guess anything’s possible Scoots…” Rainbow trailed off, not even believing her own words, “but hey, no matter what, you’re always gonna be awesome in my book! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a way to do your own version of the Rainboom on that Scooter of yours.” She tried to give her best reassuring smile.

“Thanks Rainbow,” Scootaloo mumbled, looking downcast. “I know I might never fly, but… I just wish I could know what you feel up in the sky, being in the middle of that rainbow explosion. I bet it’s amazing,” she finished, a wistful smile on her face.

“Yeah, it is pretty great…” Dash’s eyes suddenly widened in realization. “Scoots! I got it! When you recover, I can take you flying!”

“Uh, Rainbow? You know I’m not gonna get stronger wings after I recover right? I can’t fly,” Scootaloo announced, dejected.

“Nah Scoots, I’ll carry you while I fly, maybe get some kind of harness, or magic spell from Twi to get you to stick to me, but I could totally fly you through a Sonic Rainboom no problem!” Dash boasted, her bravado making a full comeback.

“Are you serious? That would be the coolest thing ever Dash! Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh! I love you Rainb-” Scootaloo shouted from her bed before getting a pang from her injured wing. A moment later she realized what she just said. Looking to Dash in a panic, she just saw her with a face of adoration.

“Love you too Scoots,” Rainbow said as she gently enveloped the filly in her wing. “Come on, lets calm down and get some sleep. Remember, we can’t go flying until you get better,” She said, expertly climbing in bed to snuggle.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo’s heart and mind were at war. She now had a motivation to get better faster, but she also didn’t want to give up any alone time with the pony she loved most. However, her healing body demanded sleep, and so she was overtaken by it. That night, she was not visited by any nightmares, and although she didn’t notice anything amiss, Luna had monitored her sleep for the night, keeping her troubles at bay.

“We shall discuss this soon little Scootaloo, but for now, rest. I only hope I can council you properly,” Luna murmured to herself before moving onto another pony’s dreams. “Perhaps I can even assist you in your plight. Faust only knows the troubles I’ve had with my own sister.”

I didn't question where she came from

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Scootaloo awoke feeling refreshed and content, until she noticed a lack of Rainbow Dash in bed. However, her disappointment was short lived as her big sister flew in from the balcony. “Sup squirt, sleep well?”

“Oh, yeah! No nightmares or anything, also where did you just go? Was there another weather emergency?” Scootaloo questioned as she started to sit up in bed.

“What? Oh, nah! Just wanted to stretch my wings a bit, do some warm up exercises and stuff,” Rainbow said nonchalantly. “But speaking of wings, I noticed something the last time we changed your bandages. Your wings need preening, bad. So how about after a bath we preen our wings, and then we can grab some breakfast.” All while she had been talking, Dash made her way to the bed and gently undid Scootaloo’s bandages. Her primary feathers allowing her expert dexterity, so her charge only winced twice.

“That sounds like a good plan Rainbow,” said Scootaloo trying and failing to not imagine all the things she’d like to get up to in a bath with her sister. Her fantasies were cut off when she realized something, “Rainbow Dash? I don’t actually know how to preen my wings,” Scootaloo admitted bashfully. “My parents tried teaching me, but… I never really got how to do it properly, and it just hurt every time I pulled my feathers.”

Hearing this, Rainbow tensed up for a second before relaxing and putting on a caring smile. “Well then, I’ll preen you! I’ve kinda always wanted to teach somepony how to do it. I was gonna show Twi, but apparently alicorn wings are different from pegasus wings, so she just got lessons from Cadence and Celestia,” Rainbow said a bit crestfallen before bouncing back a moment later. “Now I can show my little sis how to do it, which is way better!”

“Well, if you’re cool with it, I’d really appreciate any help I can get,” said Scootaloo, eager to learn from the older pegasus. With Scootaloo held carefully in her hooves, Rainbow hovered over to the bathroom. Setting Scootaloo down on the floor, Rainbow started filling the tub, making sure the water was a comfortable temperature.

“Heh, ya know, I’ve seen a lot of foal pictures of my friends taking baths with their siblings, but I never really got that. It’s funny the kind of small things you miss out on as an only filly…” Rainbow trailed off looking wistful as she zoned out on the bath.

“Well, I’m glad we can have this moment now. Even after I get better… I mean if you want… we could still take baths together, if you’re cool with that! No biggie if that’s not your thing, just wanted to let you know I’m cool with… it?” Scootaloo finished awkward as a turtle. However, Rainbow seemed to brighten at this, perking her ears in excitement.

“Really Scoots? That would actually be pretty cool. I mean, I take group baths with my friends at the spa sometimes, but it’s different with you. You’re my sister,” Dash said, a slight blush on her cheeks as she smiled down to the orange filly. With that, Rainbow gently deposited Scootaloo into the now full tub of comfortably hot water.

As the two pegasi settled in they both expelled a content sigh as Scootaloo leaned against Rainbow Dash’s belly, who in turn leaned back against the back wall of the tub. “Man, I sure am glad this magic castle came with indoor plumbing. Otherwise I’d have to bring in my own storm clouds just for a bath,” said Rainbow, totally relaxed and content.

The pair simply sat there enjoying the peace together before the water cooled down a bit, which prompted Rainbow to actually clean her sister and herself. Everything was going fine, Dash shampooed and conditioned their manes, rinsed off with a nearby bucket dunked over each of their heads. However, seeing her crush with a slicked down wet mane on top of her close proximity finally got the better of Scootaloo.

With a quiet *pomf* her wings shot up, splashing Rainbow a little, and causing her to wince in pain. Dash noticed this, but to Scootaloo’s relief, and great pleasure, the wing boner was taken as a cue to start preening. “Heh, I guess we are done with our bath, I appreciate the efficiency squirt,” Rainbow said before leaning down to start gently adjusting orange feathers with her mouth, gently nudging and pulling feathers into place.

“Wow, that feels… awesome,” Scootaloo moaned absentmindedly, before realizing her present company. However, despite her personal mortification, Rainbow didn’t miss a single beat.

“Yeah, I remember my mom teaching me how to preen, and unlike your folks, she actually preened me my first few times. I don’t mean to talk bad about them,” Dash said in a tone that suggested the opposite. “They just dropped the ball huh? Glad I came in to take you under my wing then, now I’m gonna teach you everything I know.”

Rainbow’s words soothed and reassured Scootaloo on a fundamental level. Despite how nervous she could get around Rainbow Dash, in this moment, with Dash gently nuzzling, licking, nipping at her wings, Scootaloo was overwhelmed with a sense of love and security she never felt before. She simply reveled in this soothing warmth for what felt like an eternity, but was over in the blink of an eye.

“All done Scoots. Now lets get you dried off and replace your bandages,” Dash chirped up before doing just that. Before she knew what was happening, Scootaloo was back in bed and bandaged. “Alright, now that you’re all done, you feel up to doing me?”

“Wait-what?” Scootaloo blurted, not really paying attention.

“Uh, I was gonna actually teach you how to preen by using me as an example. You can’t learn just from somepony doing it to you ya know,” Rainbow said, smirking. “Now, pay attention squirt, class is in session for preening one oh one,” she announced with her regular air of confidence. With her little sister’s undivided attention, Dash guided Scootaloo through preening her cyan wings.

It took a lot of correction, and Rainbow had to correct Scootaloo’s over eagerness a few times, but in the end, Dash was happy with the result. “Huh, not bad squirt. There’s a couple secondaries that are slightly off, but I’m sure you’ll get it down after a few more lessons,” she beamed with pride before quickly correcting the small errors.

Scootaloo basked in the modest praise like she just won a gold medal at the Equestria games. She would have been content to just revel in the attention, but just then her stomach reminded her of biological imperatives.

After breakfast, the day just flew by while they spent time reading, watching Rainbow Dash do her daily training regiment, and at one point the two of them, Starlight Glimmer and Spike played a game of Dragon Pit. Overall, Scootaloo figured it was another great day in the care of Rainbow Dash.

At this point, falling asleep with her sister in bed had become second nature for the flightless filly. Her dream on the other hand revealed something she had been dreading. As soon as she fell asleep, her dream became lucid and standing before her was Princess Luna, surrounded by a starry void tinged a slight shade of blue. “P-princess! What are you doing here? I wasn’t having a nightmare!” Scootaloo was sure that if this wasn’t a dream, her heart would have literally jumped out of her chest.

“Be not afraid young Scootaloo, I have only come to talk,” Luna said in a soothing tone as she folded her hooves beneath her, laying on her stomach. “Know that I am aware of your… desires and I wish to council you on them.” She put on a caring, patient smile to put her friend at ease. It didn’t help much.

At hearing Luna’s proclamation, Scootaloo’s mind raced, thinking up worst case scenarios involving prison, banishment, or both at the same time. For a moment Scootaloo wondered if this is how Twilight felt when she brainwashed the town to want that old doll. Once the moment was gone, Scootaloo’s mind wandered to her dream the first night she spent with Rainbow Dash.

Seeing the blank dream she was occupying start to morph into a nightmare, Luna reached out with her magic to banish the negative thoughts. “Calm yourself Scootaloo, I am not here to condemn you or out you. Your secret is safe, and nopony is going to hurt you.” This time her words had a viably calming affect on Scootaloo.

After taking a minute to calm down, Scootaloo managed to stop hyperventilating long enough to reply. “But, isn’t incest illegal? Aren’t you going to arrest me or something?”

Luna had to stifle a laugh before replying. “Scootaloo, first of all, no, incest is not illegal. It hasn’t been since my sister and myself legalized it nation wide among other things. Though, my sister was inspired to do so because young princess Twilight Sparkle did so for the providence of Ponyville first,” Luna said, pondering the events of the previous year.

“Wait wait wait… what? Why, how, what?” Scootaloo barely managed to stammer out a series of vague questions. “When was this? Why didn’t anypony tell me? How did Twilight manage that? Why would she do that?”

Luna held up her hoof to stop the filly’s questions before answering. “It was some time last year, I imagine it is still seen as a bit of a social taboo so I doubt anypony would volunteer that information to an impressionable filly. As to how, Twilight is the princess of Ponyville. It’s sort of a training program my sister set up for her. She has the final say on laws, and can introduce her own laws to be debated at the city council.” Scootaloo was slowly nodding to show she understood so far.

“Wait,” Scootaloo said looking confused, “but why though? You said she passed the law before you did right? Why?” Her mind was awash with emotion. Disgust, curiosity, anger, arousal, and more confusion.

“Well, the specifics are a personal secret we are not at liberty to say, but I can tell you there are various ponies who have taken advantage of this law to finally express the full range of their love for their siblings.” Luna covered a giggle with a hoof as she remembered the events of a specific night with her sister and her student, as well as her student’s brother.

“Huh… Anypony I know?” Scootaloo asked casually.

“Hmm, yes. Quite a few, but I won’t give specifics, as I’m sure even after this revelation, you would not want me to tell others your secret,” Luna said sternly. “But I do also have some advice. I did not come here to simply gossip or inform you of the law of the land. I know about your feelings for your adopted sister Rainbow Dash. I know you love her as a sister, but also wish to take her as a lover.”

Scootaloo’s face was turning from orange to bright red, literally. In a dream, her body’s signals were translated into over exaggerated expressions. Her blush was practically radiating, yet she didn’t try to deny any of it.

“I wish to put your mind at ease. Just know that if you confess your feelings to your sister, she will not hate you, she will not belittle you, and she will not abandon you. I can say these things with absolute confidence. Although I cannot tell you how I know,” Luna said with an obvious wink.

Scootaloo was dumbstruck. What does that mean? Does Rainbow feel the same way? What if the princess is just messing with me? As her thoughts kept spiraling Luna once again took charge and calmed the raging storm that was the orange filly’s mind.

“Scootaloo, would it help to know that I know exactly how you feel?” That got Scootaloo’s attention quick, her mind almost immediately halted in it’s self destructive tendencies. “Yes, I too see my sister both as a sibling, and a lover. As of now, this is to remain between us and a select few, but in time we will lead by example to help quell the social taboo and come out to the public.”

“This is a lot Princess Luna,” Scootaloo mumbled as she held her head in her hooves. “I appreciate the talk, and I definitely feel better than I did earlier. I just… need a minute to process this.”

“Of course, take your time. Dreams are useful in that time itself is not set in stone. One could drag out a moment as long as one wishes or have an eternity pass in the blink of an eye. Take all the time you need,” Luna said as she shifted the dream to resemble a field of wild grass and a few sparse trees. “I find a calming landscape to be conducive to processing complex thoughts.”

Scootaloo barely noticed as she sorted out everything she had been told. The rulers of the nation are incestuous lovers, there’s apparently enough ponies with an incest fetish to warrant legalizing it, and apparently Rainbow Dash is either one of those ponies or is just okay with it. Her thoughts went on repeat a few times before she finally looked up. “So what should I do now?”

Luna was slightly taken aback, she wasn’t really expecting such a direct question, at least not so quickly. However she was still prepared for this question. “Do what your heart tells you. Perhaps plan something around hearts and hooves day. I know my sister and I have made our own plans for celebrating that day,” Luna said with a sly grin. “Also, keep your eyes open. You might just spot some siblings spending the day together, if you can peel your eyes off those well toned flanks.”

Scootaloo did a double take before talking back. “Hey! Have you been checking out Rainbow Dash? Back off, she’s my sister!” Scootaloo spit out with rising vitriol in her tone.

“Then claim her, or are you a chicken?” Luna replied with a shit eating grin. With that, she dramatically exited the dream, causing Scootaloo to wake up panting and a little angry that the princess got the last word in.

“I’m not a chicken,” Scootaloo grumbled under her breath. Turning to her side she saw something she wished she could see every morning. Rainbow Dash sleeping peacefully next to her.

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The following days zipped by all too fast for Scootaloo’s liking. All the while, Luna’s words kept ringing in her head. Before she knew it, a week had passed, and nurse Red Heart was removing her bandages. “Now remember, you’re not back at one hundred percent yet, so take it easy. Use your wings as little as possible, and definitely don’t try any crazy stunts for at least a month. I would try to tell you to never try anything stupid again, but if you’re anything like your big sister, I’ll be seeing you at least once a quarter.”

“Thanks doc, I’ll be sure to keep an eye on her,” Dash said, winking down at Scootaloo, not even trying to hide her contempt for the medical industry. With an eye roll, nurse Red Heart made her way out of the Castle of Friendship.

“So, what’s first on the agenda squirt?” Rainbow asked hovering in front of the orange filly.

“Huh? What do you mean? Don’t you have to go back to the Wonderbolts headquarters?” Scootaloo asked, a tinge of disappointment clear in her voice.

“Nah,” Rainbow dismissed the issue with a wave of her hoof, “I still got two more days of vacation scheduled.”

“What? But I thought you only asked for a week off,” Scootaloo said, starting to get her hopes up.

“I need to make sure you’re actually okay on your own Scoots, plus I won’t turn down any excuse I can get to spend time with you,” Rainbow explained, her ever present grin shining down on Scootaloo.

After about ten seconds of contemplation, Scootaloo’s brain put all the pieces together. Rainbow Dash still has two more days off, today is hearts and hooves day. She knows this, she wants to spend time with me, Luna told me to claim her. Could it really be that easy? “Yes!” Scootaloo shouted out of nowhere, temporarily surprising Rainbow Dash who flew up a few feet before she recovered, floating back down.

“Uh… what?” Rainbow deadpanned.

“Oh, uh…” Scootaloo trailed off before gathering her courage again. After swallowing the rest of her fear, she looked Rainbow Dash in the eye. “Rainbowdashwillyoubemyspecialsomponythisheartsandhoovesday!” She blurted out before shoving her hoof in her mouth. Celestia’s fucking teats I actually just said that out loud! Scootaloo was about to have a mental breakdown, time slowed to a halt. She swore she could count the milliseconds before Rainbow Dash finally answered an eternity later.

“Sure, Scoots, I’d love to be your special somepony,” Rainbow replied, her grin growing into a full on smile.

“I’msosorrypleasedon’thateme!” Scootaloo burst out on instinct before her brain actually processed the words said to her. “Wait… what?” Scootaloo asked, dumbfounded that actually worked. Well I guess its a good thing Luna isn’t as into pranks as her bis sister. Scootaloo thought before her mind processed the full implications of what Dash just told her.

“Scoots, I told you already, I could never hate you. I love you like a sister, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also attracted to you,” Rainbow admitted, blushing a bit.

“Wait, you feel the same way as me? How long?” Scootaloo asked, a bit incredulous.

“Uh, since around the time you started working as a tutor around the school I guess,” Rainbow said sheepishly, rubbing a hoof through her mane. “I guess it was around then that I started seeing you as a mare, and not just as my little filly sister.”

“Why didn’t you say something sooner? I’ve had a crush on you ever since you saved me from the dropouts!” Scootaloo demanded before realizing what she was saying. Her anger and frustration melted away and her ears drooped back against her head.

“Heh, well I kinda got some signals from you, but I didn’t want to risk accidentally pressuring you to be my special somepony. I know you’d basically do almost anything I asked you so I wanted to make extra sure I wasn’t reading into anything.” It was Rainbow’s turn to deflate a little, her ears plastered to her head in shame.

“Huh, I guess that make sense. Thanks for that by the way, really. It shows you really do care about me. It’s pretty awesome,” Scootaloo perked up a bit. The realization that her crush likes her back giving her untold amounts of courage. “So, does this mean today is our first date?”

Now Rainbow perked up now, “Buck yeah!” Rainbow shouted as she flew three loops in mid air. “Heh, I guess I don’t need to worry about censoring my language around you now, huh Scootaloo?”

“Buck no you don’t!” Scootaloo shot back, ecstatic to break another barrier with her sister. “Wait… is it okay for us to do this? I mean like, publicly be doing this? I know we aren’t blood related, but everypony in town knows we’re sisters,” Scootaloo shrank back again.

“Nah, nopony will bat an eye. At least a third of the town is some flavor of incest Scoots. Heck, the apples are practically pure bloods at this point. Like, I know Big Mac and Sugar Belle are a thing, but you better believe Apple Jack is gonna have a baby bump to match Sugar Belle if they ever tie the knot. Sister wives, am I right?” Rainbow’s rant left Scootaloo speechless for a minute before she sat back on her haunches dumbfounded for the second time in the past ten minutes.

“Wow… this feels like, cursed or… forbidden knowledge. Wait, what did you mean... ‘pure blood’?” Scootaloo asked, apprehension clear in her voice.

“Oh, well like, for most ponies if they have incest babies, they usually come out with some birth defects for like, five or so generations, depending on some science stuff…” Rainbow trailed off, trying to find her point again. “Oh! Yeah, so get this, if you get past those first half dozen generations or so, you breed out all the birth defects, so you can make as many incest babies as you want!” Rainbow proclaimed, visibly excited at this prospect.

“How do you know all this?!?” Scootaloo demanded, her mind not knowing how much more blowing it could take.

“Oh, Twi told me after she looked into the apple family tree. Pinkie only saw the connection to her family, but Twilight actually looked closer. Turns out the Apple family tree looks just like a Cat’s Cradle. It’s pretty cool actually.” Rainbow Dash noticed Scootaloo still sitting, jaw on the floor.

That’s when she got a brilliant Idea. Rainbow landed in front of Scootaloo, still in shock. She wrapped the orange filly in her right wing before using her left one to tilt her head up slightly. Before Scootaloo could react, Rainbow had her lops against hers. When Rainbow probed her tongue inside Scootaloo’s gaping maw, her tongue reacted on instinct, and their mouth wrestling match began.

After a second, Scootaloo’s eyes closed, after two seconds, she started actively enjoying the Prench kiss. After ten seconds, Rainbow pulled away, leaving Scootaloo wanting more before she opened her eyes again. “Wow,” they both breathed out simultaneously.

“Okay, so let me just get this straight…” Scootaloo trailed off getting her thoughts in order. “The apples have been having incest babies for a minimum of six generations, a third of the town is also practicing incest, and you’re some kind of incest expert, and you wanna be my filly friend, did I miss anything?”

“Hmm, well I actually saw that family tree and it’s more like twenty generations, but other than that, yup. Everything checks out. So… we good?” Rainbow asked, a bit eager to get past all this.

“Yeah, I think we’re good… but can we talk more later? I still have some questions but they can wait,” Scootaloo said, also eager to get out of the castle to start their date.

“Awesome!” With that, Rainbow scooped up her new filly friend in her hooves and flew out of the castle, heading for a nearby cloud to settle on. Setting Scootaloo down, the young mare gave rainbow a Questioning look.

“Why did you take me to a cloud? I mean, I’m not complaining, but I kinda figured we’d get brunch or something fancy like that?” Scootaloo asked, wondering what the cyan pegasus was up to.

“Oh yeah, we can get some food soon, I just wanted to show you my plan first,” said Dash, pointing down to Ponyville. “Even if you didn’t ask me out, I was gonna suggest we start off the day at the hay burger joint before we go on a trot around town, nothing too straining, but also get our blood pumping a bit.” Scootaloo nodded along, showing she was paying attention.

“Then I thought I could fly you around a bit, maybe show off my skills at cloud sculpting, and end the day with an extended tour of my cloud house,” Rainbow’s voice took on a slight breathy tone at that last bit.

“That sounds like the perfect date ever!” Scootaloo shouted, antsy to get started.

“Well then, hop on, we got some hay burgers with our names on them!” Rainbow answered before Scootaloo hopped on her back, holding her hooves around her neck.

Rainbow and Scootaloo had slightly better table manners than the princess of friendship. Mostly because they tended to inhale their food instead of wasting bits getting everywhere. All in all, the two pegasi were having a great start to the day, until they were interrupted by a shrill, but familiar voice.

“Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle squeaked as she galloped up to her query. “I was looking all over for you! Spike said you weren’t at the castle but you also weren’t at your aunt’s place, but Apple Bloom said she saw you here so I came running!” Sweetie managed to blurt all that out before collapsing from exhaustion.

“Uh, hey Sweetie Belle, why were you looking for me? Some kind of crusader emergency?” Scootaloo suggested, totally confused about her friend’s behavior.

“What?” Sweetie shrieked “You said we could spend the day together!” she demanded, stomping a hoof.

“When did I say that?” Scootaloo looked completely lost tilting her head almost ninety degrees.

“Last week, don’t you remember? Me and Apple Bloom came by to see you, you were reading in the library, ring any bells?” Sweetie questioned, sounding more frantic every second.

“Oh yeah I remember now! Sorry Sweetie, but I kinda have a date today, so I can’t really spend the day stag with you like you wanted,” Scootaloo apologized, scratching the back of her head.

“What?!? I didn’t want to go stag with you! I was asking you out on a date!” Sweetie yelled, indignation radiating from her being. “Who do you even have a date with? Is Rainbow chaperoning? That’s kinda lame,” she spat, just trying to get under her former crush’s fur.

“Uh…” Scootaloo’s eyes glazed over before her date came into the rescue.

“Actually Sweetie, I’m her date. Also, I get that you’re upset, but that’s no reason to try to hurt Scoots like that,” Rainbow defended her little sister.

“Oh come on! You too?!? Is everypony in this town a sister bucker?!?” Sweetie’s voice managed to crack some nearby glass. “Ya know what? Buck this horse-apples!” With that, Sweetie galloped off towards the Carousel Boutique.

Scootaloo slumped down to her haunches at the sight of one of her closest friends running off in anger. “What just happened?” Scootaloo asked nopony in particular. She couldn’t fathom Sweetie Belle having feelings for her. They were just friends, were they gonna be okay? Scootaloo’s thoughts were interrupted by cyan lips on her cheek.

“Huh?” was all Scootaloo could manage as she was once again shocked out of her rumination.

“Hehe, I guess it really is that easy to snap you out of it,” Rainbow chuckled at the orange filly’s flustered behavior. “Hey Scoots, listen. It’ll be okay, Sweetie Belle might be angry for a bit, but you guys are way too close for something like this to end your friendship,” Rainbow reassured her sister.

“I guess you’re right, thanks Rainbow,” Scootaloo replied, managing a small smile.

“Come on Scootaloo, we still have a whole day of fun together. This is still our first date,” Rainbow said, mollifying her filly friend with a gentle nuzzle and a wing hug. Scootaloo, having been properly cheered up got back on her hooves and continued to walk along side Rainbow Dash.

Sweetie Belle barged into her sister’s shop, ignoring said sister’s shocked face and mild scolding. Instead Sweetie opted to run up stairs to her room where she promptly burrowed into her blankets and pillows. Once properly secured in satisfactory seclusion, Sweetie sobbed and screamed her lungs out, not noticing her sister making her way over to her sanctuary.

“Sweetie, darling, whatever is the matter?” Rarity asked as gently as possible. She had an idea of what happened, but making assumptions about somepony’s love life was uncouth, especially one’s own sister.

Sweetie either didn’t hear or didn’t care. Rarity simply sat by her sister’s bed and listened. After a moment of thought, Rarity cast a sound dampening spell on the room to protect her sister’s privacy. Although she had closed the shop before coming up stairs, her friends had a bad habit of bursting in regardless. Taking an extra precaution, she locked the bedroom door before returning her undivided attention to the pony she care most for.

It took about an hour of back rubs and soft cooing on Rarity's part, but Sweetie Belle finally calmed down enough to talk. “I-it’s n-not fair Rarity!” Sweetie finally managed to shout out from under her pillows. “Why do both of my friend’s have to be sibling buckers?”

Rarity was taken aback by the vulgarity, but not the revelation. She knew about the apple clan, and how Rainbow had developed feelings for her adopted sister, but I suppose this means Scootaloo returned those feelings. “There there Sweetie, it’ll be okay,” Rarity soothed for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

“I gave her my heart, and she just turned around,” Sweetie complained.

“The secrets that you shared, the moments that you shared,” Rarity nodded along.

“We went streaking in the park, skinny dipping after dark!” Sweetie confessed. “I know she always wanted her own sister, then one showed up in her life.”

“You gave her your heart and she just turned around,” Rarity continued to soothe her sister.

“I had so many romantic pony dreams, now they’ll never come to be!” Sweetie squeaked.

“Take it from me, I know you’ll come around,” Rarity encouraged her.

“Though apparently the law doesn’t forbid it… they may be kismet,” Sweetie admitted.

“Plus, since they’re not related, it’ll be okay,” Rarity finished, stroking her sister’s head.

“Wait, but they’re both mares, what are you talking about rarity?” Sweetie asked, totally forgetting about her tantrum just a moment ago. She decided to sit up to look her sister in the eyes.

“Well, there’s spells for that these day you know. So even if they decided to have kids, they won’t get any of the early generation issues with birth defects,” Rarity explained.

“Wait, what do you mean early generation birth defects?” Sweetie asked, apprehensively.

“Oh, nothing. Just something Twilight told me once, you’d have to ask her about it,” Rarity deflected, not wanting to burden her little sister with cursed forbidden knowledge.

“So… what should I do?” Sweetie finally asked after an uncomfortable silence. “You know, about Scootaloo…”

Rarity thought long and hard about how to answer that. “Well, if it were me, I wouldn’t want something like this to ruin a friendship. I couldn’t imagine loosing any of my friends , even if they were to reject my advances or vice versa. Give it time Sweetie. I know it’s hard, but I’ll be there with you every step of the way,” she reassured her sister.

“Rarity? Can you… hold me?” Sweetie Belle asked, blushing at her own words and refusing to make eye contact.

Rarity smiled. “Of course Sweetie, move over a bit and I’ll join you in your pillow nest.” Sweetie Belle did as she was told, while Rarity gently made her way behind her sister and wrapped her front and rear hooves around the white filly. “Is this okay?” Rarity whispered in Sweetie’s ear, her warm breath tickling her fur.

“Y-yeah, that’s g-great,” Sweetie stammered. Rarity noticed, and devised a plan to help her sister get over her crush. Deciding to take action, Rarity gently nibbled her sister’s ear. “R-Rarity? What are you doing?”

“Hmm? Whatever do you mean darling?” Rarity played dumb, while speaking in a low breathy tone. She started taking things up a notch, gently caressing her sister’s cutie mark with her curly indigo tail. Under her expert ministrations, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but let out a muffled moan.

“Rarity,” Sweetie gasped, “don’t play dumb…. Hmm!” Rarity had just barely grazed Sweetie’s dock with one of her hind legs. This caused rarity to pause, but she still held her sister in a gentle yet firm embrace.

“Would you like me to stop?” Rarity breathed, barely audible, yet her words were clear as day to her intended target. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

Sweetie remained silent. Rarity continued groping her sister. Her hooves slowly, gradually, but steadily increased their boldness. Soon she was grazing her sister’s lower lips with her rear hoof while her front hooves sensually caressed Sweetie Belle’s barrel. All the while she kept up her nibbling on her ears , seeking out the perfect spot to rank her sister’s motor.

To Rarity’s astonishment, her sister seemed to have the exact same erogenous zone on her ears as she did. “Mmm! Rarity… please,” Sweetie gasped out.

“Please what Sweetie?” Rarity responded, having fun teasing her sister.

“Please… sis… keep going, hmm!” Sweetie managed to get out before Rarity finally obliged. As she licked Sweetie’s horn, she trailed one of her front hooves down her body, until it reached a now sopping wet marehood. Applying slight pressure, Rarity managed to coax out several more moans from her sister. “Buck me!” Sweetie finally yelled. Rarity was only happy to comply.

positioning both of them on the bed, Rarity laid Sweetie on her back while she stood on top facing her tail. After licking her lips in a most unladylike fashion, Rarity finally dug into the honey pot of her sister’s virgin pussy. “Buck! Rarity, yes! Yes!” Sweetie screamed at the top of her lungs. Rarity was elated to hear her sister get into it. Her happiness doubled when she felt a tongue on her own wet marehood.

“Ooh! Yes Sweetie! Just like that!” Rarity was impressed by how well her sister was doing. While her technique was sloppy, she made up for it in enthusiasm. In retaliation, Rarity took it up a notch, shoving her tongue into her sister’s mare hole as deep into as it could go. She could feel the vaginal walls squeezing her tongue as if it was a cock.

Pulling out, Rarity noticed her sister’s winking clit. As soon as it winked out again, she clamped her muzzle down on it causing Sweetie Belle to cry out in pleasure as she came. Rarity might not have joined her, but that was okay. This was about cheering up her sister. She was just happy Sweetie wasn’t a squinter. Less mess to clean up.

Turning around, Rarity settled back into spooning her sister as she panted heavily, still in the afterglow of orgasm. Just then, she had another idea that could either make things better, or much worse. Taking a gamble, Rarity went for broke. She used a front hoof to gently guide Sweetie’s head to face her own. Slowly, deliberately, Rarity brought their muzzles together in a tender kiss. Not a chaste kiss of sisters, but a kiss of a lover.

After a few tense seconds, she broke away, looking into her sister’s eyes. “I love you Sweetie Belle. Weather as a sister, a lover, or both. I’ll always be here for you.”

Sweetie closed her eyes before answering. “I love you too Rarity… I guess this means I’m a sister bucker now too huh?” Sweetie asked, a hint of spite in her tone. “I should apologize to Scootaloo, I said some things I really wish I hadn’t,” Sweetie confessed as she cringed at her past behavior.

“Shush now, there will be time for all that later. For now, just try to relax and enjoy this moment. I’m sure she’ll forgive you, you’re practically family at this point,” Rarity pointed out.

“Heh, do you think that might actually help my chances with her?” Sweetie joked. Rarity giggled and snorted. Soon they were both busting up laughing. Together, they fell asleep in each other’s embrace. After they woke up from their nap they spent the rest of the day together.

Sweetie helped Rarity on some new projects their recent activities inspired, and Rarity gave her sister some pointers on oral sex. This lead to a practical demonstration which lead to Rarity claiming her missed orgasm from earlier. As one pair of sisters made the best of the day, another sister pair was finishing up their first date.

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“This was the best day ever Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo announced riding on the cyan pegasus’ back.

“Day’s not over yet Scoots, or did you forget about the extended cloud house tour?” Rainbow asked, wiggling her eye brows. This caused the orange filly’s wings to shoot up in excitement, and a blush to form on her cheeks. Rainbow just gave a knowing smirk before pumping her wings harder, rushing to her home in the sky.

Flying in from a window, Rainbow Dash sat on her haunches letting Scootaloo down. “Here’s the living room,” she said, pointing out features with her wings. “Couch, kitchen is over there, Tank’s bed and food bowl, trophies on top of the book shelf. Time for the upstairs tour,” Rainbow claimed before trotting over to the stairs in the entry way.

Scootaloo eagerly followed her like an excited puppy. Going up first, Rainbow made sure to flag her tail in clear view of Scootaloo. The orange pegasus was so mesmerized by the site she didn’t notice when she reached the top, causing her to try climbing further, only to slip and fall a little as her hoof went through thin air where it was expecting a cloud step.

“Heh, careful Scoots,” Rainbow warned, while wearing a shit eating grin. Scootaloo didn’t even mind the small prank. She was just enjoying the view. “Now, just up ahead is the bedroom.” If Rainbow was trying to be subtle, she was failing miserably.

As they both entered the final room of the tour, Rainbow dashed up to her bed and struck a sexy pose as she laid on it. Scootaloo couldn't believe she was about to have sex with the pony of her dreams. She walked forward slowly, taking it all in.

“Rainbow noticed Scootaloo’s seeming hesitation. Her grin faltered before she spoke. “Hey, Scoots? Ya know we don’t have to have sex if ya don’t wanna do anything right?” Her face was full of concern for her little sister. “I would never pressure you into anything you don’t want.”

Snapped out of her reverie, Scootaloo responded. “Rainbow, you have no idea how much I want this. I was just enjoying the view,” she reassured her filly friend. “So let’s do this!” Scootaloo demanded before jumping up on the bed next to Dash.

Looking into each others eyes, both pegasi slowly closed the distance between their muzzles. Closing their eyes, they locked lips as they began their tongue war. As their kissing intensified, their hooves began to wander. Rainbow used her wings to softly caress the orange filly’s own wings while her hooves wandered south.

Scootaloo only knew a few basics of how sex worked, but she did enough self experimenting to know what felt good. As Rainbow played with her wings, she felt the need to stay focused. She didn’t want to be the only one to feel pleasure. Her front hooves steadily made their way to Rainbow Dash’s leaking marehood. Feeling how wet she was got Scootaloo even more excited. Knowing she was having this affect on her lover.

Rainbow broke the kiss as she let out a startled gasp. Feeling Scootaloo’s hoof down south was a welcomed sensation. Scootaloo used this opportunity to jump the larger pegasus, knocking her back on the bed. “Hehe, I guess you weren’t kidding, you really do want this huh?” Rainbow asked, already knowing the answer.

“More than you know,” Scootaloo shot back, a mixture of lust and primal hunger in her eyes. Turning about face, Scootaloo faced her prize. Savoring the view of those perfect cyan lips above a tight ponut and cyan dock that gives way to that rainbow tail. Diving right in, Scootaloo gave Rainbow’s marehood a long lick, committing the flavor of her juices to memory.

Just as she heard a moan from behind her, she felt a familiar tongue whip across her own orange folds. “Holy buck Rainbow! Don’t stop!” Scootaloo demanded, before returning her attention to where it’s needed most.

“Yes squirt! Buck yes!” Rainbow cried out as she increased the speed of her tongue work. All the while she used her wings to grope the filly standing on top of her. “I’m gonna make you live up to your nickname!” Rainbow declared before getting an idea. She used her wings to spread Scootaloo’s lips before she shoved her muzzle as deep inside as it could go.

“Mmm! Rainbow!” Scootaloo moaned into the cyan pussy. Her mind was going crazy, she was barely able to concentrate on eating out her big sister. She could feel a knot of tension building up in her abdomen. “Dash… I’m close!” Scootaloo gasped out.

“Same here Scoots,” Rainbow panted. “Just a bit more,” she moaned, desperate for release. Just then, they winked out simultaneously, each having the same idea. The two pegasi sucked on each other’s clits at the same time, causing them to cum at the same time, squirting buckets of mare cum into each other’s faces. Ten seconds later Scootaloo collapsed, her muscles unwilling to support her anymore.

Rainbow managed to muster a modicum of motivation and movement to turn Scootaloo around. “I told you I’d make you squirt,” Rainbow mumbled, eyes closed in contentment.

“You did too ya know,” Scootaloo mumbled back, smiling as her big sister and lover wrapped her in a cocoon of cyan feathers. The two fell asleep like that, knowing they had the rest of their lives to be together, and Scootaloo finally having the confidence to face the world, knowing she had the blessing of her favorite princess.

That night, Scootaloo was once again visited by the princess of the night. “I see you finally took my advice fair Scootaloo. I take it you were not disappointed?” Luna asked, knowing the answer already.

“Buck yeah! It was the best day of my life!” Scootaloo shouted back. “Although…” She trailed off, looking guilty.

“Yes? What is the matter?” Luna questioned, worried there were issues she didn’t account for.

“I think Sweetie Belle hates me…” Scootaloo sighed. “Apparently she had a crush on me, and wanted to spend hearts and hooves day with me. When she found out I was on a date with Rainbow, she kinda freaked out.”

“Young Scootaloo, fret not. I cannot tell you the details, but just know Sweetie Belle does not hate you. What she said, she regrets deeply, and will not harass you any further,” Luna declared with absolute confidence. This gave Scootaloo some hope, but she wouldn’t really believe it until she saw it.

“So… did you just want a progress update, or what?” Scootaloo asked, tilting her head at the younger half of the diarchy.

“Actually, I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing a dream with your new lover tonight,” Luna explained, a knowing smirk on her face.

“That would be awesome!” Scootaloo shouted, vibrating at the idea of sharing a dream with her filly friend.

“That’s what I thought you’d say squirt,” said a familiar scratchy voice. Scootaloo turned around just to be face to face with Rainbow Dash. “Ready for round two?” Rainbow asked, her grin betraying the fact she already knew the answer.

“Buck yeah!” was all Scootaloo needed to say before she was tackled by her rainbow maned lover. Ignoring Luna who was still standing in clear view, they got right into the thick of sixty-nine-ing each other with Rainbow on top this time.

Meanwhile Luna simply enjoyed the little show before feeling the tug of another dream in need of assistance. A princess’s work is never done, Luna thought to herself before leaving the dream.

The next day the pair of pegasi made their way into town at Scootaloo's insistence. "I want to nip this in the bud as soon as I can, sis," said the orange filly. Her cyan lover shivered in pleasure at the nickname as they both glided to the ground. Her wings might not grant her flight, but they could at least do this much.

"Where do ya think she is squirt?" Rainbow asked, emphasizing her sister's own nickname. Learning she was also a squinter just made the whole situation absolutely perfect.

"Let's check the club house first, then the boutique. If we still can't find her, I guess we'll have to ask around," Scootaloo replied, focused on getting as far as she could on her own wing power.

After confirming the club house was vacant, Rainbow Dash just flew them both to Rarity's business and home. Being they were both good friends with the ponies who lived in the building, they just let themselves in without knocking. "Rarity! Sweetie Belle! You in here?" Rainbow called out without a response. "I bet they're sleeping in. Wanna come back later?"

Just then they heard a door creek open upstairs. "Rainbow Dash? Is that you darling?" Came the melodious voice of Rarity. "I shan't keep you waiting long. Make yourself at home and I'll be right down."

"Told ya," Rainbow smirked down at her sister.

In what turned out to be record time for Rarity, thirty minutes later the alabaster unicorn made her way downstairs wearing her monogrammed robe. "Oh, Scootaloo! What a pleasant surprise, what brings you to my boutique darlings?" Rarity usually prided herself on her skills of hiding her emotions, but she couldn't hide the slight sting in her voice after seeing Scootaloo.

The pegasus sisters shared a knowing look before Scootaloo spoke up. "I wanted to check on Sweetie Belle. I know I hurt her feelings when I didn't take them seriously... I might not be able to return her feelings, but I could have handled the whole situation better." Her eyes darted down to the floor in shame as she rubbed her front hooves against each other.

Rarity visibly softened up at that. "Well, I'm sure she would be fine with seeing you. I shall fetch her momentarily, wait right there." A moment later, Sweetie Belle made her way down the stairs, avoiding looking at the orange pegasus filly. Her face was almost completely red from her embarrassment, but Scootaloo took it as a sign she was enraged.


"Scoot-" they said simultaneously as soon as Sweetie Belle reached the ground floor.

"You go first," Scootaloo insisted.

"Are you sure?" Sweetie asked, "you can go first if you want."

"Okay, if you're okay with it..." Scootaloo mumbled before psyching herself up. "Sweetie Belle, I'm sorry I didn't knowledge your feelings properly and led you on for so long."

"What? No, Scoots, I'm sorry for all those horrible things I called you, especially calling you... a, sister bucker," Sweetie mumbled the last part.

"Huh, well it's all water under the bridge to me. I'm still sorry I didn't take you seriously," Scootaloo apologized again.

"Well..." Sweetie began, thinking of the best way to handle her confession. "I can't really blame you. After talking with Rarity, she helped me understand where you're coming from... she even helped me get over my crush on you.

"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear that last bit," Scootaloo asked, now more confused than concerned for her friend.

"I said... Rarity, helped me... get over my crush on you," Sweetie finally managed to get out.

"Huh? Well that's good. But what's the big deal?" Scootaloo questioned, head tilted in confusion.

"Well... let's just say... you can now ad hypocrisy to my list of things I'm apologizing for..." Sweetie trailed off, refusing to make eye contact with anyone other than her big sister. Meanwhile, the gears in Scootaloo's brain were working overtime.

It took a little more than ten seconds, but she finally arrived at the conclusion. "You're a sister bucker too?! That's great!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Sweetie was taken aback, as was her big sister.

"What," Sweetie and Rarity deadpanned simultaneously.

"Now we can compare notes with Apple Bloom! I know we're not trying for our cutie marks any more, but we can still be cutie mark crusader sister buckers!" Scootaloo screamed as she beamed at her unicorn friend.

Sweetie thought it over for a moment before coming around to the idea. "Huh, it would be nice to talk to somepony about this. And I doubt we could talk to most of the other kids in school. I mean, I know a lot of ponies in town are fine with incest, but I doubt they actively support it unless they're participating."

"Plus, it's another thing to bond over! Not to mention it's hot as buck!" Scootaloo shot back, totally forgetting her shame from earlier.

"Just don't go spreading gossip. Until it's more widespread and accepted, I'll need to keep my, *ahem* relations under wraps. Especially in Manehatten," Rarity gently warned the fillies. "Though I do love my sister, I'd also hate for her reputation to be soured by this, so please keep it to as few ponies as possible."

"No problem. It's way more fun to keep it secret anyway! The taboo nature of it is half the fun," Scootaloo claimed. With all her baggage taken care of, Scootaloo was able to relax and once again simply enjoy hanging out with her old friend.

Meanwhile, three alicorns and a unicorn in two separate castles woke up in two beds, totally entwined in their sibling's embraces. Two earth pony sisters had woken up in a similar manner hours previous before getting work started on their farm. In fact, all across Ponyville, as well as various homes dotted across Equis, incestuous lovers both old and new woke up in the loving and safe embrace of their siblings. All the while, a lone alicorn in the crystal empire calmly sipped her tea as she basked in the knowledge that all her ships had sailed.